The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 21, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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    CM J.
i t The Danger ii Averted by TTsing
"Nearly forty years U?o, after
Some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara-
tion, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
iny other kind of dressing. It stop
. ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, smd kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
iui occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs. II. M. H aigiit,..
Avoca, Neb.
ycr't Saraapuritla JiCHOttes J'iui ::Ui.
Mrs. Lee Bunch returned home on the
Regulator last night. .
Mr. Hugh Glenn returned lost night
night from a visit to Portland.
. Mr. C. G. Green of Stevenson. Ska-
. mania county, is in The Dalles today
. Mr. M. A. Moody was a passenger to
iyie on tne Kegulator this morning.
Mr. Frank Vogt has retnrned from
spending the summer near Mt. Adams.
Mrs. Kaud and Miss Ann Smith came
up on the noon train from Hood Kiver
J. F. Trnna, the constable of Cascade
Locks, came up on the Regulator last
Mi8 Dorothea Eliott of Portland ia in
the city, the guest of Mrs. B. M. Hunt
ington, Mrs. C. P. Heald of Flood River came
np on the noon train to take part in the
concert tonight. . . .
Mrs. Barclay, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moore returned home
on the Regulator today.
iViiea tsiacuwoou, who is to appear in
tbe Congregational concert tonight, is a
guest ot Mrs. Hugh unrisman.
Messrs. B. Seabroob, R. B. . Mav
and J. G. Sorgen, three commercial
travelers of Portland, are in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Pearce of Port
land , came up on the. noon train and
spent the rest of the day in The Dalles,
Mr. Carl Liebe was a passenger to
Portland on tbe Regulator this morning,
alter a visit with relatives in The Dalles,
Mr. A. M. Balfour of Lyle, who has
been in The Dalles for some time, re
turned home on the boat this morning,
Mrs. Aldrich and Miss Aldrich of Cas
cade Lock 8 came np on the boat last
night. They are the guests of the
Misses Story. .
W. Lord of The Dalles, a leading wool
merchant and manager of : The Dalles
wool syndicate, is in the city. Telegram.
Mr. S. L. Brooks and Mr. W. C. Alla
way spent yesterday in Portland on
business connected with the D. P. & A.
N. Co.
where they attended the great re-union
of the Grand Army of tbe KepuWic,
They report a very pleasant' trip, the
only disagreeable feature being tne ex
ceesive heat at Louisville.
Mrs. Rand of Hood River was a pas
senger.ontbe Regulator this morning.
homeward bound. ,
Mr. E. C. Goodwin, an attache of the
government at the Warm Springs Indian
Agency, is in the city.
Miss Pearl Williams returned to her
home in Portland this morning, after
brief visit iii The Dalles.
Mrs. Aldrich of Cascade Locks re
turned home this morning, after epend
ing yesterday in The Dalles. '
Mrs. P. W. DeHuff returned on the
local todav from a visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. D. L. Gates at Cascade Locks
. Miss Blackwood, who has been visit-
ins in The Dalles lor several days, re
turned to tne Uascade locks mis morn
ing. . "
Mr. A. W. Branner and ' daughters,
Alice and Mande, left on the afternoon
train for.San Francisco,-where they will
visit relatives. '
Mrs. W. D. Palmer, a former resident
of The Dalles, came un from Portland
last night to attend the Christian En
deavor convention. She is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. 8, L. Brooks. ;
Mr. John Michell left on the early
mornine train tor Portland, where he
will take the Northern Pacific for Wis
consin and visit bis old home which he
has not seen for many years. Mrs.
Michell will go as far as Whatcom where
she will visit during a portion 01 Air.
Michell's absence. By long labor in
the editorial harness Mr. Michell has
earned a right to a good rest.
Mr. E. E. Barnum of Moro, Sherman
coanty, is in the city.
Rev. W. C. Kantnerof Salem returned
home on the afternoon train.
afr.B. B. Oppenheimer, a Portland
business man, is in tbe city.
Miss Ann Smith returned to her borne
in Hood River oa today's local. '
School Superintendent Shelly came up
from Hood River on today's local.
Mr. Ralph E. Moody, an attorney of
Portland, came up on the noon train.
Mr, Chaa. M. Cartwright,. the well
known stockman, returned today from
Mr. R. A. Laughlin of Wapinitia is in
The Dalles transacting business in the
wheat market. '
For Skin Tortured
And Tired
' In One .
Application of
.... .
. A warm bath with CLTICURA
SOAP, and a single application of
CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure;
will afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speed-
economical, and permanent cure of
the most distressing of itching, burn
ing, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin
and scalp diseases, after physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail.
Ccticura Works Wonders, and
its cures of torturing, di-'-figurinr,
humiliating humors are .the mcit
wonderful ever recorded.
Ccticitia Rr.iirnir an-fM ibrona;nt
trorld. Potter Dhcii ami Ciu.m. Com-.,
Proprietor, Boston, L. 8. A.
"AH about the Blood , Skin, Scalp, nnil Tt:.Ji" f r-.-c..
blackbewis, rwl ood oily a!v:i p;o-
vemea una cured hy c-rTicru-vr..v-. .;.
T4 T 1
in a filny?
The Convention's Program.
Rev. J. A. Speer and wife, teachers in
the Warm Springs Agency, came np on
the Regulator last night. . They were
accompanied by Miss E. H. Black, a
teacher in the Indian echool.
Mr. R. R. Hinton,a stockman of Bake
Oven, is in the city.
Mr. A. LeGrande of Portland is regis
tered at the Umatilla.
Mr. A. C. Newell of Portland is in the
city on a business trip.
Mr. F. M. McCandless, city treasurer
of Elleneburg, is in the city.
Mrs. J. H. Mosier was a passenger on
the local from Mosier Station.
Mr. Hugh Gonrlay retnrned last night
from a short trip to the Locks.
Mr. V. R. Tilliard, a business man of
- Heppner, is in The Dalles today. "
Mr. W. Lord, of the Wasco warehouse,
. returned yesterday from .Portland.
Mrs. Heald and Miss Elliott returned
to Hood River on the afternoon train. :
Ml1. C. B. Don, well known in Antel
ope was a visitor to The Dalles today.
Hon. Pierce Mars came up from Port
land today on important legal business.
Mrs. George P. Morgan came Bp from
Cascades last night to at tend the concert.
, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hobart came np
on the Regulator last night from Cas
cade Locks. '. r '' i
Mrs. Walter Cochrane and Miss Mil
dred Psrkins of Cascades are visiting in
the city. .
Miss Lage was
Regulator to tier
this morning. " ' r
Mr. and Mrs.-W. S. Myers returned
'this morning from Louisville, Ky.,
Mrs. George P. Morgan was a passen
ger on the Regulator this morning to
her home at tbe Locks; ""
Messrs. John and D. Fulton, two well
known residents of- Biggs, Sherman
county, are in the city.
'. Mr. W. F. Grunow, a Dalles boy, who
for gome lime has been living in New
York City, returned to '. this city this
morning, where he will remain. '
Mr. W. 'E. Hoskins, pastor of the
Methodist chnrch at Cascade Locks,
came up on the Regulator last night' to
attend the Christian - Endeavor con
vention. ,
Messrs. George H.Kaiser, N. A. Neil
sen. R. F. Oakes of, Portland and F. M.
Fuby of Reno, Nevada, make a party of
gentlemen wbo are spending tbe day in
The Dalles.
Mr. H. C. Batehflm of Hood River
came up laBt night on tne .Regulator to
attend tbe convention of the Christian
Endeavor society of which he has been
the county -president daring tbe last
year. ' s
Mr. Robt. E. Williams, who in com
pany with eeveral Dalles gentlemen, has
been rusticating ont in the Blue mount
ains, were in town Thursday on their
road . home. Mr. Williams is enthu
siastic over his trip, having found plenty
of game. News . -
A Seirsy Letter From tbe Chronicle'
Begnlar Correspondent.
To the Editor: E. M,
a passenger on the
home in Hood River
Wingate and
Frank Irvine have dissolved partnership
by mutual consent, E. M. Wingate re
tiring and Frank Irvine continuing the
. Albert Farley, tbe , Mitchell stage
driver, is around again after a severe six
weeks spell of typhoid fever. His
friends are pleased to see him able to
again handle the reins.
'Alex. Kircbheiner has charge " of
Frank Irvine's store daring the absence
of Mr. Irvine.. ' " .
Mrs., Taylor of Portland, who has been
visiting the family of C. V. Lane tbe
past week, left for home yesterday.
A. P. Jones left for a business trip to
Tbe Dalles this morning.
Nate Baird returned from a
Portland Friday. - J';
Ed. Miller returned Saturday from a
visit to. The Dalles on legal business..
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvine left Satur
day for The Dalles and Portland, where
Mr. Irvine will purchase for his store a
fine stock of general merchandise.
Mr. Leach has been appointed by the
M. E. presiding elder to preach at An
telope the present conference year. His
appointment gives good satisfaction
He will preach every 1st and 3d Sundays.
At a meeting of the citizens it was de
cided to torm a j'icKey. club with a
capital stock of $1000 in shares of $10
each and lease ground and bnild a race
track. The board of directors for the
association elected are Hon. Henry Mc
Greer, C. V, Lane, Sam Patterson, Ed.
Miller, Ed. Glisan and C. B. Durbin.
'' Alex. Kircbheiner has sold his ranch
near Bake Oyen to W. S. Kelsay. We
did not learn the consideration.; ' .
Sept. 18, '95' 'Hobnkttb.
Estrajr Notice. ; : -'
. Found, abright 'bay weighing be
tween 1300 and 1400 ponud8.: ..' Branded.
O on both shoulders. Right hind leg is
white from the pastern joint down. ' The
horse is now at the Farmers' Feed Yard,
corner Third and Madison.
Mitchbll Agkew.
The Dalles, Sept. 8, 1895. ; wdlrn
Thursday's Daily.
The opening exercises of the Y. P. S
C. E. convention will be held this even
ing in the Christian church. The ees
sions Friday will be held in the Congre
gational chnrch. . Following is tbe pro
gram for both days. - Tbe meeting closes
Friday night ' ' . ' . '
7:30 Song service.
7:45 Address, of welcome, W. C.
Response, j. L. Hershner.
Music, quartet.
8:10 Address.
Appointment of committees on nom
ination ; on resolutions ; on credentials.
Music Solo, Mrs! E. C. Price.
:00-A11 sing "Blest Be the Tie That
Binde." . ' '
6-30 Sunrise prayer-meeting, A. G.
Hoering, The Dalles.
9:30 Praise and devotional service,
led by Elmer Underwood, Dufur,
10:00 Business hour: President'
address, H. C. Bateham, Hood River
secretary's report, Cora Aldrich, Cascade
Locks ; treasurer's report, Maie Robbins.
The Dalles ; report of nominating com
mitte; election of officers.
. 11 :00 Conference of secretaries, . led
by E. H. Merrill.
Conterence of Lookout committees,
led by D. H. Roberts. .
ionierence pt prayer-meeting com
mittees, led by Mrs. Hershner, of Hood
River. .
2:00 Praise service, W. E. Ilcekins,
Cascad: Locke.
2 :30 Three ten-mii.ufe talks : I. H,
Hazel, The IUlles Ernrst .Stewart,
Portland; F. C. Krouse, Hood Eiver.
3 :0O Question box.
. Recess.
3:30 Paper, Mrs. W. . D.
Portland. ' , -.
3:40 Paper, Miss Aldrich,
3 :50 Open parliament.
4 :00 The Junior hour..
: ' 7 :30 Devotional service, R. C. Copple,
Hood River.
. Business.
Report of committee on credentials.
. Report of committee on resolutions.
' 8 :10 Music, quartet.
8 :20 Address. .
Music, duet, Miss Cora Aldrich and
Mi98 Ann Smith.
, Consecration service.
Reader, did vou ever take Simmons
Livee Regulator, the "King of
LiyeeMedicine3?" Everybody needs
take.a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that abould be carried off remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That doll, heavy feeling is due to a
tcrpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is betteb than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, bat greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
livery package Has tbe uea .
stamp on the wrapper. J. II.
Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia.
IA tht Circuit Court of the State o! Oregon for
laeiuiBryoi Wasco . -
Dora Houston, "t .
Plaintiff I
. vs. .
Volney J. Houston I " -
ilenuimt. 1
To Vo'neT J. Houston, tho defendant above
named :
in tne name of tue state of Oreron. vou arc
nereby reoulred to npnear and answer tbe com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit on or beiore Monday, November 11, lsftj,
mac Deing we ursi aay oi tne next regniai term
ot this court, and if von fail to to nonpar or an
swer, for want thereof the plaintlrT wiltapply to
tneuourt tor tne.reuei prayea lor in ner com
plaint, which is that the bonds of matrimony
existing between the- plaintlQ and yoanself be
iorvor aissoivea.
This aummons is serv.d uton voa bv vnblica
tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in The
Dalles Chboniclr bv order of Hon. W. L.
Bradshaw, tiled in this Court and dated Eep- M. JOHNS.
Scp21 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Iset Your Wife.
Weaker than she was when you married her She shows
lack, of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers
from ills common to women t Have you ever tried to help I
. . her? If so, you haven't gone the right way about it, if j
- - you haven't got case of
for her.
That will make her strpnjj and well, and bring back
the roses, to-her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her
eyes. Don't waste a moment. . Get it for her to-day. .
We are in It
With a new stock of Groceries, Glassware arid WilIow
Goods. Everything about the store bright and clean,
, . and prices lower than the lowest. Farmers from the
country and people- froih the town will do well to give
- us a call;. The reason for our large sales and re-'-,'
duced prices is, we sell for cash. Highest cash price
paid for country produce.
Successor to H. Moses & Co., adjoining the Dianioud Mills.
Land Orncs, Tbe Dalles, Or., I
Sept. li), 1665.
KntipA ffl liirfhv pfvpn thnt th fillowiTiff
named settler has Aleu notice of her intention to
make final nroof in suttnort of her claim, and
that said nroof will be made before the reeister
ana receiver oi the u. b. Lund otlicc, The UiUles,
Or., on Kov. 6, 1895, viz. :
Nancey K. VTIiltten,
Hd K, No S158. for the BVi'i. NW'C. KM. SW'-i
and SV4 SWJf, Sec, 24, Tp 2 S K 12 E.
She names tbe following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence uoon and cultivation of.
said land, viz: Lyman M. Lee of Portland, Or.,
Kollln Jordan, G. W. Jordan, James Jordan, of
Dufur, Or.
Bepi jas. F. jiooke. Register.
For Sale.
. Sheepshire and Delaine Kama, 300
head, will arrive in The Dalles Kept. 10,
: At Grass Valley, Sherman county, 60
eaa Merino ducks lor eaie.
- Notice to the Public.
' This , is to warn all persous not to
credit mv wife. Daisy B.Waeenblast. on
my account, as I will not be responsible
tor any aeots contracted ty ner.
. . ". Wanted..
( . ' ' ' :
' One hundred head of stork cattle to winter.
Apply to H. D. Cole, Fulder, Washington, or
oimeon Bolton, The Dalles, Or. aep21
Bate Oven asd
TH0MA8 HAEPEE, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.-
. ' - "' ' ' ' O? THE : j ' . j ' .
Second Eastern Oregon District Apnltal Society,
Wasco, Sliermain Gilliam, Crook, Morrow, Umatilla,
' ' . ; . ' .. .. :
. TO BE HELD AT " ' :
$1500 aopropriated by the State for Agricultural, Stock, Mechanical Exhibits, ,
Works of Art and Fancy Work. ...
$2000 given in purses for Trials of Speed.
Premium List and Entry Blanks.
J. O. MACK, Secretary.
Write or call on the Secretary for .
; President.
Pofk and Beef
Fine ' Lard and Sausages,
Curersof BRAND
Dried Bee Etc.
Jndertaking Establishment
Furniture and Carpe s.
We nave aodea to onr business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, onr prices wil
De jow aeeorainmy.
A. A, Brown,
Keep . lull assortment oi
Staple aadFaiicy Groceries,
and Provisions. .
which be offer tLow Figures ,
to Cash. Buyers.
Hiibst M Prices for EisaaJ
. oilier mm. '
' Portland, Oreeoni
October 5th.
Tho Largest and Most Complete Display ever nude of the Resource, Tnduntrlem Commcroe, ttuni
lieaa, Agricultural, Forest. Mines, Kralt, Finbene, Manufactures, and frana-
portatlon FaeillUca of the Gruat aollio Northwest
Fine Music. Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates on
all Transportation Line.
Single Admission 2B
Children under 12 yeara.. 10c
Season Tickets . . . .S3. OO
E. C. MASTEN," Secretary.
For Exhibit Space epply at the Kxpo
altlon Building to
C. H. HUNT. Supt.
Have You
' That Johnston is . selling goods cheaper than
anybody? " His goods are the freshest; and he
always, carries what you want. He buys for
cash and gives his customers the benefit. Try
him and see if it's true. .......
Johnston's Grocery Store,
113 Washington St.
These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost.
New England Marble f-. Granite Works,
Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor.
Fine JjonumBnial Woi Imported atnap.
Do not order Monomental Work nntil you obtain oar fitrares. Yon will find
that, for good work, oar charges are always the lowest. Cash or time settlement
fas preferred ,can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de
signs and priceB. Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms.
720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School, PORTLAND, OR.'