CI THE DALLES WEEKLY- C3HIl0inC5LE , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1895. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. H. tbe city. . Mr. H. C the citv. Saturday. Smith of Grass Valley is in Eooper of Bake Oven is. in THE CITY COUNCIL MEETS. Sewer System to Be Inaugurated The Sunday Ordinance Defeated. Miss Kelcbum of The Dalles is visit ing in Portland. Mr. F. H. Rowe of Lyle was in the city this morning. Mr. J. St rem of Victor neighborhood is a visitor to town. Messrs. J. C. Burkes and Henry Frock of Moro are in tbe city. Mr. C. H. Stoughton of Dufnr is seen upon our etreets today. Dr. II. Logan went to Portland on the early morning passenger. Mr. A. McKenzie, a business man of San Francisco, iB in the city. Mr. George Yonng, the well-known stockman of Bake Oven, is in the city. ' B. S. Huntington, Eeq., went to the Cascades on legal business this morning. Miss Anne Smith went to Hood River this morning for a visit with her par ents. Mr. Fred W. Wilson went to Portland tbis afternoon to take a look at the ex position. Mr. M. P. Isenberg, the well-known citizen oi Hood River, was in The Dalles yesterday. H. S. Wilson, Esq., has returned from ooldendale, where be went on legal business. Mrs. J. F. Clark and Miss N. McNeil are among the visitors to the Portland Exposition from this city. Miss Anna Moore, who has been visit ing her mother in The Dalles for some time, returned to Portland by the Regu lator this morning. Mrs. F. Webster Hinsdale of Portland arrived in The Dalles to spend Sunday with-her husband, who is stopping tem porarily in The Dalles. Mrs. Hinsdale is a vocalist ot note and will be remem bered as the lady who gave the charm ing concert in The Dalles last summer. Monday. Mr. C. E. Jones of Wasco is in the city. ' Dr. H. Logan returned yesterday from Portland. Dr. Siddafl returned last night from a brief visit in Portland. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson went to Portland on today's train. Mr. Hugh Glenn was a passenger to the metropolis yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy came home from Portland en yesterday's local. Judge Bradshow combined business and a visit to the exposition Saturday. Rosa Baldwin left on the afternoon local for a visit with friends in Portlaitd. Mr. Solomon Houser, a well-known stock raiser of Tygh Valley, is in tbe city. ' Mr. M. Herrick, of the fish cannery, returned from a business trip to Portland yesterday. Mrs. Annie Winneck of Moscow, Idaho, is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. George Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Brooks went to Portland by boat this morning. They will return Thursday. Mr. Roy Batty, a brother of Fen Batty, the night clerk of the Umatilla House, is in the city. 'Mr. and Mrs. John.S. Scbenck and Mrs. Sheldon were passengers on the Regulator this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fish, who have been spending the past week in Port land, returned home Saturday. Mr. E. Sichel, an enterprising mer chant of Prineville passed through The Dalles yesterday on his way home from Portland. i TUV .Tnnui ATo,l,lir f TWtlar,.! ,hn WaSCO and has been visiting Mr. Will Crossen, re turned home today. Mr. Maddy is a prominent athlete, being captain "of the Portland amateur athletic football club and half back on the Portland Univer sity football club. Tuesday. Mr. H. T. Woodcock of Maine is in the city. home last The council met in regular monthly session last evening at tbe city hall. The roll call by the recorder showed that besides Mayor Menefee there were pres ent Councilmen R. B. Hood, M. T. Nolan, A. R. Thompson, S. 8. Johns, R. E. Saltmarshe and George Ross. Later in the evening Messrs. L. E. Crowe, T. F. Wood and G. C. Eahelman came in and took part in the deliberations. After the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, a peti tion was presented from John Howe asking that be be granted a liquor license. On motion the recorder was instructed to grant the license alter the posting of a notice for 30 days. The bond of N. Whealdon and J. M. Huntington, guaranteeing the opening and maintaining the public alley way through block 14, was read and upon motion ot Councilman Crowe seconded by Mr. Hood, the matler was laid over nntil tbe next meeting of the council. The finance committee then held an informal meeting and audited the bills presented before it. Mr. Hood from the committee on fire and water, reported that a water trough, had been constructed on Laughlin street near Second. In tbe matter of the request of Mrs. Stubling for a deed, Mr. Thompson, from the judiciary committee, reported that the deed had been issued, but rec ommended that another be issued upon the pavment of tbe assessment. Mr. Nolan moved that the report be adopted and that the mayor and recorder be in structed to sign tbe necessary deed. Mr. Esbelman from the special com mittee to look up the matter of a sewer system, made a verbal report to the effect that tbe committee had visited Mr, Crandall, and authorized him to make estimates of cost of a sewer below the bluff in the city. Mr. Crandall made tbe statement that he bad considered the matter and thought a system could be built below the bluff at en estimated cost of $22,000. A motion was made by Mr. Eshelman and seconded by Mr. Thompson that the council proceed in tbe regulation way to build sewers under the bluff. This motion prevailed, but another one to the effect that the re corder act with the committee on streets and property and get proper specifica tions, was made and withdrawn. A motion was made that the matter be left with the committee to be appointed by the mayor and to report at the next meeting and that when the council ad journ it adjourn to meet next Friday night. The mayor appointed on the committee Messrs. Hood, Eshelman and Nolan. The ordinance providing for the closing of saloons on Sunday was called up and on motion placed on its final passage. When it came to a vote the ordinance was lost, there being four votes in favor and five against the ordinance and so the effort; of the council to close the saloons has failed. The claims against the city, which were ordered paid, are published in another column. . A motion was carried that Hunting ton & Wilson be paid ?30 for legal ser vices. On motion the council adjourned till next Friday evening. offer for these improvements from actnal investigation; tnit prefer that some practical, influential parties set tbe matter In motion, then let us work in unison, unitedly and with will. Respectfully, Agitator, The Dalles, Nov. 4, '95. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, . Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub. in Vigorously. Mustang; Liniment conquers Pain, Makes flan or Beast well again. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County: Oregon Mortgage Company, limited, a corpora tion, plaintiff, vs. S. E. Farris and Lizzie J. Farris. defendants. To 8. . Farris the above named defendant: In the namo of. tbe State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in tbe above entitled suit, now pending in the above entitled Court on or before Monday, the 11th day of Nov ember, isy."), that being the first day ot the next regular term of said Court: and if you full so to appear and answer for want thereof tbe plaintiff win apply to saia uouri lor me renei aemanuea in its complaint, to-wit: To foreclose plaintiff's mortgage made, executed and delivered by you and Lizzie J. Karris to plaintiff about the 6th day of February, 188S, upon the SV of Section ! in Tp. 5 8, it 12 Eatt of the W. M., containing itjo acres oi tana ana situate in nakcouiuniy, Oregon, and to have said premises sold accord ing to law and the practice of the above entitled Court to satisfy plaintiffs demands, to-wit:, to pay and satisfy tbe sum of f 1080.00 and interest thereon since February 1st, lhB3, at 8 per cent per annum: aisoiiuu.uu as a reasonaDie attorney's fee in said suit, together with plaintiffs costs and disbursements made and expended in this suit, including subsequent costs and expenses of sale; that upon such foreclosure, deciee and sale all of your right, title and interest and all persons claiming or to claim by, through, or under you In and to said premises Deiore closed and forever barred from the equity of redemp tion; and for such other and further relief aa to the Court may seem equitable and just. The service of this summons is made upon yon by publication thereof in the Dalles Chronicj.b a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of W. h. Bradshaw, judge of the above named Court, which order was duly made on the in day of September, ib'Jj, at chambers in Dalles City, waco County. Oregon. DUFUR & MENEFEE, sep25. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. Sherman Counties Krldse ltoad. Mrs. W. S. Myers came night on the Regulator. William Grant, an old time resident of Tbe Dalles, is in the city. Mrs. O. D. Taylor returned from Portland on the noon train. B. S. Huntington, Esq., went to Port land on the afternoon's train. Mr. A. J. Brigham, justice of the peace at Dufur, is in the city. Mr. Hugh Gourlay returned Inst night from a business trip to Portland. Mr. J. H. Cradlebaugh was a passen ger to Hood River on today's local. Attorneys E. B. Dufur ami A. S. Ben nett were in Salem yesterday, appearing in a case before the supreme court. Messrs. Fratik Davenport and H. T.. Davidson, two well known citizens of Hood River, are in the city this morn ing. Mr. Fen Batty, the night clerk at the' Umatilla house went to Hood River tbis morning to look after a ranch he has at that place. Mr. W. C. Allaway, general agent of the D. P. & A. N. Co , accompanied by his yonng son went to Portland this morning to remain until Thursday. Mr. W. L. Hunter, who has been a resident of The Dalles as foreman ot the Times-Mountaineer office, left this morn ing for California, where he will take a position on a surveying corps. bobs. . In The Dalles, Nov. 1st, to the wife of . Keister, a son. . BOKN. In this city, Nov. 2nd, to the wife o A. S. Bennett, a daughter. Wanted. One hundred head of stock cattle to wint Apply to H. D. Cole, Fulder, Washington, fciii-eon Bolton, The Dalles, Or. sep'Jl To the EditoiiJ: This question de mands immediate, active, earnest agi tation, not merely as a newspaper gossip, but these facts should lie properlv pre sented to Wascvi'd county court. First, that Sherman county road to the free bridge has already passed the doubtful point and is universally received as a reality. Second, that its usefulness when completed is practically barred by the condition of Wasco county's part of said road which lies as a present im pediment to the completion of the road. The question is universally asked by those interested, will Wasco county give them decent road to The Dalles ere their part is done? This we. can only answer by comparing the interest they have manifested to raise the toll block ado aud make a practical highway in Sherman county to the bridgp, by private subscription, with the interest they would undoubtedly take as a county in the same road for the same purposes, Wasco county being largely represented in and by The Dalles. This proposition should receive atten tion initiative, at least, in order to secure the attention legally of the coming county court and give a stimulus to the Sherman county work, that it may be prosecuted with a will and earnest ex pectation. The Sherman county work is strictly of a private character and plain facts now speak in no mistaken tones of those who have been endorsing and perhaps secretly managing the toll system on the free bridge road and insist upon continuing the blockade. We ask, therefore, for such an earnest, active agitation of this matter as will give us a practical road in the early spring for wool, -wheat, merchandise and general teaming to and from The Dalles and in terior points, and we will then have a useful and fixed tributary to The Dalles. Wishing to be brief, we. conclude by suggesting that we have plans we might NOTICE OP mSSOLCTION. Notice is herebv given that the co partnership heretofore existing between Douglas b. JJufur and i-red JJ. Hill is hereby dissolved this date bv mutual consent. Said Fred D. Hill will assome all co-partnership liabilities and collect all aeconnt3 dae said firm, and continue said business. Feed D. Hill, ' Douglas S. Dufub. Dated, Dalles Citv, Oregon, October ll)th,189o. . liiotlce. Uaine to my place in Long Hollow, near Nansene, one bay horse, branded LrI (or something similar) on right hip; weight about 1000 lbs. Also one roan horse, the brand on this one resembling a device, and being n left shoulder Owner can have same bv paving for parturuge and advertising. A. Ilol.T, ocill;)-! n o. Nanfieiie, Or. K.r Hale. Sixteen Shropshire Bucks for Sale. Tbey weigh about. 200 lbs. apiece. Age 2 years. .Price, $6.00 a head. Solomon Houseb, Tygh Valley, Or. SUMMONS. In the Justice Court fbr The Dallas District Waco County, Oregon: Tim Mayhew, Plaintiff, vs. William Payette. Defendant. To William Payette tbe above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon ; You are hereby required to appear before the undersigned Justice of the Peace in The Dalles district, in said County and State, on or before Thursday, the 28th day of November, lXith, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the office of said Justice in said district, to ans wer the complaint of Tim Mayhew, founded on an account stated and wherein he demands 1102.25, for which sura judgment Bill be ren dered against you together with tbe costs of this action if you foil to to appear and answer said compluint. This summons is served by publication there of in the Weekly Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly iu The Dalles district, said County and State, in pur suance of an order made herein on the 24th day of September, 1N8S D-ted at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this fttU day of October, 1SU5 1.8. DAVIS, octS. ' Justice of the Peace. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned assignee of the estate of E. Jacobsen, an lni-olv ent debtor, has tiled his final report and account in Faid estate. in the Circuit Couitof the otateof Oregon for Wasco County, and thut said report will be called tip for hearine and heard by said Court on the first day of tbe next regular term thereof, to-wit, on Monday, the 11th day of Nov ember, lb'X, at the hour of 11 o'clock a: m. , of said day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard by said Court. Dated this 7th day of October, 1895. . S B.JhDAMS. Assignee of tbe estate of E. Jat&sen, an in solvent debtor, f oct8. Assignee's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned assignee of the estate of John K. Root, an in solvent debtor, will on Kuturriay, the Ifith dav of November, i93, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. ui of said day, a1 the front door of the Countv Court bouse In Dalles City, Wasco County, "Oregon, sell the following real estate belong! .ig to the estate of said insolvent debtor, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to-wit: The west half of tho northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of southeast quarter of nection 8 in township 1 south of range 12 east Willamette Meridan, containing ltio acres of land and situated in Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of October, 1895. HUGH GLENN, Assignee of the estate of John P. Koot, an in solvent debtor. octl9-5t In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for nasco county: Florence Irene Howell Glenn, plaintiff, vs. Jefferson Davis Glenn, defendant. To Jefferson Davis' Glenn, the above-named acienaant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby requited to appearand answer the complaint tiled against you in the above-entitled suit on or t-efore the 11th day of November, 1895. that being tbe first dav of the next regular term of said Circuit Court following the expira tion oi me time prescribed in me oraer Hereto fore made for the publication of this summons. And if you fail so to apuear and answer said complaint within said time, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint towit: For a decree completely and forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, for the future care, custody and control of the minor child of plaintiff and de fendant, Guy Scott Glenn, during his minority, and fir such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication thereof in pursuance of an order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Seventh Judicial Diatrict oi Oregon, made at chambers in Dalles Citv, Oregon, on the Ulsr dav of August, 1895. H. H RIDDELL, seploclG. Attorney for Plaintiff. Executors' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under-igned executors of the estate of H. A, Pratt, deceased, have on this day filed their final account in the County Court oi the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and that the Court has made an order appointing Monday, the 4th day of November. 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, that being the first day of the regular November tetra of said court, as tbe time for hearing objections to the said final account and the settlement there of, and directing that notice thereof be given by publican- n iu Tbe Dalles Chronicle for four weeks prior thereto. All heirs, creditors and other TersoTis inter- ested iu said estate are therefore hereby uotitied to file their objections to said final account, or to any item thereof, specif ving the particulars of such objections on or before said 4th day of Nov. 1895, and to show ranse, if any therebe, why saia nnai account snail not ne approved and allowed, and said executors discharged. The Dalles City, Sept. b, 1895. Signed J. F. ARIOR. U BUTLER, Executors of the will of H. A. Pratt, deceased. scpll. There is a Point " -"-which you should always con sider when buying; clothing: There are many kinds on the market, and some claim to be "just as good" as our Celebrated "HAPPY HOME" brand. Bear in mind that "Happy Home" goods are precisely what they claim to be the best, in material, style, work manship and fit and are sold under a guarantee which gives you back your money if you are not pleased with them. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an execution issued out of the Circuit Con t of the State of Oregon for Wasco countv. dated the 10th day of September, 1895, in a suit therein pending wnerein Mrs. n. m. wiison is piainiiu ana neze kiah P. C. Crockett, Huttie E. Crockett and Z. . Moodv. and W. N. Wilev. administrator of the estate of Clarissa McKwan, are defendants, and wherein judgment was rendered and entered in favor of ulaiuiitf and against defendants Ueze- kiah P. C. Crockett and Hattie K. Crockett, lor thei-umof $613.22 and inteiest at 8 per cent ier annum from May 29, IKto, the date of said Judg ment and $50 attorney's fees and $21 costs and disbursements, commanding me to sell nil tbe right, title and interest ot the defendants ana each of them in and to the west h-lf of the northeast quarter and the east halt of the north west quarter ot Sec. 10, Tp. 1 South, Range 15 E, W. M., in the manner provided by law for the sale of real i roperty upon execution, 1 will, on Saturday, the 19lh day of October, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house door in Dalles Citv, in raid county and state, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest of said de fendants and each of thein iu and Jo all of said above described real property 1. J. UK1VEK. scpll. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Justice Court Summon?. State of Oregon. Countv of Wasco. ss. In the Justice Court fur Dulur Precinct, Wasco County, Oregon: Edward fiondeau plaintiff, vs. William J. Payette, defendant. To the snerin or constable ot uuiur precinct, in wasco County, State of Oregon: In the name of the State of Oregon, We com mand you to summon William J. Pavette to ap pear before the undei signed, a Justice of the Peace, in Dufur Precinct, lu said County and State, on t e 8th day of November. 189.", at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Justice office, in said Precinct, to answer the complaint of Edward Rondeau fouuded on con tract ana wnerein neaemanas iweniy-one ana twenty-seven hundredths $21.27) dullars.together with costs and dixtiursement of this action, for which sum judgment will be ren-iered against tai l William J. Payette if he fail to so appear und answer said complaint. Given under my band, this 26th day of Sept ember, 1895. A. J. BRIGHAM, Justice of Peace for Dufur Precinct, Oregon, octl . South Waucoma Addition to Hood River. The owner of this, the most beautiful residence portion of this beautiful village; has notified us that money must be had and to cut the prices until they will sell, and so Ave have made a slash ol Irom 25 to 40 per cent, on everything placed in our hands. When you realize the fact that the beautiful new $9,000 schoolhouse is built in this addition and that this rirnnprt.v surrounds it. vnn will knnw that it. is nfTpred at prices below anything ever known. We have three 5-acre tracts, two blocks from new schoolhouse, for $750 each, or a rate of $150 per acre. No land in this addition has ever sold for less than $600 per acre and never will be again. We have also lots in adjoining block to the schoolhouse ranging from $75 to $250, according to location and size, no lot less than 50x100 feet. Now see Avhat you think of this: We have an 8-room hard finished house with six lots, the house cost $1,200, ordinary price of lots in same locality $200; the former price at which this has been held was $2,500. We now offer this beautiful property at the ridiculous figure of' $1,200. We have an adjoining house of six rooms, hard finished, with three lots, the very finest residence location in the city, only $800. It is a crying shame to offer this property at these prices; but we are helpless and must obey orders, We have also some choice strawberry and fruit lands at very low prices. Now this is an advertisement and gotten up to sell the land, and is every word true. If you don't believe it come and see it; we will be glad to show it. PRATHER & Heal Estate and Insurance, - COE, Hood River, Or. GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. WEEKLY NEWS OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. Administratrix Notice. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned has been dulv nDOointed administratrix oi the estate of I. I. Buntet, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County; all persona having claims against tbe estate of said deceased are hereby notitied to preent them with the proper vouchers theiefor io me unaersignea, ai me oinceoi riuniingum & Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from th date hereof. ljated September 3d, 1895. MRS. A. T. BUR GET. Administratrix. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Office. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 17, 1895. j Notice is herebv riven that the following- named settler bos filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in sunoort of nis claim, and that said proof will be made before tho register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on October 31, 1895, viz.: Emerson TVIHIamft. Hd. E., No. 3119, for the KKJ, fcec. 10, Tp. 3 S, E 13 K, W. M. , He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz.: Robert Kelly, V. If. Butts, The Dalles; James W. Cox. John M. Roth, Kingsley. Bepl8 J AS. F. MOORE. Register. Lost. One red Cow, branded jK on right idr.F. 8. on right bin; two a its in each ear A reasonable re ward will be given for delivery or information as to her whereabouts. " mayU J. U KELLY. New York Weekly Tribune a twentv-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign Inna in a nnfokall 7 n A fiDIPTTI TfTP A 1. ianavtmont. kaa nrh a 11 - laUUQ XI, U ll ULnilVI I. lia AVJ UJV V W vauumv ..hw uw b.. perior in the countrv. Its MARKET REPORTS are recognized au thoritv. Separate deDartments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE. OUR YOUNG FOLKS, and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of the wives and daughters. It general political news, editorials and ' discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE for us to offer this splendid journal an ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, Cash Ixx ia.dvanooa (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO LO Write vonr name and address on a postal card, send it to Geortm W. Best, Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW lUKh. w&EivLX riUUiNi!i win De mailed to you. CLOSING OUT SALE of DKY GUUUS CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY.