The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 27, 1895, PART 2, Image 4

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    - The Weekly Ghroniele.
Cucercd at the Poetomce M lue Dalies, Oregon
' as aecond-claaa matter.
One year .' . II 50
8ix mont ". 75
Three months 50
Advertising rates reasonable, and made known
on application.
Address all communications to "THE CRRON-
. ICLE,' The Dalles, Oregon.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on tale at I. t . At tckeuen More.
Telephone No. 1.
How It Balls In Texas.
Klng-sley Notes.
Sunday School Workers.'
We are informed the entire family of
Walter Henderson are down with la
John Russell, our road supervisor, 18
doing some excellent work on the roads.
Mr. Fred Clark has been visiting in
The Dalles the past weok.
Mrs. Jane Emerson of Dufar, spent a
few days with her lister, Mrs. Hugh
Morebead this week.
Mr. M. Thourbourn reports splendid
luck with his band of sheep this spring.
Tommv Morris baa set out a fine
yonng orchard.
Will Gardner has purchased a cart
and harness and will fly his kite high
hereafter. Be careful whose range you
trespress on, Mr. G.
J. C. Thrall is receiving his new goods
The program has been issued for the
Tenth Annual Convention of the Oregon
State Sunday Sihool Association, to be
held in the First Congregational church,
Portland. May 7th, 8th and 9th. .The
topics for treatment are all in line with
the convention theme, "Better Thines."
While the entire program is designed to
be of interest to every attendant, each
one is certain to find something of
special value in bis particular line of
Sunday school effort.
The primary, department is given the
prominence that it demands, as being of
perhaps the first importance. Three
papers on various points in primary
teaching are provided for, as well as a
conference of all primary workers. At
this conference the matter of a state
K.w k-urrwtr. Tot in.! OS A tar.
... ... ... . 1 Bvniu,ta tA tin mnnino tn fnl hi a at I nri m ar t? nnprinrpnfiMnt will nnnonnt
ifir hail starm whiph atvnnt thrnnsh vi-uj .w e I i
Wilson, Bexar and Medina counties last by Monday. ediy M i Drought up, ana il it meets wun
lht l.-Ht'?riOOnnrlmIB. Hail atonea Marry .Burns, WHO wan aiCKeu uy n.
' ' l. , . i .. I . il u cc ... . i l : . t 1,
norse last weea. IS navinz quite a seriuue w wiu iucu &u uiucer iu mc iioi. iw hit?
time of it. We learn be was mucn ensuing year. . normal wort win De
worm on Tneadav. fully treated, and the question of the
Ernest Mavhew and the Hix brothers adoption of a uniform state course and
will start wool-hauling the first of the the appointment of a normal snperin
month. tendent will have attention. Such vital
indent, nerv
ous, " tired
out " men
-those who
suffer from
backache ,
loss of en
ergy, im
paired mem
ory, dizzi
ness, melan
choly and
mcui, uic ic-1 i n
suit oi ex- rumoure ana uarpeis.
ucikuun? ais
vaa i u uuuu Liu. avatnii. ...
' v , j , , I vve nave added to our business a
excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or complete Undertaking Establishment.
rJ desP
II ) I lr;;1i I--
Undertaking Establishment.
Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor
Wasco Cuunty.
Sarah Ann C. Waner. 1 '
vs. f
Joshua O Warner,
Defendant J
To Joshua O. Warner, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon: You are
hereby reputred to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against ou in the ab -ve entitled
suit n or before Monday, the '27th day of M-y,
Into, that being the first day of the next r gular
term of said court; and if vou fail so to answer,
lor want thereof the nlaintilf will annlv to the
above named Couit for the relief demand' d In
her complaint, to-wlt: or a decree of divorce
dissolving and annulling the marriage relation
now existing between you and plaintiff, and
that plaintiff have the sole custody of the minor
children, llarvey 1). Warner, Helen May Warner
and ferry Warner, and for such- other and fur
ther relief aa to the Court ma; seem equitattte .
and Jatt.
This Summons is served upon you br publica
tion, thereof in The Dnlle Chroniele, a news-
Eaper of general eircula ion publ shed weekly at
'allesCily, Wasco County, Oregon, br order of
the HonorahlA W 1. nrHi,huF InHfrn ,.f h.
above-named Court, which order was duly mads
day of April,
aprl.) m25
as large as goose eggs covered the ground
to the depth of two feet. Lyttle, Ben
: ton City and Castroville were devastated,
the houses being riddled like sieves.
The damage to residences and business
bouses in Lyttle alone amounts to $50,-
000. A hundred head of live stock were
killed. The track of the International
A Great Northern railroad was blockaded
with hail stones which had to be re
moved before the trains could proceed
Cotton and corn crops in the path of the
atorm were completely destroyed.
A subscription wan started here today
for the relief of the sufferers.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
w. In. rliahlv informed Kinarslev toDics as eradin. sioeine and the home plain envelope, by sending io cents
will have a lumberyard at no distant class department will be ably presented; " uucmsumps ior postage on
the Chautauqua work will also have ok;, io me worm s Uispensary
earlv vices, are trestevl thrniio-h mr. and ,
, 1 i j wuucviu aoove-namea court, which order was duly raada
respondence at their homes, with tne I'ndertakers Trust, our prices wil ' Condon, Gilliam connty, Oregon, on the loth
. . Ii i ! . I dav of A nril itKiA
umtorm success, bv the SoecialistsJ ,ow accorameiy.
of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
institute, ol Buffalo, N. Y. A book
of 136 large pages, devoted to the
consideration of the maladies above
hinted at, may be had, mailed se
curely sealed from observation, in a
Minister Lome Arrives.
Nkw Tobk, April 25. Senor Dupuy
de Lome, new Spanish minister, arrived
' from Havana today.
He says the Spanish government pro
poses to send 20,000 soldiers to Cuba by
May 1. It is fully intended to crush the
"insurrection by force. All leaders will
be dealt with vigorously by Campos.
The government will not buy them off,
aa was the case in the previous insurrec
tion. The minister stated that at pres
ent there were eight modern warships
in Cuban waters.
The Allianca incident, he says, will be
satisfactorily settled. He added he
thought it would have been wise if
the Allianca had stopped and then
put in a claim for indemnity.
Advocates si Common Policy.
London, April 25. Member of parlia
- ment Howorth, in a letter to the Times,
advocates a common policy on the part
of England and America in regard to far
Eastern affairs.
The Pall Mall Gazette favors How-
orthV suggestion. It says; "America
baa received many marks of respect fiom
China and Japan. Joint diplomatic
action with the United States by Eng
land would prevent stronger action on
the part of others. Our stake on every
side of the Pacific, In China, Canada
and Australia, forbids us to remain pas
day. Good enough.
Arbor day was observed in a fitting
manner at the scnooinouse.
We intended attending, but circum
stances over which we bad no control,
prevented us. However, a little bird
tells our services could have been used to
a good advantage. Kindly invite us to
the next "broom entertainment."
Bscs Klot Imminent.
Atlanta, Ga., April 24. Race riot
seems imminent ot Forsvtbe, Ga. After
the killing of a negro by the sheriff and
three deputies, a mob of armed negroes
met and threatened to make an out
break. They had three deputies,
Charles Seary, D. B. Williams and Lum
consideration. The singing during the
entire convention will be under the di
rection of Rev. H. W. Young, of Port
land. On Wednesday evening the pro
gram will include organ selections by
Miss Francis Jones, one of Portland's
best organists, and a quartette br Mint
Bloch, Mrs. Shdlock and Messrs. Wint-
ler and Montgomery. A featnre of the
convention will be the five simultaneous
conferences, at 4 o'clock, Wednesday
afternoon, of primary workers, secre
taries, superintendents, teacheis of boys
and teachers of girls. The special in
terest of each delegate will determine
which one he shall attend. In each con
ference only such topics and problems
f-Tarriann rrtH fnr mnrrler. Tr. are to oe considered as concern teachers
negroes threaten to kill the prisoners if ,or officers of that particular class.
inaicauona aireaay point to a very
large attendance. This is a mass con
Satisfactory Arrangement,
Washington, April 24. Reciprocity
between the United States and Hawaii
in shipping regulations has recently been
brought about by the action of the treas
ury department in giving Hawaiian mer
chant vessels the same advantages en
joyed by American ships. The Hawiian
government has already placed the
United States ships on the same terms
as its own. Hastings, the Hawaiian
charge d'affaira here, gays the new ar
rangement is proving very satisfactory
to shipmasters of both countries.
Judge Uortou's Speech.
Topeka, Kan., April 25. At the open
ing meeting of the republican State
League today, Judge Horton, asbociate
justice of the supreme court, made his
first political convention talk in many
Judge Horton daclared for the impor
tance of the recognition of silver,
they are released.
B. H. Bowman ; Pub. Enquirer, of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl baby, the only one we havs,
ws taken sick with croup. After two
Doctors failed to give relief and life was
hanging on a mere thread we tried One
Minute Cough Cure and its life was
saved. Snipes-Kiaersly Drug Co.
Concerning the Revenue.
Washington, April 23. During Feb
ruary and March $28,657 was paid into
the treasury on account of the income
tax. Receipts from international rev
enues for the nine months ended March
31 show an increase over 1894 of nearly
$2,000,000. Receipts for the month of
March were over $3,000,000 less than for
March, 1894.
Doctor H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills,
Mo., a practicing physician .of many
years experience, writes: De Witt's
Witch Haeel Salve has no equal for in
dolent sores, scalds and burns. It stops
the pain instantly, heals a burn quickly
and leaves no scar. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Uo.
An Expensive Fire.
St. Paul, April 23. A 3 o'clock fire
broke out in the McQuillan building, on
East Fourth street, in the factory of
Lampbere, Finish & Co. A general
alarm was turned in, and the depart
ment managed to confine the flames to
one building. The loss will exceed $lu0,-
000, largely by water, It is covered "by
Situation wanted by a good steady boy
as clerk in a clothing store ; he has bad
two years experience. Apply at Mrs. F,
M. Hendershott's dressmaking parlors,
Second and Liberty street. aprl8-3t
Medical Association, at the above
mentioned Hotel. For more than
a quarter of a century, physicians I
connected with this widely cele
brated Institution, have made the
treatment of the delicate diseases
above referred to," their sole study
ana practice. Thousands, have con
sulted them. This vast experience
has naturally resulted in improved
metnods and means of cure.
To Aid Sp-tln.
Paris, April 25. The Costa Rican
agent has been instructed by his govern
ment to proceed to Madrid and furnish
the Spanish government with all avail
able information in retrard to the ex
pedition of the insurgent leader. Maceo.
against unna.
A. A. Brown,
- Keeps a full assortment of . .
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
rblch be offers at Low Figures
to Cash Buyers.
Hihest Cash Prices for Em and-
other Mice.
In ihe Couuty Court of the State ot Oregon lot
Masco County.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick Dotrla,
deceased Citation.
To James Dorris and the unknown heirs of the
estate 01 rainci jjorris, deceased, greeting:
In the name of the State ol Oregon, You are
hereby cited and leqol ed to appear in the.
County Court of the tttate ot Oregon for the '
C untv of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof at
Dalles City, in said coun'y on Monday, the Kth
day of May, 1896, at 10 o'clock tn the foienoon of
that day, then and there to show cause, if any
exist, why an order of sale ihoulii not be made
for the sale of real property belonging to said
estate, as in the petition of the administrator of
said estate prayed for.
Tbe real oroncrtv described in said netition for
sale, and for which an order of sa e is asked, is
the WU of 8V, and the W U of N W W of Bcctlon
17, Tp S South of Range 14 , W. M., In Waaco
Couuty, Oretrou.
nun ss tne Hon. Geo. c. Blakelcy, judge
TSkALl Of the said Cnillltv fVmrt- with th
seal of sld Court affixed, this 5th day of Febru
ary, A. D., 1895.
Attest: A. M KELBAY, Clerk.
170 second street. ; Administratrix Notice.
THe CDlumDia PacKlngGo..
The Price or
vention. and tbe invitation ia extended
011 aausd
P1TT8BTBG. Aoril 23. The oil market
to all Sunday school workers. in the opened at $2.10. vesterdav'sclosimt price.
17V. .1 -11 1 . 1 V 1 " " '
mte. Xiiiteriainment win ne provided j -nmK t to 19 hiA Th.
Will Be Police Commissioner.
Washington, April 23. Civil Service
Commissioner Roosevelt has decided to
Senator Baker, in a lengthy speech, accept the police commissionership for
for such delegates aa send their names
to A. A. Morse, chairman, 334 Weidler
street, Portland. Attention is Called to
the necessity for taking a receipt from
tbe agent at time of buying railroad
ticket to Portland, if reduced rate for re
turn trip ia desired. The Sou them Pa
cific company has effected a change in
its manner of handling excursion fares
which makes this imperative. This is
also required by the O. R. & N. Co.
The return rate is one-third of regular
fare on Southern Pacific, and one-fifth
on O. R. & N. The secretary, F. R
Cook, Portland, will furnish additional
information on request. '
The Criminal Crowding of Public!
Schools" and "Crowded Schools as Pro
moters of Disease" are two su Ejects of
pressing importance that will be taken
up in The Forum lor May. Professor J.
H. Penniman, of Philadelphia, by a
study of school reports themselves of
many of our principal cities, shows what
lamentable lack of sufficient and whole
some buildings there are how. indeed,
much of the educational work in Boston
ana new xorx ana manv otner cities is
worse than waBted. Dr. H. D. Chapin,
of New York, lays down the conditions
that should goverti the healthful build
ing and arrangement of schoolrooms.
Treacher Mis Fields, you spell well
and write nicely, but your capitalization
is not in accordance with our modtrn
methods. Miss Fields Indeed? What I
is wrong with it? Teacher You never
capitalize M in money. Detroit Free
sales. The Standard's price for credit
balances remains unchanged at $2.10.
Taken By Surprise.
Washington, April 23. As far aa can
be learned neither the state nor navv de- I
partment were aware ot England's in
tention to send its entire available
Pacific squadron to Corinto at this junc
Pofk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers off- BRAND
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed her rlnal account and resort in
the matter of the estate of Chailea K. H irht.
dereased.and that Monday, the 6th day of Mar,
1885, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, at trie
County Court room in Ikalles Cltv, Wasco
County, Oiegon, has been appointed by the.
Honorable County Court of Wasco County,
Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of
any objections to said Anal account and report. '
All peisons interested in said estate are herehv
notified to atinear at said lime and nlana !
I show cause.ii any, why said report and account
should not be ratified and approved and an or
der be made discharelna said administratrix and
I exonerating her bondsmen.
vatej this th day of March, 189n.
Administratrix of the aitata of rhurloa v
Height, deceased.-
m30-27-ot Attorneys for Administratrix.
ins 1 11 fin,
for Infanta and Children.
Caatorfat promotes IMgeation, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feveriahnees.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoriav . contains no
Morpliine or other narcotic property.
"CaatoriaiasowelladaDted to children that
I recommend It aa superior to any prescription
Known m me. a. a. jlbchkb. ai. 11.,
Ill BOtitb. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
1 For several Tears I have recommenced tout
Ostoria.' and shall always continue to do an.
.a i t Iimb Inniahlv nnvtiuwl IwuAM.I mmiII. "
Enwra F. Pardkk. M. D.,
12Sth Street and 7th Ave., Mew York City.
"The nsa of 'Caatoria fa as nnlTeraal and
Its merits ro well known that It aeems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Oastoria
within aiajnr raanh."
New York City.
Ths CaxTACK OoxpiLjrT, T7 Murray 8traet, N. Y.
Dried Beef, Etc.
Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or.,1
Apr. 8, lbdi. ( '
Notice is herebr eiven that the fallowing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the reirisUir
and receiver of the U. 8. Land office, The Dalles,
Or., on May a), 195, viz.:
Francisco Perodl, . .
Hd. No. 3021, for the N NE14, 8WW NEV and
8E4 N WJi, Sec. 14, Tp 1 N R 12 E.
ne names tne ioiiowing wituesaea to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vis: Am bony Grieman, German
biea-ne. Alfona Bandos. Charles Sandos. all at
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
ao-nni jab. r. aiooKK. KeKlster.
Assignee's Notice.
opposed Cleveland's foreign aud domes
tic policies. He said: "We mast not
place either metal, silver or gold, above
the other."
SI'Klnley Their Choice,
Washington, April 25. Senator
Prichard, of North Carolina, was inter
viewed today. He said he believed
North Carolina would send a solid Mc
Kinley delegation to the next republican
national convention. The south he de
clared, wanted McKinley to get protec
tion for the development of its industries.
the city of New York tendered him by
Mayor Strong. Roosevelt intends to I
band his resignation to President Cleve
land in a few days, and early in May
may enter on his new duties.
W. T. San ford, Station Agent of
Leeper, Clarion Co. Pa., writes; I can
recommend One Minnte Cough Cure as
the best I ever used. It gave instant
relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly
irug tjo.
May Go on tne Warpath.
Omaha, April 23. In the opinion of
The delegation, he further said, would be UnUed States rl8tr'ct Attorney Sa wyer
ready to vote for free silver.
Fatally Burned.
r . .. .
Jacksonville, April 24. A farm on
Applegate creek, nine miles from this
vity, was the scene of a frightful accident
yesterday. The clothing of Mrs. Sadie
Perry caught fire, and she was burned
so badly that she cannot survive. Her
clothing waa entirely consumed. She
was married last Snnday, and had re
moved to her husband's home on Mon
Coals Dt Nothinr-
Takis, April 24. The Salvadorean 'ffit-k'iown criminal lawyers in Chicago,
aeent here stntna h has fi1.rt t -.Kt.i- aiea ere XNy " Btraitened
from the British government any modi-
who has just returned from the Winne
bago reservation, the Indiana are likely
to go on tbe warpath unless the conten
tion "between the Flourney Land Com
pany and Captain Beck, of the Winne
bago Indian agency, is settled quickly.
Sick Headache, constipation and indi
gestion are quickly cured by De Witt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little I
pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Noted Criminal Lawyer Dead.
Chicago, April 24. Frederick A.
Mitchell, once one of the wealthiest and
ttv mm
J.rtHft Instantly . QLJLj
VJT Relieved II
We carry everything that is good
to' eat, and at such prices that
we should have the trade of all
hungry people.
Try our
Teas and Coffees.
Can give you an excellent blend
ed Coffee at 25 per pound.
Ask for Halivor Butter.
Telephone No. 60.
Bake Oven and MM
TH0HAS HABPEE, - - , Proprietor
Notice is hereby given that Krnest Jaeobsen,
n insolvent deotor. haa dulv eonveved to me
by proper deed of assignment all his property
everv kind, in trust for the benefit of all of
his creditors' under the seneral assisnment laws
of the Stxte of Oregon.
All persons navlmr claim aeainst said Insolv
ent are hereby notified to preaent the same to
me, properly vetitied, within ninety days from
t e Out-- of this notice.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon. April 12. 1895.
Aprl3-nill S. B. ADAMS, Assignee.
Lost, One red and white belter, 3-year-old in
the spring; branded n on the hip; marked
smooth crop off the right ear and llt and under
I bit in the left ear. aL-o one almost red 2-vear-
I old heifer, branded on the hip same as red and
wmie nuner s orana. Any one lewis me snow
where they are will be pald for their trouble.
Aoores . xinn suu i n w ci.u,
ania-lm Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon,
For Sale.
One hundred and six acres of Fruit Land on
Ml 1 Creek, live miles from The Da 'lea fifteen
acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in
Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of
WHid and Water. Also l'AI acres of Grain Land,
ten milea west oi The Dalles.
feb23-tf T. M. DENTON.
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
everv day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
ncation of the ultimatum sent to Nica
ragua. The matter was confided to him
to secure that result, he say a, but he waa
not authorised to otter a compromise.
Free Stiver Democrat.
. WAco.Te-., April 25. A conference
haa been called to meet May 8, of demo
crats not affiliated with popultats, who
believe in maintaining the nations credit,
and favor a double standard.
died here
stances. He practiced for a time in
Kansas City, and was attorney for the
Jamea boys, the notorious bandits.
Our patrons will find De Witt's Little
Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaints. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
La Grippe is here again with all qf its I
old time vigor; One Minute Cough Cure
si a reliable remedy. ."It cures and cures
quickly. Snipes-KinerslyfDrug Co.
A warm bath with CUTICURA
SOAP, and a single application of
CUTICURA, the great skin cure,
will afford instant relief, permit rest
and. 'sleep, and point to a speedy,
economical, and permanent cure of
the most distressing of itching, burn
ing, weeding, scaly, and crusted skin
and scalp disease's, after physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail.
Cuticura Works Wonders, and
its cures of torturing, disfiguring,
humiliating humors are the most
wonderful ever recorded in this or
any age.
Ctmcos A Rsiicniks an sold thnmgfcout the world.
Price, Cdticuba, 50c; Soar, 95c; Kbsolvext, $i.
Potts a Dm and Ckbm. Corp., Sole Props., Boston.
"All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair," free
pl SI PL ES, blackheads, red and oily skin pre-
I 1 ill vcmco. ana curca oy cuticura soap.
who care to uav a little more than thn ma
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the hi'ehest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are -
Don't Forget
17 Garden and gj
Grass Seeds
te in Bulk, at TR
J. H. Cross'""
eery Store.
Betweoen Mitchell and Grass VsIIct. one new
Rupert d: liable saddle, one gardeu rake, and
two window Bashes. A liberal reward will be
paid to anyone finding and retnrninr tbe same
to me. . LONN TAYLOR, .
sprS Mitchell, Or.
Taken Up.'
Come tc my place on 5-Mile about
Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, aboot 4
years old branded XL (connected). Crop
off right ear -and un-ter half crop off left
ear. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying charges. ' -
The Dalles.
For Sale or Trade.
and weakness, back ache, weak kidneys,
rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in
one ininale by the Cuticura
Fain Piaeter.
To thi Gjsnbbal Public :
The undersigned has thoroughly re-
TD1- 4- I modeled what is known as tne r armors
'UrOW r ilOtO lO., Feed Yard, corner of Third and Madi
son, adjoining J. Li. inompaon s black
smith shop, and is now ready to accom
modate all who wish' their horses well
fed and properly cared for, at Prices to
Suit the Times. .... .
. The Dalles, Or.
(Formerly Crow & Lussier, of PorUand)
mil soon have their New Photograph
Gallery at The Dallea finished
. and ready for business.
Wait until you see samples of work and prices
before having pictures taken. - apr20
One Norman Stallion, weight aboot
1,500 pounds; 4 head of work horses; 0
voung norses. will sell or traue ror
Dalles City property.
ml5-2m Boyd, Or.
Notice is hereby given, that tbe firm
heretofore existing and doing business
under the firm name of Joles, Collins &
Co., has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the
purchaser of the entire stock, notes and
accounts of said firm, has assumed all
liabilities and will settle all cla m
against said firm.
.!. Collins,
Geobgb Joles,
Isaac Jolbs, . "
Elizabeth Jolbs,
Dr. MIlefl'NERTB Plasters enre EHETJMA.
riSM. WEA K BACKS. At drug-glste, only S6o
All pain banished by Dr. U ties' Pain fills.