The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 11, 1895, PART 1, Image 1

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.1 . '
Ire heavily fined
1 -1
Punishment Imposed Upon
Lotan and Seid Back.
Roger ConnoK the well-known ball
player, who has been playing good ball
forthe Kennebecs thia season, baa re
ceived an offer from Manager Von de
Ahe, of the St. Louis National League
team, to play third base for the remain
der of the season. ''
No Port in
Tul Country
Mr. Lotan is Fined Bight Thousand
. ' 1 Dollar, and Pay. It at Once
With a Check.
Portland, Or., Sept. 6. Judge Bell
inger passed sentence today upon James
Lotan and Seid Back for their complic
ity in the smuggling conspiracy. . Lotan
was sentenced to pay a fine of $8000 and
Seid Back a fine of 15000. There was no
imprisonment imposed in either case.
A week ago when the case was called,
sentence was postponed in order to allow
Judge Darand to examine the bill of ex
ceptions, on which the proposed appeal
to the supreme conrt was grounded. A
' copy of the bill of exceptions was for
warded to Judge Flint, Mich.,
but no word has been received from
him. It was thought therefore that
there would be another postponement.
Washington, Sept. 6. Surgeon-Gen
eral Wyman, of the marine hospital ser
vice savs thete is no foundation for the
story of a threatened invaeioi. of San
Francisco by cholera.
"Just as soon as an intimation was
conveyed that there was suspicions cases
aboard the Belgic," said General Wy
man. "I telegraphed the sanitary in
spector at San Francisco, for informs'
tion. He stated there was absolute)
no truth in the report that passengers
had died of cholera, or of any other in
fection aboard the steamer. The only
report from San Francisco that I know
anvthinc abont is of a reassuring and
not of an alarming character. There
no epidemic of cholera threatened at
San Francisco or at any other port in
the United States.
O. K. & K. Co.
Shaieholders Approve Plan, for It
organization of the System.
New Yobk. Sent. 6. A meeting of
However, Judge Bellinger had made up bondholders reoresentine the Oreeon
his mind to pass sentence, and let the pailwav & Navigation Company, and
appeal be perfected aiterwara. consolidated and mortgage bondholders
This forenoon a tew minutes Detore it , he(1 tn(lflW 5n tha office of the rce.
.o'clock Mr. Lotan . and Seid Back, ac
vompanied by their counsel, Rufus Mal-
lory, Judge Raleigh Scott and George
Stout, entered the courtroom. Soon
after the attorneys representing the
government filed in. These were Unit
ed States District Attorney D. R. Mur
phy, John M. Gearin and C. J. Sell d a
At 11 o'clock Judge Bellinger entered
the courtroom and look his seat. There
were several attorneys, and a few inter
ested spectators present.
"Are there any motions in the United
States district court to be beard this
morning?" asked Judge Bellinger, in
bis usual prompt and business-like
. manner.
United States District Attorney Mur
'J-phy arose and said:
y "This is the time, your honor, fixed
for passing the sentence of James Lotan
and Seid Back,
A short paused followed, and then
Judge Bellinger said :
"Mr. Lotan, stand up!"
Mr. Lotan, who was sitting by the
side of his attorney, Judge Raleigh
Scott, arose. He was looking pale, but
betrayed no usual emotion.
"Have you anything to say, Mr. Lot
an, why sentence should not be passed
upon yon at this time?.' asked 'the
"No sir," promptly responded the de
fendant, in a clear tone of voice.
'Then it
York Security & Trust Coiripany, for re
organization of the system prepared bjrl
the committee appointed for that par
John Crosby Brown presided, and
there was full representation of share
holders, who unanimously approved the
Diana submitted. The total amount of
bonds is $12,583,000, of which $12,194-
000 was deposited this morning with the
New York Security & Trust Company,
at the instance of Charles C. Beanian,
counsel for the company.
Be Is Journeying; Frm firemen to Son
New Yoke, Sept. 6. Joseph Altman,
6 years old, arrived, unaccompanied, in
the steerage of the steamer Lahn, from
Bremen. Joseph's parents died recently
in Germany, leaving him a small sum of
money. It was decided to send the boy
to bis siBter in San Francisco. One of
his coat sleeves bore a big tag, giving
his name, age and destination. In his
pocket he had 100 marks ($25), and a
railroad ticket to San Francisco He
was taken to Ellis island by the steward
of the Lahn, who afterwards placed him
on the train.
Becoming Formidable.
Dublin, Sept. 7. A special from
Shanghai savs: The rebellion in the
province of Kanaup is becoming formid
able. The insurgents have organized
is the judgement of this an army and captured seven cities. It
court that you pay a fine of $8000. Yoo
may be seated."
Mr. Lotan resumed his seat. Before
Judge Bellinger could request Seid Back
to rise to receive his sentence, Seid Back
bad risen and advanced to a point with
in a few yards of where Mr. Lotan was
seated, and etood ready.
"Have you any thing to say why sen
tence should not be pronounced against J
you at this time?" asked Jndge Bellin
ger. "No, sir, your honor." replied Seid
Back, without a perceptible quaver in
his voice.
"Then it is the judgement of this
court that you pay a fine of $5000. You
can be eeated.
is reported the government at Peking
meditates calling upon Russia for aidAto
suppress it.
Market Report.
Liverpool, Sept. 7. Wheat, spot,
quiet; demand poor; No. 2 Red Winter,
4s lOd ; No. 2 Red Spring, 5s 1 Jd ; No.
1 bard Manitoba, 5s "Jd; No. 1 Califor
nia, 4a lljgd.
San Francisco Hops 40e.
New York Hops quiet.
Poitland tii. Spokane.
Spokane, Sept. 7. A crowd of nearly
one thousand saw a spirited game of
baseball today between the Portlands
and Spokanes. The Portland club won
by a score of 7 to 6. The concluding
A few minutes later both defendants 8ame the series will be played to-
walkprl ont ot the room. Mr.Ttin morrow.
Fire Hundred Thousand People Wit
ness the Race at Sandy Hook, i
New Yobk, Sept. 7. The Defender
won her name in a truly American
fashion today, finishing far ahead of the
English challenger, Valkyrie, and giving
every evidence of outclassing Dunroven'a
boat in almost any kind of weather.
- There were strange features connected
with the race, not the least being gener
al doubt expressed during the first fifteen
miles of the course as to which was in
the lead. It was nip and tuck from the
first gun signal and until within a short
distance of the mark, and the Defender
caught a breeze to the delight ot thous
ands and simply sailed away from her
rival.. ,
From that moment she went on in
creasing her lead to the end, winning by
the surprising margin of 8 minutes and
49 seconds.
The manner in which the Defender
outfloated the Valkyiie made even old
yachtmen stare, for it was a remarkable
performance for a boat after sailing al
most even with another for many niiles
to come out at the end with a lead of al
most a half-mile gained in the last two.
The first surprise of the day was in
the position that the Defender showed
on crossing the line. Very strange to
say, she was a little bit to the windward
of the English boat, "behind, it ia. true,
by four seconds,' but still windward.
There bad been so much said about the
superior skippership of Captain Syca
more that it was feared by thousands of
Americans wno witnessed the scene,
that the Defender would not only be
behind at the start, but that she would
be eo thoroughly blanketed that she
would never have, a show m the whale
race, iiut while the Englishman did
get over the line first by about half
length, the Yankee was on top of him
instead of being below or underneath
his wind. Both yachts were handled in
most admirable manner, and it cannot
be said the sails on the Briton eet
whit better than those of the American
boat. In fact, no flaw could be seen in
any bit of cloth on either boat.
Tbe only thing to, mar the day's
pleasure was the action ot excursion
boats, notably the Richard Peck and the
City of Lowell, on going too close to wind
ward of the racing yachts.
Tbe official time table is as follows
Defender start, 12:20:50; outer mark
3:36:29; finish 5:21-14; elapsed time
5:00:24; corrected time, 4 :66 :D5. Val
kyrie 12:20:40; outer mark, 3:39:53
finish, 5:29:30; elapsed time, 5:08:44
corrected time, 5:08:44. Valkvrie al
lows 29 seconds. 1 '
bringing S500 tons of cargo, including
3000 tons of tea and 1000 bales of silk
Her officers say that tbe cholera reports
from Japan are greatly exaggerated, and
that the scare there has not assumed the
proportions indicated by some of the
reports. '
Dunraven to Pinperor William.
- New Yobk, Sept. 9. The Yorld thia
Monday morning says: ' Lord Dan
raven, who ba9 made no comment on
Saturday's race, cabled the German
emperor, who is an enthusiastic yachts
man :
"Apparently beaten badly Saturday
Weatber very fluky."
' Harding 8U11 Champion.
Lo.NDO.t, Sept. 9. In the sculling
match for the championship of England
and 400, fiom Putney to Mortlake, to
day. Harding, the English champion
defeated Sullivan.
Iu Reply to Veritas."
To the Editor : In an article which
appeared in last Saturday's Chronicle,
entitled "Concerning All of Us," Eigned
by "Veritas," there are some valuable
hints and suggestions which might be
followed profitably by "all of us." But
there are one or two things in the article
referred to, upon which "Veritas" has
undoubtedly been misinformed. It is not
true that the project of getting up and
publishing an illustrated pamphlet, illus
trating and setting forth the advantages
of this immediate vicinity over" other
parts of the country, has fallen through.
On the contrary tbe money has all been
subscribed and we are only awaiting the
completion of some eight cuts, showing
the wool, fish, wheat, fruit and other in
dustries of The Dalles, to place the
pamphlet in the hands of tbe printers,
This pamphlet will also show all the
public buildings of The Dalles, cuts of
! i , I . i 1 j . r
ceeded directly to the office of the clerk
of the court, and handed Mr. Ed D.
McKee, clerk of tbe United States dis
trict court, a check for $8000. As that
Cholera in Chlira.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 8. A Vladi
vostok dispatch to the Novce Vreyma
says that cholera is raging in China,
canceled tbe fine and appeased tbe ven- and that 2000 deaths occurred daily iu
geanca of the law, Mr. Lotan walked reKlnK- " "
forth a free man. ' V ' Will Only Retard His Pardon,
As there was no imprisonment includ- Paris, Sept. 8. The Echo de Paris, in
ed in the sentence, there will be no ap- speaking of the Waller case, says that
peal taken to the supreme court, and Consul Waller was convicted l n. the, reg-
furtber litigation in the noted case ends. I nlar form, and the . clamoring of bis
Seid Back did not have such an easy friends will only retard his pardon,
time in extricating- himself from the Heaw -taxation.
clutch of the law. He was notable to Sak Fbancisco, Sept. 7. The board
liquidate h.s fine, and. was accordingly of 8pervi8ors today raised the tax levy
placed m the custody of the conrt. He for the c!tv aiid to , s '
was anowea to go out in charge of a
deputy United States' marshal, and is
endeavoring to raise the amount of bis
fine. Seid Back has considerable pro
perty, but it is' claimed that, owing to
tbe depression in the real estate market,
that some difficulty may be experienced
in realizing the mount of the fine,
either by sale or mortgage. In ' case of
failure to raise the amonnt of the fine,
there is no alternative but to go to jail.
St. Louis Ball Team Strenethened.'
Augusta, Me., Sept. 6. Joseph Con
nor, of Waterbury, Conn., a brother ot club, by 24 to 17 runs.
$100 worth of property. With the state
tax tbe total levy in San Francisco is
now $2.252. -
Injuries Prored Fatal. '
Buda-Pesth, Sept. 6. Archduke Lnd-
islas died today from injuries received
by the accidental discbarge of a gun
while' bunting in the forest of Agyia
Monday. ' -
Americans Victorious. ,
Loxdox, Sept. 6. The sportsman says
that the amateur baseball club beat the
London, consolidated with tbe Balham
A Commissioner. .
Washington,' Sept. 7. Minister Den
by" has selected United States Consul
Sherman .P. Reed.oi Tieu-Tsin, as one
of tbe members of the commission to in
vestigate the destruction . of American
missionary property during the rioting
at Cheng Tu last June. Other members
representing the United States will be
Commander Francis M. Barber, United
States naval attache at Tokio, and an
American missionary not yet named, to
be selected by Minister Denby.
Twenty-l"-ive Per Cent.
San Feancisco, Sept. 7. At this
afternoou'a session of ' the California
raihoad commission. Dr. Stanton, who
opposed tbe resolution of Chairman La
Rue for a rednctipnlof grain rates, in
troduced a resolution for an immediate
reduction In wheat rates of 8 ier cent
and a reduction on other commodities
making a total of 23 per cent.
t . - .
Another Jack the Kipper.
: LoNDON,.Sept. 8. Another sopposed
Jack-the Ripper murder was discovered
this morning at Ken sal Green. ..The vie
tim was an unfortunate woman of the
outcast class.' Her throat was cut' from
ear to ear, and her bead fearfully batt
ered with a stone. No trace has been
discovered of the murderer. '
X Go To The Wall.
St. Paul, Sept. 7. J.! J. O'Leary &
Son, packers', have assigned to J. F.
Brodrick. ' The liabilities of the firm,
which .is the largest of the kind in tbe
Northwest, are $200,000, and it is
claimed the assets will about liquidate
the obligations.
: The Taeoma at Taeoma. .
. ... . -
Tacoma, Sept. 8. The steamship Ta
eoma arrived last night from the Orient,
which are already on band, tfnd some of
the most interesting scenery along the
Columbia river, cuts of which have been
furnished through courtesy of the O. R.
& N. Co. We expect to have this work
completed within a month.
As to- the criticism indulged in by
"Veritas" of our constitution, and by
laws, and our manner of conducting bus
iness, we think it is not altogether a
proper subject for newspaper discussion.
But since " Veritas" has Been fit. to lake
it np and present his (or ber) views in
such light as to mislead and prejudice
the minds of intending Bettlers against
the exchange, we feel called upon to say
a word in regard to it. 1
The aims and objects of The Dalles
Real Estate Exchange are Bimply these:
To provide means by subscription or
otherwise, with which to advertise in
the most effective .way possible' consist
ent with good judgment and economy,
our resources and advantages ; to induce
immigration and the , investment of
capital ; to promote the sale of property
by mutual co-operation and assistance ;
to provide a reasonable and uniform rate
of commission and to prevent discord
and friction between agents. - To illus
trate: Every agent has his own circle of
friends and clients; it is expected that
his friends will list any property they
may want to sell with him ; these lists
are open to the inspection of every other
member of the Exchange, so that when
ever a purchaser wants a particnlar
piece of property, no matter who he ap
plies to, he will be' correctly informed
where it can be had if at all, and if no
one hasvjiist what is wanted, all will
endeavor to find something that will suit
in place of it, instead of each one trying
to sell something. He mav have that the
others have not and discouraging the in'
tending purchaser from buying from any
othe" agent until he becomes discour
aged and disgusted and "moves on
The criticism on divirion of profits is
entirely irrelevant and not worthy of
mention here, It is alike immaterial to
the buyer, seller and the public whatbe
comes of the commissions.
By order of the Exchange.
, C. E. Bayard, Pres.
J. M. Hontington, Sec.
Storm-Stricken Kansas
Again" Visited. '
Comments of English Newspapers on
Saturdays Yacht Race. They
Are Pair.
Kansas Citv, Sept. 9. Specials to tbe
Star indicate that last night's storm
throughout Kansas was far more severe
than at first reported. On several rail
roads trains have been delayed for hours,
and on some traffic" cannot be resumed
for another 24 hours.
At Independence, six inches of water
fell in less that an hour. The strenms
are rising rapidly and great damage is
anticipated. ' '
The town of Gridloy, in Coffee county,
was struck by a cyclone late l esterduy
afternoon, caueing much damage. Some
of the best business blocks and residences
are reported wrecked, and several people
were injured. Telegraphic communica
tion is cut off.
At Fredonia the storm was the heavi
est ever known. Fully 10 incbea of
water fell, overflowing the river, flood
ing the bottoms and washing out rail
road tracks. The 'Frisco and Pacific
trains are water-bound outside the city.
ine towns ot Neosho Kapids, near
Emporia, suffered severely, as did Em
poria, iwo business houses at Neosho
Rapids were destroyed, and a number
of dwellings were carried away. Neosho
river is higher than it has been for
years. -
At Fort Scott the lower part of the
eity is submerged by waters from Mar-
maton river ai:d Mill creek, which are
out of their banks, and tbe water is ris
ing with alarming rapidity. All trains
are tied up and communication by wire
north and south ia coinpetely,eut off.
The crops will suffer greatly everywhere,
the Race Sat-
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is an unfailing remedy for all dis
eases of tbe Liver, Kidneys or Urinary
Organs. It is a certain cure for Dropsy,
Diabetes, Bright'a Disease, Gravel, Kid
ney . Weakness, Incontinence of Urine,
Bed. Wetting in Children, Biliousness,
Liver Complaint and Female Troubles.
trial of this great remedy will con
vince you of its. potency, rrice $i.uu
per bottle.'. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. -
When Baby was sick, we gaf" her Castorfc.
When she was a Cbild, she cried for Oastoria; '
Whesuha Vjme Mlas, she chine to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castor!.
Just received a cboitfd lot of Dry Oak
Wood. Maibb & Bbkton.
Pall Alall Gasette on
Loxdon, Sept.. 6. The Pall Mall Ga
zette, in comments this afternoon on tbe
international yacht race Saturday, 'says :
'vve tear there is no America' cup
this year for Lord Dunraven. The bet
ter boat won, as it is likely to win every
time. . The chief defect in the Valkyrie,
to which we on several occasions alluded,
s the fnss she makes in going through
tbe water. The conditions of tbe firBt
match, therefore., wore much against
her. With a calm surface she may do
better, but in stronger winds w not like'
ly to do so well. English yachtmen may
donsole themselves as best they can with
the recollections of the Britannia's tri
umphs over the Navaboe and Vigilant."
In another place the Gazette says :
"The excursion steamers following the
yachts behaved even more disgracefully
than usual, but there ia no suggestion
that tht-y hampered one ot tbe boats
more than the other. Perhaps tbe most
disappointing feature," adds the Gazette,
"ia the Defender's gain on the broad
reach home, when there was no rough
London papers dire! upon the crowd
ing of the course by excursion steamers.
down. The ministers then proceeded
with a scathing denunciation of the
speech and the speaker, and Hardie left
much offended.
Chicago's First Women Lawyer Bride
Two Months Ago.
CniCAGO, Sept. 9.-Kate' Kane, the
first women to be admitted to tbe bar in
Chicago, and who has since gained a
national reputation through her defense
of noted criminals, is a bride, and what
it more, has been married for nearly two
months. Her hnsband is Signor Vin
censo Resei, who ia eaid to lie of rich
and distinguished family, and who is
well known among Italians in this city.
The couple were married in Kenosha,
Wis. Mra. Rossi last night explained
that the wedding had been kept secret
because she and her husband wished to
avoid undue publicity, and because it
would have been impossible to invite all
their friends to a wedding. '
The Diseovrry Saved Ills Life.
Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers
ville, 111., says: "To Dr. Kind's New
Discovery I owe roy life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles about, but of no avail,
and was given np and told 1 could not
live. ' Having Dr. King's New Discovery
m my store, I sent for a bottle and be
gan its use, and from tbe first dose be
gan to get better, and after using three .
bottles was up and a'-out again. Itis
worth its weight in gold. We won't
keep store or bouse without it." Get a
free trial at Snipes-Kineraly Drug Co.'s.
8!lvcr Conference.
Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 9. S. W.
John, member of the legislature from
this county, who was a delegate to the
Washington silver conference, has called
a state silver democratic' conference to
gether for the purpose of carrying out
the recommendations ot the Washing
ton meeting to organize a movement in
this state for siIveKV Letters have been
received from Senators Morgan and'
Pngh, , and Congressmen Bank head,
Robbing, Wheeler, Stalling? and Cobbs,
aa well as from other prominent, silver
democrats all over the state, saying that
tney will attend.
- A Metltodlat Revival.
J- San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 9. There
was an interesting service at the Travis .
Park Methodist church yesterday, when
nineteen converts were formally received
into the church. Among them were
Mice. Claude Duval, who ran a notorious
resort and was converted during the re
vival, and Mrs. H. HJghtower, an in
mate of Mme. Duval'a house. . There
was a large congregation, and both these
converts got a warm welcome into the
Christian fold. Plana are being devel
oped for converting Mme. Duval's bouse
into a borne lor reformed fallen women.
Methodist Ministers Disaprove f Har
dle's Anarchistic Hentiment.
Chicago, Sept. 9. Kier Hardie, the
English, labor leader, sadly disturbed
the usually sedate weekly meeting of
the Methodist clergymen today by a red-
hot socialistic speech, and was greeted
with such a storm of ministerial disap
proval that he was compelled to aban
don tbe floor.
Hardie had been invited to address
tbe preachers, and, witb several social
ists, attended the , meeting. The
Englishman proceeded to air his views,
which were loudly applauded by his
friends. lie finally denounced, the exe
cution of the Chicago anarchists, and
eulogized them as pioneers of a new re
ligion. The storm 'which greeted tha j
statement almost carried Hardie off bis
feet. Haifa dozen preachers. bitterly
denounced the the sentiments expreesed
and tbe speaker was compelled to sit
' There are eo many accidents to live
stock whicn cause delay and loss to the
farmer in his work. In a large number
of instances the delay would be but
trifling if a remedy was promptly applied.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini
ment lias for many years been regarded
as-the larmer a friend. Its healing on
flesh of domestic animals is immediate
end permanent. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00
per bottle. For sale at Snipea-Kiner
Drug Co.
Vlcrcllng in France.
Paki8, Sept. 9. At Bordeaux the 24
hours' bicycle race was won by Muret,
who covered 641 kilometers, 66 metres
(529) miles), which beats all previoue
records for the time. . On the Paris
track George Banker won the grand
prix offered by the French cycling Un
ion, winning each of the heata and final -
easily, despite of tho'efforts of the lead- "
ing French cyclists.
Called at the Suu-Treasnry.
New Yobk, Sept. 9. AsBitant Secre
tary of tbe Treasury Curtia called at the
sub-treasury today and had a conference
with Conrad J. Jordan, the sub-treasurer.
Curtia declined to see a reporter,
but left word that the visit had no signi
ficance in connection with the operations
of the government bond syndicate or tbe
financial situation of the treasury. .
Reynolds at Pendleton.
, Pendleton, Or., Sept. 9. The United
States inspector has ordered Deputy
Marshal Bently to take into custody
George M. Reynolds, the deputy post
master arrested for robbing the Weston
poetoffice. Sheriff Houser has Reynolds
in Weston, and will bring him here to
day for examination ' before United
States Commissioner Bean.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report