The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 23, 1895, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chfofliele.
Entered at the postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon.
as secona-ciass mui matter.
Sjvernoi 8. Pennoyer
Secretary of State H K Kincaid
Treasurer Phillip Mctschan
iupt. of Public Instruction. G. M. Irwin
Attorney-General CM. Idleman
. ( J. N. Dolph
Senators jj H Mitchell
( B. Hermann
jongreMiuiju 1W. H. Ellis
State Printer ;W. H. Leeds
him that hath shall be given ;" and at
the same time consoling ourself with
the not very creditable thought. that
most people who owned fine diamonds
were both old and ugly, thus emphasiz
ing that same proverb, 'differently ex
pressed, that "to him that hath . no
oars are mixed and mingled, nntil they
are no longer capable of eeggregation.
With Germany we are in somewhat the
eame condition, and. all Europe is so
balanced against itself that none of the
parts could safely tackle a job like that
of undertaking to humble this country.
However, should England attack: us
to be heard. -
Instead of Egan being sent to jail, h
is rewarded with an appointment aa at
agent of the government and of thi
United States courts. We do not quec
tion Jadge Gilbert's motives in making
the appointment, as It was probably tht-
desire of the stockholders of the road :
County Judge. ..Geo. C. Blakeley
Bherllf. '. T.J. Driver
Clerk A. M. Keisay
Treasurer Wm. Michell
, . (Frank Kincind
Commissioners J. a Blowers
Assessor F. H. Wakefield
teeth apples are given," when a gentle
man came up to us, his countenance Russia would find time to settle the but still the appointment was an illy-se
aglow with delight, grasped our good Corean matter, and incidentally eome lected one, for instead of being an agen
right hand, called us "Mr. Debs," and other little affairs down India-wards, of the court, Egan should at least t
w duld hardly take our bashful denial of Should Germany try it, some of her new brought to trial before it. Behind sue!
the surname as true. He meant it, too, I possessions on the Bhine might be lost appointments lurks the blood-re
and it was quite in accord with our to her. Spain would lose Cuba, and shadow of anarchy, and that shadow tbt
usual luck, for instead of credit, just anv one, or all of them would have a United Slates courts are doing their ui
when we most need it, some fool fellow contract on their hands they would be most to hammer into substance
makes us Deb-it. He was a large man, glad to sub-let before they were through
with a grip like a secret society or a with it. The United States is too power-
drummer, and an arm like the China ful and too large to be attacked, and be
sea. Hence we accepted his apology, sides, none of the nations named could
Administrator's Sale.
of all cases of consumption can, if taken in
the earlier stages of the disease, be cared.
This may seem like a bold assertion to
those familiar only with the means gener
ally in use for its treatment ; as, nasty cod
liver oil and its filthy emulsions, extract
of malt, whiskey, different preparations of
hypophosphites and such like palliatives.
Although by many believed to be incura
ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of
living witnesses to the fact that, in all its
earlier stages, consumption is a curable
disease. Not everv case, but a larre ter-
- s i t.i:.M ..if.. o
c yj uucj, ouu wc utntvt,ynK e xcept two acres wmen were aeeaea to aehoal
percent, are curea Dy Lrr. r-ierce s uoiaen ' mst, ro. is ot Wasco ounty. Oregon, by said
Notice is hereby given tbat In pursuance of an
order of the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Wasco County, made and entered in tbe mat
ter of th. estate of William O'Dell, deceased, on
the 4th day of March, 1895, that the under
signed, administrator of the said estate,- will
from and after the 8th dav of April, 1895,
proceed to sell all of the following described real
property, belonging to said estate, to-wit; that
tract of land beginning at a point ISO rods south
of the northwest corner of the north-st Quarter
of Pec 27, Tp 2 N, R 10 EaBt, ruuuing thence
north 66" 6' east 110.79 rods thence north 104
rods to the See line between Sections 27 and 22,
thence cast to the northeast corner oj the north
east quarter oi said sec, 27, thence south 160 rods
to the southeast corner of said northeast quar.
ter of seo, 27; thenca west ISO rods to tbe south
west corner of said northeast quarter, thenoe
north 10 rods to the place of beginning, save and
except two acres which were deeded to bchoal
Medical Discovery, even after the disease deceased prior to his death which lies directly In
BSr7ntend cheerfully that we could quarrel with her without being hurt in
coroner i lorgive me mistaKe h ubub couiu : uu mat tenaeresi oi an national spots, me
then we went over to the Perkins and
A short time ago we were told that
the real estate men were going to get up
some literature descriptive of Wasco
county. We have waited patiently
some action in that line, but it comes
not. . It would be a good thing for both
city and county to carry this idea out,
It may be said that the newspapers
should devote more attention to describ
ing the country and advertising its re
sources. There is some truth in that
assertion, and yet there are many rea
sons why the newspapers, however
much they may desire to assist in de
veloping the country, do not speak more
fully of its resources. While the local
newspaper finds a much wider field than
is generally acredited to it, it cannot
give a full description of the country
and its resources in one issue, and it Is
seldom that more than one issue finds
its way to those persons whom it is de
sirable to reach. The regular issues of
all country papers of Oregon reach the
readers in the country contiguous to
them ; they do not go out of the state in
large numbers to gladden the eyes of the
hungry Kebraskans or tired Da co tans
The country newspapers are read at
home. Now it will be readily seen that
if The Chronicle should devote most of
of its space to telling the citizens of
of Wasco and contiguous counties just
what kind of a country this is. those cit
izens would not onlv grow weary, but
took a look at ourself in tbe old Cosmo- The six-dollar-a-week newsgatherer at
politan mirror and thought of Dan Hoi- Washington may eet all the countries by
ton and Al Zeiber and the days of our the ears, but it will only be on paper ;
boyhood, and wondered if really our
face did resemble an acute case of con
tempt of court.
outside of that he couldn't set a hen.
And now comes the story that another
will made by the late James G. Fair has
been found. This one, too, was in pos
session of a lady friend of the old mining
shark. These wills are coming in at the
rate of four a week and already there are
enough of them in Eight to insure a bill
for attorney's fees that would make Jim
G. think he bad fallen into the hands of
the Union Mill & Mining Co., if he could
return to earth for a time. By the time
the wives and brevet wives, the children
of Fair and the "fairies," the nullus
Alius with two i's and the promiscu
ous gathering of girls, old and young,
with claims on the estate, all get through
paying their respects to the deceased,
the estate will be pretty well picked.
The building up of a market for our
home manufactures is a problem to be
worked out in this, state. So far but lit
tle Las been done in this line. Many
establishment have been started over
the state, but few of them show evi
dence of being able to compete for the
trade of this coast. The great cause of
this lack of support in the home trade is
that their goods are not known outside
ot the town in which they are made,
while the Eastern manufacturers leave
nothing undone to constantly keep the
The American Wool and Cotton Re
porter, published at Boston, which is thi
American wool market, says :
'The reported strength of market
abroad has not yet been reflected in am
appreciable way here. Prices, thougli
not quotably higher, certain! v art-
steadier, and although trade has ruleo
very quiet, manufacturers found it im
possible to obtain concessions in value
from those current a week ago. Wool it
low in comparison with other staple
has progressed so far as to induce repeated
bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering
cough with copious expectoration (includ
ing luoercuiar matter), great loss ot nesn
and extreme emaciation and weakness.
Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases
reported to us as cured by " Golden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? - You need not take
our word for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised against
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery."
but who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, in curative power over this
fatal malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod-
liver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and
mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these
the northeast corner of tbe above described tract
and is bounded as follows; Commencing at the
, norineast corner of Sec 27, Tp 2 N K 10 East, W
' .....fy ... nut. w, UVMW
south 10 rods, thence east 32 rods and thence
I north 10 rods to the plaoe of beginning: also the
I following described real property bounded as
i follows: Beginning at a point 26 rods north of the
; quarter section corner between sections 26 and 27
i?sa'd.town8n'Par"1 ""lite, running thence east
160 rods, thenoe north 55 rods, thence west 160
irods to tbe section line between section 26 and
27. thence outh 55 rods to the plane of begin
ning, containing 55 acres. Bald real property
wlllbe sold for cash.
11. D. O'DELL,
jan23-fcb20 Administrator.
I Citation.
In ;the Couuty Court of tbe Btate of Oregon lot
" mvu iiunty.
articles, and islower here than anywhere
else. Stocks of domestic wool here are SET and had eitherTtTeriv 7aileato Sne! IndJaiLVbe estate of Do"".
not large and . yet there appears to be
enough to meet the demand, which is
not urgent. The businees of the past
week has been of a retail character, very
few good lots having been moved. The
aggregate of transactions is even less
than that of last week. Holders of wool
are in some quarters quite firm in their
views, and a case is cited where a manu-
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various nreoarations of the kvnonhns.
phites had also been faithfully tried in vain.
The photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
lineerinsr couehs. asthma, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
pages which will be mailed to you, on re
ceipt of address and six cents in stamps.
You can then write those cured and learn
their experience.
Address for Book. World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
The dispatches today show that a gen
eral snow storm is paying its respects to
Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and extend
ing into Virginia. At Peoria the snow
is drifted to a depth of four feet and at
Colnmbus tbe storm is said to be the
worst experienced there in years. At
Cape Charles, Virginia, five inches of
snow fell. After all the experience with
cold waves that have swept the country
east of tbe Rockies, from the lakes to
the gulf, the Pacific coast seems to be
the only reliable summer resort. The
kan -nt.M n..n11. -. . ! ) TH.
would desire a change of mental pabu- Peach , tr!f,8 e in bloom here and the products can hardly be expected to or- concerning
. . i """" " uer vaiuurum kuuub it uu uucn nut, uiuw i wuou " vu
blossoms. Oregon, the land where bliz
zards never blow, where drouths never
come, and where crops never fail, is the
banner state of the union
facturer came in the market and made
merits of their goods before the people, some offers, none of which were accepted
The result being that the home article is by dealers. It is believed even by those
crowded out for the reason that people who had been looking for a further de
win Duy oniy Known articles, xnia ciine in values that wool has reached a
same condition appears to prevail in Cal- point where the bottom can be felt, and
ifornia, and on this subject the San that any further changes in values will
Francisco Call has the following to say: be upward rather tbnn downward."
When the manufacturers of California
come to consider in detail the problem
of finding at home a market for their
goods they must not overlook tbe funda
mental truth that there can never be a
market for goods that are not known to
the consumer. Local patriotism and en
lighted public sentiment can do much
to loster, encourage ana support wail- oui n is easuy een mat, tue eecretary gick Headache, constipation and indi
iornia industries, duc ine people must ueepiy ouenueu, unu u no eestion are auicklv cured bv De Witt's
r . - j a . i ht hi l ii -u; t: vi 1
nrst snow mat, me mousines exist. ir. xuur. w.ui i uUJ;i,um..u.0 Little Early Risers, the famous little
ine vaiiiornian most loyai to uainornia uriuciam. urwusui is uewueuiy wutu; Dills. Snipes-Kinerslv Drun Co
To James Dorris and the unknown heirs of the
estate oi rairica iiorris, aeceasea, greeting:
In tbe name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby cited and lequired to appear In the
County Court of the State ot Oregon for the
V. untv of Wasco, at the courtroom thereof at
Dalles City, in said county, on Monday, the 6th
day of May, 189A, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
tbat day, then and there to show cause, if any
exist, why an order of sale thould not be made
for the sale of real property belonging to aald
state, as In the petition of the administrator of
said estate prayed for.
The real property described in said petition Tor
sale, and for which an order of as e is asked, Is
the WU of SWJ.and the WW of NWWof Section
17, Tp 3 South of Kungo 14 K, W. M., in Wasco
Secretary Gresham has asked the Ha
waiian goveryment to recall Minister
Thurston. The secretary makes no
charges against Thurston, in connection
with the newspaper criticism of himself,
but it is easily seen that the secretary is
deeply offended, and that he connects
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose 25c ts., 50cts., and $1.00.
The hopraisers of this vicinity, says
the Independence Enterprise, have been
busy the past two weeks in getting
their yards ready for the season's work.
We have not heard of a single yard that
has been converted to other purposes,
and most of our hopgrowers feel
dent that this year's prices will exceed
those of last year.
County, Oregon
VNitu ss the Hon. Geo.
loAi,j oi me saia uounty court, with the
seat oi sHia uourt amxea, mis 5th day of Febru
ary, A. D., 1895.
Attest: A. M KEL8AY, Clerk.
C. Blakeley, Judge
Land Officx, The Dalles, Or.,(
lum, would turn up their noses at the
plain, solid fare of meat, beans and po
tatoes, and long, as tbe Israelites did for
he flesh pots ot Egypt, for the galli-
ztnaufries of every-day newspaper service.
Besides, the intending immigrant
-when he seeks information concerning
-any section, wants that information
in a compact form, so that he may read
.and understand the possibilities of tbe
-chosen spot. One issue of a newspaper,
unless devoted to that one object, cannot
convey a full idea of any country, and
certainly a dozen issues cannot tell all
the openings offered in WaBco county
for the industrious
Who is there can even guess at the
future of the fruit industry in Wasco
anybody interfering with
considers his prerogatives, yet
March 7. 1K95.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
u make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
ind receiver of ' the U. 8. Land office at Tha
Dalles, Or., on April 18, 1895, viz:
Edmund B. Martin,
COtifi- lM ner f David Martin, deceased for the NWW.
U XU, A y U O, A lO Cd. Al.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz.: Edward Bothell, J. Strain,
Emil Mertz, it. D. Pitcher, all of Tygh Valley,
8. Land OmciThe Dalles, Or.,(
January 8. 1895. i
Complaint having been entered at this offic
The Washington legislature will cease
iUil,..........n.l. I. of tha eama t ms ha a the, mnat morMlo- ITOm irOUDimZ at miOniKnt lOUlKQI.
"""H""' . . . . . bv Geonre W. Moo5 avaln.t Chrilain Whit
The trade journals of California ehow some old grandmammy of a secretary of Ane aoxoiogy win De neara wim great more mi bis hti B ,or abandoni,,. nig home-
a rich array of Eastern advertising, but state since we have owned a flag. "yent wanKiuinesa oy uw people j ej"nVw" and NeITse and "sSSs.
a very scant amount of advertising by Of course Thurston will be recalled be- ier sue, even incragn tney are sept 17 1889 for the 8. of section
H Bill H W II III. HHM41 Til I, I1H JVHIlHH.HHr.VlH III ' . . . . . ' . .
Affairs down in Washington are pretty
well stirred up, considering congress is
not in session. Gresham in his capacity
of court jester, manages to keep the
time from hanging heavily on the bands
of the president. Gresham, however,
although he makes an excellent court
fool, it must be remembered is at least
a professional fool, or rather a fool by
profession, while there are some other
persons in that village who outclass htfti,
although but amateurs. One of these,
county? She has thousands of acres of and the leading one, is the-ass that gets
California producers. The merchant cause nothing will have to be proved
must of necessity purchase those things against him. It is sufficient to know
that are advertised, for he does not that his presence is not pleasant to the
knoT of the others, nor do his custom- secretary, to compel his government to
ers. In this way the Eastern dealers recall him. Thurston loses a job by not
get the Pacific coast market, not because having a stronger pull on the trigger of
Pacific coast neople Drefer Eastern his tongue, and yet his conduct looked
lands that will raise the finest winter
apples in the world, and she has the cli
mate, tbe sunshine and rain and cool
nights necessary to give them color,
flavor and keeping qualities. She raises
the golden-epaulatted strawberry in
crimson profusion, the best to the eye,
the beBt to the palate, and the best
when judged by their shipping qualities.
Pears, cherries, prunes all find here the
soil and surroundings adapted to their
most perfect development, while small
fruits of all kinds are at home, and the
muskmelon and watermelon fairly
burst with lusciousness. Who can say
at what figure the wool clip shall stop?
Or who estimate the bushels of grain of
up the dispatches eent in his name to
the newspapers of this coast. We' read
in the Sun of yesterday a long column
filler about the way in which "Europe
is laughing at us," and some profound
prophecies as to the amount of trouble
we are going to have with foreign na
tions. The same fellow tella us we are
way down on tbe list as concerns our
navy, and tnat our naval officers are
blushing for us. Besides this there is
any quantity of the same kind of rot.
gathered by a colony of asses, and com
piled by one.
As a matter of fact, the complications
this government has with others are
every-day affairs tbat are easily and
goods, but because they have no choice.
The proposition is too plain to require
extended argument. The simplest
statement of the case is sufficient. No
possible patriotism, no possible public
sentiment, can get people to buy goods
they never heard of. Our manufactur
ers muBt support their trade journals.
They must advertise.
at from any other than tbe diplomatic
standpoint, is not at all reprehensible. If
he said what it is said he said, then be
said nothing bnt what every intelligent
American has already said, or at least
We congratulate our contemporary,
the La Grande Chronicle, on its in
creased size. It is now a six column
paper, and all good live columns too.
Yesterday United States Judge Gil
bert appointed John M. Egan receiver of
the Oregon Short Line. The appoint
ment is ill-timed, and will serve to
strengthen the idea already unfortunate
ly too prevalent, tbat the United States
courts will do almost anything that rail
roads want them to. For Judge Gilbert
we have the profoundest respect. We
look upon him as being both an ideal
man and an ideal judge; and yet the
fact remains that the appointment is an
unfortunate one. The same day that
trnadacli. and h'e.xiralaia cured bv Dr.
Miiitfc rAiJM trujuo. uns cent a aose.
Stockholders Meeting;.
which the countrv. once settled, is caoa- amicablv settled. Our navv. while sur- Egan was made receiver of the Short
ble of producing? passed by that of both England and Line another, man addressed a large au-
France, is not to be laughed at by either, dience in Portland on the subject of the
There are some things no man can and as to our naval officers being railroad strikes in Chicago last July.
euees. and those mentioned above are ashamed of their shiDS. if there are anv mat man was Eugene v. ueos, tne
among them. There are some other such, it is those "carpet knights" whose
things that are hard to account for, too. "pull" permits them to put in their
For instances, Monday we pat on our time in society circles in Washington,
next worst suit of clothes and our Easter instead of treading the deck of a man of
hat, and went dowu to the city on the war. This is a nation of peace, not 'of
Willamette, We had been reading the war. It seeks no qnarrels with its
The Dalles, Or. March 1st, 1895.
Notice is hereby given tbat there will
be a stockholders meeting of The Dalles,
Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. at
the Chronicle ball on Saturday, April 6,
1895 at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose
of electing seven directors, and trans
acting such other business as may prop
erly come before said meeting.
By order of the president.
feb9-td. G. J. Fablet, Secy.
Heal Estate Transactions.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
scalds, burns, indolent sores and never
fails to cure piles. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Mr. Dunn (unpaid bill in his hand)
When shall I call again, Mr. Owens?
Mr. Owens Well, it would hardly be
proper for you to eall again until I have
returned the present call. Harper's
W. T. Sanford, Station Agent of
Leeper, Clarion Co. Pa., writes; I can
recommend One Minute Cough Cure as
the best I ever used. It gave instant
relief and a quick cure. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Old offender W'at yer arreslin' me
fer? I hain't done nothin' fer a year,
Officer That's the time ye hit it right;
the charge is going to be vagrancy
Eate Field.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50c,
Unless a man loves a woman he does
not want her to pet him. He wonld
rather put arnica on his own sore than
have a woman whom he dislikes do it.
Atchison Globe,
I county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of said entry, the said pxrtle are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 23d day of
aian-u, io-jo, at iv o ciock a. m., 10 -repona ana
president cf the American Railway
Union. Last July the men, of whom
Debs was the leader, came in conflict
with the railroad managers, of whom
tgan was tbe leader. Troops were
called out, the rioters (whom it is pretty
papers and knew that the dust was fly
mg in Portland in March, and that
neighbors, but it is afraid of none of
them. This nation, with 70,000,000, has
conclusively established were Egan's
hired men) were dispersed, and Debs
The following deeds were filed yes
terday :
A. J. Berry and wife to William Leman
tract 132x165 feet at Hood River; $1.
United States to William Heisler, swj
and se4, nwV, sec 35, tp 1 a, r 13 e
patent. '
'Success is the rewaid of merit" not
of assumption. Popular appreciation is
what tells in the long run. Fpr fifty
La Grippe Is here again with all of its
old time vigor. One Minute Coueh Cure
is a reliable remedy. It cures and cures
quickly. Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co.
All druggists sell Dr. Miles' Pain Pills.
Weather Observer Pague, although no more fear of England than it had and thoee in authority with him in the year P0Ple have been nsinS A7ei'
"onto his job" as thoroughly as any man when with 5,000,000 she declared her labor movement, were arrested for con-
in the department, had given up all independence, of her. Tbat any of the tempt of court, and, without a trial,
hopes of working up a rain-storm. The great countries of Europe could do us were sentenced by the United States
Eastern Oregon sky, at the hour of 3 great harm, is conceded : but it is Quite judge, Debs to Bix, and the others to
o'clock in the morning, when we stopped certain that in tbe end tbe bill of dam- three months in jail. Debs was also,
lying for a little while and got up, was ages would be presented to them in such with his fellows, indicted for conspiracy,
as blue au the eyes of an infant, or a shape that it would be paid. and after the prosecution had adduced
Multnomah county democrat. Down As for Spain, and the idle talk con- a'l its testimony, one of the jurors tak
in Portland they had the same kind pf I cerning what she could or would do with ing sick, the case was gladly dismissed.
a sky, or as nearly the same kind as 1 us, it is onlv necessary to call attention The United States iudira at that timn
their inferior quality of ozone will per- to the fact that she has her hands full at said tbat Egan and his fellow-conspira-
mit, and yet before night there was a home trying to control her own' popula- tore should be indicted also but thev
dash of rain that drove us to cover to tion. The moment Soain snaDs her were not.
fingers she loses Cuba forever. As it is Pullman, over whose greed the whole
just now, her own people are in rebellion trouble occurred, was subpoenaed as a
in that interesting island, and are at witness by that same United States
least keeping the flies from bothering judge Grosscup, and when he snapped
save our aforesaid Easter bonnet. But
then, he would be either hardened or
ignorant who would guess anything but
rain in Portland in March and yet we
confess that we guessed the other way.
There was another fellow who guessed
wrong too. We were standing in front
oi a Dig piate-giass winaow aammng
some ' handsome diamonds, emeralds,
rubies, etc., and moralizing on the fact
that only the wealthy could give or re
ceive presents of such gems, and that
therein lay the truth of the proverb "To
the home government.
As for England, it is not probable that
circumstances will ever arise tbat will
cause war between her and the United
States. There is a common tongue that
will be tbat of the world ere long, a sim
ilarity of ideas, and a common interest
in each other's welfare that is founded
upon and cemented by a vast business
partnership. England's interests and
his fingers at the court and the marshal,
and went down to Florida, that same
United States judge swallowed the con
tempt" and seemed to like it. Then
Egan and the other railroad managers
entered into a conspiracy to break the
American Railway Union, and to ubo
any means to that end, is probably capa
ble of demonstration, if the matter were
permitted by, the United States courta
Sarsapanlla, and today it is the blood-
purifier most in favor with the public
Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly ChSonicle is $1.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oeeqonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for Tee
Chronicle and paying for one year in
advance can get both The Chronicle
and the Weekly Oeegonian for $2.00.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head clear I
as a Dell, zoc, ouc, and $i.uu.
Attention Odd Fellows.
A full attendance of tbe members is
requested at our next regular meeting,
Friday evening, March 22d, as business
of importance is to be transacted.
H. Cloush, Sec'y.
Our patrons will find De Witt's Little
Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy
for constipation, dyspepsia and liver
complaints. Snipes-Elnersly Drug Co.
TISM. WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only Xc
h mm DEDifjiriE.
Cod-liver Oil is useful
:yond any praise it has
: . -r won, and yet few are
willing or can take it in
natural state. Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
is not offensive; it is al
most palatable.
Children like it. It' is
Cod-liver Oil made more
effectual, and combined
with the Hypophosphites
its strengthening and
fiesh-formins: powers are
largely increased.
Don't be ptrmadtd to accept a tubttUult I
Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggist. 50c and $1.
For Sale or Trade.
One Norman Stallion, weight about
1,500 pounds; 4 bead of work horses; 6
voung horses. Will sell or trade for
Dalles City property-
ml5-2m Boyd. Or. .
I furniBh testimony concerning aid alleged aban-
r. wuuKt. itegister.
Noticd is hereby given, that the firm
heretofore existing and doing business
under the firm name of Joles, Collins A
Co., has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the
purchaser of the entire stock, notes and
ucconnts of said firm, has assumed all
liabilities and will settle all claims
against said firm.
E. J. Collins,
George Joles,
Isaac Joles,
Elizabeth Joles,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by an order of the
Court of the state of Oregon for tbe Connty of
Wasco, duly made and entered on the 9th day of
January, 1895, the undersignn was appointed
administrator of the estate of Joshna W. RMtir
deceased. All persons having claims aalnat
the est-. te of said deceased are hereby notified to
present them, with the proper vouchers there
for, to me at my ofllce in The Dalles. Oregon,
within six months f om the date hereof.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1895.
Administrator of the Estate of Joshua' W.
Reedy, Deceased. janl2-feb23
Lost, One red and white heifer, 3-year-old in
the spring; branded n on the hip; marked
smooth crop on the right ear and "lit and under
bit in the left ear. aL-o one almost red 2-year-old
heifer, branded on tbe hip same as red ai.1
white heifer's brand. Any one letting me know
where thay are will be paid for their trouble.
ania-lm Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon,
Taken Up.
Come to my place on. 5-Mile about
Dec. 1st 1894, one light red cow, about 4
years old branded XL (connected). Crop
off right ear and un er half crop off left
ear. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying charges.
The Dalles.
Bake Oven and Milchel1
THOMAS HAEPES, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelooe
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
For Sale.
One hundred and six acres of Frnit Land on
Mill Creek, five miles from The Dalles fifteen
acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in
Strawberries. Will sell all or nart. Plenty oi
Wood and Water. Also 120 acre of Grain Land,
ten miles west ol The Dalles.
16623-U T. M. UJUITUS. .