The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 29, 1894, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
rttfc ItAI. !
Clubbing List.
T,e I'lKUMt I , Wllll'll glVSt th ""
price hat H''l arrangemente to
elublth lti following publications, and
oUeri two paprrt una year r little mot
,n illar Our
trke prlve
MWU nsl. 1. Tt'k t2.Mfl.75
4 Mlt trHUi 3.00 2.00
lMuU is il Iimmm. 8.'i". lf.25
,,! m4 Vl; '"k . -2 3 0u
t or A I. StMKVITIK.
A Unl slid down! the river delayed
ihe local passenger short tlina today.
Turn (illruor over train Klickitat
this morning and tavt h will tJiiiih his
111 plowing tomorrow, ami quit for Ilia
TliU hat len a ertert winter day,
letting only lilllw anow. Th aun
Jliona brightly all day anl waa warm
uoiigti to Jt thaw tha top of tli
ground aal nothing mora.
In noting the death of Joseph W.
RMtJy yesterday, w staled that ha was
1 president of tha American Railway
t'olnti. Thl a ara Informed ty Ma
brother engineers la mistake.
Arrangement Lava lwn inaila for
shipping U ! of Foglneer Ready to
hit old bom. In lU-ths). Pennsylvania.
Knglnser Thotnaa llealem will accom
pany tha ramalna, atartlng tonight.
Iltakelry A I lough tun have purchased
tba stock of tha llclui drugstore anil ara
taking an lontory today. Th goods
a 111 ha removed at one to gla tha
brick masons ani rarprnlere a rhanra to
Uka out tha lower partition! of tha
You way not think ao, but you want
to go "round to Ooeavn 'a grocery anil
at tba proceaere by which things goJ
to aat ara mad without tba use of tha
tax lent ami everlasting bog; gra.
Coltolene la tha naw fal, am) If It la aa
good a It louka, It aa ain ita way
to popular favor.
Nail irk Kiull Hcbanno will haa
tka partition between tha Harris Hot,
and tha rooma which ra occupied by
tha Halm drugstor removed, and tha
bole lower floor of fifty fart front by
tba full depth of tba building wilt b oc
cupied by Mr. llarrla, who will anlarga
kit stock and fill tba ant Ira building.
Tfcoa day by day lb Increasing business
of tha Kay city damaoda auor room and
larger atorkt.
Another train wrack occurred at Turn
alrr, near Cetllo, la ft night about II
a 'rlock. Thla lima tha accident wat
canted by a broken wheal, or aomelhing
ef that kind. Several rara left tha track
and wer pratty badly wrecked. It la
aid that tha eectlon of ona of tha galea
at tha Cascade I-kt on the train,
bat ara now nnder tha w recked rara, and
ara probably pretty badly damaged. If
thla la tha fart another delay will tier
haa be caused In completing that very
tnoch postponed pier of work.
Yesterday waa "squaw ker day,"
every youngster In town baring from
one to a doaen of thoea ear-disturbing
rnMwr nulaancea, and not on of them
axemed tt grow weary of looting, tha
measly thlnga. On redeeming fealnra
about them, howerer, la their aiwllarlty
la tha national bank they go "bun"
pretty easily. In (pita of much blowing
and continuous banting there It yet
quite a sufficiency of them, but they will
Pa away,
rrvi.y s iNilIr
Martin Itunnell will probably mora
hit drug ttor from Goldendala to thla
place early neit month.
lingular aolrea at tha opera houee lo
a.rrow night. Thla bring tha lat
dnce of tha month, tha priaea will lw
r.U that night.
The englnea from the wreck were Me
tracked near Peaaa A Mya' warehtie
yet'rUjr. They loukeil liaa they nerer
mild recover from that C'hrlrtuiai jnui.
Tan rara loadud with fctlona of tha
M fur tha locki at tha Caeradea pael
down thla morning, from which wa Jinle
lhe were not Injured In tha wreck
Wrinealar bltt I.
Tha body of Joeeph W. Iteady wat
nt Kant lat night. There waa quit
nnuihrr of Maeon and Knlghtt of
tythlat at tha depot at well at engineere,
o py their latt reniierla to their de
'siM'd brother.
Tha nierrtiry baa lieen N low the frwa
"aT Hlnt all day with a light northeast
i"d of remarkable krenneM prevailing.
It It Una winter weather, though, and tha tmall boy baa bit akatea out
nd ready. It will aom dyt yet be-
re tha Ice will bo ripe onlcat the mer-
f,iry takea another email drop.
Al Arnnrr Hall.
Tha entertainment given by tha
Kpiaropal Knnday arbool Chrltlmat
K'ltht wat well altendeil. and waa on of
tha very uleaeantett alTaire ol tha kind.
Thera waa aom little trouble In getting
the maglu lantern to working rightly but
thla waa toon remedied and tha Immente
vlewt perfect In every way held th at
tntlon not only of tha lltll folk but of
tha larger onea alao. Th recllatlont
id aongt war thoroughly appreciated
by all. Mr. Davl tellt ua ba will give
another ei hi hit Ion with the magic lan
tern, at ha bat bundredaof viewt, and
all well worth teeing.
RwiUllB hj Ike 1'eaiMll.
At a ipet lal meeting of the rommon
council of Dallet city, held Dec. 24ih,
tha following preamble and reaolutlona
were adopted,
Wmcaait, It baa pleated tha Supreme
Kuler of th Univeraa to reiuova from
our inidat our friend ami co-worker
Thoe. N. Jolea, and
WiiaaBAt, Tha Intimate rulationt long
held by Ilia devraaed reudtir It proper
that we thould pier on record our ap
preciation of hie tervlrea at a council
man of tklt city, and hit meritt at
cltlaen. Therefore be It
Httulnd, That tha common council
tender lU tpmpalhv to hie relativea in
thit their tad a miction.
lttu,Utd, That tha council attend
tha body t)th grave to pay th latt
honor to hla remain.
Rtmlrtt, That theta reeolullona be
entered upon the mlnuUt and that a
copy of them be tent to bit relativea.
( i. C. KallCLMAN,
M. T. Nolan,
S. H. Joilxa.
llliloa. rra Leege. Ne , l. ef
M.. A. . l. W.
Viikh(, Iieatlt bat removed from
our mid it our esteemed brother, Thomaa
X. Jolet, and while we bow In resigna
tion to th I'lvine will, knowing that
II doeth all thingt well, wa will mist
him In our count lit and regret tha ab
sence of bit genial presence, reallting
that we have lost a true friend and
brother, be It therefore
Hroltt4, That we extend our deepest
sympathy to hit relatives for tha lost
they bav sustained by hit death ; and
be it further
Ititolud, That aa a token of respect
to oo r deceased brother our charter and
altar I draped In mourning for thirty
Uttulnd, That these reeolutiona b
spread upon the minutes, published In
both daily papers, and copy be went to
th relative of our 1st brother.
it. Jab iU'eaau.,
Ollib rTtrnsia.
I'red Mobr it In from Hay Creek.
W. It. Mc Farland of rrinevitl la in
tha city.
Mr. II. II. Itiddell returned today
from visit w Itn relative! near Kugeoe.
J. L and C. M. Brock and C. (ioodman
all of Wasco, are registered at th L'ma
tUla. rrMar't thuir.
A. J. Mocart iaupfromCatratla Iorks.
V. V.. MIchell left fur Columbut thit
Mr. Chas. htone returned from 8ealtl
last night.
Mr. James Ifoag cam up from Hood
River last night.
Mr. Faulkner of Hood Uiver waa in
lb city yesterday.
Mr. Pnowden arrived bom from
Tacoma yesterday.
M. II. Mckelsen and F. K. Absten of
Hood lUvrr are in tha city. (
Mr. A. (i. Johnsin ram upon last
night's taln from l'ortland.
Mra. H. M. French and Miea Ileesia
are spending a few dayt In l'artland.
Mra. Kinehartcame np from Portland
and will remain until alter New Yean.
Misa (ieorel 8amteon will go to
Cioldendala tomorrow to visit relatives.
Misa Rutlediraof (i rasa Valley la the
guest of her cousin, Misa Catharine
Mr. Kdgar Clayton, one ol Nebraska's
prominent et.wkmen. visited hie eleler,
Mra. K. U. Il.l ol this city, yesterday,
leaving for Portland this morning.
They bad not teen each other for thirty
four yeart.
Aavertlse Letters.
Following it th list of letlert remain
ing in the poetoflic at The I'tillee un
cIW for Dec. 2t. IWt. Peraona calling
for the tama will give data on which
they wer advertised :
llnaler. Win Cameron. J H A Co
Ctatk, I. A Claik. Mrs llaruara
tiaae. U P Psm Cevnin, lUmden r.
tVichran, Chas II
J'.lichil.i. C W
I'illlor, miss iJina
(islllgher, Jus
Hk.wser, Chas tllimleen. I has
JUneoii, A lleiiick. Morton
Knnerv, Jno
Mrkwnml, A J
I eel, O r.
Mann, J H
Mlallia M. tlowen. Mrs tie
KeaCH-a. K Mi. harlm. J
KoltertihV Mrt J P Ibelgert, J
Pimonson, Mont Sun
Wasco Sun, Snvder, J I.
Thompson, Mrt Charlie
J. A. CnoasM. P. M.
Aa tllil I re.
Hev. W. C. Curtlt rec'lve.l this n.orn
Ing a very unique: present, and one
which be values very highly. It came
(rum Mr. Norman Wilson, who It at
present lit Phoenli, and It noth
ing mora or lest than a ceramic vase or
urn, made ages ago, bv the Attics or
mayhap tha cliff dwellcrt. It contained
Its pircee of human bonet and wat
found In the bottom of on of tha old
canalt near Ph.nll. Th urn la pe"
fee. with th etcpthm of very email
plecechlppcd (rom one edge, and it with
out other ft w or crsck.
Ileall"iate Traasaillaas.
Th billowing deed wat Qled for record
today. Harrv Hating to Pennla Ma
loney.n'i of ne of the te.U arc W 1 2 n
of r lit.
AaaeesaBt la Mltewell.
At I til at my a Indow thit 2:id of Dec.,
I tblver and cringe, lor Just below there
seems to b a heavy snowstorm and lit
dismal and bleak appearanc ttriket
chill to my lionet. Hut there It no
reason for complaint, for tha winter, ao
far, has been almost Incomparable In e
cellenc, until few bourt tine and th
tky seemed tnddenly overcast and
heavy slorm coming on us. It it but a
few miles below and long ere thit comet
to you we will have had a tnowttorm, at
least you may think ao, and aa tha ap
pearance at distance sever enough.
H6t tubwttormt ara not all we have to
attract our attention and divert our
minds. A few tt th tnoit interesting I
must tell you. Flrstand very Important
Mrt. Dr. Hanck haa been quit tick th
pait week, being ecu fined to her room
entirely and to her bed most of th time,
hot at present la better.
Frank Forrester's Infant hat been very
th k tha patt week.
More sidewalk baa been laid until
there haa been a complete new walk laid
naif tha length of th town.
Dr. Honrk Is having a new odlce built.
Hasser hat but lately put In full
stock of goods.
A Haptlst church was organised here
nnder tha Instructions of Kev. Mr. Moar
of Arlington, who had been holding ser
vices here for about two weeks. A
worthy and competent man who held
bia audienco In rapt surprise at ha told
bit ttory In ao lucid and graphic a man
ner that left hardly a doubt in tba un
rvjudiced tuinde of tha bearrrt, that
there waa foundation for the truth of th
ataertlont made. Hvervone w better
fr hit coming. Such a thing cannot be
aald of every minister that comet here,
I am very totry t aay, but It it true.
Thla It tha flrtt church organlied here,
although there were but few niemberi
we hoe It may prosper.
Quit an amusing affray lent Itt ridic
ulous tide to the people of Mitchell one
day of last week t amusing at well as
ridiculous. Mr. Frank Van Ordstrand
and bia wife wer having aoau difficulty
In tha barroom of Sstter't hotel. Van
Ordstrand struck bar several tlmea when
O. 8. Maiwell, of thit place, interfered,
which caused worda to ba passed between
th men. Van Ordstrand called Max
well a liar, when Maxwell struck hint
in lb far with bit flit. VanOrdttrtnd
laid bold of tha dinner bell, which waa
lying on a table near, and t truck Max
well a blow with It in tha fare. Max
well caught and wrenched it away from
Van Ordstrand giving him blow after
blow on tha bead, cutting the scalp at
each blow, until th man waa well
bashed to pieces, when Irienda Interfered
and parted them. Th injuries of
neither roan are aeriout.
A ditpute, which ended in a few tlapa
and alight bruises, occurred at a tale of
tome sheep at O. L. Fraselt'a p'soo on
Gird creek. A man by tba name of Pet
erson, a herder, was selling the theep
for bit wages, which amounted to f3.3d.
Fraxell hal a mortgage on tha theep
againtt Kemp Berry. Peterson bid th
sheep in for 61 cents per head, Mrt. Kd.
Parish, Kemp Berry'e mother-in-law,
and partner In tha sheep, bid 62 cents
per bead. Peterson agreed to let her
have them if she would pay cash. She
could not do it. Peterson then gave
Fraiel) a bill of tale on the theep fur th
$5.38. Thit caused wordt to pats be
tween Mrs. Parish and Fraxell. She
called him a liar. He retorted by saying,
"Whll I have been t that, what you
been doing?" At that Berry struck
Frsi-ll two or three times in the face.
Anyone who knowt Fnxell knowt alao
he waa not long in returning blow for
blow. Round and round, up and down,
but toon friends parted them and but
few brolsea were the result. So endt
tha chapter of pugilistic exercitet.
K. V. K.
The Heady laqueat.
The testimony before the coroner's
Jury yesterday It too voluminous to
print. In substance it it that Keady'a
train wat on the tide-track, that the
twitch bad been left open neceessrily to
allow Ready to back his train. The
principal point to lie decided was at to
who wat to blame for the accident, and
under the ruled of the company the
blame seems to fall on the brakeman
and condnelcr of the freight, and partly
on Ready himself. Wc fay seems to,
liecaus we know nothing of those rule,
but this is th Inference given by the
witncfses. There Is no question at to
the II igman being tent out, and none aa
M bit fWging the passenger twice, Ret
ting an answer each time. The fact
that Kiigtneer Sherman did not put on
the air brakes la explained by the fact
that the flagman instead of slopping at
hit post ran on towards his train as toou
at his signalwat answered. From thit
fact Sherman supposed the track waa
clear at far at the other end of tha
Whoever of the trainmen may be to
blame we do not protend to say ; but
we do eay that th primary cause of the
accident liea with th company and the
board of railroad commissioners Th
company thould not tend out traint
longer than the tidings, and tha board
of railroad commissioners thonld not al
low It to do to. and for thie reason th
bluiiie liet mora with them than with
the trainmen, or any of them. The
verdict of th coroner 'a jury la aa fol
Iowa: "We the Jury called and tworn to in
quV Into the death of Joseph W. Ready,
And, Flrtt, that he was employed as an
engineer on th Oregon Railway and
Navigation Co's railroad, that at about
3:33 o'clock a. in., December 2Ttl, A .0.,
1804, at w hat ia known aa the Summit,
on the line of the said railroad in Waa
co con my, Oregon, a bead-end collision
occurred between train No. I and extra
engine 3KC, and then and there the taid
Joseph W. Reedy waa killed by reason
of aaiil collision. Second, we also find
that th caute of tha collision wat
through th non-obtervance cf filet So.
80 and fW of Kin ploy es Time Table, No.
02 of tald railroad by the emplyoyet of
extra train engine No. 380.
Wm. II. Maukb,
A. Lakhk,
Wm. McCatM,
U. W. Kuaros,
A. 8. Macalustxk,
R. (i. CLoaraa.
Defer liolaga.
Mow th days are somewhat shorter.
And tha wntry sun la anrw-r
ImIii all tbs vl rn and vigor
1 hat it bad a while a.
And aa win aa we're a pnet.
We'll be out before we know It,
W'lin a bia lot-x-haadled aborel,
Divaiug diU-bus In tbs saow.
After a few months of silence, I will
put in a few itemt of our berg at a part
ing reminder of th old year.
The fariiera are busy preparing for
the winter, hauling hay and ttraw, pat
ting the farm implement, under shelter,
etc No very great amount of fall plow
Ing hat been don around Dufur and
vicinity, on account of th frozen condi
tion of the ground; but at toon at al
lowable the farmera will make np for
lost time,
Tha weather of lute hat been damp
and threatening, while mort of Monday
there waa a heavy fog, which waa cold
and penetrating. Good sleighing
iround Nantene and Tygh Ridge, while
Dufutfa enjoying a "black Christmas."
Dr. Kan wat called away by a tele
gram from California, tummoning him
to tba bed of a sick brother.
Mra. Sunderland bat returned to
Miss Hello Uibton hat gone to ber
bom in Sherman county to spend the
holidays with Iter folkt.
David Miller and Jas. Kennedy are
spending Cbrittmaa with their parentt
and frienda at Wamic.
Mr. Geo. Dufur tpent Christmas with
bia relativea ber.
Mis Auoie Dufur, who bat been th
guest of Mra. Mollie Dufurof The Dalle,
haa jutt returned.
Grandpa Dufur, who baa been very
ill, ia now around again, we are pleated
to note. It It a bard matter for on of
bia energy and ambition to be kept in
doort for any great length of time.
New Trar'a night there will be given
a grand matquerade ball, at which ap
propriate prixea will be given to the two
beet gentlemen and lady characters.
A social la to be given at the hall by
the A. I. 8. Saturday, Dec. 20th. All
are invited.
School closed Friday, Dec. loth, for a
two-weekt vacation.
Several new buildlngt have just been
completed, which adds to the tixe of our
berg somewhat.
The Methodist church are holding
protracted mevtings, with the aid of
Rev. Brian.
Christmas eve the ladies of th W. C.
T. U. (ivt a Christmat tree at the M. .
church, which waa a grand tuccese.
They spared no pains to make the even
ing an enjoyable one to both yoonj and
old. The church wat beautifully decor
ated with evergreens and appropriate
mottoes and emblems of the occasion,
while a targe tree waa tastefully and
plentifully decorated with the Christmas
offerings, and the myriads of lights that
danced and twinkled amongat the laden
bought. A large crowd filled the church
to overflowing. A thort but well chosen
program preceeded the nsuul Christmas
excrcieee. Th choir gave tome ex
cellent mU"ic, under the supervision of
Wiilard Vanderpool, who is proficient
In music and thoroughly understands bis
business as the people of Dufur well
know. Rev. Barnhart gave a few fitting
remarks. Master William Gulliford re
cite.! "Boyt Are Wanted," in a cleur,
loud voice for one to young. Ralph Can
trell and Garfield Kasten recited their
declamatlunt with credit forboytof their
aget. Oneof the best things of the even
ing wat a recitation by There-a Maik
ham, entitled "What the Bella Said at
Christmas," which was very effectively
rendered and well appreciated by the
audience, after whith a tinkling of Mis
told that old Santa waa at the door, and
caused a stir and a craning of recks
among the juvenile portion of the
audience. F.very child was made luppy
by some gift bestowed by the wonderful
Santa Clam, while those too old to feel
tha mystical charm of Lis presence,
Turn backward, turn backward,
o, tlin In yiHir niclil,
M'ke me aehll.l aalu,
Jut for lotilsbu
After tow distribution of the gifts, the
crowd dispersed with their hearts full of
cheer and a feeling of "peace on earth,
good will to men."
Christmas night dance wat given at
the I. O. O. F. hall, at which a goodly
crowd was In attendance and all enjoyid
the evening.
C. P. Batch and hla fonrteen dogs are
quit well, we are pleased to state, at
th present writing. Qcix.
rl ea Tear Ulaaaes aad Leek at TAIs
From 100 b $2,000 to l.rnn. Apply to
Geo. W. Rowland,
113 Third St. The Dalle. Or.
Are You in Need
Or -
A Fine Line of I.ADIKH CLOAKS to m closed out at one. Come early.
Also a Urge Assortment of CO.MFOKTKRS from 75c np.
Tikilione No. 20.
" Meesh-a-lavis sliuma-lapaltic ka
apachlapoo ta ish kadoo."
Grand ffasquercide Ball,
-To UK
WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. 0. R. M
D22C221YZB22R : 31st, : 1894,
At Wingate's Hall, The Dalles.
The following prizes will be given:
ON'K FANCY .FRUIT DISH Best Sustained Lady Character.
ONE FANCY SHAVING SET Best Sustained Gentleman Character.
ONE MANICURE SET Moat Comical Lady Character.
ONE FANCY CARVING SET Moat Comical Gentleman Character.
ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best Represented Buck.
ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best Represented Squaw.
Prizes on exnibition in L. Rorden's Show Window.
B. 8. PAYNE. F.
door committee:
-ys.g r -tin, 01.OO, On sale in all the principal business Donees,
and by membert of th tribe. Positively no queetionable chsractere admitted.
Grand March at 8:30 P. M. sharp.
Music by Dufur Bros.' String Band.
pood Exhibit.
Call and sample the dainties
cooked bj Eastern Cooks, at
J. B. CROSSEN'S Grocery
All the rest of the week. '
Opposite Moody ' Warehous