DO THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1895 The Weekly Ghrobiele. OFFICIAL PAPEB, OF WASCO COUNTY. atacered at the Postomce at Trie Dalle, Oregon t-. as second-class matter. ' .- . i SCB8CRIPTION BATES. .,' BTVA1L, POSTAOB FBEra .ID, IN ADVANCE. One jeer ........... ..... II SO Sixmonfe ...j............ to Three month-... 50 Advertising rate reasonable, and made known on application. Address all communications to "THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may 'be found on tale at I. C. Nichehen't itore. t . Telephone No. 1. CASCADE LOCKS ' Concluded from Firtl Page. . neer on the portage railroad, and has -maintained thia position since three ago' last October. He Has been a mecnanicai -engineer for eighteen years. ' ' A. F. Kent is recognized aa the lead "ins locomotive engineer for the com pany, running No. 291. He was for merly in some capacity for the O. K. & 2i. E. R., and has been an engineer for twenty-one years. D. A. Stewart, foreman of stone ma sons, has been in this capacity here for ten years. Was formerly in the same sphere for the government, and has had thirty odd years experience in this line. Herbert Small, engineer of traveler here for fifteen months, is a mechanical engineer of ten years,duration, and is voted a master of hie profession. . He is an intelligent and popwlar yonng man. C. M. Carlson, in charge of the blast ing on the works, is an old pioneer, hav ing played a prominent role here for six teen years, indeed since the beginning of the work at its birth. F. M. Heftv, in charge of a hoisting engine since September 'last, is a yonng man who has had six years' experience in this line, and the while has -always been faithful. '-" T. B. Hyde, day wan on the rotary engine, and one of the most important around the works, feae had thirteen years experience, aad since Nov. 8th last has never lost a day, R. Knight, night engineer on the above, is an old railroad locomotive en gineer for 20 years past, and a man to be trusted. T. G. Glazier,1 a yonng man, firm in the confidence and esteem of the con tractors, has for , three years been - in charge of four engines in an important capacity, and is, notwithstanding his youth, figuring the longest here in his WHEAT ON THE JUMP The Price of" Wheat Moves Rapidly Upward. : EIGHTY-OXE CENTS FOR FUTURES The A B C of Good Cooking. Wild Scene on Change--Nw York and Chicago Market Greatly Ex cited Yesterday. Chicago, May 23. Wheat started with a wild lunge for the dollar mark today, touching 81 cents for July option before 9:30.. - At the tap of the opening bell al most every man on the floor apparently was frantically yelling for wheat. There was bat little on sale, and the market Opened wildly at from 3 to . 4 cents ad vance above last night, the" first trades ranging from 80 to 81 cents,' as compared with 77? cents at last night's close. Big profits in 81-cent wheat were too allar ing to many fortunate holder's, and as they began to let go of large quantities, prices dropped from the high point From SI cents, July wheat ; tumbled rapidly to 79J cents, reacting about 10 o'clock to 79?4 cents. The immediate cause of the bulge was the condition of foreign markets. Liverpool was reported as plunging maaiv at about a cents above yesterday's price, and other Euro pean markets were almost radically strong. Crop damage reports were still pouring in from all portions of the wheat belt;'- . '-'.' ':', '' ". - Trading was enormous, and it is esti mated that probably 300,000,000 bushels were bought and sold daring the trading hours. Every broker had his hands full of baying orders, from out-of-town speculators. Orders from ' New York came by scores. The difference between New York and country orders was that Gotham speculators generally named the price at which they desired to invest', while tfie country dealers pnt no limit on transactions, their telegrams -simply say ing, "Bay wheat." J. C. Schwartz, a sensational plunger in corn -and wheat . . . 'J ior years, tailed to respond to margin Z T'rXr:" IP yesterday after uivuinui n, tin i vtiss viiiu intvutut Uliai l - m - for his post. noon, ana aia not pay ms oeot balance - John Anderson, in toeoncrete works, j tne ciearing-nouse. iiuytcg in wheat has been here tor eight nonths, has had J which lie was short by firms with whom thirteen years la toe loMiness, and is a general favorite with hie fellow work men and those for whom he works. sut mention ot toe "Water Witch" is also due in connection with any notice of Cascade Locke. This is a 40-foot steam craft, 9-horee power, and is the swiftest boat of its class on the Col urn he had trades caused a rise in July to SOge from around SOfc, where it drop ped after the opening bulge, and several other minor but yet -considerable fluct uations. Before the excitement attend ing the covering of Schwartz's-Kne of 50, yOAlwaystise 7 ' Cottolcncthe new . f shortening, for all 4 ' r cooking purposes, f i ". . , Good cooks who have f J E ' I tried it never go back J X. t0 an"n' AJ$ f cooking, better 1 1 f food, better health '" brought to any hcanN I by Cottolenc. Will yon ) 1 haveitinyonrs? J yCottolene k - f r in a vegetable pre 1 duct, more healthful, f ( appetizing and economi 1 cal than any shortening; known. Have you tried it? Bold inlands pound pallt, by all fToooM, Made only by The N. K. Falrbank Company, ST.IVOTTIS and" Chicago, New York, Botoo. SPANISH AMEBICAN REBELS. Wfttl tota. Its captain is A. B. Andrews, an OOOjOOO bushels or so subsided, the price old railroad man, who Las been with swelled to 2r.. In th lr. Lm minntoa ine company tnree veare, mq was pre-1 , . ,. viouslv thereto with the govemment. i"" -my Thos. King, the engineer, has been with brok ,rom to 78 Ihfi advance the company for two years; is an all- over last night's closing. The- decline around river man. young aud popular was das oollv to th burv tain'mr nf with all. BV WAY OF TAEEWEIX, the writer returns his sincere thanks to the good people of Cascade Locks, who nave placed him nnder endarins obliga tions by their open-handed hospitality ana spirit ot accommodation. And he especially indebted to Mr. Geo. Morgan, U. ti. Uates, i. f. Ash, J. M. .Bergeron, P. H. Tallman, the popular and erudite young "mayor," ana to Ueorge Gray. the town's expert accountant, for in formation and courtesies eenerouslr ex tended. I profits by holders, largely local profes sionals. lhe country was a -consistent buyer op to the finish. HCMINCtON'8 TK1P AB0AI. Will - Try CoF8 GKEA1LI I.NJUBEU. ACt 4MI to Float tlie Kw oatkrn FaelSe Bonds. ' Nfiw Vobk, May 23. Two of the reasons tor C. F. Huntington's trip abroad are said to be the sale of a por tion of the new Southern Pacific bonds under the $9,000,000 which was author ized last year for various purposes, in cluding the funding of the floating debt, and a personal conference with the repre sentatives of the Panama canal interest which own the Panama railroad. In ad- weather of the past week has been very dition to these things Huntington, as al uniavoraoie lor most crops, ana wide- ready mentioned, will confer with the spread injury has been done by frosts Englishmen about Central Pacific mat which have been general throughout the ters and try to reach a satisfactory no- Northern and central portions of Georgia, derstanding for the extension of the in- Aiabama and Mississippi. rThe damage terest on .bonds and the dividends on o the grape crop has been especially stocks. Cold Weather Ban Very Bad Them. . Chicago, May 23. The government prop bulletin says the exceptionally cool leavy in New York and Pennsylvania, bnd fruits generally have suffered in all Northern and central dfstrir.ts. Corn ias suffered severely, so much that re planting will be necessary, and where lot injured . by frosts, its growth has been checked and the plant yellowed. Cotton has also suffered much from un- easonable cold weather throughout the otton regions, its growth .has been re- larded and cold nights havekilled a part f the crop in the Carolinas and Georgia, endering replanting necessary. Spring theat is reported in excellent condition nd not unfavorably affected in North )akota. Winter wheat Buffered injury rom frost in Indiana and Illinois the rop is less promising than heretofore, nd no improvement has been experien- led in Kansas and Nebraska. More sat- factory reports are, however, received rom Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky. Iant8 are small but plentiful in Mary- knd. Coke Criticise Carlisle. Waco, Tex., May '23 Senator Coke as this to say of Secretary Carlisle's ovington speech : It is the most pettifogging exhorta- on I ever read and I am surprised that man of Carlisle's reputed ability ould make such an effusion. The bid bugs put Carlisle up to make te speech and they would be great fools it to clap their hands after he had token. The friends of. silver will not wever, throw up ' the sponge on ac untofit. The Cleveland democrats e highly pleased and - express - their elief that the speech is the most mas- rly presentation ot the currency prob- wa yet given to the public" ; 1 SOLSD-MONKI CONVENTION. Carlisle' Apartments Crowded With rromlnent Memphis Citizens. Memphis, May 23. The sound-money convention, which met here this after noon, is a much bigger affair in point of attendance than its most sanguine pro jectors anticipated. There are thous ands of visitors iu the city. It is un officially announced that Hon. Thomas C. Catcbings, member of congress from the third district of Mississippi, will be made permanent chairman. -Governor Stone of Mississippi, was appointed a delegate but could not come, as he had an engagement to go to the ex-Confederate reunion at Houston, Tex. Mr. Car lisle arrived at 5 -.30 and was escorted by a com mitt tee to the hotel. . His apart ment was crowded all morning with prominent Memphis citizens. Capture the Town ol Alachala Arm and Ammamtloo. .new York, May 16. A special to a local paper fiom Panama says; "The steamer Loa, which has arrived here, brought confirmation of advices that the town ot Machala ana the arms and ammunition of the government have been captured by the revolotionists. The entire province of Manipi is reported to be in arms. The capital, Port . Viejo, is in the power of patriots of Ia Honra Naccional. General Yeper, of the gov emment forces is a prisoner. Crowds of young men of Guayaquil are waiting in the city to join the revolutionary armies. Tfee government is said to be completely demoralized. Its official action is In diBaccord with Its friendly decree that issued a general amnesty while calling an extra session of congress for a popular election. Secretary of State Sarasti is in disaccord with General Flores, com mander of Guayaquil!, who is likely to be deprived of his office. Doctors Vela and Fernandez are at the head of the re volution. Ambato is marching on Quito with a force of 1,000 men. Eemeraldas wasetill in the hands of the government May 17, but it was feared that the rebels intend an attack shortly to regain pos session of the port. The Presbyterian Assembly. PrrriMiBG, May 23. In the Presby terian general assembly today the ques tion from New York came np on the overture from that body. It was recom mended the Presbytery of New York be instructed and enjoined not to re ceive students pursuing or who propose to pursue studies in seminaries not ap proved by the general assembly. This motion was carried by a large vote, and Moderator Booth said the New York presbytery would vote instructions and obey the orders. Examiner Carson In Charge. Was'iiixgton", May '-'21.'- Controller Eckels today received a telegram stating the Merchants' National bank, of Seattle, Wash., had suspended. Examiner Car son was pat in charge. The bank's cap ital was 200,000, and at the last report had assets amounting to fGSO.OOO and a surplus of $25,000. . It is understood one of the causes of the bank's failure was too great holding of real estate and secur ities upon which it did not realize. JReport "rom Yokohama. Yokohama, May 23. Dispatches from Seoul give further details as to the trouble in Corea. It is said evidence has been discovered that Bokuisika, who was recently appointed - acting prime minister, has formed an alliance 'with the Russian minister at Seoul, Count Inouic, the Japanese ministsr to Corea, has returned to Japan. The Whisky Trut. Chicago, May 21. .The reorganization committee ot the whisky trust today took action which will probably end the receivership within a short time. Reso lutions were adopted providing for the ale of trust properties, either by the courts or by the board of directors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION: SUMMONS. In the Circillt Court ot the State ot Oregon ior Wasco County. Sarah Ann C. Warner, 1 1-laintifl', ' vs. . " v Joshua O. Warner, j Defendant, j To Joshua O. Warner, tho above named de fendant: In the name of the State .ot Oregon: . You are hereby repuired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 27th day of May, 1805, that beiug the first any ol the next ngular term of said court; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above named Conit lor the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: lor a decree ot divorce dissolving and annulling the marriage relation now existing between you and plaintiff, and that pluintiff have the sole custody of the minor children, Harvey D. Warner, Helen May Warner and Perry Warner, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem equitable and Jukt ' This Summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof in The Dalles c'hionicle, a news paper of general circulation published weekly at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of the Honorable W. U Bradshawt judge of the above-named Court, which order was duly mada at Condon, Gilliam Connty, Oregon, on the 10th day of April, lssi aprl3-m23 DUFCR 4 MEXEFEE, . Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Donation Claimants.. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,( Mav 2. lMtt. Kotice is hereby riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at ine Danes, ureron, on jury 1895, vis; , - Prank Chase, ' . Addl. Hd. K, No. 3532, for the SE!, SEJf, Sec. 1!L Tn. 1 N K. K5 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cnutinuoHS residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; William H. Taylor, John Wag-enbla-t, William Miller, X. M. Morgan, all of mil JAS. F. MOORE, Register. -Sale of "On-Hand" Freight and Jiagrage. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will sell at public auction on But urday, May 25, 1895, at R. B. Hood's suction rooms, second street, The Dalles, the foliowiu described property, which has been on ham three months and over : One valise, two bun dles beddiux. marked J. T. HarseU. Portland: charges f. One valise of plastering tools, uo marks; 23 cents. One trunk of clothing, no mares, oval top, zinc covered, oouuie lock; fIJjO. One sack traps, C. H. St- Johns, care 8. W. Davis, The Dalles: 25 cents. One box house hold goods, no marks, weight about 200 lbs. $4.50. One blk. vlit.e and contents, no marks: $1. One case mercaaudise, no marks: $2. one rus set valise, Dave Barzelle, fitevensou, Wash.; Si One zinc trunk, .Dave Barrel le; Stevenson, Wash.; tl. One box old school books, no mark-: ( cents. One- emnty trunk, no marks tl. One blacc leather valise, no marks, bearing u. r. s a. --- ka. s cneck mo. sso; All the above goods Mill be sold to satisfv tbe charges being held against them, unless claimed prior u tneaate oi tale, anaau cnargts paid. Stw W. C. AXLAWAY. (ien. Agt. DISSOLUTION. Esmeralda Taken. Chicago, May 23. A dispatch Panama says : Esmeraldas has captured by - tbe revolutionists heavy fighting. from been after JJew York Excited. New York, May 23. In the wheat market today there was wild tumult and buying with almost total disregard to price. July opened at 82c to 83,c, a rise of 3c to 3Cc from the official close yesterday. After jumping to 83Jiehe, price lost 1 cent, and then swung back again, advancing to 84c. Tbe trans actions amounted to 18,000,000 bushels before 12 o'clock, " which is almost un heard of. - Knssia Slake a Demand. . St, Petersburg, May 23. It is stated the .Russian government has declined to agree to the military occupation of Corea by the Japanese forces and demanded that the government at Tokio recall the the garrisons stationed there. lift Rflfla LEAVES ITS MARK every one of the painful irregularities and weaknesses that prey upon women. They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make you old before your time. Get well : That's the way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing- sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. Mrs. Anna TJuuch, of Elm Crttk, Buffalo Co., hcb., writes: i enjoy good health thanks to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription and ' Golden - Medical Discovery. X was under doctor care for two years with womb disease, and gradually wasting in strength afl the time. I was so weak that I could sit up in bed only a few moments, for two years. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce' Fa vorite Prescription and his Golden Medical Dis covery,' and by the time I naa taxen one-nan aom en bottles I was up and going wherever I pleased. Mas. Ulrich. and very strong ever since that wa two year and a half ago." A book of 168 pages on "Woman and Her Diseases " mailed sealed, on receipt of ro cents in stamps for postage. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Si Notice is hereby given, that the firm heretofore existing and doing business under tbe firm name of Joles, Collins & Co., has been dissolved by mutual con sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the purchaser of the entire etock, notes and accounts of said hrm, bas assumed all liabilities and will" settle all cla nas against said firm. E. J. Collins, Geokob Joles, , Isaac Joles, Elizabeth Joles , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Likd Office, The Dalles, Or., J May 8, 1895. i Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register snd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June l'Jth, 1895, viz: - -Emerson Williams, Hd E, No. 3119, for the KEJ, Sec. 10, Tp. 8 S R WE., W. M. . He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert Kelly, W. H. Butts. The Dalles. Oregon. James W. Cox. John M. Roth. Kingsley.'or. mii-jiu jas. r. MUOKE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ChltBD States Dist. Land Office,) THE Dalles, Oregon. to all tietsona having made settlement upon tracts of land within this district, nd given notloet as required b law, that they claim such lands as donations under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to create the oftlce of surveyor-general of tbe public lands in Oregon, and to provide for the survey, and to maxe donations 10 settlers ot tne sata pnqQ lands,"- approved Septembtr 27, 1850, Sim ie various acts amendatory and vapplemental thereto, and to their heiis, deytsees. grantees, and all persons making claim to such donation claims, whether by d scent, detlse, judicial sale, or conveyance in good faith, who have hitherto failed to make and file in the proper land office final proof of such claims. Notice is hereby given, in tccordance with the requirements of Section 1 of the act of Congress approved July 10, 189, and in. pursuaucc oi the directions of the Commissioner of the general land office that they are required to up pear at this office and make and hie final proofs of such claims and perfect their title thereto before tbe 1st day of January, 1896, and that if they full to do so within tbe tiine,uch donation cinims wilt be held to have been abandoned bv them, and tho lands embraced therein will be restored to the public domain, as provided In. said act of Congress ef July 26, l94. Given under our hands tbia 9th diy of May. ltd". t . q n . 1 . . . 1 a . .. . I J ' mU-J22 WiLI.IAJI H. BIGUB, U ceiver. N.EW - -A- UndertakiDgste PEINZ & NITSC1TKE -DEALERS IX- Furniture and Caipes. We haye added to bur business a complete Undertaking Establishment,, and as we are in no way connected with, the Undertakers' Trust, onr prices wil be low accordingly. A. A. Browrlu . - KeepafuUa-orr(jtoj Staple an?ifityGroceri - : 'kft Wovlslons. ; . MrlcSk h offer at Low Fltptraaj. '- SPECIAL :-: PAIGES ' .to Cash. Buyers. HiiJiest Cad. ftices for Ens an . . to Frota. . 170 SECOND STREET- SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an alias -execution issued out of th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for n kw-jqui)' on me imb any ot May, JSS, in suit therein pending wherein E. L. Smith plaintiO and M. V. arrison, Sophia M. Hurrt sou, James w. Smith. John Klosterman, E. B, Larsen doing business under the name of E 8. Lrsen & Co., Jobs G. Millar, Emanuel Miller . nuiin u. i via. parniers doing Dusiness un der the Arm name of John G. Miller A Co., John Murphy, Adam "Grant, J. Ol Grant and J. T. Ford partners doing business nnder the firm name 01 Murpay, -urant & Co., Garretson, Wood rufl", Pratt Company, a corporation, c. M. Hen derson B Co.. a orporatioc, A. 8. Bennett, and ti. A. Bartmes are defendants, directing me to menu j-vperty neranatter mentioned, I will, on the UCh day of June, 1895. at the hour of two o'clock in tbe afternoon, at the courthouse aoorin vanes city, nascocountv. Oregon, sell all of the right, title and interest of each and all vi rma ueieoaantH ill ana to lots One, Two, Three, Four, Twenty-frve. Twentv-six, Twenty aeven and Twenty-eight, in block one of tvaucoma Awnuon 10 toe town of Hood River, to the highest bidder ior -eath in band to satisfy the sum of M17.93 and interest thereou at the rate of ten percent per annum from tbe 1st day .if C.i,l.m)u. lOOi -.1 . 1 - 1 . v.. u,.-. ww, U1U ttlt .I I I U I UK CUKIS. - " T. J. DRIVER, : mylfrit ' Sheriff of Wasco Coumy, Oregon. Citation. In .the County Court of the State of Oregon foi Wasco County. In tbe matter of the estate of Patrick Dorris, deceased Citation. To James Dorris and tbe unknown heir of the -suii-ui raira uoms, aeceased, greeting: m iuv ifHiu m 1 1 if. HQUni unvnn. Win . r-a hereby cited and leauired to atinesr in tha ouuiy wun oi tne Btate ot Oregon for the County of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof, at isaues cifv. in saia conntv. on Mnnlnv. th. nth day of May, 1895, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why un order of sale chould not be made for the sale of real nronertv belomdn- tn uiH estate, as in tbe petition of the administrator of said estate prayed for. 1 ne reai property described in said petition for Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,) ; May 9, 1S95. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nrooi in sunnort of his claim,- and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles. Or., on June 21, 1895, viz.: , ' . WUIard T. -Wright, ' Kd. E. Xo. 3S12. for the 8E!4 NEli. KU BZli and BV4 SE 8ec. 34, Tp. 2 S K 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Polk Butler, Hayden O'Nell, Marion Warner, Ezra Ilensen, all of Konsene, Oregon - mu-jii) jab. r iiuuKC, Kegister. Taken ' Up.' Come tc my place on 5-Mile about Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, about 4 years old branded XL (connected).' Crop off right ear and under half crop off left ear. Uwner can nave same tjy proving property and paying; charges. C. F .Wagesblast, , The Dalles. County, Oregon. nuntss tne Hon. ceo. c. Blakeley, judge Seal! of the said Countv Court, with th seal of BMid Court affixed, thi 5th dav of Febru ary, A. D., 1SU5. Attest: A. M. KELSAY, Clerk. Administratrix Notice. TteCoioiiaPacKiiifCo., PACKERS OF Pott and Beef MANCFACTTJKERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND . li Dried Beef, " Etc BUY YOTJJ GROC JERIES We carry ever to eat, and we should 1 hungry per Try or Teas y thing that istcood .--at- sweh prices that aatro-the- trade of all jptei- 4, ir ami Coffees Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned has duly ' filed her final account and report in the matter of the estate of Charles E. Haight, deceased, and that Monday, the 0th day of May, 1S95, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, at the County Court room in Dalles Citv, Waseo County, Oiegon, has been appointed by the Honorable. County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of any objections to said final account and report. All pel sons interested in said estate ara herehv notitied to appear at said time and place an show cause, tl any, why said report and accou should not be ratified and annroved and an der be made discharging said administratrix -exonerating her bondsmen. - v. .Aiatea mis zitn day of March, 1895. PHOEBE J. HAIGH ' Administratrix of the estate of Chat . , Haight, deceased. . DLrfK MENEJ mS0-27-ot Attorneys for Adminis' Can edf Ash- J Jt or-ind For Sale. One hundred and six acres of Fruit Land on Mill Creek, five miles from The Dalles fifteen acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of Wood aud water. Also l'JU acres of Grain mnu, ten miles west ol The Dalles. feb23-tf - . - T. M.iitusiuj. Lost. Betweecn Mitchell and Grass Valley, one hew Rupert & Gable saddle, one garden rake, and two window sashes. A liberal reward will be paid to anyone finding and returning the same tome. LONN TAYLOR, apr Mitchell, or. Notice. Lost, One red and' white heifer, 3-year-old In the spring; branded on the hip; marked smooth crop off the right ear and slit and under bit in the left ear. Also one almost red 2-yea- old heifer, branded on the hip same as red a '. white heifer's brand. Any one letting me kr paia ior roeir m BEN BOUTHWEL' - Endersby, Wasco Co- Or Administrator's N EK, mttrfcs.. Notice Is hereby given that tb has, by an order of the Connty Cr of Oregon for Wa-co county, du' tered, been appointed adminisl of Silas Prather, deceased. claims against said estate ar the tame to me, with tho p for, at the office of Hunt Dalles, Oregon, within date nereot. Dated April 2Gth, 18ft' ',crtice . . -taArrsigned A.--f:,-Wtate - T,tt-lcnd en- roixtr- tih Uao estate n mi mt having , notifii-Ki rtoresent vn hxr there- inSom Winv The iii MAitv ta Jrom the ml-5t give-yrju an excellent blend- . Joffiee-at 25 per pound. , ; ; ' . foarHalivor Butter; Telephone No. 60.- Batfr OVen and STAGE-LINE, TEOHA'S EAEPEEi - Eropnetor Stages leave Bake Oven for. Antelope- every dav, ana irum auinur - chell three times a week. GOOD-HORSES AND WAGONS. Notice. Assif Ad BainiBt-atDr.- Notice is H. E,Moor each of th benefltof proport' claims claim neers-Noti3eL, ithat r. W. Mooro an k?9siied'to me, allot Ueir ano J tvroaland persooaLaor the , u Oieir,iHi .ective Address an!9-lm Lost. 4- t One red Cow, branded rK on right- right bin; two silts in each ear A ward will be given for delivery . as to her whereabouts, mayll it' are r der . W' r - jd .ow Able. - xoa. to -onsTiaving of such or either of them, J n;t thS? claim., an- redta-s. All pe"- aaawaej tied to 9 at the nesrOre Se dataa nojj-, jiLi BCTLLK, A"1!- ' t'Z,7Z2 t ioesent their .l&heOormre. Assign ? Notice, Dr. Mile' Knri Plabtf TIHM. WEAK BACKS. A' aide.F. 8. on reasonable re or information J. L. KELLY. - ..vv given that Ernest Jscobsen, Notice i hL,?h.B duly conveyed to m -n insolvent rf!L,ment all bfs property by proper t tne benent or mu sLundeTtSegeneral assignment Uw. of Oregon. . , . .j iiv. 07usonshavinCUim.. lni StiSf lerified?wUb ninety days from tce'datj. of hl8 notwe . im SprU-mll h B"B7AiAMS, Assignee. To the Gkxkbal Public : The undersighed has thoroughly re modeled whtt Is known as the Farmers' Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi sonradjblningJ.I.. Thompson's black" smith shop, and is now reaay to modate alt who wish their horses well fed and properly cared for, at Prices to Suit the Times. AGNEW & McCOLdJii, x roio., The Dalles, Or. For Sale or Trade. One Norman Stallion, weight about v ann -na a head ol worK Dorses : o .IJUU K T . . Timni horses. "1 Dalles LJIty properiv. sell or trade for 7 property. CHARLES KOEHLEB. mla-2m Boyd, Or. Estrayed, , One dTk bay mare with heavy black -mane and tail, branded MD connected-.-on left bipand IV or VI on left shoulder. When last seen she had halter and fceit on. Finder will be liberally rewarded bv leaving at C. U Richmond's -table in tbiseity. mlb'lm rnreKHKUMA- aruggltta- only