THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1895. 6 c so 42 r- 4 2i DELINQUENT TAX LIST Kachter & Lohr n hf lie qr see 27 tp G r 16 e..... 8 Klckelseu I C mil res lots C D E F J bit 30 5 46 Neweome C F. Farkhuist lots 1 2 blk 8. . . . i 85 KhIow Geo, Dufur lot 2 blk A 1 "1 Nicholson. Emma. II U nark lot 26 blk 1 . . 54 Oidway D K estate aw qr tec.6 fc 11, 36 a In ne cor ol sw qr sec 7, In all 173.8S a ex 12 a sold toM V Johnson, 3.75 a sola to same partv, Deo 19, 1S93', 20 a to Ira D Smith Dec 23. 1895 25 20 Phillips, Effle J 30 a in Richard & Lyda Marshall D LC tp23n r 11 12 e 6 Perry, Wayland B n hf nw qr sec 19, tp 1 u rlOe 4 20 Phirman. JHswqrsecO, tpln rl2e.... 8 4J Parodi, B lots 2 3, sw qr se qr bee 32. tp 3 n r 12 e, sw qr sw qr sec U, tp 1 n r 12 e. . . 10 50 PInmmer, Mary lot 2 com at se cor of nw qr w 20 rods.'n 89 rods, e 20 rods, s 80 rods to beg, sec 5, tp 1 n r 13 e ' 5 25 Patterson Geo W ne qr ue qr sec 3t, tp 1 n r 13 e 1 05 Parker John nw qrseqr, n hf swqr.sw . qrswqr sec 15,tp2n r9 e 8 40 Palmer, Richard w hf ne qr e hf nt qr sec 31, tplsriae 10 50 Pool Wm H e hf se qr mv qr se qr no qr sw qr sec 1, tp 6 r IS e 6 72 Porter Oliver W n hf sw qr s hf nw qr sec 20,tp8srl0e .... .10 80 Pintler A I, E & W ad II R lot 19 blk 2 ... 51 Power, Darcey, E & W 2d ad II It lota 10 11 12blk5.:... 159 Purser, Martha, H R lot 1 blk C . 5 Petterson, Julia, LAD Antelope lot 8 blk 1 4 95 Pratt & Sllvertooth, LAD Antelope lots 3 45blk2,lot4 blk 3 7 44 Paddock J W, H R park lot 40 blk 8 54 PortieRG.H K park lot 41 blk 8 54 Rawson C T u hf, e hf se qr sec 22 tp 1 n r 13 e 6 20 Rodney, Henry E nw qr ue qr sec 10 ip 2 n r 10 e 4 20 Run, Andrew J ne qr sw qr sw qr nw qr lots 1 2 sec 10, tp 1 rSe 7 35 Ross, Hugh lots 3 4. sw qr nw qr nw qr BWarsec5, tp 1 s r 10 e - 735 Bice. Lancious so qr se qr sec 15, tp 1 s r 13 e 2 10 Rice, Horace w hf nw qr sec 2, tp 1 s r 14 e, lots 1 4 n hf nw qr sw qr nw qr lots 7 8 sec 3, tp 1 s r 14 e, s hf sw qr ne qr sw qr se qr nw qr stc 10, tp 1 s r 1 1 e 3150 Bice Geo W ne qr sec 25, tp 1 s r 14 e 8 40 Roberts Thos M s hf sec 9 tp 1 s r 15 o 13 44 Roberts, Albert S n hf uw qr sec 22, ti 1 rl5 e Ross, James H se qr se qr sec 2G,tp 3 s r 13 e Rogers, Alex estates hf nwqr sec MO, tp 7a rl7 e Rand, Christians, II R proper lot 5 blk -, w blk 2 Rorden L lot L CO ft off e side of K, H R. . . Roberts C G, Pnrkhurst w hf blk 6 2 85 Kopes, Alice H, II R park lot 20 blk 1 54 Ropes, Sophia, H R park lot 21 blk 1 51 Rohr, Lillie, Wtiinns' ad lots 3 4 blk 5 2 10 Smith, Georgians, H R w hf lot F 1 05 Snyder, Susan nw qr nw qr sec 2, tp I s r 12e 105 Sorbin J E n hf ne qr ne qr se qr ne qr ne qr sec 13, tp 1 n r 12 e 1 05 Sterling, Geo M w hf ne qr w hf nw qr i e qr nw erne qrsw qrnw qr se qr sec 7, tp 1 n r 13 e 18 90 Smith, Jasper M lot 3, se qr nw qr ne qr sw qr nw qr se qr sec 9, tp 1 n r 13 e 21 00 Sanders, Emily J, a sec 22, tp 1 n r 1.1 e. . 1 05 Stenfels, Morris ne qr se qr sec 36, tp 3 n r 10 e, Idlewild lot 6 blk 2 C 40 Southwell, Amanda J w hf ne qr less sti ip 50.1 wide It ss 20 ch long off w sile sec 11, tplsrl3e 8 40 Solicitors Loan & 1 rust Co s hf se qr no qr se qr se qr sw ir sec 20, tp 1 s r 14 e mil ad lots A B C K J L blk S3 2fi 50 Shotwell Geo W se qr sec 22, tp 1 s r 15 e. . 10 50 Spoonamore Geo W sw qr sec 2C, tp 2 s r 13 e 12 CO Steel Geo A e hf ne qr sec G, tp 4 s r 9 e. . . Strickland Wm se qr ne qr sec 35, tp 4 s r 11 e '. Shannon John P sw qr se qr sec 18, tp 4 s r 12 e, nw qr ne qr nw qr nw qr sec 19, tp 4 b r 12 e Sanford Eilie D sw qr sec 6, tp 5 s r 13 c ... Schmidt Gus w hf e hf sec G, tp 7 s r 17 e, e hf sec 36, tp 6 s r 16 e Smith Henry H se qr nw qr n hf sw qr see 19, tp8srloe 5 25 Stoira Mary A, Trev ad lot 10 blk 1 16 00 Staes John mil ad lots A B blk 41 3 80 Spink Mary mil ad lots G H blk 5 19 20 Ehackleford Wm mil ad all of blk 5(1 9 GO Sighers C J mil ad lot I blk 111 32 Sullivan Pat, Cascade Locks 2 lots in blk 3 1 59 Smith Helen J, com ne cor blk 8, s 112 ft, e 100 ft, n 112 ft, w 100 to bey. Winans' ad lots 12 blk 8 Eoesbe, Christiana M, Waucoma lots 12 3 , blk 5 Stranahau Wm, Waucoma lot 9 blk 5 2 85 Sllvertooth F W, LAD Antelope lot 5 blk 3 8timer, Pauline, H R park lot 3 blk 1 .... . . Sweeney M M, H R park lot 18 blk 1 Sweeney Jenny H, H R park lot 19 blk 1. . Simmons, Ernest R, H R park lot 22 blk 1 Smith D L, II R park lot 17 blk - Slocum A K, Parkharst all of blk 10 , Taylor O D nw qr sec 26, tp 1 n rl2c. ...... 10 SO Taylor O D e hf ne qr e hf so qr sec 7, tp 1 n r 13 e, nw qr sec 26, tp 1 n r 12 e, w hf ne qr ne qr nw qr nw qr se qr sec 12, tp 2 s r 3 e, lots 1 2 3 sec 8, tp 1 n r 13 e, n hf ne qr sec 17, tp 1 n r 13 e, Winans' ad lot 8blk7..... 104 62 Taylor Jos M se qr sw qr tec 5, tp 1 n r 14 e . 2 10 Tanawasher Tom, Indian, n hf sw qr sec 13,tp2srlle j...'. 3 15 Thompson Wm J n hf ne qr sec 7, tp 1 s r 4e 4 20 Topar John n hf se qr sec 5, tp 2 a r 13 e. . . . 5 25 Thompson, Francis M e bf sw qr e hf nw ' qr sec 8, tp 2 s r 13 e.. 10 59 Thornbury, Amanda, com 61 ft w of ne cor of lot 3, w 25 ft, a 100 ft, e 25 ft, n 100 ft to beg Gates ad Thompson R R, Big blafl ud lot 11 blk 8 . . Tibbetts, Harry, H R park lot 43 blk 3. ... . Winans E T n hf ne qr n hf nw qr sec 9, tp lnrSe Ward Edwin N, trust, 80 a sec 6, tp 1 n r 13 e Whitney, Jones estate. 15 a off w side of nw qr nw qr bw qr sw qr w hf sw qr sec 13, tp 1 n r 13 e, ne qr se qr nw qr, lot 2 . secl4,tplnrl8e. 27 30 Waters Chas & Ellen n hf int of e hf se qr sec 22, tp 1 n r 13 e 6 30 Willis, Jacob O T e hf ne qr sec 13, tp 2 n r 9e -. 3 36 Wright, Andrew sw qr sw qr sec 14, tp 2 n : r9e .'. 1 Wlnchell, Markham se qr ne qr e hf se qr w qr se qr sec 30, tp 2 n r 10 e 8 40 Woodward John D se qr sw qr lot 3 sec 33, tp3nr8e 420 Watson T J, trust, lots 6 7 8 9 ex nw cor of lot 8 sec 20, tp 3 n r 10 e. 21 00 Williams Wm G mil ad lot J blk 122 lot C blk 123 64 W vss. Christian. Tbomn ad lots 10 11 blk 15 1 35 Waud, Orion 8, E fc W 1st ad H R lots 19 20 blk- ..... I 05 Willison W A. E & W 1st ad lot 33 blk 6. 54 Walker T M, E & W 1st ad H R lots 29 30 blk9 105 Watson, John W all of blk 4 lots 1 2 7 8 9 13 .'. to 44 inclusive blk 5 lots 1 tO 8, 42 to 48 . inclusive Idlewild 2nd ad lots 1 2 a 4 blk 1 Idlewild - 8 55 Winans Ed W, H R lot J 1 71 Winans, Mattie A, H R lots 16 to 24 Inclu sive blk 23 .. ..: 8 55 Winans, Audubon, Winans' ad lot 6 bit 4, lot 3 blk 2 . 4 27 Wallace, Jamef all of lot 23, and e 40 ft of lot 22 blk 1 Waucoma u 285 Wingate, E M & Co, Baird's ad Antelope lots 4 9 blk 1 2 31 Wright, Beatrice, H R park lot 23 blk 1. . . . 54 Widraer, Mary, H park lot 31 blk 1 54 Widmer C F, lot 34 blk 1 '.. 54 Watts, Lewis W.HR park lot 45 blk 1... 54 Watts, Imeldia. il R park lot 43 blk 1. . . 54 Wolf ran. Franz. II R park lot 9 blk 2 54 Wantel. Marie. H 3. park lot 4 blk -. ... . 54 Whitcomb, Bertie & Bell, II R park lot 39 . blk3 54 Whitehonse, Geo F, H R paik lot 28 blk 4, lot 42 blk - 1 05 Wright A R, H R park lot 40 blk 3 4 Wright Z T, estate. H R park lot 47 blk 3. . 54 Wilcox E R, H R park lot 40 blk 4 54 Winans, Wilson R, Winans' ad lots 1 to 8 inclusive blk 1 & lots 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 blk 8, lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 blk 2, lot 1 2 34 iblk 3, lot 1 4 5 8 blk 4, lot 5 6 7 8 blk 9, lot 5 6 7 8 blk 6, lot 1 to 8 inclusive in blk and lotl 2 3 4blk9 : 5 46 Winans, Edgar W, Winans' ad lots 1 to 6 inclusive blk 2, lots 5 to 8 inclusive blk 6. lot 1 to 8 inclusive blk 7, lots 1 2 3 4 blk 8, lots 1234 blk 9 5 46 Young, Lyda B ne qr ne qr sec 24, tp 7 s r 14 e 1 05 Zcchery, Albert C sw qr ne qr sec 7, tp 6 s rl9e 105 3 36 1 OA 9 45 10 50 70 UOKN. On the 8th of Oct., to the wife of W. Turner, a 7J pound boy. A. BORN. October 10th, to the wife of Mr. Dan Br,kr. 8 dn?l ter. OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of . Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to- business, my health failed. I became weak,' nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of -Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to impspve at once. Sheriff's Sale. 2 85 15 Notice Is hereby given that unler and by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 3d day September, 1895, npon a judgment ana oecree in b mow -w nereiu W. Karrell, and also Milton B. Whitney, Charles 8. Fairchild, Hmry E. Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd and Frank Hagerman were plaintiff-, and Charles W. D-nton, Elizabeih Denton, Mrs. E. E. Thompson, Dalles City and The Dalle- Lumb ering Company were defendants, and to me di rected and commanding me to sell the premises hereinafter described to satisfy the judgment of the plaintiff, W. Farrell, made and entered in said Court and cause on the 8th day o July. 1895, and against the defendants, Charles W. Dentin and Elizabeth Demon, for the sum of 17038.70 with Interest thereon from the said 8tn day of Julv, 1895. at the rate of 8 per cent per an num, and'the further sum of 54. 10 costs; and the further judgment in favor of the plaintiffs, Milton B. Whitney, Charles S. Fairchild, Harry E. Moonev, Panford B. Ladd and Frank Hager man, receivers of the Lombard Investment Com pany, a corporation, ana against saia aeiena- Hill, Vj11!MK ! . J'l I' I'll' OIIU JUIUIIIU tutvu, for the run of J1025.50, with interest thereon from said 8th of July, 1S95, at the rate of 8 pf r cent per annum, I will, on Saturday, the 12th day 01 October, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 1 m. of said day, at the courthouse door in Dnllet ity, asco county, suite ot Oregon, sen at puD lic auctiou. to the highest bidder, for cash in band, for the purpose of satisfying ahi'l judg ments, the following described funds and prem ises, to-wit: The donation land claim of Charles W. Den ton and Elizabeth Denton, his wife, being noti flcation No. (801!))eighlthousai d nineteen.claim No. forty-two (42), being parts of section five (5) and eight (8).ln township one (1) north, range thirteen (13; east of Willamette Meridian, in Wafco county, state of Oregon, and more pa tic- ularly described as follows, to-w t: Beginning at a noint thirteen (13) chains and seventy-seven (77) links ens', and six C chains and seven 17 links north of the southwest corner of said sec tion five 5; thence south sixty-nine 1 09 chains and fifty 501 links: thence east sixteen (161 chains and twenty-nine (29) links; thence north twenty-two 22 chains and twenty 20 links: thence east forty-three 43 chains and fifty-six 56 links; thence north fourteen 14 minutes west, forty-seven 47 chains, forty-two 42 links; thence west fifty-nine 59 chains eighty five 85 links, to the place ol beginning, ex cepting twenty 20 acres in square form out of the nortbeaat corner of the above described tract ; and also excepting therefrom the right of way 01 Dalles City for .he pipe line for its water pipe along the course whe e the same is now lHid ; and fu rther except! ig therefrom the right of way of The Dalles Lumbering Company for its canal and flume along and over1 the line where the same is now situated, and being a strin of land ten feet in width, five feet on ech side of and parallel with the center line of the canal of said company, which said center line of said canal is described as fol!ows; Beginniug at a point five hundred and eighty-five feet north of the southwest corner of the donation Land Claim of said Charles W. Denton and Elizabeth Denton, and running thence north 3 degrees east 132 feet; (hence turning to the right on a four-detrree curve 300 leet: thence north 15 degrees east 262 feet; thence turning to the left on aeignt-aegteecurveii2o leet; tnence north 11 decrees west 32 feet; thence turning to the right on an eight-decree curve 188 feet; thence north four degrees east 603 feet; thence turning to the right on a eight-degree curve 181 feet; thence north 18 degrees and 30 minutes east 231 feet; thence turning to the left on a four-decree curve 217 feet; thence north 7 degrees and riftv min utes east 650 feet; thence turning to the righ t on a four-degree curve 175 feet; thence north four teen degrees and fifty minutes ast 220 feet; thence turning to the left on a four-deeree curve 429 feet; thence north degrees and fortv minutes east 486 feet; thence turning to the right on a eight-degree curve 87 feet; thence turning to the right on a eight-degree carve 221 feet: thence north 22 decrees and 20 minutes past 215' feet to the east line of said Donation Land Claim, and containing 1.10 ncres. , T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff. for Infants and Children, Caatoria promotca Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morplane or other narcotic property. " Castoria, is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as urperior to any preGcription .mown to me. n, a. abcher. m. v.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. " For several yean I have recommenced your as it has invariably pi 151 Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, .It h.alnWtrlJv nnvflUVll tWYWfliAl TAOTlltA " Inwnf F. Pardee. M, D.. . 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Th rise of Castoria,' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it pee ma a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria wiuun easy reacn." Cnrm Marttk, D. D., New York City. Th Ckktaub Compaht, 77 Murray Street, N. Y, DOCTOR REEVES, Now OF PORTLAND. OR., at the Umatilla House, and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -five to Jwo hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family hare used this' medicine when needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer'.s Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." H. O. Hinson, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. ME. Sarsaparilla ONLY I RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. THE PRIZE BABY 0? KANSAS CITY 10 50 2 41 54 4 20 3 15 XS. Card cfl By ik Notice of Sheriff's Sale. ' Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for the County of Masco, on the 12ih day of 8cftember, 1SD5, in an action therein pending, wherein D. U Ones is plaintiff and John T. Khrisman and J. H. Phirman are de fendants, directing me that out of the property of the defendants within suid county I satisfy th sum of $3118 60 and interest thereon at the rt3 of ten per cent per annum from the 14th liny of February, 1894. and $50 attorney's fees and 120 37 costs of said action ana costs upon this writ, I did, on the 13th day of September, 1H95. levy upon all of the real property hereinafter uuacnueu as ine propeny 01 me aeienaant, Jonn T. Ehrisman ; and I will, on the 2nd day of No vember, 1S95, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the aiternoon 01 sum aav, at the courthouse door in Dalles City. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder lor casn in nand. all of the lollowine-rlesci ibed real property lying aud situate in suid Wasco i.ounty, uregon, town; lots two and three in section 28, township 1 north, range 12 east, W M, containing 104.39 acres more or less, to satL-fy feuiu juugeiucui, attorneys iees ana cosis. T. J. Drivkr. Sheriff of Wascs County. Where he can be consulted free of charge for three days only. Oct. 11, 12 and 13 Friday, Saturday and Sundav Don't forget the date. The doctor has made manv remarkable cures on this coast. He has been in Portland and on this coast for 12 vears. All diseases of the eye. ear and catarrh, throat and lung, all private diseases and and all dis' eases peculiar to woman. Nervous dis eapes(withor without dreams), or 'de bility and loss of nervous power, treated scientifically by new methods, with never failing success. It makes no dif ference what you have taken, or who has failed to cure yon. Young men and middle aged men, and all who suffer should confult the celebrated surgeon at once. . The terrible poisons of all bad blood and ekin diseases of every kind, name and nature completely eradicated. Remember that one terrible disease, if neglected or improperly treated, curses the present and- coming generations. Diseased discharges cured promptly, without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult confidentially. If in trou ble, call or write. Delays are dangerous. "Procrastination is the tliief of time." A written warranty of cure given in ev erv case undertaken. bN'T Your "Wife. Weaker than she was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women t Have yon ever tried to help her? If so, you haven't gone the right way cbout it, if you haven't got a case of bR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEF INb IRON ' for her. . That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her eyes. Don't waste a moment. Get it for her to-day. jt FOR SALE BY BLAKELET & HOUGHTON. Cholly "Ah, 1 say, Miss Knickerbocker, may I aspiah to youah hand and fortune ?' I have just made a record in the five-mile dash, and am stwictly in it so to speak." Mice lCsirvrBnrtrvT:itttTh't mnv all . r- (hrMr from a wheelman's standpoint, but every woman likes style in her affianced, I think your legs would look de cidedly better in a pair of "HAPPY HOME" trousers. Go and get a suit of these swell garments and 'come again.' I shall be at home tomorrow evening." Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles. TUs GoiurriDla Packing Go., PACKERS OF SUMMONS. DisSgoriDg ECZEMA CUTICURA REMEDIES In the Circuit Court of the Ptnte of Oregon for tile Couuty ul Wiim. Dora Houston, 1 I'iaintifl" I v. Volney J. ll-uston 1 t'lfmfuut. j To Vi.lney 3. Iluuston, the defendant above nnined: In the nnmc of the Stnte of Oreson, you nrc hereby rpquiied 10 upjieHr inid nnswer ttieeoin plHirr liled against you iu the above entitled suit on or before Monduy, November 11, 18'J5, that being the first day of the next regulat term ot this court, and if you fail to to appear or an swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for iu her com plaint, which is that the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and yourself be forever dissolved. This summons is serv d npon you by publica tion thereof for tix consecutive weeks in The Dalles Chronicle by order ofr Hon. W. L. Bradshaw,. filed in this Court and dated (Sep tember 16, 18U5. JAMES Jf. JOHNS. Sep21 Attorney for HaintifT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. WhitcombMJ lotl sec 36, tp3n rile ... "Wick ham, Richard F w hf nw qr ne qr nw qr nw qr sw qr sec 8, tp 1 s r 12 e . . . . Wing Chas W nw qr nw qr tec 18, tp 4 s p IS e Wilson W H n hf ne qr n hf nw qr sw qr nw qr w hf sw qr se qr sw qr sec 16, tp 8 srne.BIgblf adebf lots 3 4 blk A. ... Ward Henry F mil ad lota G H I J blk 27.'. Watktns Maud, b If ad lot 1 blk 3. .' Wood Thos G, mil ad lot B blk 11. 51 S 40 2 10 13 41 .4 01 1 60 81 Onr littlo baby of two months was badly afflicted viih Kczcir.a. It began when she was tlireo weeks oM. ami iu spile of ail our tkill and that of two gooj physicians, sho continued to grow worse. Ilcr head, arms, neck, and limbs, and, in fact, near!y( every joint in herboily, wererawand bleeding whea we concluded to try CfTicfUA RrjuEDiE.-). The child being to su:al! and delicate, we be-anwiLh Citiccea (ointment), and Cl'Tl cura Foap, according to directions, a:ul after tht firtt application tee could tee a change. When we had used the remedies one week she was very much bectcr, some of the sores had healed entirely aud bad ceased to spread. After usimr. tuem for less titan a month, tlio child was free from scale and )iep;.:.hes,and to-day has ai lovely skin and hair as any child. Sho xtM shown at the Grange Fair when four mid a half months old, and took the premium ol a silver cup, as the prettiest babv, over sixteen others. We recommend Cutiouba IiL'MnniE to all our friends, aud cannot praise them to highly. Mb. am Jilts. CHAS. l'ARK, 1609 Belle view Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,? Sept 19, 1.N95. j Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of her intention to make tinal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the register ana receiver 01 me u. s. mna otnee, The Dalles, Or., ou Nov. 6, 1895, viz. :y Nancey UV TVhitten, Hd E, No 31S8, frfie.ftV4. NWlf, KJj'.SWJi and SW54 Sec. 24,Tp 2SK 12 E. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.- ftliyman il. Lee of Portland, Or., Kollin Jordan, i. V. Jordan, James Jordan, of Dufur, 'Or .(..:'-,-. Sep21 - ,; ;! 'J.f&T. MOpRE. Register. Pork and Beef MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Urn aula, Dried Beef, Etc. A N E"W Mertakii Establishment. 8pebt Cvtrs Treatment. Warm baths with Cuticcra Soap, gentle applications of Cu TictTRA (ointment), the great akiu cure, and mild doses of Cuticlra Resolvent (the new blood purifier). Bold throughout the world. Potter Dkco and C'deh. Coup.. Sole I'rops., Boston, U.b. A. Ail about Baby's Skin, free. KILLS. EVERY PAIN ; The moment it ts applied. Nothing like Cntlcnrw Am l-Paln Plavtar for pain, inflammation, and weak ness. Instantaneous and Infallible. Notice of Final . Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad ministrator of the estate of Smuel ceased.has filed his tinaj account as such adminis trator and that by an order made and entered on this 1st day of August, 1895, Mondav the 4th day of November, 1855, at the hour of 2 p. m., has been fixed as the time and the County Courtroom in Dalles City, Or., as the place for the bearing of final account. All persons interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place to show cause if any there be why said final account should not be approved and said esiaie ciosca. - j. a. LBANKb. aug3-5t. Administrator. PRINZ & NITSOHKE -DEALERS IN- Furniture and Caipes. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the-Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. THE CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE i JOBBING AND RETAILING OF Pure CALIFORNIA WINES and BRANDIES At prices lower than ever. Greatest assortment of Liquors. Also Columbia Brewery Beer on draught. CHAS. BECHT, Prop., THE DALLES, OR. Exposition (9 Fortland, Oregon. OPENS . . . October 5th. The Largest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resources, Industries, Commerce, Busi ness, Agricultural, Forests. Mines, Fruit, Fisheries, Manufactures, and Trans portation Facilities of the Great I'acilic Northwest. Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. all Transportation Lines. Reduced Rate on ADMISSION Single Admission 25e Children under IX year lOe Season Tickets " ..S3. 00 E. C. MASTEN, Secretary. For Exhibit Space apply at the Kxpo sliion Building- to C. H. HUNT, Supt. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS . CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY. New England Marble Granite Works, Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor. -WHOLESALE AND EKTAIL DEALER IN- Own and Mitchel! STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietoi Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope everj day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. A. A. Brown, Keeps a loll assortment ot Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which be oOera at Low Figures SPEGIfllt :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Hiitet Casl Prices for Ees anj ; other Proflnce. 170 SECOND STREET. Fine JJonufflental Worij ImpoPtecltatnapJ. Do not order Monumental Work until yon obtain onr figures. Yon will find that, for good work, our charges are always the lowest. Cash or time settlements fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de signs and prices. Second and Third-street cars pass onr salesrooms. PORTLAND, OR. 720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School, BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon - A ARTISTS MATERIALS. 8Conntry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.