The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 08, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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-Tm:DAliES '5?3& 1895.
The Weekly Ghroniele:
ilmd at tAe fostotnce at lua Dalles, Oregon
u second-class matter.
One year .', ........ tl 50
Six mont ................ . 76
Three months...v..... ....... ..... ....... 60
Advertising rates reasonable, and made known
a application.
Address aU commnnicatlona to "THE CRRON
JCLK.V The Dallea, Oregon.
' , v The Daily . and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on tale at I, C. NickeUen't ttore.
Telephone No. 1.
' : Mr. EV Kondeao of Kingsle? ia in the
Mr. D. Mason of Arlington arrived in
town on last night's train.
Rev. J. A. 8pear and family of Warm
springs inaian agency, are in me city.
! " Mrs. W. E. Garretson left this morn
in? on a visit to ber sister in Oregon
' Mr. George P. Morgan of Cascade
JLnckg came to The Dalles on the Rega
lator last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Booten of Babe Oven
are in the city visiting Mrs. Booten's
snother, Mrs. Cram. -
, ; Mr. Herbert Clarke and wife of Bickle
ton. Wash., were passengers on the boat
down the river today.
Mr. Geo. P. Morgan of Cascade Locks
rame np on the regulator last evening,
Be will return tomorrow.
'"' Rev. R. C. Motor.presidingeldernf this
district, was a passenger to Hood River
this morning on the boat... ..... .
Prof. Birgfeld went to Hood River this
morning to make arrangements for the
. moonlight excursion next Iriday. .
Mrs. John O'Leary of Sherman county,
who has been spending several dnvs in
The Dalles, returns home this afternoon
' Mr. A. S. Roberts and family of Des
chotrs, who have been spending several
days in the valley, returned last evening
on the .Regulator. . -.. .i
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. MacAllister re
turned last night from a several days'
vicit at the farm of Mr. Parker in Hood
River. ' Dr. Siddall was also a member
of the party. .-.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith of Salem were
passengers to .Portland on toe boat this
. morninir. Mrs. Smith has been in The
Dalles several weeks, the guest of the
Hisses Kowland.
. Mr. H. Birkytt, whose ranch adjoins
Trout .Lake near the foot o' Mt. Adams,
is in The Dalles today. Trout Lake will
. be visited by a great number of pleasure
seekers this summer.
Hon W. R. Ellis, congressman from
, the second district, came down from
Heppner last night and is registered at
the Umatilla. He will remain in town
todav 'and probably a portion of to
morrow. '
Mr. W. T. Darcb of Goldendale, who
was recently admitted to the bar of
' Washington, called on Thb Chronicle
today. Mr. Darcb was a former student
at the Wasco Independent academy un
der Prof. Gatch and is one who will
bring credit to the work of that in
stitution. Mr. E. M. Aldrich and wife of Cascade
Locks came opto The Dalles last even
ing Mr. Aldrich is master mechanic
fur the Days at the Locks and is about
. the busiest man on the works. Mr.
Aldrich is the father of the young lady
, whose singing caused so much favorable
comment at the Congational concert
so me weeks ago.
: Mr. L. J. Davis, editor of the Eastern
Oregon Republican at Union, Oregm,
paid the editor of Thb Chbonici.e a
friendly visit today. He arrived this
morning from Union and accompanied
by bis wife, who has been visiting in
. The Dalles for several days, left on the
local for Portland. From there they
Will take the Pouthern Pacific for a
months visit in California. '
; ilr. C. J. VanDuyn of Tygh Valley is
in tne city.
- Mrs. R. Booten went to Portland by
boat today. ' "
':' Mr. Geo. P. Morgan returned home
this morning by the Regulator.
1 Messrs. T. H. Johnston and M. J.
Anderson of Dufur ca-ne into town to
day. 9
- -Mr. A. D. - McDonald, of Sherman
county, came into town by train this
Mr. J. E. Sorbin, a prominent mer
. chant of tne Locks, was in the city yes
.' terday.
Mrs. E. M. Aldrich returned to Cas
cade Locks this morning, after a day's
visit in The Dalles.
Alvah Patterson, of the Heppner Ga
zette, passed through town today on his
way noine from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mvers were pas
sengers on the Regulator this morning
a epena tne day at Hood ttiver.
Mr. Hugh Glenn went to Portland this
. morning and Thb Chronicle office has
lost its bet t neighbor till his return.
Mr. Jttmes Cunningham, a prominent
wool grower or Hickleton, Wash,, is in
ine city aispoBingot this season 8 clip.
Mr. S. B. Adams went to Portland to-
- day on the local train. He will be back
tomorrow evening. .
Miss Lillie Bernardi, who has been
- spending the winter and spring in The
Dalles, returned to her home in Salem
this afternoon.
The Misses Olivia and Allie Rowland
were passengers on this morning's train
for Salem, where they will spend some
. time visiting relatives'.
Mr. I. (ST. Day of Cascades came up last
night from the locks. This morning in
company, with Mr. Aldrich, be made a
journey towards Celilo. . '
Miss Nellie Butler, who was recently
elected a' teacher in our public schools,
lias sent in her ' resignation. Mrs.
Roche was chosen to fill the vacancy. ;
Miss Julia Chamberlain, sister of Miss
Ellen J. Chamberlain, formerly precep
tress in 'the Wasco. Independent Acad
emy at The Dalles, was married yeeter-
day in Seattle to a Mr. Schnltz, one of
the tellers iu the large banking bouse of
Dexter, Horton & Co.
Mr. Horatio Fargher of Kingaleyls in
the city today.- . He says the sheepmen
are being aroused over the Cascade res
ervation question and that some action
will soon be taken.
W. D. Jones, W. Bolton, J. E. Shearer,
and G. H. Dunn arrived today from An
telope as witnesses in the Cochrane ys.
Tunny sheep case, which will be tried
tomorrow in the circuit court. 4 ?- -'
Mr. and Mrs. Pease arrived on the
local today to visit Mr. Edward C.
Pease. Thev have been on an extended
tour in the Eastern states and are now
on their wav to their home in 8an
Mr. D. A. Turner of Hood River is in
tbe city .today..; :..;..-!;..-
Mr. K H. Merrill return rd last night
from Forest Orove.
Very warm weather is predicted for
Satnday and Sunday., :
Mr. H. Wi Wells was a passenger on
the train last night for Arlington.
Mr. D. P. Ketchum returned from
Portland today on the local train. ;
1 Mr. John Wood came home this after
noon from a several days' visit in Port'
Mrs. A. McLeod and granddaughter,
Miss Flora Bauson i, left on this morning's
train foraan Francisco.
James C. Benson left The Dalles last
'Saturday evening for a trip to Idaho to
visit his brother, franK.
Mr. Richard Nixin, of the Portland
law firm of Dolph,. Nixin & Dolpb,
was in the city yesterday
Mr. Roger B. Sinnott returned home
last night after an absence ot several
weeks in Portland and on the Sound.
" Miss Alice Robert Isft for Colfax on
last night's train, to visit her brother,
W. J. Roberts, formerly of The Dalles.
Mr. W. L. Hinkle and family, who
have been in Thi Dalles for several days,
returned today to their borne in An
telope. '
Mr. Frank J.. Sinnott, attorney-at-law
of Portland, is in the city visiting his
oncle, N..B. Sinnott, of the Umatilla
House. .
Mr. E. M. Aldrich, master mechanic
at the Locks, and who has been in The
Dalles for several days, returned tome
Mr. W. S. Pond of Seattle general
agent for the Northwest of the Mutual
Life Insurance company of New York, is
in the city. .
Mr. A. N. Varney, who was elected
assistant grand secretary of the I. O. Gi
T., returned home last evening from
Forest Grove. . .
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnett came home
on last night's passenger. Mrs. Barnett
was re-elected euperintendentof juvenile
work'-by the grand lodge at Forest
Grove. ... .
Mr. J. C. Leasure of Portland, is' in
town todav. Mr. Leasore was appointed
by the county court to assist . Prosecut
ing Attorney Jayne in prosecuting the
tide of the state against E. Martin.
Mr. Frank Lauehlin and family and
Miss Irene Adams are at Tygh Valley to
spend some time on an outing. Mr.
Laughlin, who is a lover of good fishing,
will catch the speckled beauties in lygh
creek. . '
Mr. F. B. Williams of Montana, ' a
student of the electrical ' department of
Leland Stanford, Jr., University, visited
Ins friend Mr. Parker Wilson in The
Dalles vesterdav. Mr. Williams left for
home'on the night train.
Miss Sada Whitmer, sister-in-law of
Mr. Geo. W. Filloon. and who formerly
lived in The Dalles, will be married
June 20th to Mr. Walter E. Bell at Spo
Kane, Wash. Miss Whitmer spent
several years' residence in this city.
Dr. I. D. Driver is giving a course of
of his celebrated lectures in Sherman
county. He will be in The Dalles next
week and lecture. Dr. Driver is a clear
and forceful speaker and one of the rec
ognized men of force in the theological
world. . Bob. Ineersoll professes ereat
respect for Ur. .Driver's abilities.
Mr. William M. Sheffield, a boy born
and raised in Ttie Dalles, has accepted
the position of city editor on the Seattle
Times, one of the leading evening papers
ot wasnington. Mr. Khemeld at one
time worked in the Wasco Sun and then
went to Portland, where he made a rep
u tat ion on the reportorial stall of the
Oreifonian. Mr. Sheffield is another
Dalles boy who has brought credit to
the town.
A Distinguished Party Views the Place
of the Proposed Improvement Mr.
Day Slakes s Favorable Report.
As mentioned in yesterday's Chroxi
cle Mr. I. N. Day of Cascade Locks was
in The Dalles on a tour of investigation
of the project to improve navigation at
the rapids between here and Celilo.' In
company with Congressman W.
Ellis, who happened in the city, S,
Brooks, president of the D. P. & A
. N.
Co., . M. Aldrich, master mechanic at
the Locks, and Sheriff Driver. Mr. Day
wen); as far as Celilo, and thoroughly ex
amined the ground where the improve
ments are to be made.
The party left the citv about 9 a. m
with a spirited team of horses, and soon
were enveloped in a blinding cloud of
sand. The day was very unpleasant,
and the wind was blowing at a high rate
during the whole , trip. The gentlemen
first drove as far as tbe mess house, and
there looked at the river where it pours
through the narrow canyon to which
tne early .1 ranch explorers eave the
name la dalles. Through a chasm ;n
ftie solid basalt the whole current of the
Columbia is gathered into a compass
across which a stone could easily be
thrown. The waters boll and seethe as
fihey dash against the rocky cliffs, while
the qniet of the air amid the silent
mountains still makes good Bryant's
famous lines, so often quoted, "Where
rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound
save its own dashing." , ' "'. "
Mr, Day, whose quick eyes grasped
ever) feature of the situation, rolled the
attention of the party to a result of nature
which bas a great deal to do with the
present project on hand. Along side of
the main channel ia another rocky
chasm, which at low water is perfectly
dry. This huge rift in the rocks is in
exactly the right position to be used as
a canal, and Mr. Day explained that one
of the hardest features could be done
away wltbi by converting this gift of
Nature into a passage for boats. All the
work necessary for sach an end would
be to smooth the jutting corners of rocks
along the sides and blast the chasm
deeper; put in some gates, and "there,
gentlemen, is your canal." The length
of this portion of the work would be
about one-half a mile, and the cost of
remodeling would be nothing like the
expense of a ship railway. The gentle
men pf the party all expressed them
selves as' being struck with the idea of
making Nature do so ranch" work in
counteracting some of her wild ca
prices. 1 ": ' ' "V
. From the mess house the party re
turned to Mr. Seufert's, and there Mr.
Ellis, who wished to take local train for
Portland, left them and returned to
town. The remainder of the party took
the. road that leads to Celilo; From the
high hill back of this historic and onre
thriving spot a splendid view could be
obtained oi the Tnmwater rapids. The
whole river lay before the eye, and all
.its imperfections and perversions from a
smoothly flowing stream were easily
discernible. Just below Celilo the fall
is very' sudden and percipitoiis, and a
great deal of work will have to be done
to overcome the difficulty. At this
point there is nothing like the phenome
non spoken of fnrther down the river,
and the canal wonld have to be blasted
out of the solid rock. .
Mr. Day is of the opinion that the
bip canal is preferable to a boat rail
way, and can be built for about one nan
the cost as estimated by the board of
government engineers. They reported
in the neighborhood of $4,000,000, and a
half, we will all admit, is a rather ma
terial reduction.
Mr. Day returned home this morning,
and will, in a short . time, send out, at
his own expense, a party of engineers,
who will survey the route as pointed out
yesterday .and make a profile map.
The gentlemen who accompanied Mr.
Day returned late in the afternoon,
tired and dusty, bnt well satisfied in
knowing they had looked upon the place
of tbe next great improvement of the
Columbia river.' The time will not be
long delayed till work will be begun in
some way or other to remedy tbe river
between The Dalles and Celilo, and then
boats will pass unhindered to the sea. :
The Academy Park. v
The school' directors are making ar
rangements to thoroughly renovate the
Academy Park school ' and put ' the
grounds, which ' are capable of being
made very beautiful, in good condition.
New floors are to be placed in the build
ing and a cleansing prucess applied to
tbe walls and woodwork. The trees on
the campus are to receive a coat of
whitewash. Tne building stands in a
beautiful situation and the grounds are
very picturesque. Tbe directors of the
old academy labored hard to make the
Bite a pretty one and the results of their
efforts come down to tbe Echool district.
The writer well remembers when a lad
at school of seeing Mr. D. M. French,
Mr. Brooks, Mr. J, W. French and other
gentlemen, who were interested in the
school, toiake frequent i visits to the
grounds and spend much time in plan
ning means of making the campus at
tractive. Prof. Gatch used to assiduously
lecture the students on the necessity of
having a proper respect for the building
and grounds and used to point with com
mendation to the pains the directors
took in the appearance of tbe school.
Very rarely was a scratch seen upon the
walls.'. . It is a lamentable fact that the
academy did not survive, but we can re'
juice that if it bad to go, it has fallen
into such good hands and will continue
to be a power in the community for good
and progress. '
Assignment for the Next School Tear.
The board ot directors and Prof. Gavin
have completed the assignment of
teachers for next year. The list of
teachers with the grades and schools is
as follows:
John Gavin Principal.
: Miss N. Cooper East Hill Primary
grades IB, IA, 2B. "
Miss Welch East Hill Primary 3B,
3A, oB.
Miss Phirman Academy Park 1C,
IB, IA. . .
Miss Flinn Academy Park 3B, 3A
Miss L. Bintoul Academy Park-
SB, 6A. - ! . -
Miss T. Rintoul Academy Park-r
7B.7A. :. . :
Miss Rowe Union street 1C, IB, IA.
Miss E. Cooper Union street 2B, 2A.
Miss Snell Union street 4B, 4 . .
Mrs. Roche Union street 4 B.5A, 6A.
Miss Ball Union St. Annex 6B, 5A.
Miss Michell Court street SB, 6A.
Miss Hill, and Mr. Strattan High
echool 8A, 9th, 10th, 11th.
In the Ditch.
Train No. 21 west-bound was derailed
yesterday at Biggs station. The wind,
which bad blown bard all dav, bad
caused the sand to drift and the rails
were partially covered. The engine.
with Engineer McCone.went off the track
bnt no cars followed. No one was hurt.
The accident happened right at the sta
tion, so although, the road was blocked,
the sidetrack was clear, and . trains
moved without any delay. '
Firemen, Attention!
There will be a regular meeting of Mt.
Hood Hose company, No. 4, at the hose
house tomorrow (Saturday) evening at
8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired,
as the new constitution and by-laws will
be ready for the signatures of the mem
bers. ; ' - John W. Lewis, 8ec.
Results from atznospuerlo conditions,
unclean premises. Imperfect, ventilation
and more frequently from tbe deadly
SEWER OAS. A eenersl rundown and
impoverished condition of the blood en
Buea, audit not corrected. Catarrh, Bron
chitis, and even Consumption may De the j
result. S. S S. oroniDtlT corrects, all &
Mr. 3. A j Biee, Ottawa, Kan., writes:
For three years I was troubled with Ma
laria, which caused mv appetite to fail.
and I was so reduced la flesh, thatS
life lost its charms. I tried mercurial S
and potash remedies. tm),upuld relief. S
x wen ucvium w iry
A few bottles of this Wi
m wonderful medicine
nermann,, t ntr. nntl " " lirWI
I now enjoy better health than ever. .
Oar Treatlae on Blood and Skin Diseases
, . . nailed free to any address.
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a.
Laho Office, The Dalles, Or.,)
Ma 22. 1-95. (
Notice la hereby given that the following-
' named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim and that
said proof will De made oeiore the register and
receiver at ine uaues, Oregon, on juy
1895, viz:
Frank Chase, '
Addl. Hd. , No. 8532, for tbe 6EU', 8E, 8cc
21. Tn. 1 N R 13 E. W. M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi
said land-yiz; William H. Taylor, John Wag
enbla t, William Miller, X. 11. Morgan, all of
rne uaues, or.
mZl JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Sale of "On-Hand"' Freight and Baggage,
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation
uompauy win sen at puoiie auction on Nil
uidrtv, May 25, 1B95, at R. B. Hood's auction
rooms. recond sticet, Tbe Dullcx, the followi
described property, which has been on band
three months and over: One vails", two bun'
dies bedding, marked J. T. Harsell. Portland:
chaigea & One valine of plsttering tools, no
marks; 25 cents. One trunk of clothing, no
mnrk-. oval too sine covered, double lock
$4.50. One caek traps, C. H. St Johns, care 8.
W. Davis. Tbe Dalles; 25 cents, one box house
hold goods, no marks, weicht about 200 lbs
$4 50. One blk. VHlisesnd contents, no marks; tl'
One case merchandise, no marks- $2. tne ius-
set valise, DMve Barrel le, r-levensou, Wash.; ft
one line trunic, Dave Marz lie; citeveuson
Wash.; l. One box old school books, no
mark 60 cents. Ont emntv tunk. no marks:
L One blacs leather valise, no .marks, bearing
d.y. & a, N. uo. s cneck MO. 205; S2.50.
All the above arooda ill be sold to satisfy the
charges being held strainst them, unless claimed
prior to tne date of Mie, and an cnsig a paid
siw vr. j. AUitttAi. lien. AKt
Notice is hereby eiven. that the firm
heretofore existing and dome businesr
under tbe firm name of Joles, Collins A
Co., bas been dissolved by mutual con
sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the
purchaser of the entire stock, notes and
accounts of said nrm, has assumed all
liabilities and will Bettle all cla mi
against said firm.
, Geobgb Jolks,
Isaac Joles,
Elizabeth Joles ,
Lasro Omct, The Dalles, Or., t
May 8, 1895. ( .
Notice is hereby riven that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to
make final nroof in suDoort of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before tbe Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June
lytn, inao, viz :
'Kmerson Wllliams, --
Hd , No. 3119, for tbe Eli, Sec 10, Tp. 8 8 R
1 E., W. M.
i He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Kobert Kelly, W. H. Burs, Tbe
us wes, Oregon, James w. ittx. Jonn m. itotn,
Klngslev, Or.
niU jl6 JAS. F. MOORE, Regist-.T.
Latin Office, Tbe DaPcs, Or., ( .
j . ; . .. . ; , May 9, 1895. J '
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
June 21, 1895, vis.:.
Wlllard I. Wright. l
ITd. E, No. 8312,'for the SE'A NE'4, N SE'i and
8WJ4 bKX, Sec. 84, Tp. 2 8 K 14 J.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence- npon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz.: Pol- Butler, Hadeii O Neil,
Mari.m Wanur, Ezra Ilenseu, all of Naiiscne,
Oregon , .
mU-jlS JAS. F. MOORE, Register. .
Taken TJp.v
. Come tc my place, on 5-Mile about
Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, about 4
years old branded XL (connected). Crop
off right ear and un 'er half crop off left
ear. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying charges.
C. F .Wagenblast,
The Dalles,
For Sale.
One hundred and six acres of Frnlt Lnd on
Mi 1 Creek, five miles from The Da les fifteen
acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in
Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of
Wood and Water. Also l'JO acres of Grain Land,
ten miles west ot rne uaiics.
feb23-tf T. M. DBfiTON.
Betweeen Mitchell and Grass Valley, one new
Ruoert A Gable saddle, one garden rake, and
two window sashes. A liberal reward will be
paid to anyone finding and returning the same
tome. LONN lAYLOR,
aprS - - Mitchell, Or.
Lost, One red and white beifer, 3-year-old in
the spring; branded n on the hip; marked
smooth crop off the right ear and 'lit and under
bi t in the left ear. Al-O one almot red 2-vear-
old beifer, branded on the hip samo as roi and
white beifer'a brand. Any one letting me know
where thay are will bo paid for their trouble.
anlS-lm Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon,
Ia the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for
Sarah Ann C. Wa ni-r,
PlnluUff, I
Joshua O Warner, I
Defendant J .
To Joshua O. Warner, the above named de
In the name of the8tato ot Oretrnn: Yon are
hereby repaired to appear and answer the com
plHiut hied agalnxt yon In tbe ab ve entitled
suit "nor before Monday, the 27th day of M-y,
195, thnl beiug tbe first day ot tbe next r gular
term of aid ciurt; and if you fall so to answer,
lor want theicof the plaintiff will, apply to the
above nauied Couit lor tbe relief demand, d In
ner complaint, to-it: 'or a decree of divorce
dissolving and annulling the marriage relation
now existing between von and plaintiff, and
that plaintiff bave the sole custody of the minor
Children, liarvev D. Warner. Helen Hit Warner
and I erry Warner, and for such other and fur-
mer reiiei aa to tne court ma seem equitaDie
aiiu jiuw ....
This Summons is served upon yon bv publica
tion thereof In The Dm 11m. Chronicle, a news
paper of general f ircula ion publ shed weekly at
Dalles CHy, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of
the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of tbe
above-named dmrt, which order was duly mads
at condon, Ollliam County, Oregon, on tbe 10th
any oi April, 1806.
aprl3 m23 . Attorneys for rudnUff.
Notice "to Donation Claimants."
TJ kited StatksDist. Land Optics,
Tm IliUM. ftrMnn f
' To all persons having made settlement upon
. w, ui AMuu wiium liiib uiBtnut, .nil givn
notice, as reauired b Imw. thut rh.-v nlkiin ,w,k
lands as donations under the provisious of tbe
wi vougress enuuea -An act to create tbe
office of survivor-general of tne public lands in
Oregon, and to provide for tbe survey, and to
ufu, uuuMuouB to setueis oi tne said puoiio
lands," approved Septemb r 27, 1850, and ibe
TsnuuB ma, anienuatory ana supplement!
thereto, and to their hel'S, devisee-, grantees,
and all persons msking claim to such donation
claims, wh- tner b d scent, define, iudioial
sale, or conveyance in good faith, who bave
hitherto failed to make and Die In the proper
land office final pi oof of such claims.
Notice ia her by given, in werdanre with the
requirem-nis oi section I ot tne aet ot Vougresa
a. piov d July 6, 1894, an i in pursuance of tba
direction of the Commissioner of the general
land office that they are required to ai)iear at
this office and mase and nl- final oroofa of auch
clnima ai d perfe t their title thereto before the
1st day ot January, 1896, and tbat If they fail to
oo so witnin in- uine,Mn n donatl n claims will
be held to bave been abandoned b them, and
th : lauds embraced therein wil be restored to
the public iom iu, as provided iu said act of
uoiigress ei Juiy 'AS, l 4
Given under our bands this 9th diy of May,
1895. JAS F. MiiO. E, Register.
mll-J22 W1LUAM H. B1GU3, R ceiver.
By vlrtne of an a'ias execution Issued ont of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco cownty on the 16th day of May, 1895, in a
suit therein pending wherein E. L. Smith is
pluintiff and M. V. Harrison, Sophia M. IJrri
son, James w. Smith. John Klosierman, E. S.
I jt son doing busin ss umler tbe name of K. 8.
La' sen & i o.. John U. M ller. Emai.uel Miller
and James B. Walt partners olng business un
der tbe firm name of John G. Miller A Co., John
Murphy, Adam Grant, J. D. Grant and J. T.
I-old partners ddng business under the firm
name Murpby, Gram di Co., Garretson, Wood
rnfT. Pratt Company, a conmraiiou. C M. Hen
derson it Co.. a corporatior, A. 8. Bennett, and
ji. A. Bartmes are defendai.t-, directlua me to
eli tbe real property hereinafter nieutioned, I
will, on the loth day of June, 1895. at tbe bour of
two o'clock in the afternoon, at the courthouse
door in Dalles City, Wasco county. Oregon, sell
si' of ibe right, title and internet of ech and all
of pa d defendants in and to lots One, Two,
Three, Tour, Twenty-five. Twenty six. Twenty
seven and Twenty-eight, f i block one of
Waucoma Addl i ni to the town of Hood River,
to the highest bldde- for cah in hand to satisfy
tbe sum of S2617.93 and interest tbereou at tbe
rate of ten per cent ner annum fro u the 1st dav
of September, 1894. and the accruing costs.
myl8-5t Sheriff of Wasco Coun y, Oregon. :
In "the County Court of the State of Oregon fta
. ' - aseo bounty.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick Doiris,
deceased Citatloi-.
To James Dorris and tve unknown heirs of the
estate of fatrick Don is. deceased, arnx-tinz
In the name of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby cited and lequi ed to appear in tbe
County Conrt of tbe state ot Oregon for the
C nnty of Wasco, at tbe courtroom thereof at
uaiies city, in saia eoun v on Monaay, tne tn
day of May, 1895, at 10 o'clock tn tbe foienoon of
tbst day, then and thrre to show cause, if anv
exist, why an order of sale ihoulil nut be made
lor tne sale or rea: pioperty beiongiiiK to said
estate, as in tbe petition of the adnxiuutrator of
said estate prayed for.
Tbe real properly described in said petition for
sale, and for which an order of sa e is asked, is
thM ws of 8W. and tbe VU of N H of Section
17, Tp S Sooth of Kango 14 E, W. M., in Wa co
(jonuiy, oivsron.
niin sa the ion. ueo. v.. maaeiey, inage
ISkalI of the said Oinntv Conrt. with tbe
seal ot ia uonrt anutea, tnu out aay oi reoru
ary , a. u., itta.
Attest: a. m mlbai, uierc.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed her final account and report iu
tbe matter of tbe estate of Cbailes E. H leht.
deceased, slid that Monday, tbe 6th day of Mav.
1KU5, at II) o'clock, a. hi. . of anid diy, at the
County Court room in Dalles Citv, Wasco
i ouuiy, u rfon. nas eeen appointed by the
Honorable ' County Court of Wasco ronntv.
Or ego', as the time mid place for tne hearing: of
any objections to said nnal account and report.
All pe. sons interested iu said estate are hereby
notified to appear at said lime and chice and
show cause,!1 any, why sai.i report and account
should not be ratified and approved and an or
der be mnde dischaitfina aai'ladmiuistratrix and
exoneritl" her b ndsmen.
liate j this 27th dsy of March, 1895.
Administratrix of the estate of 4:hurlM K
tlalgot, deceased.
mS0-a27-5t Attorneys for Administratrix.1
Administrator's Notice.1
Notice is berebv aiven that the nnrlcrsiened
hiis, by an or. er of ibe County Cour of tbe state
oi uregou ior w a co couniv, auiy ma e ana en.
lered, been appointed administrator of the estate
of Mlas Pratber. 1ec-a-rd. All persons havine
lalms against i-ald estate are notified to present
tbe rame to me. with th- nroner voucher, tbeie-
for, at the office of Huntington L Wilson, Tbe
1'alles, Oregon, within six niontos from the
dste bereoi.
Dated April 26Ui, 1895.
ml-5t Administrator.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given tbat J. W, Monro and
II. E. Moore have assigned to me all of their and
eaeh of their property , real ai d persniial. for the
benefit of ail ibeir, and each of their creditors, in
proportion to the amount of tbe respective
claims of such ereditois. All persons having
claims sgainst said assignors, or i itber of them,
are hereby notified to present their claims, un
der oath, to me at the office of Huntington &
Wilson. Tbe Dalles. Oreeoii. or at mv residence
near Nansene, Oregon, within three months
from tbe date of this noiice. . ,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon, May 2, 1895.
ruLa nu ixjak, Assignee.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given: that Ernest Jscobsen,
1 insilveut dentor, has duly conveyed to me
by pnir deed of assignment all his pronerty
every kind. In trust lor the benefit of all of
bis creditors' under the general assignment laws
of the btite of Oregon.
All persons havlntr clsim asainst said Insolv
ent are hereby notified to present tbe same to
me, property veiified, within ninety days from
e oat oi mis notice.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, April 12, 1895.
Aprl-inll 8. B. ADAMS, Assignee.
Uodertakiiig Establishment
Furniture and Caioe s.
We have added to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil
be low accordingly.
A. A. Brown,
, Seeps a full asaortmsnt of ,
' and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures
to Cash Buyers.
Hiitet Casl Prices for EiueJ
oilier Prate.'
me colfliia PacKiDg Co.,
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
We carry everything that is stood
to eat, and at aoch prices that
we Bhoold have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
. Can (rive yon an excellent blend
,r. ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halivor Butter.
Telephone No. 60.
Bate-Oven and: Mitchell
THOMAS HAEPEB, - - Proprietor
fiaeeg leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
To thb Gbnkkal Public : ..
Tbe undersigned baa thoroughly re
modeled what Is known as the Farmers'
Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi
son, adjoining J. L. Thompson's black
smith shop, and is now ready to accom
modate all who wish their horses well
fed and properly cared for, at Prices to
Suit theTimes.
The Dalles, Or.
For Sale or Trade.
One Norman Stallion, weight abont
,500 pounds; 4 ueaa of work horses; o
young horses. w in sen or traae ior
Uttiles Uity property. ...
ml5-2m j .."., BoyttOr.
urlglnal mmc vnly vefiainth
SAFE, tlwmjm nlisble. uioics stk
UrtigM for OIsur Snf"
mmdtnmd Is Krd mai Cold
...u mmmmJt .li, him rlbhoD. 1
In luuspa fcc irtlilrt. wu"
KeUcf for rwHta." Uut, ST Tffwrm
Mail. l,0O TmtlBOOUU.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
. 7 l