CM) THE i DALLES WEEKLY CHflaNICLE, SABDYJnNE 22, 1895. The Weekly Chronicle. random; talks Xadulged in by Ex-Governor Flower Upon Returning-Home, i . - .. New Yobk, June 18. Ex-Governor , Flower has returned from his Western ;'trip. ' Among other things, he said to a 'fif reporter :- ''Don't believe what people tell you ''.about bad crops. It's going to be a crop i: year. The cold weather which we had a few weeks ago only injured winter wheat, and not more than 100,000,000 bushels of winter wheat is raised east of the Bocky mountains. But the spring wheat is in fine condition, and the corn r , crop . promises to be verp large. The corn was not out of the ground when the frost came, so it escaped injury. Fruits - are also in good condition. Our person al observation of the farming territory through which we paesed give us great --encouragement, and the reports which we got at , Chicago from the railroads convinced us that these favorable con ditions were general throughout the .West and Southwest. "Presidential candidates seem to be quite numerous on the republican side, but on the democratic side there seems to be a disposition to await political de - velopinents before discussing candidates. "I can't say that the talk has crysial ized much yet around any one man, but I heard Vice- President Stevenson's name mentioned considerably. Senator Vilas ' has a great many friends who would be glad to see him get the nomination, and so has Boies, of Iowa. Don Dickinson is a likely dark horse, and so is Mor rison, of Illinois. The free-6ilver demo crats, of course, want on out-and-out sil ver man. - I heard some talk about Wil liam L. Wilson having the administra- tiou's influence for the nomination. If the ' nomination goes East Whitney stands as good a chance as any other Eastern man," - AN IMPREGNABLE CITY. Opinion Respecting the New Fort! ficatiou lor Sun Frucltco. San Fbancisco, June 18. Lieutenant- Geiierai Schofield, who is inspecting the fortification of this city, says he is pleased beyond expression at the advancement in this line. - "The work completed, and that now under construction," said he, "is marvel of perfection. No better exists in the United States, and when the batter ies are completed and equipped they . will be a credit to the country. If the present 'recommendation and intent of the war department is carried out, and there Is no reason to doubt that it will be, tbere will be one continuous chain of batteries extending from the Cliff House to Fort Winfield Scott. These batteries cf modern mortars and im proved guns will make it impossible for the warships of an enemy to sail through the Golden Gate." t Another Good Man Gone Wrong;. Denvee, Col., June 18. President H. J. Aldricb, of the Colorado Securities Company, who disappeared five weeks ago, is believed to be sojourning in Mex ico. It is claimed that his hasty depart ure was due to the fact that Eastern creditors were pressing him closely. . The operations of the company embraced loans aggregating 1 ,500,000 to $2,000,000. It is said that Mr. Aldrich, as trustee, did not account for hundreds of thou sands of dollars. It is not believed that Aldrich appropriated a single dollar to his own use, but in order to protect the company from embarrassment occa sioned by falling values he guarranteed both principal and interest on all loans, and applied the money wrongfully to meet the obligations. In consequence of his transactions, it is said, that several hundred Colorado farmers will lose their lands and many Eastern ' people t their investments. A vast amount of litigation will be required to straighten out the muddled affair of the company, of which T. G. Patterson is receiver. " Angela's Latest Move. . Springfield, 111., June 18. Governor Altgeld today issued a call for a special session of the general assembly to meet June 22, to pass revenue laws to relieye the deficiency in the state treasury and , to paes laws regarding sleeping-car charges and regarding courts in Chicago. ' ' ' . ; : " ; ' Sherman Copntjr Gossip. Editor Chbonicli : It would be al moat a breach of jouroalistic etiquette for a Sherman county correspondent Jto write up the items here without advert ing to the perpetual wind we bare ex perienced this spring. It 'bloweth where it liatetb," and that seems to be everywhere throughout the length and breadth of our county ; . but with the equinimity of the true philosopher, we feel like saying, in the language of the poet: "Let her blow, Gallagher." Yet grain is looking well, with the exception of volunteer, which is expected 4o be a failure. Many of the farmers are still hauling tb.6ir last year's crop to the river, and it is putting a good deal of money in circulation, which is very much appreciated at this dull time of the year. . V-v.. The Sherman County Musical Associ ation will hold its semi-annual session at Grass Valley this month, commene ing on the 24th and ending on the 28 :b. The three first days will be devoted to i the instruction of the members, and on the nights of the 27th and 28th the pub lic will be entertained with music and literary exercises,' great care having been bestowed by the committee upon the program for both nights. The peo ple of Grass Valley have erected a fine" building for public purposes, and the as sociation will have the benefit of this structure, which is large enough to con tain 800 people without inconvenience. A grand time is anticipated, and, it is hoped that some of our friends at The Dalles will help swell the audience. , The Woodworth ' church is rapidly Hearing completion under the experi enced management of Mr. Rosmun and other skillful mechanics. - Campmeeting will begin on the 20tb, I believe, in the Woodworth neighbor hood, and Key. J. W. Adams will hare cnarge. Some of the Baptist brethren at Grass Valley do not feel very kindly towards Rev. I. D. Driver on account of his re marks on the subject of "Baptism ;" but if we are rightly informed, the Rev. gentleman refused to discuss the ques tion at first, and it was only after much persuasion and in pursuance of a major ity vote of the audience, that he ven tured upon such dangerous ground. So far as we could judge, and we heard him on several occasions,. Dr: ' Driver en deavored to be absolutely fair in. all his remarks, and nothing was further from his wish or intention than to run down any denomination. Like the great dramatist, he '"eaw good in everything" that helped to build up the cause of Christianity, notwithstanding that all denominations were not alike in their forms of church government. The patriotic, citizens of , Murray Springs are making preparations for an elaborate celebration on the Fourth of July ; so are the Grass Valley folks. . . . . ; Vaga. June 18, 1895. Antelope. Tiotea. To the EDiTOB:--Mr.-W.' Bolton has just received a baby buggy for his little boy.. . ' . - ' Billy Kelsay is hauling lumber from Durham's mill, for the Fourch of July dance platform. . - Mr. Kincaid, Mr. Dial and the Gregory brothers are hauling lumber for the new residence of Mr. Dunn and that of Mr. Harper. Jack Harper of The Dalles arrived this morning to do the carpenter work on Thos. Harper's house. Mr. Baird has returned from . the mines. He sold three more lots this morning in Antelope, to parties who in tend to build. . Mr. N. W. Wallace fell from the barn loft and dislocated his nip. It was a severe bruise for him, but he is resting easy at present with bright prospects of a speedy recovery. . He will be confined to bis bed for some time at best. - Mr. Newton, who has been down some time with heart trouble, is rapidly, re covering under the care of Dr. Powne of Tygh. Students of Blackstone are quite nam erous in -Antelope. E. M. Sbutt, G. H. Dunn, Frank Irvine and Aleck Kirch' heiner are all studying for the legal pro fession. A very pleasant whist party was given by Mrs. Irvine last evening. Mrs. Lane, Miss Watson, Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Dunn, Bertha Irvine, P. Kirchheiner, L. Dem, F. Irvine, N. Baird and G. H. Dunn were present. P. Kirchheiner and Mrs, Lane received tne prize, alter which a dainty lunch was served. All present had a most enjoyable time. ' HOBNETTX. Antelope. Or., June 17, 1895. ' , DO YOU EXPECT Become a Mother? to, then permit us to iy-. that. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is indeed, ' a true . "Mother's Friend," ' FOR . IT KAKB9 Childbirth Easy by preparing the system for Darturi- tion, thus assisting: Nature and shortening " Labor. " The painful ordeal of childbirth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof creatlv lessened, to both mother and child. The period of confinement is also ercatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. . Send 10 cents for a large Book (168 pages), ffivins all particulars. Address, World's dispensary medical association. Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. . , PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH. Mrs. Fred Hunt, of Glenville, N. K, says : "I read about Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite prescription being so good for a wo man Wlin cniia, so l fot two bottles last eptember, and De cember 13th I had a twelve pound baby girl. When I was confined was not sick in any way. I did not suffer any pain, and when the child was born I walk ed into another room and went to bed. I keep your Extract of Smart-Weed on hand all the time. It was very cold weathes, ana our room was Mrs. Huitt. very .sold but I did not take any cold, and never had any after-pain or any other pain. Jt was all due to God and Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription and Compound Extract of Smart-Weed. This is the eighth living child and the largest of them all. I suf fered everything that flesh could suffer with the other babies.' I always had a doctor and then he could not help me very much, but this time my mother and my husband were alone with me. My baby was only seven days old when I got up and dressed and left my room and stayed up all day." aoi pain banished ly Dr. lilies' Pain Hxu. ?aln has bo show with Dr. KUaa' Paia Pffls, Or. Miles' Pain Pills cur Mauraljeia. t? &m& At The Dalles, SATURDAY, Tfte jiiisnty pupl of an Teoteff Expions ! -.--'. -' ' V ' . -'.,",.''. Its Record Unimpeachable, Imperishable, Unblemished; -' j Above the Reach of Jealous Rivals.. COMING IN ALL ITS ENTIRETY I ; :f PARIS HIPPODROME. .. Monster Museum, Triple Circas, Great Elevated States, Doable Menagerie, Spec tacular Pageant, Grand Aggregation of New Sensational Features." RIHLTO, THE STRONGEST MAN moat Mjf8iic Rovai "Bengal Tiger ever in captivity. TfiE ONLY RIDING TIGER IN THE UNIVERSE. Actually performing equestrian feats' beyond con ception on the back of a tivine thoroughbred while encased in an iron cage that circles the rjpgj to be seen only with these, great shows. ' $10,000 school of Educat ed Sea Lions. No other show possessing such an attraction. By an arrangement with the leading UlKUUo that will visit tbis section this Presenting an Unabridged EXALTED IN AIM Shocas y; 100 Sensational The Best Performing Elephants!' Leopard, and Baby Camels! - -40 GREAT CIRCUS ACTS ! 5 Great Bands in Street Parade! ; Courtly Knights and Dames ! . THE GHEflTEST BflREBflCK K.IDESS that the (florid has Ever Prodoeed. ' . ; THE ONLY FLOCK OF GIANT AFRICAN OSTRICHEsl . r The Largest Birds on Earth and the Only Show Possessing such a Feature. TWO MENAGERIES OF WILD BEASTS , ,r And ppen Dens of .Savage Brutes, Mammoth Elephants, Lions", Tigers,' -' . Hyenas, Bears, Wolves, Leopards and 'Panthers. Zebras trained to; ; 1 drive like horses. Knights in Armor,-: Ladies as Princesses, Male: , and Female - Jockeys, Squartrons of .Princes. Nobles and Cava- r -'liers in Royal Robes, and Rich Costumes, Mounted on Spirited ' .'. Horses like Days of Old. Be sure and ask your Station Agent for - , Cheap : Every Railroad Gives Low At 10 A. M. a Glorious, Grand Holiday Free Street Parade. ONE DAY ONLY, AFTERNOON - AND NIG HT. . , ... . .DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7 P.'M. " " ' This Will positively be the only Circus that will visit this eection this year. General Admission; Children under 9 Years of .Age; 25 Cents. ' ' 6. 4 "j"J' i ON EAETH. the Shows of America this will be the ONLY year. ; Unparalleled Program AND PURE IN TONE.' ' ' 4 ' Gombined and Startling Acts. . : . 1 A Drove of Monster .Camels !, : . ; Zebras, Bears and Baby Monkeys U , 20 GREAT, LEAPERS ! ?. . .s ... .v.: Richly Carved & Gilded Tableau Wagons Myriad Cages, Dens and Lairs 1 . ... Rates to this Big Show ... , 50 Cents. MIIIIIS , p-v ..,,.,-,ki!!..v..-. ifofljy . . PIPE' , TOBAGOl Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby (riven ttiat the undersigned hap, by an order of ihe County Ooun of the hUte oi ureifon lor a-eo countv, duly ma ie and en tered, been appointed administrator of the estate or Mlas rratlier, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are not! (led to present the tame to me, with th? proper voucher there for, at the office of ilantington & Wilson, The Dalle. OrcKon. within kix nioiitns from the date hereof. . Dated April ilith, 18J5. . ' - - ' J.'M. JftJKTINGTON, . ml-St . , . ' - . Administrator. 'Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby riven that J. W. Moore ahd H. . Moore have assigned to me all of their and each of their property, real and personal, for the benefit of all their, and each of their creditors. proportion to the amount of the respective claim is of such creditoia. All persons having utiuius agaw&i saia assignors, or eitner oi tnem. ate hereby notified to present their claims, un me at the office of Huntiiwtnn A Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, or at my residence near jansene, oregou, witnin three months from the dale of this notice. . , The Dalles, Oregon, May i, 1895. " w7t POLK UUTLER, Assignee. NOTICE , FOR PUBLICATION. v i' - Yako Ornce, The fialles. Or."; May 22. 195. ' Notice is hereby eiren that the followinr- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that saia prooi win oe maae Deiore tne register ai a receiver at ine uaues, uregon, on fJuly 1895, viz: ..... . .' Frank Chase, . 8, Addl. Hd. E, No. 3532, for the SEV, 6EU, See. 21. To. 1-N R IS E. W. M. J ..' He names the followine witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz; William H. Taylor. John Wag enbla-t. William Miller, X. M.. Morgan, all of xne uaiies, ur. r . mi ' jab. r. uuuue, register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - - . :, r Land Office,- The Dalles, Or.,i June lit. 1895. t Notice is hereby elven that the followine- named settler has filed uotice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register ana Receiver at Tne Jjaues, uregon, ou Aug. a, isw, viz: .. . . . William. P. Carter, . . Hd E, No. 3821, for the E'4, NEl, See 28, and 4, 6E4,8ec21,Tp4SKliE. - He names the followina witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saia lana, viz: William a. Koamao, Andrew J. Swift. William H. Farlow, Eugene iiemore, all ot wamic, or. . jun! jam. e. MUOKt, Kegister. ;., NOTICE. Unitcd States LtND Office, - The Dalles. Or.. June 4. 189 . ' Comtlnint having- been entered at this- office oy jonn v. xucaer oi vtamic, ur., against u. n avenport tor aoanaoniug ms tiomeoteaa tntr no. eif, 1616, dated April 8, 1891, upon the 8W &VM, 7, NEW NE!4 Seo 18, and liW NWi, beo p 4 8 R 12 E, in Wasco county, Or., with a See 7, Tu view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 29th day of July. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony con cerning saia auegea arjanaonmenc. . , jia-juuM : jas, r. uegister." ' , Notice. ! ' Lost, One ?ed and white heifer, S-year-old In the spring; branded : on tne olP! marked smooth crop off the right ear and slit and under bti in tne leiv ear. aimi one almost rea -year-old heifer, branded on the bin same as red and white heifer's brand, Any one lettiug me know where thay are will be caid for the: eir trouDie. Aanroa u&n Buuiaw&hL, anl9-lm : , , Endersby, Wasco CO., Oregon," . . Taken V TJp- . -V '. Come tc my place on 5-Mile about Dec. 1st 1694, one light red Cow, about 4 years old branded XL (connected). Crop off fight ear and unier half crop "off left ear, Uwner can-have same by proving property and' paying charges." ' , , C,'F '. vVagbnblast,' .l . ' ; ' ' -" ' I The Dalles. " For Sale. One hnndred and six acres of Fruit Land on MM Creek, five miles from The Dalles fifteen acres in Grape and Orchard, aud four acres in Strawberries. , Will tell, all or part. Plenty of Wood and Water. Also-1-0 acres of .Grain Land, ten miles west pi The Ualles. . - , , Lost. Betweeen Mitchell and Grass Valley, one new Rupert A Gable saddle, one garden rake, and two window sashes. A liberal reward will be paid to anyone finding and returning the same to me. - - LONN TAYLOK, ! aprt - -. , ; ; , ,. Mitchell, Or. frenohj ; & ; CO., BANKERS. rRANBACT A GINIKALBANHNU B08INIM Letters of Credit issued available in the v ' ' Eastern States.- - .: : '. .': -: : 'f ' ;'i V. Sisht Exchange- and - Teletrraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, CU1. U7..1,' mnna t fl.. egon and Washington..' ' . i .:. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. -, . , . - , Notice to Donation Claimants. Cjiited States Dibt. Lakd Omci, - v The DiiL8, Oregon. To all persons having nmdc settlement opoaT tracts of land within this district, nd giv-n notice, as required b law, that they- claim such lands as donations under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to create the office of survtyor-general of the publia lauds in Oregon, and to provide for the survey, aud to make donations to settlers of the said public lands," approved September 27, 1850, and ihe various acts amendatory and supplemental thereto, ahd to their heirs, devisees, grantees, and all persons making claim to such donstion claims, whether by scent, devise, judicial sale, or conveyance in good faith, who have hitherto failed to make and file In the proper land office final proof of such claims. notice is heivby given, in accordance with tbs requirements of Section 1 of the act of Congress apprOVtd JnlvvA. 1RU anil In nnnnanM nf lh. directions of the Commissioner of the general ( 1Z. """- mas iney are requirea to appear at this Ollice anil ma and feluflnl V. clslm and perfe their title thereto before the 1st day of January, 1896, and that if thev fail to do so within the time.iuch donation claims will be held to have been abandoned bv them, and the lands embraced therein will be restored to the public, as provided in said act of Congress of July 2a, 1-94. Given under our hands this 9th dftyof May, 1896. , jas F. Mnnur ri.; " mll-j22 'WILLIAM H. BIGGd, K.eeiver. Mug Establishment V. ISA PR1NZ & N1TS0IIKE ' : '--DEALKBS HT i ' Furniture and Came s. We have ' added to our business a ' complete Undertaking Eatablishmeuc, and as we are in, ho way connected with the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil ' be low accordingly. A. A. Brown, ' ' Keeps a full assortment of ' and Provisions. which be otTen at Low figure. SPEGIilli . PRICES ; j.tq. Casb: Buyers. Higliest Cash Prices for Effltsr anfl (..,,..ommiicu;,, ;.'. 170 SECOND , STREET;: TP" THeColmnliiaMiDgCQ; PACKERS OF and Beef - ;'' MANtTFACTUKER OF : " Fin Lard and Sausages. Dried. Beefy Etc. BateiOyiaflffitcllel, . STAGE LiNE,;?; - THOMAS HAEPER, - r Propriet :. Stages'- leave Bake Oven for Antelope every davk and ' from Antelope to t Mit chell hree times a.week., , N . . ; GOOD HORSES, AND' WAGONS. ; Notice. TO TUB GENK AL PlTBMC 2, The . niidersigbed' has thoroughly re modeled what is known as the Farmers' Feed ' Yard,'corner of Third and Madi son1, adjoining J. L. ' Thompson's ,black smith shop, and is now-ready- to aecom- ' modate all who wish' their horses well fed and properly cared for, at Prices to' Suit the Times. '. ; AGNEW 4 McCOLLEY, Props.,' . ' ".; The Dalles, Or. ' For . Sale or Trade. One orman Stallion, weight about 100 pounds; 4 head of work horseg; 6 : young horses. Will sell or trade for Dalles City property. ' ' . .. . CHAEIS KOEHLER. ml5-2m : l ,.: ; Boyd, Or. Cklekmtrl'a Eaa-Ush Dlamaaa Unw. Pofk ; Curersof BRAND rEririYnOYAL PILLS -1 P -C. rWaalaaa ly Oeu,e. A, DrtmUt for Cktehmfr'm Xnoli ii-fVX mm4Mrmnd ia U4 and Gold eiJlicy . Ibexes, mM with blua rtbbM. Tk . UmuamdlmUutians. At Draciiati, rHM 44b la ttuBM for ptrttmiUrf, teatimxitaii bm4 7 Mall. 10,M I.UMlill. Smmtfmfr. CkkartarcaaalaalOaMadla a4f altrauu . ; A'allHa., ) Uj md laaal lnuw, S3