THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONJCLE, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1895: The Weekly GbFoniele OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Vostomce at Tne Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY KAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID, IN ADVANCE. One year tl 59 Blx months 75 Three months SO Advertising rates reasonable, and made known on application. Address all communications to "THE CRRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on sale at I. V. JHtckelsens store, Telephone -tvo. 1. NEW rOSIMASTEK-OEtiBBAL. Wilson of West Virginia nominated the President. Washington, Feb. 28. The presi dent has nominated Congressman Wil liam L. Wilson, of West Virginia, post master-general, to succeed Bissell, re signed. The president also nominated Lonis M . Bnford. of Illinois, consul at Paso del Norte; D. P. Spagnoli, of California consul at Milan, I tally; Commodore William A. Kirkland, to be rear-ad miral ; Captain Francis M. Bunce, to be commodore: Commander Purcell F. Harrington, to be captain; Lieut enant-Commander Samuel W. Very, to be commander ; Lieutenant John BoherB, to be lieutenant-commander; Lieu tenant (iunlor grade) A. C. Almy to be lieutenant. Japan Frlnce Knng Talks of the Chinese War. London, Feb. 27. A Peking dispatch giyes an interview with Prince Kung, in which he says Japan mode the Corean troubles the pretext of war. He ques tioned very seriously wheter Japan could claim possession of the territory she had conquered together with 400,000,000 taels indemnity, "China," he said "stands upon principle, and Japan upon power. If the conclusion of peace will be possible. If her demands are exor bitant China will continue the fight.', He added he did not think Japan could overrun all the Chinese provinces even if war was continued. A New Party. Saginew, Mich., Feb. 28. Charles T, Beatty, state president of the A. P. A., and its national secretary, is in the city completing arrangements for a big con vention of the A. P. A., to be held March 12, 13 and 14. The prime object of the convention is for the consideration of a proposition for what is to be known as the independent American party. We number over 100,000 men in Michigan, and this large membership will be re presented by about 300 delegates. The question of forming a party will then be discussed and decided upon." Jamleson Mills Burned. Seattle, Feb. 27. The Jamieson shingle mills at Ballard, with a daily capacity of 200,000, and owned by Mc Gee Bros., was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss is fully $15,000 ; in surance, $5000, in the Palatine and Northern companies. The boiler was the only thing saved. The fire started in the fan of the drying room. Four Great Northern box cars were burned, and the stockyard of J. M. Don ohoe's mill ignited from the Bparks, but was quickly extinguished with small damage. Trades Chlons Asked to Boycott the Salvation Army. San Francisco, Feb. 27. The boycott on the War Cry by the typographical onion will probably result in an organ ized fight against the Salvation Army by the trades unions ot the Pacific coast. Steps are being taken by the union to accomplish this result and copies of their manifesto calling on all members of unions to .refrain from, having any thing to do with the Salvation Army have been sent all over the coast. A direct appeal has been made to General Booth. Charged With Bribery. Stockton, Cal., Feb, 28. Charles Ward, ex-superintendent of the county hospital, was arrested by Sheriff Cun ningham at French Camp this morning on a charge of bribery. It is alleged that Ward, with Dr. C. H. Bulson, bribed County Supervisor Brown to have plans submitted by Architect Bush ford for a new hospital building accepted. Ward has been indicted by the grand jury. His bond was fixed at $10,000. It is not known whether Supervisor Brown will be arrested or not. Beaten by Whltecaps. Muncib, Ind., Feb. 28. Mrs. Manda Hamilton alleges that four masked men entered her house on Monday night and beat her and her aged mother into in sensibility. She has sworn out warrants for their arrest. One of them is a justice of the peace. The women had received whitecap notices to quit the neighbor hood on the ground that they harbored women of bad repute. Asks for Impeachment. St. Paul, Feb. 28. A petition was presented to the lower house of the legis lature today asking for the impeach ment of Judge Frank Ives, of Crooks ton, judge of the fourteenth district. He is charged with bribery, corruption, viola tion of the constitution and malfeasance. Minister Denby Annoyed. London, Feb. 27. H Peking dispatch says that United States Minister Denby is greatly annoyed at the duplicity ex hibited by the Tsung-Li-Yamen in the matter of issuing credentials to the late peace envoys to Japan. Could Not be Boused. Tehee Haute, Ind., Feb. 28. Samuel Backus was asphyxiated by illuminating gas yesterday. The physician worked over him all day but failed so rouse him from a comatose state. His pulse is normal and his breathing regular. The medical men who have seen him are completely baffled by his condition. Bills Vetoed. Washington, Feb. 28. The President has sent the house vetoes of the bills granting rights of way through the In dian territory to the Arkansas & North western Kailway company and the Okla homa Central Bail way Company. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for Mar. 2, 1895. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Grant, S R McKinney, J H Hedrick, G T McMullen, John Hill, Estella Nildotter, Greta Hunter, W L Norval, Wm Jackson, Chuck Parkins, Martin Jones, W D Powell. Mrs A H Julick. Mrs Harrett Reynolds. Jack Little, John (3) Richardson, Phoebe Meeker, scot noninson, u Morgan, Maggie Snecraker, J H Settlemire, G F Thomas, M O xoung. xnos J. A. Cbossen, P. M. Don't neglect that cough, it leads to consumption. One Minute Cough Cure possesses a double virtue. It cures and cures quickly. Snipes-Einersly Drug I Co. "I guess my hat's my own ! I paid for it." snapped the young woman at the matinee, turning round and addressing the two men who were making audible remarks about her towering head-dress ; "and I paid for my seat, too." "But you didn't pay for all the space between your seat and' the ceiling, my dear young lady," mildly observed the elder of the two men. Chicago Tribune. A gentleman of this county who has excellent judgement remarked to us the other day that he knew of no pill, so good for constipation, dyspepsia liver complaint as De Witt's Little Early Ris ers. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. First gentleman (just introduced) By the bye, I did not quite catch your name. Second gentleman my name is Wil- kins. I didn't hear yours, either. My name is Bilkins. What is the name of the gentleman who introduced us?" "Give it up. Never saw him before, "Only the scars Remain5 Sfiys nEXKY Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Among tbe many testimoni als which I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than ' my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of IS years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and bocamo run ning sores. Our family phy sician couhl do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged fe to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and tho memory of the past, ta remind s:se of tijo good Aye's oiii-sapari;!:i has lo!ie me. 1 now vei;.j'i two hundred and twenty pound.-!, n:i:I :::;) v.: v: best of health. I have he;-:i :i !:u! road for the past twelve yeitrs, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Tr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Man Cures others, will cure you 01 M ill p I M Wife (severely) I'd have you to know sir, that I always keep my temper." Husband (soothingly) Of course you do my dear. Of course you do, and wish to goodness you would get rid of it, Detroit Free Press. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, It is not a miracle, it won't cure everything, but it will cure piles. That's what De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will do, because it has done it in hundreds of cases. Snipes-Kinersly TbOS. F. OaftS, Drug Co. Lost A small gold chain of three strands, the center one very small Think it was lost on Washington street, near the Methodist church. Finder will opnfer a favor by leaving it at this office. Henry C. Payne, BECEIVKES. Henry C. Rouse, DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby eiven, that the firm heretofore existing and doing business under the firm name of Joles, Collins & Co., has been dissolved by mutual con sent. Mr. E. J. Collins has become the purchaser of the entire stock, notes and accounts of said firm, has assumed all liabilities and will settle all claims against said firm. Dalles Uity. Ur., eb. 227, 1895. E. J. Collins, Geobgb Joles, Isaac Joles, Elizabeth Joles. Northern J PACIFIC R. R. Pullman Female Help Wanted. Ladies, we will gladly tell you how you can easily make f is weekly,' quietly your own Home, Jroaition perma nent. Reply with stamped envelope, woman's isenettt uo., joiiet, ill. mchZ-4. Elegant Tourist School Notice. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars On Monday, March 4th, beginning classes will be organized in the first grade departments of Academy Park and Union street public schools. Children attaining the age of 6 years before April 30th, may start in the new classes. Par ents and guardians are requested to en ter on Monday next all beginners for the spring term, and to make the entry at the school nearest the home. John Gavin, Principal. TO ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH FARGO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA KB W TORS BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH NOTICE. u. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or.,( Complaint having been entered at this offics cy ueorge w. aiooay against unnstain wnlt more and his hei:s lor abandoning his home stead entry No S045, dated June 29, 1888, upon the EK, NKJ4 and NE SE!4; and No. 3303, Sept. 17, 1889, for the SKji, SkJ, aU of Section 28, Township 4 South Range 13 East, in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 23d day of March, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment jab. I. juuuke. .Register. hp you -w-A.3sra? Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands, CALL ON Thomas A. Hudson, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. Land office, The Dalles, sf., uu rcuruury a, low, viz.: William Watson, Hd E, No. 3592, for the 8X NEJ, NEli SE'-i, See. 10, and NWJ BY, Sec. 11, fp. 2 N, K 11 e) W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: W. E. fluskey, F. P. Weidner, Jwwj xjuuhlt, a. x. rrawar, juosier, vregnn. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. Successor to Thombury & Hudson, 83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR. If yon want information concerning Govern- i ment lands, or the laws relating thereto, you can consult him free of charge. He has made a spe cial tv of thin hiifrinAM. una tijui Tirntiu1 hATnn the United States Land Office for over ten years. He Is Agent for the Eastern Oregon Land Company, and can sell you Grazing, or Un improved Agricultural Lands in any quantity desired, and will send a Pamphlet describing: these lands to anyone applying to him for it. V .A. fI.EiW UndertakiDg: Establishment PRINZ & N1TSCHKE -DEALERS IN- He is Agent for sale of lots in Thompson's Addi HON to The Dalles. This Addition Is laid off in . "ore lots, and destined to be the principal resi dance part of the city. Only 20 minutes' walk from Courthouse; 10 minutes from R. R. Depot. Settlers Located on Government Lands. If you want to Borrow Money, on Long or Short time, he can accommodate yon. Write Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance. If you cannot call, write, and your letter will be promptly answered. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO. INCORPORATED 1880 No. 67 "Washington Street. . . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Bonding Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Farnishings, Etc Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory and Xjixxia.-fcox "E"o.x-d at Old 2Tt. Dalle Furniture and Carpets. pR pine' Fir ak nd slab wood Delivered to any pan ot trie city. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil De low accordingly. Wasco Warehouse go., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Hates 'treasonable -MARK GOODS w. "77". Go. THE DALLES, OB Are Your Eyes Open ? IF SO, READ THIS. Just Received, A Complete Assortment of GARDEN" and TIMBER SEEDS. We can save you money. Now wend your way to the Big Brick, opposite Moody's Warehouse. E. J. COLLINS & CO. Teleph one 20. Terms Cash. THE CELEBRATED A. A. Brown, COLUMBIA BREWERY! AIJr.lIRT RIIHHI FR PrnnV n i i in n I , . . . . Map w fancy wocenes, and Provisions. which he offeri at Low Figure SPECIAL x PAIGES r to Cash Buyers. Highest Cash Prices for Eis and otlier Produce. 170 SECOND STREET. Tfie DoiumDia PackingGo.. PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef MANUFACTURERS OF ine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digest! on, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." EE. A. Aboheb, M. D., HI South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. For several years I hare recommenaed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Emm F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave New York City. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it teems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reacK" Cjlblos Kartto, D. D., New York City. Teb Cehtabb Compact, 77 Murray Street, N. T. For information, time cards, maps and tickets. call on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, xne Danes, Oregon, D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. S E E X JgJ Garden and f Grass Seeds Bulk, at "c j in J. H. Cross' Feed & Gro cery Store. S E EM .S mi ;i mi. This well-known Brewery ia now turning oat the best Beer and Portex east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health fol Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLES. OREGON. SINNOTT & FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Baggage Office of the TJ. P. R. R. Company, and office of the Westers Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LAEGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) OF A TiXj OS1 If facira - Harnesses Dried Beef, Etc. Bate Oven and MitcW STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. BEPAXBnSTGr PROMPTLY and Xi"5T Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse Elanlets, Etc. Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stained. SECOND STREET, - - - - THE DALLES. OR Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. For Sale. Pipe D. BUNNELL, Wotf, Tin nepairs and Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. One hundred snd six acres of Fruit Land on Mill Creek, five miles from The Dalles fifteen acres in Grapes and Orchard, and four acres in Strawberries. Will sell all or part. Plenty of Wood and Water. Also 120 acres of Grain Land, ten miles west oi xne uaiies. feb23-lf T. M. DENTON. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Etui' - Blacksmith chop.