CHI THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1895. The Weekly Ghfoniele. - OFFICIAL PAPER OK WAUOO COUNTY. Entered at the fottomce at lut Dalle, Oregon M second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. .. . BT MAIL, POSTAGE PBIPAID, III ADVANCE. One year ... SI 50 fiix mont a 75 Three months... 60 Advertising rates reasonable, and made known on application. Address all communications to "THE CRRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. A boot the Income-Tax I aw. v Washington, May 16. There is a rumor in circulation today that the in come-tux law will be declared unconsti- tatiional when the derision is rendered next Monday, either by a' vote of -ix to three or seven to two. Next Monday, it will be recalled, there was a rumor cir cuited that Justice Jackson had de cided, on Saturday last to vote for its constitutionality, and that bis vote, with four others in favor of it, would re sult in a decision by a vo'e of five to four in favor of the law. If the actions The JJailv and Weekly Chronicle may of the treasury department officials and M found on taU at I. C. Nickelsen'i ttore. those at the head of the department of Kingsley Notes. the residence of Telephone No. 1. Indians la Arizona ou the Warpath. Wilcox, Ariz., May 14. Sunday a courier came in stating that 12 armed Indians were seen prowling around the bills in the vicinity of Buckhorn basin, where the mines are being worked, Sat urday" last. The miners at once left their claims after being notified, and have congregated together for protection to tnemselves and the few scattered families. This localitv is near the aban doned Fort Bowie, and some 20 miles east of Wilcox. ". Monday morning another report was brought in from the new gold find in the I proposed in congress he openly expressed justice today can be taken as an in dication, the probabilities Beem to be that they have had an inkling that the law is to oe declared unconstitutional on Monday. That they were worried is apparent. While no one is able to speak authorit atively, the general impression is that the law will be declared unconstitutional and stricken from the statute-books. Of course the whole question hinges upon the vote of Justice Jackson, and certain parties close to this jurist assert positiv ely that he will decide against the law They say be has always been a federalist, and that when this legislation was first outh pass of Dragoon mountains, 20 miles south of here, that six Indians fully armed were seen there. They at tacked a prospectors' camp, driving the prospectors from the claim, and firing four shots at one of the men, compelling hiiu to jiinip for safety from a high ledge, severely injuring himself. This morning responsible reports from Graham county state a band of 15 heavily armed Indians were seen laet evening at sundown seven miles south of Clifton rounding up the horses of citi zens. Much alarm is felt. Today a body of citizens take up the trail. Thi morning one troop of cavalry left Fort Bayard, N. M., for the scene, but long inarches are necessary to reach the place of reported danger. The citizens are feeling very insecure. The Indians are reported in distress from insufficient rations, and, trouble is predicted, with no adequate military protection. The only available troops which can quickly reach the locality are at Fort Grant, and under orders to move inside of a week, hence all are packed tip. The abandonment of Fort Bowie leaves the whole tomhern country open to their ravages, and it would not sur-' prise those who keep watch of the In dians to see the present trouble from the numerous small bands now eff the res ervation, bent on rapine and murder, end in a gen-- 1 --v What. .. .. , Hew York, May 16. Senator Elkins, of West Virginia, spys he was frequently misquoted on his Western trip as being in favor of free silver. "I believe in bi metal ism and in the nse of silver in the furthest possible way' consistent with money," he added. "I am not for silver to anv extent hnrtful to the country. The gove anient has power to limit the use of metals. Republicans ol the East and West must get together on the silver question. I believe the silver question will settle itself and when we come to meet next year at the national convention there will not be any antago nism between the East and West. Snow Still on the tiruund. Milwadke, May 16. Frosts was gen eral throughout the state again lat-t night. Garden and fruit crops are being steadily wiped out. In northern part of the state enow that fell early in the week still remains on the ground. Wheat and oats suffer least. AH other crops will have to be replanted. his disapproval of it. "Was Hhort in Bis Accounts. Manitowoc, Wis., May 15. Frederick Haukohl, city treasurer, shot himself in the head, dying instantly. He was re elected city treasurer tart spring by the largest majorities ever given a republi can, r-bortage in his accounts is be to be the cause of his suicide. Silver Convention, Sait Lakh, May 16. The silver con vention met at 10 today with 21 dele gates present. The commutes on reso lutions and plan of action not being ready to report, Congressman Mondelia, of Wyoming, moved that a recess be taken until-2 p. m., bat the motion was withdrawn. Langenour moved that newspapers re porters be ad mi i ted to the executive ses sion, but the motion was lost. The conference then went into execu tive session and is discussing various methods proposed for carrying out the objects for which the conference was c tiled. A number of interesting speech es were made, and while k there are dif ferences of opinion, indications all point to harmonious action. Attorney-General;Jones,of the Btate of Washington, arrived this morning, and was admitted as a member of the confer ence. Senator Allison Challenged. Des Moines, la., May 16. The Cen tral Bimetallic Leage of Iowa, of which J. Matthias, of Des Moines, is president, and J. Watts secretary have forwarded a letter to Senator Allison challenging him to come to Des Moines and debate with some advocate of free coinage of ilver, to be designated by the league, The challenge is qualified ov the state ment that if Senator Allison believes in uch coinage, then a debate isunnecces- sary. General Weaver left last night for the West, where he will deliver 10 speeches for free silver. He will bring back with li Ira General A. J. Warner, of Ohio, and Joseph C. Sibley to attend the big silver meeting here June 5. Fifteen Day's Kitenslon. Roszburo, Or., May 16. The county court, after being in session all the week, adjourned tonight. The time for pay ing taxes has been extended from May 15 until June 1, 1895, after which time the sheriff is ordered to make out the lelinquent roll, and 2 per cent will be charged on all unpaid taxes. No war rants will be accepted in payment from this date. Ran Into n Trv Victokia, B. C, May 15. A freight train ou the Esquimalt & Nanaimo rail way ran into a fallen tree this side of Chemainus, 50 miles from here, this afternoon, and the locomotive went into the ditch. Tony SPkene, the engineer, is reported to be badly injured. . An Outbreak at Sour. Berlin, May 15. A dispatch from Beyrout, a seaport . town of Syria, an nounces that the Turkish governor of that place has gone to Soor in order to quell an outbreak there arising from dis turbances between Christians and Mo hammedans. Cotton Mills Bnrned. Montebky, Mexico, May 13. The La Fama cotton mills, situated near here, have been destroyed by fire. They weie the largest in northern Mexico, and the loss is placed at $125,000. A company of Monterey capitalists owned the mills. 'William Is Displeased. London, May 15. A dispatch to the Standard from Berlin says that in the coarse of a conversation with his minis ters on Sunday Emperor William ex pressed great dissatisfaction with the de bates on the anti-revolution bill. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn", says, "Shiloh's vitalizer 'saved my life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever nsed." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. "So yon do not think that Shakes peare had an original mind?" "No, I do not. Why, just look over his writ ings, and you'll find thousands of in stances where he used whole . sentences hat are in everybody's month and as common as household words." Boston IVan script. Dandy youth What the mischief did yon hire me a blind horse for? Livery man (guilelessly) Did'nt yon tell me you wanted something out of sight be' cause you were going to take your best sdrl driving? Detroit Free Press. B. H. Bowman ; Pub. Enquirer, of Bremen, Inn., writes : Last - week onr litilegirl baby, the only .one we hav, was taken sick with croup.. After two Doctors failed to give relief and life was hanging on a mere thread we tried One Minute Cough Cure and its life was saved. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co.- Student Seveial of my friends are coming to dine hern, so I want hig ta ble. Mine host .Toot look at this one, sir! Fifteen peraons con'd slep qnite comfortably under it. Fliegende Bl set ter. Heavens, Maria! Wait that phono graph open dnring a cat fights? "No; I turned it on last night when yon were sleeping. Perhapa yoa will believe now that you snore." Life. On the Japanese warship: First officer There's Vcmiser reported a little ahead. Second officer Chinese? ' First officer Ni; sir; she's headed this way. Sing Sing Courier. . , Manager What is the character of the play you have written? Playwright Very bad. I made it to meet the taste of the times. Detroit Free Press. Died, May 9th, at James Kelly near Kingsley of consump tion, George Boeder, aged 14 Cutworms are doing considerable damage in onr neighborhood. We are informed the crops of P.' C. Ward and Tommy Morris are being badly injured Davis Hix has been awarded the con tract of hauling 30,000 feet of lumber for the lumber vard to be established at this place. It took the United efforts of James Ward. Mies Emma Ward and Miss Lissie Cox to rescue a young lady who had mistaken the floor for a eofa, last Sunday evening. We promised J i ramie not to say anything about it; but we wonder if that soda water had anything to do with it. 1 George McLeod is ' recovering from his third attack of la grippe. Geo. says he is tough, and can stand it another twist' A more forlorn, dilapidated looking place than the Kingsley cemetery could not be found in six months travel. It is simply a conglomeration of old posts, broken boardspickets etc. The fence is all down, headstones lying flat on the ground,' and otherwise gone to ruin. Let us set a day and all turn oat and fix it up. We'll be there. The law suit at Dufur last Monday be tween Hugh Jackson and Ed Wing, over the "pcrapping match" ended in a compromise. . '' John Roth says he fought, bled and died for his country, and that now the time has come when we, as a people, are learning to apprecicte his services. John has already commenced his wire pnlling and says he will certainly break the republican combine next year. Mrs. Emerson Williams is, we are sorry to state, gradually becoming blind. She has beeome entirely blind in one eye, and the other is constantly becom ing worse. Mr. Williams will take her to Portland for treatment this fall. Last week Mr. J. C. Thrall was the happy possessor of a pet coyote, which attracted the attention and admiration of all. He was at a loss for an appro priate name for the little pet, nntil Mr. C. Cox suggested that, owing to a pe culiar baldness on the top of the head the name of Frank Day would fill the bill. That settled it, and everything was lovely until last Saturday, when Geo. Friend's dog got a "swipe" at the coyote and now Jim sings "empty is the collar, Frankie's gone." Me. r or Infanta and Children. Caatoria promotes Plgeation, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Horphloe or othernarcotic property. "Caatorla Ism well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to mo." H. A. AscHxa. H. D., - in South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " For several years I have recommended your -usaranis-Ha snail always continue to ao so, lit has invariably prodvK Eow produced beneficial remits.' Emm F. Pardkk. M. D.. 125th Street and 7th Atb New York City-. "The use of 'Caatoria' Is so universal and Its merits ro well known that it reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Oastoria, within easy reach." . Car ma Maxtttt, D. D., New York City. Tits Cxxtacb OoatrAjrr, 7T Hurray Street, If. Y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,( Apr. 3. 1894. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reeiBter and receiver of the U. S. Land office, The Dalles, Or., on May 20, 1895, viz. : - Franeiseo Perodl, Hd. No. 8021. f..r the N'-tf NEl. 8WW NEi and 8E' N WJi, Sec. 14, Tp 1 S R 12 E. He names the following witnesses to nrove his wuuuuuua rcaiueuue upon aua cultivation or, said land, viz:- An'hony Grieman. Herman biegne, A If una Sandos, harles gandos, all of Tne Dalles, Oregon. a6-mll JAR F. MOORE, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Sarah Ann C. Wa ner, 1 Plaintiff, ' ' vs. Joshua O Warner, Defendant I To Joshua O. Warner, the above named de-fendanl: In the name of the Btate ot Oregon : Yon are nereoy repuireu to appear and answer the com plaint tiled aguinst yon io the ab -ve entitled suit -n or before Monday, the 27tb day of M y, 1895, ttint being tbe first day ot the next r gulur term of said court; and if you fnil so to answer, lor want the'eof the plaintiff will apply to the ouuve uaiuea iouu lor me reuei aeiiisna a In ner complaint, to-wit: or a decree of divon-e dissolving and aniiulllng the marriage n latlon now existing between you and plaintiff, and that plaintiff have the sole custody of th minor children, Harvey D. Warner, Helen May Warner and I'erry Warner, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court ma seem equitable and ju.t. This Summons Is served upon you bt publica tion thereof in The Dlle Chmnii-le, a news paper of general rircula Ion publ shed Meekly at Dalies City, Wasco Connty, Oregoti, by order of the Honorable W. 1- Rmriahaw. inriire nf the above-named Court, which order was duly mads at lonaon, utillam Connty, Oregon, on the 10th uay oi April,' 189S. DUFCR & HENEFEE, aprl3 m25 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Donation Claimants. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mostly Itoad JUnsiness. A mnstard plaster is not a very poetic subject ; but. ah ! how warml v it appeals to a man's feellnes. Tit-Bits. Onr patrons will find De Witt's Little Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy or ' constipation, cyspepsia and liver co mplaints. fcnipes-Kltert-ly Ding Co The following business was transacted by the commissioners at the May term besides that of acting upon claims: In tbe matter of the connty road peti tioned for by J. E. Feak and others, road eclared a county road. In the matter of the connty road peti tioned tor by F. H. Stanton and others, read twice and continued. Petition of 8. W. Patterson to sell liquors at Antelope, license granted License was also granted to J. D. Tunny to sell liquors in Antelope. Petition of R. R. Hinton and others for county road, Wm. Lander, L. Schade witz and Geo. Borstel appointed viewers, Sharp surveyor. Petition of R. W. Knowles and others for' road, Jos. Patterson, M. Kennedy and Jus. Woodcock viewers, Sharp sur vevor. Petition of D. E. Hurst and others, petition granted and road declared a county road. Petition of E. Both well and others, petition granted and road declared a connty road. Petition of Wm. Bryokhouse and others, viewers appointed and Sharp surveyor. Petition of Ale. Strachan and others, W. H. Williams, W. J. Davidson and John Darn ei lie viewers, Sharp surveyor. License was granted C. V. Lane to sell liquors in Antelope. Petition oi John Monroe and others, petition granted, road declared public highway. . Court adjourned until Saturday, May 25th. - W. T.- Sanford, Station Agent of Lee per, Clarion Co. Pa., writes ; I can recommend One Minute Cough Cure as the best I ever used. It gave instant relief and a quick cure. Drug Co. Snipee-Kinersly DIED. On 8-Mile, Sunday, Mav 12th, Wilbur, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Southwell, aged about 5 months. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled ; A T ace is vacant in our home, Waich nevei can be tilled. God, in his wisdom, has recalled The boon bis love has given. And though the b dy moulders here. The soui is safe in Heaven. w J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City Mo., Cnief Enrolling force 38tb general assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to testify' to the merits of One .Minute Cough Cure. When other so-called cures tailed.' I obtained almost instant relief and a speedy' cure' by the obo of One Minute Cough Cure. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Pay tbe Connty Debt. All 'county warrants registered prior to Sept. 1st, 1891, will be paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets, Tbe Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after May 10, 1895. Wm. Michkxl, Connty Treasurer. La Grippe is here again with all of its old time vigor. - One Minute Cough Core si a reliable remedy. It cures and cures quickly. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., j May 8, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June 19th, 1895, viz: Kmerson Williams, I Hd E, No. 3119, for the fE, Sec 10, Tp. 3 S R 1 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cnltivation of said land, viz: Robert Kelly, W. H. But'B, Tbe Dalies, Oregon, James W. Cox. John M. Roth, Kingslev.Or. nll-jl6 JA9. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR . PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., J May 9, 1894. j Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles. Or., on junezi, ism, viz.: TCIllard T. Wright, Hd. E, No. 3312, for the 6E4 NE4, K'4 8EJ4 and bE!, Sec. 34, Tp. 2 8 K 14 K. He names the following witnesses to Drove bis continuous resiuence upon, ana cultivation oi. sua iana, viz.: roi rjuuer, najaen o well, Marion Wanur, Ezra Hensen. ail of Nansvne. uregon mu-jia jab. r. auutus, register. TJmitxd Btatss Dist. Land OrrtCK.J To all persons havinir miirfe wtrivnii,t nmn tracts of land within this district, nd giv n notice, as rea Hired b Ihw. tht thr pidm ..,, lauds aa donations under the provisions of tbe "Lt uiii.nsH kiii um "An uit t. nn i. ,o office of survi yor-general of tne public lauds in Oregon, and to provide for the survey, and to uiuo uuuauouB w seme a 01 tne said public lands," approved Septemb r 27, 1850, slid the various acts amenaatury and supplement Lj! nii 1 1 ii in inM, tic . .,..,. .... j " .... a, ut.vWCTH-, glHlllCt3 and all persons making claim to such don.tiou claims, wb tlier b. d scent, rtn w tii.nui sale, or conveyance in good faith, who have milium, laueu hi mue ana nie in the proper land office final pioof of such claims. Notice is her by given, in u-e tdanre with 'be requirem-nu oi section I ot the act of C ingress a uiov d J'llv 6. 1894. an in mmiintiro T ih dfre-'tions of the Commissioner of the general laiid office that they are required to ai,ar at this office and mane and til- final nroofs of snnh cliimi. si d perfe t their title therein before tbe 1st day of January, 1896, and that if they fail to uu so wiimu in iiine,t-ut-n aonait ,n claims will be held to bave been abaudoned b them, and th lauos embraced therein wil be restored to the public lom in, as provided in said act of Congress of July 26, 1 94 Given uu Jer our bauds this 9th d y of May, IRQ.!; HQ IP LI. ill t- U lu. ' . ' ' ' Ij JVCKIKKTI. mll-j22 WILLIAM H. BiGGs, R oelvcr. SHERIFF'S SALE. Sale of "On-Hand" Freight and Baggage. T-Y.A llollu Dm,I..J M. 1 ... I . V 1 .1 . "1. ASUtrcO, IVIIiaUH IK ASIIHM llftTlgKllllU uouipany wm sen at puDiic auction on Sat urday, May 25, 1895, at R. B. Hood's auction rooms, necond stieeu Tbe Dalles, the follow! i described property, which baa been on banc three months and over: One vails, two bun dies bedding, marked J. T. Harsell. Portland: chaiges f6. One valise of plastering tool, no marks; 25 cents. One trunk of clothing, no mark-, oval top zinc covered, doub e lock; $4.50. One sack traps, C H. St. Johns, care 8. w. Davis. The Dalles; 25 cents. One box house hold goods, no marks, weight about 200 lbs : 14 50. One blk. Tulioe and contents, no marks; tl. One case merchandise, no marks S2. ne tub- set valise, Dave Barrel le, Mevensou. Wash.: SI One zinc trunk, Dave Barz He; Steveuson, Wash.: SL One box old school books, no mark : ao cents. Ont empty funk, no marks; $L One blacs leather valise, no marks, bearing D. P. S A. N. Co.'s check No. 205: 2.50. All the above roods ill be sold to satlsfv tbe charges being held against Item, unless claimed l-rior to tne aate oi sale, ana ail ennig s paid isiw w. u. AUitwAi. uen. Art. DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given, that the firm heretofore existing and doing husines- under the firm name of Joles, Collins & Co., has been dissolved bv mutual con sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the purchaser of the entire stork, notes and accounts of said firm, has assumed all liabilities and will settle all cla ms against said firm. tj. J. Collins, Georqk Joles, Isaac Joles, Elizabeth Joles , Taken Up. Come tc my place on 5-Mile about Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, about 4 years old branded XL (connected). Crop off right ear and nn-ier half crop off left ear. owner can nave same by proving property and paying charges. C. F .Wagenblast, The Dalles. By virtue of an a'ias execution Issued out of tbe Circuit Court of the state of Ongon for Wasco connty on the 16. h day of Mav, 1895, in a sun inerein penning Wherein c L, smith It plninun and -M. V. Harrison, Sophia M. Hrri sou. James W. Smith. John Klosierman. E. K' 1a sen doing busiu as umter tbe name of E. S. La-sen & i o., John U. M ller, Emai uel Miller ana James a. wait partners olnir business un der the firm name of John 6. Miller & Co., John murpuy, Auam orant, j. u. uraiit ana J. 1. roid partners doing business under the firm name of Murphy, tirani & Co., Garretson, Wood run, Pratt Company, a corpnraiiou. C M.Hen derson k Co.. a corporaiior. A. 8. Bennett, and j. A. Bartmes are defendant-, directiuir me to sell tne rear property hereinafter mentioned, I will, on the loth day of June, 1895, at the bourof two o'clock in the afternoon, st the courthouse aoorin lis lies city, Wasco con-lv. Oregon, sell al of ibe rigb', title and inter, st of ech and all or ra a attendants in and to lots One, Two, inree, r our, i weuty-n ve. tweutv-six. twenty- seven and Twenty eight, i block one of waueoma Addl I to the town of Hood River, to the hiuhesi bidde- for cah in hand to satlsfv the sum of $2617.93 and intervst thereon at the rate or ten per cent per annum fro u tbe 1st day oi Dcpusuiuer, io, auu tne accruing cosu. T. J. DRIVER, myl8-5t Sheriff of Wasco Coun y, Oregon. Citation. In the Couuty Court of the State of Oregon tot n asco tounty. In the matter of the estate of Patrick Doiris, aeceasea uitatioi . To Jamea Dorris and t e unknown heirs of the estate of Patrick Doriis, deceased, gnx-tlng: In the name of the State of Oregon, Yuu are hereby cited and lequl ed to appear in the county Court oi tbe btate ot Oregon for tbe C unty of Wasco, at tbe courtroom thereof at Dalies city, in said coun v on Mnndav. the tth day of May, 1895, at 10 o'clock In the foienoon of that day, then and th re tosho cause, if any exist, why an order of sale bould not be made lor tne sale ot rea: pioperty belonging to said estate, as in tbe petition of the aduiiuutrator of said estate n raved for. The real properly described In said petition for saie, ana lor wnicn anoraeroi sa e in asaea, is thH W'4 of SW'i.and the Wi of NW!i of Section 17, Tp 3 South of Range 14 E, W. M., in Wa-co County, Oiegou. nivii ss tne Mon. ueo. Hiateiey, ludge SkalI of tbe said County Court, with the seal of sxid Court affixed, this 5th day of Febru ary, A. D., 1895. Attest: A. M K-&LSAY, Clerk. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hercbv eiven that the nndersimed has duly filed her final account and report in the matter of the estate of Charles E. H urht. deceased, and that Monday, thetitb day of Mav, 1895, at 10 o'clock, a. . of sid day, at the County Court room in Dalles Oitv, Wasco county, Oiegon, has been appointed by 'the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, as the time and place for tiie hearing of any objections to said final account and report. All pe sons interested iu said estate are hereby notified to appear at said lime and place and show cause, I' any, why sai l retrort and account should not be ratified and approved and an or der be made dtschatving said administratrix and exoneration ber b indsmen. Date j this 27 Ih dsy of Match, 1895. PHOEBE J HAIGHT, Administratrix of the estate of Charles E. Haigbt, deceased. UUfUH B MKKKFEE, m30-a27-5t Attorneys for Administratrix. Administrator's Notice. For Sale. One hundred and six seres of Frnit Land on MI 1 Creek, live miles from The Da les fifteen acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of Wood and Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Land, ten miles west oi The Dalles. feb23-tf T. M. DENTON. Lost. Betweeen Mitchell and Grass Valley, one new Runert & Gable saddle, one karden rake, and two window sashes. A liberal reward will be paid to anyone finding and returning the same tome. LOKN IAYLOR, apr& . Mitchell, or. Notice. Lost, One red and white beifer, 3-year-old in the spring; branded A on the hip; marked smooth crop oft the right ear and slit and under bit in the left ear. Also one almost red 2 year old heifer, branded on the hip same as red and white heifer's brand. Any one letting me know where thay are will be paid for tbeir trouble. AaarerS ' n r. .i Duuinn&LL anl-lm Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon, Lost. One red Cow. branded tK on right id,F. 8. on right hip; two s its in each ear A reasonable re ward will be given for delivery or Information i to her wnereaoouts. mayll J. L. KELLY. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has, by an or. er of ibe Comity Cour o( the Btate ol Oregon for a co count , duly ma e and en tered, been appointed administrator of tbe estate oi Mias rrarner, oeca-ea. All persons navmg laims against said estate are notified to present UudertakiDff N-ETW PRINZ & N1TSCHKE DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets. We have added to onr bnainpas a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with wio undertakers" Trust, our prices wil be low accordingly. A. A. Brown, - Keeps a full assortment of . Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Holiest Casi Prices for Ie nil otter ProiIuCG. 170 SECOND STREET. Tne CoiumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef i MANUFACTURERS OP Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND His ili;iin Dried Beef, Etc. BUY YOUR GROCERIES W. .A- ICTBBY. We carry everything that is good to eat, and at such prices that we should bave the trade of all hungry people. Try our Teas and Coffees. Can give you an excellent blend ed Coffee at 25 per pound. Ask for Halivor Butter. Telephone No. 60. Bate Oven and STAGE LINE, . HOMAB HAEPEE, - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope everv dav. and from Antelone to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. Notice. the frame to me. with th- Tirouer voucher, the for, at the office of Huntington & M ilium, Tbe lialles, Oregon, within six uiontus from the date hereol. Dated April 26th, 1895. J. M. HUNTINGTON, ml-St Administrator. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that J W. Moore and H. . Moore hTe assigned to me all of their and each of their property , real ai d personal, for the benefit of all ibeir, and each of their creditors. In proportion to the amount of tbe re.iectlve claims of such creditras. All persons baring claims sarainnt said awignors, or itber of them, are hereby notified to present their elalms, un der oath, to me at the office of Huntington A Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, or at my residence near Nansene, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. The Dalles. Oregon. Mav ' 1895. rout nu utK, Assignee. w"t Assignee's Notice. his creditors' under tbe general assignment laws of the Bute of Oregon. All persons having claims against said insolv ent are hereby notified to present tbe same to me, properly verified, within ninety days from ti;edat-of this notice. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon Apriu-mii April 12. 1895. S. B. ADAMS, Assignee. To the General Public: The uqdersighed has thoroughly re. modeled what is known as the Farmers' Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi son, adjoining J. L. Thompson's black smith shop, and is now ready to accom modate all who wish their horses well fed and properly cared for, at Prices to Suit the Times. AGNEW & McCOLLEY. Props., Tbe Dalles, Or. For Sale or Trade. One Norman Bullion, weight about 1,500 pounds; 4 head of work horses; 6 voung horses. Will sell or trade for "Dalles City property. CHARLES KOEHLER, ml5-2m Boyd, Or. Estrayed.. One dark bay mare with heavy black mane and tail, branded MD connected on left hip and IV or VI on left should. When last seen she bad halter and bell on. Finder will be liberally rewarded bv leaving at C. L. Richmond's -table in this city. ml5-lm