THE DALLAS WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1895. The Weekly Ghroniele. CANCER CURED ' AND A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. AYER'S Tha Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. PERSONALMENTION. Wednesday. Mr. Harrison Dufur, of Dufur, ie in tbe city today. Mrs. 8. WilkerHon' was a passenger on the Regulator this evening. Mr. George W. Smith was a passen ger to Portland on today's local. Prof. N. M. Stratton returned last '" night from camping down the river. . Mr. J. H. Cradelbaugh made a har ried trip to Ilood River yesterday. Mr. Gu9 Bonn returned yesterday from a visit to Portland and the coast.. Mrs. S. Wilkerson was a pa3Benger down the River by boat this morning. Mr. J. M. Huntington and family wore passengers on the Regulator last evening. Mr. G. D. Snowden .left by boat this morning to spend several days camping at Stevenson. . Mr. Ben. E. Snipes returned last night on the Regulator from a short visit to Portland. Prof C. L. Gilbert and family came home last night from an outing expedi tion near Hood River. Mr. G. V. Phelps left on tbe fcegnla tor this morning for Moffit Springs where he will remain till the latter part of the week. Mr. E. S. Farrineton, an attorney of "JBIke, JVevaria. is visiting with his wife, jtt the home of bis father Daniel Far- rington on Upper 10-Mile. Thev will remain here for about two weeks. Mr. Leon Curtis of Klickitat county, who was a member of tbe late Washing ton legislature, was a visitor to The Dalles today. Mr. George F. Ormsbey of Boston Mass.. is in the city in the interests of an Eastern Immigration society of which he is vice president. Miss Mattie Cushinz returned on the Regulator last night from Moffit Springs where she has been spending two weeks in xne JJaiies camp. Mr. J. L. Story and family left this morning by the ii-guiator for Meyenson where they will spend August in pleasant camping place. Mr.and Mrs. J. W. French and Mrs. Nellie Bolton left on the afternoon train for Portland where they will take the steamer Thompson to .the coast. Mr. and Mrs. L. Booth left on the Regulator on a camping trip down the river. Ihey will also visit Mrs. Booth's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Hobart, at Cas cade Jocks. . Rev. J. A. Sneer and wife, teachers in tbe Indian agency at Warm Springs, passed throngh The Dalles this morning n their way to Portland, rney went by the Regulator. Mies Anna Stone, of Grass Valley, California, is visiting her aunt Mrs. M. H. Roberta. Miss Stone will visit rela tives here until fall. She expects to at tend the Oregon State University this winter-with her cousin, -Miss Anna Roberts. Thursday's. . . Mrs. Prinz came up on today's local. Hon. G. H. Williams came up from Portland on tbe local. . returned yesterday evening from Hign Prairie, where they have been on a hunt ing expedition. Tbev report that game is very plenuini in that vicinity. me result of tbeir hunt was about fifty birds. Mr. Chas. Phillips has gone to Moffit 8 -rings where he will spend a few days. Kev. W. C. Cnrtis and his son, Win, left this morning by tha Regulator for the Locks. Mr. Henry Bills and Mrs. Britton left on the west boned train this morning fr Newport. . Mr. Gus. Bonn left on the local this afternoon for a few day's sojourn. at North Beach. Mr. J. D. Rothert, a capitalist is in the city looking over the ground pur euant to investment. 'Miss Rose Michel, who has been spending three weeks at tne coast, re turned borne last night. Mr. John Wiegle returned from Moffit Springs laBt night. tie reports every one having a glorious time. Friday. Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody is in the city. -, . ' . , - , Mr. T. H. Johnston of Dufur is in the city. Mr. Fred S. Rogers came up from Portland today. Mies Bessie Ieenberg of Hood River is visiting friends in Tbe Dalles. ' Mr. Charles Butler, the sheepman, c ime up on this morning's train. Miss Ida M. Foss of Hood Rivf r was in The Dalles yesterday visiting friends. Mr. August Buchler went to Hus band's Landing on tbe boat this morn ing. . Mrs. A. S. MacAUister was a passen ger for Portland on the Regulator this morning. . .. Mr. J. H. Rbinehart of Suinmerville, passed through The Dalles today on his way to Portland. Mrs. W. M. Robinson, of tbe Electric Hotel, Oregon City, is visiting Mrs. J E. Andrews of this city. ( . Mr. George N. Crossfield of Murray borings came np on last night s passen ger and stopped in The Dalles. Es-Atty General Geo. H. Williams, who has been in The Dalles for a few days, left for Portland this afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Sampson left on the Regulator this morning for Moffit Springs, where she will spend ber sum mer vacation. Congressman W. R. Ellis, of the sec ond district came up on the local, this afternoon and took the afternoon train lorHeppner. , Mr. Norville Fordyce, a commercial traveler, with headquarters in Portland, is in the city. Mr. Fordyce passed sev eral boyhood years in The Dalles, where his lather was agent of the O. it. & si. NEWSY tETTE FROM ANTELOPE. Will Stimulate Enterprises. Miss W Holder," of Moro, is visiting friends for a few daye. . " . " ' ' Mrs. Harry Webber and family came up on the boat last evening. , M. D. K. Clark, a prominent lumber dealer of Stevenson, is in the city. !""', Mr. W. J. Baker, a prominent (fruit grower of Hood River, is in the city. . ' t Mr. J. Roth, a prominent farmer jfrbnj Kingsley was seen on the etreeta fcodayv Mrs. O. Funk, accompanied by 'Wra.: L. Funk, left for Ocean Park thty morn-j tog. . - - ;...". : ;:w-i Mr. Frank Summers and Mr; Brinner The opening of tbe Cascade locks will bo followed by a new era in the business life of Eastern Oregon. Many new en terprises will be started which will tend to tbe building up of the great interior. The following, taking from the Union Journal, giyes an idea of one which can be pushed, if sincere efforts are made, to a speedy realization. 'A special sent out from Pendleton savs the receiver of a broken rail road is going to buy a road belonging to company recently reorganized, after getting rid of its debts through a re ceiver; that the moving spring for this is the fear that the W. & C. R. will build a mile of road from Hunt's Junc tion to the Columbia, help Paul Mohr build a portage road at The Dalles and put on a line of boats to run in opposi tion to the O. R. & N. It is also 'very probable that the O. R. & N. would not tie benefitted by tbe carrying out of such a schema.and equally probable that while the O. il. & Si. is managed hy the court that it will not buy the "Hunt system." A closer traffic arrangement between the two roads might be bene ficial to both and detrimental to the Northern Pacific. The Union ventures the opinion that this talk of the O. R. & N. buying the "Hunt system" is for the purpose of forcing the Northern Pacific, by tbe fear of losing a very valuable feeder, into closer relations with the W. & C. R. with tbe view of its ultimate purchase by that couipany, after it is re organized." Bis Clothes Were Too Good. A Fall Aceoost ibf , Happenings ta Tkat " Brisk Little Borf-PtrMliU and . IuipersunaU ' Dr.. Howard waa called from Fossil during the week to consult with J)rl Pilkiuetoo of Antelope, in. regard to Chester Bolton, C. V. Lane and Mre. Rodgera all of whom are on tbe sick list. Mr. Brown, the genial life insurance agent of Tygh valley spent a few days in Antelope representing the Northwestern Co. , - Alex Kircheimer, who represents the New York Life Insurance Co. has re' turned from an extended business trio. Geo. Patterson and wife left for .The Dalles Yesterday. Mrs. Patterson will make an extended visit to friends in Clackamas codnty. Sam Patterson and Walt Silvertooth have gone to the mountains for a few weeks sport. Fishing and hunting are first class on Trout creek and Pine Hollow, as many as 2S0 fine trout and thirty grouse being reported as the result of one days outing. Frank Irvine and his daughter Bertha left for The Dalles, Friday. Mr. Irvine goes to Portland to purchase a fall stock of goods; Miss Bertha will Bpend tbe time visiting friends and relatives in Tbe Dalles. Lota and Lela, daughters of Co. Clerk A. M. Keleay returned to their home in The Dalle9, Saturday, after a six weeks visit to their grand parents, W. D. and Mrs. Jones. Mr. Flock captain in tbe Salvation Army held several meetings in Antelope, at which great interest was manifested Mr. Flock has been stationed at New berg but is now transferred to Port Townsend. He is a brother of the Mitch ell sawmill man and stage man. Mrs. G. H. Dunn has been spending the week at Bake Oven the guest of Mrs. Richard Hinton. Ex-County Commissioner Frank Kin- caid is putting tbe lumber on the ground for his new residence in Antelope. Mrs. Malarkey, nee Laura Burgess, is up from Portland with her little dangh ter, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burgess. Hounettk Antelope, Aug. 6th. ' - V:, If .06 TO . PUT ON needed flesh, no mat ter how yon've lost it, take Dr. Pierce '8 i '. normal ai- lion of the deranged 4f oreans ana junctions. it builds the flesh no to a safe and healthy stanaara promptly, pleasantly and nat urally. The weak. emaciated, thin, pale una paay are made strong-, pinmp, round ana rosy. Noth ing so effective as a strength restorer and flesh maker is known to medical aci- ence; this puts on healthy flesh not the fat of cod liver oil and its filthy compounds. It rouses every organ of the body to ac tivity, purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood so that the body feels refreshed and strengthened. If you are too thin, too weaK, too nervous, it may De mat tne food assimilation is at fault. A certain amount of bile is necessary for the reception of the fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver holds back this element which wonld heln aionioD. ui. ricitc b ioiaen . jvieaical Discovery stimulates, tones ud and invig orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and the muscles, stomach and nerves get the ncn Diooa iney require. . Spent Hundreds of Dollars with no Benefit. M. J. Colrmah of 33 Sargent St., Koxbuty, jntls., wi lid nuCT snftennar from dvroeijsia and constipation with un- ff """itSjJ told agony for at least 18 months, I am more than pleased to say that after using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical -Discovery and Pleasant Pellets' lor one month. I was entirely cured, and from that day to this I do not know. thank God, what even a slight headache is. I paid ioct or on Tremont St.. Boston, in one dav (for his advice onlv.l the sum of $10.00 with 53.50 for -Z-" , medicine, and derived no M- J- Colemak. Esq. benefit. I got more relief in one hour from yonr medicines, as far as mv stomach was concerned. than from all the other mcdiciue I used. If anv Dcrson who reads this is sutleri nc from oyspepsia or conscipauon ana win use medicine as I have done, he will never Advertised Letter. Following ,is the list of letters remain ing in the poBtofhce at Tbo Dalles un called for Aug. 9, 1895. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Bnschkee, Amelia Carolau, Patrick Dickinson, Geo ' Hntton, Pearl Kennedy, Geo -Nicola,"l C Rice, Oscar Winning, Louisa (6) A. Cbossex, P. M. Dietter, John Goeddertz, Albert Jackson, T W Morgan, VV ni Neff. L Thomas, Hugh J, W BATHE It BUREAU. Chicago Chronicle: When J. C. Mc Pherson returned to his residence Sat urday afternoon be found that someone had forced an entrance through a rear window, taken a bath, changed his clotbeB for a complete outfit of Mr. Mc- Pherson's clothing, ransacked the house for valuables, and. gone away, leaving his old clothes in the bathroom, taking $71. Mr. McPberson went to tbe police station to report bis loss. He had hardly reached tbe station when two officers brought in William Bwift, who was at tired in a new -suit, patent leather shoes and new hat. The clothing did not fit Swift and his appearance had attracted ! the attention of the officers. Mr. Mc Pberson identified tho clothing as his and a charge of burglary was placed against Swift. Fire at Pendleton. For Infants and Children. Caatoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeveriahnCES. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natnraX - Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "CastorlalsrowpUadaDted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription .ramwme.'' xi. a. ajutheb. al. jl., in Booth Oxford Bt Brooklyn, N. Y, " For several Tears I have recomroed3ed your - Cstoria, and rhall always continue todoeo, ' as it has invariably produced beneficial results.1' Edwih F. Pardbk. M. D., - - 125th Street and 7th Ave., Hew York City. "The use of 'Castoria Is so universal and Its merits fo well known that it reams a work of sunererovatlon to endorse it. Few are tne In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. CASliOS JLABTTK, D. Di, Kew York City. Thk Ckbuck Cokpaxy, T7 Murray Street, N. Y. Pendleton was visited by a large fire this . morning. The fire Started a little after 12 o'clock and several business blocks were burnt. It is reported that five persons were constimed in tbe fire. Pendleton has undoubtedly been Very cautious in regard "to fire protection, as the , following clipping from the East Oregonian of yesterday will show: On account of the heavy wind which blev Tuesday afterDoon - and avening, the tfty authorities kept the reservoir full for use n '-case of fire. The. water need Sonne this time was pumped di rectly into -the mains, and to- many it seemed that the water had" given oat. . In cava Are -had broken out, an enor mous quantity of water would nave been required, and tha precaution of re taining the reservoir fall was a wise m. Weather Crop Bulletin No 19 of the . vrejra state w earner nervice ror Kaatern OregoB. - Weather: Cloudy and threatening weather with light sprinkles of rain were tbe features of the weather during the first portions of the week, while during the latter part no rain fell and the weather became decidedly warm The few sprinkles of rain occured in widely separated sections, and were so light as to be unimportant. Special fruit report : Fruit shipments from Walla Walla, The Dalles and Hood Riyer are the largest ever known; this is considered the index of the situation Flattering reports come from many sec tions concerning the increase of acreage, care of the trees, amount and quality of the products and increase of shipments or tbe demand. Our correspondent at The Dalles writes : "All kinds of fruit are in a No. 1 condition ; apples are nearly, if not quite, free from codlin moth and are large and nice for export ; fruit pests have practically been de slroyed through the agency of the spray pump." Peachee, apricots, , apples, plums and prunes aie very good crops and of superior quality. In many sec tions the new orchards have commenced to bear ; this is especially so in Union county, and in that county fruit crops is placed slightly below the average, with the exception of the prune crop, which will mature a full yield. Peach plums are ripening and are in market. The Wallowa county grape promises a ' good crop. Owing to tbe drouth complaints come from some sections of fruit failing to mature and falling from the trees. In Malheur county tbe shipments of fruit are lighter than they are in other . sec tions. It is likely in this county ' the home demand will consume most of tbe crop. While fruit jpests are present in all sections, it is generally conceded that frnit has not materially suffered by them. The cherry crop has been har vested. In Wasco county the fruitgrow ers are setting out many strawberry plants ; tbe acreage of strawberries will be greatly increased. Wheat, oats and barley are being har vested with progress,' and many fields are completed. . Harvest of spring grain will soon commence, but in many sec tions south of Umatilla, Morrow and in Beet ions south of tbe Blue mountains spring grain, if cut at all, will be used for hay. The Walla Walla valley, and portions of Wasco and Sherman counties will produce excellent yields of good quality. In other sections of theColum- i. : n .v. :t i i t. "l" . """J '"c " , . '"" Header, did yon ever take Simmons smaii jrrain ana eome oaaiy snriveiea. Liver Rbgula-TOH, the "KTNO OF So far there has not been a treat amount Livek Medicines ?" Everybody need of tbreshiug done. In all of tbe streams e a remedy. It is a sluggish or the water is lower than isnsuat at this JLSSl time of tbe season. ' Pastures are still Mexican Mustang Liniment i - for-' Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, -;; " Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness &. Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes flan or Beast well again. ; Mm to'"-Donation Claimants. United Btatbk Dnrr. Laxd Office, ' ' . The 1)all8, Oiotin. I To all persons havlusr aettleutviit upon tracts of land within thin district, gv-n notice, u wqulrod b law, thut they claim such lauds as donations under the tirovitt-ms of the act of Congress entitled "An act to crcata the office of survt yor -poneral of the public lauds In Orexou, aud to provide for tbe survey, aud to make donations to mttlors of the said public) lands," approved f-eptembtr 27, JSAO, aitd ihe various acta umcudtitory and supplement.! thereto, and to their belis, devifee., srrautevs, and nil persons inuklna; claim to such dounlion claims, whether bv U scent, dolae, Judicial sale, or conveyance In good faith, who nave hitherto failed to make and tile in the proper land office final proof of such claims. Notice la her by given, In tccurdance with the requirements of Section 1 of the act of Cjucrcna aiiprovtd Julv '.6. 1R04. and in liunmancA nf thn directions of the Commissioner of tho general uuu imucu mas uiey are required 10 appear at this Oflice and mnlfl Mild u If llnal rtiwif nf H,ih claims ai.d perfo -t their title thereto before ibe 1st day of January, 1896, and that if thev fail to do so within the Ume,uch donation claims will be held to have been abandoned b tliem, and thu lands embraced therein will bo restored to tbe public nriivlrled In km hi utnl Congress of July -Jfi, uivcuuuaer our nanus tnisyin atyoi May, J AS K. MOOitE. Keirlster. mU J22 WILLIAM H. BlGUo, K colvcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd OrncE, The Dalles, Or.,( Jnue 18, lh9.". f notice la herebr' aivpn thut rhA fniinwin- named settler has Hied notice of hla intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and thUt Said trOof Will h nulla Mnn thn Uilitn and Bocelvcr at The Dalles, Oregon, on Atir. 3,1895,vU: . William P. Carter. Hd E, No. 8821, for the EM, NE'i. Boo W. and 8E!i, See 21, Tp 4 tj K II E. . He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Willism B. Rodman, Andrew J. 8w!ft. William H. Farlow, Eugeue Dcmore, all o Wamic, or. JDH! . JAB. t. JUUUKE, KCglStCT. .Another Stag Itobbery. EosEBDEo, Aug. 7. Camas mountain was chosen by a robber yesterday as a suitable place to hold op tne Coos bay stage. The lone highwayman., who wore a white mask and held a pistol in each hand, ordered tbe express , box thrown out. Ho was told there was none, and contented himself with the mail bags. As there were only two or three regis tered packages in the pouch he reaped a small reward for his tronhle. - REGULATOR Protect the Game and Fish. Shoot or fish only in the proper season and escape the game warden by observ ing tbe laws. . Many states hare new game and fish laws this year, and if yon don't know , them, send five 2-cent stamps for a copy of the Game Law issue of Tbe American Field, 245, State street, Chicago. . i-" , II Hli asIP Y U IM A WI U li I J . NOTICE. Csited States Ld Office, I " Tho Dalles. Or., Juue 4, 1811 . ( Complaint having been entered at this ottlce by John C. Tucker of Wamic, Or., against C. H. avenport for abandoning his Homeitead Entry No. 3616, dated April 8, 1891. upon the H SKV, 8co 7, NEfar NEiifceo 18, and r.W NW'4. beo 17. Tp 4 8 R 12 E, in Wasco county. Or., with a view to the cancellation of said entry, tbe said ' parties are hereby summoned to appear at 11. is office on tbe 2yth day of July. at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment. 15-jul20 . JAS, jr. MOOHE.Jicgtster. For Sale. One hundred and six acres of Frnit Land os MM Creek, five miles from The Da'les fifteen aores in G capos and Orchard, and four acres in Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of Wood and Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Land, ten miles west 01 The Dalies. fcb23-tf T. M. DESTON. Admistrator's Notice' Creditors. to Notice is Derebv given that the nndenriimoci baa been dnly annotated br th County Conrt of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, administrator of tbe estate of Frank Ire land, deceased. All persons having claims against sal I estate are hereby notified to present tnem to meat mv residence near Mosier. in said cuunty aud state, within six months from the uato nereor. Dalles City, Oregon, July 12, 1895. UJul GKOEGht IttELAN ND, Administrator. THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO. .... "Look Here." . All county warrants registered prior to Dec. 31st, 1891, will be paid if presented at my .office, corner 3d and Washington sreet's, The Dalfps. Or. Interest ceases after Aug. 10, im. 1 Wh. michbxl, Connty Treasurer, Hogs tor Sale. I bave 100 head of bogs for sale. They are of different kinds and in good condi tion. Call on or applv to Solomon Houser, Tvgh Valley, Or. ' jy26d&w2wk Lost, Wednesday 1 morning, a ladies gold watch. Finder will be liberally re warded bv leaving the tame at this office. al-dlw drying and grass ia becoming., scarce; for this -reason stock is getting thin. Grasshoppers are still nnmerous and de structive. ' , , , ; Cattle for Sale. - My entire Dand of cattle is for sale. They are mixed with Hereford breeds. One registered. Hereford bull, one half bieed bull, about 35 3-year-old steers, and about 125 bead of good beef cattle. Terms cash. Call -on or apply to T.I. MofiBtt, Gorman, Ore. . ag5dwtf and causes constipation, when tbe waste that should be carried off remains in the bodv and poisons the whole rvstenu That doll, heavy feeling Is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of. these trou bles, and give tone to the. whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons- Liver Regulator is better than Pills, it does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. ' Every package has the Bed Z stamp on the wrapper. J. II. Zeilin & Co., PMladelpliia. -A. rN-EW DfldertaMng Establishment PRINZ & NITSCHKE -DBALEES IN . , Furniture and :; Carpes. We bave added to - our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly.' for Tax Cbboniclk. Notice of Final Settlement Notiee Is hereby given that the nndcraigned ad-' ministrator of tbe estate of S muei ceaeed.has tiled bis final aeconui aa such adminis trator and that by an order made and e tered un thislstdaydf August, 1896, Monday tbe4tbdayof November, 18. at tbe hour of 2 p. m., ba bnen fixed as tbe lime and the Count) Courtroom lu. Dalles City, Or., aa the place for the beariug nf filial account. All neraona lntercat d in -said estate ar notified to appear at said time and rdace to show eaiself any there be why said final account should not be approved and aald estate cloed. - J. IL KUBANK8. aug3-6t. .. . Admlnlatrator. A- A. Brown, ateopa a fullaaMortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. ' - " whloh he offers at Low Figaros . SPEGIflli ;-: PRICES ' to Cash Buyers. Hiiiest Casl Prices for Ens .aid otlier Proauce. 170 SECOND STREET. me CQiumQia PackiDgCo.. PACKERS OF. PM and Beef MAKTJFACTDKERH Of "Fine. Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Bake Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, V THOMAS HAEPEE, - -' Proprietor SUsea leare Bake Oven for Aotelop every day, and from Antelope to -Mitchell three times a, week. - GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS.