The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 15, 1895, PART 2, Image 1

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The Klamath-Ager Stage Is
Once more Held Up.
There Wis Little Variation in the Ion.
Highwayman's Usual Methods
of Operating, .
Ashland, Or., June 11. The regular
monthly hold-op of the Kalamath Falls
Ager stage occured last night about a
half-mile north of the Topsy grade. It
was a few minutes past 11 o'clock when
the driver, Charles Barneburg, heard
the same old order, "Halt and throw up
out express box and mail pouches, and
tell your passengers to get down" giyen
hv the lone hiehwavman. There were
two passengers aboard, one inside,
Charles Swisler,- who was ton the seat
with the driver, cut open the sacks, ac
cording to orders. The driver and pas
sengers were then ordered to remove
their coats and vests and the driver was
ordered to break'open the box, bat he
told the robber the box was empty, and
when he shook it, the robber seemed
satisfied ane told the driver to but it
back in the wagon, It was not opened.
The robber ordered the . the driver to
take out one of his lights and examine
the inside of the wagon, and then to
leave the light and move out of the way,
and that, when he finished, they might
come back and get " their coats. They
moved on about 50 yards and could see
the robber quite plainly 'as he went
through the the registered mail and
coats ; but he overlooked some registered
letters and some $60 in cash that was
in Zwisler's coat. After he had satis
fies himself he called to the driver and
passengers to come back and get their
coats and what was left of the mail.
While they were gathering the mall, the
robber again went through the wagon to
satisfy himself there was nothing held
oat. He then bade - them good-night
and they pulled out.
The robber was a man of medium size
and wore a dark overcoat and light straw
hat. He had no mask on, but kept out
of the light eo that his features could not
be descried. He got only a few dollars
from the passengers, and, it is thought,
but Ititle from the mail pouches.
The Wasco Warebouse Co. have on
ale at their warehouse Seed Wheat,
Feed Wheat, Barley, Barley Chop, Oats
and Hay. Are sole agents in The Dalles
for the now celebrated Goldendale roller
mills flour, the best flour in the market
and sold only in ton lots or over. 9-tf
Negroes Lynched.
Liva Oak, Fla., June 11. Three more
negroes have been done to death by La
fayette county citizens for that unpardon
able sin, the a Beau It on a white woman,
The press dispatches reported Monday
that one negro, Bill Collins, had been
lynched, but reliable information just re
ceived makes it certain that the lynchers
claimed three victims. The woman up
on whom the outrage was attempted is
Miss Jeanette Allen, 18 years old, and
the belle of "Lafayette county. Friday
morning about 3 o'clock Miss Allen was
awakened by a noise in her room. As
she moved her arm was clutched by a
negro whom she recognized as Bill
Collins, one of her father's employes.
The negro threatened her with death if
she made a noise, but Miss Allen, fear.
ing a late worse than death, gave a
scream which alarmed the household
and caused the negro to flee. ' -The negro
was chased all Friday, and at nightfall
was captured. Collins was identified by
Miss Allen, but while preparations were
being made to lynch him he escaped.
All Saturday and' Saturday night the
negro was pursued. The chase led
through the phosphate regions, where
the negroes are numerous, and two of
Collins' friends attempted to conceal
him. These two were shot by the pur
suers, and their bodies were placed on
the railroad track, where they were cut
to - pieces by passing trains. The
mangled remains of these negroes were
discovered Sunday morning. Several
trains had passed over the bodies, and
identification was impossible. Collins,
the assailant of Miss Allen, was captured
by the pursners early Sunday morning.
He was taken to the scene of the at
tempted outrage and notices sent out for
people to gather and aid the lynchers.
' A great crowd assembled at noon Sun
day. The negro was taken to the banks
of the Swaunee river. There the negro
was hanged and his body riddled with
bullets. The corpse I was cut down,
weighted with stones and thrown into
the river. In eight months 14 negroes
have been put to death in Lafayette
county for assaults on white women. - In
November last a young lady was assault
ed. it was charged, by a band of profes
sional ravishers. For this crime eight
necroes were killed in the course of a
few months. In May Miss Armstrong
was assaulted and murdered, for which
three negroes were put to death. These,
with the three killed for the assault on
MisB Allen, make 14.
Secretary Olney Taking a Hand in tbe
-x Matter. .
Washington, June 11. The determi
nation to send the United States steam
ship Raleigh in to the Florida coast for
the purpose of co-operating with revenue
cutters to prevent filibustering expedi
tions starting from our shores, is one of
the first acts of Mr. Onldy in his hew
position. Secretary Herbert has deemed
such a course advisable for some days
past, and conferred with the president
on the subject. He and Secretary Olney
then had a futher conference, and as a
result the formal orders to the Baleigh
were issued.
Written instructions carefully stating
the line of policy which the administra
tion desires to pursue in regard to the
interference with filibusters will be sent
to Captain Miller, commanding the Ra
leigh, and it is probable be will be called
to Washington for a conference with
Acting Secretary McAdoo before his ves
sel leaves New York. These instruc
tions are not available, but it is known
be will be directed to use the utmost
care in preventing any vessel from leav
ing our coast destined for Cuba with the
object of rendering aid to the revolution
ists. The mere shipment of arms is not
regarded as a violation of tbe neutrality
laws, and before any vessel is over
hauled by the Raleigh tbe officers must
be thoroughly convinced the suspected
craft is fitted out as a fighting machine
to operate against Spain. It is the de
sire of the authorities that proper steps
shall be displayed not only by the
Raleigh, but by revenue eutters, to pre
vent illegal expeditions from leaving
shores, and treasury officials are serious
ly considering the advisability of further
augmenting the force of revenue cutters
in southern waters.
JSx-ftaperlBtendent Snowden
of the
Mint, Assaulted.
Philadelphia, June 11. Colonel A.
Louqon Snowden, ex-United States min
ister to Greece, ex-superintendent of the
United States mint, at Philadelphia,
and a member of the Union League, was
assaulted on the street last night by Col
onel W. M. Rankle, an officer of the
Third Pennsylvania artillery, during tbe
war. Runkle without warning, struck
Snowden with a cane. The latter de
fended himself with an - umbrella until
Runkle's cane was broken. Rankle was
arrested, and held in bail for court.
He alleges that Snowden was instru
mental in having him discharged from
the mint 20 years ago, and he bad a
grievance against him ever since.
Imitating Jessie Pomeroy. "
Lapoete, Ind;, June 11. Indiana has
a youthful murderer in Gilbert Bowslier,
4 years old, who killed Bernice Collins
at Monticello, his victim being a tod
dling infant of 2 years. Bowsher, who
was in company with two other boys,
passed Bernice on the street. The latter
spoke to' Bowsher's companians, but re
fused to notice him. This angered
young Bowsher, and laying in wait for
the Collins child, he attacked her with
stones, and before her piteous cries for
help brought relief, she was dead. The
authorities are puzzled as to what steps
are to be taken in dealing with the boy,
the annals of the state failng to record
a parallel case. Both families are prom
. " Debs Mow In Prison. , '
Chicago, June 11. Eugene V. Debs
reported to tbe United States marshal
at noon today and signified" his readiness
to begin his term of imprisonment with
tbe officers of the American Railway
anion. He and the others were given
liberty until this - afternoon, when all
but George W. Howard were taken to
Woodstock, III., to be confined. How
ard has asked to be taken to jail at
Joliet and his request was granted.
. Japanese Mews.
Washington, June 11. The Japanese
legation has received a cablegram from
the foreign office, slating that Viscount
Matsu, minister of foreign affairs, had
been granted a leave of absence on ac
count of ill health, and that Marquis
Kaionje had been made tbe acting min
ister of foreign affairs. Officials here
discredit the reports of Matsu's leave. -
Baoklen's Arinca Salve. ;. ,
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rhem, fevei
ores, tetter, chapped hands,' chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay - required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25, cents
per box. For sale by Snipes &' KLn-
ers ly. .
The Ship Whynot Afire and
Passengers Abandoned.
UaproToked and Fatal Assault Made
Upon a Fishing- Party by
Tough, Near Stuttgart,
Arkansas. - .
St. Malo, June 12. Particulars have
been received here of the desertion of
the passengers on the British vessel
Whynot, by the crew after fire broke out
on the ship on tbe way to the-island of
Jersey. It appears that a fire was dis
covered in the Whyuot's hold Saturday,
und while the sailors were attempting to
quench the flames a bucket dropped
overboard. A boat was lowered to re
cover it. The captain jumped into the
boat, followed by the crew. One pas
senger jumped overboard and swam after
tbe boat, into which ne was reluctantly
taken. The passengers were greatly
alarmed, and the excitement among
them increased when the small boat was
seen pulling for Erquay, where the crew
eventually landed. Taking advantage of
a breeze, the passengers succeeded in
beaching the Whynot near Erquay.
The matter is being thoroughly investi
gated by the local authorities. The
captain of the Whynot, although not
under arrest, is closely wa'tched by the
Frightful Condition Existing In Eastern
Boston, Jane 12. A reliable Ameri
can resident in Turkey, in a letter about
the situation in Eastern Turkey, says :
"The question now pending, holds
within it the life or - death of , Oriental
Christianity. Are these wicked and
Godless fanatics to be permitted to dip
their swords further in the blood of in
nocent Christians? Day after day tbe
pitiful story is told over and over again
of pillage, burning, torture, murder,
violence, rape, abduction, confiscation,
desecration of churches, etc. - Mere
human aid is entirely insufficient ; the
intricacies ot the political question in
volved, puts the solution of the problem
far beyond our reach."
The letter gives a new story concern
ing the state of Tarkish prisons. In the
Bitlis prison there are seven cells, each
one large enough for 10 or 12 persons.
There are between 20 and 30 crowded in
to each one. .
There are no sanitary arrangements.
Armenians often have to drink the "knu
litch" water. This is the water of the
tank where Turks perform ablutions for
prayer. Many specific cases are de
scribed wherin the Turks inflicted the
most horrible tortures npon the Arme
nian prisoners, frequently beating them
to death, and inflicting every conceiv
able mode of punishment upon the help'
less Christians.
Ex-Senator Scott, of Virginia,
Bis Nomination.
Wheeling, W. Va.t June 12. Ex
Senator N.' B. Scott, national republican
committeeman, in an interview, has de
clared himself for S. B. Elkins for pres
ident. .
"We are eoina to name Elkins for
president," said he. "He will be named
on tbe second ballot. . I have been in
the West tecently and found the senti
ment everywhere for him. I believe
West Virginia will-send a solid delega
tion for Elkins. I predict that on the
first ballot at the next convention Elkins
will have the solid delegations of Cali
fornia, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Ne
vada, Wyoming, Washington and Colo
rado, and a strong following in Kansas,
Nebraska and the Dakotas. For the
second place I favor a way ' out West
man. ElkLns and a Western man will
win." r
Senator Scott favors a platform which
shall be in keeping with Elkins' recently
expressed silver sentiments, recognizing
tbe white metal folly, but not declaring
unqualifiedly for free coinage.
-.- . '
Debs In Jail.
Chicago, June 12. President Debs
presented himself at the United States
marshal's office at 11 a. m., after having
been lost to the authorities since noon
yesterday. 1 Debs came in shortly after
tbe entire force of federal deputy mar
shals in Chicago had been sent to search
for him. -' He explained his absence by
8ayinghe was ill yesterday. He was to
the office of a friend in the afternoon and
fell asleep, be said, not awakening until
7 o'clock today.
Aside from a bad head- j
ache, he seemed' to be in good health
when he arrived at the marshal's office,
He deeply regretted, he added, that be
bad failed to keep his appointment with
the marshal, who was to have taken him
to jail last night, and was surprised to
hear of the'search for him. - He was em
phitic in bis denial of the story that his
tardy surrender was the result of a too-
free indulgence in liquor. This after
noon at 5, he was taken to the Wood'
stock jail, and Howard was taken to the
Will county jail at Joliet an hour later.
Fine Trip Made by tbe Mew Bt earner
St. Louis.
Southampton, June 13. The St,
Louis, the new palatial steamer, which
nas just maae a soccessiul maiden vov-
age across tbe ocean, was docked at
o clock: tnis morning. 1 be passage was
a delightful one. Tbe daily runs to the
Scilly islands were 314, 443,379, 441,444
432 and 416 milbs. - On a first trip this
is considered excellent. The program of
the entertainment on board included re
citations by John Drew, Roland Buck'
ston and others. It was remarked that
but few St. Louis people were on board
eight certainly not being a good, repre
sentation. The passengers join in speak
ing well of the new ocean flyer, and pre
dict that she will be one of tbe fastest
and safest steamers plying between New
York and European ports. Mr. Towne,
the representatives of the Cramps, says
"I am thoroughly satisfied that the
vessel is in e ry way as good as we
could wish to build, and the trip has
proved that we have carried out our
Mr. f. Uovecci, of San Francisco, in
speaking of the steamer, said :
"I do not want any better boat
America has one named San Francico."
Captain Bland said :
"Yes, we bad an uneventful trip. The
St. Louis was designed for comfort rather
than speed, We are not trying to break
record. Still, we can go fast as necessary
The chief engineer tells me the engines
are the best adjusted and the best bal
anced be has ever seen or had anytning
to do with. He could easily have
brought the chip into port last night,
but really we were not in a hurry."
'Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British am
bassador to Washington, who alo was a
passenger, said to the Associated Press
"My boy, 1 sbould Jiice to tell you
about Behring straits and seal fisheries,
but my lips are sealed until I have com
municated with the English foreign of
fice." .
Asked whether his trip had any
import with the question regarding
Canada and America or Newfoundland,
he said : v .. '
"No; all American matters are quiet,
I deeply deplore tbe death of my friend,
Secretary Gresham."
Among the second-cabin passengers
there was much complaint regarding the
Tne library donation by the city of St.
Louis is a good one, but tbe donors
ought to complain of the bookbinding,
loose leaves being found in many books,
Un Wednesday, when tbe passengers
filed in to dinner, they found bouquets
of carnations and souvenir badges at
their plates. A set of resolutions was
then drawn op and signed by all the
The Durrant Trial. '
Santa Roba, Cal., June 12. It is re
ported here today that the famous Dur
rant murder case may be tried in the
superior court here. It is rumored that
a change of venue from the San Francisco
superior court will be asked for on the
ground that tbe" publicity given the case
there makes it almost impossible to se
cure an impartial jury. If tbe case is
tried here it will not be the first time
that important cases have been trans
ferred from San Francisco to Sonoma
county. The famous Colton railway
case, the most voluminous in the history
of the state, was tiied here,' as was also
the famous Morrow bribery case.
Three More Collma Passengers BaTed.
San Francisco, June 12. An Exam
iner special from Manzanillo, says that
a letter received by the agents of tbe Pa
cific Mail, here, states that two women
and one man, Americans, t and ' Collma
passengers, landed at Narangastilla, 50
miles southeast from Manzanillo, on
May 29, and have been nursed by the
Indians there.' They are now on mules
on tbe way here.
This story is corroborated by Duana
Martima, the customs collector at Man
Persons who are subject to diarrhoea
will find a speedy cure in De Witt's
Colic and Cholera Curo. Use no other.
It is the best that can be made or that
money can procure. It leaves tbe- sys
tem in natural condition after its.' use.
We sell it. For sale by Snipes-Kin-
ersly Drug Co.
Closing School Exercises at Dufor.
t. in
The Dufur public school closed Friday,
June 7, 1895. The graduating exercises
were held in the M. E. church, a class of
five having finished and received their
diplomas. The church was tastefully
decorated with potted flowers, stands
and . wreathes intermingled with the
beautiful stars and stripes. Tbe music
was furnished by the choir and was very
good notwithstanding the unavoidable
absence of two of the leading eingers,
The program was well carried out. L,
B. Thomas opened the exercises with
bis salutatory address, which was well
written and well read, followed by a
spicy essay, entitled, "The Past Com
pared With the Past," by Bessie Has
tings, which was read in her usual good
manner of delivery. Miss Julia A,
Phillips read a paper entitled, "Tbe
Experience of a Silver Dollar," which
was well composed. O. K. Butler gave
an address on "Free Coinage," which
did credit to himself and showed careful
study and good knowledge of the present
environments. One feature of the even
ing was a clarionet solo and piano ac
companiment, by Prof. Helfritz and
Miss Anna Heisler.
Superintendent Shelley addressed the
class and was followed by Prof. Frazler,
who presented the diplomas with a few
well chosen words of good cheer. Con
gratulations were offered, after which
the class adjourned to the Central House,
where a sumptuous feast was spread in
honor of the alumni of Dufur. A merry
crowd of twenty young people were
gnthered around the board, all of which
did credit to themselves in the way of
assisting in the disappearance of goodies
Several good papers were read during
the ' pauses, interspersed with appro,
priate toasts, which were heartily res
ponded to.
May success and long life attend the
class of 1895. "
The crowd broke np at a late boar and
dispersed to their respective homes, each
well pleased with the evening, that will
remain a pleasant memory in the hearts
of all who attended and none will forget
the year of '95.
Owing to lack of space, the poem
which was kindly sent by our corres
pondent, will be printed in the near
Klngsley Motes.
School will close next Friday. The
school will give an entertainment at the
Kingsley hall on the evening of Friday,
Jane 21st, to which a general invitation
is extended to all.'
Onr citizens turned out in full force
last Thursday and did tbe much needed
repairs on tbe Kingsley cemetery.
Gentlemen, you did well, i
Something ' is wrong with Clyde
Butler's eyesight. He mistook James
Cox' great toe for a post hole, last Thurs
day. Jim didn't use any cuss words.
Hix brothers had quite an accident on
Sherar's grade' this week, by the grade
giving way and wrecking one wagon;
bnt such is tbe life of a teamster.
Myrtle, the 7-year-old girl of M. K.
McLeod, was kicked in the forehead by a
frightened horse this week. - We learn
she was severely injured.
If anyone wishes a guide to the Cedar
swamp call on Alex. McLeod, he knows
the way. Ask him about his trip in
that direction. .
Misses . Mamie Calahan and Nellie
Bolton were visiting in Kingsley this
Edward Boynton, who died in The
Dalles last Wednesday night, had many
friends on Tygh Ridge, who sincerely
meurn bis sudden death. .
Pat Bolton says the roads are rather
rough for him and his "wheel," but he'll
get there.bye and bye. '
Tcm and Mike Glavey made all the
Kingsley boys "take water" last week.
When it comes to running horses, don't
monkey with the Glavey boys.
Kingsley will celebrate tbe 4th of July
in grand style. Horse races, foot races,
fireworks, etc. . For further particulars
Bee large bills printed by The Chronicle
job office. Everybody come and bring
your mother-in-law ; also a well filled
lunch basket. - Mb.
"Preservaline" is well recommended
wherever need. Maier & Benton have"
use received a large consignment. They
will take pleasure in explaining its
merits. wlw-ill
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a
It cures incipient Consumption
It is
the beet cough cure. Onlv one cent a
dose 25cta., 5Ucts., and $1.00.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
hear tell of a purchaser wanting
to buy' an imitation? Why do
men who try to sell such articles
speak of the act as "working
them off?" Simply because peo
ple want the best, and it takes
work and likewise deception to
Bell them the worst. ' This un
pleasant experience may befall the
housekeeper who determines to
the new vegetable shortening'.
The healthfulness, flavor, and
economy of this wonderful cook
ing product has won for it the
widest popularity, which in turn
has attracted the attention of
business parasites irbo are "work
ing off" imitations and coun
terfeits. Forewarned is fore
armed. Be sure you get the only
genuine vegetable shortening
Sold lot and S pound pan
Made only by .
The N. K. Falrbank
ST. UOVIB aund
Chicago, Hew Tork, Boston
' Woodmen's Lecture.
Last night a large number of Wood
men and friends of tbe order met in
Fraternity hall and for two hours were
entertained by the head consul of the
order; F. A. Faulkenberg of Denver.
Tbe speaker took the subject of "Fra
ternal Orders" and in a very able manner
showed to his audience that if man had
obeyed the divine injunction that there
would be no need of fraternal orders ; it
was because man bad become inimical to
one anotner tnat tnere was neeu ot
organized methods for mutual protec
tion. Mr. Faulkenberg spoke in favor of
all fraternal societies and exorted all
there to join some fraternal organization '
and in that way work for the improve
ment of mankind.
After the speech was over Mr. Faulk
enberg was introduced to tbe members
of the Woodmen lodge of. The Dalles.
He expressed himself as being delighted,
with oar city and the scenery along the-
ChlTalry In -he Dalles.
Edmun Burke, in his celebrated de
scription of Marie Antoinette, uses tbe
expression "But the age of chivalry is
gone." Two young men of Tbe Dalles,
wishing to prove to their friends that'
Burke was mistaken when h9 wrote
those words, retired to the beach back
of the Umatill House and began to show
one another how much chivalry there
was in getting pommeled around, about
a woman, we nave not naa an oppor
tunity to interview either of the gay
Lotharios; but as neither one of them,
has put in an appearance today, we
sbould judge, that they must have their.
heads considerably "swelled" over the
affair. .
When a town the size of The Dalles
can have two fistic encounters in a week
over the fair sex, we must disagree, or
rather insert the word "uot' in Burk'e
celebrated passage,, and make It read,
"But the age of chivalry is 'not' gone"
at least in The Dalit-s.
Fairrlew School Report.
To ths Editor The following is a
summary of school term in school dis
trict No. 48, commencing March 18th
and ending June 7, 1895 :
Total number pupils enrolled during
term, 40. Average daily attendance for
term, 30. Number of visitors during
term, 45. Names of pupils perfect in
attendance are Bert Pitcher, Eddie
Pitcher, Lottie Crabtree, Flora Brown,
Mamie Pitcher and Edna Kayler.
Those excellent in deportment are Clyde
Snodgrass, Lottie Crabtree, Flor
Brown, Mabel Brown, May Durham,
Anna Beattie, Nina Chastian and Tina
Snodgrass. Asa Stogsdill, Teacher. ,
Tygh Valley, Jane 8, 1895. ;
Latest U. S. Gov't Report .