i'-. THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1895. The Weekly Ghroniele THE DALLES. TURNING GRAY AITS THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Sanger is Averted by Using AYER'S MAIS VIGOR -.. "Nearly forty years ago, after gome weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- tiori, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. H. M. Haight, Ayoca, Neb. ' Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER i CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Jiper'a Sartaparilla Remove Pimple, PERSONAL MENTION. Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Condon went to Portland yesterday on the local. Mr. T. J. Moffit of Gorman postoffice . gave this office a call today. Mrs. Lytle and family came home to day from a visit in Hood River. Mr. Charles Hilton waea passenger to the metropolis on yesterday's train Mies Katie and Miss Ella Eoberte came np on the Regulator last night. Mayor Menefee left for the country this morning to join his family caw ping. Mrs, I. A. Hudson and son went to soffit Springs this morning ly the Eeg c'ator, C. j. Bright, a prominent attor ney of Sherman county, arrived in town last night. Mr. E. H. Merril, who accompanied Frank Keynolds to I.yte, returned home last night. Miss Beulah Sterling returned borne on the passenger train from camping at Bonneville. Mr. F. H. Wakefield retnrned today from Cascade Locks, where he has been doing assessing. . Grant, Edwin and Robert Mays came in last night from the country to remain a few days in town. Mr. and Airs. v. a. .Johnston were 'passengers to toe Caecades and retnrn tocay on the Regulator. air. ueorge w. jiuier ana tarmly re tnrned yesterday from spending" the summer at the seashore. . . . , - states that, the belief is held by a good mauy that Geo. H. Clacking was mur dered, and the l?enaleton fire started to hide the deed, but that is impossible up to the present time to find evidence sufficient to convict. Archie McCally, assistant book keeper in t'eaae S Mays' etore, went to vregon City by the Regulator this morning. " Messrs. Ed. M. Williams and John F. Hampshire retnrned on the local train from a-week'a visit at the Williams cot tage at Clatsop. Mrs. Captain Wantfand Miss McNeil, of the D. P. & A. N. Co.'s office, were passengers to the Cascades on the Reg ulator this morning. Rav W. Loean. son of Dr. Hugh Logan, left this morning f"r Portland, from which place he will take the steamer Columbia for San Francisco. August 26th. The vounsrman will enter Stanford University and take a course 01 instructions preparatory to a m;aicai education. He is a srraduate of the Bishop Scott Academv. and-undoubtedly has a bright future before him., Friday, ' Mr. A. B. Craft of Rnfns was in the city today. Mr. J. B. Crossen lefton the afternoon train for the seashore. Mrs. F. S. Gunning was a passenger on the Regulator this morning. . Mr. J. Folco was a passenger on the Regulator this morning towards Trout Lake. Miss -Lila Johnson passed through The DalKis last night on her wav to Idaho. ' - Mr. .1. A. Soesbe, instice of the peace at Hood River, came up on the boat last night, - Mrs. C. W. Phelps and familv eaine home last night from cam pine at Moffit Springs. , . Mr. and Mrs. H. W. French returned last night from 'spending eeveral weeks at C atsop beach. Mr. J. 2s. Burgess of Bakeoven is in the city, having aided in driving to town a large band of cattle. Mr. W. C. Allawav left this morning for Ocean Park to bring his familv home from their summer's outing. Mr. Frank Fulton was in the city this morning on bis way home from Crook county. He left for Fultonville this afternoon. . Mr. Charles Bntler and wife from Port Townsend arrived in The Dalles last night on the steamer- Mrs. Richard Booten accompanied them. Mr. Douglas Dnfur has retnrned from month's absence in the country, dnr- ng which time he has ridden on a bicy cle through man- portions of the country. ' . .. Mr. Charles A.. Wintermier left on the Regulator this morning for Eugene.! here he will enter the University of Oregon. Mr. Wintermier is a member of the senior class, and will take his bachelor's degree nest June. Mr. M. A. Moody has returned from his visit to Chicago. Everywhere the indications for republican success seem to be very promising, bnt no definite signs point to any particular republican who will lead the party. Sherman County Items. Mrs. E. F. Sharp, accompanied by her sister, Miss uarreily, came up on, the noon train from Portland. Miss Virgie Cooper has gone to Ge'ar hart Park, Clatsop Beach, where she will join her sister, Mrs. Rinehart. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Brooks came home last night from a visit to Newport ueacn ana points in the Willamette valley. Mr. E. C. Kilham, a business man of - .Portland, was in The Dalles yesterday, returning borne on the boat this morning Mrs. W. H. H. Dufur and daughter, Blanche, will leave on tomorrow morn ing's train for Woods, Tillamook county, wnere tney win visit relatives. mrs. j. n. uraaemaugn arrived on the boat last night from San Francisco, where she has been visiting for over a month. ' .'. Thursday's. Mr. Leslie Butler made a hurried trip II 1 r; mj fiuuu xuver toaay. Victor Schmidt has gone on a camping nip io iviomc ."springs. 'Mr. Charles Clarke returned yester day from Clatsop Beach. Mr. E. Sicbel, a prominent merchant oi rnneville, is in the city. Messrs. E. A. Griffon and Polk Butler are in the city from Naueene. . Mrs. D. J. Cooper and Mrs. C. C. iooper iook a ir.'p 10 me iascaoes - on the Regulator today. . Mr. W. F. Courtney, a well known personage in The Dalles, is registered at . the Umatilla from Tacoma. Misses Mary and Minnie Lay retnrned last night from, spending several weeks by the ocean at Clatsop Beach. - Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jewett came up on the Regulator last night from White Salmon, returning this morning. Mr. E. B. Dufur retnrned yesterday from a trip to the country beyond 15-. Mile where his family is camping. " Mr. J. H. Lawrey .district attorney for the sixth judicial district, is in . this city on bis way to Heppner. Mr. Lawtey Editob CiiKdstctE Rev. Geo. More head preached bis farewell sermon in the Presbyterian church at Moro last Sunday, and left for Antelope Monday, presumably for the purpose of being married to Mrs. Layica Doherty. The ceremony was to have been performed by Rev. Motor, presiding elder, who was to have come from Arlington especi ally for the occasion. R. J. and Mrs Ginn and E. Peoples also went to Ante lope Monday to witness the ceremony Everyone cordially wishes Rev. More head and ende a long and prosperous redded life. An assault and battery case came up before Justice Meader . at ' Moro last Tuesday, which caused some sensation It was the case of State of Oregon vs. A. Scott. The defendant called for a jury trial, but it availed bim not, for the ver dict was guilty. The evidence showed that the defendant received considera ble provocation from the t prosecuting witness before committing the battery complained of, and in view of the miti gating circumstances, bis honor imposed a fine of $10, which the defendant paid, and went his way (not rejoicing, how ever.' .. - Mr. Alversou, who has property inter ests in Sherman county, accompanied by a lawyer from Seattle, was at the county seat Monday on business. ." A lecturer, accompanied by his wife, visited Moro last week and ad dressed the people on the , growth of Roman in the United States. If he had heen more temperate in bis utterances, he would have made a deeper impres sion upon his audience. He mingled abuse with argument, and injected poi son and bitterness into most of his re marks, so that many who were tavora bly inclined towards the organization before they - beard . bim left the ball somewhat dissatisfied with the man, if not with , the principles he advocated. He expressed his determination to come again, and if be does, it is to be hoped be will be more liberal in the use of ar gument and .facts, and less lavish in abuse and Billinsgate. L. D. Holder takes charge of the stage line between Grant and Moro on the first of September, J. M. Dunahoo hav ing resigned. B. B. Clark is now running both the livery stables in Moro, A. Holder hav ing leased the Altamont Jr. barn to him for a long term. -, ' ' . ' - V AG A. . Moro, Aug. 19, 1895. , ' There is no doubt, no failure, when you take De Witt's Colic & Cholera Core It is pleasant, acts promptly, no bad af ter effects. Kinersly Drag Co. v Th Coriiiiw'ii IoqnMt. - .The inquiry into the death of Lock Woo occupied the ahention of Coroner Butts and a jury during the greater part of yesterdaj Rfternoon. The testimony was taken down on the typewriter by F. D. Hill before a jury composed of Chas. Hall, Samuel Kleiri, Fred D. Hill, F. X. Hill, M. F. Rice, Thos. Haslan. The first .witness examined was C. H. Stokes, whose testimony had no direct bearing in the case, but was about see ing the man who was murdered, chased by another 'Chinaman at a previous time. W. H. Lochbead testified as to seeing the men cross the street and the incidents after the stabbing. J. H. Blakeney told about finding the eus pected murderer, Hairy, in the shed back of Skibbe's and of discovering, in Yee Sing's wash house, Lee Ching, who was charged by the dying man of assist ing in the killing. The officer testified that Harry was not accustomed to sleep ing in the place where he was found, but has lived in a house in Front etreet. Ed. Kreatuen, who was standing on the cor ner of -Metz & Pnndt'e saloon, told sub stantially, as the proceeding witnesses, of seeing the Chinamen cross the street and that after the stabbing, the three men ran away. He also told of the icentification by Lock Woo of the fellow Harry. Sheriff Driver, F. W. L. Skibbe and John Bird also gave important testi mony. Mr. Skibbe stated that the ac cused man had worked five or six years in the hotel and bad behaved himself properly during that time. The China man at different times bad used the place where he was arrested as a sleep ing room. Jnst before, -hi9 capture by the officers be came into the barroom and asked for a drink, saying: ."Me time to sleep, me want to make fire." Doctors Sutherland and Doane told of their being called to attend the wounded man and described the nature of lia wound. The wound was about an inch and a quarter in width and six inches long near the angle ribs on the left side between the ninth and tenth ribs. Both physicians identified the knife shown them, as being the instrument which caused the Chinaman's death. Two of the defendants were in court and sat in tently watching all the proceedings, even though the greater part was unin telligible to them. They perfectly real ize the dangers of their position and give every sign of being much frightened. After the evidence was completed the jury retired, and in a 'few minutes re turned with the following verdict : "We, the undersigned, duly im panelled te inquire into the cause of the death of the Chinaman 'Lock Woo,' and having heard the testimony of the wit nesses, duly sworn to tbe'facts in the case find that the Chinaman, Lock Woo, came to his death through a knife wound given by the Chinaman Lee Git, alias Harry, and assisted by two China men, Leo Ching and Fi Youen. GIVE AWAY t . - . ' . A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's e2l Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARE AL WA YS IN FA VOR. Hence, our object in sending- them out broadcast . ON rn,A ' They absolutely cure Sick Headache Bil- A Good Time Conarag;.' SHERIFF'S SALE. "' The neighbors of The Dalles have uni formly a kind word to say The following from the Arlington Rec ord says The Dalles baa promising indi cationsof a good time coming. What helps one portion of Eastern Oregon will will benefit the remainder. -'. -"The Dalles has now In force a Sun day closing law, which is obeyed by Y . 1 I ... 1 . y.. .i . . . mmuivuimjuiiw iuo stale of Oreiroil. Ot ttllS CI tV. I lVW.WV.unlf vicun, John Sroufe and Iluch McCrum, partner do! businfa under tne tlrm name aud atyle Sroufe & McCrum, rrililutifls, , vsv It. G. Clo'ter, admlnis'prof thootnle of A Boimey, tf:enod ; lbs citrate of a. k. Bolz decenatd, and Mury Hoii.ey, defendauU. By virtue of an execution and order of sale sued out of the Circuit Court of the State Orccon. fur Wnw county, on the 19th ilav my, maa, upon a juurdipdi aim ui-oteo of named defendants ior the kinna hureinal ui form, wmen decree among other things uerea lue sale ol the lands brreinaftiT lincril J to aa tvfy aid ums. I did lew upon, and sell on Wfineduy, the 2sth duy of Aua-tihtv at the court bouse door In Dulle Citv. In i ou my and state, at the bonrof lOo'cl'ock A of aald day, at publio HiioCion to tho'blirrA I. kmsness, Constipation, Coated Tongqc, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange- tnerrts of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. - .Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs yon ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for Fr he Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Ao. 663 Mala St. BUFFALO. N. Y. ANTELOPE NOTES. Another Letter From a Wiao-Awake Correspondent. ... What Others Think of V. . The Moro Observer writes the follow ing concerning our fair city and its pros pects. Mr. Ireland is a pioneer of the West and has seen cities rise and fall, His views on the future of The Dalles cannot fail to carry weight. The sug gestions in the article are very timely. Surely a bright day is dawning for The ualles. in e Keguiator people are pre' pared to build a mammoth dock and warehouse, which will enable them to retain the lion's share of business when the river is open to the sea. Building is boomincr, eeveral fine brick and stone structures being in contemplation, and everything points to the rapid growth and "marked improvement of. this, the handsomest city in the Inland Empire. The Dalles has a grand country to sup port it. and when the Columbia is opened to commerce, its tributary terri tory will be so largely increased as to surprise even her bankers and local cap italists. With the opening of the river, even to The Dalles, additional prosperity will attend every industry in the conn trv about ns. But to secure the natural advantages of the increased traffic The Dalles; must lay aside its local prejudice and work for more than one wagon road into the place. . It will be many years before Sherman connty will have full benefit of competitive rates bv railway to Portland, at least nntil a canal shall open the dalles of the Columbia, and our welfare and prosperity must, in the meantime, depend largely upon the dis position evinced by The Dalles people for either a penurious or a liberal policy. We hope to see them adopt a course which vill advance their own interests. mindful of the equities of prosperity to all. ' . M osier Breezes. Editoc Chronicle Mrs. Ireland has returned' to the coast, where she will take an important position in a store. ' . Mr. Harry Sellinger, who spent last week at home, has returned to the log ging camp. . Wallace Husbands is back ogiin. . He spent the summer fishing down below Cascades.' - . . Several new buildings, such as bouses, barns, apple bouses and cellars are being constructed this fall. Hosier is on the boom. T . Charles Bennett is at borne at present. Mrs. McClnre is not very we'll at pres ent writing. ; -. News is scarce this week. . . ' ' ' Rustlkr. August 23, 1895. Children, especially infants are soon ran down with Cholera, Cholera Infan tum or "Summer Complaint." Don't wait to .determine, .but give DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure promptly, you can rely on it. Use no other. Snipes- Iin ersly Drug Co. : J J. T. Barnett is erecting a residence on his lot near the echoolhouse, lately purchased of Nate Baird. . ' Frank Kincaid is having a fine two story .residence built on his lots near Mr. Maupin's. Mr. Cowdell is doing the carpenter work. - Mr. and Mrs. Lein Burgess were in town Wednesday from Bakeoven,- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvine. . Arthur Robinson is visiting friends near Goldendale for a few days. Creed itlurpby has charge' of the Bakeoven stage during his absence. Rev. Wright, who preached at Ante lope two years ago,' will preach at the schbolhouse next Sunday mornini; and evening, August 25th.1 mt. Hamilton ot Trout creek is in town assisting in the erection of the public hall. x - Henry Smith, who has been trying to supply the Antelope market with vege tables, finds the demand greater than the supply. Antelope is a good market for fruits and vegetables, and one that would be bard to overstock. ' A market garden would pay well here. . Eight new pupils have been enrolled in school since the opening last Monday , Married Monday, 'August 19th, at the residence of Wni. Kelsay, in Buck Hollow, Bey. . George Moorhead. and .Mrs. Vicey Dougherty. . Prof. Berger, a fine German musician, gave one of his grand concerts at Kirca heimer ball last Tuesday evening, which was thoroughly enjoyed by a crowded house. He will give another concert next Thursday evening. ' HOBKETTE. . Antelope, Aug. 20, 1805." Not one complaint has ever been made by those using Ayer's Sartaparilla accord ing to directions. Furthermore, we have yet to learn of a case in which it has failed to afford benefit. So say thousand of druggists all over the country. Has cured others, will cure you. ' Earthquake Shock. Madrid, Aug 22. A severe earthquake has shaken the town of Coin, in Anda lusia, 21 miles west of Malaga. Serious damage has been done. Coin has a pop ulation of 10,000. on the north aide of Main street, between Uni nuu .oun streets, -ji feet more or lesa front Main street, and Km ft in ii..ntK. nn fnnin.ii the alley and belter known a the "Snow Kin BBioon, Deing a fractional part of lot C in lilo 1 according to the Commisktouers' plat of Pal Uty proper, in Waxco eouiitv. Stale of Orriri together with alt and aiuKUlar the tenetnen Hereditaments and appurtenances thereto I louaiucror in anywise appcrtulnins;, to siuis the sum of four hundred ninety-five andT.Vl uonan-, wnii interest thereon on from ilay 29 1894, at the rate of ten p isiiil wr Mnmiin the further bum Of flftv ilnUnrm n innrtimf fa. and the further sum of eighteen and UMOOdolbi cubw oi sun. ana acorulu? coat... herein. Dated, this :uui day of July, img. . T. J. DRIVER. " jy24-5t Bheria of Wasco County, Oregon every saloon keeper Tn the city, and the eourt of dHte Ml,,v !Ktn ls94' rendered in favor r,lu.i. - . , ' . , . . . ,ne abPve nm I-laintillaaud aga list thetx .v.vivvt a v'ulv cvvi y vo ouu W a UCU1UCU falling off since the new-law went into effect' By the papers -we see also that the whole city is about to follow Arling ton's example and have new sidewalks. This is regarded as a promising 'indica- WjMcr for cah in hand, subject to redempil ., . ..... - i ..... uracumi ... i . n n u i irfin i lion OI tne near proximity OI the good to-wlt: That certain lot, piece of parcel of la time conr.ing, but so long delayed,' which will follow the opening of the Co lumbia.". The people of Hood River have de cided to hold a fnir at Hood River, Oct. 4th and 5th, 1895.. Suitable premiums will be given for meritorious exhibits. Competition and comparisons are in vited from all sections of the country. Low excursion rates will be given by the steamboat company. and on the railroad.' The fair will be especially an exhibit of the fruits, flowers and other products of the soil of the middle Columbia district. At the recent election of promoters, E. L. Smith was elected superintendent and H. C. Bateham, secretary. , W. J. Baker is chairman of the executive com mittee.' Hood River is famous the world over as a garden spot and an exhibition of her native fruits and flowers, with those from surrounding ' places, will make a splendid showing and attract many visitors to tne town. Memory is a little treacherous now and then, and causes one to forget some things worth remembering, unless one has an experience like that which came to Mr. D. E. East, MolTatt'a Creek, Va., who says "I had been suffering for years with a torpid liver and found no relief until I took Simmons Lfter Regulator when I was entirely relieved of my troubles. I never intend heing without Simmons L.iver .Regulator." - Short or funds. Washington, Aug. 22, The acting secretary of the interior has decided that there are' no means whereby the work of United States commissioners in Mon tana and Idaho can be continued after September loth, whentbe appropriation becomes exhausted. - . NOTICE. T'NITKD 8TATR LlKD Ol TlCK, j The Dalles, Or., Juno 4. lHWa. t Complaint having been entered at this oln d- jonn c. Tucfcr ol Warulc, r., against O. J i-avenport for abandoning his Homestead Kut No. 361S, dated April 8, s?l, upon the M; bK' hec 7, JiE! NKSoo 18, and SVi'i NW.:. it, ip BKUli, lu Wasco county, Or., 1th view to the cancellation of said entry, the nai i""" ncreny summoned to appear at h office on the awth day of July. 195, at lUo'ckx' a. m., to respond and furulrh toatiiuooy oo: muu aucKuu nuanuonmeni. J15-JU120 JAS. F. MOOKE, Sinister. : , .-. For Sale. Ono hundred and six aeTO of Fruit Land o Mm ureeK, uve miles from The Dalles tlfte' acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acre i Btrawberrics; Will sell all or jwrt. Plenty lUMimm " n ixri . A IWI1JU Bun Ol unUll Lull. ten miles west ot Tho Dalles. fcb23-tf T. it. DEXTOX. Admistrator's Notice td , Creditors. Notice Is tereby given that the nndersltrm- uas oeen auiy appoiutea by thf County (Join of tho State of Oregon for Wasco County auniiDisiraior oi tne estate of Fraulc In land, deceased. All persons having claim against sail estate are heieby notilled to presen ..en. Mr Ilirr ll IliJ HHUfllCW UBHT JllOS&er, in OU! county aud state, within six months from th date hereof. Dalles city, Oregon, July 12, ISM." ' 13Jul, GtOKtili 1RKLAND, Administrator. Notice of Finar Settlement Impression at Washington. Washington, Aug. 22. Officials'-at the state department said today that it was probable that the roit near Foo- Chow was the one reported to the state Notice is hereby glron that the nndcrsigncd ad uiimsiraior oi meesiateoi smucl l'atterson.d. ceased.hns tiled his final account aa such ailmiAii trator and that bv an order made and aiiroi1 m this 1st day of August, 189.'., Monday the 4th duy oi noYHDOtr, isao, at tne nour ol z p. in., nas beet flxed as tho time and the County Courtroom ii Dalles City, Or., as the place for the hearing oi linal account All persons interested in salt estate are notified to appear at said time ami place to show cause If any there be why Baid A , . i . . . . -. . r ,ln0Mh,n ,ui...l A a : mm. ao.i.i! siiuuiu not oe approvcq juo sdiu at Yung Fn, not far from Foo-Chow. aug-.i-St. Administrator. A. A. Brown, Keep iull auwrtueut of w,,v,.. Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which be offers at Low Figure - For Infants and Children. Caatoria promoter Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and it sleep natural. Caatoria contmns no Horplune or other narcotic property. t ' "Castoria is o wen adapted to ebfldren chat I reoommend It an superior to any prescription .tnown to me." H. A. AacHXB, H. D., in South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "For several years I have reeommenaedyour - uwona, ana nnaii always oonunue to oo so, Edwtb F. PBDK, M. D., 125tn Street, and 7th Ave Mew York City. "The use of 'Castoruv' is so nnlveraal and Its merits to well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." ... - -. GsJtLOS MABTTlfi D. D., ' New York City. Thb Cdttadb ConPAirr, T7 Uurray Street, N. Y. SPEGIfllt :-: PRICES to Cash. Buyers. S .asssMSOss. Hiilest Casb Prices for Ens and otner Proance. ; 170 SECOND STREET. THe columtiia PacKina Go.. PACKERS OF SIMMONSN VREGULAfOR7 Notice to Donation Claimants. ; Reader, did you ever take Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Lives Medicines ? ' ' Everybody needt take a liver remedy. It is a singgish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried -off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a tcrpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem.' For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is betteb than Pills. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Bed Z stamp on the wrapper. - J. H. Xeiiin & Co., Philadelphia. Ckitbd States Dibt. Laud Oftjck.j Thb Dalles, Oregon. ( To all persons having' made settlement upon tracts oi land within thla district, mA given notice, as required b law, tbut they claim such lauds as donations under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled ''An aot to create the office of surrtyor-generai of the puhlic lands in Oregon, and to provide for the survey, aud to make donations to settlers of the said public lands," approved September 27, 1S60, and ihe various acts amendatory . and supplemental thereto, and to their belts, devisee, grantees, and all persons making claim to such donation claims, wijother by ascent, devine, Judicial sale, or conveyance In good faith, who have hitherto failed to make and Hie In the proper land office final proof of sncu claims. Notice is her- by given, In scenrdance with the requirements of section 1 of the act of Congress nt.prov. d July VG, 1894, and in pursuance oi the directions of the Commissioner of the general Kind omce mat tney are required to appear at this office and make and til iinal nroofx of such claims and perfe -t their title thereto before the 1st day of January, 1896, and that if they fail to do so within the tlmeuch donation ciaims will be held to have been abandoned bv them, and the lands embraced therein will be restorod to the public domnlii, as provided in said act of Congress of July W, l-W. Given under our hands thls 9th duy of May, 189S. JAS r. MOOBE, KegJSler. inll-322 WILLIAM D. BIGGS, E oeiver. Pofk and Beef MAXTJFACTUREKa OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. NEW Bake Oven and Mitchel' STAGE LINE, : THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietoi -A- Undertaking EstablishmeDt Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every da v. and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. PPJNZ & NITSCIIKE " ' DEALERS IS Furniture and Carpes. : -: .. ' ' We have added to onr business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected witn the Undertakers Trnat, onr prices wil be low accordingly. .