The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 13, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Gtamiele.
More Bills From the County.
. Below is published another install
ment of bills reported by the county
court. Nearly all these hare been al
lowed, bnt there are some upon which
no action was taken, and which will go
over til! next term :
W H Lochhead, jnror
' 1 20
10 20
10 20
JO 20
25 80
37 00
28 20
28 30
28 20
10 20
Jonn uarey,
Win Obriet,
M J Andereon,
G W Keno,
J W Atwell,
W E Sslvester,
W H Taylor,
E Pitman,
J F Staniele,
W a Sharp,
A G Hall,
JS N Chandler,
M Randall, -D
A Tomer,
C H Hall,
Julius Fisher,
29 2ti
37 00
8 20
. 8 20
33 60
28 60
2 20
Ihos Haslam,
2 20
8 80
2 20
5 40
.9 20
9 20
2 30
9 40
Theodore Mesplie, witness '.
F G Connelly. do
A Fraser, ' do . .
I H Phirman, do
Emma Phirman, do
John Taylor, do ...
Theodore Miguex, do
Thos Walsh, do
John Douglas, . do ......
Mary Douglas, do
James Simet, do
J A Swanson, do
J E Barnett, do ......
Mark Flemming, do
John Crate, do . .
Wm Eccles, do
Bena Knelling, do ......
Frank Davenport, do
Tom Maloney, do i
Mrs ft Maloney. do
Emma Maloney, do
, J H Swain, " do . .
Wm Shackelford, expert witueea
Frank Connelly, witness
9 40
28 00
28 00
2 30
2 20
28 00
8 20
13 00
28 On
19 00
8 20
8 20
8 20
2 20
5 00
2 20
9 60
9 20
2 20
2 20
11 60
2 20
9 50
6 80
2 20
8 20
M Dovle
August Brown,
Geo Wohlforth,
Frank Gabel,
Marv Weston,
Ralph Doyle,
H Speicinger.
do ,
James Snipes,
G A Phirman, witness( no action)
Wni T iUmtft, witness.
9 20
J T Hood, relief 25 00
Wm Lochhead. witness.
1 70
K H Birnie, passed
John Trana (passed;
Thos Harlan, justice fees
M Diechtenmiller, (passed;.
Oscar Field, witness.
Chas Field, witness
Jos Huskey, witness.,. .
Henry McNulty, witness...
Carl Weiduer, do ...
Frank Lei per, do ...
LeRoy Leiper, do
A Sweaeev, do ...
Carl Weidner, .'do ...
John Miler, do
Sydney Briggs, do ...
George Sellinger, juror
5 80
13 25
9 10
27 SO
Jen Mosier,
Milton Hailan
James Hunter,
F R Hard trick,
S D Fisher.
E H Harlan,
Larkin Lamb, (no action). ".. . .. 100
Ihos Harlan, justice fees ...... 12 00
G Knutzen (no action).'
John Trana, constable. . ;
R H Birnie, justice fees
A A Urquhart, constable fees
Frank McClary, witness ,
Geo Moabue, do
Dan Sullivan, do
W Norman, do
G Hansen, do
James Walker, do
W W Murray, do
D S Biebee, do
Frank Fisher, do
J H Swain, do
John Hummell. do
A A Urquhart, constable
8 00
L 8 Davi9, justice fees. .'. 8 65
L S Davis, justice fees 9 55
A A Urquhart, constable fees.
M Hardesty, witness
J H Jackson do
John Cary, do
Mrs Cary", do
L S Davis, justice fees
A A urquhart, constable tees.
L S Davis, justice fees 18
A A Urquhart, constable. 16 10
Walter Henderson, witness
11 00
15 50
11 00
14 00
15 00
10 60
10 50
14 00
3 00
17 00
J C Tucker
Bertha Hiatt,
Brent Driver,
Rosa Northrup, .
Chas Dickens,
Mrs Chas Dickens,
G W Builingame,
L S Davis, justice fees
W H Butts, coroner fees
Frank Menefee, juror
S P M Briggs, do
E L Faine, do
D L DeWolf, do
H C Liebe, do
Frank Gabel, do .
8 W Fisher, do
CB Humbert, do
Aug Brown, witness
Ed Howell, witness
RJ Hendricks, transportation. 8 50
Jos T Peters, sundries 125 00
A J McHaley, lumber. 8 53
D L Cates & Co, coupon books. 10 00
J M Filloon & Co, supplies 10 00
J H Cross, supplies. 5 00
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . 4 15
Pease & Mays, mdse Mrs Puckett 5 00
do do . do , 5 00
Irwin Hodson Co, mdse 3 00
A S Blowers, mdse 915
John Combs, mdse 15 15
W Bolton & Co (passed) ; 16 63
P Kircheimer (passed) 4 18
iinsan x siewan ipaBsea;. . : . . .
a. j riiKiugum, obi services iu uu
A Keaton, acting coroner..;... 12 15
Sam Patterson, juror 1 00
EMShntt, -da 100
N W Wallace, ; do .......... 100
Jos Kelsay, ' do ..... . 1 00
ILDonagon, do 100
John G Little, "do 1 00
Clvde McCalvery, .witness 2 10
E C Dickinson, do . 1 70
Wm Jolly. do ..... 1 70
F 6 Connelly, '" ' do . 4 40
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. 1 00
G E Marknam. rebate on tax. . . 1 00
Prinz & Nitschke, supplies.... 10 50
I C Nickelsen, supplies 5 44
Dalles Lumb Co,- supplies. . ... . . 4 30
F H Wakefield, assessor . . . . ; : . 98 00
Mays & Crowe, supplies. .v 27 20
Ward. Kerns & Robertson, team 3 00
M T Nolan, supplies 1 60
Martin Wing, supplies. 16 40
A A Jayne, diet attv. .... ........ 25 00
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . , 15 00
P Limraeroth, trimming trees. - , 6 00
John Bowles, viewer..,.. 2 00
Ben Hurst, do 2 00
WD Allen, : do. ............ 2 00
D W Wilderrcbainman. ....... 2 00
Rich Brookhouse, marker. . . . ... 2 00
E F Sharp, surveyor. 14 00
W H Williams, viewer. .... . . 2 00
W J Davidson, do . . .- ' 4 00
John Darnielle. do 4 00
A'ek Strachan. chainman " 2 00
E F Sharp, surveyor 18 00
James Patterson, viewer 2 00
11 Kennedy, do 2 00
.las Wood jock, do 2 00
E F Sharp, surveyor. .. . .... 12 00
L Schadintt, viewer .. . 2 00
Geo Borstel, viewer. . ...... 2 00
E F Sharp, surveyor.-. 18 00
E F Sharp, establishing corners 24 00
Pease & Mays mdse 5 00
W E Campbell, eorveying . 4 00
Meston Dvgert, supplies.. . 90
Wm Ende'rabv.mdse . . . ; 2 99
Dalles City Water Works, rent. 10 00
A S Blowers, mdse 7 90
M Cushing. non-res'dt paupers. 40 00
J Sutherland, services . . 4 50
Dr H Logan, exam insane. ..... o 00
L L Branner, meals 5 75
Maier & Benton, supplies ZU 4o
F H Wakefield, assessor 220 00
Geo Blakeley, cash advd.
2 50
u L Gates, supplies.
Dalles Lamb Co, supplies
10 00
3 00
52 50
G W Phelps, atty fees
Oregon Tel Co, rent
4 80
7 55
2 95
15 00
21 25
Blakeley fc Houghton, mdse.
Blakeley & Houghton, mdse. . ,
Dr W Shackelford, exam insane
John Michell.mdee and printing
From the Prult Market.
Below is published the latest advices
received from the Eastern fruit market,
Our fruit raisers cannot watch the re
ports too closely, as it is the only way of
becoming thoroughly posted:
"The past two weeks have seen more
cherries shipped from Oregon than ever
befoie and while prices have ' ruled
higher generally than heretofore, it is
not an unusual price. California cher
ries have sold in post years for better
prices and the prices ruling prior, to
July 4th is simply an eye opener to the
cherry growers of Oregon ; 5 cents per
pound to the shipper is a trifle higher
than Eastern markets warranted, not'
withstanding commission houses paid
that price for several carloads. A repre
sentative of the Oregon Fruit Union left
Portland June 25th and attended the
auction sales, where the cars of cherries
shipped bv local commission houses
jointly, were sold, prices varying from
75 cents to $1.20 per box. On July 2d,
two cars arrived the same day in Minn
ea'polis, one shipped by Levy & Spiegle,
Mark Levy & Co. and Page & Son, the
other by W. S. Offner and Dr. N. G,
Blalock. This, ofsourse, is the reason
why some ruled somewhat lower than
they need have farther comment is un
"Two shipments sold in Chicago, July
3d ; one car of 1900 boxes from Levy &
Spiegel, Mark Levy & Co, and Jac
Fischel & Co. for $1675 or an average of
88 cents per box, what the shippers had
left after paying 50 cents per box for
fruit, box furnished 5 cents, 35 to 40
cents for transportation and expenses of
sale, yon can figure.. W. S. Offner also
had a shipment sold in Chicago for 50
cents per box." -
History Repeats Itself.
Without a doubt The Dalles beats all
rivals in the matter of runaways or acci
dents to horses. And of late a new
feature has been added, that of drown.
ing. Just after dinner today Mr. Ben
Snipes hitched his span of mules at the
ferry landing previous to starting for
Yakima overland. One of the mules
was bitched to the buggy and the other
under the bridge. The one hitched to
the buggy became restive and began
pulling. The buggy was on slanting
ground and when the mule began jerk
ing, started down the hill to the riyer.
The weight of the vehicle was too heavy
for the mule to withstand . and the
animal was palled along. - Both buggy
and mule went into the river and sunk
beneath its waters. ' A crowd soon
gathered and the buggy was fished oat by
means of a hook and rope. The mule
was unable to swim on account of being
tied to the body and before help could
arrive was drowned.
' Mr. Snipes took his misfortue with
usual fortitude and said when bard luck
starts coming it never knows when to
stop. Mr. Snipes bad owned the mule
for four years and said it wsb the best
driving animal he . had ever owned.
This makes the second accident of this
kind in three days within a short dis
tance of each other. However exciting
it may be to the spectators this division
is anything but pleasing to the owners of
animals seemingly bent on suicide.
K. of P. Resolution.
At the last regular convention of
Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. of P., the
following resolution was adopted : -
Wberbas, Th historical drama of
"Damon and Pythias" was presented
on the 14th day of June last, and re
peated on the 18th day of the same
month, under the auspices of : Friend
ship lodge. No, 9, K. of P., and director
ship of Bro, Wm. Rasmus, ably assisted
by members of The Dalles Dramatic
Club, be it
. Retolvtd, That the officers and roem
beas of - Friendship ' Lodge, No. 9, K. of
P., in convention assembled, do most
heartily thank Bro. Wm. Rasmus and
the members of The Dalles Dramatic
Club for their f riendship and. the very
able manner in which they performed
the arduous taek set before them ; and
we asure them that this act of friend
ship on their part will be cherished by
us as is the oasis in the desert by he
weary traveler.
x' F. S. Gunning,
"' ' D. W Vacsk, . :
' C. E Bayabd,
. r; Comm.
Word From Trilby Camp.
. Thout Lake, July 8, '95,
Editor Chronicle : Wishing to let
you know The Dalles is "in it," as it
always has been, we will make the
accent of Mt. Adams with the Mazamas;
that is, if they can walk fast enough to
keep ud with us. ' We will leave here
for the timber line in the morning and
then' go up the next day. There are
probably altogether about 100 people at
the snow line, but don't suppose there
will be over one-third make it. There
is quite a delegation from Hood River
and the ladies all wear bloomers about
fifteen of them. Several are from Pen
dleton, Tacoma and Corvallis.
Please send us a paper once a year.
Trilby Camp.
'Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of 'letters remain
ing in the postothce at The Dalles -an
called for July 13, 1895. Persons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Bunnell, A Jackman, Henry
Burr, Chas Johnston. James-
Clark, Has Johnston, Mrs Jas
Conway, Miss Me- McTamann, E C
Davies, Miss V
McCabe, TJ
Stroud, Miss OIlie
Smith, Miss Trixy
Smith, Harry
Thompson, R S
Thompson, John
Erickson, Matt
Elliott, Miss Anna
Furlow. Marion
Howard, Tom
Hunt. E J
Hudson. -J Nat
Winterraier, C A - 1
J. A. Crossbn, P., M
Marvelous results.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun-
derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr.
King's New Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelous inthe case of my.
wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist
unurcn at Kivers junction sue was
brought down with. Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. .Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little in
terruption and it seemed as if she could
not survive them. A friend recom
mended Dr. Kingis New Discovery; it
was quick in its work and highly satis
factory n results."- Trial bottles free at
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co's Store. Reg
ular size 50c. and $1.00.
There is talk among the powers that
be of strengthening the trestle leading
to the railroad shops and using the track
for the main line. This route would
save quite a dietance and do away with
using the long curved trestle that Is now
across Mill creek. There were many
crooked places to be made straight in
the road from. here to Portland and the
original survey has in many instances
been improved upon. Another reason
why the road should be built through
the shops ana join the main line ib
that a means of egress may be provided
for the locomotives in case a fire occur
which might prevent them from crossing
the bri ige.
Foar -Biff buccesses. -
Having the needed merit to more than
made good all the advertising claimed
for them', the following four remedies
have reached a pbenominal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed
Electric Bitters, the great remedy for
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Back-
len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world,
and Dr. King's New Life Pills,' which
are a perlect pill. All these remedies
are guaranteed to do just what is claimed
for them and the dealer whose name is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. : Sold by. the Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Co.
Last night Lee Morehouse, a prisoner
in the county jail, made an ineffectual
attempt to escape. It is Jailer Fitz
gerald's custom to go through the jail
every evening to assure himself that
everything is as it ought to be. More
house secreted himself in the cell near
est the door leading into the eherifTs
office and intended as soon as the jailer
retired to make a break for liberty. Mr,
Fitzgerald, however, looked into that
cell ' first, and discovered Morehouse
with his shoes in hand ready to run.
He was bent on going and it took some
thing more than moral persuasion on
the jailer's part to convince him he had
better stay. Morehouse is in jail wait
ing the grand jury on the charge of the
larceny of a horse and bridle.
Martin Donnell's new residence is
nearly completed and a few more finish
ing touches will make it ready for occu
pancy. ' The house is- a very pretty
cottage of the latest design and will be
an ornament to that portion of the town.
It will be one story With a commodious
basement and the interior is fitted with
all the convenient appliances so neces
sary to housekeeping in - this day and
age. The location is also a very suitable
one. .'"
Chance ia tne Regulator's Time Card.
- . Commencing Wednesday, July 10th
and ontil farther notice, steamer Reg
ulator will leave The Dalles for Portland
at 8 a. to., instead of 7 a. m. Steamer
Dalles City will leave Portland at 7 a.
m.Vinead of 6 a. m.
, W. C. Allaway, General Agt.
Or. Hlles' Nerve Plasters for Rheumatism. ' ,
;T T like - flowers, fade
and wither with time ;
the bloom of the rose
is only known to the
neaitny woman's
checks. . The nerv
ous strain caused by
the ailments and
pains peculiar to the
sex, and the labor
and worry of rearing
a familv. can often
be traced, by the lines in the woman's face.
Dull eyes, the-sallow or wrinkled face and
those "feelings of weakness ' "have their
rise in the derangements and irregularities
peculiar to women. The functional de
rangements, painful disorders, and chronic
weaknesses of women, can be cured with
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For the
young girl just entering womanhood, for
the mother and those about to become
mothers, and later in "the change of life,"
the " Prescription " is just what they need ;
it aids nature in preparing the system for
the change. It's a medicine prescribed for
thirty years, in the diseases of women, by
Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician
to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti
tute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription will cure the chronic inflamma
tion of the lining membranes which cause
such exhausting drains upon the system.
It cures nervous prostration, sleeplessness,
faintness, nervous debility and all disorders
arising from derangement of the female
organs and functions.
Mr. TENNtB Williams, of Moha-wk. Lane Co.,
was sick for over three
years with blind dizzy
spells, palpitatiou of
the heart, pain in the
back and head, and
at times would have
such a weak tired feel
ing when I first got
up in the morning,
and at times nervous
The physicians dif
fered as to what my
disease was, but none
of them did me any
good. As soon as I
commenced taking Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, I -began to -tret
better : could sleeo
Mrs. Williams. .
well nights, and that bad. nervous feeling and the
pain in my back soon left me. 1 can walk sever- .
al miles without fretting tired. I took in all three
bottles of ' PrescnpUoa ' and two of Discovery.'
Owing to an accident in ths Stampede
tannel iu the Carcade mountains,
through traffic on the Northern Pacific
is blocked. Their trains are being run
over the O. R. & N., and pass through
Tne Ualles. The east-bound passenger
left Portland this morning after 1
o'clock, and passed throngh The Dalles
at 5. The west-bound passenger went
through town a flying at 8:30 this morn
ing. There were ten coaches, including
a diner. Engineer Haves was at the
throttle, and as the train can do no
local business, it will make rapid time
to Portland. The damage to the tunnel
will probably be very great, as the wood
work is on fire and a lot of rock will fill
portions of the tunnel. The Stampede
is ono of tne most famous pieces of rail
road engineering in the country.
The county clerk's office shows the
following real estate transfers on record :
Patrick Finegan of Cascades to Hans
Lilligard, lot D, block 7, In the town of
Cascade Locks. Susan' Wilson to N. P.
Obrien, fractional w of the nwj4, sec
18, tp 2 s, r 13 e, V M. Besides these
deeds a patent was recorded in fuvr of
William J. Thompson, for n)i,of sej
and the n of ev. sec 18, tp 2 s, r 13 e,
W M, containing 160 and a fractional
acre. - ' -
The Wasco Warehouse Co. have on
sale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barjey Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market
and sold only in ton lots or over. . 9-tf
Are Ton Going to the Coast .
This summer? If go, take the Regulator
line. Tickets on sale for the season at
rates lower than ever. Connections
made with all. steamers leaving Port
land. Through tickets, and baggage
checked to destination. (No transfer
charges at Portland). .
W. C. Allawax,
' General Agent. .
The Moro Observer gives Wasco county
another dig on the matter of roads and
says our county has enough faults with
out noticing them anywhere else. The j
accident which happened some time ago
on the Deschutes hill is still a subject
for controversy and the Observer takes
exception to the letter of Mr. Bussell,
the supervisor which was published
some time ago.
, For Infants and Children.
, ....
' Caatorla promote Pigeation, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Btomachj ' Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep aatnral. Ciutoria. contains no
iforphine or other narcotic property. ,
" Castnria Is fo well adapted to children chat
I recommend it aa superior to any preecriptioa
cnown to me." 1. a. abohzb. jh. v.,
' 111 Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" For several years I have reoommerided your
'Otstoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Eswrn F. PiRDia, M. D
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria.' Is so universal and
Its merits ro well known that it reams a work of
mMMMMthn to endorse- it- Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reacn." -
' CiSiOB MiRTTT, T. D.,
New York City.
Tm Cnrr-ina CoxPAmr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
Huadadi and Neuralaia cured by Dr.
KlLEs' PAIN PILLS. "One cent a dose."
v . Liniment
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints, - ,
Harness Cz Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates iluscle,
Membrane and Tissue
. Quickly to the Very
. Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
. Land Office. The Dalles, Or., J
June 18, 1H95. t '
Notice is .herebv riven that the foUowlne-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Aug.
3, 1895, viz:
William P. Carter,
Hd E, No. 3821, for the E$, NE-, Eeo 28, and
S4, Sec 21, Tp 4 3 R 12 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
saia lana, viz: miJiam D. itoamao, Aiiarew J .
Swift. William H. Furlow. Euirene Deraore. all
ol Wamic, Or.
jun2 jas. r. Muuiit, itcgisier.
, Cnitkd States I.kd Offjci,) .
The Dalles, Or., June 4, 189-i. ' S '
Complaint having been entered at this, office
by John C. Tucker of Wamic, Or., against O. U.
i avenporc iorMDannomng nis tiomeMeaa r-n
No. 3U1G, dated April 8, 1891, upon the S'4 Sh
Sec 7. SE'si NEW Seo 18. and WWW NWk. f
17, Tp 4 8 it 12 K, in Wasco county. Or., with a
view to the cancellation of said entry, the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at ttiis
UUIL-O UU UIC ailu u Ul J u iy. iratj, nil luvuiw.
a. in., to respona ana inrnisn testimony con
cerning raia auegea aoanaonmeni.
jia-juiaj j Ac, r. aiuuk, uegister.
Taken Up.
Come tc my place on 5-Mile about
Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, about 4
years oW branded XL (connected). Crop
off fight ear and un-ler half crop off left
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying; charges. ,
C. F. .Wagbnblast,
. ' The Dalles
For Sale.
One hundred and six seres of Fruit Land on
Mill nnvb. v miles from The Dalles fifteen
acres in Graces and OrchaMfTand four acres in
sirawDernes. r, in sen an or rart. neuiy vt
Wood and Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Land,
ten miles west ol The ualles.
feb23-tf T. M. DENTON.
Betneeen Mitchell and Grass Valley, one new
RuDert & Gable saddle, one garden rate, and
two window sashes. A liberal reward will be
paid to anyone finding and returning the same
tome. lAjnn iaiuih,
apra - Mitchell, Or,
Land Ornca, The Dalles, Or.,
May 22. 11-95. 4
Notice is .herebv eiven that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his Intension to
make final proof in suDDOrt of his claim ana tnat
saia prooi wm oe msue Deiore iu rcKiurr mu
, . . ... . .... , .... ....
receiver at ine uaues, uregon, on juiy o,
1895, viz: V
' Frank Chase.
Addl. Hd. E. No. S5S2, for the SEW, SEJ, Seo
21.Tn.lN R 18 K.W. M.
I. He names the fallowing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
mid land, viz: William H. Tavlor. John Was-
enbla-t. William Miller, X. M. Morgan, all ofj
I mu. ri a"i 1
mZi . j ad. r. mwhl, ftegtscer.
Admistrator's ; Notice
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by thn County Court
oi me Biate Ol uregon lor nasco ,ouniy,
administrator of the estate of Frank Ire
land, deceased. All persons having claims
against sail estate are heieby notified to present
tnem to me at my residence near M osier, in said
county and state, within six months from the
date hereof. -
Dalles City, Oregon, Jnly 12, 189a,
13jul GEORGE IRELAND, Administrator.
SS Ckkheatet' Eaetiaa Dlaaaaas Braa&
w jyL K sm ilitfi n-tiailaL. la Die aak
Druggist r LKMfara ttntum Aut-,
momA Brxmd tu Ked Mid Gold aMt&llscT
twxea. ftetUod with bla ribtootm. Tklt
'lumm and imittUm. At Drafgius, or md4 4e.
In Maunp for jMuXkmUr, testimonials -snA
"Relief for T,IletV te kar, by retara
I BlUb "W.ww ivsuwvunis. jiBUiis a aap
flilsrm .'aisiMlrsiM a MaiVinn Komi.
Notice to Donation Claimants.
Cmited Status Dist. Likd Omc,(
-P ,, v Oregon.
To all persons having made settleineut upon
tracts of land within this district, nd given,
notice, as required b) law, that they claim such
lauds as donation! under the provialnns of the
act of Congress entitled "Anaotto create tba
office of survtyor -general of the public lands iu
Oregon, and to provide for the survey, and to
make donations to settlers of the said publlo
lands," approved September 27, 1850, and the
various acts amendutory and ' supplemental
thereto, and to their heiia, devisee, grantees,
and all persons making claim to such donation
claims, whether by d scent, detise, Judicial
sale, or conveyance in good faith, who have
hitherto failed to make and file in the proper
land office finui proof of such claims.
Notice is her by given, in iceordanre with the
requirements of Section 1 of the act of Congress
ai.prov- d Jnly .6, 1894, anrt in pursuance of the
directions of the Commissioner bf the general
laud office that they are required to appear at
this office and make and til- final proola of such
claims ai d perfe t their title thereto before the
1st day of January, 1896, and that if they fail to .
do so within the time,tuch donation claims will
be held to have beeu abandoned bv them, and
th lanas embraced therein will be restored to
the public domain, as provided in said act of
Congress ef July 26, 1-94.
Given under our hands this 9th dly of Hay,
1895:. . JA8 F- MOOhE, Register.
mll-J22 WILLIAM H. BiGGS, E.ceiver.
Furniture and Carpes.
We have added to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil
be low accordingly. -
A. A. Brown.
Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures
to Cash Buyers. v
Hittat Casl Prices for Eis Mi
ofter. Prate.
. .
me Miia PacKiiCo.,
Pofk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Dried Beef, Etc.
Bake Oyen and Mitchel'
' stage line
THOMAS HAEPEB, .- - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
To the General Public:
The andereighed baa thoroughly re
modeled what ia known aa the Farmers
Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi-
eon, adjoining J. L. Thompson 'a black
smith shop, and is now ready to accom
modate all who wish their horses well
fed and properly cared for, at Prices to-
8nit the Times.
' The Dalles, Or.
For Sale or Trade.
One Norman Stallion, weight about
1,500 pounds ; 4 bead or work horses ; ft .
ronnir horses. Will sell or trade for
Dalles City property.
ml5-2m ,' Boyd, Or.
Nansene, Jnne 10, 1895.
To Whom It May Concern :
This is to notify all persons that I
have given my son. William Louis Rob
ertson, his time.
jl9-wlm. - Geo. W. Kobertsok.
Curersof BRAND