in THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1895. The Weekly Ghroniele. THE DALLES, OjlEGOX OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Eecovory by the Tse of Ayer's Sarsaparella " Some years ao, as a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became 'weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a. de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to ininijovo at once, A and gradually mcroa-sed mr weislil from one hundred i'.ml Iweiitv-livo to two hundred pounds. Since then. T and my family liavu used this mri'iHni! when needed, and we are r.ll in the best of health, :i fart wliic'i we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe i:iy chil dren would have been fatherless tiwlay l:ad it not been for Ayer's R:irs.i;i:irill:i, of whieh prev!r:'f inn I can not say .ten imieh." II. O. ITixsox, Postmaster Planter, Kinard's. S. C. Ayer THF RECEIVING EEOAl AT WOP.LC'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. PERSONAL MENTION. Wednesday. Hon. . L. Smith of Hood River is in the city. Mr. P. D. Henrichs of Hood River is in the city. Mr. J. C. Johnston of 15-Mile Creek is a visitor to town. Meesers. G. S. Evans and C. Strana han of Hood River are in the city. Mr. Jos. A. Graham of Sisters, Or., paid this office a pleasant visit today, Mr. M. Herrick, of the salmon can nery, went to Portland by boat this morning. Dr. F. C. Bropias and wife of Hood River are in the city visiting Dr. and Mrs. Holliater. Mr. L. Booth returned last night from Oregon City and Portland, tie also made a trip on the Dalles City for Purser French, who was called as a witness in a law case. Thursday. Mr. F. H. Rowe ot Lyle is in the city. Mr. R. VV. Crandall has gone to Port land for a short visit. Mr. C. P. Heald city recorder of Hood River, is in the city. Mr. N. Harris has returned from a business trip to Portland. Dr. Logan was a passenger on the west-bound local toda. Mr. G. W. Crossen returned yesterday from a visit to Portland. Mr. Owen Williams was in Portland yesterday on a business trip. Mr. A. S. Blowers, foreman of the late grand jury, returned to Hood River this afternoon. Mr. Hans I nge, who was one of the grand jurymen, has returned to his home in Hood River. Mr. J. M. Phillips, advance agent for tne uowe-Keadick Dramatic Company, left on the afternoon train for the Cas cade Locks. Mr. E. A. Mann and wife, of Pendle ton, are registered at the Umatilla. Mr. Mann was formerly in business in The Dalles. Friday. . Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody is in the city. -Hon. Robert Mays is in from tbe country. Dr. Hugh Logan returned home on today's local. I. H. Taffe, Celilo's chief of police, is in tbe city. Mr. A. G eh res returned home today from an extended visit in California. - Mr. GeoVge A. Thomas, a welUknown resident of White Salmon, is in tbe city. W. C. Wills, of Crook county, a mem ber of the state board of equalization, is In the city. Miss Jeannette Williams came up on the Regulator last evening to visit her sister, Mrs. H. W. French. ' Mr. Grant Mays left On the afternoon train for San Francisco. He will only make a brief visit. 1 Miss Jeanette Meredith. of Salem, who has beeu visiting relatives in the city for several weeks, leit for home on the after noon train. Examination Questions. '. Following . are; in the questions in written arithmetic and grammar, asked at the teachera' (lamination last week. WBITT 8 ARITHMETIC. 1. Define and give example of (a) de nominate, fraction, .(b) mixed decimal, (c) equation, (d) cone.j. I St. A commission merchant received t6.953 with which to purchase goods aft er deducting per cent commission ; what was paid for the good's? ' 3. A man owes $600, of which J, is to be paid in one year, and the remainder in two years ; what is the present Yalue, monev being worth 6 per cent. 4. "Find the coBt of carpeting of a yard wide at $2.75 per yard for a room 34 feet 8 inches by 13 feet 3 inches, if the strips ran lengthwise, and if there is a waste of yard on each strip for match- inK- " . . 5: If 7 2-9 yards of cloth are given for 12 2-15 bushels of corn, how many bush els of corn must be given for 19 1-21 yards of cloth? 6. What are the dimensions of a cube that has the same volume as a box 2 feet 8 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches wide, 1 foot 4 inches deep? 7. For what must a vessel valued at $25,000 be insured eo that in rase of its lose the owners may recover both tbe value of the vessel and the premium of 24 per cent. 8. A bootmaker who employs 15 men fills an order for 25 dozen pairs of boot in four weeks, in how many days can he make 45 pairs if he employes 18 men? 7- A merchant has 75 yards of one kind of silk. 225 vards of a Becond, and 200 yards of a third ; if he cuts them in to dress patterns of equal size, wnat is the largest number of yards which each pattern can contain r 10. Find the time in which the in terest on 2.25 will be $35 at 4 per cent. GRAMMAR. A single sentinel was passing to and fro beneath the arched gateway which leads to the interior, and his measured footsteps were the only sound that broke the breathless silence of the night. 1. Point out and classify the clauses in the foregoing sentence. 2. Give the syntax of sentinel, be neath, which, measured, that, 3. Write sentences as follows: One adverbial clause ; one containing a per sonal pronoun in the objective case ; one one containing the verbjind used in the third singular, passive voice, indicative mood, present tense. 4. State two ways in which a noun may be used in nominative case. Give example of each. 5. Write possessive in both singular and plural of the following: Man, baby, mouse, deer, sister-in-iaw. 0. Analyze or diagram the following sentence; I desire to be respected by all whose judgments are based upon truth and candor. 7. Parse from the above sentence : I, desire, truth. 8. Explain the difference between a compound and complex sentence, and give example of each. 9. Explain the difference in meaning and nse between the words in tne ioi lowing groups, giving sentences to illus trate: Stop and stay, learn teach, sit and set. 10. Correct any of the errors in the' following, giving reasons for yonr correc tions; (a) If I were him I would return at once; (b) let us sing the two last stanzas; (c) E has a long and short sound; (d) each of the ladies, like two excellent actresses, were perfect in their parts; (e) they will not believe, though one arose from the dead. Examination Questions. Following are the questions in United States Historv and Physiology, wnicn were asked at the recent teacher's exam ination. UNITED STATES HISTORY. 1. In what three ways nan theUnited States acquired territory? Give exam ple of each. 2. State causes and name princ actor in the enactment of the Mi 68 compromise, embargo act, KatiEa 8 Nebraska bill, Monroe doctrine, a rebellion. 3. Give a brief account of the recent events in Hawaii. How do they con cern the United States? 4. Tell, briefly, the story of the Char ter Oak. 5. Mention three important provi sions of the '"Omnibus bill.'' IS. Contrast the settlers of Virginia ai.d Massachusetts', respectfully, as to character and motives. 7. Name the opposing generals, and state the result of each of the following battles: (a) (Jliancellorsville. (b) der mal) town, (c) Lexington. 8. Connect each of the following dates with some historic event: 1863, 177(1, 16i9, 1565, 1848. 9. For what do we remember the fol' lowing: Benedict Arnold, Isreal Put man, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Mor ris, Roger Williams? 10. What is meant hv the "Era of Good Feeling?" Why so called? PHYSIOLOGY. 1. Name the juices which aid in di gestion, Ftating wnere each is secreted and tilt- effect of each on the food. 2. Give the function of (a) pleura, (h) perspiratory glands, ic) periosteum, (d) epidermis, "(e)tyinpanuin. 3. Name and give example of each of the different kinds of joints. 4. Explain the difference between a stimulant and a narcotic, giving an ex ample of eat-h. 5. Draw a diagram of the heart show ing and naming its cavities and valves and leading arteries leading from it. ' 6. Select some organ of the body and show how its anatomy makes it especial ly fitted for doing its special work, 7. What is food in the phvsioiogical sense? 8. State three cautions to heobperved in the care of the eve, each based upon the anatomv of the eve as a reason. 8. What isabsorption? . State organe of; show fitness of organs for their spe cial work. ' 10 S'ate two evil results which mav be traced directlv to the use of tobacco. .Notice. Came to my place in Long Hollow, near Nansene, one bay horse, branded Lrj (or something similar) on right hip: weight abont 1000 lbs: Also one roan horse. the brand on this one resembling a device, and being on left shoulder. Owner can haye same by paying for partcrage and advertising. A. Holt, ocl30-lmo.- X Nansene, Or. Thoroughbred Fowls. Rose Comb Brown Leghorns. Best all the year round layers. Fowls, $1.50 each and upward until after January 1. Eggs, $2-per 13; $3 per 26. Orders booked now. . Send for circulars Spec ial prices on large orders. Address . ' t Ed. M. Haeeiman, ".Endersby, Wasco Co.. Oregon. The Trades Carnival. Following is the program for the Trades Carnival, at Armory ball, Friday and Saturday evening, Nov. 22nd and 23d, at 7:30 p.m:' FRIDAY" EVBNIKO. Piano Solo. Grand March, bv over 50 characters represent ing the prominent business men of the city. Kecitation "Mad Anthony's charge," George Earnest Stewart. ! , Music "Mandolin and Guitar," Misses Myrtle and Retta Stone. Kecitation -"Silly Billy," (br request, George Earnest Stewart. Solo Miss Mvrtle Michell. Kecitation Miss Martha Schooling. Solo with euitar accom'o. Mr. Harry Espine. Kecitation "Dream of Eugeue Aram," George Earnest Stewart. Solo Mr. Hendershot. Recitation "The Old Man Goes to Town," George Earnest Stewart. Fancy Drill By the characters- SATURDAY EVENING." Finno Solo Mrs Collins. Grand March (By the characters representing over tiftv nrominent business men of the city.) . Kecitation "How we Hunted a Mouse," (by request,) George Ernest Stewart. Solo Mr. Harrv JSsninsr. Recitation "King Canute," George Earnest Stewart. . Quartette Dr. Doane,' Mr. Crandall, Mrs. Huntington and Mrs. Price. Kecitation M iss Jennie Russell. Music "Mandoin and Guitar," Misses Myrtle and Retta Stone. Recitation "Mrs. Byrode and the Masons," George Earnest Stewart. Solo "Guitar and Man tolin," Mrs. Varney. Recitation, with piano accompaniment "The Drowning Singer," George Earuest.StewarL Fancy Drill By characters. Admission 2Scts, children under 12, 15 cents. - Local Market Keport. Below is published the prices current in The Dalles markets, Noy. 22. The figures quoted are the retail selling price here, with . the exception of wheat and hay, which figures are the prices paid producers : Wheat 42 cents per bushel. , Barley 60 cents per bushel. Oats 75 cents per bushel. Bran $11 per ton. Shorts $12.50 per ton. Rolled barley $14 per ton. Hay, timothy $10 to $11 per ton. Hay, wheat $10 per ton. Butter, packed 45 cents per roll. Butter, freeh 50 to 60 cents per roll. Eggs 30 cents per dozen, inclined to be scarce. Potatoes 50 to 60 cents per 100 lbs. Apples 65 to 75 cents per box. Sheriff's Sale. Br virtue of an execution and order of rale is sued out of Ibe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Waco County, upon a decree and judgment, made, rendered and entered by said court on tbe 12tb day of November, 1895, in favor of the plain titl.ln a suit wherein Oregon Mortgage Coinpuny, Limited, a corporation, was plaintiff, and S. . Karris and Lizzie J. Karris were de fendants, and to me directed and delivered, commanding me to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned and described in said writ and hereinafter de-cribed, I did duly levy upon and will sell at' public auction, to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand, on Mon day, the' 23d day of Peccmber, 1S95, at 2 o clock in the afternoon of (aid day, at the frout door of the County courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands and premises described in said writ aud herein de scribed as follows, to-wit: Tbe Southwest quarter of Section Twentv four, TownsbiD Five South of Kance Twelve East of Hie Willamette Meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, or so much thereof as sutlicient to satisfy the sum of 11320.48, with in terest thereon trom tbe 12th day of November, 1M95. at tb r..teof eiebt cer centner annum: 41U0 attormy'8 fee and the further sum of $25 costs in sua suit, together witi cost (f said writ, and accruing costs of sale. I utea at Dalles City this 22d day of November, 1MI5. T. J. DRIVER. n23 5t Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Statcof Oregon for Wasco County: John Sroufe and Hugh McCrum, partners doing Dusiness unocr toe n'm Tinine - na style Ol Sroufe & McCrum, PlnintiH's, vs. R. G. floster, as administrator of ttiec tate of A. K. Bonzey, deceased; the estate of A. K. Bonzey, de ceased, and Mnry Bonev, Defendants: ' By virtue of i'n execution and order of sale issued out of tbe Circuit Court of the State df Oregon for Waj.ce County on ibe Wth dny of Oc tober, A. D., ltt'Jo. upon a Judgment and decree of wild court of dale May 21), l.-'.'l, render, d in iavor oi tne aoove 'nmen pnuiitma ami against the above named dcfcndmt& for tbe sums here inafter set forth, bvinir the amouats-biiil unsat- islied of said judgment after the sate on execu tion ol the mortgaged property described iu said judgment and decree and the application of the ....... 1 f . ....K ....... .. s.i i.. . t j : j ji duuu iwrc .,n situ juugiuii I, x Ulu levy upon and will sell on Saturday, the 14th day of December, lfcllo. at the couribou-e door in Dalles City, in SHid county and state, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said dav. at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash in baud, sunject to redemption, an tne loiiowing de scrib1 d land and premises, levied unon and be ing the property of Mary Bonzey, one of said judgment aebtors and oeienaanc nerem, to-wit: Lot three (3) in bloct "B"' In Trevitfs Addition to Dalles City.iu Wasco County, State of Oregon, together with the tenemeuta, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, to satisfy the turn of $93.6.1, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from September IS, 1895, and the fur ther sum of .)0 attorney's fees; aud tbe further sum of f 1S.GU costs of suit, and accruing costs herein. Dated this 9th day of November, 1895. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, State of Oregon. . nov9-5t Notice of Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an execution issued out of tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Masco, on the izin day oi oepiemoer, is'.n, in an action tnerein J ending, wherein D. D. Cates is plaintiff and obn T. Ehrisman and J. 11. Phirman are de fendants, directing me that out of tbe Dronertv of the defendants within said county I satisfy th sum of $3118 60 and interest theieon at the rata of ten per cent per annum from the 14th day of February, 18U4. and $50 attorney's fees and $20 37 costs of said action and- costs upon this writ, i oia, on tne ism aayot September, lme, levy upon all of tbe real pronertv hereinafter described as the property of the defendant, John T. Ehrisman; and I will, on the 2nd day of No vember. 195. at the hour of 2 o'clock: in the afternoon of said day, at the courthouse door in Dalles City. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following-iesciibed real property lying and situate in said Wasco County, Oregon, towit; lots two and three in section 28, township 1 north, range 12 east, W M, containing 104.39 acres more pr les?, to satisfy said judgement, attorneys fees and costs. T. J. Driver. Sheriff of Wascs County. Lost. OnercdCow.brnnded jK on right,F. 8. on right hip; two s its in each ear A reasonable re ward will be given for delivery or information as to her whereabouts. tnayll J. L. KELLY. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL r All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now street. be found at 162 Second Watchmake Jeweler .A. N-ETW UndertaMng EstablishmeDt PRINZ & NITSCIIKE -DEALERS IX- Furniture and Came s. We have added to our bniness a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with tne undertakers Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. Tie Columbia Packing., PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef MANUFACTURERS OK. Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. THE DALLES MSERIES, R. H. WEBER,' Prop. Fruit, Shade AND Ornamental Gr'pes, Vines AND Small Fruits E0SES AUD SHEUBBEET. Remember our Trees are grown strict ly without irrigation. Catalogue sent free on application. Leave ordess with C. E. Bayard, City Agent, Washington St., bet. Second and Third, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions, which he offer at Low Figures SPEGIfllt :-: PAIGES to Cash. Buyers. Hi&lest Casl Prices for Ep and otber Produce. 170 SECOND STREET. RI-PAN-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. RUPTU RE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Offices : Booms 700-707. Marquam Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. n i a i Me mm ana mil STAGE INE, THOMAS HAEPEE, . - - Proprietoj Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. Hnn TREES has the "Happy Home" one, . which, he is wearing this evening is a decided success, and she, dear not averse to his attentions. Look for a Wedding- Sold by PEASE & Isr'T Tour Wife. Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffer from ills common to women f Have you ever tried to help ' her ? If so, you haven't gone tbe right way about it, If you haven't got a case of DR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEF flNb IRON for her. f ' That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her eyes. Don't waste a moment. Get it for her to-day. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. South Waucoma Addition to Hood River. The owner of this, the most beautiful residence portion of this beautiful village, has notified us that money must be had and to cut the prices until they will sell, and so we have maue a siasn oi irom zo to 4U per cent, on everything piacea in our hands. When you realize the fact that the beautiful new $9,000 schoolhouse is built in this addition and that this property surrounds it, you will know that it is offered at prices below anj'thing ever known. We have three 5-acre tracts, two blocks from new schoolhouse, for $750 each, or a' rate of 150 per acre. . No land in this addition has ever sold for less than $600 per acre and never will be again. We have also lots in adjoining block to the schoolhouse ranging from $75 to $250, according to location and size, no lot less than 50$100 feet. Now see what you think of this: We have an 8-room hard finished house with six lots, the house cost $1,200, ordinary price of lots in same locality $200; the former price at which this has been held was $2,500. We now offer this beautiful, property at the ridiculous figure of $1,200. ..We have an adjoining house of six rooms, hard finished, with three lots, the very finest residence location in the city, only $800. It ' is a crying shame to offer this property at these prices; but we are helpless and must obey orders, We have also some choice strawberry and fruit lands at very low prices. Now this is an advertisement and gotten up to sell the land, and is every word true. If you don't believe it come and see it; we glad to show it. PRATHER & COE, Real Estate and Insurance, Hood River, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLtUmiBfl BEUlEHY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery is now taming out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health fol Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market. CLOSING OUT SALE DRY GOODS: of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY. These Miss Knickerbocker is "at home"and"Cholly" "come again." and this time there are evidences that his suit will succeed. His other suit girl, is forced to admit that she is in the near future. MAYS, The Dalles.