The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 28, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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    the dalles Weekly chronicle, Saturday, September 2.8, 1895.
The Weekly GhFoMele.
. .AND A
. By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
..' "I was troubled for years with a
sore on . my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
.a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak-
inir a D'nniwr f liot.t.'.es the' sore
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. !ince then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomfield, la.
way to Portland where he will attend
the Business College in that city.
Mr. John Brisham. a capitalist of
Portland, was in the city yesterday
visiting his friend Mr. Martin Heme
Messrs. H. W. Moorehead, L. Ron
deau and'V. E. Boardman, farmers of
the Kincrsley region, are in Ihe Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Early of Cheno
with, Wash., came up on the Kegulator
last night. Mr. Early is manager of the
Oregon Lumber Company at Onenowitn.
" Mr. Ben E. Snipes, . the well-known
cattleman and capitalist is in the city.
He came over from North Yakima
where the people are busy picking hops
The price is vey disappointing.
G. F. Tover, who has been acting as
yard superintendent in Pendleton for
the O. R. & N., left this morning for La
Grande. He expects to come through
tonieht and fro to The Dalles to take
charge of the yards there. East Ore-
Mrs. E. B. Coman, wife of E. B. Co
man, the' popular railroad conductor,
chaperoned a party of young ladies, con
sisting of Miss Amanda Zan, and Miss
Winnie Coman of Portland and Miss
Holliater of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to
The Dalles yesterday. They made the
trip by the Dalles City and Regulator
leturning by boat this morning. The
day on the river was a beautiful one and
they greatly enjoyed the Bcenery.
Mr. G. F. Roberts of Portland is in
the city. .
E. Jacobsen returned yesterday from
Hood River.
Mr. F. E. Blair, a business man of
Salem is in the city.
Mr. E. B. Wise, a well-known citizen
of Goldendale, is in The Dalles on
Miss Kate Croiten of Goldendale came
up on the Regulator last night en route
home from Portland.
Col. E. W. Pike and son of Goldendale
were in the city this morning, returning
from a visit to the metropolis.
Mr. George N. Croesfield and wife of
Murray Springs are in the city. Murray
Springs is situated one mile east of
Mrs. Matthew Randall of The Dalles
arrived in the city this morning to spend
a conple of weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. C. E. Sears, of No. 27, Chestnnt
street. Walla Walla Statesman.
Hands and Limbs Covered with
Blisters, and Great
Red Blotches.
Lay Awake Night after Night
Scratching Until almost Wild.
Speedily Cured by
I was a sufferer for eieht years from that
most distressing of all diseases, Eczema, but
can now say truthfully that I am entirely
cured. I tried some of the best physicians
in the country, but they did me little good.
The paling of my hands were covered; and
would become inflamed; little white blisters
at first would apiiear, then they would peel
off, leaving a red, smooth surface which would
burn like fire and itch ; well, there is no name
for it. On the inside of the upper j art of
both my limbs, preat red blo:ehcs not unlike
hives would apixiar, and as soon as I became
warm, the burning and itching would begin.
Night after night I would lie awake all night
and scratch, and almost go wild. I hcanlof
Coticuba remedies, got a box of CuTicmiA
(ointment), a bottle of t'trririTitA Resolvent
(blood purifier), and gave them a thorough
trial, and after a few applications 1 r.niiccd
the redness and inflammation UiKiii'enr: -are
I hart ttxed one box thrr van ' . ot
Ecttma tfft. I can trurhfnllv atser; i'-v fi.cK)
worth of Cuticura Hum Ern:s cured me. Any
one I meet who has Eczema. 1 do it besiiate
a moment iu recoiumetHlinir ynr remedies.
Gen'l Real E3ta-e a id Insurance Broker,
1115 Carson St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Bpkfdt Curb Treatment. Warm liiuhs
with Cuticitka Soai, penile applic .tiorn of
CuTiciTUA (ointment), and mild does of Cut,
cura Resolvent (blood purifier).
8oM thmnjrtinut the world. Fottwk Dduo & t"3jj
Corp.. Pmnrirtnr.. R'itfn. 11. S A.
" All about the Blowl, Skiu and Sc.lp,"free.
Mr. F. C. Bharp of Tacoma, is regis-
' tered at the Umatilla.
Mr. J. R. Warner of White Salmon
was in the city yesterday.
C. K. Mell, a farmer of Rutledge,
Sherman county, is in the city.
Mr. O. N. Weberg-of Wapinitia was a
caller at Ihe (Jhronicle othce today.
Mr. N. B. Brooks, a well-known
attorney of Goldendale, is in the city.
Mr. Thos. Harlan, justice of the peace
at Mosier. was in the city tnis mornine.
Mrs. Espine and Miss Stanley re
turned from Portland on the noon train.
Sheriff Driver went to the Locks this
afternoon to serve some papers in a civil
, Mrs. A. M. Williams and daughter
Grace came np last night frjm iiood
Roy Slocnm, one of Hood River's
young men, came up to The Dalles last I
Mr. J. P. Abbott, one of the early
settlers in the Wapinitia region, is a vis
itor to town.
Mr. S. Farrell, one of the largest can
nery owners on the river, is in the city
attending to bis interests in the Dalles
Packing Co.
Mr. W. B. Presby, ex-prosecutlng at
torney of Klickitat county is in the city.
He came over to assist in conducting a
case before Justice Rorick of Grand
Mr. N.' M. Eastwood, the dockman of
the D. P. & A. X. Co., is able to resume
his position after a very severe illness,
which kept him confined to the house
for over a month.
Mr. E. Jacobsen went away on the
afternoon train today and as Mr. Herrick
has also gone, the piano war is probably
transfered to some other place. Our loss
is somebody's gain.
Mrs. E. J. Young, a former resident
, of The Dalles, but who for several years
has been living in Portland, returned to
this city last night, where she will make
her home in the futnre.
Mr. Ahio Watt, who has been spend
ing several days in The Dalles on busi
ness connected with the legal depart
ment of the O. R. & N. Co. returned to
Portland this afternoon.
' D. J. Cooper, farmer and teamster at
the penitentiary, has rented the Scott
property atThirteenth and Court streets,
and as soon as the place is hxed np, his
family will come from The Dalles and
they will make their home there.
' ' Mr. Charles Newcome of Antelope is a
visitor to town.
Mr. A. R. Graham of Centerville,
wash., is in the city. .
Mr. O. H. Bellinger, a well-known
business man of Portland, is in the city.
Mr. C. D. Moore, a prominent straw
berry grower of White Salmon is in the
Mr. Leander Evan's of Mosier was
caller at The Chronicle office this
morning. :
Mr. Wilbur Coman came up on the
Regulator last night and took the train
for the east.
Mrs. A. M. Williams and daughter,
Grace, were passengers on the Regulator
this morning.
Mr. "Hugh C. Macbeth, a . travelling
man from San Francisco, is making his
regnlar visit to The Dalles.
Mies Nona Ruch returned on the Reg
ulator last night from a two months
visit in Salem, Aurora and Portland.
Mr. J. W. Dunbar, a yonng man of
Goldendale, is in the citv today on his
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Castoria is so well adaDted tn otitMrAn fYint
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
:uwwu w me. n . a. arches, juu jj..
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
1 For several Tears I havn vacommeifrled vemr
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwik F. Pardee, M. D.,
4oei. Cli4 ..JINI. A XT TT 1,
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
wiuun easy reacn. "
UAimos alabttk, ik u..
New York City.
The Centaub Cohpajtt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
ti, 7 LJIT " jT-C S
iiSf.'-''-ifc.a :r .-, -.., mm 1 1
Reader, did you ever take Simmons
Lives Regulator, the "King of
Liver Medicines 1" Everybody needs
tak3 a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that imnairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That dnlL heavy feeling- is due to a
tcrpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Reemlator is better than Ptxxs. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
Jwery package has the Bed Z
stamp on the 'wrapper. J. II.
Aeiim & Co., 1'mladelphia.
Notice is hereby (riven that in pursuance of an
execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of asco, on the
12th day of September, 1895, in an action therein
pending, wherein D. L. Caies is plaintiff aud
John T. Ehrisman and J. H. Phirman are de
fendants, directing ma that out of the property
of the defendants within said county I satisfy
the sum of $3118 60 and interest thereon at the
rats of ten per cent per annum from me I4tn
day of February, 1894, and $50 attorney's fees and
$20 37 costs of said action and costs upon tnjs
writ, I did, on the 13th day of September, 1805,
levy upon all of the real property hereinafter
described as the property of the defendant, John
T. Ehrisman; and I will, on the 2nd day of No
vember, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of said dav. at the courthouse rinnr n
Dalles City. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all of the following-described
real property lying and situate in said Wasco
County, Oregon, towit; lots two and three in
section 28, township 1 north, range 12 east, W
M, containing 104.39 acres more or less, to satisfy
said judgement, attorneys fees and costs.
T. J. Driver.
Sheriff of Wascs County.
One hundred head of stock cattle to winter.
Apply to H. D. Cole, Fulder, Washington, or
eimeon Bolton, The Dalles, Or. sep21
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County r
Oregon Mortgage Company, limited, a Corpora
tion, plaintiff, , .
vs. '
S. E. Farris and Lizzie J. Farris, defendants.
To S. E. Farris the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit, now pending in the above entitled
Court on or before Monday, the 11th day of Nov
ember, 1895, that being the first day ot the next
regular term of said Court; and if you foil so to
appear and answer for waut thereof the plaintiff
win apply to saia uourc xor ine reiiei aemandea
in its complaint, to-wit: To foreclose plaintiff's
mortgage made, executed and delivered by you
and Lizzie J. Farris to plaintiff about the 6th dsy
of February, 1888, upon the of Section 24,
inTp. 5 8, R12 Eatt of the W. M., containing
iou acres or lana auu biiuhuj io nascououmy,
Oregon, and to have said premises sold accord
ing to law and the practice of the above entitled
Court to satisfy plaintiff s demands, to-wit: to
pay and satisfy the sum of $1080.00 and interest
thereon since February 1st, 1893, at 8 per cent per
annum; aisotiw.w as a reasonaDie attorney 8
fee in said suit, together with plaintiff's costs
and disbursements made and expended in this
suit, including subsequent costs and expenses of
sate; mai upon sucn roreciosure, uecree ana
sale all of vour right, title and interest and all
persons claiming or to claim by, through, or
unaer you in ana io saia premises oetore closed
and forever barred from the equity of redemp
tion ; and for such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem equitable and just.
The service of this summons is made nnon von
oy puDiicanon mereoi in me uaues chronicle
a newspaper of general circulation. Dublished
weekly at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, by
order of W. L. Bradsbaw, judge of the above-
named Court, which order was duly made on the
i-im aav oi Berjtemrjer. ibo. at cnamners in
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon.
sep25. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
execution issued out of the circuit Coii't of the
State of Oregon for Wasco county, dated the 10th
day of September, 1895, in a suit therein pending
wherein Mrs. E. M. Wilson is plaintiff and Heze
kiah P. C. Crockett, Hattie E. Crockett and Z. F.
Moody, and W. N. Wiley, administrator of the
estace of Clarissa McEwan, are defendants, and
wherein judgment was rendered and entered in
favor of plaintiff and against defendants Ueze
kiau P. C. Crockett and Hattie E. Crockett, for
the sum of $613.22 and interest at 8 per eeut per
annum from May 29, 1895, the date of said judg
ment and $50 attorney's fees and $21 costs and
disbursements, commanding me to sell all the
ngnt, line ana interest or ine aeienaants ana
each of them in and to the west hi If of the
northeast quarter and the east half of the north
west quarter ot Sec. 10. Tp. 1 South, Range 15
E, W. M in the manner provided by law for the
sale of real property upon execution, 1 will, on
Saturday, the 19th dav of October. 1895. at the
hour of 2 o'cIock p. m. of said dav, at the court
house door in Dalles City, in taid county and
state, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hund
all of the right, title and interest of said de
fendants and each of them in and to all of said
abovt described real property
1. J. DK1VEK,
sepll. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
The modern stand-
u ard Family Medi-
w cine: Cures the
J common every-day
ills of humanity.
Portland, Oreson.
October 5th.
rue ot an execution and order of sale issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco county, on the 3d day September, 1895,
upon s judgment and decree in a cause wherein
W. Farrell, and also Milton B. Whitney, Charles
S. Fairchild, Hairy E. Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd
and Frank Uagerman were plaintiff, and
Charles W. Denton, Elizabeth Denton, Mrs. E.
E. Thompson, Dalles City and The Dalle Lumb
ering Company were defendants, and to me di
rected and commanding me to sell the premises
hereinafter described to satisfy the judgment of
ine piaiuau, . rarreu, made and entered in
ssid Court cr.d cause on the 8th dav o July.
1895, and acainst the defendants. Charles W
Dentin and Elizabeth Denton, for the sum of
$7038.70 with .Interest thereon from the said 8to
day of July, 1895, at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num, aud the further sum of SiU in natM: unit
me runner judgment in favor of the plaintiffs
Milton B. Whitney, Charles 8. Fairchild, Harry
atuuui-y, raoiuru d. uaa ana r rana uager
man, receivers of the Lombard Investment Com
pany, a corporation, and against said defend
ants, Charles W. Denton and Elizabeth Denton,
for the sum of $1025.50, with interest thereon
from said 8th of July, 1895, at the rate of 8 pr
vcuv i el nuuurn, i win, on saruraay, ine yzia
day oi October, 1895, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p.
m. of said day, at tbe courthouse door in Dalle
City, Wasco county, state of Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, for the purpose of satisfying said judg
ments, the follow iug described hinds and prem
ises, to-wit:
The donation land claim of Charles W. Den
ton and Elizabeth Denton, his wife, being noti
fication No. (8019) eightthousand nineteen.claim
lo. forty-two (42), being parts of section five (5)
and eight (8) In township one (li north, range
thirteen (13) east of Willamette Meridian, In
Wasco county, state of Oregon, and more paitdo
ularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a point thirteen (IS) chains and seventy-seven
(77) links east, and six fi chains and seven 171
links north of the southwest corner of said sec
tion five 51; thence south sixty-nine 691 chains
and fifty 50) links; thence eist sixteen 1C1
chains and twenty-nine (29) links; thence north
twenty-two 22 chains and twenty 20 links;
thence east foi ty-three 43 chains and fifty-six
56 links; thence north fourteen 14 minutes
west, forty-seven 47 chains, forty-two 42
links: thence west fifty-nine 59 chains eighty
five 85 links, to the place of beginning, ex
cepting twenty 20 acres in square form out of
the northeast corner of the above described
tract; and also excepting therefrom the right of
way oi Dalles City for ihe pipe line for its water
pipe along the course where the same is now
laid: and fnrther excepting therefrom thA rivhi
of way of The Dalles Lumbering Company for
its canal and flume along and over the line
wnere tne same is now situated, and being a
strip of land ten feet in width, five feet on enr-h
side of and parallel with the center line of the
canal of said company, which said center line
of said canal is described as follows ; Beginning
at a point five hundred and eighty-five feet
norm oi me sou lowest, corner ot tne Donation
Land Claim of said Charles W. Denton and
Elizabeth Denton, and runninsr thence north s
degrees east 132 feet; thence tnrning to the right
on a four-degree curve 300 feet: thence north 15
deirrees east 262 feet: thence tnrninir to tha Inft
on a eight-degree curve 325 feet; thence north 11
degrees west 32 feet; thence turning to tbe right
uii mi eigui-uexree rurve 100 iees; mence-nortn
four degrees east 603 feet; thence tnrning to the
right on a eight-degree curve 181 feet; thence
north 18 degrees and 30 minutes east 231 feet;
thence turning to tbe left on a four-degree curve
217 feet; thence north 7 degrees and fifty mln-
uie e&sioou reei; inence turning to tne ngjit on
a lour-uegree curve no leet; inence norta four
teen degrees and fiftv minutes east 220 feet:
thence turning to the left on a four-degree curve
429 feet; thence north T7 degrees and forty
minutes east 486 feet; thence turning to the
right on a eight-degree curve 87 fet; thence
turning to the right on a eight-degree curve 221
ieet; inence norm -a degrees ana 20 minutes
east 215 feet to the east line of said Douation
Land Claim, and containing 1.16 acres.
T. J. DRIVES, Sheriff.
The Largest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resources, Industries, Commerce, Bus!
ucto, Afiiwuiuinit, rureaw. mines, rruii, risnenes, nitmuraciures, ana irans
- portation Facilities of the Great Pacific Northwest.
Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rate on
alt Transportation Lines.
Single Admission 25c
Children undrr IS years lOe
Season Tickets...-. S3. 00
E. C. MASTEN, Secretary.
For Exhibit Space apply at the Expo
sitlon Building to
C. H. HUNT. Supt,
Have You Ever
" ; That Johnston is selling goods cheaper than
anybody? His goods are the freshest, and he
always carries what you want. He buys for
, cash and gives his customers the benefit. Iry
him and see u it s true.
Johnston's Grocery Store,
113 Washington St.
75 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
The following Bicycle Races will be
given by tbe Fair Association :
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1895.
Half-mile Novice.
One-mile Class A Open handicap.
. Saturday, Oct. 12, 1895.
Half-mile for boys under 15 years of
age. , - . ... , :
CJnarter-miJe for ladies. ;
A gold medal will be given for first
prize, and a silver medal 1 lor second
prize in each race. , , . v
.bn tries close Satnrdav, uct. o, iS9o,
with . . J. 0. MACK, Secy. .
Conn try and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
New England Marble - Granite Works,
Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor.
Fine Monumental WopI Imported j&atoi.
Do not order Monumental Work -until yon obtain onr figures. Yon will find
that, for good work, onr charges are alwavs the lowest. Gash or time settlements
fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de
signs and prices. Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms. -
720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School, PORTLAND, OR.
Ia the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for
the County of Wabco.
Dora Houston,
VolneyJ. Houston
To Vo'ney J. Houston, the defendant above
In the name of the State of Oreenn. vnn nm
uereoy req uirea to appear ana answer tne com
plaini filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before Monday, November 11, 1895,
turn, wing iiits iirwi, aay oi me next regular term
or id is court, ana ti you tan so to appear or an
swer, for Trant thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint, which is that the bonds of matrlmnnv
cjfciauug uetweca uie pitunuix ana yourseu oe
lurrver uisgoiveu.
This summons is served noon von bv nnhllea
Hon thereof for six consecutive weeks in The
Dalles Chronicle by order of Hon. w.
Bradshaw, tiled in this Court and dated Sep-
Sep21 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Burns, ,
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle'Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes Ian or Beast well
Be ColumDia PackingCo.,
Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,
Sept 19. 1895.
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has riled notice of ber intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
ana receiver oi tne u. e. uma oliice, 'ine .Dalies,
ur., on nor. b, ioft, viz. ;
Namcey It. Whltten,
Hd E. No 8158. for the SW. NWW. N'Z. BWU
aiiu o n 54 onyt sec. Z4, ip xbk rj.
She names tbe following witnesses to prove her
continuous resilience upon ana cultivation oi.
said land, viz: Lyman M. lee of Portland. Or..
Koiiin' Jordan, G. W. Jordan, James Jordan, of
.imiur, ur.
8ep21 JAS. F. MOORE. Register.
Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,)
Autr. SO. 1MJ5. t
Notice is herebv eiven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
commute and make final proof in support of his
claim and that said proof will be made before
me regitiierana receiver at inexrauea, uregon,
uu vciouvT o, loyj, viz:
Augustus A. Boaney,
Hd E, No 5073, for the SW Sec 1, Tp S, R 13
E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
saia iana, viz; eerepnine fJace, Kingsley, Or.;
A. v. Anderson, D. P. Crabtree, J. H. Koss, Tygh
T alley, ur.
augSl JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad
ministrator of the estate of Sumuel
ceased,ba8 filed his final account as such adminis
trator and that by an order made and entered on
this 1st day of August, 1895, Monday the 4 th day of
jnovemrjer, rt&o, at tne nonr oi I p. m., nas Deen
fixed as the lime and the County Courtroom In
Dalles City, Or., as the place for the hearing of
final account. All persons interested in said
estate are notified to appear at said time and
place to snow cause n any mere oe why said
final account should not be approved and said
estate cioseo. J. a. hubaks.
aug3-5t. Administrator.
For Sale.
One hundred and nix acrpn of Fmlt fanA nn
Mill Creek, five miles from Tfie Dalles fifteen
acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in
Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of
Wood and Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Laud,
ten miles west oi Tbe Dalies.
feb23-tf . T. M. DENTON.
Bake Oven and Mitchel1
THOMAS HARPER, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelop6
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
Pofk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef. Etc.
Furniture and Carpe s.
We have added to onr business a '
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Truat, our prices wil
be low accordingly.
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figure
to Cash Buyers.
Hlfhest Casl Prices for Eis an!
oiler Piwce.
Admistrator's JTotice to
Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by tbe County court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco County,
administrator of the estate of Frank Ire
land, deceased. All persons having claims
against sail estata are hereby notified to present
tnem to me at my residence near Mosier, in said
county and state, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dalles Citv, Oregon, July 12, 18.
13jul GEORGE IRELAND, Administrator.