The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 20, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghfoniele.
- Schedule of Expenditures
r Showing the amounts of all claims
presented, the names of all claimants,
the article or claim for which" payment
is made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at the
July term, '93, of the county court for
Wasco countyOregon. The following
list, however, doeB not -contain any
claim for which the 'salary or fees are
provided by statute:
R J Hendricks, transportation . $ 8 50
Jos T Peters, sundries 125 00
A J McIIaley, lumber, r 8 53
D I j Uates s Uo, coupon dooks.
J M Filloon & Co, supplies
J H Cross, supplies .i
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies a
Pease & Mays.mdse Mrs Puckett
do do do
Irwin Hodson Co, indse
A S Blowers, indue . . . ....
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies.
C E Markliam. rebate on tax. . .
10 00
10 00
5 00
4 15J
5 00
5 00
3 00
9 15
1 00
1 00
Trinz & Nitschke, supplies. . . . . 10 50
I C Nickelden, supplies .'. 5 44
Dalles Lumb Co, supplies. ...... 4 30
Sophie Harrison, rebate on taxes
for 1893, erroneous assess-
. merit...'. 45 42
Mays & Crowe, supplies. 27 20
Ward, Kerns x KoDertson.teaui
M T Nolan, supplies
Meston Dygert, supplies
Wm Endersby. mdse
Prank Sampson, work on bridge
new grade account one mill
tax, No 25 -
Dalles City Water Works, rent.
A 8 Blowers, mdee
M Gushing, non-res'dt paupers.
J Sutherland, services
Dr H Logan, exam insane
li L Bran ner, meals
Maier & Benton, supplies. .... .
Geo Blakeley, cash advd
D L Cates, supplies
M O Wheeler, allowed from road
Dalles Lumb Co, supplies. .....
Oregon Tel Co, rent
Martin Wing, supplies
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. .
P Limmeroth, trimming trees. .
Pease & Mayt, mdse
Gunning & Hock man, black
smithing. P J Stadleman, ice
O C Hollister, exam insane
O C Hollister, professional ser
vices John Michell, mdse and printing
J T Hood, relief
3 00
1 00
2 99
24 00
10 00
7 90
40 00
4 50
5 00
5 75
20 45
2 50
10 00
50 00
3 01)
4 80
16 40
15 00
5 00
5 00
6 90
1 05
15 00
J C Leasnre, atty fees State vs
Martn 1UO
15 00
J M Huntington & Co, present
. ownership books ; j.
Blakeley & Houghton, mdse. . .
. Blakeley & Houghton, mdse. . .
C H Bell, tax rebate
Ward, Kerns & Robertson, use
of team
Schenclt & Beall, insurance ....
Peter Godfrey, from tax on new
500 00
7 55
2 95
12 80
10 00
12 00
grade , 300 00
A J McHaley, work new grade. 1-0 uu
Geo C Blakeley, allowed from
road fund for work on Tvzh
hill grade ... 75 00
- J W Hubner, board. 30 50
Western Road Machine Co, W
E Garretson agent, allowed
from one mill tax 250 00
Glas & Prudhomme, supplies. . 57 25
Jag Darnielle, new grade 3 00
State of Oregon, )
County of Wasco)
I, A. M. Kelsay, county ; clerk of
Wasco county, state of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the above and fore'
going is a full and complete statement
tf the claims presented and action taken
thereon bv the county court of Wasco
county, Oregon, sittiDg for the trans
action of county business at the July
term, 1895, thereof, save and except all
claims, the salary or fees of which are
provided for by statute.
Witness mv hand and seal of the
county court, affixed this 17th day of
July, 1895.
Seal " .' A. M. Kelsay,
By Simeon Bolton, County Clerk.
Mr. F. N. Jones of Sherar's Bridge is
in the city.
Mrs. John Ciate and daughter, Lucile,
have gono to Portland.
Mr. L. L. Branner was a passenger to
Portland on today's local.
Miss Nan Cooper returned last night
from the Chautauqua meeting at Glad
stone park.
Mies Myrtle Michell returned last
' night from an extended visit with Port
land friends.
Mrs. Lula Dunham came home on last
night's passenger from Portland and
Gladstone park. -
Mr. Chas. F. Stephens has gone to
grand lodge oi Workmen.
- Mrs.-A. C. Wyndam and' Mrs. G. C.
t . 1 1 1 Q Intr. fn fhd Kumi arA. thia ivi i-i i- m n
ior a snort visit near Mosier.
TVTrfl. Afftrv Tvnllw nnA ia.ncrhttr TVTioa
Katie, left on the Regulator this morn
, ing for Newport to spend the summer.
- Mr. James Kelly and family were
passengers on the Regulator this morn
ing. They will epend some time at New-
Mr. R. W. Mitchell, a prominent resi
dent of Portland and an active member of
the Oregon National Guard, is in the city
touay. .
miss oiena .masters oi troiaenriaie
' came upon the Regulator laec night on.
ner way home troui attending school at
Major A. G. Hall, claim agent of the
O. R. $ N. Co., was in The Dalles this J
morning and took the afternoon train
for Heppner. .
Mr. W. H. Wilson came home from
Portland and the coast on the noon train
today. His family will remain absent
for some time. . . . . .
' . Rev. W. C. Cnrtis and Mrs. Curtis re
turned last night from Portland. They
nleo attended some of the exercises at
GJndRtnnA nark.
Miea Ida and Effie .Wakefield were
among the Newport excursionists today.
Their brothers, Jason ancl Ira, were also
members of the'party. "
Mr. Aleck Cockerhne and family, who
have been visiting Mrs. E. P. Roberts on
Dry Hollow, returned to Eugene on the
afternoon train today.
Geo. Moabus. who has been clerking
in M. T. Nolan's book store for several
yearn, left this morning for Tacoma,
whete he will in the future reside.
.Mr. Herman Heppner of Portland is
shaking hands with friends in The
Dalles. Mr. Heppner passed his boy
hood days in this city and has many
Mr. James Urquliart.of Chehalis, who
has been visiting his sou in The Dallee,
returned home this morning accom
panied by his granddaughter. A. A.
Urquhart accompanied them to Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Herbring and family
left on the boat this morning for Steven
sou, where they have selected a beauti
ful camping place. Mr. Herbring will
return Monday, but the remainder of
the family will be absent about four
Mr. D. P. Ketchnm came up from
Portland on the noon train.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson has returned
from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Mays,
in Portland.
Rev. O. D. Taylor is able to be ont
again after a hard siege with an attack
of poison oak.
Dr. Ktowell and wife Of Goldendale
were passengers to The Dalles on the
Regulator last night.
Mr. Hugh Glenn returned last night
from a brief outing at the coast. His
family are still at the beach.
Mr. Robt. Carr of Collins Landing, one
of tne promoters of the town of Steven
son, was in the city last night.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cushing, with
their family, started for-Lower Cascades
this morning for a camping outing. '
Mrs. Frank Sampson and family left
this morning for Lower Cascade, where
they will spend several weeks camping,
Prof. M. N. Strattan, assistant prin
cipal of our public schools, has returned
home, after a month's absence from the
Mr. D. W. Kyle, formerly connected
with the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, paid
Ins Chronicle . a pleasant call tb
Prof. Wm. Birgfe'd came up from
Cascades last night to be' present at the
concert which takes place this evening
in tne opera bouse.
Miss Minnie Rockfellow of Ashland
who has been visiting Mrs. D. C. Herri
for several weeks, returned home th
morning by boat.
Mr. Orion Kinersly returned
night from the seashore, where
family are spending the summer.
face has a healthful tan.
Mrs. S. C. Wilson and Mrs. .B.
Huntington left on the Regulator this
morning to spend a few days at Moffit
springs, Lower Cascades.
Mrs. M. E. Briggs of The Dalles
registered at the Imperial. She will
make a short visit in Portland, also at
her old home in Chehalis. .
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler left vester-
day for Portland, where tbev will make
a short stay and then go to Centralis
where their daughter, Mrs. Dysart, lives,
Mrs. I. J. Norman and daughters
Mollie and Georgie, went to Stevenson
ibis morning on the boat. They will re
main aboul ten days visiting Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Clarke. .
Mrs. F. Webster Hinsdale. Miss Lloyd
JeBsup and Miss Minto came op on the
Kegulator last night. They nave been
spending several days in the neighbor
hood of White Salmon.
Miss Melissa Hill left today on the
Regulator for Portland. In company
with friends from Eugene she will go to
Gearhart Patk and attend the summer
school in session there.
Mr. A. L. Mcintosh of Prineville, who
has been spending two weeks in Thi
Dalles, returned home today. Mr. Mc
Intosb made many friends during his
stay, in The Dalles, who wil. gladly wel
come him whenever he returns.
Mr. Joseph Bnchtel of Portland, ex-
chief of the Portland fire department, is
in 1 he Dalles visiting his daughter, Mrs,
w. G. ikerns. Mr. iSuchtel is an old
pioneer and prominently identified with
the early history of Oregon. He can
give many interesting reminiscences,
Mr. Hugh Glenn went to Portland on
the local today.
Mrs. Charles Dehm and family are in
itie Danes on a visit.
Mrs. Chris Bills returned last night
irom a short visit near Mdsier. .
Mr. John Roth -of Kineslev returned
last nignt from a visit to Portland.
Sheriff Driver was a passenger on the
west bound local to bring back a pris
Mr. E. H. Merrill has gone on a rus
ticating jaunt along the banks of the
Messrs. J. W. Gage and j.F. Stephen
son, two well known citizens of Mitchell,
are in the city.
Mr. J. Conch Flanders, an attornev-at-law
of Portia'nd, was in the city this
morning on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs.-Hmsdals returned to
White Salmon, tehere they are spending
several weeks in summer recreation.
Mrs. A. . H. Jewett "came up from
White Salmon last night to attend the
concert. She returned this morning.
Miss Minto and Miss Jessun were pas
sengers down the river on the boat this
momma. They will spend the next two
weeks at white salmon.
Mr. Joseph A. Johnson' of Buffalo. N.
Y., is in The Dalles attending to im
portant business matters. He is the
guest of Mr. J. T. Rorick of North Dalles.
Miss Rose Michell- left on this morn
ing's train for' Portland. She will at
tend the meeting of the Oregon Press
Association, which convenes at Newport
July 20th.. , . s
' Miss Catherine Lansing, who has been
visiting Mrs. I. H. Hazel for three weeks,
returned home this morning. Miss
Lansing is a member of the faculty of
Pacific university at Forest Grove.
. Prof. Btrgfeld lost no time in getting
back to the slyvan haunts of the Cas
cade woods and went down on the boat
this morning. His family will remain
there during the summer. . .
Miss Effie Frazier goes to Portland
Friday night, and expects to go to the
state "editorial association at Yaquina company with Miss Rose Michell,
of The Dalles. East Oiegouian.
Hon. George IT. Williams, Ex-United
States Senator, was in The Dalles this
morning. Mr. Williams is Oregon's
most distinguished citizen and can well
be called "our Grand Oid Man." He
has served as attorney general in Grant's
cabinet and held repeated positions of
honor. He is a fine example of a true
American citizen. . t
.- Too Free With Cheques.
Yesterday about 5 o'clock Charles
Frank told Officer F. C. Connelly that a
man was attempting to pass fictitious
cheques around town. He had been to
Mr. Frank and several other people and
tried to raise amounts as high, as $50.
With the description given, the officer
began searching for him, and located
his man ' at the corner of Second and
Court streets, and placed him under ar
rest. The name signed to cheques was
Lane Mahappy; but whether or not
this is the true one, is not known. He
claimed to be a deputy sheriff, and had
in his pocket a wariant from Justice
Birnie at Cascade Locks authorizing him
to arrest one Williams.' During the
afternoon Mahappy was in J. O. Mack's
and left a cheque for $50, which later in
the day he tried to recover. He was in
several places asking for blank cheques,
and evidently had the idea that S'gning
his name was an easy way of getting
When placed in jail his papers were
taken from him, but ha obtained them
again and threwthetn into the sewer of
the jail. Plumbers were sent for to re
cover the papers and this time they will
be used in evidence against him. The
charge against Mahappy will be attempt
ing to obtain money under false pre
tenses. - v
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transfers are
on record in the office of the county
clerk :
S F Blythe to L. II. Prather, land in
sec 27, tp 3 n, r 10 e, W. M. ; $75.
F II Button and Ed Rand to A J
Rand, land in sees 25, 30, 36 and 31, tp
3 n, r 11 e, W. M.
State of Oregon to John Grant, sela of
sw'i, sec 8, tp 7 s r 18 e, W. M.j 40
acres ; $50.
Besides these there is a patent from
the United States to D. S. Crapper, and
a deed from Anna Luchsinger to Cincin
nati Coven ton.
It Mast Be Mistake.
It is said one of the Phelps brothers.
the revivalists, was brutally beaten at
The Dalles by a tough who "had taken
exception to something the preacher had
said. . tie waited for him at the church
door, and pounced upon him. The
young preacher, it is said, made a gal
lant struggle, but finally went down
The tug then beat him unmercifully.
Albany Herald.
This item has been going the rounds
of the press for some time and should
be corrected. There have been no
Phelps brothers, revivalists, or any
other revivalists in this town beaten by
thugs. It may be Dallas again that is
After utilizing every available inch of
ground under the monster tents the
Great Wallace Show fills the circumam
bient air full of the greatest artists in
the known world. The three Brothers
La Van are the mdst celebrated aerialiats
of modern times, doing a somersault re
turn act in mid-way that defies descrip
tion. Royalty has applauded this act.
Ex. '
Regarding the Wallace Show.
The collection ot anima's with the
Great Wallace Shows is valued at $1,
000,000.00. They have, for the most
part, been imported direct by the show
from Congo Free State throngh their
agent Matewayo Komatsn, .who has his
hunters all through that country.
for Infants and Children.
Castorfa promote Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Gwtnriafapowpll&daDted' trt nhfldran OrnA
I recommend it an superior to any prescription
toown to me." H. A. Archer. M. D.,
Ill Boutn cmord Bt-, Brooklyn, li. Y.
" For several years I hare recommetfaed year
125th Street and 7th Ave New York City.
"The nse of Castor ia' Is so universal and
Its merits fo well known tbat it fee ma a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Oastoria
within easy reach.Tl
1 CabIiOS Mabttn, D. D., .
Tots Cekxujb Coupaxt, 77 Murray Street, H. Y.
. '.. '
TlriM. WEA K BACKS. At druggists, only 2GO,
Second Handsome Bill Car of the Great
. Wallace Shows Arrives.
Another bill cir of the Great Wallace
Shows came last night. Wonderful' to
relate, it is as grand as the $10,000 car
which was here a week ago. If this cir
cos is up to the standard of excellence
of its advance cars tt will be the greatest
show. ever exhibited here. This car
makes a specialty of advertising the ex
cursions which will be run over all the
lines of railway coming into town on
show day at greatly reduced rates.' It
is in charge of Mr. C. A. Potter, an af
fable gentleman, who has been thirtyr
nve years in the show busineas, and is
an authority on advance advertising,
He spends his winters on the staff of
some metropolitan dailv. He has served
two, terms as a member of- the legis
hit u re in bis state.
Mr. M. Fagin is the boss poster, with
18 assistants. They live in style in their
car and enjoy the -best of everything,
This car, like the first, is beautifully de
corated within and has several paintings
outside that are veritable works of art,
And this is not all anotht-r hill car
promised whose msgnificense is equal to
this one. It must be a remarkable show
which can support so much advance
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Lumbago, .
Blisters, ...
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments, '
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
; Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan
or Beast well
UndertaJdiiff Establishment
urniture and Carpes.
We have aclded to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trnst, our prices wil
bo low accordingly. . ,
Nansene, June 10, 1895.
To Whom It May Concern: . '
This is-to notify all persons that I
have given my son, William Louis Rot
ertsnn, his time.
j!9-wlm. . Geo. W. Robektson.
Betweeen Mitchell and Grass Talley, one new
Rupert & Guble snddic, one garden rake, and
two window seshes. A liberal reward will be
paid to anyone finding and returning the same
to me. ' - LONN TAYLOR,
aprS . , - : . Mitchell, Or.
CMlcbenior's EnclUn Diamond Braa& '
Orlirtnnl and Only Genuine. . A -
snrc. alway reliable, ladies uk S
Iraraist for Chichester Jffi.riiA.ia-
-Atmtmci Bnmd In Kcd and Goid mcthaf&
itwjtca. sealed with blue ribbon. Toka Xi?
o otiicrv Refute Svgerou ntbttittf V
Imm and imitations. A DnuoriKt, or mod 4c
Id MAitiDfl for Dutieulaxw. tewtlmooimls and
Tteliof for LaiSle Uuer, by retnra.
Ms.IL lO-AAOTeHiimonfila. tfama Aumt.
feu tax
fliTi fir fitm I'hnmlMillir iMit" Mq
Ireaf Wallace ious.
Finest Horses aufl Greatest Hrray ot circus Talent
Of jSLny Slvow oil 23Ax-tlx.
Three Kinss, Two Stages!
One-half Mile Bace Track!
Collossal Menagerie!
Royal Aquarium! ...
Four Trains! - Ten Acres Canvas!
3o,ooo Seats! 1,500 Employes!
1,000.00 Daily Expenses!
On every line of travel to enable visitors
of this, the greatest show of the modern
ness the monster, majestic, spectacular,
on the watch to protect the pnblic from
Same Prices West as East.
Notice to Donation Claimants.
United States Dist. Land Office,!
The Dalles, Oregon, f
To all persons having made settlement upon
tracts oi land within this district, nd given
notice, as required b law, that they claim such
lands as donations under the provisions of the
act of Coiifcress entitled "An act to create the
office of gurvi yor-Roncral of the public lands in
Oregon, and to provide for the survey, aud to
make donations to settlers of the said public
lands," approved September 'J7, 18S0, and the
various acts amendatory and supplemental
thereto, and to their heirs, devisee, grantees,
and all persons making claim to such donation
claims, wb-ther by ascent, deiise, judicial
sale, or conveyance in good faith, who have
hitherto failed to make and tile in the proper
land office final proof of such claims.
Notice is her by given, in neenrdanpe with the
requirements of Seotlon 1 of the act of Congress
aiprov d Jnly .6. 1894, an1 in pursuance of the
directions of the Commissioner of the general
laud office that they are required to apjear at
this office and mat and til.- tfnal proofs of such
claims ai d perfe t their title thereto before the
1st day of January, INK), and thut if tbey fail to
do so within the Ume,turh donation claims will
beheld to have been abandoned b- them, and
th lands embraced therein wil be restored to
the public dom-in, af provided in said act of
Congress ef July 26, 1 94.
Given umler our hands this 9th diyof May,
1895. JAS F. MOOr E, Register.
nill-j22 WILLIAM H. BIGUd, R cctver.
Lasd Office. The Dalles, Or., .
. June 18, l9o. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis intention to
make final proof lu support of his claim, and
that said proof will be mode before the Kegister
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Aug.
3, 1893, viz:
William P. Carter, ,
Hd E, No. 3821, for the EH, NE, Sec 28, and
R'. SKI-;. See 21. To 4 rf R if E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: WilUnm li. Kodman, Andrew j.
Swift William B. Farlow, Eugene Demore, all
ot wamic, or.
jun22 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Unitkd Status Li icd Office,
The Dulles. Or.. June 4, 189.. ' t
Complaint having- been entered at this ottice
by John C. Tncker of Wamic, Or., against V. H.
1 aveniort for abandoning his Homestead Entry
No. 3tU6, dated April 8, 1891, upon theSVj Sr,
Sec 7, NE!4NE'i See 18, and .nWW NW)i, 8tc
17. T.4 8 K 12 E, in Wasco county, Or., with a
vie to the cancellation of said entry, the suld
parties are hereby summoned to appear at ti ia
office on the 29th day of July. 1895, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to resjHina and iuroisb testimony con
cerning saia auegea nDimaonmenr.
J15-Jul20 , JAB, F. MOORE, Register,
For Sale.
One hundred and six seres of Fruit Lsnd on
Mi '1 Creek, five miles from The la les fifteen
acres in Grupes mid Orehurd, and four seres in
Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of
Wood mid Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Land,
ten miles west ot The Lialles.
feb23-tf T.M.DENTON.
Admistrator's Notice to
' Notice is fereby given thnt the undersigned
has been dnly appointed by th County Court
of the State of Oregon for' Wasco County,
administrator of the estate of Krank Ire
land, deceased. All persons having claims
against sal 1 estate are hmeby notitied to nresciit
tuem to me at my residence near Mosier, in snid
cuunty and state, within sis months from the
date- hereof.
Dalles City, Oregon, July 12, 1895.
KSjul GbORGt: IRELAND, Administrator.
100 Phenomenal Acts!
Twenty Hurricane Races!
Twenty-five Clowns! Six Bands!
Fifty Cages! Fifteen Open Dens!
Herd of Elephants! Drove of Camels!
World's Renowned Performers!
Every Great Act Known!
" $3,000,600.
from a distance to attend the exibitions
world. Trains will arrive in time to wit-,
ATTENDANCE. Thev are constantly
the operations of gamblers and swindlers.
Admission, 50c
A. A. Brown,
Keeps fall assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.-
" which he offers at Low Figures
SPEGIfllt :-: PfllGES
to Cash Buyers.
HiiW Casl Prices for Eis anJ
y otter Proince. -
TUB Colomliia PackigCo.,
Pofk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Bake Oven and Mitchell
.it. .
THOMAS HARPER, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Anteloperv.
every day, and from Antelope to Mit-. .
chell-three times a week.