THE DALLE3 WEDIILY OUBOmCLE, SATUHDAY, DECEIIDER 29, 1804. IML'LKMKNTS OK 0 AMINO. Curious Orltfln of riaybitf Cards, Dlos ium! Domluooa. T--"n m4 China Haa aaMtraa at That lNa. Ua 'U;tblH - aoaaa at MM I'lataal by Ik Maaataallaua. Who vrouU auppta. thai Uyinrf cania were uelirlnaliy ilorlveil frttu Um ktiueklc lame a f a,liee? Yet aiiell U thelmt. If yuil tint iu'llevaj It, ak rUa'wnrt Ciilin. rthimli'tflht. attiu'lieal to tin lnlvei-alty of IViiii.j,lvanla, who, aWotartlliihT to tlu Vuhhi(tou Star, hii the, fctmly of ifiuiie. from lliat M'lclltlllO Hl!llt of view, III lVealttt,V. The Mi call.-.! kniteMu tmtiea aiv fuinll Inr inntirh, Wluif uaei to thU tlii hy rhililrt-ii hi varlout ,-urta of tlm worlil. They me tlio Miklo luinea nf the i.hei, am) ant foiirlUL It miiih talil to lln.l Unit iU-v In Aruhlo art callotl liy ti name w Moll inciina ankle lame. No Ixiily kiiotva how loiiff they wrrat tlraat riu"l'. 'l fur .iiyiii:r ifumeit. " lny It tK.Titrtv.1 t htiinclxHly tlint a ciilar wiu It-lter mlnptoil to the iurpat.o. Thut must liiifti huiviieil In very an cient time, t r that ICumana. of uM lul l lieu whit-It vteiv Just like our own. rvtn to the arrangement of tit Minn lirpi on tint faeea I. p., tint ix oppooltw tho etie. the live iinHh thai two, uii.t tho four onpoftlu Ihn three. It will In nWrvf.l tluit ihtt Mini of any two iiU niniiltr U ulwava MTin. Thin may hivo at.itiethliijf to do with tin" fuel t Silt wren U"'l to rptnrlo.l n u niitxi.-itl niimlvr. f tli. lta.ltett U'CorUtl tO it theft" li evl let., . in nnuty imkMiirt-, t.f tho laiM). "i'i.r liaot uiicicut itil' ttio hitowu tlutt lank t.i Ik thot lt, twrnlyUve Immliv.l yeura. )-. It m f .nil ; I NoiR-riiliit, u lirrek colony i; Thu car I ifnt tiki" w-r in nle In j'tilii. rtyhl ml loft, liUo kiiui kU lm.-. .. of wluili wtu. ttlwuy fn in tho rlk- '' lojf ami tho othor from tho loft h'tf of tho auluiul. Two lUco wore uonully rmployvtl, Ucuuo thoy vrr' two knucklo l'in-- Mr. t ulin Miy tliut tliro prohalily orlif inutnl In Imlliw Krom that country thoy were tarrU-.l to t'hina, w honi o thry havo Utu thv trihuU'l all over tho worlil. The t ill mtmv aro trn-ut nuioti'm; thry lnv lit i a tutolillonlioii of th ilioo, which It raltotl tho ttoinino. Iut two tlioo f .u n kiilo liy M'lo ami you tutvo tho tlomuio. Iliimlinifn art wild to hnvo 1-,-oti doTiwtl In tho your 1 120 of thot'hrW tiun era hy a t'hinoMi cuiju-ror fr tho amuM UHiil of hi wlv.. It l iiHr, likoly. howfVor, tliut thoy uion-ly oU tuim.l the imprrUl Brovat at that ditto. Thcroare twenty-ni uiitlt! thrown with two ilico, no tonty-ono iloniifiooi may lie rourilotl as natural ilominoc. IlowoTi r tho himw havo lni'h l n;i mhih of tho nuinW-m a to muku a full tot for iilnyln thlrt-two lu all. All oi-r ruHtt-rn Asia tho ciihtomary nutllt of tloiulnooM U thlrtr-twi. Our itoinin'M'. ohliiliml by way of Kur.jH-. are only twrntv-oltrht ami aro mtitlol by tho liitriHltu-tlott of Mniik. Tho domino irunw of Kun anl Anu rioa l tho match irumo. It U l.tyo4l io l hina. but l an unimportant no ainonif tho many t hturao k"'"' of lomlnoo. Thu fhlnoso tlomiuo (fuiu.- ari alt of tlirui dio iranio puliomtol. Ibiiuinooa uro alwt uso'l Iti I hira. liU ilit o, for for tano Ullinc. That yt.toni of liv!nu thin linn on rtrtislvo lit.-roturo of It own. The liiiu-- douiluooa all havo antroloical niimi . . In China oomioni namoa are (f l n to tho iiiiinlxm on l!u illoo. S! U tho throw of lo-avoti, aoo U tho throw of earth, four In tho throw of man. whito n ami thrvo aru vhohvn t4 rruroont tho hurtnony thnt cniU'H hi-avi n, rnrlli ml man. Tho throw of douhlo live U rall-l tho "plnin flowrr," Uro nml kit ta tho ' titfor'a hoad," four ami kit U "rril-h-al ton." iiw ami kIx In "lonjr loptfcd iK'Ti-n," nml 0110 un Hvo li "rcl roullft hit." Tho liTnw rfinlmi ono f tho ffivon ly tir'.Too to Turiouv thrown nt tho lfllM of "orapn." On tlilncMt dit-e tlm "ono" and "four" aro alwayn ivd. n hilo the ht uti tho othi-r fuec aro hluck. Mr. I ulin cannot pv ni(fn any nnsiti f-r thK w ith ci-rtainty. There in a h (fonl to thr i ffi-ot Ihat on fno iM'cusioti an iiitit of tlm Mln dyiiu-ty ai uliiioot (h frutrd In a pumo ly hin iii''u. Tim only jHwdhillty f.r him to win wux thnt tho dii-o hhouhl turn tip "fniir.M Thoy dial no, and ho wim mi (frutiilod that from thnttimo forth tlio "totm" on all dice woro marked in rod. Taka an ordiunry domino of bono or wood, on !u rife it. make It of pnpor, and it iN'i.'oinrit n mrtl. Mr. Culln'n ntnd.v of tho Mihjrct hun h d him to tlio conrluslon thut thin In thr way in whloh tho piuyiuif curd vitn originally rtrolvcd. Tho rvoluliou l(riin with thn knurklo bono, wliich hoi-nmo a cnhloal die; tho latter wan transformed Into a domino, ami tho domino, in It turn, wan motiiinorphr.M!l Into m ciinl. A d.Mnlno with two "tlnn" on it repro aonta tho "tonHMit" of tho pnek. Tlm itrilfin of "kin." vineon" and "jnrk" Lt unknown. 1'ow.ilily llltlo Hi.' lit may lio thrown upon tho niynta-ry by tlm fiK't that tho four hide of tho knucklo bono aro called In Arabic tho 'aliah," ,'Ulor," "peanaiit" and "alave.n Tho aaum ni.mea aro (fien to the number on the cubical die, thn alx I I n if the "aliah." Ono of tlm iramea played with domlnoca In China la ppfti-cntly tho prototype) of whint. Jiobody know wheo domlnoen and rardn were intnxlueed Into Kurope. We, in America, trot all our (fame from Europe; we invent no gamca. I'oker in an old KniflUh ifumo moilifled. Mr, Tulin anya that there are no now (fame; those brought nut from year to year are merely modification of old onen, tinmen are originated in prlml ItlTe ataeaof aiH;iul development. One would naturally nuppoae that tho lnnln(r die. railed the "teoUtoin," munt e derived from tho Mitno orig inal aoiirnn nn the eulilcal die. ApMir ently aueh In not tho case,. Mr. Ciilin han traced tho teeloti'm to (Virea, where it M-omn to have had Ita IxKin-nlng. ANTS AGAINST SNAKE. I Nawbor Warn l a iMttg mm Kitlta Haiti. "Wbllu catmplnir Alalntina durliitf tho tuto war." nuhl Col. II. C. Crowunun of Ituytou, O., acoonlln to tho ht. Uiuin'oioln'-lVmiK-rat, 'I wltnesM'd an attack of a I wind of blucli aula npou m nlripod niiuko. "One evening, w hile I won tryinrf to iro to khn'p, after a louif iluy'a inurch, I felt aomolhliur iuovo under my head. I lifted ono corner of tlm blanket und fouml a miuUo Ih-Iwihoi throu ami four fi-ot In ionirth. I ipilckly hit It with a Miiatl htick, but tho rvptllo Memod tuirdly ht u n lied by tho blow, mi I picked It up on tho rud of tho Mick ami throw It alniut fifteen feet away. Tho onnko lundod on a lurv ant hill. AIuumI In .tuutly tho anta jiourcd forth from heir iiekt, which Wan iiiuternrntli. ami H'irun a vlorou attack upon tho In ruder, w ho wua mniu covered by kcon f hU awuilantn, biting him feurfillly. .'ho bnttlo ruined with fury, the miuko vrilhliiif about In torture. "Tho coiitekt at llrt mm' mod uu un iiiiil ono, for tho niiuko wun rapidly hlmilnjf out bin H'rM-ciitor, but on ho other hand tho anU wore uuuier iiin uud ipil.-k in their airsfroslvo iiovcmeiiU. Tho kiiuko with ono blow if bin lull would kill or wmi nd a loiif tine of untn. but tho active little t hn tuivx wore mwiii reinforced by tr'Mijw nml foiii.'ht with a dcNfierntlou wonderful to Indiold. I wan antotiMicd lieyoud lneu.Hlin to w tho luetic of the unlv When they ww their Hutu K'm were In-In leaaeued they ll'v lutehed coiirlern for frekh relay n nf -"lilli rn, who apH'reil on tho Aeeuo In duo time to replace tho killed or wound ed "Tho moon after tt time lit up the keen", but at there apix arcd no near termination of tho ntrutrirlo I (ravo up wuU'hlni: It and. lr-ti lilnvf hivm1( mraio on my btanket. wrtit to p. IVfuro ktr.Ull':r teliti tho Iteiit moriilii I went to t'iol at the 1-nlth' tr.nin.'. Tho Klaiii luM'el were M-uttered In v ry direction, but there wore is or M'Ti II watchful untn upon tho ltek of tho Miuko, which lav ktn-telK'al out dead near the ant 11111." One In Four. On norma In tnmt a wwtk or dlarawnl hamrttliatrntirnlv annua lwia for bunlnen anilMn'lal ilia, or U ailiiiilr a lltlla aooujUiaV iilvraao l aovrr aa UmUlllL , , , Wben thn tnmbiai r oouimoaeaMt, "On J oil, H don't amount In marh." and yon l"t It S'S lei taut dlMrauw lnaliluouly l tba m wa tery ot ymt. You ha all nniramti Ilia lilii-j rat aim Ion tlraa youi jour faai. an U lea and (' wall i jrouennnot lla cm your iaft nlUa. 'hiallv. you haeonta m laid tlint vou oanm4 lailown itllhiiut numlliarlii, ami ara aNua lud to Rat hainiaao o oaa laaehair. YuU aro urirail to nvold llila. You ara IiivIUhI to wail. flnVu you tha iraat IIUUi aniMtlon lattf Mm. f. lUla t'luwlilnv. a mill mtiloyaa of UmaJL Mnaah.kanUalitiHiarttruuulanaiaiiy iri'ana ami. . t ha Ben laetaxl It for ar. liar ami lla tha atory tMt In til Irttrra. Liwall, M... Aurll tin. IHMt, "I ngat tell of tl'O oularf ul thin(n (our Tlrnrt t'nta linn Uima for my itiothnr. Hlia la nynarnof an, and alaruya had i"l heallh until a acor or colt! ieflhar Willi a allvhl naart tmul'la, allien krpt araltlnar urMi and woraa. 'HyalelanarallaiUa tiniw hllln of tha heart aven laara aun, hut they did aot help Br a hud Ilia boat phjralelnna Id Umail. Htas would taka weak, fnlnllu and polpllau ln a pel In i aaverai tluiaa wa tliouijlit aha ould not live Wi aaa Bairnln, and avrry Uwli aremed to I acM-an lliau tha I. t4 arch full, aha amapratmnid (or death) and a atohed for nrr lt hrantn. but raviv- Jn( aouivwltat. I wna ronipud to Ul your Unrt futa. Wa fouml It to rallava bar aU tnoat lmuo-Olal. lv. and alia U now ualutt tha third bottle, and lliauka la lo ol and your Biadlclnaali hna had no umraH llaamt voea bp alaira an aril an avar and Uuu't hnva lo tiamlaud wait for hrvnih. tr rouuh baa ntl hr. I wrllo lo le you know, na lliera ra ulhara aultartna aaino aha. Mother 'May Utnl tloaa ua vry day of your H' ." liaall. May T. !. eM,rttirle1lvrybuly la praian of yoor meUu lMa VihU'h anaed In-r from tha raa aha U (ainlimalreudto and Mmb avrry day. Nu ixiluitatuia or trouhlu nt Ilia heart at all now, and If at aork avrry liny alnce I nta rou it. Il any prnaia Uhea any Intorma Ion. aa will la only uud to ha llirm wrlianrroma toara an. I will i iva full ar- tlculararoie rrnliin Ilia gund your vaiualila jonrt I'ura haadouv ker. Wr remain yoiira M rauradlaaat. JOliN T. I Arnftitr. tr. Mllra llrartfura la old ly trnnfhla vrrvahera pa a laaalllva (uaranlm. if tha H a-at UiitlaidiM not help you. your money la refunded. Iir. Mli.vUuUi. aK o.. t.lkbart Ind Dr. Miiss' Heart Cure CURES TV. 2sT33W Mi II' r.sia (?i im HEALTH IN CORN BREAD. Thl Areauala ftr tha i.vmm! Caadlllana mt I tea MM lirrn lkxarar. lk hoid tho averua colorvd lalnurer on a aonthern plant'iihui, wild lion. I'. It. t iiiat.Mi. af Minnoanta und Vir Winiii. ra-eeiitly. How fat and klevk ho lak: how hi oliifiiiiif t yea nml n a. til, rlaitiy "kin revrtit the rotuial phrienl mail lie in a type of rrfeol In tilth, audio what aloca he owe hla oi rli condition? I'll tell you ill two wnnla - corn bread. There in the Vi'.ui'lcl fia prialilet in thn world, nod all hoiKu- to tlio noble Aim-rk'tn n lio in iryluir to t u h the old wi tld .ple the vttrlotm dclicioun ilna-" of . irn I -re ad and l!io many uilat!ilde w ;iyn it cull lo pre pu roil for that table. If It were not for own I don't kn-.w how many of the iatr iwoplo t.f ir-i-lnia, vtliilo iiml black, would ell. It Ik hi tvulltv the iu.iln .tuv of lif- i.i llmoy l ullli. a of tho old ktute. but to reltlly Itrvaa corn bread I thi lUono int-t lt ux-d t It from rhiblh'anl. . tiihern lairn men of tho oh) n f isutt iiiiM-iiecil t'naw ill on corn "amV . h.-ti Kiev wcro bublei an they row I li r the pone ncvom pa tiled tloiii on vi ry huutiiijr n-id It hiiijf cxpiNlitiou. .ul . when maturity wan reached, a-n In ,rme f'lrtn or other wnatiantoal ! the table three t lino u til V Thin ! i w ill. I think, mililato ni'iiln .1 no v -.t. il -Ive tMt t.f that cereal un f'"l ' i t ;' the pi'tiplo of lllir -jn' tln-y 'i..y. n't Ui n iiMtltolt. It ha elwuyn ';. me that our own f;li . ..lit. t le of the Willi II. ftiil to uppr. ci: tc tlie I ricn of luuie. In tho ;fr v k.iii ;riwiiir fciaiet t,f the wo I It i n' l at ry limit. . I, ami thai avaxtern uiiml, mi inr aj, corn in coii. i ahow lluif w Ibli-rnenn, PIIINZ & NITMHIKK -!! H II- MEN AH J WOMEN, natiaia t'anliaal I'ttmla atf illffaranaa ll- lateen I Ha Hraaa. Women blwayn ahow by their aotlonn that thoy enjov (."oin: U church; men araf lea. temoti.tratlvc. When a worn un ln'"Hii. ll'jrricil aim fan da for a fun; whtti a man iH-coiiicn Hurried ho fecln f'-r u ci rar. Wotiieu jump ut conclu .iotia ami ,' hit, Mayn tho New York Ativerti cr: men ren-am llilnira out logically pud 'ineriilly mla, the truth. S. ime w union ran t putn a mil linery hlii.p w illiout haiklnif lu; men cun'l pasn u mt ho hotiM ivitli.oit K"i',T in. A woman never mti a baby Willi. mt wuntliiy to run to it; u man never i-a-cn n buby without wantin;' to run uwiiy f r tri it. Women love totuur ut l.n, npprob it Ion, kadf-liiimolation on the turt f nt horn; aro often weak, vain uud frivulmia. Ditto men. A womiiii ahvaya carriea her pura In her hand, j-o that other women will ni-o It; u man eurrien hin in hi ini.ide pocket, mi that bht wife won't we It. A wom an euti alt In it theater for three houm without ircUlnsf all crumped up, catch injr tlm bitithaeho or IhhiiiiIii faint for want of frenh nlrj a man can't. A woman, from her m-x ami character, han a claim to many thlna U'slden her abetter, fmnt and clothln. .She In not lean woman for lie In wedded; ami tho inian who in lit to l trusted with a k wife recolla ctn nil which thin Im plicit, and fchowa hlniM-lf at all tlmea chlvalnmn, aweet-xpoken, eonnldcrate ami deferential. Furniture and Carpets. We hava ndded lo our huainrat a romplcto t'mli-ttakliifc Datalilialinienl, and an a a air In no mi entiliecled with the I'lidartukera' Trnat'. our prleea il bat low kccairdinif ty. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hot.rr U t-trhr vlrrn. tbal uttr t -'r M iritlHi lMitr-1 il thm l mill tt.urttrf !. H w-ifn lf WH:iiitiy, i .n ti t"l -lay l trr , n m lrrm nntvlo, fiirrra mwt Mt "l fl t Mht rt m b linti tUr ! Nov . wai. lit nll li"M-in I nrl Hurth .tf a lt iiiTiiti' I rb und Mfl- ttb Mt'tf i-n-t1aiitil iii lt.rl mitt tiUitiiif nl irli.l Mitt Ji t nilmita f.t Hm- urtt f 1 .11 .t, l h nieit.t tiitntxi.n l lliv rt ! o ff l"r -t' aiiim, rtmi Hit I Kh tt Sint-tt'kr, ifwl. aid) htv i f l)t-r tim l . i lirtttt' l-, oil I ' Mt m dl ur nif uu, mu -trMiiiHt l"ti I tlirtetn, ) ml m l I lit hrfrlu.atirr rtfejrrt b d fi irt-iriy tiwaaiirjr v1 al-ut itairt-d sum, I mill tut Mtlv, trtt .f aValat tlMt , arl f.ltM. trttn t vl bight-. . .!-. f.K cwii m Iiin4. at thr In l li.r lit njitn'y riiirt!Mii. In ll. pfntl. Orbrtii, all th tiftit, t and litt r r i.( ..! .-Jn tl4itl, and ra- h t Ihrm, IM id . 'ir I..t1'i-lti .'rilUd tI j.mi f , t , t.. K. 41. II. I -"Ml J, Itl l.l.TllXtt ri Milllfy trttlMM aMtU ii li Mlii t tt, W ari r iidtv. Iiritfuti, f'rcthrf titi t.Mf iiHnirittat ti-iiiiaina:ftta aiul aftir triit m I rirrrtiittn ti 'ItH.irliiff . r III aiiaMni attwrf.iiiiK. -t a, ht.H-h lt- ma lt Mtiiofy t at I aln" liainral aniua, rihrt Tftiltt llM mu ' rrtt Itttr "I i ta ant , : litill at MMt.4M. r tvtlf , rr(tft, ' Ihl I fh Amy nt l-rr.. 1- j IM . Jl! T J UHlVr.H, : Mirilll ttf BaWPii I'nkill! . OlH t aVOTH K rou rriti.icATiov. ! Thntwr fiiltiirr. I (it-. I rrmf. j H. ap Orrii R. TH iMiii-. or ,t . tfc t. IH. i J Notlr la htvttv f trn lhall liattt kia-hlvrf tiat. filtd iMtlt f iuiri.tirt) In ltma nital fta..( Iw-fu K l-lr Rti M-lrrr ul th-ir rtir in i bt tiallra, turajmi, on Katuidav. Ih Mh da td Hi-Hla . I mi timtM-i rulliin aitrailMi v.k.7, ft ih M y Mt",. ait-i HH', hr, and M f-.V',,!.! rr(iit hn In lm ualtli No. 1 i u(h, taiiMV I n. I ifw-l. iiamt-a iiiMni A K. Ilrti. Infur, D'tr'i t tank llalliaviatr, KilMri ttrlfliit. iru- t lm 1141 !, l)l, tft ( Assignee's Notice. Notlra Uhrr.y alran lliat f. Iti duly oonva-ard to lint uih'ill"ad, hy tirtipt"! Uml id aa laimia.1,1, all i.l and anoaal amtairlt, l"l lh lauivlll el all tl lilarraall ura. nil iMM-anna lialn vlatma a.alni aald John tt. Kaail ara liarel.y I...IIIU.I I.. .rvaa lll tll aallia., rtiatrly illi0, to mad tha utllea id I'Mlur Minielea, In pallia I II). oifajoli, alUiln lilllt'ly (W ila Irom the ilata' id II. la icllie. Ilalial I lila I III day id Noaaliila r, IkWl. hul7U.r- II. (il.hNN. A-aala-nte. Wasco warenousB Co., Recoivoa Goods on Stor age, and Forwards eam6 to thoir destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission Rotes Reasonable "W. "W. Oo. TIIK l tl "U A. A. Brown, Kra-tn) lull aaa.ronel.l ol Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provlttloni. abU'k kautTar at low flluiaa SPECIAL x PRICES to Cash Buyers. Hintet Cash Prices for Ems ni other Prolnce. 170 SECOND STREET. tub Goiumttla pacKfDo eo.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANrrACTPRKEMOr Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of Jf BRAND is i San Dried Beef, Etc. PIONEER HERD or r POLAND CHINA HOGS maaaaJa''V?, ta'l.i: daa .V JAt. . M'MlltK. K fiilit I Nt)ricK iu rriii.i( ATK. I.i a l iirrn . 1l lalh-a, nr ,( ie. ja., t Ni.lni herrli? Klvaii lliat Una i..,ialtia namtal arlilfr haa ni-llra of til Int. iillou lo uiaka final firiatf In aut'ia.rt of hi rlaliti, aiet Dial aaltl f.r.a.f Will tat made la f.lta III rav.i and rer..ver of II11 I' , fa. land ofliee, 'I he Italic, dr., on It-Uiiiafy '1. I.i tu. W II 1 lam Walaim. II t K. No. :cvj, f,.r tha i, SK' M hi:',, a. r tu, and Mi. hit ,, tare. II, 1 (.. t fa. M It k!, a M. II.. namea th followlriff witneaaea to prova hla etatittiniotia raiili.ri.' main and rnltlvaiion of. aald land, via.: t . K ll.l.a.r, K.I' Vt rnliivr, J An. tl x Hi K, K.Kiaii.r. '"SOTM'K "FOB 'Vt'ilTll'ATIONi' ' l.lllputlari ( alfla. Tha hamouii Ihlumln am thu natural hablut (if tlm nuittt illinltiiitlvo ie..Un of vnrlety of tho fernin Inmi iuiw known to the miturulifit. The nvernjri' iveljlit of thn mil lea of Ihevt llllptil iiin rutflo faajMom rxeeeil two It u ti li ! Miuniln, tint averni'e la injr not tfreiiti r tliiin oiiu liuinlred anil llfly hiiiiiK The feiimlen liMinlly uvtruire hlx.ut (n,,. huinlra'i JhiikhIh InrciT, uro very ',ti,i !y luiilt', awhlurn 1 1 1 n tf r 11 un 1 ln nheeii." Tlu'i ilwnrf ;ilt.. uro in ni ly (ill of tlie iniiie i'n..r-ri illi'.ti iiinii kj color tiiiirUnl tvltli tvliif.'. They hnvo v. ry hiri'it liemU tm ciifnmrei with their lanllen nml their Imriin ri) of rjt ei'itiulllll i!ii;;t!i. I'. H. l.tMti lirru r, The linlle. or , hot rm ha-r 1. a!M. Noll.v la herrtiv ttlvan thnt the followlnf named aettlif haa lllttl liotlre of hla liil. till in lo niaka Itnal linad lu aniiairt nf hla rlalm, and that anld iraai will ta ntaale ta'tora thn realater and mvtvrr td ttia II. ft. laud nttler at Ilia I ml Ira, nr., on Harrmhair Ja, aMj, via : llaalll llalara. ltd f . No fijtri, for tha hi.;, Her Vi, Tl ... MtlJ , t at lit. namaw ttia follnatna wlturaarai lo f.niva hla ronflioioiia realih'tie iian and rnlilaalliiti of, aald hand, l. ; rrana liabel. V. II. nakellald, I haraavt. II n , i tia liallta, lira (oil ; Hampton tX.-IlT, Mailnltla, ur J.H V MmiltK, h.l.l r. I I NOTICK FOB rUlll.U'ATION. l aanornm, Tha liallea, nr.. Nov. ft. H. i Notlra la hert.liy that tha l..lli.lnf llamial aettler hna II I.-.I notlra of hla Inl. iilliin lo niaha ftnnl pnad In aiiia.rl nf hla t laltn. and Ihat aald priad will he niadft la-forat tha KiKlatcr and ttta.vr at 'I'hn I'alli-a, lirefoii, on In. eainra-r .'.I, lull, via: A an ti, l.icaatltl. lid f, No. lor Hi- hV ,! 71, T11 1 H H I.; K. W M. Ma tiiotifa ttia following Wltni.a.a to (tiota hla ramllnuoua realdeitee ii,im and eulilvatlou ol aald l.,n.l, via: I haa. Hat want, li ! I'l'i lior. I nn l Mrrtx, 1, I', MiMlri. all of 1 irIi Vi.ll. v. ir. I An. K. MiMiiir. I(.itlat..r Thlrtv-tlva hea.l fur I HIM, aire.l by (Vntrr Kre Trnile, ton of tha Ureal Frew Trail liojr of Ohio, ol.l (or HtKJ, ll.a hirflirat pneeal liu rver aolil In tha I'nltril Stated, aaaialeil hv noti Teeumaeh t'hlp Jr I', n.,1,1 (,,r ;tlO. (IwlntJ to the hanl tlmea, 1 will aell (or tho Host thnt inonthi. tnv tli lor I'.t) eaeli, or -i.'i per .alr. Will bo ami tlellvrr al nrarent tation fritn. Coinn ami aen them or write. No buaineaa Jonri on tSunilavi. KiiWAun iunv. Oiitorvilla, Vah. Do you want a Fruit and Hop Farm? K. N. STAEHR. ul liAKK UVKN, haa (t a .ma nltudid rartna andfiaal (taayttiaj Town I'mpeitr In thaWlllatl tta Valley lor aala very rhtmp and on away terma, noma ul lh larnia to rirhanfa lor Eaatern titTtfun pnta.rty. W rite lot Hal and terma. IF YOU WANT Government, State, or Dalles Military h'oa.l Uj, l' ALL un Thomas A. Hudson 1 lurrnaiii lo TatKiibury a lludaon, 83 Wa-hSngton St., THE DALLES. OR. If vnu want Information (tmnatafnlnaj dovaf n manl landa.or tha lawa raUUu lltaralo. yt.n rau itonatilt hlin raa d rhar... Ilalia. wadai a aaa rl.:i ad lloa huainvaa. aod haa piarllaad taHaa Ilia I'ullad aula a laiiid Ufnea of avaar I Ha la A a-at f tha Kaatera UimI ('miitatny, anal ran at-ll Mt l.raalna, m I n Inil.ertaal Atrrteulliiral latiada In any i.iai,lllr draltaal, and will aand a famfliM d-aarlMng Ibaata lamia l aliyooa llnf Ut alia tor II. Ha ta Aavnl fan aa id Lfa 1.. vM..M TI... 1...... T .''tia Vlon to 1 l.a Italiaaa. Thta Ad..a , J arra lota, aiwl d.allnrd Ui tm Ota ftiiiZjI Itaaira af I lit Ilia ally. Only ti, lUa'TT Iriia courthuuat; 1U ailiiutaa In. id K Maltlara Laaaatad Ciavarwaaaal Laada. U yaa vaal l Marrwar Maaajr. i.g bar liana, ha aaa aeauaauaaatat f Wrllaa rira. Mfa, and Aaaldaal faaaraaaa. If ya flaiol all. writ. Bad yaar lallara will prataaptljr ana..,M. SEE! SEE WHAT? C. F. STEPHENS! If ymt want anytliin in the fliajM- nf CLOTH I NC, Kor Man r NVoinan, JJoy, tiirl or Ilahy. New - Umatilla- House, TIIK SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. V li(hl In aat tteah I.Mat ramnda, and Hnra Poal litltler. A III a.. 1 1 for ia.ll or llolea Kith H,irova-it arrurlly, or will trail" Inr Imraea or ratie. Aaldreaa Korr & Buckloy, liraaa Valley, Or a Ticket an. I Vjavr Oltlrw ol thn U. I. IC. R. Company, and r.ffii-a of the We- Uliiun Tele.Taph OtTIc rt In tha Hotel. Fire-Proof Sale (or the Safety ol all Valuables. I.AIMIKST : AND : FINKST : HOTIX : IN : OltEGOS Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregor A full lino of all the Stamford Tatent Medicine, Drugs, Cliernicifo, Ktc. .'.-ARTISTS TVTEIIA-LS. V Couritry an.l MalrOrtlor will rwvlva promt attention. 1 Stu-vrajnorti to I ). Frank, aleeraHl. ) OPALL IK av A (irneral I.lne) of Horse Furnishing Goods. iiEr'viiiiisro pkomptly and jsrHA.'rx.Y roir Wlalcsale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wtips, Eiisc BWB Full Assortment of Meiican Safldlcrr Flain cr Stamcl 8ECOSD STKKKf, .... TUK DALLES ""i THE DALLES LUMBERING CO INCOHPOHATKU IMHtaj NTo. C7 Wasiiinoton Stukct. . . Tuk Pall Wholeaale ami Retail IValera anil Manuftw'ttimn of Building Milfrial ud PiiseBui Timber, Doors, WiiuUs, MulJinjs, Dossi FarsiiiA Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and f. Boxes and Packing Cases. - -y c utmier iTMrrt t Old n. a-a-i DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered any part of tho city. THE CELEBRATED FOR SALE OR TRADE CO LU M B I A BREWER FriMll PertllHIffl Slallinn AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. V VIVHVJIVU MaVUU4UU ThU well-knotan I. re aery 1 not iiminif tint that beat Herr T. at of the Cacatle. Tha laleat aiM.haneea f,.r tlia nianiilm'iaro ul 'j f..l I! - 1 1 ... . ... . - ..J "" aTt itaaan iDimituani, , n T ,,,,, fln,,.!, artti'l win r ha tnarkat