The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 18, 1895, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Gbroniele.
feli anct derangements of the
Stomach, Liver ana noweis.
Of all druggists. ;
: a vigorous body and
robust strenKtn fol
low jrood health.
But all fail when the
vital . cowers are
weakened. Nervous,
debility and loss of
manly power result
from bad habits, con
tracted by the young
through : ignorance
of their ruinous con
' sequences. Low
' spirits, melancholia,
impaired - memory,
morose or irritable
temper,' fear of impending calamity and a
thousand and one derangements of body
and mind, result from such pernicious prac
tices. All these are permanently cured by
improved methods of treatment without the
patient leaving home.
A medical treatise written in- plain but
chaste language,, treating of. the nature,
symptoms and curability of such diseases.
Bent securely scaled in a plain envelope, on
receipt of this notice, with loeentsin stamps,
for postage. Address, World's Dispen
sary Medical Association-, Buffalo, N.Y.
Children with pale, bluish complexions, indi
cating the utweDrenf the requiMte red alobuies
in the blood, should take Dr. Sawyer's I'kctiiie.
Bold by Bl ikeley & Houghton.
Pale, thin, bloodless people shonld use Dr.
Sawver's I'kutine. It is the greatest remely in
the worl i for making the weak strong. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
If jou are over-worked, run down and men
tally and physically debilitated, yon will be in
vigorated and made strong and robust by Dr.
Sawyer's Ukatlne. - Blakeley k Houghton.
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine will surely and posi
tively cure yon of general debility and weakness.
It invigorat.8 and strengthens. It builds up
and renews. It cures. . .Blakeley aud Houghton
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine makes the weak strong.
Makes those who are sick vell. It builds up the
broken down and debilitated system of old and
young. , Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Diseases unfriendly to women are positively
cured by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. Ask yourdrng
gist for a free sample package, t heals and
cures. Blakeley ti Houghton. j
Ladles Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are effectual for
female weakness, pain on top of the head and
lower part of the back. It strengthens and
cures.. Sold by Blakeley dc Houghton.
Ladles For diseases of women, Dr. Sawyer's
- Pastilles will reach the difficulty radically, posi
tively and effectually, it is mild, but effectual.
Bold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Ladies The druggists named below will give
you a free sample package of Dr. Sawyer's Pas
tilles, which cure diseases peculiar to women.
Blakeley & Houghton. ...
Honey, skill aud experience cannot improve
Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles for diseases peculiar to
women. Send to your druggist for free sample.
Blakeley at Houghton.
Experlonce and money cannot Improve Dr.
Sawyer's Family Cure, because it radically cures
ijyspepsia, uver complaint and Kiuney aim
culty. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Try a bottle of Dr; Sawyer's Family Cure and
you will be convinced that it will cure all Stom
ach, Liver, Kidney and Bowell difficulties. For
sale by Blakeley dt Houghton.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cute cures Stomach trou
- ble. Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure cures Liver com-
Iilaints, cures Kidney difficulty. Sold by Blake
cy at Houghton.
Yon will never know positively what a won
derful remedy Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure is un
til you try it It will cure yon of a soUr stom
ach. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Dr. Sawyrr's Family Cure it not only relieves,
It cures. It is suitable to all ages and every
' member of the family. Try a free sample. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton.
' Dr. A. P. Sawyer; I have bad rbeuroat'sm
since I was 20 years old, but since using your
Family Cure have been free from lu it also
cured my husband of the same disease. Mrs.
Bobt. Connelly, Brooklyn, la.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Sir: 1 have been suf
fering with sick headache for. a long time. I
used your Family Cure and now am entirely re
lieved. I would uot do without your medicine.
Mrs. G. A. Miller. Mt. Morris, III. For sale by
. Blakeley Houghton. .
Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleas
ure that I have been using your medicine, and
will recommend it to all suffering ladies. Mrs.
W. W. Weathershee, Augusta, Ga. For sale by
Blakeley A liougnton.
Dr. A. P.'8awyer 8ir-I think your medicine
one of the grandest discoveries that was ever
made for women. We can never thank you too
much. Respecffull), Lid C. Bradsbaw, Fair
field. 111. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
: Mexican
-r-, -"' for ; : :'. , ';.V
Burns, ' - -u .f;. ' .
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruised and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Blisters, .
Insect Bites,
AH Cattle' Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
.. Pain, ' ... -Makes
flan or Beast well
' 4 . again. - :; -. ;
alator L
Tie Mes, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine: Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Fiifat ana Passeiei ii
. Th roach Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Fort
land. Steamer ' Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 8 a.m.. connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with. Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Dulles. , . - .- .
One way.'.....
Round trip...
... 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
' 'All freight, except car lots,
will1 be brought, through, with
out delay at Cascades. , . ,
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
a p. m. Lave stock shipments solicted
Call on or address,
General Agent-
St. Mary's Academy
The Dalles, Oregon. ;
. This institution will be re-opened for the re
ception of boarders and day pupils on
,; ' Monday. Beat. 2. 1895.
Parents and gnardians are kindly requested to
be prompt in sending their daughters or wards at
" the beginning of the session that ail may enjoy
the full beueQt ol proper clatiti cation.
, TXSJCS rATABLI im advasck:
Board and TuitiOD, per quarter .$40 00
Day Pupils, per quarter. f5, 6, J8 and 10 00
Music, with use ol Piano, per quarter 15 00
rtnuHnv .nil Pointing in w.tpr Anlnni. iwr
quarter R 00
Vocal Music in classes, German, French, and
all kinds of plain and ornamental needlework
are taught free of charge to pupils who desire
Instruction in these branches. The methods are
' progressive, and the discipline gent!- aud ma
ternal. Ia all the branches of a refined and use
ful education this Academy afford competent
and thorough instruction. .V
-Tor further particulars, apply at the academy
or address tjlsTER SUPERIOR.
. auglS-lmo
LIME and
Pfcture Moulding.
B. McNElLL. Receiver.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Patil
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
OCEA Jf STEAMERS Leave " Portland
Every Flv Dara for
For full details call on 6. E. & Co.'s Agent at
Tha Dalles, or address
' W, H; HUELBL'RTi Gen. Pass. Agt
; . , Portland, Oregon.
Tics. F. oaftv Eeirr C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse,
H :
, :-. s
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
In the Circuit Court of the etate of Oregon, for
Wasco County:
John Sroufe and Hugh McOrum, partners doiug
business under the Arm name aud BtyU of
Broufe McCrum, plainlifls, ,
R. G. Clostcr, asadminls'erof the estate of A.'K.
uouzey, aeceared : the estate of A. K botizy,
deceased, and Mary Iionzey, defendants.
By virtue of an execution aud order of sale Is
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 19th dar of
July, 1895, upon a judgment and decree of said
court of date Hay Jtli, 1SH4, rendered iu favor of
iub aDove namea piaiumuaaa against tne above
named defendants ior the sums hereinafter
set lortn, wmcn decree among other things or
dered the sale of the lands hereinafter cescribed
to sa'isfy said sums, I did lev. upon, and will
sell on Wednesday, the th day of August, lStlo,
at the court house door in Dalles Citv, in said
f-ounty and state, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day, at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, subject to redemption,
all the following described land and premises,
to-wit: That certain lot, piece of parcel of land
on the north side of Main street, between Union
and Court streets, 21 feet more or leas front on
Main street, and 100 feet in depth, also including
the alley and better known as the "Snow Flake
Saloon," being a fractional part of lot 6 in block
2 according to the Commissioners'. plat of Dalles
City proper, in Wasco county, Stale of Oregon,
together with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereto be
longing or in anywise appertaining, to satisfy
the sum of four hundred ninetv-flvo and 75-100
dollars, with interest thereon on from May S.ith,
ikh, at me rate oi ten percent, per annum, and
the further snm of fiftv dollars as attorney fees.
and the further sum of eighteen and fiO-lOOdollars
costs of suit, and accruing costs, herein.
uaiea, wis -nin aay oi July, isa.
jy21-5t ' Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
i Uncle Silas Wayback
before and after his
Visit to town.....
IEEC. Gr Xj JB2 ILsT 3nT ,
HELENA and -
Thfoagh Tickets
For information, time cards, maps and tickets
cau on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Aeent,
The Dalles, Oregon,
A. I), CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A..
255. Morrison. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon
Let'r of Creilit ifsiievl available iu the
, , , Kastern States.
'Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
n i - u v i m.! f '
lnuuxDrBfluiuaa new i urs., vxiictiu, ow
Loaie, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle v ash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Uoilections made at all points on tav
orable terms. , . ,, -
SheriiTs Sale.
Notice is herebv given that in pursuance of an
execution issued out of the Circuit Com t of the
State of Oregon for Wasco county, dated the 10th
day of September, 1895, in a suit therein pending
wherein Mrs. E. M. Wilson is plaintiff' and Heze
kiah P. C. Crockett, Hanie E. Crockett and Z. K.
Moody, and W. N. Wiley, administrator of the
estace of Clarissa McEwan, are defendants, and
wherein judgment was rendered and entered in
favor of plaintiff and against defendants Heze-
kian P. C. Crockett and Hattie E. Crockett, for
the mm of 1013.22 and interest at 8 per cent per
annum from May 29, 1KU5. the date of said Judg
ment and 30 attorney's fees and 21 costs and
disbursements, commanding me to sell all the
right, title ana interest of the defendants and
eacn of toem in ana to the west hiit of tne
norrheast quarter and the east halt of the north
west aiiartcr or Sec. 10. Tn. 1 South. Ranze 15
, W. M in the manner provided by law for the
suic oi real properly upon execution, i will, on
Saturday, the 19th day of October. 1895. at the
hour of 2 o'cIock p. m. of said, day, at the court
nouse aoor in issues city, in- taia county ana
state, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand
all of the right, title and interest of said de
fendants and each of them in aud to all of said
above described real property
'1. J. DK1VEK,
scpll. " " Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Land Office, The Dalles, Or., )
, :. . . -Sept. 17, 1895. , j
Notice is herebv riven that the foliowincr-
named settler baa filed notice of bis intention
to make final nroof in . sunoort of nis
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
October 31, 1895, viz.: , .
Emerson Williams, '
Hd. E., No. 3119, for the NEU, See. 10, Tp. 3 8, K
13E.W.M. .i..-.
He names the following witnesses to Drove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of.
saia iana, viz.; kodot aeiijr, rv. u. nutts, the
Dalles; James W. Cox.'John M. Roth, Kingsley.
sepis - J as. a . uvuiu;, register.
v " Notice ; to Taxpayers.
- - ' t . - - ' V
The Countv Board of Canalization will meet
I n the Assessor's office, on Monday, Oct. 7th, and
continue in session one week, for the purpose of
equalizing the assessment of Wasco comity for
All taxpayers who have not been inter
viewed by the assessor, will please call at the
office on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, as
all property must be assessed. - '
sepllwCt. County Assessor.
In the Circuit Court of the'St&te of Oregon for
Wasco County:
Florence Irene Howell Glenn, plaintiff,
... vs.
Jefferson Davis Glenn, defendant.
To Jetier&on Davis Glenn, the above-named
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint hied against you in the above-entitled
suit on or before the 11th day of November,
1895, that being the first day of the next regular
term of said Circuit Court following the expira
tion of the time prescribed in the order hereto
fore made for the publication of ibis summons.
And if vou fail so to a linear, and answer said
complaint within said time, the plaintiff will
apply to said Court for the relief prayed for in
her complaint to wit: For a decree completely
and forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, for the future care, custody and
control of the minor child of plaintiff aud de
fendant, Guy Scott Glenn, during bis minority,
and for such other and further relief aa-to the
Court may seem just and equitable.
Service of this summons is made upon you
by publication thereof in pursuance of an order
of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Seventh
Judicial District o) Oregon, made at chambers
in Dalles Citv, Oregon, on the 31r day of August,
seploclC. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Executors' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under-igned,
executors of the estate of H. A, Pratt, deceased,
have on this day filed their final account in the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco
County, and that the Court has made an order
appointing Monday, the 4th day of November,
1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. of that day, that being
the first day of the regular November term of
said court, as the time for hearing objections to
the said final account aHii the settlement there
of, and directing that notice thereof be givtn by
publicati n iu The Dalles Chronicle for four
weeks prior tnereto.
All heirs, creditors and other uersons inter.
ested in said estate are then; f ore hereby notified
to file their objections to said final account, or to
any item thereof, specifying the particulars of
such objections on or before said 4th day of Nov.
1895, and to i-how cause, if any tberebe, why
said unal account snail not be approved and
aiioweu, ana saia executors aiscnargea.
The Dalles City, Sept. C, 189a.
Signed J. F. ARMOR,
Executors of the will of II. A. Pratt, deceased.
sepll.,' - .
Silas Wayback Jr "Why, ma, ef it ain't pa ! "
Aunt Jerusha Wayback ' 'Why, pa! What hev yuh
bin an' gone an' done ? Bless me, if ye ain't better lookirt"
than ye wair when I married ye ! "
Uncle Silas "Hain't done nuthin' much, mother
only went an' got a suit o "HAPPY HOME' clothes gosh,
the price iud kill ye ! -so cheap, an' jest look at the style
Didn't know myself when i looked in the lookin'-glass at
the store. Goin' to tek ye all in an' git ye fitted out, next
week." : .
8"L,oolc for the pictures of the Wayback family in their new
clothes. We don't believe you'll know them!
Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administratrix of the
estate of 1. 1. Burget. deceased, by order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County: all persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are hereby notified to
present tnem with tne proper voucners tneretor
to the undersigned, at tne office of Huntington
& Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within aix
months from the date hereof.
1'utcd September 3d, 1895.
Homestead Consolidate! NQtice.
Lakd Office, Thb Dalle. Ob.,)
. Auzust21. 1895. i
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named seiners nave niea notice oi intention to
make final nroof and commute to cash cntrv
their respective claims before the register and
receiver oi tne u. o. XMna umce ai ine iraiies.
Oregon, on tne 7tn aay oi uciooer, una, viz:
Levi. C Chrlaman.
Hd annlicatton No. 6119. for the S'. KW and
,-4. sec 7, rp l kijciim; ana
Frank Chriajnan, '
Hd entry No. 6134, for the N', NE5. See 12, Tp
is it ii t, ana me s n see , lp xa, a.
13 E, of WW.
- And that each of said claimants expects to
nrove his respective residence and cultivation
of his respective tract, by two of the following
named witnesses: . H.Sharp, Frank Jones.
Oscar Powell, Robert Haves, all of The Dalles,
Or. jab. jr. MOOKi., Kegister.
Lajd Office, The Dalles, Or.,
- ' Aue. 2. 196.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim, and
that said nroof will be made before the register
and receiver of the U. S. Land office, The Dalles,
or., on sept, iu, i3o, viz. :
William H. Ftrlow.
JTU. Ji. U. OO-JO, HIT CIJC i. 1'.,, O " ;i i.
ana r w qr sc qr, sec 2,ipignJZ, tv m..
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
saia iana, viz: n. cnanaier, oi rne uuiies.
Or. B. 8avaare, Geo. W. Burliugame and John
Howell oi n amtc, Oregon.
aug. 7 , JAS. r. juouuh. register.
Land Offics. The Dalles, Or., (
Aug. 10, 189ft. i -Notice
is herebv given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final nroof in sunnort of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
ana Receiver at ine uauea, uregon, on eept
28, 1895, via: .-. . . .
Alaiaadsr 1Traar.
Hd" Z. "No. 8099. for the M'K. NW andf W14.
8W4, Sec 32, Tp 1 N, R 13 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: O. W. Cook, Jacob Obrist, Caleb
Brooks. R. L. Mcintosh, of 1 he Dalles, Or.
aug 14 JA8. F. MOORE, Register.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice is herebv riven that the undersigned
has been auooiiiled. bv order of the Countv
Court of the State of Oreion for Wasco County,
guardian of the property and person of James
McGahan.a person incapable of managing bis
own affairs. All persons having claims against
Bald James McGahan will present them to me at
the office of Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles,
Oregon, with proper proof thereof, within six
months from tne date of this notice.
Dated July !, HSVto. .
' One red Cow. branded iK on right ldP,F. S. on
right hip; two aits in each ear A reasonable re
ward will be given for delivery or information
as to her whereabouts.
mayll' . J. u. H.1.LLI.
Tl mi ilw
JOS. T. PETERS & CO., Sole Agents
at The Dalles.
a.T eugtENB.
THE. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eagene, offers free tuition to all stu
dent". Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory
for $2 :50 per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are pro
vided with board in private families at $3.00 per week. Young women desiring
board sSbald address Prof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Youdk
Women's Christian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalau
reate decrees Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with
corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered:
An n,ngiiBn course leaaing in two years to a ousinesa uipioum anu iu mrco years
to the title. Graduate in Enelisb : An advanced coarse for graduates of normal
schools leading to the degree, Master of Pedagogy ; A three years' course in civil
engineering leading to the degree of Civil Engineer; A course of two years for
teachers of phvsical education leading to a diploma and the title, Director of Phy
sical Education. The University charges incidental fee of ten dollars which is
payable in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas Irom the public
schools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory
department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the pre
paratory department should address the Dean, J. u. xnarregan, Eugene. .
: For catalogues and information address C. H. Chapman, President, or J. J.
Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. jf
Exposition 1 Kth
1 1
Foxrtlixi.d, Oregon
The Largest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resources, Industries, Commerce, Busi
ness, Agricultural, runu. m 1 1 lie, l 1 Li t v, riBucim, jiauuiw.-iuiin,.".
portation Facilities of the Great Pacific Northwest.
Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates on
all Transportation Lines.
Single Admission.
Children naider 19 years..
Season Tickets
E. C. MASTEN, Secretary.
.. 25e
.. lOc
3. OO
For Kxhlblt Space apply ait the Impo
sition Bonding to .
C. H. HUNT, Supt.
New England Marble Granite Works,
Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor.
... -w .. ' . . r ,,
v - ... . '
Do not order Monumental Work until you obtain our figures. You will find
that, for good work, our charges are always the lowest. Cash or time settlements
fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de
signs and prices. Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms.
720 Front Street, oppi the Failing School, PORTLAND, OR.