y Iff fj 0 Tirffl PART 0 ii 11 VOL. V THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, ,1895. NUMBER 9. REBELS UNSUBDUED State of Colombia Yet Torn by Internal Strife. AGAINST THE EMPEROR port was confirmed and further confer ence on tue Hawaiian caoie item was ordered. . v v The ayes and noes were called on Tinao' mntinn tA taka nn t.hfl silver hill : -r . - i tv. -v .-. "" " " the senate today, and it was carried, Aliegea xlOt 10 UVertiirOW and down faintly BATTLE FOUGHT LAST SATURDAY Ban nm Aflnltm ITohnlil bv General Ca- marco'a Forces In Bogota Will Bring a Large Premium. New Yoek. Feb. 19. A dispatch from Panama says : News has been received here of a battle fought on Saturday be tween the rebels and the government forces near Santa Kosa, in the depart ment of Boyaca. There were more than 200 killed n both sides. The capit'ation of the rebel forces in the norther nart of the republic does dot affect the rebellion in other sections, It is reported that General Modesto Garcies. with Benjamin Buiz and Senor Gaza, have left Costa Rica for Colombia. It is expected they will land on the weBt coaBt. General Camargo's forces in Bogota have proclaimed Santos Acosta president, French. Gorernment Asked to JTorl.t'l Their Importation. Pabis, Feb. 19. M. Gardaud, minister of agriculture, received today an agrarian delegation from the departments of Pas de Calais and the Nord. Thedelegates urged the importation of American cattle which, they said, threatened French cattle with contagious diseases. The minister said that the subjects had been placed already beforea special committee, on the diseases of cattle, and any neces sarv steps would be taken eoon. Premier Ribot also promised the delegates to give the matter full attention. It Is Said Dissolution of Parliament Is Imminent. London, Feb. 10. Lord Eoseberry has tily summoned a meeting of the cabinet today which lasted an hour. It is ru mored that the dissolution of parliament is imminent. Last evening when the vote was being taken in the house of commons on Sir William Harcourt's mo- ftion to close debate on the address, in "reply to the queen's speech, it was con fidently believed by the opposition that the government would be defeated. The vote was 279 to 271. Rothschild Ss Sons Arranging to Sell American Bonds. London, Feb. 19. N. M. Rothschild & Son will issue a prospectus this afternoon for the sale of the new United States bonds, of which half is to be taken here. Subscriptions will open tomorrow and close Thursday. The price will be 227 for every $1000. Messrs. Rothschild will issue scrip installments to extend into July. A coupon for every $1000 will be attached to the scrip and will be payable the first of August. 3 to 27. George voted in the affirma tive today, and Wilson of Washington, who has just been sworn in, also voted for the silver bill. After the silver bill had been taken up Senator Jones tried to get a time fixed for the vote, but sen ators objected. Jones gave notice that he would ask the senate to sit tonight until a vote was reached. Vilas then took the floor for a speech. In the House. Washington, Feb. 19. The house to day agreed to a joint resolution directing the secretary of the treasury to suspend operations of so much of the revised statutes as permits the transfer in bond through the United States of articles destined for the free zone of Mexico. After passing a number of small bills today, the house resumed consideration of the naval appropriation bill. family insisted that the woman might not be dead. The physician, to satisfy him, injected a heart restorative. There was a perceptible movement of the eye lids, and the woman's breast moved up Soon she began to the Manchu Dynasty. LI HUNG CHANG SEEKS REVENGE It Is Said the Conspiracy Has Been Fostered Since the Premier's Degra dationDisturbances Increasing. breathe, and finally opened her eyes. Those about the bedside watched in amazement. The woman soon got up and in less than an hoar was walking about the room. Mrs. Bowden says the attack seemed like a fainting-spell.. KILLED JBRR FATHER. Murdered by Mexican Cordova. Cobdova, Mex., Feb. 19. G. B. Mor rison, ot .Detroit, Mich., was killed by Mexican bandits 90 miles south of here on Saturday. He was on his way to in spect coffee lands with a view to invest ing, when ths outlaws attacked him. He was robbed of considerable money. Four of the bandits have been captured and will be shot. The Queen's Drawing Boom. London, Feb. 19. The queen's draw- ingroom today waa largely attended, ow ing to great improvements in the weather. The debutantes all wore white with pearl and diamond ornaments. The Prince of Wales was absent, owing to an attack of influenza contracted while skating. The Princess of Wales and her daughters were present. For the American Cup. London, Feb. 19. In an interview to day the owner of the yacht Alisa said if she should defeat the syndicate boat in the trials in Engilsh waters she would be at Dunraven's disposal as the challen ger for the America's cup. He added : "I should like a brush with Gould. He is a good sportsman," Students Remain Away From the Toronto University. Toronto, Ont., Feb. 19. All but five of the 700 students at Toronto university remained away from the lectures today as they threatened to ;do if Professor Dale was not reinstated, and an invest! gation into the management granted. The government will not yield. Approved By the President. Washington, Feb. 19. The president is approved the act to adopt special rules for the navigation of harbors rivers and inland waters of the United States, except the Great Lakes and their con necting and tributary waters. Also the act providing for an additional circuit judge in the ninth (Pacific coast) judicial district. London, Feb. 20. A dispatch from Shanghai today, printed here this after noon, says it is positively asserted that the journey of Li Hung Chang to Peking is intended to give him a chance to ac complish what he has long awaited, the overthrow of the present Manchu dy nasty in China. Li Hung Chang will be gin bis journey to Peking tomorrow, The same dispatch also says that Bandits Near Kung. ex-taotai of Port Arthur, has made a confession showing the traitor ous designs of la Hung Uhang. it is stated that Li Hung Chang has been leagued with officials in the palace at Peking for the overthrow of the dynasty ever since he waa" deprived of his yellow jacket and peacock feather, and lost var ious offices. An Improbaale Story Which Comes From Peking. London, Feb. 20. A Peking dispatch says the opinion generally is that Li Hung Chang was only reinstated in order to render bim an acceptable envov to Japan. It is expected be will be made a scapegoat when the mission is ended. Probably Exaggerated. London, Feb. 20. A Hong Kong dis patch is published here saying 2000 people were killed by the explosion of the magazine of the fort at Takao, For mosa. The dispatch is believed to be an exaggerated version of a previous dis patch stating 50 were killed and many injured. ' Captured Ships Sent to Japan. Tokio, Feb. 20. A dispatch says the victorious Japanese fleet entered the harbor of Wei-Hai-Wei, February 17. The captured Chinese ships, except the Chen Yuen, will be sent to Japan. The Ywang Chi was disarmed and given up as a conveyance to Admiral Ting's body. Inquiring Into Affairs. , London, Feb. 20. A Peking dispatch says that ex-United btates vice-consul at Tien-Tsin, Pethick, has gone to meet Li Hung Chang. The emperor demands a full explanation of the Chinese defeats and the disposition of the war expenses. Wants More Money. Yokohama, Feb. 20. A bill was pre- gented in the house this afternoon for a fresh appropriation of 100,000,000 yen on account of the war. Should it be voted. the total war appropriation will be 250,- 000,000 yen. ' The Deed . of a Toung Olrl In West . Virginia. Charleston, W. Va., Feb. 20. Cor delia Hill, residing at Rippon, shot her father, Robert Hill, yesterday. Her father was unmercifully chastising one of his sons, who tore away and ran to his mother for protection. The father then beat the mother, throwing her on the floor and choking her, when the daughter ran in with a revolver, placed it near the back of her father's head, and fired. Death was instantaneous. An indictment for murder was found against the child a few hours after the homicide. Large Loss of Stock. Miles City, Mont., Feb. 20. Re- ports from the northern and eastern part of the state indicate that the loss of live stock from the excessive cold wea ther has been large. The number ot sheep that have died will reach 50,000. A warm wave has struck the state, and it is believed no more cold weather will be experienced this winter. Reports from the ranges near Livingstone are that stock have survived the cold spell and are in good condition. The snow is disappearing rapidly from the feeding grounds. Damaging Evidence Gtyan. Constantinople. Feb. 20. The latest intelligence from Moosh of the proceed mgs of the commission inquiring into the outrages in Armenia has made deep impression upon Turkish officials here. Witnesses recently examined gave evidence generally reflecting upon offi cials in Armenia. Five witnesses test! fled they saw the massacre of children Presidential Nominations. Washington, Feb. 20. The president today nominated Joseph Rhodes, of Indiana, for first secretary of legation William C. Crichton, of West Virginia, secretary of legation at Brazil; Fred Ellison, of Indiana, consul at Belize British Honduras,William W. Master son, of JLentncky,' consul at Aden Arabia. THE BONDS ARE UP The Loan Was Covered in London Twenty Times. PREMIUM TWENTY PER CENT. New Jersey to have an Immense Peach Crop The Women are Still in Besslon. Michigan Suffering From Another Sev ere Blizzard, Detroit, Feb. 21 Reports from all sections of the state show the worst blizzard of the season set in yesterday afternoon, and it still prevails. Trains are delayed, and some abandoned. Business in some cities is at a standstill. Chinese Officials Sentenced. London, Feb. 21. A Tien-Tsin dis patch says an imperial decree has been issued that Tatoi Kung and General Yeb Chi Cao shall be imprisoned until autumn and then be beheaded for the loss of Port Arthur. It Is Thought America Will Pay Cana dian Sealers. London, Feb. 19. In the house of commons today, replying to questions. Under Foreign Secretary Grey said be had reason to believe that the present American congress would vote money for the payment of the award of the Behring sea tribunal as a compensation to Canadian sealers. Also that an agree ment existed between RusBia and the United States regarding sealing in the North Pacific ocean similar to that ex isting between Russia and England. Silver Bill the Attraction. Washington, Feb. 9 There was a large attendance on the floor of the sen .. ate today, and the galleries were filled in anticipation of a struggle, and perhaps vote, on the silver bill, adroitly forced to the front last night as unfinished business. Them was hardly an ab sentee on the democratic side. It was evident at the outset that the silver strength would be augmented by an other vote, aa the credentials of Wilson, the new senator from Washington, had been received. A report from the secretary of the treasury, in response to a resolution concerning needed legislation to meet deficiencies, waa read. The secretary stated that an available balance of $99, 75,000, exclusive of over $55,000,000 gold reserve, ib on band. He expressed the opinion that it would be desirable for the secretary, to have- authority to issue and sell time bonds to meet the deficiencies, but added no such defi ciency now exists or' is likely to, and flfas of the opinion that there will be ample reyenue for the coming fiscal 1 yean : . ' ' Blackburn reported from a conference of the committee on diplomatic and con sular bill than an agreement had been reached on all items except $500,000 for beginning the Hawaiian cable. The re- To Marry a Slave. London, neb. IS. xne Times7 corre spondent in Cairo says : "The khedive will sign tomorrow the marriage contract with the slave girl who bore him a daughter a week ago. This excites much comments even in native circles. It was expected he would follow the European custom." Demands a Governor's Recall. London, Feb. 19. The Daily News learns from Marseilles tfiat Sir Philip Currie, English ambassador in Constan tinople, has demanded that the porte re call Chnri Pasha, governor of Van who has been guilty of a grave offense. The New Judge. Washington, Feb. 19. The president today nominated Erskine M. Robs, of California to be United States circuit judge for the ninth judicial circuit, pro vided for by the act approved February 18, 1895. Gold En Route' ' London, Feb. 19. The Ems. which will sail from Southampton for New York tomorrow, will take $1,015,000 in gold bars. The total amount of gold then on way to America will be $5,730,-000. Going to Europe. Washington. Feb. 19. Secretary and Mrs. Carlisle left here for New York this morning, with their son, W. . K. Carlisle, of Chicago, who . will sail for Europe tomorrow for the benefit of his health. . . . Weather Moderating. London' Feb.-19.-r-The weather has grown warmer in the east and south of England.' Rain - has' fallen -intermit tently today and the snow is thawing. Family Froeea to Death. - TsoNDALE;';'Mo.J;f Feb., 20. During the recent bhzard, a 'woodchopper 'named Warner and his family were frozen to I aeatn; seven -perBonB in all. . They lived in a caDin on Jjeamort mountain. - Disturbances Increasing. hong j&.ong, neb. 2U, Reports re ceived today from Formosa state dis turbances on the island are increasing, and merchants are alarmed and leaving. Jones Did Not Want to Jeopardise the Appropriation Bill. Washington, Feb, 20. Shortly after the senate met today, Jones, in a state ment, said he gave up the fight for the passage of an unrestricted coinage bill. He declared that it was not at any time the intention of those favoring the bill to jeopardize the appropriation bill or to run the risk of forcing an extra session. The Wolcott resolution brought for ward last evening will not be presented. On the motion of Gorman, the senate, by a vote of 55 to 12, took up the Indian appropriation bill, thus displacing the silver bill. ' A Prominent Citizen of Norwich Kills Himself. Nobwich, Conn., Feb. 20. Gustavo Geduldig, a prominent florist of this city, suicided by poison this morning, the result of shame and remorse be cause a woman of ill-fame had died in a room which they jointly occupied on Monday night. The woman's death was due to alcoholism. He was a man of I family and heretofore bore an unblem ished reputation. - Trance Instead of Death. New Yobk, Feb. 20. Mis. Bowden, 75 years old, who lives with her daugh ter, Mrs. Harvey Hallock, in Bridge hampton, L. I., seemed to be stricken with heart failure Sunday. The family physician did all he could, hat she sank rapidly. . -. '; Old friends were called in, and the sorrowing .family waited for - the end. Her ' breathing . .became weaker 'and weaker,' until it ceased.- , The doctors listened vainly ' for the heart beats, and pronounced the woman dead. The undertaker .was about to measure the body for a casket, when one of the Fort Brldger Military Beserve. Washington, Feb. 20. Secretary Hoke Smith has approved the report of the appraisers who examined the land abandoned by the Fort Bridger military reservation in Wyoming. Ten thousand nine hundred and thirty-one acres will be opened to settlement under the homestead law. Bebels Gaining Ground. New Yobk, Feb. 20. A special to the World from La Paz, Bolivia, says : ' 'The revolution seems to be steadily gaining ground. - The president has abandoned his trip to Sourey in consequence ot the covery of a plot to capture and shoot him." Beceirer to Be Appointed. New Yobs, Feb. 20. A motion was granted today for a receiver for the property of a Frisco wine merchant named Maubec to satisfy his divorced wife's claims for alimony. ' Maubec fled to avoid paying the money, hence the proceedings. ' Full Particulars Received. New Yobk, Feb. 20. The Rio News of January 8, just to hand, gives particulars of the burning ferry-boat Terceira in the bay of Bio de Janeiro, January 6. There were about 150 passengers, many of whom perished by drowning or burning. Carlisle Will Not Resign. Washington, Feb. 20. The report that Secretary Carlisle intends to resign is authoritatively denied. It is stated that the president desires Carlisle to re main at the head of the treasury during his entire term. Naval Appropriation Bill. Washington, Feb. 20. The naval ap propriation bill has passed the house by a vote of 199 to 67. Sayers' motion to strike out the provision for three new battleships was defeated by a yote of 43 to 121. Command a Big Premium. New Yobk, Feb. 20. It is stated on Wall street that the United States bonds sold at 4 per cent premium in London today. One hundred and sixteen waB bid for them oh Wall street. '. The Accounts Confirmed. Rome, Feb. 19. The Italian consul at Erzeroum has reported to his govern ments that he has confirmed the ac counts of the Armenian massacres . with the testimony of eye-witnesses.-.-v ' Myers Examined. Azuba, Cal., Feb 21. Elsworth Myers stood an examination yesterday before Judge Cook for the attempted bank rob bery at this place on Feb. 18, and was bound over to answer before the superior court. P. C. Daniels, the cashier, who was shot by the officer, who thought him to be the robber, is in a serious con dition. Want the Next President. Washington,' Feb. 21. "Silver Dol lar" Bland, in an interview this morn ing, declared that the free silver men in tend to get together and nominate a free coinage man for president in the next campaign. He ' said the money ques tion will be the only issue of the struggle. Murdered by Bobbers. ' Elliot, City, Md., Feb. 21. Daniel F. Shea, a merchant, was found mur dered in his store on main street, here last night. Bobbery was evidently the motive. Will Go to Japan. Tien-Tsin, Feb. 21. It is now certain that Li Hung Chang will go to Japan as an envoy to negotiate for peace. ,oTTolnS fsffte best Shorteninp for aljcootjVt purport, OtTo.Efe s trie Only hp<hFol Shortening made i tljsici Qfldariiit. An Ofitif. ffcat uncomorTAbfa fttUnq of rrtbo much richnm from food cool.c Jn. lard. cooKad ir CIOTTOlgWB is Jcficrie, delicious, h e alft fu 1, Co mo ytYng. U o YOU us e Cotto LI N fi t HUE ONLY BY THE N. K. FAIRBANK COnPANY, ST. IjOUIS and Chicago, Sew York, Ibod said, wants bonds issued except the populists. Carlisle had ample authority to use millions of silver now in the treasury, but be doggedly refused to do so. lie (Allen) would not by bis vote authorize Carlisle to issue an interest bearing obligation. He further asserted that every bond issued by Carlisle was null and void, inasmuch as the act ol January 14, 1875, under' which he- claimed authority to issue bonds had' been repealed. He characterized the- recent attempt to pass a free coinage bill as "A grandstand play, a spectacu lar performance." he expressed the hope- that before another year there Toald be " sufficient accessions to the -populists-from both old parties to prevent the is suance of further bonds. Resolution Expressing Appreciation of Honors to Minister Gray. Washington, Feb. 21. The senate to day passed the house joint committee resolution for the suspension of certain features of the law authorizing the trans portation of goods through the United States to the free zone of Mexico, as long as the Mexican free zone law exists. a resolution was agreed to expressing high apppreciation by the senate of the honor accorded by the Mexican govern ment on the occasion of the obsequies of the late Minister Gray. A copv of the resolution will be sent to the Mexican authorities. A motion by Gorman, to reconsider the action of the senate in adopting the conference report amending the income tax, was rejected, and the Indian ap propriation bill was taken up. Gor man's purpose was to require corpora tions to make a report of all their high salaried officials. - ' Pacific Boads Committee. Washington, Feb. 21. The house committee on Pacific roads today decid ed to report a new bill based on the Reilly bill but having certain changes recommended by Chairman Reilly. The ammended bill will provide that the principal of the government debt be paid at once, and the first mortgage bonds and interest due the government at the date the bill takes effect be ex tended and paid in installments through a period of 50 years. The extended first mortgage bonds will bear interest at 4 per cent, and extended interest will be secured by practically a third lien on .the property, subsidiary to the claims of parties who advance funds to pay the principal of the government ' bonds, and who will be entitled nnder the bill to 5 cent interest on all their advances. Women Still In Session at the National Capital. Washington, Feb. 21 . In the woman's national council today the first paper was read by Mrs, Fanny Burdey Palmer, of Providence, on "The Need of Co-operation of Men and Women." The ground generally taken was that men and women should work together in all correctional work. Some of the women held, however, that in some branches of correction work women were better fitted than men. President Sewall made a touching ref erence to the death of Douglass, and paid a high tribute to his memory.. Mrs. Johnson, of Massachusetts, read a paper on "Woman s worK in Manag ing Public Institutions." A discussion followed this paper, and at its conclusion recess was taken. In a Prosperous Condition. Chicago, Feb. 21. The receivers of. the whisky trust submitted a report of exports to Judge Grosscup today, giving a detailed statement of the affairs of the trust. The report declares the concern has $5,178,000 above all indebtedness. The balance sheet submitted shows quick assets of $2,075,000 in excess of all liabilities. The amount of rebate certi ficates is $568,026. after deducting all Olmstead's was stated certificates disputed certificates. In original bill for a receiver it that over $1,000,000 in such would fall due in February. Senator Allen Bays the Country is Bond ' Mad. Washington, Feb. 21. JJuring dis cussion in the senate on a proposition to issue bonds for increased Bewerage In Washington, Alien declared the country had gone bond mad. Everybody, he Blotous Students.. St. Petbhsbubg, Feb. 21. The stu dents' demonstrations became so riotous that soldiers were summoned to quell them. The students resisted, and a fierce fight ensued. Order was not res tored before many students bad been arrested and a number injured. , . Refused to Concur. Washington, Feb. 21. The house, by a vole ol 114 to ioz, reiusea to concur, in the senate amendment to the diplo-' matic and consular appropriation bill! appropriating $500,000 for a Hawaaan cable. - -;: Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report , 11W J