THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1895. the Weekly GhroniGle, KENTUCKY DEMOCRATS Hardin and Tyler Nominat ed for Office. CALIFORNIA SILVER MEN Committeeman Mitchell Want a 811- ver Convention CalledSuccess .'' of the Atlanta Commission. WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's C Pleasant Pellets Tb any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. "... QNCB USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Louisville, June 27. P., W. Hardin was nominated last night by the demo cratic state convention for governor' and H. T. Tyler was named for lieutenant governor, after which the convention ad' journed nntil tbis morning. At 9 :30 today it reconvened, with the usual large attendance. V; For state treasurer the names of W, H. Gardner, John C. Herndon, W. C. Kendall and R. C. Ford were' presented with eloqueut speeches. The ballot re sulted:- Gardner', 286;-'Herndon, 172; Kendall, 91 Eord, 270); E.Kenton, 8. A motion to droo the lowest after each ballot was adopted. Four hundred and forty votes being' necessarv for choice, there was no nomination. The second ballot for state treasurer resulted:. Gardner, 386; Herndon, 43; Ford, 459; Ford was declared the uom inee. " ' For auditor, Luke C. Norman was .nominated by acclamation. - ' ' Jumped the Track. Rosebhuo, June 27. South-bound freight No. 32 was wrecked yesterday af ternoon at Kice Hill, near Oakland. A ;box car next the caboose jumped the track. and was followed by the caboose, .which ran for two miles upon the ties, then turned over on its side, tearing ' down three telegraph poles and a barb wire fence before stopping. Conductor -Elder and-' Brakeman J.- D. Huff were unable to reach the top of the train or to signal the engineer, on account of the terrible jumping of the cars and the fly rocks and dust. As soon as the engineer taw the heavy dust he knew all was not right and stopped the train. No . one was seriously injured. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast !'"..' -: . ON TRIAL. ' ii . They absolutely cure- - SICK HEADACHE, Biliousness, Constipation, . Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite, Dyspepsia and kin dred derangements of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be " just as good." - - The substitute costs the dealer less. ' . . - costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for Free Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Alain St. BUFFALO. N. K Tho make up of thehtsa team from Jiickson Eiigine company has "been an nou need and will probably consist of the following sprinters: Geo. Liebe, jr., N J.' SiniiQlt, .. J.Maloney. B. Fuge, J Fisher, R. 'B. Sinnott, S: Frank, G. Browne, Al. Klindc, Kneble, W. Hunter and G. Bartell. Roger Sinnott is captain of the team. The Mt. Hood company composed of residents on, the hill, hare gathered together a good set of runners and propose to contest vigorously for first places. The men who will prob ably run under the Mt. Hood banner are J. McNeil, J. Harper, Will Norman, Joseph Wodika, Will Nichols,' Frank Chrisman, D. S. Dafur, F. Menefee and Mr. Spivey. The Dalies is going to see a good race on the Fourth and there will be plenty of material from which to choose a good team to represent this city at the Vancouver tournament, : Attention G. A. R. and W, K. C. All members of above orders are in vited to be present at .the reception to our department officers at Fratermtv Hall, Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. '.'Maggib E. 'Hekbin, Sec, BLANCHB G, PATTERSON; . . Pres., W. R. C. CANADIANS OBJECTS. A WARM BATH They Da Not Like the Seal Fisheries . . ' . . Bill.- Ottawa, Ont, June 27 The Canadian government has. received a draft of the bill for the Pacific seal fisheries, read for the third time in the imperal parliament. Kir Charles Tnpper, minister of justice, and ex-minister of marine, says the Do minion government will enter strong ob jection to two clauses. One empowers Russian vessels to search Canadian seal ers, and another extracts the extreme penalty of the forfeiture of ship and equipments for infraction of the regul ations. The Dominion government will forward a strong protest to the imperial government. Met With Success. New ioBK, June 27. Genpral I. W. jEyefy, of Atlanta, Ga., foreign commis sioner of the Cotton States' Exposition, tq be held in Atlanta from September 1 of this year, to January i, 1896, arrived in New York on the steamship Carcas, . from Venezuela. The general, who was appointed by the exposition and accre ited by the United States government, Ifjsited during bis trip Brazil, the Ar gentine Republic, Paraguay, Uraguay, Chili, Mexico and Venezuela. He was every wbere cordially received, and met; "With flattering responses Koseberj wit, London, June 27. Mr. Thomas Gib son Bowles, the tory member of parliament, Who made a special attack on the government's fisheries bill, while riding along Rotten Row, met Lord Bosebery, to whom he remarked that at . last the seal-fisheries bill had been "passed . . . . "Yes, replied Rosebery, laughing "and there's been a good deal of fishing for seals of office this, week." WITH y fiutrcuraSoap , 1 At The Dalles, : SATURDAY, V&m. 6. TUB jniWfl uouaica'of an Tcmeff k RecorfUnimpeachable, Imperishable, Unblemished; '" Above the Reach of Jealous Rivals. - . . . . . . "- ' COMING IN ALJL' ITS ENTIRETY I 1 Nolice. to Miifa Claimants. Cmited' States Dist. Ukd Optice,. MM PARIS HIPPODROME. Monster Museum. Triple Circus, Great Elevated States, Double Menae, ,...., ABit;Kiioii "i new sensational reatu ene, Spec res, . TOBACCO. Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby eiven that the unrterKltrnprt has, by an or er uf ibe County Oour ot the atate of ( iregon for W a on countv, duly ma and en tered, btn appointed administrator uf the eotnte of Mlus Pruther, nco-a-rd. All persons havine laimb aeatnst aid estate are notified to nresent uie tHuie 10 me. wiin in- TiriTMr vnnr iir. met. for, at the office of Huntington A. Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within nix niontua from the ame nereoi. Sated April 26th, 1S95. ' J.M. HUNTINOTON, ml-5t "Administrator. 1 IS A?- - -K5 i - TllK n. . 'i To all persons havlug mde sr'tileuVci nnon tracts of land within this district; .ni Vlv-n notice, as reqnired bj law, that they claim snob lands as donations under the provisions of the othee of urvyor-eneral of tne public lauds in Oregon, and to provide for the survey, and to make donations to settle, s of the said public -lands,"- approved September 27, 18o0, nd .he various acts- amendatory and ; supplement 1 thereto, and to their hel. s, devltee-, grauteea. and all persons making claim to such douatlon claims, wh-ther by d scent, de.ise, Judicial sale, or eon-veyance In good faith, who have Mtharw failed to make and nle In the proper land office final poof of such claims. """w ner by aiven, in cc-rdanre with th requirements of Section I of the act of Cjii a nroTid jn i r iauA,.?omml!,"Ioneo, ,uo Kieral ?i?'J?lt",;1,perf0 ' u,elr MUe ei-eto before the ShiJ?to J??T been abandoned b. them.ind ih2i;,w7-embrB?d thereln wil' be restored to Congress if J,n; .', "of "' OI ifvea unie",oaf hands this 9th diynf May. mil PHINZ & KITSCH KE Furniture and' Cai pes-; I A I. 1 , 1 . o nave nuuea lo . nnr rmsin-na a complete Unrtertaking Establish men t, and as. we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. ' ... A. A- Brown, Stat le Keeps a lull assortment 6f and rancy lira , an d, Prpyl 1 on 8. ' ; which he offers at low rignrea And a single application ofUTI CURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of . the most distressing, of itchin.r, burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after phy sicians, hospitals, and all else fail. Cuticura Remedies Exert a peculiar, purifying action' on the. skin, and through it upon' the blood. In the treatment of. distressing humors they are speedy, permanent, and economical, and in their action are pur?, sweet, gentle, . and effective., Mothers and chil dren are their wannest friends. Sold throughout the woiM. Potter Dpug Ann Ckeu. Coki-., Sole Props., llnston "All about Baby's Skin, Scalp, and Hair," mailed free. If tired, ncliine, nervnns moth ers knew the com Tort, strength, and vitality in Cuticura t'lastera, they woUd never be without them. In every way the sttfre!-t an I rwt. He Died of Starvation. . Vancouver, B. C, June 27. Abou - two and a half years ago Norman Mc Neil left here for his ranch in the Chil catin country. Since then he has nevei been heard of. A few months ago hi ' brother Daniel arrived here to searcl for him, and with the aid of Indians h found the bones bis brother in tin orusn near ttie I'Uean-a-lvIean rivet The remains were identified by a papei in the pockets of the clothes. It i. thought be died of starvation. ' . Slot a Ghost of a-Cnance. New Yoek, June 27. A special to tht Herald from Paris says:.. Sir Charier Dilke, being interviewed on the Englis) political situation, said: "The liberal, ' have not the ghost or a chance at th coming election. I do not think any . body honesty believes to the contary.' . ... .Dissolution of Parliament. London, June 27. In the house of lords today Premier Marquis Salisbnrt . announced that he hoped to obtain tin , queen's, consent to the dissolution o; parliament July 8. .' . . - .; r Dr. MIlee'NEBVi Plasters unre EHETJMA 1ISM. WEAK BACKS. At Orugftlsta, only Sat $300.00 Squandered for Nothing. Assignee's Notice. rotice is hereby given that J. W. Moore and 11. r.. Moore nnve assigned to me all of their and eaeh of their propert , real a- d pera-nal. for the oenefltnf nil their, and eaeh of their creditors. In proportion to the amount t the re.ective ciiuiii ti bum ereoitiiis. ah persons having planus tiKuiui. bhiu assigiiors, or xner nt tnem aieheiebv notified to uresetit their alulms. nn deroath, to me at the office of Huntitietou & niison. ine lanes. oresron. or at inv rmirinnr-M new- iiuiiseiie, uregon, wiimn three months rrom tne aaie ot this iiotiee. 1 ne uailes, Oregon, Slav -1, 1895. , W7t POLK." UUTLER, Assignee. JiOTTCE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb, The Dalles, Or., ( M 22. 1-95. 4 Notice Is herebv elven that the fnl.mvino-- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and. that saia prooi-wui be maae before the register and receiver at The Dalles. Ores-on. on Jmv R. io-jo, via: ... Frank Chase, Addl. Hd. E. No.' 3532. for the RE. SElxf. See 21. To. IN R 13 B. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of bnid land. iz: Willitiln II. Tavlor. John Wa;- enbla t. Will, am Miller, X. il. Morgan, all uf A lie rmties, tir. m22 JA'S. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci. The Dalles, Or., June 18, 189S. ( Notice is herebv riven that the followlnc named settler has filed notice of his Intention tn make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kegister and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Auk. 1,1895, via: ' William P. Carter, ' ' Hd E, No. 3821, for the E, K 12 NE'A, Bee 28, and HIKJUXO, :, THE STRONGEST MAN ON EARTH. VICTORIK. the TIGErVv THP "rfvTVPR 'ff e.T6r Aa, W111-'' THE ONLY RIOING HUrLK m THE UNIVER&E. Actually performing equestrian feats beyond con ception on the back of a flying thoroughbred while encased in an iron cage that circles the ring, to be seen only with these great shows. $10,000 school of Educate ed.bea L.ions. No other show poesessirg such an attraction.' ji, , ; Bv an arraneement with th lparlinu Shnara nr ii,:. Vn u-.i-mim ClKOfJS that i will visit this section this year. - ' . V '; - ., Presenting an Unabridged Unparalleled Program EXALTED IN AIM AND PURE IN TONE. ' ' 4 - ; V SPECmit :-: PRICES " rNtp Cash' Suyers. : v;-'i Hiliest Cask Prices for Ears ani 170 SECOND , STREET.. BeCoiomBiaPacKiofCo.,' J,i PACKERS OF Pork and Bee! .MANUFACTURERS OP i ,,-.' t Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND W. H. HUGHES. - Mtifl WHERE AND WHY BS WASTED SO MUCH GOOD MONJtT USEIiSSSIiT. Fox Creek, Ky, March 12, 1894. -J ureniiemen:-ioF more man a year i anvereo severely with heart trouble. At times my heart seemed to stop beating, at others it beat loudly- and fast, and occasionally a sharp pain shot through it for an Instant. Any severe exercise gave me a distressing pain under the left shoulder blade. I suf fered much from shortness of breath, and three to four hours sleep was the most I could etlnanyone night. One week tn Septem ber I scarcely closed my eyes. I spent 300 for medicines and doctors in Louisville, Shel byville, Frankfort, Cincinnati and Lawrence burg. It was all squandered for nothing. I finally got Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart. r.nrn at a drug store In Lawrenceburg, and in three days have derived more benefit from tho use of Dr. Miles' remedies than I got from all the doctors and their mprliclnna. I think- everybody ought to know of the marvelous power contained in Dr. Miles' remedies. 'A. SEW, gee 21, Tn 4 8 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William B. Rodman, Andrew J. Swift William H. Fallow, Eugene Demore, all 01 namic, ur. . juu22 ; JAS. F. MOORE, Register. x ours very gratefully, W. H. HE NEXT EXPENDS B.00 AND GETS SOMETHING, BUT HIS BEIQHBOBS : SAY HI IS HAL? CRAZY. , ' Fox Greek. March 29, 18M. Gentlemen: I finra hMn hng tMtnt. m neighbors of the benefits derived from three oofties 01 iir. Miles' Nervine for which I paid 83.00. Aftertakingtheflrstbottleltwas uiirea usjs ueiore 4 coma get a second, and my stomach troubled me a little, but after nuuuug vraiuneiiii is got ait right again, ind I can eat anything and as much as I wish without fear. All my friends and neighbors javtbatlam half-trauma? I lnnvh. ...... . nd jump and hallo, all In a minute, and I lust can't help it. And Is It any wonder, when for months. I watr.hftd the nettlnscnn never expecting to see it rise again. Please accept my heartfelt thanks. W. H. Htjgb-es. Dr. Miles Heart Cure IB sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. Alldruggistssellitattl. 6 bottles forS,or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co . Elkhart, And, . ; " . NOTICE. TJnitud States Lnd Office,; The Uailes, or., June 4, 189.. , Complaint haviix been entered at this olfce by John C. Tucket of Wamiit, V against O. H. avemort fur nban' oning his HometeHd Entry No. 3616, dated April 8, 1891, upon the 8!- ShjZ Bee 7, ENE4 6ec 18, and .WJi SW. Btc 17. T4 BK12E, in Vbci county. Or., with a vie to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned b appear at ti is otiice on the 29tii day of July. 1S95, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimouy con cerning raid alleged abandonment. - jl5-jul20 JAS, MOORE, Register. Taken Up. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Come tc my place on 5-Mile about Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, about 4 years old branded XL (connected). Crop off riht ear and un 'er half crop off left ear.. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. C. F .Wagendlast, , ' ' The Dalles. 4 6ig Shouus Cotobined . 100 Sensational and Startling Acts. . The Best Performing Elephants! Leopards, and Baby Camels! 40 GRE T CIRCUS ACTS 1 , 5 Great Bands in Street Parade !. Courtly Knights and Dames! A Drove of Monster Camels! ' ' "' Zebras, Bears and Baby Monkeys ! ' 20 GREAT LEA PE RSI ,' Richly Carved & Gilded Tableau Wagons ' Myriad Cages, Dens and Lairs I ' Diied Beef, Etc. ; . .... , . . ' . 1 Bake Oyen;;anil:;lIi(cIicl! STAGE LIN12, " : " THOMAS. HAEPEE, -:' Proprietot 'Stages leave'Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week.- - , .. THE GlJEftTEST BflSEBIICK UlDESS that the' morld ; has EveP ppodaeed. . THE ONLY FLOCK OF GIANT AFRICAN OSTRICHES.' The Largest. Birds, on Earth and the Only Show Possessing such a Feature. GOOD HORSES. AND' WAGONS! Notice. For Sale.. One hundred and six seres of Fruit Lnnd on Mi 1 Creek, five miles from The Da les fifteen acres In Grapes aud Orchard, and four acres in Strawberries. Will sell alt or part. Plenty of Wood slid Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Land, ten miles west 01 The Uailes. feb23-tf . , . . T-M.DENTON. . y-'. ; '; :-' , ' " ' , V Lost: ' . Betweeen Mitchell and Grass Valley, one new Rupert & tiahle saddle, one garden iak, and two window sashes. A liberal reward will be paid tu anyone finding and returning the same tome. . , - LONN TAYLOR, pr5 - Mitchell, Or. ' Or. Mues' Pain Pills ewe Netuwlcla, . TWO MENAGERIES OF WILD BEASTS And open Dens of Savage Brutes, Mammoth. Elephants, Lions, Tigers, '' ; Hveneu, Bears, Wolves, Leopards and Panthers. Zebras trained to " drive like horses. ' Knights in Armor, ' Ladies as Princesses?, Male '. '' ' and Female Jockeys, Squadrons 'of Princes, Nobles and Cava- ' , . . Iiirs in Royal Rohes, aud Rich .Costumes, Mounted on .Spirited. '; Hot sea like Days of Old. Be sure and ask -your Station Agent for Cheap : Excursion : Kates Every Railroad Gives Low Rates to this Big Show..' V ; To thb Genskal Poaucr : -', '"' ' ,The nndereighed has thoroughly re modeled what Is known as the Farmers' ' Feed "Yard, corner of Third and Madi son, adj'iining J. LU; Thompson's blacks ' smith shop', and is now ready to accom- ' tnodate all who wish their horses well fed and' properly cared for, at Prices to Suitthe Times, i '' '- ' AGNEW & McCOLLEY. Props., ; :, ; Tne Dulles, Or. f For Sale or Trade. - . At.lO A. M. a Glorious, Grand. Holiday Free Streei Parade. ONE DAY ONLY, AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. : f v - ! ; .DOORS OPEN AT I AND 7 P. M. : This will positively be the only Circus that will visit this section this year;..!..: General Admission,. . . : 5Q Cents. ' ' .'' !' Children under 9 Years of Age, '25 Cents. One- Norman Stallion, weight about 1 ,500. pnunds ;. 4 head of work horses 8 voung, horses. . win sell or trade for Dalles City properly. ....'' ' CHARLES KOEHLER. ml5-2m . : ; Boyd. Or. ' CMrlwrtrA EnSIUb Dtnoad Bnult ' rENffYROYAL PIU.S mond Mrmnd tn Red and Gold neUllloV ItMxa, fted With blue rihhon. Taka 1 f.nwi a ii if iwi"fnUiisi i irur1ta. r mmtd 4 in lUmpi for nartioulara, t-ntimootaU aud M UetW for TMditm.' m UUHr, kT ro(ar MAIL 1W,(I(H Tiau moot all. JVovM fwfr. AW fTVi