The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 07, 1895, PART 1, Image 4

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    f H)
Sararaay. .
J. O. Mack returned today from Port-
- land.
Mr. Polk Butler from Nansene is in
the city,
Mr. C. D. Willets of Portland, is regis'
teied at the Umatilla,
Mr. A. M. Balfour of Lyle came up on
tbe Regulator last evening.
Mr. Charles Lord left on the early
morning tram for the coast, '
D. W. Vause and Al. Rease went to
Cascade Locks this morning,
Miss Ljzzie Bonn will return today
from an extended visit in Portland,
Dr. Hagh Logan left this evening for
Portland and a snort stay at the coast.
Mr. Fred Houghton and' wife left 1o
day for a visit at llwaco and the coast.
M.. W. H. Wilson was a passenger
on the local today bound for the coast,
Mr. Ben Wilson and family have gone
to Molftt Springs lor their summer so
Elder Starbuck came up from Mosier
last night, where he hae been camping
several days.
Mr. H. Herbring went down on the
Regulator this morning for a short stay
at his (Stevenson camp.
Mr. Theodoro Prinz went down on the
boat this morning to spend Sunday
with his family at Stevenson.
Mrs. C. T. Donnell, who has been
visiting Mrs. J. B. Warner at White
Salmon, returned home last night.
Mrs. V. C. Curtis left on the boat this
morning tor Cascades, where she will
pend a week visiting Mrs. Morgan.
Mr. William Marders and George
Harrison have returned from a hunting
and fishing expedition on tbe Klicktat.
Mr. C. L. Gilbert, deputy countv
. clerk, aczompanied by his family went
to Hood Kiver on a fishing expedition
this afternoon.
Miss May Enright started on her sum
mer vacation this morning. She will
visit San Francisco and before returning
make a trip to the ruget sound country.
Mr. A.'L. DuPrey of Portland was in
tbe . city this morning. Mr. DuPrey
married aiims Jessie isansey, a former
Dalles girl, who is well remembered here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H.: Forlow of Waraic
were in the city yesterday. Mr. Forlow
came In to give notice before the land
office of making final proof on his home
stead. .
Mrs. E. B. Dufar is quite sick at the
. house of relatives in Dufnr. She had
intended going to the mountains yester
day, but by the doctors orders she will
have to remain quiet several days.
Monday. -
Miss Annie Dufar of Dafur was in
ton n yesterday.
Mr. C. W. Dielzel returned this morn
ing from Portland.
Mr. W. C. Allaway returned from
Portland Saturday.
" Mr. H. H. Kiddell returned this morn
ing from Vancouver.
Miss Susie Chase went to Portland on
the boat this morning.
Mr. W. H. Taylor was a passenger on
the Regulator this morning.
Rev. W. 0. Curtis left this morning
for a visit at Cascade Locks.
Mr. Smith French returned Saturday
, irom a sojourn at the coast.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens left today for
visit to her old home in Albany. "
, Mr. Hugh Glenn, and daughter Edna
left for the sea shore this morning.
Mr. J. E. Sorbin, a merchant of Cas
cade Locks was in the city this morning.
Dr. Hugh Logan, accompanied by his
son Eay, came np from Portland' last
Mrs. Mary French, returned to Port
, land on the boat after ah extended visit
in tbe Dalles.
Mr. John Parrot returned yesterday
irom a inp mrougn snerraan county.
He reports everybody busy.
Miss Alice Roberts returned this
morning- from Colfax, where she has
beep visiting her brother Will.
Miss Grace Glenn returned last night
from a visit to the coast. She was ac
companied by Winnie Williams of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. John Filloon started for
Trout Lake on tbe Regulator this morn
ing. They were accompanied by Miss
Holcomb and Miss Aequa.
Miss Viola Temple and Mrs. Mary
Stanard of Portland who have been
visiting the family of Marshall Hill for
the past week will return home tomor
row. Major M. C. Henslee, wife and son
of Vancouver, came up on the Regulator
Saturday night, and will remain in The
Dalles a couple of weeks visiting rela-
tives. . j
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Brooks left
this morning for Yaauina Bay. Thev
. will be absent the greater part of the
month, a portion of which time will be
spent with friends in the Willamette
for Portland where she will loin Miss
Krirteht' and go4o San Francisco by the
MeainW Oregon rtiicb-4eaves Portland
tonight. ' She will be absent about two
weeks. .- ' ,. r ;
Judge Bennett was registered at the
Imperial m Portland .yesterday.'
Mr."' J". Freiman returned last night
from a summer, outing at Trout Lake.-
Mr. Julius Fisher returned this morn
ing from a two weeks visit at tbe coast,
Hon. Pierce Mays and family left this
morning to remain several weeks near
Dafur. ' ;
Mr. H. C. Nielson. left on the Regula
tor this morning to join his family at the
coast. , ;
Mrs. E. E. Lytle left on tbe afternoon
train for a summer sojourn at Hood
River.' . - '-. '.;'
Mr. Frank French returned yesterday
from a flying trip. to tbe, coast and re
sumed work on the Regulator.
Frank Summers. Charles Michelbacb
and L. L. Branner have gone to High
Prairieon-a hunting and fishing expedi
tion. . . "
Mr." H. Herbring left last night for
Snraaue to attend to his business inter
ests which were badly damaged by tbe
late ore.
President I; McClelland president of
Pacific University at ores t throve, is in
tbe city on business connected with this
worthy institution.-
Mr. 'A. J. Anderson and family and
Mr. George Anderson left this morning
for an overland trip to the Willamette
valley. They will dtive over the McKen-
zie road and camp for some time at
McKenzie Bridge where the hunting
and fishing are of the finest sort.
Sherman County Items. V
. ; ' August 5th 1895,
To th Editor. Everyone; is busy
preparing for the coming harvest, which
promises to be larger than was at first
expected. The acreage in grain, is not.
more than half what it was last year,
but the yield will be moderately good
Of course volunteer is a failure, and late
spring g.ain will not be worth , much;
but your correspondent knows of several
places in Sherman, county - that will go
twenty to twenty-five bushels to tbe
acre easily. ;' v
Mrs. S. S. Hayfes, wife of our county
clerk, accompanied by her two children
and her niece, Mrs. Wj-att, started last
Thursday for their old home in Linn
county, where they will so-journ this
month. The clerk himself, with H. A.
Moore and J. B. Hosford are this week
camped on tbe classic bnnks of Badger
creek dealing ont death and destruction
to the finny tribe. Let ub hope thei
piscatorial efforts wilLmeet with success,
Milton Damon and Henry Hennagin
with their respective families, returned
last week from Hood River, where they
had been spending a couple of weeks
picking berries and recuperating gener
ally for the harvest season." '
. Mr. Martin, representing tbe Eastern
Oregon Land Co., has been stopping in
the county daring the past week looking
after the company's interests here. He
left for The Dalles last Saturday.' ' '
Judge Bellinger's decision condemn
ing generally the appointment of re
ceivers in farm mortgage foreclosure
cases is meeting with unqualified ap
Reader, did you ever take Simmons
Liver Regulator, the "Ktng or
Lives Mkdicines ? ' ' Everybody needs
take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to a
fcirpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative. Simmons Liver
Regulator is better than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
: Every package has the Red Z
Htamp on the wrapper. J. . II
Zeiliii Si Co., Philadelphia.
proval from the farmers in this county
Viewed from the farmers' standpoint,
the decision is a beneficial one, if it re
sults in diminishing the number of farm
loans in the future. ' Doubtless -' the
moneylender looks upon it as a rank
injustice, but that does not' trouble' the
borrower a particle.": The latter seems
to enjoy hugely any judicial decision
whether equitable or otherwise, which
tends to hamper the former in recover
ing his dues.' Sucb is the ingratitude of
The people of Grant school district
are preparing to build a large school
bouse, but there seems to be a differ.
ence of opinion among the legal voters
as to where it ought to be located
whether in the town of Grant or farther
east near Rufus. ' .
Rev. Morehead, who has so acceptably
filled the Methodist pulpit here for the
last couple of years, expects to be trans
ferred to another sphere of duty by the
next conference which will meet at Spo
kane in a couple of weeks. His depart
ure will be regretted by his friends,
whose name is legion. ; : '' Vaqa
Prale far the Land Office.
Hon. Pierce Mays and family came np
irom roruana on the regulator Satur
, day. They will remain in Tbe Dalles a
short time and then go to Mr. Robert
Mays' ranch near Dufar, where they
win epena several weexs. -
Mr. Trn man Butler, purser of the
Dalles City stopped at Lower Cascades
: on fhe up trip Saturday and spent the
aiiernoon wun ine u&uee colony at
that place. He arrived here on, the
noon train yesterday and returned on the
Jteguiater this morning. . ,
K 'Tuesday. .
Mr.-James Whitten of Antelope is in
tbe city. '.
Win Cartis has returned from a visit
toBakeoven. .. .
Mrs. Briggs left for Portland on this
afternoon's train.
Mr. J. T. Peters was in Portland yes
terday on business.
' Mrs. Hendersbot returned on the noon
. train from a visit to Portland.
Mr. T. Crura has gone to Lower . Cas
cades for his summer vacation.
Miss Grace Michell left this afternoon
The following "frob the : Antelope
Herald speaks in' high terms of the
efficient land office officials: ;'
' It is now just about one year since th
new register and receiver look charge of
ine u nuea estates land office at The
Dalles, and, in justice to those' officials,
let it bo sam that the duties of their re.
spective onices have never been -more
carefully or ably attended to than they
nave been during the past 12 months,
We have heard not a single complaint
of . their actions anywhere throughout
the land district so far, and we are sat
isfied, the same record will be main
tained during the next' three years.
Hon. J F. Moore, the register, and Col.
W. H. Biggs,, the receiver, make ideal
tana otneers, and this - item will voice
the sentiments of all the settlers through'
out The Dalles land district.
Not since "The. Anglouiomacs" has
there been so clever a society satire as
Henry Fuller's "Pilgrim Sons," which
is published in the August Cosmopoli
tan. Tbe problems involved ia woman's
use of a bicycle are bo 'startling and so
numerous, under the rapid evolution of
this art, that one Welcomes a careful dis
cussion of. tbe subject by so .trained a
mind and so clever' a writer' as Mrs.
Reginald de Koven. ' The Cosmopolitan
illustrates Mrs. de Koven 's article with
a serious of poses by '.professional mod
les. , A new sport, more thrilling than
any known ti Nimrod. more dangerous
than was ever experienced' by even a
Buffalo Bill,' is exploited in the same
issue in an article on "Photographing
Big Game in the Rocky Mountains,"
before shooting. The idea that ten cents
for The Cosmopolitan meanB inferiority
from a literary point ot view is dispelled
by- the: appearance' in this number' of
such writers as' Sir Lewis Morris,. Sir
Edwin Arnold, Edgar Fawcett, Tabb
VV. Clark Russell,-Lang, Sarcey; Zang
will, Agnes, Repplierl etc' Nor can we
entertain the idea of inferiority in illu
stration with such names as Hamilton
Gibson, Denman, VanSebrick, - Lix.
Sandham, etc., figuring as the chief
artists of a single month's issue.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all 'other diseases
put together, and until the, last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescrib
ed local remedies, and by' constantly
failing to cure with local treatment, pro
nounced it ; Incurable. Science ' has
proven" catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market. .It is takeninter-1
nally iu doses from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful.' It acts directly on the blood
mucous surfaces' of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for any case it
fails to cure.. Send for circulars and tes
timonials. Address. . '
F. J. CH ENEY & C0., Toledo, O
Sold by Drnggists, 76c. :
The big blast which occurred east of
here last Saturday recalls some former
happenings of the same kind. ' The big'
gest discbarge of explosives, which ever
occurred on . this road was near Shell
Rock, when the whole side of the moun
tain went-into the river. L, E; Crowe of
Mays & Crowe; was at that time in the
employ of the company and arraoged
the battery that caused the explosion.
He . also touched it off..: Many people
cam from Portland to witness the scene
which was awful in its effect. The eig
nal, was given, by a whistle from-the
steamer R. R. Thompson, upon which
were the high- officials of the company,
The blast on the line of road this side of
tunnel No. 3 opposite Lyle was an'
other large one. . Twenty-one tons of
powder; it is -estimated, were put in
the drifts but it did not explode. : The
discharge was not as' successful as com
tem plated, ' though a great amount of
rock was torn in two. - The blasts were
always attended with, danger and many
men were killed during, the construction
of the road. - -
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is an unfailing remedy for all dis
eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Urinary
Organs. It is i certain cure for Dropsy',
Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Gravel, Kid
ney 'Weakness, Incontinence of Urine,
Bed Wetting: in 'Children,' Biliousness,
Liver Complaint and Female Trouble's.
A trial of this great remedy will con
vince you - of its potency. - Price $1.00
per bottle. For sale by Snipes-KinersJy
Drug Co. . , '.,.' . .
' ' Cattle for Sale.' ' ' " ' :
Tie Ciiii loir
JOS; T. PETERS & CO.. Sole Ae-ents
FOR v '',' '.l'.'i
. : My entire oand of . cattle is for sale,
They, are mixed with .Hereford breeds.
One' registered Hereford bull, .one half
bieed bull, about So 3ryear-oId steers,
and about 125 head of good beef cattle.
Terms cash, -i Call on or apply .to T.
Moffitt, Gorman. Ore. ,; . ag5dtf
u ator L
He Dais,' ForllaM- and Astori
Navigation Co..
' Following is the list of letters remain
ing' in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Aug! 3, 1895. Persons' calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Abret, AC Beuthy, PR
jCavender.-J Q' Hatsen, C G'
Hanprichin, Chas Hillin, Uavid
Jones, Mabel
Lavin, Mrs Sarak J
Leavens, r red
Mitchell, Mrs Sarah
Mueller, fed
Hunter. Mr
Johnston, Mrs C S
Lisgyishv, bd
Mathis, E N 2 ' '
Miln, Jo J . ..:
Radvon.Mrs Nancy Nay, Frank
Samuel, F B . Salinger, Mike
. .. J. .A. Cbosseh, P. M,
' V : . f ruii.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen A
Co; Chicago, and get a free sample .box
of Dr. King's New Life PiilsT ; A trial
ill convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy 'in action and are particu
larly effective in the care of Constipation
and Sick Headache. - For Malaria and
Liver troubles they have; been, proved
invaluable. ' They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every- deleterious
substance and to be pnrely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
bv giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate? the system; Regular'
size 2oc. per box. . bold- by- bnipes s
Kinerelv. ' .. V . .'
; School Superintendent' Notice.-
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an-examination . of
all persons whq may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of this county,
the county school superintendent there
of will hold a public examination at The
Dalle 4 beginning at 1 o'clock. p, m Wed
nesday, Angost 14, 1895. v.
' Dated this 5th day of Augast, 1895. .
- . . : , ji ''i .. Tfidy Shellky,
(County school - superintendent, Wasco
Co., Oregon. -- ; ; ! ; ag6d8w3
Are Ton Going to tbe Cuast ;
This summer? - If so, take the Regulator
line; Tickets on sale for : the season at
rates lower than ever.'' ' Connections
made with all steamers" lervhig Portland.-
- Through tickets,- and ' baggage
checked -to 'destination.' ' (No transfer
charges at Portland). -. -''.-' ''' ' ;;
r-;.' : '.: :'r ' W. C.ALLAwAy, .;' ' .-
-v--1"' ':y V '-General AgenlLV'
The Wasco VVarehonse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed .Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. .. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale toller
mills flour, the best flour in the market
and Bold only in ton lots or over; 9-ti .
and Passenner Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port-
land.- Steamer Regulator ' leaves The
Dalles at 8 a.m.. connecting at the tJas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles . City,
Steamer Dalles -City leaves. Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a.1 m.. connect
ing with ' Steamer , Regulator for The
Dalles.. , , -
One way.."....;,
Round trip;...'.-,
.. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
; All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through,, with
out delay at Cascades -.... . J
' . Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
ay landings must. .be delivered before
6 p. tn,'. uve ;s toe a snipmexits aoiictea
Call on or address, ; ;.. . , , . ..
''i'--' i ' .,;-'''''
' '- Oenerml Ajenf . .
Letrs of Credit issued available, in the
' . .',, v. .Eastern States. : , '
Sight' Exchange and" Telegraphic
transfers sold on ew- York, Chicago, St.
Louis,, San Francisco, Portland- Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in jt-
egon and Washington. -
Collections made at all points on fav.
O'ahle terms. Vt : -,y v - :
'.'J ; : ' " Lard Omcz, The Dalle, Or.,
': v. '. . ; ....... . Aug. -1895.
Notfoe i nereby Riven that tbe following
named aettler bas filed notice of bis intention to
mate final Drool in support of bio claim, and
tbat said-proof will be made before tbe register
ruu receiver ui uiv u. o. uuiu uujii iuo auii,
Or.',onBept.l9,lJi95,vii.:j -,..-'
-.William B. Far low.
Hd. E. No.38S6,fr. tbe N NEK, 8W HW.i
and N W qr BE qr, 8eo. 27, Tp 4 8 R 12 E, W M...
' Hetaames tbe following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said 'lHnd, viz: E: N. Chandler, of Tbe Dalles,
Or. B. Savage, Geo. W. Bnrliugame and Jobn
Hooell of Wunle, Oregon. '..
auB. 7 ' r ;JA8. MOOEB, Eegister.
k CklrlM-atet'a EorMa DtaanaJ BtllV
. .Original ua vaij
fcAFX. 1wt reUabto. lapics ak
ItrttraHaft Cor 7k tJaIr al SnotiaA Di&-
aaif ttrau in km ana boa Beuuim
tiMJ and tfitallots. A Druggists, or MB44e.
iir MATopti for rMrtScctnra, tectimofuaJ tuui
M HnllMf for 4a lettmr, bT ret-rm
rhi! in .in rhuii ij
1 . 4114 Pa
-' : - . '. .' f ;.r .'.- r s : .1 .i '.'! -V ' I
' a twentv-page journal; is the leading Republican family 'paper of the '
.. United States.' ..It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all '
the general, news bf the United States.' It giv'es 'the events of foreign
' lands in a nutshell.' Its AGRICULTORA L department has no bu- -'
periorin the country.' Its MARKET REPORTS are-recognized an-.
. horitv. . Separate departments for TrlE FAMILY CIRCLE; OUR '
AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of the wives and 1
' daughters. It general political news, editoria.and.discusBioBS are'
i compreocnsivo,. Drrliiant and exnaustive. . . '.i.-i, .:-, .-.9
" ; v - ' " : '; - ' - : : r : '
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THE WEEKLY, CHRONICLE foi: a..-; - , , V:; - .',",.
... " OtMOai la, A-ieivAriLOo.,' ;.''-' -.-';'
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. .. . - (The jegnlar subscription for the two' papers is $2.50'.)' 1 i - ' -' ;-
f ''.'. : . . ' .," ;,!.'.:; ; -i ; ..''-- ' -
! ' ' :- : ' ' ' . ; BHRScfelPTIONS MAi-;BEGI AT. ANY TfMR ; 'i - .''.,.','. "
-1 V-V. cmioNicLE PTJBilSHJNG CO .
JBf . Write vour name and address on a postal ca'rd send it to Geoi'sre W. Beft;'
: Koom 2,, Tribune Building, JMew York tiity, and a Bam pie copy of -J. Hi. KiSW
'.YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you.. , ; : , ..
I i -
THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON,' Eocene, Offers free tuition to all stu-; -i:
dents.. : can obtain board, lodging,, heat, aod .light in the. dormitory.
for $2 :50 per week. .Roomers famish theiT own linen'. Yoang women 'are pro
vided with board in private families at $3.00 per week." : Y6unr women desiring"
board should address Prof. John' Straub.'lEugene, 'Oregon ;- or Secretary' Yonng . ' -.
Women's Christian Association; Eugene.;. ;The University offer three ,baccalau-r;.-.
reate decrees Bachelor of Arts-Ba'chelor of Science aiid Bachelor of. Letters with. . ..
corresponding courses of study.1. The folfowing shorter courses are also. offered:
Aii English course leading in two years toa business diploma and in three years '
to the title, Gradnate in English'; - An advanced course for -graduates of normal ' 1
schools leading to the degree; Master of- Pedagogy ; A three years' course in civil i
engineering leading to the degree of Civil Engineer:. A, course jof. two years for , ;
teachers of physical education leading to a, diploma and the title"Director of Phy- -
sical Education. The university charges incidental fee -ot-ten dollars' wnicn is
payable in advance by all students. ' Students, holding diplomas- irom . the. public.: ,',
oshan1a nd IhnM havintv tMrhrar'rtfl.t.ffa ara .sdmittAd ta .Ihe nrpDAratorV ". . ..
department without examination.' Those desiring information' regarding the pre-' ;' ,
paratory department snonia address tne uean, jx. i. iarregan, ragene.
For catalogues and information. address C. H. Chapman", Presidoht',' or' J J.', ' ..'
Will ton. Stwretarv.Eiirane. Orecon. " '''-''.'.. ' '. ' " .- :' -"'
. t , '
Wool ; Growers,
. . ... ..... ....'.,.....;.-.... , J
? v:
, I will be in The Dalles 'during', the Wool Season: of this
year, prepared to-buy all kinds -of Wool in any quantities at - '
the. highest' market" price: See mp1 before selling or 'ship-' ;
ping your .Wool. r ... .-.t ; r . . . :''' ;:' t: '
New England Marble Granite
Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor.'
Do not order Monumental Work until you obrain our figures. " 'You will find -
that, for good work, our charges are" always tbe lowest. Cash or, time settlement ,
fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures.. Send address for de
signs and prices." Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms. . '''''.
720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School,
i , i . , . ' ' gBM L 'i-.L.. J-J
Blakeley & Houghton,
75 iSeco nd. Street,
The. DalleS, Oregon
.... '.',"
gJ0 Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.