THE DALLES WEEKLY CHBONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1895. 6 The Weekly Ghfoniele. THE DALLES, OltEGON Wednesday a Daily. Jliea Clara Story returned yesterday from a visit in Portland. Mrs. Cnas. F. Stephens returned this morning from a visit in Portland. Mr. J. M. Cumminf", a well-known newspaper man of Goldendale, ia in the city. Prcf. L. M, Chriatol, the well-known athletic teacher of Pendleton. ia in the city. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Herbrinz left on to day's local to attend the Portland Ex position. Misses Sula and Louise Ruch returned last evening from Portland and the ex position. Mr. W. M. McCorkle, the owner of the i Tygh Valley Flouring Mills, is it the city today returning from a visit in ttie Willamette valley. Mr. S. W. Dewitt of Washington, D, C who has been in Ihe Dalles on matters pertaining to Indian depreda tions claims, has returned to Portland. Mr. John Aaron of Quincey, Illinois is visiting Mr. bimeon Kolton, tne dep utv countv clerk. Mr. Aaron is a eon tle'man well advanced in years, but shows a keen enjoyment of his visit to the .Northwest. Charles Tibbetts, who has been a res ident of The Dalles for several years, re ceived a telegram yesterday offering him a Position at Monterev. Cal. He left on this morning's train for his new Held of labor. Mr. Tibbetts has many friends in The Dalles, who while sorry to lose him, will be glad to hear of his success Mr. Mate Thorbourn of Kingsley is in the city. Mr. James Connelly of Burnt Ranch is iu the city. II. S. Wilson Esq. is in Goldendale on legal business. Mr. H. M. Spanlding of Goldendale is a visitor to town. Mr. Charles AJams, the Tygh Valley merchant, is in the city. Dr. Sid-tall left on the afternoon train for Portland, fie will return Monday Charles Michel bach was a passenger down the river on the Kegnlator this morning. Miss Delia Michelbach started this morning on the Regulator for a visit to San Francisco. Mr. William Conner of Portland, a former resident of Ihe Dalles, is in the city visiting old friends. Miss Jessie Fisher and Miss Dollie Gleason returned last evening from an extended visit in Portland. Mr. George Plummer of Missoula, Mont., is in the citv. Mr; Pinmincr formerly lived in The Dalles. George R. and Charles L. Campbell went to Portland this morning on the Regulator to visit the exposition. Misses Mamie and Edna Driver, daughters of Sheriff Driver, leave to morrow on the Regulator for a visit to Portland. Mrs. J. C. Oliphant of Portland, who has been visiting friends in ihe Dalles, returned home by the Regulator this morning. W. E. Campbell has ja9t returned with his surveying party irotu near Sisters mountains. He was a passenger on the Regulator this morning tor rort land, where he will take in the exposi tion and visit relatives. E. O. McCoy, Esq., came down from Grant. Mr. Hugh Gourlay has gone to Port " land on a business trip. Mrs. J. V. O'Leary of Rutledgp, Sher man county, is in the city. Mr. C. AV. Dietzel came homo from Portland. on the morning's train. Dr. and Mrs. Eshelman returned last night from a trip to Portland. Mrs. A. L. Newman returned home from Portland on today's train. Mrs. B. S. Huntington went to Port land on the boat this morning. Mr. S. B. Parrish, a well-Known citi zen of Portland, is in the city. Mr. S. J. La France of Hood I. iver camo np to The Dalles this morning. Mr. Charles Adams was a passenger to , Lyle on the Regulator this morning. Rev. J. A. Speer, chaplain of the In dian school at Sineinasho, is in the city. Messrs. Hugh Morehead and J. C. Ward of Kingsley are visitors to town today. Mr. Jasper Garrison of Sherman county is in the city visiting bis brother, David. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Duf ur were pas sengers to Portland on the afternoon train. Mrs. F. C. Wood and Mr. F. II. Van Norden are registered at the Imperial in Portland. . Mr. J. H. Wood, of the firm of Wood Bros., is taking in tho Portland Ex position. Mrs. C. C. Connelly, who has been in Indiana and Illinois during the past summer visiting relatives, returned home this morning. Mr. F. A. Wills of Spokane stopped off in The Dalles today to visit his friend, Mr. J. A. Crossen. Mr. Wills is on bis way to the Portland Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Myers have been visiting in Portland. Mrs. Myers was on business connected with the relief corps, of which she is state president. BORN. " In The Dalle. Oct. 31st, to the wife of L. M. Funk, a 9-pound boy. Still Another Call. All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 14th, 1892, will tie paid it presented ut my office, corner 3d and Washington p'roeta. The Dallpf. Or. Interest ceases after Sept. 22, 1895. . . Wit. Micheix, Countv Treasurer. DELINQUENT TAX LIST Xachter & Lohr n hi ne qi sec 27 tp 6 r 10 e 8 40 Klckelsen I C mil res lots C D E K J blk 30 546 Newcome C F, Parkhurst lots 1 2 bit 8. . . . 2 85 Ntdrow Geo, Dufur lot 2 blk 14 1 71 Nicholson, Emma, H B park lot 26 blk 1. . 54 Ordway D K estate sw qr sec 6 4 11, 36 a In . ne cor ol sw qr sec 7, In all 173.88 a ex 12 a sold to MV Johnson, 3.75 a sdld to same party, Pee 19, 1893,20 a to Ira D Smith Dec 23, 1893 25 20 rbillips, Effie J 30 a in Kichard & Ljda Marshall DLCtp23nrlll2e 672 Perrr, Wayland B n hf nw qr see 19, tp 1 n rlOe 4 20 Phlrman, J H sw qr sec 9, tp 1 n rl2e.... Parodl, B lots 2 3, sw qr se qr sec 82. tp 3 n r 12 e, sw qr sw qr sec 11, tp 1 n r 12 e. . . Plummer, Mary lot 2 com at se cor of nw qr w 20 rods, n 80 rods, e 20 rods, s 80 rods to beg, sec 5, tp 1 n r 13 e Patterson Geo W ne qr ne qr sec 36, tp 1 n r 13 e Parker John nw qr se qr, n hf sw qr, sw 8 40 10 50 5 25 1 05 qrswqrsecl5,tp2n r9e..-. 8 40 Palmer, Richard w hi ne qr e hf nw qr sec 31, tplsrl3e , 10 50 Pool Wm H e hf se qr nw qr se qr ne qr sw or sec 1. tD 6 s r 16 e.. 6 72 Porter Oliver W n hf sw qr s hf nw qr sec 20,tp8srl6e 1680 Pin tier A I, E fi W ad H R lot 19 blk 2. . . . 51 Power, Darcey, E li W 2d ad H R lots 10 11 12 blk 8 159 Purser, Martha, H R lot 1 blk C 5 60 Petterson, Julia; LAD Antelope lot 8 blk 1 4 95 Pratt & BllTcrtooth, LAD Antelope lots 3 4 5 blk 2, lot 4 Due 3 Paddock J W, H R park lot 40 blk 8 54 Pertle R G, H R park lot 41 blk 8 54 Rawson C T n hf, e hf se qr sec 22 tp 1 n r 13 e 6 0 Rodney, Henry E nw qr ne qr sec 10 Ip 2 nrlOe 420 Rnnd, Andrew J ne qr sw qr sw qr nw qr lots 1 2 sec 10, tp 1 s r 8 e 7 35 Ross, Hugh lots 3 4. sw qr nw qr nw qr swqrsec5, tpl s r 10 e 7 3o Rice. Lancious se qr se ar sec 15, tp 1 s r 13 e 2 10 Rice, Horace w hf nw qr sec 2, tp 1 s r 14 e, lots 1 4 n hf nw qr sw qr nw qr lots 7 8 sec 3, tp 1 s r 14 e, s hf sw qr ne qr sw qr se qr nw qr sec 10, tp 1 s r 14 e 31 50 R!ce Geo W ne qr sec 25, tp 1 s r 14 e 8 40 Roberts Thos M s nf sec 9 tp 1 s r 15 e 13 44 Roberts, Albert S n bf nw qr sec 22, tp 1 s rl5 e , 3 36 2 10 Ross, James H se qr se qr sec 2G,tp 3 s r 13 e Rogers, Alex estate s hf n w qr sec 36, tp 7 r 17 e G 30 Rand, Christians, H R proper lot 5 blk -, w H blk 2 42 7o Rordcn L lot L 00 ft oft'e side of K,H R... 4 27 Roberts C G, Parkhurst w hf blk 6 2 85 Ropes, Alice H, H R park lot 20 blk 1 51 Ropes, Sophia, H R park lot 21 blk 1 54 Rohr, Lillie, Winans" ad lots 3 4 blk 5. ... . 2 10 Smith, Georgiana, H R w hf lot F 1 05 Snyder, Susan nw qr nw qr sec 2, tp I s r 12 e... 1 05 Sorbin J E n hf ne qr ne qr se qr ne qr ne qr sec 13, tp 1 n r 12 e 1 05 Sterling, Geo M w hf ne qr w hf nw qr le qr n w qr ne qr sw qr nw qr se qr sec 7, tp 1 n r 13 e 18 90 Smith, Jasper M lot 3, se qr nw qr ne qr sw qr nw qr se qr sec 9, tp 1 n r 13 e 21 00 Sanders, Emiiy J, a s'.c 22, tp 1 n r 13 e. . 1 05 Stenfels, Morns ne qr se qr sec 3C, tp 3 n r 10 c, Idlcwild lot 6 blk 2 6 40 Southwell, Amanda J w hf ne qr less snip 50.1 wide less 20 ch long ofl'w sMe sec 11, tp 1 s r 13 e 8 40 Solicitors Loan Si 1 rust Co s hf se qr ne qr se qr se qr sw qr sec 20, tp 1 a r 14 e mil adlotsABCKJLblkSS 20 50 Shotwell Geo V se qr sec 22, tp 1 s r 15 e. . 10 50 Spoonamoro Geo W swqrsec26,tp2s r 13 e Steel Geo A e hf ne qr sec 6, tp 4 s r 9 e. . . Strickland Wm se qr ne qr sec 35, tp 4 s r 12 60 3 36 11 e 1 G3 Shannon John P sat qr se qr sec 18, tp 4 s r 12 e, nw qr nc qr nw qr nw qr sec 19, tp 4 t r 12 e 9 45 10 50 Sanford Eilie D sw qr sec fi, tp 5 s r 13 e Schmidt Gus w hf e hf sec 6, tp 7 s r 17 e, e hf sec 315, tp 0 s r 16 c 35 70 mith Henry II te qr nw qr a hf sw qr sec 1!, tp 8 s r 15 e 5 25 Sto'rs Mary A, Trev ad lot 10 blk 1 16 00 SUies John mil ad lots A B blk 41 3 80 Spiuk Mary mil ad lots G II blk 5 19 20 thackleford Wm mil ad all of blk 56 9 60 Signers C J mil ad lot I blk 111 32 Sullivan Pat, Cascade Locks 2 lots in blk 3 Smith Helen J, coin ne cor blk S, s 112 ft, 1 59 e 100 ft, n 112! ft, w 100 to bag. Winans' nd lots 1 2 blk 8 2 85. Soesbc, C hristiana M, Wnuconia lots 12 3 b.k 5 7 13 Stranahan Wm, Wauconia lot 9 blk 5 2 85 fcilvei tooth F W, L A D Antelope lot 5 blk 3 . 2 49 54 Stiiuer, Puulinc, II 11 park lot :! blk 1 weeney M M, H It park lot IS blk 1 54 Sweeney Jenny II, II R park lot 19 blk 1. . 54 51 Simmons, Ernest R, II R park lot 22 blk 1 Smith D L, II R park lot 17 bik - ... Slcctun A K, Parkhurst all of blk 10 2 85 Taylor O D uw qr sec 26, tp 1 n r 12 e 10 80 Tavlor O D e hf ne qr e hf se qr sec 7, tp 1 n r 13 r, uw qr sec 26, tp 1 u r 12 e, w bf ne qr ue qr nw qr nw qr se qr sec 12, tp 2 s r 3 e, lots 1 2 3 sec 8, tp 1 n r 13 e, n lit ne qr sec 17, tp 1 u r 13 e, Winans' ad lot 8 blk 7 104 62 Taylor Jos M se qr sw qr tec 5, tp 1 n r 14 e 2 10 Tanawober Tom, Indian, n hf sw qr sec tp 2 s r 11 e 3 15 Thompson w m J n hf ne qr sec 7, tp 1 s r 4e... .' 4 20 Topar John n hf se qr sec 5, tp 2 s r 13 e. . . 5 25 Thonipsoo, Francis M e hf sw qr e hf nw qr sec 8, tp 2 s r 13 e 10 50 Tuornbury, Amandu, com 61 ft w of ne cor of lot 3, w.25 ft, s 100 ft, e 25 ft. n 100 ft to beg Gates ad 10 50 Thompson It R, Big blull ad lot 11 blk 8 . . 2 41 Tibbetts, Hurry, H R park lot 43 blk 3 54 Winans E T n hf ne qr n hf nw qr sec 9, tp lurfle : 4 20 Wurd Edwin N, trust, SO a sec 6, tp 1 n r We : Whitney, Jones estate. 15 a off w side of nw qr nw qr sw qr sw qr w hf sw qr sec 13, tp 1 n r 13 e, ue qr se qr nw qr, lot 2 sec 14, tp 1 n r 13 e Waters Cbas & Ellen n hf int of e hf se qr sec 22, tp 1 n r 13 e Willis, Jacob O T e hf ne qr sec 13, tp 2 n r 9e Wright, Andrew sw qr sw qr sec 14, tp 2 n r9c I 15 30 6 30 I 36 1 68 Wincliell, Markham sc qr ne qr e hf se qr sw qr se qr sec 30, tp 2 n r 10 e 8 40 Woodward John D se qr sw qr lot 3 sec 33, tp3nr8e... .' 4 20 Watson T J, trust, lots 6 7 8 9 ex nw cor of lot 8 sec 26, tp3 u r 10 e 21 00 Wbitcomb M J lot 1 sec 36, tp 3 n r 11 e . . . 54 Wickham, Richard F w hf nw qr ne qr nw qr nw qr sw qr sec 8, tp 1 s r 12 e Wing Chas W nw qr n w qr tec 18, tp 4 s r 13 e.:.... ... 8 40 2 10 Wilson W H n hf ne qr n bf nw qr sw qr nw qr w hf sw qr se qr sw qr sec 16, tp 8 s r 17 c, Bigbll ad ebf lots 8 4 blk A....'. 12 41 Ward Henry F mil ad lots U H I J blk 27.. 4 01 Watkins Hand, blf ad lot 1 blk 3 1 60 Wood Thos G, mil ad lot B.blk 11 81 Williams Wm G roil ad lot J blk 122 lot C blk 123... Wyss. Christian, Tbomp ad lots 10 11 blk 15 Waud, Orion 8, E & W 1st ad H R lots 19 20 bU-' , 1 35 1 05 WilUson W A, S A W 1st ad lot 33 blk 6. Walker T M, E & W 1st ad H R lots 29 30 blk 9 Watson, John W all of blk 4 lots 1 2 7 8 9 13 to 44 inclusive blk 5 lots 1 to 8, 42 to 48 Inclusive Idle wild 2nd ad lots 1 2 3 4 blk lldlewild Winans Ed W, H R lot J Winans, Mattie A, H R lots 16 to 24 inclu 1 05 8 55 1 71 sive blk 23 8 55 Winans, Audubon, Winans' ad lot 6 blk 4, lot 8 blk 2 Wallace, James all of lot 23, ana e 40 ft of lot 22 blk 1 Waucoma Wingate, E M fc Co, Baird's ad Antelope 4 Z lots 4 9 blk 1 2 31 Wright, Beatrice, H R park lot 23 blk 1. .. . Widmer, Mary, H R park lot 31 blk 1 Widmer C F, lot 34 blk 1 Watts, Lewis W, H R park lot 45 blk 1. . . . Watts, Imeldla. H R park lot 43 blk 1. Wolf ran, Franz, H. R park lot 9 blk 2 Wantel, Marie, H it park lot 4 blk -. . . Whitcomb, Bertie & Bell, H R park lot 39 blk3 Wbitehouse, Geo F, H R park lot 28 blk 4, 54 lot42blk- 105 Wright A R, H R park lot 46 blk 3 Wright Z T, estate. H R park lot 47 blk 3. . Wilcox E R, H R park lot 40 blk 4 Winans, Wilson R, Winans' ad lots 1 to 8 inclusive blk 1 S lots 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 blk 8, lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 blk 2, lot 1 2 34 ftblk 3, lot 14 58 blk 4, lot 5 6 7 8 blk 9, lot 5 6 7 8 blk 6, lot 1 to 8 inclusive In blk and lotl 234blk9 5 46 Winans, Edgar W, Winans' ad lots 1 to 6 inclusive blk 2, lots 5 to 8 inclusive blk 6. lot 1 to 8 incinsiye blk 7, lots 1 2 3 4 blk 8, lots 1 2 3 4 blk 9 5 46 Young, Lyda B ne qr ne qr sec 24, tp 7 s r 14 e 1 05 Zochery, Albert C sw qr ne qr sec 7, tp 6 s rl9e ; 105 ANTELOPE ITEMS. Lively Times In -Antelope The Social Happenings and Other Thine; ut Interact. To the Editor: Miss Maggie Cain of Dexter, Or., is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. E. M. Shutt, and attend ing the Antelope school. Prof. Johnson of Prineville is teaching a teaching a term of school on upper Trout creek. Mr. Gorham of The Dalles is teaching the winter school in the Kimsey district. Mr. Leech, tha new minister, moved from Kutledge to Antelope with his family this week. He will occupy the residence lately vacated by W. S. Kelsay. Charley Malone had a limb broken and was otherwise badly hurt by a horse falling on him. Mrs. Condon of Cherry creek was among the visitors Friday. Misses Bertha and Laura Kelsay were the guests of Mrs. Wallace Friday and Saturday. Mr. Grant Ashby' and family, Boyd Ashby and family and Doc Kimsey and family, all of Lower Antelope, were in town Fndav. Newton Burgess of Antelope was visit ing our uillage Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister of The Dalles passed through town Thursday on their way to Mitchell, where Mr. McAllister has extensive etock interests. Mr. and Mrs. Kichard Hinton of Bake Oven spent a couple of days visiting friends in Antelope. Miss Kate Cooper of The Dalles, a former teacher at Anlelope, was in town Friday renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Miss Harrison of- Forest Grove was visiting a few days in Antelope. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. of Maddv station was in town Friit.iy. IIOItXKTTE. NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years!! EESTJLT OF VSUIQ AYER'S PILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches,'' neuralgia, or boils and other eruptiva diseases. When I became convinced, that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments wereT preceded Ty constipation, and I soon hud the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wettsteut, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. H 1 ( s 11, I Ji7 G4!J 54 For Infants and Children. Caatoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep BAtnraL Castoria contains uo Morphine or other narcotic property. Castorla Is well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription Itnown to me." H. A. Aecbeb. M. D., in Booth Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. " For several years I have recommeoaed your O&storia,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." EDW F. PiRDBE, M. D 125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City. "The use of 'Castorla Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." ClBLOS HiHTVK, D. D., New Tork City. Tax Cehtaob Compact, 77 Hurray Street, N. T. Report of Mountain Borne School. To the Editor : Following is the re port of Mountain Home school for the first month beginning Sept. 30th and ending Oct. 25th : The pupils who have been neither tardy nor absent and high in deportment are Mabel Richardson, Vina Painter, Floyd Vanderpool, Earl Sparling, Willie Thompson, Charles Sparling and Hollis Painter. Maud Peabody, Teacher. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,. says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results' follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr.. Kings New Discovery is un doubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all hat is claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottle at Snipes-Kinerslvs Drug Co. 'a Drug Store. Kegular size 50c. and$00 0. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of sn execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Orearon for the County of Masco, on the 12th day of September, 1895, lu an action therein lenuing, wnereiu u. i.. uuies is piaintin and ohn T. Ehrisman and J. II. Phirman are de fendants, directing me that out of the property of tho defendants within said county I satisfy the sum of J3118 60 and interest thereon at the rata of ten per cent per annum from ihe 14th day of February. 1S94. and So0 attorney's fees and $20 37 costs of said action ana costs upon this wm, i am, on meum aayot bepteoiDer, iS9o, levy upon all of the real nrooertv hereinafter aescnoea ns me property ot tne aeicDuant, John . .nrismnn ; ana 1 will, on the and day of Ho- ember, ltsyj, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the alter noon of said day, at the courthouse door in uaues wity. uregon, sell to tne Ulclicst Didder for cash in haud, all of the following-iesci ibed real property lvimr and situate in suid Whkpo uounty, ureRon, towie; lots two and three In section 28, township 1 north, ranee 12 east, w M, containing 104.39 acres more or lesr, to satify suiu juuemeui, uuonieys iees ana costs. T. J. KRIVER. Sheriff of Wascs County SUMMONS. la. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for lueuuuuiyox ttasco. Dora Houston, 1' ' Plaintiff I vs. f VolneyJ. Houston I eteudunt. J To Voincy J. Houston, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you arc nereDy required to appear ana answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, November 11, 1895, mac Deing rue nrst aay or ine next reguiai term ot this court, and if you fil k to appear or an swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to ine iours ior ioe renei prayea tor in ner com plaint, which is that the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and yourself be lort-ver uisaoiveu. This summons is servtd UDOn you by uublica Hon thereof for six consecutive weeks in ihe Dalles CmtoNicLK by order of Hon. V. L. Bradshaw, tiled in this Court and dated fc'ep- temuer iu, jo'jj. ' JAMES ST. JOHNS. Sep21 Attorney for riaiutiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or. Sent 19. Ih'ib. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the register ana receiver oi tne u . . i-una omce, The lulies, or., on ioy. t, iayj, viz. : Nancey J. Wliltton, Hd E, No H158, for the SV. XW, XJj. 8WW and SV tsVJ4, Bee, 24, Tp 2 S R 12 E. sne names toe rouowing witnesses to prove ner continuous residence uion and cultivation of, said land, viz: Lyman M. Lee of Portland, Or., Kollin Jordan, G. V. Jordan, James Jordan, of Dufur, Or. Sep21 ' JAS. F: MOORE. .Register. Assignee's Sale. Notice is hereby elven that the undersiirned assignee of the estate of Johu Root, on in solvent debtor, will on Saturday, the Kith day of November, lh!)5, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m of said day, a the front door of the County Court house in Danes city, vasco county, Oregon, sell the followine real estate belonging to the estate of said insolvent debtor, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to-wit: The west half of the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwef t quarter, and the northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 6 in township 1 south of range 12 east Willamette Meridan, containing f0 aires of land and situated In Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of October, 1MI5. HUGH GLENN, Assignee of the estate of John -P. Root, an in solvent debtor. octl9-5t Mice of Final SttUemcnt'. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad ministrator of the estate of Samuel Patterson. de ceased, has riled bis final account as such adminis trator and that by an order made and entered on this lstdayof August, 1895, Monday the4thduyof November, 1855, at the hour of 2 p. in., has been fixed as the time and the Count; Courtroom In Dalles City, Or., as the place for the bearing of final account. A1J persons interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place to show cause if any there be' why said final account should not be approved and said estate closed. J. 11. fcUBAINKS. aug3-jt. Administrator. teNT Tour Wife. Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women t Have you ever tried to help her? If so, you haven't gone the right way about it, if yon haven't got a case of DR. HEMLEY'S CELERY, BEEF AND IRON for her. That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her eyes. Don't waste a moment. Getlt for her to-day. n FOR SALE BY BL AKELEY & HOUGHTON. Exposition Portland, Oregon. The largest and Most Complete Dlplav ever of the Resources, Industries, Commerce, Busi ness, Agricultural, Forests. Mine, Kralt, Finhenes, Manufactures, and l'rans poitation Facilities of the Great PhcUIc Northwest. Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rate on aK Transportation Lines. ADMISSION Single Admission 25,, Children under 18 years... ioe Season Tickets M3.O0 E. C. MASTEN, Secretary. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-. FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY. New England Marble Granite Works Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor. -WHOLESALE AND ine JVJonumenlal Woflj Do not order Monumental Work until you obtain oar Azures. You will find that, for good work, our charges are alwava the lowest. Cash or time settlements l'as preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de signs and prices. Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms. 720 Front Street, opp. the Failing BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon V -ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.'. . rConntry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. THE DALLES HUBSERffiS, R. H. WEBER, Prop. Fruit, Shade AND Ornamental Gr'pes, Vines AND Small Fruits E0SES AND SHEUBBEEY. Remember onr Trees are grown strict ly withou! irrigation. Catalogue sent free on application. Leave ordess with C. E. Bayard, City Agent, Washington St., bet. Second and Third, The Dalles, Oregon. A. A. Brown, Keeps a fdll assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures SPEGIflli :-: PRIGES to Cash. Buyers. Highest Casl Prices for Eis and otter Produce. . 170 SECOND STREET. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Offices: Rooms 70C-707, Marquam Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. Chichester's EncUah DIuaad Brui P EfiflYROYAL PILLS V Original mod O11I7 Geitntne. A w Ji- f arr iii nHhlA unita uk F Dnurgut for Cklekatera Knaifh Dia-r .mend Brand In Ked and Gold metalllay Iftoxea. Mftlad with bine ribbon. ToL Vy 1 no ttthc-r. JtehummnatrouM mbttitu- 'lions and imitation. A t DrouiMS. orcnd4. In tamp for pftrtlaul&ri, ItnUmoQiAln and Keller ror Kadic," tn twrer, oy return Mall. IO.OOU Tmimonlalt. Nam oper. TREES 1 1 u tod bj aU Loctd fa, ill. VUlltA, OPENS October 5th. For Exhibit Space apply at the JCxpo lllon Building to C. H. HUNT, Supt. EETAIL DEALER IN- ImpoPtedptatoJ. School, PORTLAND, OR. rsi ew PRINZ & NITSCHKE -DEALEB8 IS- Furniture and Cat pes. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and aa we are in no -way connected with the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. Mia Packing Co., PACKERS OF Pof k and Beef MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Corers of. BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Bake Oven and Mitchel' STAGE LINE, THOMAS HASPEE, - - Propriztor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope 10 Mit chell three times a week. - GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. .A. UodertakiD! EstablJsIimeiit. an aiiilliHi,