Cll. THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1896. The Weekly Chroniele. UBIOOil Entered at the nostofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. vicinity regard the whole matter in the light" of a joke and that the men -who massacred .the Indiana are fleeing Montana. The fatetious settlers want get rid of the Indiana and hence the whole alarm. This kind of joking may prove a vefy serious matter in the fiitn in case of a real danger. The war de partment doea not enjoy that sort of STATE OFFICIALS. ejveraor .W . P.'Lord Treasurer . Phillip Metscban joke and ia not likely to hasten ugain to Bupt.of Public Instruction G. M. Irwin . .. - ... .. ri. Attorncv-General C. M. Idleinan the aid of that section of country, mere in w I . . Henators Y ii ' xiun 088 feen a.very general reeling among who Congressmen... State Printer... I J. H. Mitchell l B. Hermann '. K. Ellis . . W. H. Leeds COBNIV OFFICIALS. County Judge. Geo. C. Blakeley Sheriff. T. J. Driver Clerk ...A. M. Kelsay Treasurer '. '. ...Wm. Micheil nr.mmt. . iFrankKlncaid I A. b. mowers Assessor .....F. H. Wakefield fiarveyor. : E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Ooroner J... W. H. Butts SENSATIONAL REPORT . OF CRIMES. the people of the Pacific elope, know more of " the Indiana than peopli East, that this alleged uprising was greatly exaggerated: and so the facta prove. - '- -' SALOONS TO BE CLOSED MIDNIGHT. "The extreme to-which through the ambition of professional detective mat ters of this kind (referring to accusations against Holmes) are carried, serve illy the ends of justice. It is doubtful whether they serve any more commend able Durcose than that wbicb lends a morbid public appetite that constantly fattens on crime, and as constantly de mands a fresh relay of food." Oregonian. Thb Cheonicle . heartily concurs in . , . . . i t i i meioregoing; too wrangling oi lawyers 8erved without compulsion, but if it ia inrougn ine press lenua tar it:ss ai though that ia bad enough in its ten- Upon a petition of a large n timber of business men, the city council directed an ordinance to be prepared which will forbid keeping saloons open after mid' night. "The action will be commended by citizens general! v. Other business is done between the hours of 6 o'clock a and 12 midnight and there is no good reason whv the saloon business should be an exception ; there are, however, many reasons why the men who run the saloon 8 and bar-rooms should be relieved of any excuse for keeping open after midnight. We believe "very keeper of saloon in the city, unless it be a dive will approve the action of the council We hope the ordinance will bo ob- dency to bring the courts into public disrepute, than the publication of gar- beled reports of expected testimony in criminal cases. The paid detective is in character hot far from the criminal in his disposition to thwart vile justice; no misrepresentationls too gross for him to use; no trick loo dishonest to be played; and when the accused is tinder arrest re porters ot , tne modern city papers are too willing to feed the morbid appetite by publishing the statements of the de tectives concerning the alleged crime, and if the prosecuting officers remain silent concerning the testimony, aa they not the executive of the citv will see that it ia ttrictlv enforced. THE WATER COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. The public will read with interest the report of the water commissioner's, pub' lished in yesterday's Cheonicle. We have, heretofore heard eome complahit that detailed reports were not published and perhaps the local papers have been to blame in the matter more than" the commission. J. here has elapsed less than a year since the first installment of water bonds were paid off and yet it ap pears that there is now on hand nearly . " 1 I I 1 . -1 A t cercainiy ougnr. to ao, out seiuom ao, me $50fl0 o which $4500 fa drawing 6 enterprising reporter eecuree iuou ior cent Our water system is in good hands this morbid appetite by making up a and there ifl no reagon why the ;ty statement for them. The public read aho0,d not meet it8 obligations for the tnese miejointed, sensational and, to a water tem withoutfeeli g the burden great extent, laise Hiaujiuema ot me ujb- timonv, and when the case comes on for trial are prepared to convict before the court has had ought to do with the case. At the trial the evidence admitted to the hearing of the jury is usually en tirely unlike that upon which the pub lic has rendered its. verdict and after the trial results differently from what the public-would have it; the public there upon denounces the trial aa a farce, pro claims the jury system a failure and concludes that justice has miscarried. Often the trial it a failure and it is so . because of the officioasness and inter ference of the newspapers, whose trial ' of the case 'is usually from the stand point of the so-called detective. We be lieve the press ia largely to blame for the "morbid appetite" of the public; . and the trial of cases by the press upon statements of detectives creates a public contempt for courts and all that have to do with the trial of cases. Anything that will help the future of The Dalles should be enthusiastically supported by our citizens. An organi zation composed of business men heartily devoted to the interests of oar growing town is what just at present we need the most. In former years such a body did good work; it could do better now Matters are continually arising, which for lack of a proper body of reference, are left neglected. Before another three months ehall pass we should have some such organization. Pendleton, Baker City and La Grande have their boards of trade, commercial clubs or whatever name ia given 'them. Our future ia aa bright aa the brightest.! Strong con certed efforts will hasten ita coming. In a city more than anywhere else the adage "In Unity there is Strength," has especial force. . . . . THE JULY DEFICIT. When the republican party was in vited to step down and out, the chief reason assigned was that the income of the government was. too great for the welfare of the nation and the surplus was begetting habits of extravagance. The monthly debt statement for Jaly shows that the reason for putting the affairs of the nation in the. hands of democrats, whose. Jackaonian simplicity would render the burdensome . taxation of republican times unnecessary, no lon ger exists; the increase of the national debt tor July was only 3H,ouu,UUU, a small matter with Jackaonian demo crats, but a very considerable item with- republicans. The nation has had too much democratic economy and redaction of taxes; we do not see any difference in the taxes we pay (we never paid enough to materially change the deficit for July, 1895,) but therp is and has been a great difference in the com merce and industries ever since it waa known for a certainty that the demo cratic party was to run things. The nation ia ready for another change and we think the treasury department The Chicago police have made a most startling confession, namely, that they have no evidence strong enough to con vict Holmes, the man who is more accused than any in the world just now. When the Chicago police Bay they have no evidence to convict an accused, the rest of the world stands still, holds ita breath and waits to hear from San Fran cisco. But no euch confeseion .will ever come from' the police department of Golden Gate city; it will contract to rnish testimony to convict anybody or anything on ehort notice. It may be the testimony, will not pan eat any more than ia now probable in the Durrant case, but the promise' will be made by the department and the press will cheer fully make public the promised testi mony. We presume this ia all done to scare won Id-be criminals. A BOARD OF ' TRADE. ' A letter came to The Dalles yesterday from an eastern city addressed to the Board of Trade of this city, making en quiries as to the advantages offered by The Dalles for the establishment of a branch factory, for the manufacture of school supplies and furrfituro. ; The let ter purported to come from the man ager of such an establishment, and stated, among other things, that the company contemplated establishing a branch factory on the Pacific elope to supply its Pacific Coast -trade. The let ter made many enquiries concerning the price of lands, character of timbers etc. Such letters generally rcay not amount to much, yet might in . particular in stances amount to a great deal if placed in the hands of one interested, in prop erly answering thorn. ' '. i As it is, they usually find their way to a waste basket and the writer no doubt wonders at the luck of business courtesy or enterprise of The Dallea. It would cost -something to maintain a board of trade, but tho cost when borne by alt business men of the city would be incon bring up a family. In fact there "are few places, taking all things, into considera tion, more desirable for a home than onr citv. . 1 Do-You Know a Good Thing The Prineville Review, which knows a good thing when it sees it speaks in these high terms of the D.-P.& A. N. Co. "The Begnlator company appear to be doing the main shipping business on the Columbia this season. It is well I tbia is the case, for more real benefit has accrued from the establishment of this . transportation line to- Eastern! Oregon than from any other one entei- WHEN YOU TASTE IT? IF SO YOU WILL NEVCR 8E WITHOUT V DH. HENLEY' OELEOV OEEF MBvlRQn Mualer Urease. On Monday, July 29th, two gentlemen, Dr. Chas. Bennett and Prof. F. M. Hun ter, of Portland, guests of Mrs. Hunter, got off the train at MoBier. A sapper and entertainment were given that even ing at' her home, it being the eighteenth birthday of Miss Hattie. ' -There were about twenty-five present and all atten- qtjIets and strengthens THE NERVES ' BUILDS . UP THE SYSTEM PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD " NATURE'S BUILOCR.ANO XOIMIO FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGH TON. 3fovra From the PI am SUIjyment. The following bulletin received this morntng gives important information regarding the car of plains which left ding report a good time and wish Miss The Dallee'July 23 and went to New Hattie many each enjoyable event. The population of Mosier was creased this week by the addition of Mr. Smith's family from Hood River. . Miss Kate, McCace and-Miss Mary Eilev are guests of Mrs. . Waters at present. I should think that the people of this York. The report reada : . POKTtAKD, Oregon, Aug. 5th, 1895 There was sold in New York today one car of peach plums,. U. P. No. 31,965, Wikescar, from The Dalles; average average price .75 per crate. M. D. Far- rington, O. D. Taylor, . best " pack, .85; Amoa Koot, A. fe. Bennett, .75 to .85; One Carlisle, of the Famous Historical Town of the Country. iona lit the feint Settlement of the Colonies. ; Mr. J. O. Stephens, ot Stephens Booteiri. proprietors or Carlisle Carpet House, one of the most prominent firms In the Cumberland Valley, wrote on Oct. a, 1892: "I was taken sick on the 24th of Inst April with nervous prostration, and had the daily attendance of threo of our best physicians, one of them vlsltinir me twlmnnrh rin. tIm siderable, and its benefits to the city .mty wouia mce it into nana ana see ua.ance .oa to .o, wait quite ripe -and San helpless . . . ,rr . ''.t' i tii lit mere were no more aeaa nurses ui ouiwuio mr euipping traae, vieve. I itttoi2upounas. uia not get thirty minutest would be great. We venture the asset- . . . ,and caf w. , JnMjjM. tion that had it not been for the board Thn hnr.n thnl. at - n..olr nr Tha DuIIm ' Arrivprl !n l nrl;t;n I aao, 1 began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative . .1 . , . . I Nerrlne, Tonic and Pills. I have gained 35 unds in weight, can eat and sleep, and In looses ou; crates o; Iruit .very ripe. C. F. T. car No. 13,854 shipped from Eugene by Humphrey & Segar to F. A. Thomas & Son, Chicago, sold for .CO. Pkabs In good demand, Bartletts of trade, whicb formerly existed here, so ago, lies within seventy-five yards of crates from 80 to 90, botes 70 to .80 the boat company, whicb has solved for the two county roads, and any one going Chicago car, U. P. Wickea, 31,809 from ' ..1tiMx.nt liara natfl Full hatiaAl nt tl.A anful I RifltluB iwanh nlnma art! A A O . .-1 na tne transDortation Question. Won d s" -v "" "' " ouSu. u.u. . , , . . , . .. stench that comes frctn, the decomposi- not have under tanen its work at . the .. . . . , r. , . tion of such ammale. It is injurious to time it did, and further, that the act of heath and 8jj00ld be seen to at opce. the legislature anthorizing the construe-1 We haea snake charmer here. Frank tion of the state Dortaee .road would not I Nunis caught two live rattlesnakes in 1 1 - i , . . . i ! ,1; t in . An nr. . . have become a law when it did. Both n,B nano8 na Pnl lnem l,r ana Helun ,or m nu " 18 8Rle 10 sent tbem to Portland, where he received nenre on vealizing excellent prices for $15 apiece for them. , . . . , I Bartletts, The boya met last Saturday and or-1 Plums Prices holding firm from .80 to ganszea a baseball club. They have. $1.00 for all but peach plams, which sell some very good players and will have i less on account of their poor keeping many more as soon as they . practice I qualities for reshipping. We advise all some, . tto notify us at once relative to plum and There is talk of the M. E, camp' meet- pear shipment. ing beginning soon. I Italian Prunes For green shipment Many of onr people spent Thursday, in prospects very bright ; should net grow The Dalles seeing the sights the Wallace era from 1 to 2 cents and we advise shows were arble to give them. . I heavy shipments of these when ready Mrs. Althea Ireland has come home. I Dkiso Prunsb. -California, four sizes, She has been at OyBterville, Wash., future delivery, which is rather SDeca- Ireland) died J lative, A cts F. O. B. California, which prices ahonld easily place our Italians, Rustlee. these enterprises had their origin in The Dalles board of trade, and for some time the boat company waa known aa the Board of Trade Boat company. We are now entering upon a new era of - prosperity and we need,' more than almost anything else, an organization wnicn will nmte in a common purpose the basinesa men of the citv. It shonld be organized on a eonnd financial basis and conducted for the' commercial welfare of this city. Who will take the matter in hand? where her husband (Rev. some time ago. BUILDING MATERIAL GOING UP. A strong indication of returning pros perity ia the confidence apparent among builders; we assume that our'own city is no exception, and here many resi dences' and some business houses are building or have just been completed. The price of nails and lumber have both recently experienced a. sharp advance; Portland lumber has : recently ad vanced 25 per cent. , A gentleman recently from Puget Sound reports that the lumbering in' teres ts are again active and as a result businejs in all . lines is reviving. The same is true in the. lumbering 'districts of California and Oregon. We hope it is a permanent improvement, although this section is a consumer and but a very small producer of , lumber. What ever helps the northwest helps us and we care little from. what source th pros perity comes. Public mind regarding the Cascade Locks is on such a tension that when word came yesterday that the sheds were on fire great uneasiness was felt. For nineteen years the people of Eastern Oregon have hoped and despaired and hoped again for the completon of this great work and now when the weary waiting is nearly over the thought of any is much in need of the change that ia f disasters, that would nrevent or delav surety coming. TELEPHONE 20 PRINEVILLE. A telephone line trom Prineville to The Dalles, woo Id not only be a benefit to both towns and intermediate country, but would be a paying investment as well. Review. It is coming, people of Prineville.- We have already made a beginning by start ing a line to Dufur. Ten davs will see it finished and pushed on towards King aley. . Prineville is its natural terminus and though souTB time may elapse before we can talk to Crook's county seat, yet the same spirit that conceived and sup ported the boat line and that has fought for the completion of the locks these many years will see to it that Prineville the long looked-for event fills our minds with dread. The accident yesterday was trivial, but we are tftankfui it was no more. When the dav' comes that the first boat passes from The Dalles to Port land sucha shoot will arise from over Eastern Oregon that will disturb the sleepers in Heaven. Saturday afternoon Sprague, Wash., suffered a disaster like the one which destroyed the larger portion- of The Dalles, on Sept. 2, 1891; both, fires started in the middle of the day and burned so fiercely that no fighting by a fire, department waa of any avail. It is the season of the year when a like catas trophe may occur to any city, and the Mtrn'mi 'nMn3An .U.IJ V.n V. 1 V will hDVAlAlanhnnamiinmnniMMfMi lth J the ontside world. . I . r A JOKE. The latest from the 6eatof the dian war" is that the settlers in 'In- the in Ber ing that the tire apparatus is in perfect condition, and by the citizens that no debris is left exposed to sparks. - An ounce of prevention in this respect is worth tons of cure. '.' " The safe arrival in San Francisco of too uoiumoia river log raft, marks an era in ocean transportation. Similar attemps have been repeatedly tried on the Atlantic and Pacific.bat the general result has been failure. and a deep pre- udice on the part of - navigators has grown against future attempts. The danger to ocean commerce from the breaking of the raft is very, great and sailors look askance at more ventures of the same sort. The anccessfal ending of this latest attempt may counteract any snch feeling and stimulate - interest in log raft navigation. .The item, of freight charges will be a not unimportant inducement as the saving in the present instance, will amount to nearly several thousand dollars. The Joint Meeting;. The Columbia, Jackson and Mt. Hood Hose companies held a joint meeting in the city ball last evening. The' atten dance was large and great interest shown in the subjects brought before the. meeting. Although the contest in the election for chief and assistant which had just closed had been very warm, all feelings of rivalry was quickly laid aside and everyone was desirous of working in harmony. President Maier - appointed a committee consisting of E. C. .Peaee, Judd Fish, Henry Clough and Chas. Laoer to 'ascertain from the Revere Rubber Co., what their lowest figureson the racing cart would be and if it would be shipped to The Dalles subject, to in spection. A finance committee was . ap pointed to make arrangements for the collection of the money.. It seemed to be the general impression that any' defi nite action each as voting the money should be deferred till word would be received from, the rubber company. After' some .informal discussion the meeting adjourned. The Jackson com pany will meet tonight and the Cqluui' bia Thursday night at which meetings further action will be taken. pou fact, feel as well as I ever did.. I felt tho good eiiecia oi your remedies inside or to hours." 8EV&NTEES MOUTHS LATKK. Mr. Ptephens writes ajain under date of March 14. tm. After my great recovery, as I wrote yon be fore, scores of people stopped me on tha streets, came to see me at my store and wrote me from different parts of this and adjoining; States, to all of whom I told the story of the wonderful curative powers of your remedies and am only too glad to horald their praises. ThA wife of f& nmfpunp in miAnfitnpML fVes called to thank me for tellinir her about your Nervine, the had been a sufferer from Insomnia, weaknesses, etc.. for veami nhn said she had felt the benefits at once. The President of the same college, also thanked me for the benetlt he had received from using; your Nervine at my suggestion. I tell yoa It's a pleasure to recommend your remedies X ours truly, .. .J. a STEPHENS. Dr. MIIaa Nervine is sold on a DosItlTB guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell rtot M, 8 bottles forSS, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price tv the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lad- Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. SHERIFF'S SALE. 40s to 50s 3 cents, 50a to 60a 7 cts. , Re ports from Bosnia and Servia indicate small crops, though California now I promises good crop. , At a jconserva 'tive ' estimate,' good uniform dried I In tDe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Italians Should bring cts, F. O. B., I j0hn Broufe and Bngh McCrhm, partners doing Dullness unaer tne nrm name ana styu oi broufe McCrum, plaintifls, vs. - . '. R.G.C otter, s sdminis'erof the estate of A. K. j5onxey, aeeeasea; me estate of A. K. itouzy, deeeasid, and Mart Bonzey, defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale is sued out of the ircuit Court of the State of ' this year. If the growers will not cat ander. ' . Pobtland. Local market, .. apples, plums, market glutted ; peaches 35cts to 40- cts. Tomatoes 85 cents per box. .Watermelons $1.50 to $2.25: cantaloupes Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 19rh day of .. . ' I July, 1895, upon a judgment and decree of snld, pubaioeB tv to oj 1. O. O. TO PUT ON needed flesh, no mat-' ter how you've lost it, take Dr. Pierce's At the regular meeting of The Dalles Lodge No 2, 1. O. G. T. on Saturday evening, Aug. 3, the following officers were duly installed by Dinsmore Parish, L, D:, ' ... ' . .. C. 0. Banker. C. T. ; Grace Parish, V. T. ; J. E. Barnett, Sec. ; Jem ie Russell, A. Sec; Nellie Sylvester, F. Sec. ; Geo. Campbell, Treas.; Mrs. A. TJhlricb, Chap. ; W. D. Harper, P, C. T.; Mrs.. J. E. .Barnett, S. J. T. ; A. S. Barzee, M. : Vesta Bolton, D. M. ; Will Nichols, G. : jonn AOKins een. rne lodge is in a prosperous condition and any one wish ing to aid ia temperance work .will be gladly welcomed by the members. members of the order cordially invited, to visit at every opportunity. . i . University of Oreg-oa. court of date May 2)th, 1894, rendered in favor of Ihe above named plaliitliand ags nst thesbove named defendants lor the sums hereinafter ' set forth, whicn decree imnnE other things 01- dered the sale of the lands hereinafter . escribed to sa isfy said sums, I did levy unnn. and will sell on Wconei-day, the 28th dnv of August. lt)9f. at the court house door in Dalles City, in asfd ouuiy and state, at the hour of 10 o'clock Ay M. of said day, at public auction to the highest Diaacr lor cun in nana. Minject to reuemption, all the following described land and premises, to-wit: That certain lt. piece of parcel of land on the north side of Main street, between Union and Court streets, 21 feet more or lets front on Main street, ana 100 feet In aenth. also lncludtntr the alley and better 'known ns the "Snow Klake Haloon," being a f i actional part of lot 6 in block 2 according to the Commissioners' plt of Dulles City proper, in Wasco county. State of imgon, together with all and sinKUlar the tenements, hereditaments' and appurtenances' thereto be longing or iu anywise appertaining, to satisfy the sum of four hundred ninety-five and 75 lou dollars, with interest thereon ouTrom May 29th, at tne rate oi ten per cent, per annum, ana the further mm of fifty dollars as attorney fees, and the further sum of eighteen and (iu-lUOaollors costs of suit, and acciulng costs, herein. Daiea, tnis 24ta aay oi July, lyj. ' . . T. J. DRIVER. Jy24-5t . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon; Sheriff's Sale: J?jnk 'Wn. offers free tuition toi VJ wonders. By restor- while for' board, including Messrs. Crawford & Hyde, the attor neys recently rendered somewhat fam ous by the newspaper trial of the Schmidt case bare been beard from, There appears to be two sides to this, like most other cases, and Senator Dolph comes ont of the newspaper controversy, which he saw fit to institute, about as he came out of the trial of the case be fore the courts at the small end of the horn. .Mr. Crawford's history of the case puts the matter in a very different light from that in which it appeared to everybody before his statement. strong, ing so General. Coppinger has wired the war department that the Indian trouble is over; and there has been no massacre, no battle and no Indians seen. There have been a whole lot of reports. The next time the settlers in Jackson's Hole cry Indian I they will be left in the hole, or should be. The Dalles has a population variously estimated from 3000 to 4000; it has five public school buildings, besides one large private school; it has eight churches, besides the Salvation Army organization; thereare 'few communities that, are better supplied with the facili ties which, make a community a safe and desirable place in which to reside and x j . i. a . ...... uui umi I tion of the deranged organs and functions. . it builds the flesh up . to a sate ana ncaitay standard promptly, pleasantly ana nat urally. The -weak, emaciated, thin. Dale and ounv are made plump, round and rosy. ' Noth effective as a strength restorer and flesh maker is known to medical sci ence; this puts on healthy flesh not the fat of cod liver oil and its filthy compounds. it rouses every organ ot the body to ac tivity, purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood so that the body feels refreshed and strengthened. If you are too thin, too weak, too nervous, it may be that the food assimilation is at fault A certain amount of bile is necessary for the reception of the fat foods in the blood. ' Too often the liver holds back this element which would help digestion. ur. fierce s ooiaen meaicai Discovery stimulates, tones up and invig orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and the muscles, stomach and nerves tret the rich blood they require. Spent Hundreds of Dollars with na Benefit. M. T. Colemak of .77 Sarsrent St.. Roxburr. juass.j writes : -- ailct suffering from dyspepsia and constipation with un told agony for at least 18 months, I am more than pleased to say that after using or. pierce s Golden Aicaicai isrovcry now 'Pleasant Pellets' for one month, I was entirely cured, and from that day to this I do not know. thank God, what even a slight headache is. I paid n doctor on T rem ont St.. TtoRton. in one dav i for ' his, advice only,) the sum mniirine and dervved no M- J- COMMAS, ESQ. benefit. I got more relief in me tour from your mwlii-tiiM. as far as mv stomach was concerned. than from all the other medicine 1 used. If anv person who reads this is suffering from ' dvsoensia or constipation and will use your medicine as I have done, he will never This institution, located at Eugene, all students, luding heat . and light, a charge of bat $2.60 per week Is made. This university offers two bac calaureate degrees, viz: Bachelor ot Science, and Bachelor of Letters. ,The following shorter courses are also offered : An English course, an advanced coarse for graduates of normal schools, a three years coarse in civil engineering, a two years' coarse in physical education. : 7 Guardian's Sale. R-VX-fciadIV'- a." tTtmrlanlMM nnd Xettrnlain cured bv Dp. JULES' PAIN P1IX3. ' One cent a dose." . Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned has been appointed, by order of the County Court of the State of Oreon for Waco County, uaroian of tne property ana person oi jan es IcGabm.a veivon incapable of managing bis own affairs. .All persons having claims against said James McGahau will prenent them to me at tneomce of Huntington &s wiison, rne uaues,, with proper proof there, f, within Kill mouths from the date of this notice. ; Dated July 22, 1695. jull'4-5ws. . ' . J. A. GULUFORD. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TjABD Omcx, The Dalles, Or., J - ' July"15.195. I Notice Is hereby given that the foliowing- namea seuier nas men nonce ot nis intenuon to make final proof ia support of his claim and that saia prooi win oe muae Deiore tne register ana receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, -on August 29, 1685, viz: . , . -" Caleb K. mil. Hd. E. No. 3090, for the NVVJf, Sec. 34, Tp. 1 N, S3, lj a.,.. M. , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; C. it. Mill, T. Ii. Gray, J. Bhcrrill ana u. HhcrrlU, all of The uaues, r. ' ' Jul-16 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. ' ' y . LOSt. . ' ' ' ' Onerednow.brsnded rK on right id.F. 8. oil rieht bin: two s ita in each ear A reasonable re ward will be given for delivery or Information as to her whereabouts, mayll J- ti- KELLY. Vain has no show with Dr. Miles' Pain Pllla, Notice is hereby given that under and . by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued outof the Circuit Court of the 8 ate of Oregon for Wasco county, upon a judgment, and decree made, and entered in said Court on the 12 h day of December. in a cause therein pending wherein Italics City was plaintiff and Geo! kG Watkins and Maud Watkins were de fendants, and to me directed and commanding I me to sell in the manner provided by law all the premises hereinafter described or so much thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the Judg ment of said plaintiff against sai'l defendants, to-wit; The sum of 11(aS. with intetest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from said 12th day of December, 1894, and the further sum of Sou as attorneys' fees and the further sum of 35.75ss costs and disburs-ments, I will on riaturaav, tne lutn aay oi August, If'Jo, at the tour of 1 o'clock p. m. ot said day, at the court house d or in l allea City, ifi Wasco Countv. (state oi uregon, sen at pumic auction. CO tne highest bidder for eash in hand all the laudh and premises named and described iu said execution and order of aaleartd described aa follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of lot four, In block four in Blgelow's Bluff adlltion to Dalles City; thence northerly, extending the west line of said lot four, twenty feet; thence westerly, and at rlijht angles with the line last mentioned to the west line of the tract first above desciibed; thence southerly ana along the west line of said first described tract, to the southwest corner thereof ; thence easterly aio"g the sonth line of said first described tract, to the northwest coiner -f ssid lot four, the place of beginning.' Also lot numberour In block nnm ber four In Bicelow'a Bluff addition to Dalles Citv, Oregon, which said lot adjoins and abuts said laud first above described on the south and ' extend clear, through to Clay street on the south. Also fractional lot number one in block number three in Blgelow's Bluh addition to Dalles Citv: together with the tenement, here- ' ' ditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong- . lug or many wise apnerisimng, saia lanai ana premises all i ing and being In Wasco county, Oregon. : Dalies City, Oregon, July 9, 1895. . i'. J. DRIVER, 110. ' Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' ' Laxto Office, The Dal!es, Or., I . July 1, 189S. , ( Notice is herebv iriven that the following. named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final Ttroof in sunnnrt ' tf him claim, and that ssid proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles. Or., on August la, 189A, vis.: , George W. Fllgg, and KK, fee. 14, Tp. 18, R 13 K, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon, and cultivation of, said land, viz. : . M. llarrlman, Henry Simons, L. Rice, W. . Campbell. Kndersby, Or. Juiyz jab. r. UOOKE, Register..