THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, . 1895. J The Weekly Ghroniele. : thk dalles, nitEODN LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY USING AYER'S Cherry Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry i Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley, D.D., Dist. Secretary, Am.Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral COLD MEDAL AT TEE WOBXD'S PAIS. AVER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. PERSONAL MENTION. Wednesday. Mr. O. B. Hartley of Hood River is in the city. Mr. A. Gehres was a passenger on the , boat this morning. Mr, J. B. Crossen and family returned last night from the seashore. Hon. Henry E. McGinn returned to Portland on the afternoon train. Mr. C. H. Preecott and family of Spo kane are registered at the Umatilla. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cradlt-baugh went to Hood River by boat this morning. j Hon. George W. Stapleton. Mayor of Vancouver, was in the city last night. Mr. R. A. Gaily of Boyd was a pas senger on the Regulator this morning. Mr. T. F. Wood left on tbe boat this morning for .Moffit Springs, where he will join ms family. .. Mrs. Pierce Mays and family left on the Regulator for Portland this morning. Mr. Maya went down on the afternoon train. Mr. Edwin Mays left this afternoon for Portland, where he' will resume his studies in the law office of Carey, Idle man, Mays and Webster. He will also attend the course of lectures in the Ore gon law school. Thursday's. Mr. Walter D. Jones of Goldendale is ' in the city. 7 Mr. B. E. Downing of Condon spent yesterday in The Dalles. ' Mrs. Belle Rhinehart came up on the Regulator last evening from Portland. Mrs. Gilmore from Rockland left to day for a visit with her son in Sherman county. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton came home on tbe noon train from the sea side; M. F. Jackson, a business man of Omaha, Nebraska, is registered at the Umatilla. Mrs. N. Harris and family returned ' last night from a summer's visit-to Ocean Park. Hon. D. M. French and family ro ; turned today from spending the summer at their seashore cottage. Mrs. J. Dcherty and Mrs. M. -M. Cushing made a trip on the Regulator today to tbe Cascade Locks and return. Cap't F. H. Sherman, who formerly was in command of tbe Regulator, ar rived in town last night and will remain several days. ' Mrs. W. G. Kerns is in Salem visit ing Miss E. S. ' Waterous and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Buchtel. Mrs. Kerna is a sister of Mr; Buchtel. ' Mrs. Daniel J.. Malarkey of Portland, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burgess, at Bakeoven, returned home on the afternoon train. Messrs. E. C. Dal ton of Chicago, 111., and L. Gerdinger of Vancouver, Wash., were in tbe city today, having returned from a visit to .the Klickitat valley. They left on tbe west-bound . local this atternoon. Mr. C. C. McCoy, the veteran stage owner, parsed through The Dalles this morning. For twentv-fonr years "Mr. Mc Coy lived in Walla Walla and. operated stage lines all over the Northwest. With his family be has moved to California, wbere his future borne will . be. .Mr. McCoy still owns stage lines in different parts of the coantry in as widely sep arated places as Montana and California. ' ; '- Friday.5 -'. Mr. C. F. Lord, returned today from Ilwaco. .:...-. v . -i , ' Mr. J. G. Maddock, the Goldendale baoker,is in tbe city. '; T ' "! . Mr. D. Fulton, a well-known citizen ill H I of Sherman count v. was in the city yes terday and gave The Chronicle a pleas ant can. : : . . t . .. Mr. Vernon Koontz returned today from a visit, in Portland.- - - ----- Mrs. L. Clarke and family came home yesterday from the seashore. Mr. W. C. Allawav and family re turned yesterday from Ocean Park. James Brennan leaves today for Chi cago, where be wiil visit his brotber. . - Mr. J. W. French left on the afternoon train for the seashore at North Beach. - Mr. N. B. Brooks; the mayor of Gol dendale, is in the city on legal busi ness. .'''..''":...""- Mr Jos. Worslev returned from a visit to Astoria and the beach today. ; , ; Mr. Louis Davenport, an old pioneer of this region, is in the city from MoBier. today. - , Prof. Birgfeld came up on 1 the boat vesterdav from his camp at Upper- Cas cades. ' i ; Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wood came np on the Regulator yesterday from the springs. Mr. J. W. Armsworthy. the genial editor of the Wasco News, is in The Dalles today. - ' . . Mr. IT. D. Parkins of Cascade Locks is in tbe city and comes with a View of locating here.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dietzel were among tbe returning passengers on the regula tor last nignt. - Mr. T. A. VanNorden and Mrs. Fred VanNorden returned last night from Moffit Springs. " ' Mrs. Flora Sbelton and Miss Golden of Goldendale were passengers on the Regulator this morning. .'Mr. and Mrs.' B.. F. - Laughlin,- who have been at Glenwood, Waoh., for over a month, returned borne yesterday.' Mrs. Dysart of Centralis arrived on the Regulator last night and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie isatler Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy have ar rived from Grant and will make their future home in this city. They, have rented a house of Mr. McCruin . on the hill. ' ' . ; ' Mrs.'Lytle, mother of Mr. E. El Lytle, arrived from Tacoma last night and is visiting her son. Mrs. Lvtle's home is in the East, but she has been visiting on the Sound. Messrs. W. B. King and John Law rence of Portland, who are interested in tbe Orecon Telephone Company, visited The Dalles on business connected with that enterprise. Mr. Henry Herbring and family- re turned borne on tbe Regulator last night from Stevenson .where Mrs. Hebnng arid tbe family bave been spending tbe great er part of the summer. ' Miss Birdie Downey of Condon passed through The Dalles on her way to Gold endale yesterday, where she will assnme a position in the public fchools of that place.' bhe is bigbly recommended as an accomplished educator. . " Captain Graham of the steamer Al tona, running between Portland and Oregon City, and Mr. E. E. Williams, a prominent merchant of tbe latter place, came up on the Regulator yesterd.iy and are spending the day in the city. Mr. Will - Fredden, who has been on an extended trip through the Yakima valley, stopping at Ellensburg, North Yakima and other cities, has returned home. He reports things much livelier nere than in tbe places mentioned. Contributions to the Hose Team. A committee has been among our citi zens soliciting contributions to pay tbe expenses of our hose boys to Vanconver. Tbe result is very satisfactory, and over $95 was raised in a short time. Every one responded veryliberally. Below are. published the names of those who have contributed to the fond; but. the list is still incomplete and more names will be added. Some have given who didn't put their names down, and they appear under the appellation "Cash." Pease ik Mays, . French & Co, M A Moody, Jno S Schenck, F W Silvertootb, Sinnott & Fish, Andv Baldwin, J P Mclnernv, ' S-K Drug Co, H C'Nielsen," A M Williams & Co, M Z Donnell, Blakely&Houghton,-L Rorden, M Whealdon, A Ji iveisay, -MT Nolan, A Gehres, . F H VanNorden, Chas Frank, , W X Wiseman, ' . August Bucbler, rnnk Bros, - -W A Johnston, J B Crossen,' Geo Keller, H H Riddell, Geo X Thompson, jnas uecnt. ti Jacobsen, Stnbling&Williams, H Liebe, J O Mack, J H Blakeney, : Ben Wilson,' " Rnpert t Gabel, John Hertz, . J J Burns, T J Driver, John Blaser, C Butler, A S Cathcart, Mays & Crowe, K Gottfried, DSiddall, T J Clark, W B Jones, Geo Rncb, C Knabe, F A Hugnerein, Geo C Munger, . L W Cnrtiss, Geo W Herbein, I'rinz&.Nirschke, Father Bronsgeest, W H Lochhead Personal of the Hoae Team. The hose team, which will go to Van couver next Monday, will be made up of the best material The Dalles can furnish. In making his selection, Captain Roger Sinnott has brushed away all company lines and chosen the men for their indi vidual merits -The team will leave here Monday morning on the Regulator. Following is the make up: G A Clarke, C C Cooper, R B Sinnot. W Hunter, Lewis Porter, N J Sinnot, Henry Bills, Robert Teague, James Maloney, Sher man Frank, Ralph Gibons, Will Nor-, man, Gus Bartell, Grant Mays and Wal ter Kliridt. .George Brown may also go along to see that' the cart and hose are in proper condition. .. ''"'', -. , . Children, especially' infants are soon run down with Cholera, Cholera Infan tum or '.'Summer Complaint." Don't wait to determine, 'but give De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure promptly, you can rely on it. Use no other. Snipes- Kin ersly Drug Co.- - ..'.. , I Examination Before J ustlce Dsvla. ' The , preliminary . . examination of Thomas Denton, Jr., charged with set ting fire, to the Dalles Lumbering Com pany barn, consumed tbe greater part of yesterday in the. justice court. The room was thronged witb spectators, who listened .to every word . of testimony. The defendant has ;been in custody ever'' since tbe time of his arrest, but Bhows nd sign of worriment over the situation. Tbe evidence in the case, so farVns has-been developed, is entirely circumstantial. Thomas Johns and I J. Norman were the principal witnesses for the state, and told of the defendant's actions at the time of the fire. Mr. Norman testified to seeing tracks lead ing away from the burned bnilding, and, in company with others, he traced them towards the creek, under a barb wire fence, and into Judge Bennett's orchard. Mr. Denton was with the party looking at the tracks,' and accompanied them for a distance of fifty feet or so, and then turned' back. The prosecution intro duced evidence to show a similarity be tween the tracks that Mr. Norman had been following and tbe ones that the de fehdant made as he went away -from the searching party. Two teamsters testi tied that Denton was in" .the barn the day previous to tbe fire, ..and in tbe course of conversation "asked, bow 'the horses could be gotten out. in case of fire. ' r - - - - .- ; 'When the evidence for ,the state "was in, Mr. Story, on behalf of the defend ant, moved that the Charge be dismissed and the defendant be given his liberty.. He claimed that no evidence had been introduced to connect the . defendant, in any way,' witb the crime and that it was necessary for the state to nave a con necting chain of circumstances, no part of which could be missing. He also at tacked tbe complaint and claimed that it was not shown thtit the property bUrnad was tbe property of The Dalles Lumbering- Company. ' Mr. Huntington and Mr. Phelps for the prosecution, both spoke against tbe motion, claiming that there was abundant evidence to support the charge and that it was not neces sary to go into the same detail before a committing magistrate, as in the circuit court. At the request of both sides tbe case was continued till 4 o'clock this afternoon. . . Gold Shipment. Nev,Yoek, Aug. 28, Hoskier, Wood & Co will ship $250,000, in gold tomor row. Members of tbe firm say this com pletes tbe exportations of gold required to pay the new 4 per cent government bonds returned from Europe np to the second week in September, and that the firm hopes it will not be required to make further shipments after that .date, ; ' Kng llabman Killed. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 18. This morn ing.Arthur Master, son of Lord Arthur Master, of London, England, fell from second-story ' window at Middlesboro and was fatally injured. He was cousin of the Marqnis of Salisbury, and came to Kentucky with otbe" r-nghsh capitalists to Doom Miaaieeooro. Alarder t Plttaburg. Pittsburg. Aug 28. James Getty, an ex -councilman, and a wealthy wholesale liquor dealer, was shot and killed this morning by Alexander Hutchinson, for merly the proprietor of tbe Merchants hotel. Getty owned the Hotel Wylie, and there was a dispute over leasing it to Hutchinson.-. Hutchinson es In jail Eight Burned to Death. - Ivbkta, Italy, Aug. 28. An explosion of a lamp in church at Ridordene set fire to the pilgrim shelter adjoining the church, and eight persons were burned to death. . .. The Pope Will Arbitrate. ; ' Lokdon, Aug. 27. A dispatch from Borne says the pope will assent to a re quest for him to arbitrate the frontier dispute between Hayti and San Do mingo. , For Infants and Children. Castorla promotes IMgestion, and overcomes Flatulgncy, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea,' and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria .contains no MorpLine or other narcotic property. Castoria is so well adapted to children chat I recommend It as superior to any prescription renown to me." H. A. Archer. M. D., . Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, K.T. " For several years I have reeornmedaed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." EOTOI F. F4RPBB, M. D., t 135th Street and 7th Ave New York City. "The use of Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who. do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cahlcw SliBTTK, D. D., -.;!. ..'' . ... New York City. Thk Cduci Cokpakt, 77 Murray Street, N. T. f9 Wekeatcr'a Encllah DlsaaoBd Braad. ENfiYROYAL PILLS HST?-V Orlciiiaa and Only 2Bnfn5. a fASmond Brand Id Hed and Gold metallic1 V, tiMbOKe. aealcd with blue ribboov Take wr. Kl'Xno other. Refuse t'mnotrom lubstit. in Mtunp for particulua, iestisiociiaU maa Roller fai lAniM.VtatUfer. hw Mall. 1 fl.lMHl IWlimnnlela U, i i rr laid bj ui X)aal iir ucim. ' " -"irn j Pm 'aTTft.1 t. ...4L.I,1 aTl u i. B . GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to tbe Invalids' Hotel and Sureical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y.. com- ' pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi ents which had an especial effect upon the stomach and liver, rousing the organs to healthful activity as well as purifying- and enriching the blood. By such means the stomach and the nerves are supplied with pure blood; they will not do dut? without it any more than a locomotive can run with- out coaL Yon can not get a lasting cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom ach must do its own work in its own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep with eo called celefy mixtures, it is better to go to the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia-Indigestion,- Biliousness and Nervous Af fections, such as sleeplessness and weak, nervous feelings are completely cured by the " Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates 'the whole system. . ,'.'.. Mis. K. Henkb. of No. 896 North HahUd St., .Chicago, III., writes I regard my improve- me tit as simply wonderful. Since taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in connection with his -'Pleasant Pellets ' I have gain ed in every respect, particularly in flesh and strength. My liver was dreadfully enlarged and I suf fered greatly from dyspepsia. No phy sician could give relief. Now. after two months I nra entire ly relieved of my disease. . My appe- me is excellent. - food well digested ; bowels regular and sleep much improved." ' ' . . Ismr Your Wife. 0 - . Mrs. Henkb. Weaker than she was' when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women t .Have you ever tried to help her? If so, you haven't gone the right way about it, if you haven't got a case of '. . ,- r XXL. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEF AND IRON . , - for her. . That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks, and the bright happy look to her l eyes. . Don't waste a moment. ' Get It for her to-day. ' FOR SALE BY BL AKELEY &: HOUGHTON. Have You Ever MotieeeL-M-; ' Tbat Johnston .Is selling goods cheaper - than anybody? His goods are the freshest and he . always carries - what you; want. ' He buys" for cash and gives his customer the benefit. Try Kim' and see if it's true. ' . . Johnston's, Grocery No. 113 Washington Closing Out of DRY GOODS; CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. . .' Past or present values cut no figure, as goods . i . . .. . . ...... - , . ' MUST toe SOLD J. P. New England Marble Granite Works, Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor. -WHOLESALE AND Fine qonumenial WopI( Do not order Monumental Work until that, for eood work, our charges are alwavs fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures: Send address for de signs and prices. Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms. ' 720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School, BLAKELEY DRUGGISTS, 175 Second. Street, - . ARTISTS 2LJL.'I!3ElttTJJ-,&. . C" Country and Mail Orders will receive WHEN THE BOAT COMES IJi. Hoarse and deep In the sounding cry From the engine's ponderous throat, -One long call, and one that Is short, . 1 ' And we know the name of the boat., . . So down t the dock the crowds begin To surge and sway when the boat cornea in. : - - - - - f . True to the pilot's guiding touch, "" The great wheel moves more alow, ! 1 . And the sullen waters swirling back. Leave the mud banks bare and low ' ' ' ' For a nminent'8 space, then thpy begin To sweep up the bank, when the bout comes in. How the ripples swisi as she heads up-stream ; How the mpea enalk. lowering the phiuk: And the hardy deck hands forward rush, .. ' .."' As she swings to the niu'tdy biink, Th one by one. in cluttciln'g din. '. They truck oirtlie Height wheu the boat comes in: Black are the shadows the bright light throws O'er the crowds that comedown to see: while the pretty girls, and their giggling beaux, wh'sjier iu Miioihcrcd glee. For all is bustle, and noise, and din, ' " ' On tho river fnmt when the bot comes in. - , The midnight waters are lightly spanned y me uioonjigni s nnage 01 gom. And great grsy rocks like sentinels stand ' ,' " Over-tome fortress olii? While the Upsiug waters, in ripples thlii, ". '. . Slip noiseless by when the boat is In. , : . . . . -s. m. 'rult Shipper. 1 There seems to ba no let up in fruit shipping. A car started last wight for Chicago and one is being made ready to day for early shipment. It will proba bly get away this evening. The amount of fruit shipped from The Dalles this year greatly exceeds all former records, Following are the shippers nnd amounts in last night's consignment : ' ' - . J W ThomaB, five boxes pears ; Frank Taylor, 29 boxes, pears, 23 boxes Jeffer son iiiuoih; vy jj. layior, 204 cases prunes ; E J Stadleman, 34 cases prunes F A. Seufert, 100 cases prunes; A'J Lin. ton, 5S cases Italian prunes, 6. boxes pears; K Uooper, 101 cases Hun eari an prunes; A 8 Bennett, 218 cases Italian prnnes ; V bandoz, 16 . boxes pears : Sechler, 51 cases prunes ; S Creigbton .41 cases prunes; S R Hnsbands, 108 cases Italian prunes; -M Carson, 11 cases prunes ; j p. Sanders, 30 boxes pears. Store, St. Sale LESS than COST. McINERNY. RETAIL DEALKB IN- mpoPSed aiuai1 you obtain our figures. You will find the lowest. Cash or time settlements PORTLAND, OR. HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon prompt attention. ',...- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Land Ornc, The Dallea, Or., I , , i . Aug. 80, 190. 1 Notice is hereby given that the foliowlng named settler has filed notieeof his intention to continu e and make tlnal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and-reeeiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on October 8, viz: , , . ' .. Augustus A. Uonney, , Hd E, No 5073, for tho SWJ, Seo 1, Tp 4 8, R 13 K, i He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and eulUvation of sold land, viz: Bcrephinc Nace, Kingslcy, Or.: A. V. Audcrton, D. f. Crubtree, J. U. Koss, TjgU sug;:i JAS. F. MOORE, Register. . Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned ad ministrator of tho estate of S-niuel ceased.has tiled bis tinal account as such adminis trator and that by an order made and entered on ' this lBtdayof August, lhltd, Mondav the 4th day of November, 1855, at the hour of 2 p. m., ha been fixed as tho time and the County Courtroom In i)alles City, Or., as the place for the hearing of final account AU persons interested In said estate are notified to appear at said time and place to show cauxe If any there be why said final account should not be approved and said estate closed. - J. H. EUBANK8. . auga-ot.'; -, . . j Administrator. Admistrator's Notice to V Creditors. . , Notice is .kercby given that the undersigned baa been dnly appointed by th- County Conrt of tbe -8tate o Oregou lor Wasco county, L administrator ot tbe estate of Frank Ire land, deceased. All persons bavlng claims against sail estate are heicby notitled to present tnem to me at my residence near Mosler, in said county and state, within six months from the date hereof. Dalles City, Oregon, July 12, 1S9R. " ' " Ujul GKORtiK IRELAND, Administrator. For feale. One hundred and six acres' of Fniit Land on Mill Creek, five miles from The Dalles fifteen acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in Ktrawberrics. Will sell all or part Plenty of W ood and Water. - Also 120 acres of Grain Land, ten miles west ol The Dalles. feb-U-tf T. M. DENTON. Stray Notice. my place August 3, 1895, a Came' to sorrel horse, 6 hoed about 900 pounds; alt round; "weight branded on left shoulder -r The owner can have the- v T same by paying expenses of keeping and ' advertising. W. J. Hareiman. augl2-lm ' ' The Dalles, Or. ' Severe griping pains of tbe stomach and bowels instantly and effectually stopped by De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drue Co. A; A. Brown, Keeps a lull assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. . which he offers at Low Figures SPEGIflli X PfilCES to Cash Buyers. Highest Casi Prices for Ems and otlieLProiEce, "J- 170 SECOND STREET. T6C0lDfllIliaP3GailC0., PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANDFACTUKEES OF- - Fine -.Lard and Sausages. Curers of, BRAND1 . J Dried Beef, Etc. J IN EW PRINZ -DEALERS IK Furniture and Carpe s. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in ho way connected with the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. 1 Bake Own and Mitchell STAGE LINE, (1 THOMAS HAEPEE,- -' Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD H0ESES AND WAGONS. Dndertaking Establishment. & NITSCHKE