The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 19, 1895, PART 2, Page 6, Image 6

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Nervous Prostration
Complete Eecovcry by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"Some years ago, as a result of too
close atteniiuu to business, luy health
failed. I became, weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
manifested all t Iks symptoms of a de
rline. I . took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to iuipigivu at once.
6 72
4 20
8 40
10 50
5 25
1 05
and gradually increased my weight from
one hundred and twenty-live to two
linndred pounds. Since then. T and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the lwsf. of
health, n fact which we attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation T ennnot say too
much." H. O. Hixsov, Postmaster and
Planter, Kinard's. S. C.
6 0
4 20
AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills.
S. Blowers
from Hood River on the noon
Mr. G. A. Thomas and Frank Lane of
White Salmon were in the city this
. morning.
County Commissioner A
came up
train- t
Mr. C. E. Mcintosh left for Portland
by boat this morning to take in the ex
Mrs. Dr. Brown of Creal Springs, Illi
nois, who has been visiting friends in
The Dalles for several days, left on the
v, Keguiator tnis morning lor a visit in
Captain McNulty
hie Mosier farm.
is in the city from
Mrs. J. B. Condon is among The
Dalles people registered at the Imperial
in Portland.
Rev. E. Mack, of the Lutheran church,
was a passenger on the west boa ad local
this afternoon. '
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bolton have
been in Portland for several days attend
. ing the exposition.
Mr. Ralph Rowland has gone to Mis
soula, Mont., where he has accepted a
responsible position.
Mr. Emil Schanno returned last night
from a trip through the Willamette
valley and a visit to the exposition.
Mr. E. S. Isaacs, a well known resi
dent of Walla Walla, was a passenger on
the Regulator this morning for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sandford have re
turned from Pullman, Wash., where Mr.
Sandford has been making his head
quarters for the past few months.
Ed Howell, station baggageman at
The Dalles, came up to attend court.
Mr. Howell was formerly baggage agent
at Baker City, and at one time a member
of the Baker City baseball club ot that
place. This was during the Baker City
Li Grande-Pendleton league's existence.
East Oregonian.
Mr. Walter Fraine of Cascade Locks
is in the city.
Miss Emma Jacobsen lett this morn
ing for a visit with friends in Portland.
Mr.J. D. Wilcox, a well known re.
eident of Kent, Sherman county, is in
city today.
Ed. Howell, baggage master of the O.
, R. & N. in this city, has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
Miss Butler of White Salmon, who
has been visiting Mrs. H. Lauritson re
turned borne on the boat this morning,
Mr. A. A. Jayne, prosecuting attorney
lor this judicial district, arrived from
Arlington this morning and is at the
baby growth
The- baby's mission is
growth. To. that little bun
dle of love, half trick, half
dream, every added oimce
of flesh means added hap
piness and comfort ! Fat "is
the signal of perfect health,
comfort, good nature, baby
Scott's Emulsion, -with
hypophosphites, is "the eas
iest fat-food baby can have,
in the easiest form, ft sup
plies just what he cannot
get in his ordinary food,
and helps him over the
weak places to perfect
Scott & Bowxb, Chemists, New York, 50c and $1.00
Kachter & Lohx n ht ne qr sec 27 tp 6 8 r
16 e : 8 40
Nickelsen I C mil res lots C D E F J bit 30 5 46
Newcome C F. Parkhuist lots 1 2 blk 8. .. . 2 85
Nedrow Geo, ufur lot 2 blk 14 IB
Nicholson. Emma. H R park lot 26 bl 1 . .54
Oidway D K estate sw qr secG & 11, 36 a in
ne cor of sw qr sec 7, in all 173.88 a ex 12
a gold to M V Johnson, 3.75 a sold to same
party, Dec 19, 1893, 20 a to Ira D Smith
Dec 23, 1893... v 25 20
Phillips, Effie J 30 a in Richard fc Lyda
Marshall D L C tp 2 3 n r 11 12 e
Perry, Wayland Bnhfnw qr see 19, tp 1 n
rlOe -
Phlnnan', J H s qr sec 9, tp 1 n 1 12 e
Parodi, B lota 2 3, stf qr se qr sec 32. tp 3 n
r 12 e, sw qr sw qr sec 11, tp 1 n r 12 e. . .
Plummer, Mary lot 2 com at se cor of mt
qr w 20 rods, n 80 rods, e 20 rods, s 80 rods
to beg, sec 5, tp 1 n r 13 e....
Patterson Geo W ne qr ne qr sec 36, tp 1 n
r 13 e
Parker John nw qr se qr, n hf sw qr, sw
qrswqr sec 15,tp2 n r9e v 8 40
Palmer, Richard w hf ne qr e hf nw qr sec
31, tpl srl3e - 10 50
Pool Wm H e hf se qr nw qr se qr ne qr sw
qr sec 1, tp 6 a r 16 e 6 72
Porter Oliver W n hf sw qr s hf nw qr sec
20, tp 8 s r 16 e 16 80
Pintler A I, IS & W ad H R lot 19 blk 2 51
Power, Darcey, B A W 2d ad H R lots 10 11
12 blk 5 1 59
Purser, Martha, H R lot 1 blk C 5 60
Pettcrson, Julia, LAD Antelope lot 8 blk 1 4 95
Pratt & Sllvertooth, LAD Antelope lots 3 '
4 o Dik lot 4 dik a
Paddock J W, H R park lot 40 blk 8 54
Pertie R G, H R park lot 41 blk 8 54
Rawson C T n hf , e hf se qr sec 22 tp 1 n r
13 e
Rodney, Henry nw qr ne qr sec 10 tp 2
n r 10 e
Rand, Andrew J ne qr sw qr aw qr nw qr
lots 1 2 sec 10, tp 1 s r 8 e 7 35
Ross, Hugh lots 3 4. sw qr nw qr nw qr
sw qrsec5, tp 1 s r 10 e ... 7 35
Rice, Lancious se qr se qr sec 15, tp 1 a r 13 e 2 10
Rice, Horace w hf nw qr sec 2, tp 1 s r 14 e,
lots 1 4 n hf nw qr sw qr nw qr lots 7 8
sec 3, tp 1 s r 14 e, s hf sw qr ne qr sw qr
se qr nw qr see 10, tp 1 s r 14 e 31 50
Rice Geo W ne qr sec 25, tp 1 s r 14 e 8 40
Roberts Thos M s hf sec 9 tp 1 s r 15 0 13 44
Roberts, Albert 8 n hf nw qr sec 22, tp 1 a
rl5e " 3 36
Ross, James H se qr se qr sec 26,tp 3 s r 13 e 2 10
Rogers, Alex estate a hf nw qr sec 36, tp 7 s
rl7e 6 30
Rand, Christians, H R proper lot 5 blk -,
w blk 2 42 75
Rorden L lot L 60 ft oft'e side of K,H K. .. 4 27
Roberts C G, Parkhurst W hf blk 6 2 85
Ropes, Alice H, H R park lot 20 blk 1 54
Ropes, Sophia, H R park lot 21 blk 1 54
Rohr, l.illie, Wi nans' ad lots 3 4 blk 5 2 10
Smith, Georgiana, H R vr hf lot F 1 05
Snyder, Susan nw qr nw qr sec 2, tp I s r
12 e .. 105
Sorbin J E n hf ne qr ne qr se qr ne qr ne
qr see 13, tp 1 n r 12 e 1 05
Sterling, Geo M w hf ne qr w hf nw qre
qr nw qr ne qr sw qr nw qr se qr sec 7, tp
1 n r 13 e 18 90
Smith, Jasper M lot 3, to qr nw qr ne qr
sw qr nw qr se qr sec 9, tp 1 n r 13 e 21 00
Sanders, Emily J, a s c 22, tp 1 n r V, e. . 1 05
Btenfels, Morns ne qr se qr sec 30, tp 3 n r
10 e, Idlcwild lot 6 blk 2 6 40
Southwell, Amanda J w hf ne qr less strip
50.1 wide less 20 ch long 611' w sMe sec 11,
tp 1 s r 13 e 8 40
Solicitors Loan 1 rust Co s hf se qr ne qr
se qr se qr sw qr sec 20, tp 1 s r 14 e mil
ad lots A B C K J L blk S3 26 50
Shotwell Geo V se qr sec 22, tp 1 s r 15 e. . 10 50
Spoonamore Geo W sw qrscc 26, tp 2 s r 13 e 12 CO
Steel Geo A e hf ne qr sec 6, tp 4 s r 9 e. . .
Strickland Wm se qr ne qr -sec 35, tp 4 s r
11 e
Shannon John P sw qr se qr sec 18, tp 4 a
1 12 e, nw qr ne qr nw qr nw qr sec 19, tp
4 srl2 e "...
Sanford Elite D sw qr sec ti, tp 5 s r 13 e
Schmidt Gus w hf e hf sec 6, tp 7 s r 17 e, c
hf sec:!6, tp s r 16 e 35 70
Smith Henry H se qr nw qr n hf sw qr sec
19, tp 8 s r 15 0 5 23
Stotrs Mary A, Trev ad lot 10 blk 1 16 00
Stacs John mil ad lots A B blk 41 3 SO
Spink Mary mil ad lot-. G II blk 5 19 20
1 35
1 05
Williams Wm G mil ad lot J blk 122 lot C
blk 123
Wyss. Christian, Tnomp ad lots 10 11 blk 15
Wand, Orion S, & W 1st ad H E lots 19 20
blk- 105
Willison W A, E V 1st ad lot 33 blk C.
Walker T M, E & W 1st ad HE lots 29 30
Watson, John W all 01 blk 4 lots 1 2 7 8 9 13
to 44 inclusive blk 5 lots 1 to 8, 42 to 48
inclusive Idlewild 2nd ad lots 1 2 S 4 blk
1 Idlewild 8 55
Winans Ed W, H R lot J 1
Winans, Mattie A, H R lots 16 to 24 inclu
sive blk 23 ... 8 55
Winans, Audubon, Winans' ad lot 6 blk 4,
lot3blk2 4 27
Wallace, James all of lot 23, and e 40 ft of
lot 22 blk 1 WauComa 2 85
Wing.te, E M 4 Co, Baird's ad Antelope
lot49blkl 2 31
Wright, Beatrice, H R park lot 23 blk 1. .. .
Widmer, Mary, H R park lot 31 blk 1
Widmer C F, lot 34 blk 1
Watts, Lewis W, H R park lot 45 blk I. .. .
Watte, Imeldia. H R park lot 43 blk 1. . .
Wolfran, Franz, H R park lot 9 blk 2
Wantel, Marie, H it park lot 4 blk -. . , . .
Wbitcpmb, Bertie & Bell; H R park lot 39
blkS ... ..
Whitehouse, Geo F, H R park lot 28 blk 4,
Wright A R, H R park lot 46 blk 3
Wright Z T, estate. H R park lot 47 blk 3. .
Wilcox E R, H R park lot 40 blk 4
Winans, Wilson R, Winans' ad lots 1 to 8
inclusive blk 1 & lots 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 blk 8,
lot 1 2 3 4 5 68 blk 2,lot 1 2 34 ft blk 3, lot
14 5 8 blk 4, lot 5 6 7 8 blk 9, lot 5 6 7 8
blk 6, lot 1 to 8 inclusive in blk and lot 1
234blk9 5 46
Winans, Edgar W, Winans' ad lots 1 to 6
inclusive blk 2, lots 5 to 8 inclusive blk
6. lot 1 to 8 inclusive blk 7, lots 1 2 3 4 blk
8, lots 2 3 4 blk 9 5 46
Young, Lyda B ne qr ne qr sec 24, tp 7 s r
Me.. 1 05
Zechery, Albert C sw qr ne qr sec 7, tp 6 s
rl9e 105
. 54
1 05
A Conhty Jail Mystery
: 36
1 cs
9 45
10 50
J 60
1 59
2 85
7 13
2 49
Shacklelord Wm mil ad all of blk 56 .....
Sighers C J mil ad lot I blk 111
Sullivan Pat, Cascade Locks2 lots in blk 3
Smith Helen J, com ne cor blk y, s 112;.j It,
e 100 ft, n ll-2'A ft, w 100 to beg. Winans'
ad lots 1 2 blk 8
Soesbe, Christiana M Vauconia lots 12 3
Stramihatt Wni, Wauccma lot 9 blk 5 2 85
fell ve: tooth F W, LAD Antelope lot 5
blk 3
Stlmer, Pauline, II R park lot 3 blk 1
Sweeney M M. II R park lot 18 blk- 1
Sweeney Jenny 31, H R park lot 19 blk 1. .
Simmons, Ernest R, H R park lot 22 blk 1
Smith D L, II R park lot 17 blk-....,. ...
Slocum A K, Parkhurst all of blk 10 2 b5
Taylor O D nw qr sec 26, tp 1 n r 12 e 10 80
Taylor O D e hf ne qr e hf se qr sec 7, tp 1
n r 13 e, nw qr sec 26, tp 1 n r 12 e, w hf
ne qr ne qr nw qr nw qr se qr sec 12, tp 2
s r 3 e, lots, 1 2 3 sec 8, tp 1 n r 13 e, n lit
nc qr sec 17, tp 1 n r 13 e, Winans' ud lot
8 blk 7 104 62
Taylor Jos M se qr sw qr tec 5, tp 1 n r 14 e 2 10
Tana washer Tom, Indian, n bf sw qr sec
13, tp 2 s r 11 e 3 15
Thompson Wm J n hf ne qr see 7, tp 1 s r
4e..- 4 20
Topar John n hf se qr sec 5, tp 2 s r 13 e. . . 5 25
Thompson, Francis M e hf swqr ehf nw
qr sec 8, tp 2 s r 13 e 10 50
Tbornbury. Amanda, com til ft w of ne cor
. of lot 3, w 25 f t, s 100 ft, e 25 f t, n 100 ft to
beg Gates ad 10 50
Thompson R R, Big blufl ad lot 11 blk 8 . . 2 41
Tibbetts, Harrv, H R park lot 43 blk 3 54
Winans E T n hf ne qr n hf nw qr sec 9, tp
1 n r9e
Ward Edwin ", trust, 80 a sec 6, tp 1 n r
13 e
Whitney, Jones estate. 15 a off w side of
nw qr nw qr sw qr sw qr w hf sw qr sec
13, tp 1 n r 13 e, ne qr se qr nw qr, lot 2
sec 14, tplnrl3e 27 30
Waters Chas & Ellen n hf int of e hf se qr
sec 22, tp 1 n rl3 e...... V,.. ...... 6 30
Willis, Jacob O T e hf ne qr sec 13, tp 2 n r
9 e 3 36
Wright, Andrew sw qr sw qr sec 14, tp 2 n
r9e ' 168
Winchell, Markham se qr ne qr o hf se qr
sw qr se qr sec 30, tp 2 n r 10 e 8 40
Woodward John D se qr sw qr lot 3 sec 33,
tp3nr8e... 4 20
Watson T J, trust, lots 6 7 8 9 ex nw cor of
lot 8 sec 26, tp3n r lOe 2100
WhitcombM J lot 1 sec 36, tp 3 n r 11 e ... 54
Wickham, Richard F w hf nw qr ne qr nw
qr nw qr sw qr sec 8, tp I s r 12 e 8 40
Wing Chas W nw qr nw qr tec 18, tp 4 s r
13e 210
Wilson W H n hf ne qr n hf nw qr sw qr
nw qr w hf sw qr se qr sw qr sec 16, tp 8
s r 17 e, Big blf ad ehf lots 3 4 blk A.. ... 12 41
WardHenry FmlladlotsGHI Jblk27.. 4 01
Watklns Mand, blf ad lot 1 blk $ 1 60
Wood ad lot B blk 11.. ....... 81
me snenn 8 omce was tnrown into a
mild degree of excitement -last night
when the following letter was eent to
Sheriff Driver from inside the jail. The
doctor referred to ia undoubtedly meant
for Dr. Rothermal, who was recently
released on bonds irom the county jail:
Mr. Tom Driver :
Dear Sib: I am sure it is my duty,
under the circumstances, to inform you
of what is going on in this jail. The
Chinaman has in some way got bold of
some email tablets or pills, and I be
lieve them to be poison. He told me he
was going to kill himself, and last night
I saw him hiding those pills about his
clothes and bed. I saw him put some
of them in his hat, under the sweat
band, and he pnt some more of ttwrn in
his bed. MahatTy said he saw the doc
tor give them to him, and said the doctor
said 11 was morphine ; and he also said
the doctor told him not to say anything,
as he eaid he was only doing it to get
even on you. Now, Tom, I think you
had best come right in and make a
search as soon as possible, for I think
this stuff is poison of some kind, and
have every reason to believe the China
man will use it. I remain
Yours Trnly,
B. Douglas.
We think this is a fact, and wish you
to come ia and make a search.
K. A. McDonald,
' L. Morehouse.
Acting upon the suggestion made in
the letter, the sheriff searched the
Chinaman, Harry, who is confined in
jail for the China murder last summer,
and found several lots of morphine upon
bis person. The Chinaman professed
ignorance at their being there, and said
be never used the drug, but claimed
that Doug'as told him to be careful
about eating his soup, as there might be
poison in it. The whole affair is very
mysterious, but Sheriff Driver gives an
explanation which is very different
from the idea conveyed ly the letter.
Mr. Dr iver eavs the Chin? man told him
the iniiutp.sof the j -ti t wete preparing
for an outbreak, ami that this fact be
coming known 10 the prisoner!1, some ot
them determined to give the Chinaman
a dose of morphine and get hitn out of
the way, at the same time leaving the
imnreeaion that be committed suicide.
Extra precautions have been taken by
Sheriff Driver, Deputy Kelly and Jailer
Fitzgerald, and the cells have been thor
oughly searched. No one with the key
is allowed to enter the jail alone, for
fear thd prisoners would overpower him
and make a break for liberty.
The matter was laid before Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney Phelps, who did
not deem it advisable for any warrant to
be issued for tbe one bringing the mor
phine into the jail. ,
; ' " j
1 I Mf T-THi'MIT H
Bender, did yon ever take Simmons
Liver Regulator, the "King op
Lives Medicines?" Everybody need!
take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or
aiseasea liver tnac impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the bodv and poisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to a
tcrpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active bv an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
n la tor and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is betteb than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
Jwery package bas the lied Z
stamp on the wrapper. J. II.
Aeiiin & jo., "niiaaeiphia
Card of Thanks.
We wish to tender our many thanks
to our friends and neighbors, who so
kindly aided us during our little Jennie's '
affliction ana our sad bereavement.
Mu. and Mas. Watt,
Isn't Your AVife.
Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows
lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers
from ills common to women j Have yon ever tried to help
her ? If so, you haven't gone the right way about it, iif
you haven't got a case of
for her.
That will make her strong and well, and bring back
the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her
eyes. Don't waste a moment. Get it for her to-day. n
At prices lower than ever. Greatest assortment of
Liquors. Also Columbia Brewery Beer on draught.
New England Marble Granite Works
Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor.
Fine Monumental Wof ' Imported iatnwj.
Hosier, Or., Oct. 16th.
Left at the fair ground, a black urn.
ore! la, with a swinging silver ring in the
Handle. A reward will be paid for leav
ing it at The Chronicle office.
Mas. F. P. Mays.
Honey Market.
New York, Oct. 16. Money on call,
2 per cent. Silver, 63c ; lead, $3 15. '
Hail's Hair Benewer enjoys the confi
dence and patronage of people all over
the civilized world, who use it to restore
and keep the hair a natural color.
On the 8th of Oct., to the wife of A.
W. Turner, a 74 pound boy.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
execution issued out of the Circuit Court xt the
State of Oreeon for the County of Masco, on the
12th day ol September, 1893, in an action therein
pending, wherein D. U Cates is pluintiif and
John T. Khrisman and J. H. Phirman are de
fendants, directing me that out of the property
of the defendants within said county I satisfy
the sum of fills 60 and interest thereon at the
rata 01 ten per cent per annum from the 14th
day of February, 1894, and 130 attorney's fees and
120 37 costs of said action and costs upon this
writ, I did, on the 13th day of September, lMl.'i,
levy upon all of the real'property hereinafter
aescnoea as me property 01 tne aeienaant, Jonn
T. Khrisman ; and I will, on the 2nd day of No
vember, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of said da at tbe courthouse door in
Dalles City. Oregon, -hell to the highest bidder
lor casn in nana, an of the following tlesciibed
real property lying and situate in said Wasco
county, uregon, towit; lots two and three In
section 2S, townuhip 1 north, ranee 12 eae.t. W
M. containing 104.39 acres more or lcs, to satisfy
saiu juugement, attorneys iees ana costs.
T. J. Driver,
Sheriff of Wascs County,
Im not ftlfl ftr KlnnnmpnUI W nrlr nnhl vnn nhi.ln .. . ;,i a 1
I . . : " j -, vui ukuics, iuu will illiu
that, for good work, our charges are always tbe lowest. Cash or time settlement!
I as preierrea j can De arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de
signs ana prices, secona ana rmra-street cars pass our salesrooms.
720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School, PORTLAND, OR.
These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost.
The Dalles. Oregon
From Far Away Ceylon.
In the Court of the State of Oregon for
tne county 01 atco.
Dora Houston, 1
Plaintiff I
Volney J. Houston
iietendant. I
To Volney J. Houston, the defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon, you arc
nercDy requirea to uppearanu answer tne com
plaint filed against you iu the above entitled
suit on or before Monday, November 11, 1895,
that being the first day of thd next regulai term
ot this court, and ifCTwu fail-to to appear or an
swer, for want thereof tliesplalntirT will apply to
the Court for the relief phiyed for in her com
plaint, which is that the bonds of matrimony
existing between tte plaintiff and yourself be
tor-ver uissoivea. 1
This summons is servrd a Don you bv pnbllca
tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in The
Dalles Chronicle by order of Hon. w. L,
Bradshaw, tiled in this Court and dated Sep
tember 16, 1895.
Sep2t Attorney for Plaintiff. '
4 eo
3 15
I have received diiect from the Island
of Ceylon a large consignment of its
justly celebrated teas. The extraordin
ary success which has attended the grow
ing of the tea plant in Ceylon is phenom
enal. Ten or twelve years ago a few
planters experimented growing tea,
(the coffee crop, for which the island
was formerly famous, being entirely de
stroyed by a blight) with the result that
Great Britain alone consumes annually
190,000,000 pounds of these teas which
would be a small matter to what would
be consumed in our country, when
Americans realize the splendid qualities
of Ceylon. These teas are prepared by
modern machinery and picked by the
natives with gloved hands and are in
comparable in their strength, purity and
Economy is also a most important
factor in the use of. these teas ; one pound
being equal in strength to two pounds of
China, it is only necessary to nee half
the quantity you would of any other.
To make good tea s a very simple
matter. Use an. earthen ware teapot and
pour on the water as soon as it boils,
allowing five minutes to draw. Water
which bas been previously boiled should
never be nsed. W. A. Johnston,
Up-to-Date Groceryman.
Land Office, The Dulles, Or., (
Sent. 19. Ih95.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has riled notice of ber intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the U. S. Land omce, The Dalles,
Or., on Nov. 6, 1S95, viz. :
Naacey B. W bitten,
Hd E, No S158, for tbe fiWJi. NW), KV. SWli.
and SW bV4, Sec, 24, Tp 2 8 R 12 E.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.- Lyman M. Lee of Portland, Or.,
Kollin Jordan, G. W. Jordan, James Jordan, of
Duiur, Or.
Sep21 JAS. F. MOORE. Register.
October 10th, to the wife of Mr.
Baker, a daughter.
Assignee's Sale.
Nolice is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of John K. Root, an in
solvent debtor, will on Saturday, the 16th day of
iNovemner, Jfvw, at tne nour 01 1 o ciocit p. m 01
said day, a tbe front door of tbe County Court
house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
sell the following real estate belonging to the
estate of said insolvent debtor, at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to-wit:
The west half of tbe northwest quarter and
the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
and the northwest quarter of southeast quarter
of section 8 in township 1 south of range 12 east
Willamette. Meridan, containing 160 ai res of
land and situated lu Wasco Countv, Oregon.
Dated this 16th day of October, 1895.
Assignee of the estate of John V. Root, an in
solvent debtor. octl9-5t
175 Second Street,
C-Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Dl IDTI I DCI -A- njsw
nur I U RL
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks. PRINZ & NITSCHKE
Offices : ' Rooms 70G-707, Marquam- Building,
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Fruit, Shade
Gr'pes, Vines
Small Fruits
Furniture and Caipes.
We have added to onr business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil
be low accordingly.
Remember our Trees are crown strict
ly without irrigation. Catalogue sent
free on application. Leave ordess with
C. . Bayard, City Agent, Washington
St., bet. Second and Third, The Dalles,
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad
ministrator of tbe estate of Simuul
ceased,has filed bis final account as such adminis
trator and that by an order made and entered on
this 1st day of August, 1895, Monday the 4 th day of
November, 1835, at tbe hour of 2 p. m., has been
fixed as tbe time and the County Courtroom in
Dalles City, Or., ss the place for the hearing of
final account. .AH persons interested in said
estate are notified to appear at said time and
place to show cause if any there be why said
final account should not be approved and said
estate closed. J..II. EUBANK8.
aug3-5t. Administrator.
A. A. Brown,
' Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy. Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he offen at Low Figures
Tie coluiga Packing Co..
Pofk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
to Cash. Buyers.
Hiitat Casl Prices for fes and
other ProJice. 1
Cp3 Cktekcrto's EafflUh Dtamaaa BraaA
Pennyroyal pills
9 kV uriffi- ua vnly t en nine.
L)rurit for (Tkir.kcMtmrm RnolimA DL
mtmdBrmnd in Ked and Gold meUllio
Iboze. sealed wtth bio ribbon. Take
mm mtmr. RpAuam t"amamrmtM in fur if Mi
tiotu and imitation. AtDrngKUtB,erMBd4e
in ttunpa for partfculam, teatlnoiiUlt and
" Kller nr Lame," tn tetur, dj recnm
SfalL 10,000 TestiMBlala. m Paper.
His mi! rami,
Dried Beef, Etc.
Bake Orai and Mitchel1
Stages-leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and irom Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.