The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 20, 1895, PART 2, Image 1

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Cleveland's Letter.
Terms of Peace. .
Financial Volley Declared to Be
Boot of All Evil the Country
Recently Suffered. .
Jmt What Part of It Will Be Retained
by JapanSpeculation on the
Treaty la General.
ment of crold alone, has made times
nrosnfimiiH. nobodv else can. It all de
pends upon your superior wisdom.
"The country is looking to you ana
.!An.tAATnlain (vKlt HmB RFA hard
Villi B1UUG IV I .1 " J I w - - . . . -
Nevada's Senator Replies to under your sound currency policy you Imperial Jiidict settles
have delayed me explanation too ii'ug.
The country is getting impatient. It is
enconraeinz that von appreciate the
necessity for prompt action."
In closing his epistie to the president,
the Nevada silverite adds :
"W hatever may happen, you are en
titled to the gratitude of the American
people for your bold and open advocacy
of the combination of gold monometalists
and the refusal of your oecretary of the
treasury to put the coinage of both gold
and silver upon terms of exact equality
You are doing what no other presi
dent has had the courage to do since the
crime of 1873. "Your confidence in
your wisdom and ability is sub'
lime, when under present conditions
committee is yon are willing to challenge comparisons compromise,
between vour policy, and that of the
founders of the party which placed
you in power. If you coma point to any
benefit you have been to the country
vour task would be much easier, but in
view of the universal distress, your cour
age far exceeds your discretion, unless
Washington, April 12. Senator
Stewart has addressed the following let'
ter to President Cleveland, commenting
on the tatter's letter to the Chicago com
mittee :
"Your letter of the 11th, addressed to
W. C. Baker, George M. Smith and
others (f the Chicago
timely. i he country looks to you as
the chain) i in of the present financial
condition oi the country. The policy for
which yon have labored so long and per
sistently has been established, and the
money of the United States is reduced to
the shrinking volume of gold. You say
vvnat is now more needed than any
thing else is a plain and simple presen
tation of the argument in favor of -sound
money.' The policy which you h-ve
adopted and forced upon the counti s in
Washington, April 17. The Chinese
imperial edict sent by the Associated
Press last night from Tien-Tsin is ac
cepted among officials and diplomats
here as Eetting at rest the conflicting re
ports as to the final terms of peace. -
The indemnity ot 200,000,000 taels is a
Japan first demanded
300,000,000 taels, but at the solicitation
of Prince Li, threw off 100,000,000. At
the Chinese legation it is stated the tael
varies in value, but the' present value of
the customs or treasury tael, in which
undoubtedly the payment will be made,
is $1.50 in Mexican silver, or about 75
Formosa will Burely displease England,
while the cession of Port Arthur will be
objected to by Russia. "Our govern
ment," says the Gazette, "May safely J
be depended upon to do nothing, how-'
ever, until other powers take action."
The St. James Gazette says if Japan
declines to be frightened Russia may
come to the conclusion that it is better
not to try force. Meanwhile, England
is benevolent and has no feeling of anger
toward Japan. The opening of factories
in China by Japan does not mean a mo
nopoly, as Englaud could also open fac
tories if she chose.
St. Petebbbtbg, April 17. Russian
journals say that the signing of such a
treaty of . peace between Japan and
China, indicated by recent dispatches,
will be only . the prelude to a wider,
though unnecceisary, armed conflict
Berlin, April
He Thinks the Police Will
Find Nothing More.
Bat Nothing- Wu Pound Which Wonld
Incriminate Him Farther The
Inquest Postponed.
you present your reasons for goia mono-1 cents in gold. This would make the in
metallism without delay. Are you demnity equivalent to $300,000,000 in
aware that every professor and student Mexican silvert or $150,000,000 in gold.
of political economy, except those In the The Mexican trade dollar is the current
employ of the gold monopoly in Europe coi f China and the basis of circulation,
and America, Is in favor of the coinage go tnat belief is very strong, though in-
all your public utterances for the past
10 years is the necessity for sound Gf both gold and silver upon terms of formtion on the subject is lacking, that
uiuuey. xuu uve wucu mo curiosity exact equality? xnat aavocaies oi me the payment will be made in silver.
me people oj your irequent use oi eold monopoly have nothing to print in The edict that Japan is to occupy the
favor of their cause except such vague nao Tung peninsula up to the 40th de
generalities as you yourself employ, and gree 0f latitude, settles the important
that if you have no reason tor maintain- point that she is to have the great for-
inz a eold standard which will Denent
your cause, then noooay else nas r
A Storm of Great Severity.
Kansas City. April 16. A storm of
great severity passed over eastern Colo-
rado, Kansas, Oklahoma and the south'
west generally yesterday and last night,
In Colorado and Kansas it is believed
considerable damage was done, but it is
such phrases as 'sound money' and 'safe
currency,' but you have never condes
cended to satisfy that curiosity by atat-
ing what those terms meant, or what is
sound money' or 'safe currency
"The people would like a definite an
swer, as they do not understand what
you mean. Your recent sale of $62,000,-
000 of bonds to the Rothschilds' syndi
cate for $9,000,000 less than their market
value to obtain gold and maintain gold
mdnometalism is some evidence of your
familiarity with the 'forces of safe cur
"lour assertion that the opposing
forces are those of silver monometalism,
shows that von do not understand the
a -
nnatrinn nf fliA Kimat.liato i w (Vn t wrm
knowingly misrepresent the position
j Assuming, as I must, that it was want of
information on your part, without the
least desire to deceive the people, you
will pardon me for informing you for
what the advocates of unrestricted coin
age of both gold and silver contend
Why do you urge that a return to the
coinage of both metals upon terms of ex
act equality, as established by Jefferson
and Hamilton and maintained by all
patriotic statesmen of every party pre
vious to the clandestine demonetization
of silver in 1873, would debase the cur
rency and destroy the credit of the gov
ernment? Have you ever compared the
prosperity of the country under your
illustrious predecessors who maintained
unrestricted coinage of both metals with
the misfortune and depression which
afflict the country under - your adminis-
tration? Did it never occur to you that
Jefferson and Jacks m might be right
and you might be wrong? Did you ever
consider the ultimate possibility of the
radical change that Senator Sherman
and your associates in co-operating with
what you term the forces of safe currency
have made? r
"You have disregarded not only the
teachings of the fathers of the republic,
but you have reversed the usages and
customs of the civilized world which
have existed for thousands of years pre
vious to 1873. You have destroyed one-
half of the world's metallic money, and
- enctianced the value of the other half
fully 100 per cent. You have compelled
the debtor to surrender more than
double the amount of property to liquid
ate his debts that the money he bor
rowed would have purchased at the
time be incurred the obligation.
"You have increased the value of gold
by refusing the use of both metals as
money and have created a constant de
cline of prices, and yon have ruined en1
terprise, deprived labor of employment
and produced universal distress. You
now call upon the democrats of Illinois
to present a plain and simple argument
which will satisfy the people that the
financial policy which makes them mis
erable is 'sound money' and'safe money.'
If you know any argument that will con
vince the people that it is right for them
to suffer depression and hard times
while all the' wealth' they produce is
in money, it is your duty to present that
argument without delay. Such an
MKrnment WOnld hn a nonr ??awrarir on1
Llne never before used by an advocate of
rour -souna money- lorces. it you can
tress of Port Arthur and the immediate
surrounding territory, us foreshadowed
in these dispatches. Liao Tung penin
sula is a small point of land jutting
southward into the Gulf of Pe-Cbi-Li,
with Tort Arthur at its extreme point.
I The 40th degree of latitude cuts across
the mainland where the little peninsula
broadens into the mainland of Man-
impossible to learn anything from these
sections because all telegraphic com
munication has been cut off since 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon.
For a short time last evening Denver
was reached on a very shaky wire, but
after 30 minutes the wire failed, and
since that time no word has been re'
ceived or sent into Denver direct over
the telegraph wires.
The storm covered a wide era to the
northwest, Denver wires via Omaha also
being down. In south Kansas and Ok
lahoma much damage was done, to
crops. A peculiar feature oi the storm
was the intense darkness and extraor
dinary electrical display. The atmos
phere was surcharged with electricity,
and several persons were stunned and
churia. This lower peninsula has the
shape of a sword, and is known as the
'Regent's Sword." The edict does not
state whether Japan gets the acquisition
permanently or until the indemnity is
paid. She has contended for having it
permanently. If the occupancy is tem
porary it will give Japan military com
mand over China as long aa the occupa
tion lasts.
The permanent occupancy of the is
land of Formosa was acceded.
The opening of Peking and four new
ports marks the introduction of modern
methods into the interior of China.
Japan has gained the privilege of estab
lishing cotton and other factories in
China, but it remains to be seen whether
Japanese capital will invest in these en'
shocked. In the western portion of terprises or Chinese will buy these
Oklahoma and the Panhandle Egyptian modern facilities.
darkness prevailed. Such a peculiar I The edict makes a significant omission
storm has seldom been seen, and the as to the reported Japan-China alliance,
superstitious thought the astronomical offensive and defensive, which, if con-
conditions,' which it had been claimed summated, would give the "Orient to
by a south Carolina minister were now Orientals." Japanese and Chinese
repeating themselves for the first time officials in Washington have never cred-
since the death of Christ had something ited the report of this alliance.
to do with it.
Rain that fell in western Oklahoma
was actually a shower of mud.
At 10 a. m. a slow wire was secured to
Denver,but it is not sure that it will hold
any length of time. Last night Denver
and Pacific coast could be reached only
by St. Paul and the northwest by
Spokane, Seattle, Portland and thence
down to San Francisco and eastward by
Reno and Salt Lake.
Newspaper Comment.
Denver, April 16. Regarding Presi
dent Cleveland's letter to the Chicago
committee, the Republican says: If
his letter contains the best arguments
that can be advanced in favor of a single
gold standard, intelligent people in this
country are certain to repudiate that
standard as soon as they can get an op
The News says: "An actor at Wash
ington now appears without his disguise.
Obedient to the money power of which
he is the friend, alley and servant, he
openly throws the weight of hii great
position on the side of the money kings
and against the people. No more strik
ing confession of the growth of bimetal-
ism has been wrung from unwilling lips."
Will Not Accept It.
Dondon, April 18. The statement
chat the foreign office declines to accept
the reply of Nicaragua to the British
ultimatum is made upon official author
ity. The discrepancy between this an
nouncement and the statement made
last Saturday that the reply was so satis
factory that the government had aban
doned its threatened action against Nica-
The Occupation Temporary.
Tien-Tsin, April 17. Japan's occupa
tion of Port Arthur is temporary, thus
insuring China's integrity on the main
land of Asia after a term of years, and
averting the possibility of European .intervention.
From a Japanese Sauree.
i okohama, April II. jiji, a news
paper, states that the terms of peace
concluded between China and Japan in
clude the cession of territory from Yalu
river to Liao river, on the southern por
tion of Liao Tung peninsula, on which
Port Arthur and Regent's Sword are sit
uated, and include Yin-Kow, Hai-Chen
and Cbu-Lien-Cheng. The island of
Formosa is also included, as are the Pes
cadores islands ; an indemnity of 200,-
000,000 taels, payable in six years ; the
abolition of Chinese extra territory ; the
preservation of Japan's extra territor
iality and certain commercial privileges
for Japan.
Sailed for China.
SncoNOSAEi, April 17. Li Hung Chang
will embark for China today on board
the Kung Yi. The Japanese plinipoten-
tiares will return to Hiroshima torn mor
Berolutlon Expected.
London, April 17. A Hong Kong dis
patch says it' is expected a revolution
against the reigning dynasty will be be- of state has called for explanations from
Bun Friday. The leadinz Chinese of the (jruatemaian government, ana nas
Canton are coming to - Hong Kong in directed Investigations through the con
17. A St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeit
ung telegraphs that the French and Rus
sian governments are about to convoke
a meeting of the powers for the purpose
of revising the terms of the Chinese-
Japanese treaty.
Why Junes Was Absent.
Dbnveb, April 17. Letters have been
received by ex-Congressman Sibley and
General Warner from Senator Jones of
Nevada, explaining that be was detained
at New York on account of heart trouble,
resulting from an attack of grippe. In
his letter to General Warner the senator
says :
"If all silver delegates would bolt
from the republican convention when
gold standard man is named, as all gold
delegates will surely bolt from the dem
ocratic convention if a silver man is
named, we could not have a more fortu
uate situation created tor us. We
shou.d then for the first time have, a
fair field and a square issue. Silver del
egates to the republican convention
must be made by their constituents to
understand that it is" absolutely essential
that they bolt. That would be their
only logical course, if they are sincere in
their present statements to the effect
that they believe the republican con
vention will name a free-coinage man,
Sibley has gone East on account of
the dangerous illness of his sister, but
will return and continue bis western
tour later. General Warner will go on
to the Pacific coast immediately for rest.
English Bravado.
London, April 17. The St. James Ga
zette this afternoon, in commenting up
on the latest developments in the dis
pute between Great Britain and Nicara-
gue, eay3.: "ihere is a wonderful
ignorance of diplomacy on the part of
American journalists. Why should we
want to bombard Gray town? If Nicara-
gue has been so foolish as to refuse to
pay the indemnity, which, with the
knowledge of the United States, we de
manded' we shall take such steps as the
American government was aware we
would at the time of asking. The Mon
roe doctrine has been a doctrine for 62
years, and has not been acted upon yet.
When Great Britain has serious differ
ences to settle with the South American
republics it will not be prevented from
doing so by anything but settled inter
national laws-
Promptly Checked.
Washington, April 17. The state de-
department has checked in its inception
an attempt by the Haytian government
to impose a discriminating tax upon
American citizens and other foreigners
residing in Hayti. The proposition was
under consideration in August, 1893, and
a bill was framed by the government to
that effect. When reported to the sec
retary by Mr. Durham, then United
States minister, Secretary Gresham im
mediately entered a most vigorous pro
test, pointing out the proposed law
would be in direct conflict with the
treaty which guaranteed Americans not
to be subjected to any tax not impose-l
upon Hay tains. Thereupon, according
to the American minister's statement,
the eovernment abandoned the contem
plated action.
San Francisco, April 18. Theodore
Dnrrant was very cheerful this morning.
and greeted everyone with a smile and
pleasant words. The probable reason
lor this change in the accused man is
probably caused fcv a belief that the
police have exhausted every mine for in
formation against him. The searching
of the 'church is completed, and no
farther evidence has been brought to
light. He rested well last night, and ate
a hearty breakfast this morning.
Police Surgeon Somers visited him
this morning to study his actions in an
ticipation of a plea of insanity when the
case is brought to trial. Dr. Somers
says that Durrant shows no signs of In
sanity, in fact, he spoke with intelligence
on every subject that was brought up.
Dnrrant seemed very well pleased that
he had not to make the trip to the
morgue today. The inquest will be con
tinued tomorrow morning.
Shortly after 8 o'clock laet night Dor
rant was taken to the detectives' room
opposite the chief's office, by Detectives
Gibson and Anthony. The chief and
all the detectives were in the room
Durrant was taken into an inner room
by Detectives Seymour and Handley,
They made him strip and carefully ex
amined his underwear and clothes for
marks of blood, bnt none could be seen,
Then they carefully examined his body
for any recent marks or scratches, but
the only one was- the abrasion on hi
chin, which he said he got in the brush
at Mount Diablo.
The police today incline to the opinion
that Dnrrant, after the murder of Miss
Williams, went directly - home and
changed his clothes, and buried those he
had worn before going to Dr. Vogel's
house. They 'say it would not have
taken him more than five or six minutes
to get to his house, and they think this
offers a more plausible explanation of
the mysterious disappearance. Recog
nizing the vital importance of this link
in the chain of evidence, the police have
searched not only the gloomy church on
Bartlett street, but every place where it
seemed to them there was the slightest
hklihood of the garments being con
cealed. To that end a thorough search
of the Durrant house has been made,
bnt without success.
Another witness has come forward
who thinks he saw Durrant and Miss
Williams, or a couple resembling them
very much, at about 11:15 o'clock on
Friday night on Bartlett street. As he
passed them he heard the young lady
laugh aud the young man was smiling.
He did not abserve their actions after he
had passed tbeoi, but says they were
walking towards the chnrch. The des
cription tallies exactly with the dead
girl and Durrant, and if they were the
persons, his testimony will go to prove
that the girl was not murdered early in
the evening, as has been supposed.
Now It la Gu at am a la.
' Washington, April 17. There has
been much complaint during the past
year of abuse of Americans in Guate
mala. In cases like that of Henry Stibbs,
officers of American ships were seized in
Guatemalan ports and forced into milli-
tary service. American workman peace,
fully engaged in their labors were im
prisoned and maltreated. Some were
subjected to the indignity of lashings
upon their bare backs. The department
The Ne,ws Confirmed.
Washington, April 18. A telegram
has been received at the Japanese lega
tion to the effect that the treaty of peace
between Japan and China was signed
the 17th instant. The same day the
Chinese plenipotentiary and suite left
Simonsaki for China. Ratifications are
to be exchanged at Che-Foo within three
weeks from the date of signing. The ut
most reticence is observed with respect
to the exact terms of the treaty. The
Japanese minister says that information
is confidential, and it would be a breach
of trust to discuss maters until the treaty
is formally agreed to. There is no doubt,
however, that the indemnity will be
much smaller than the original sum ol
300,000,000 taels. All reports that Japan
is to occupy territory outside of Formosa
and Port Arthur is pronounced untrue.
It is thought Port Arthur is to remain
in possession of Japan for a certain term
of years for strategic purposes and then
be restored to control in China. For-
There's hardly a housekeeper in
the country but has heard of
Cottolene the newvegetableshort
ening. It is a strictly natural
product; composed only of clari
fied cotton seed oil, thickened for
convenience in use, with refined
beef suet pure and sweet. So
Was bound to win, and to drive
out lard from the kitchens of the
world. When housekeepers wish
to get rid of the unpleasant feat
ures and results of lard, they
should get Cottolene, taking care
that they are not given cheap
counterfeits with imitative names,
spuriously compounded to sell in
the place of Cottolene.
It's easy to avoid disappointment
and -insure satisfaction. Insist
on having Cottolene. ,
Sold m S and S pound psna.
Made only by
Ths N. K. Falrbankt
Chicago, York, Bostosv
mosa, it is said, will be governed by a
prefecture haying a local autonomy and
possibly a partial representation. It is
denied that the liken tax which China
imposes Upon all goods transported to
points in the interior, has been abolished.
It is said however, that China has
agreed 'to make the tax uniform.
In m Kever of Kxeltement.
Austin, Tex., April 18. The legisla
ture was in a fever of excitement all of:
yesterday. The house was locked up
until 6 o'clock last evening in a wrangle-
over a fee bill. The senate was in a sim
ilar plight over the anti-trust bill. Soon
after roll-call this morning the senate
showed no quorum on a vote. The aer-
geant-at arms was sent after an absent
senator, living at Texarkana, and tba
senate spent the rest of the day playing
dominoes and voting down motions to
adjourn, meals being brought to them.
Last night at 8 o'clock the crisis came.
Senator Atlee was temporarilly in the
chair. A motion to adjourn was made
and six members voted for it. The rest
of the members were talking in a far
corner of the hall. The chair declared
the senate adjourned, notwithstanding
the fact that most of the members as
they rushed to their seats demanded the
yeas and nays. As soon as Atlee de
clared the senate adjourned until morn
ing, Senators Beall and fcherill rushed ,
towards the speaker's desk with clenched
fists and flashing eyes, denouncing the
ruling as infamous.
Senator Bailey advanced on the door
keeper and demanded that the doors be
opened or he would kick them down.
The doors were opened and amidst the
greatest confusion, the body adjourned
after having been in continuous since 10
o'clock yesterday morning.
Still in the Dark.
Washington, April 18. The Nicara- '
guan minister is still without advices on
thesubjectof the difficulties witheng
land. The" fact that he has not been in
formed respecting England's willingness
to arbitrate lead him to doubt the cor- .
redness of the report and seems to cor
roborate the London dispatches that
Great Britain does not consider Nicara
gua's reply satisfactory. Now that Eng
land's foreign secretary, Kimberly, has
returned the Nicaraguan minister is of -the
opinion that Nicaragua will be ad
vised shortly what Great Britain's next
step will be. " '
.Demand Formulated., April 18. The north Ger
man Gaaette says the demand
for placing the commercial re
lations between Germany and Japan'
upon a- new fooling ' has been
formulated in accordance with the de
cisions of the advisory customs board
and will immediately be presented to
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
large numbers.
What the Press Bays.
Tiktwim Anril 17 ThnPanl Mail Hfl.
PhoW that a contraction of the volume of ia ePained th fac that th zettecommenting on the terms of peace
money, of ultimate payment of gold """""" "l uro'8U . between China and Japan, as defined in
alone, has made tunes prosperous, no- "bT 7 the conditions
body else can show that a contraction concerning later communications from
of the volume of money, of ultimate pay-I Nicaragua.
I are better than those mentioned in the
Times dispatch, and that the cession of
sular officers upon which to base de
mands for indemnity.
Prices Advance.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 18. At a meet
ing of the sheet Iron & Steel Manufactur
ers' Association a now schedule of prices
was adopted, to cover the increased cost
of raw materials. . j