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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1894)
THE DALXES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1894 The Weekly Chronicle. I"..:".": ! this ohjccl the most onitfoml nation, .'reed. hvelaud ha intimated that it oloWtionable action la not at one MHki.i i he iuvoke thai clause In the j M..rrill tariff U tliat alio tM gov lawrvdat th t.ltir l Th hlUimv ; eminent to add ten percent to til regu- thk ii.i.a mm el mail aiaiU-r. STATIC ! I A I h i.inrnnn Suit S l"ihlle AlUu'm'.r OVarral MoaUirs .... long res mm. flair Pnntc . I Ur duties !-on the produ.'t wow ing fiom those countries discriminating ii Sill " lt ' l'olw,, th ..rtitliip ! ru nt would 1 mora than itiad to THE MARKETS. i Wuatr W li 31c per lu. lUiLkV ft ices are tip to " to ikV cents per HXI lb. Oats Tim oat market I light at iH to SO (t ut per UK) lbs. Fi.ot'K diamond lraul at J ' r lihl. ht ton ami 75 r lilil. letaii. II tv Timothv liav ranges in price from $10 to fl'.' per ton, according to WEAK WOMEN and nil mother who are iiiirvngr babies derive lenclit fi.m Scott' Emulsion. Thiip,rr,"r"' tion serve two purport It vjives Mivnijih t' mot Iter ' and also nintho their milk .nn thus niako their li.ti thrive. A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS M Irani , . ...... ... 1 1 . i i .... ' oualit v and condition. heat hay is f. M I.II..U.U lv-a Wll. li u..,o ..... .vu . , .I..,.l ,., I . ' J A ,, cent o the amount o( the duties paid on iH. il.rm.i.u ; nuar imported from lutw.and would m u in. i . . . . ... . .. ' . ... ...I.l Ijn'H v Ilm .MVtinitM III 1HM IPOV. ........ ... . ".u.nni'i" .w ... . . , lii-rrKH rrwii rou rmtii-r at ... to cointv nrruiui . trna. I-. Biakelej T. J I'nirt M kflMV Wm. M letted S KrmiiK kltHuJ I . !. HI.'W.ra ltw . .. K. II WslWieU ItarTeT. K. ". Khars. iri'ntvftfut ol Public sVhuxls .Ttuj lwlr tnm . . It. Hutu C.MllltJ Jutt.... Wlf. Chit Trrmiurrr . . . . rtuniainaHiner eminent, wl.ilf at tin Mine tint giving cent per roll. ail other sugar-producing countries that nimli advantage over Cuha in our markets. Dt:.H AUMXr ITSELF. in hill atork on m limite.1 leitmnl nt 7 !h) to ' 00 per ton. ToTAToca m to 7. ee lit nr 100 llw. I Th4 Orrgonian deire, or taya it I doe, to Senator Iilph r elected to I the United Siatea aenate. If it ! U not ftioainf either tact or erpica I city. We a:to believe that Senator IVlph tlmuld be ra-elected, but becaii e do, we rannot indorae the poaition taken by our big contemporary; that la that the financial queation wa oiade an i-fiie in the lat campaign. If gold wa eiulormnl hy that election, hoar did it happen that Hermann and KIlit, rjoth ilver men, aere electetl? Another thing the Oregnun doea not rar!ivelv !ull amount. unJ-rtaml I that Senator Mitchell The exploiation of the rnjte a a ! haa many friemla In the legislature, ho aiai!e h Comuiol ire Lull, and iMid!Hl tevtr to the conttruction Tilt: SIC.iKKiC.l VASAL. The lull providing for the final con ttruction of the Nicaragua canal will Inl!)y pa- congrefs at thi eon. To those who have nut iuf rnicl them aeWea tion the nil jeet, it wn.i l:ke a Ke'ei un.lertkiiig to ivnuriirl a canal for the distance thi one appar ently require, jet nature ha o aini'h that the work i rtdnced to acom- to show a pri. tlc.thle rue, w iili Uke Nicaragua at in summit level, !07 feet atve the eea. Tl.m route rr.)uir- ran.t' ixti'eu mi' lonj. Nv.'iniiing a'. Ue uioiith uf ti e Kio .lei Meiiio nr., I icr r.inating at Bri'o. Tne tirt evru and a half miles will reipiire an earav.ttion averaging Cftv f..iir fret in ilei th, an. I J that paper in try ing to put upon the re- ultfof that election. If It ia conceited that the iue waa made, where would Mitchell, Hermann and r'llis taod? The Oregonijn'a iure it folidify ing the fricmU of the gentleman named, and if IK.lph is to l elected "becanae that wai nia.le an iwne in the campaign," and will be tl.e mot expensive art whole work. Ten loc ami -ne ti.le lock will be re.piire.1 between the lake and the Pacitjc. There will then he Sfty-?ix miles of lake navig.tlion. From the lake the Atlantic will be reached through the San Juan river, a luggith alream yarda broad and from ten to twenty teet deep, which will be im proved by four dam. A short ertion of caual, with one lock, will be require J to cet .around each of the upper three dam. Froiuthe fourth to the Carnbean tew a canal forty-two mile long will be rot, requiring seyen lock.. One of the priocipal difficulties of the; for that reaaon only, he will never lie elected, Unau-e if elected on that irsue John II. Mitihel! will be politically dead. The Oregonian is stirring np wiiat if it keeps up its gait, will prove a sad disappointment for iteelf. Ktitia (tiHal fresh eggs sell at to X e. IVlirav tiood fowls are iinteil at ?.'.'" tof'J.71 per doren, turkeys cent er lb. Br a MrrroN Heel catlie are in less demand at $l.. per I'V weight groan to IJ.OO for extra gKt. Mutton Is now quoted at I ti.' rents per Ih. gross. I'ork offerings are light nd price are nominal gr weight at 3'v cent dressed. sT.tei I (IMOCKRIKS. CorrtK -Coeta Kica, lqiNtil at :'( per lb., by the sack. Salvadore, .M' .c. Arbucklt, '-'". Sro ta (iolden V, in hhls or sacks, .i '.'"; Kxtra C, " "0 ; lry grunnlate. o tH). l. U., In :u lb boxes, .'.. h 0. U5. tiC Ot). Kic Japan rice, r.'.ji.fTc, Island, rice, 7 cts. I'.xans Small whites. I'ink, s.c er HH) II. Sun-t.' (X) to i- W . keg. Salt Liverpool, .VHh k. "it'c ; lisilh 0l; SlOlh k. -.' IK). Si.m k .!t. 10 per ton. Si l -Mt i cent per ponipl iiiiiks and rta Huns Are qiiotcl us futl.iw I'r, 2c lb; green, . Siixrp I'm ti 25 to.'iOca. iMTkiii, Jt)c ib for w inter and )c f.r summer. Pressed, light )1 Ih, heavy 7 V- Ih. I'.iar skins, '.irj ea; leaver, M :) Ih; otU'r, $o ; tisher, . .'hi: silver gray fox, $I0i.i L'o ; red fox. $1 "" ; grey fox '.' .'0i.f-l : martin, $lifl l''; mink 50c(rf.Vic; coon, .'xlc; royote, .VVi t 7"h-. Graix Htiis tl'4' to H1, each. Scott's mfmmatami.'!' JSxnvX: row LITTLE MONEY is a t'inii n.. in . i ItHltPH tllC il' tklll ' t insup ;l n' l n 1 1 wss' i ' 1 V . , e. ..Iidrf. I u I icirifd v I. r!, Cei.'i! Osbihty. Tliront " J L'i",r Co'"' ' vi - It,, Cdct An.iemi.i, 5rfi.l.. jnJ Waitinfr Duere o.' ChnHrsc ttstt a ". k aii 0'viit't. to $!. SUMMONS. W aje-rt HtltlU I iMiittift, rf HUiia A M"ii. t-rfvltiU'll 1, t ftif-tfmmi ii-'v. In ih ti..!t oi ihm Mtti . f rTrfm i'it mir li-r hi fti(uiff l It air i1 tirt Ih- iMrntUt:it f'.fl 4xilul V'"i In l til'id stmt now .titii In t's at rtitl li. I t ...irl, rt .r frf. r M-.n-Ur. Hit llttt Ur ( I- r' , l ., thrtt lvif (ho drwl tflhonrtl runr l.tTM .J Mi'l i ;rt at.)! If "4 1 1 l' iit-f. ..f wsitt ttrfr.'t Cie- put ''till Nil (".! Hj ifill in lii oini.iaiul, fa a t-f-w i ! h trv.f 1inmi) I'iiC lf at.iiil'liif: the tJia'tl)IW , r':al-'tt in.v fUIU'.J vt ttl li1 till.t t Mt. a:! ( r iri (.(!i f aid lur tttrf mw .i ' h I ttrt tiia si -sjtUll- pl1 j I hi MiutUitnt l ! ii-'ti i ti t ultira tl il lit Tvs, i- Kits hatlift),ss, n r t'l fs-tif rI I IfrMi 1: t.-ii f ttL h-s I at I U.t t 1 1 , Um'' I t hi , i r jt .ti , b rtrf ( i Xbr Ifi'ii 'if.'.- I. Itrswlsbaw . Ju.U f tilii i iMtri. w lit r wi fti j m-l at riiwiiihr-fi i I 'il i I ' 1 1 y , W I iiinh I trrn, ui J - 111 ; ii n it x try 1st.'" r aii'iiu 'r r (nt.rf flew York OF TUP Aitt saw FOR A TJIIFLE. I IVeeldy Tribune, lacnl v -page jonrmil, is Ih leading ItermLHrsn family iHr of t t'liited Stairs. It Is a Nlll'IN.U. FAMILY I'AI'KK, and , the iirneral newa id I lis t'pited NUIes. It give the events of f.iriHgg land In a nutshell. Its AtUtltT I. H' M I. department haa no so. lerior In the cinirv. It M A It K K. I U KI'OU TH are rNntnlr.l thorliv. ei.araie ileparlmenls l..r THK KtMII.Y 41 Itl'I.K. tifU YlM'NG Hl KS. and W'l I'.M'K ASU M K.l'IIAMCH. i AM) .MK'IK.fY riliunns eoinmand the admiration d tha wive a(j daughters. It general pilitlcal news, sHlltorials anl diseussioiis r( eomprrhrnsttrr, l.rilliaiil and sihaustlve. TH V hl'M'lil. fONritAtT enahlr WKKKI.Y I'll KOMf I.K for us to o(Tor this splendid fmrnsl t4 . r l.mli.ll . ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, Oaaaalt lit Advnlioo. ( The regn'ar suUrnplioii for the lai per I J.."ifl ; si hi KirrioN mav hn.iN at anv tiwi A ! !r.-. I ii.tfi to CHRONICLE PUDLISIIINO CO ItW W ine y nr mnie and ad l"-s oti a ( esrd. s.rl it to e.irn V. lm ll.M.m 1. Tnltiiiie 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . w . New Y.rk t'llv, and a sample copy t.f H r. St I IIHK Kr.KI. I l.llll t. will I mail.-l to oil. Notice. A company has been formed at Olym-, pia for preparing piling and other tiin-1 ber to resist the attacks of the deadly; teredo. It i said that a large plant will I be erected at once, and the plan given a practical trial. The pile are to be, treated with extract of chittnu wood or bark which i verv abundant in Oregon illbeind Washington. The extract I very v-.-atWcx in maintaining a sufficient depth of water at Greytown, the Atlantic term ioas of the canal. Some question is raised a to there being sufficient water to maintain the canal. This seem to be set at rest by an examination of the Jake, the watershed and the rainfall. Lake Nicarsgna ha an area of 2,700 square miles, a drainage area of 8,000 square miles, and an average rainfall cf Wl inches, and will supply, according to actual measurment of the discharge t4 the San Jnan river, thirty-eight j times as much water as would be re-1 quired. David ftevensor), the eminent ! F-ogiih engineer, arrive at the conclu-, kin, from document submitted to him J by an authorized official rf the United ' Siit. and prepared hy its authority, i that the principal engineering difficulty j i to maintain deep .water through an; extensive shallow foreshore, composed j of s. It materia: and exposed to heavy teas. The estimated cost of the canal is IC0,iXi,aO. d IXEFF1CIEST OFFICER. One Oiaf Johnson haa been piblish ing in ti,e Oregonian seme insinuations that our Fish and (lime Protector Mc Guire Is inefficient. This arones the he of that gentleman and he proceeds to Iob!ih a statement from Mr. Sofas Jensen, secretary of the Columbia River Fisherman' Protective Union, to show that he, Mr. McUuire, is the "only t-lll-eient, honest and irjpartial fish com jissioner ever had in the state of Ore gon." Mr. Jensen further present the results of his last candy-puil hy saying that McGuire' administration "de- Biands the resjiect and gratitude of all Si-hing inteie-ts, and is an honor to j yonr-elf and the governor w ho appoint- j d you. This is really the mot huni'jrous con troversy that has britrhtem-d the edito rial page of the Oregonian for a long time. We have not the pleasure of Sir. Ii.i0ire a acquaintance, hut do not i douht the statement that he is a conscientioas, honet gent'ernari. As to hi efficiency in enforcing the laws, that is another matter. Mr. Mrtinire aas not len al.le to enforce the law at ail. This not his fault, but that of the j people. When justices of the peace do : aot want the laws enforced, and are bscked hy the commnnity from which j the j'irors ar drawn to try the offend ers, it ii a safe wsger that that particu lar law is not going to be enforced, f n is donbtful if any pwer short ei omiiiiiotence coald enforce, or any w itdoiii short of omniscience conld in terpret the present game and fi-h laws ol Oregon. The last legislature made a perial act for every specie of l ird, beast or reptile, and then, evidently for lack of something else to do. It repealed thern all and enacted other in their place. Mr. Mcfjnire may be ery efficient man, Lot when it comet to being an efficient cfrWr In protecting fame or fish, he i not, and bo other asan can be. bitter, and it ia claimed that the teredo that bore into a pile treated with it will , soon discover that he haa business else where. It i quite possible that the in-1 veutor of the process got hi pointer from ! a perusal of the Bible, and was led to ex-1 peri men t from Noah' selection of that wood in the construction of the ark. i Naturally the bottom of the ark ex-i posed to the action of teredo, barnacle ' and all that tribe would need some pro-1 lection, and Is it not possible that the qualities of the wood led to it selection? : We acknowledge the receipt of bulle- j tin 01. part 2, of the committee on j finance of the United State senate, showing a comparison of the text of the ; tariiT law of the year 1S'.1 and 101. j We have not had lime to commit it to memory, or even to give it the exhaus-1 live reading that leave one with that! tired feeling. We just noticed that, ansage-fkin, rags, rennets and cat- J gut are all on the free lit. A we i generally stuff all of our own sausage J after it is cooked have plenty of rags, ' don't like cheee, and can't play the I Gddle we lost interest in the whole tfair. I' i. 1 S.-tir, hrtity fUrti that !. ii''lrif nr tta If n '1it a('4titaxi r Ih Ht'rbi I i.iinl I "'ill V mo ta4t rtl) , l irrtfoti, aM tvl tfiitiiktmiivr ff il.m -(( of Mary l. 4-ttt-n, ft rnatsrwl. AH f ha In rialma rfinal assl-l -ttf mrm t'.Urtit Vi ftttl lit Mm. n-rlT -rincJ In ma at my h tichr aa.r 1 1 ?fh ativv, t wr.i riNturv. iffrn, or at I It ff.r altotn; iltr A Vftif tatrJ lh l'a lf-. ' if.Tf-.ii, fivwithrf 111 Km ftttM.HHtl I- fntinlCrat.. ff is -t Mary M t...r,n, t-cit. urtb. A Merrv Christmas and a Happy New Year to All. Notice. Mr.. I. II. H!:nmm:. I'.jI'.i . '.ve., Mnta I'm?, I'al., write: Wli.. a ctrl at sclent, in It. j.Iim I hid a sever" iM.vk t.f lr.iii in mv riTovcrv, I t.nnd tins: M, and. for a h n:.' hw , I .,i!Ol,.t H3 p riM.lMt-i.t,. ii. ;.-d i in l H'r Afer'- !' .n.l, I'll doin' so, n.v I..... an to Gv3: N..IIM. w hrw.f mwrn lbI lli un lersint hmm lffl July p.tlntr.l hf Ih II..H.4at.l. I iMintf l .Htrt Ih hUlf nl tr-..ti, ..f H im. . Mlmli.lstralrls "I lbs Ut i4 I hrlc I ft. Ililil. d.Tw t. All rfwi sit.g rlsivt ' ltil MlU rLt ar hentoT bolir. I.) irwiit li, Bam, .Inly t.flfl, . m l ftiv ml.lrnr i In illr l ur, W ami r.Minlf, orT.n, llhln ' ts mmh from Ihr Ih.i n.Hir. iNilnl tills l-ib liar ..I l. i'. l- o r 1 1 lg 1 II AI'.IIT I A.lmlnislralrti l th KsUi "I htm lialfht, d.-crf1 ( j Tlio winning nttinU in our ('lirisitiii.t OflVriitj:!-) w rr: 2734. Dinner Set; 2466. Lamp 10W3, Doll MTICF KM: TUI'.I.JCATfOV Tho j..irtio ImMitiK th alMvt miinlTi Ii-iih' n-ttt th f.imt- nnl j.'t tht'ff r !. Xj. ttOttUH12T Sc CO. I O! i-. f.-v. r. p I :i' .! ; :!' l;.ir i.. i.i i'f 1. 1-. in.. 1 li. . I t. . .1 ' 11 " , mv l.s r I 1 1. .. I ,.i ! .Oyer's HaSr Vfo: i :: t At Norman' Grove, Nebraska, Christ mas day, a fractious cow kicked Mrs. Carrie Moon to death. Mrs. Moon had gone out to milk the vicious animal and not returning, her children investi- gated and found their mother dead In the yard, the cow standing over her. j Serious as the subject is one cannot but j think that it is queer af'.er all that the ridiculous old nursery rhyme shonld prove true, and that the cow actually j did jump over tr.e rnn. j .in- u.y I. it lr. nvi-r .i I t 'i 4 1. 1- i .! .ii V' in ...I . :7 ; in. . -4-- 'll'" . Ill ''"I'. . !-4 ii." I .er' Vi;.ir for 1 Utl.l rIW ; 1 lll,t;in'il ' I.A. '.' . I know i: i. the l .t 'r r',. li-,ir i'i ; . 11 .. " . .. ; I nnifi!i Spi ,n ; ' Huh 0 Hair Vigor IlSw,,, U4S. Ilreckinriilge is going on a lecture tour and Miss Pollard vith her attorneys are to follow hiru from town to town, for the purpose of attaching his receipts in order to ratinfy the judgment against j him. The gallant colonel is making a I hard race for the U. H. senate and if Mis, Pollard will only cha him hard enough i she may run him in. j The Columbia Packing Co. are sidling trimmed pirk shouhh r at o cent per pound cash. d.-clit I . 1.40 (irrn s. Th Ixiln, in .( i irliilx i'., Isttt i N i'.tm IS lirrrhf flvrti that th ..H..llif fiamral st'llir haa P,,t-l HMIiv f.f tils ItiUmtl.l ' b. mas Altai r.. In aut.rl ..I hla rialm, an.l ' that a. fifaif will ! ma. hrlotai tit mfUIW i ami r-rr r-f tfin I. liil ifT,r at th paJUra, 'f.. irtl lT-inr I, I,!, U Jam 1 1 A. ,(. ir i t N.i v,i"., f. r tin- Nl an I N', . i. S-e I:. Tp I n. K I . I . w tl Hp rained 11, l.iU.italnff Taitnrr t.. f.rtm his . rmilliiii-'iis f-..i.rn. t tia.ti !t.l rulti i al. ,l sai lan.t, vl tl nr.ilM" M. . Illir. I V llaftlmall. i ' H F j aTTtr , Kii'l -f.h", ir-.,ii Jt r MiHllir. Kxl.lrr ! Administratrix No tice Sf.-t'e- l fi-ft ftvrn that !' un.Vrtif rtM ha fsrri aff'hiUt1 f.f itk-r tr. I ..ttrtif -n ' fiff Wnri Miiint)r, lUt uf lint"!!, a'tT'ilnUfa ' tm i.f ili f-u i nrf mlr im-tMiiM, 1 tirnr f ! M.W'f. d-rv I Ail f-r.nsi hatinf rtalmi falnat f I'nIkb; ml4 txUI ar tirrtv hs-lift-d j t frrwnt Kit m mm In mm at Ih (sttlr i-f th f 1 It-rk at I Uf !..r, Iti aat'1 ftmnlf and t tw, wltiiin sin jtsr tru dai t tint ubiu U"tt 4 Ihla tt"t r Ifalrti ttila (1f rf S'nyrmlW, A t , )L l M I A V M H K K. , ,ilm!:,tlratrH l Ih tat i.f Iumm-t f l l t.nT. Jan. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Ni.tlr la hi-n.y rl'sn lhal th nnilrrsicnpil ' haa lii tulr ii...ii, I..I l,r Ihr I .Hl-it- ..tut i I l Ih Stat uf lirS'.ii. ltt III I'.Mililv ,ini, j eiryiib-r with the tti ariiirir.! i,l ll, ratau if IJM tayl.,r,'.r.a., A II a.rMit hat It, rialma ' atr-1 isl s.,1,1 retain ar hn-hr n tlrl.l ,i tr.riit j tl.rtr rialma til til at Ilia ..iti.- of I fcnrtl A I .1 , Th I la Us. lr- .m. l!h Ui lir-far .mi. I,rr. Ihrrt-I.'r 1 1 1 hill ! if 1. ii Ilia r"fn th. ilalw liftr- . l'at'1 1 h. liail.', nr. s 'li. Niivt-iiilar Mh, .'it. I V It. ll InS, Flctltf,rf Ih last Trill ami liiLnurnt i,l 1 M. la), iltcrasnl. n? rt4 The news gatherers of the east take much trouble to Inform the public that President Cleveland and all his cabinet officer had dinner Christmas, and that the president's children had a little Chris'mas tree of their own. It would haee been new had none of these things occurred. 7S mm iWJl.JU.WU. l Catata) 1 rnartioa. d ds mrj' file. 'm to km: Pyrke If-W'ri in hlo I fori Bpain having put the Unite-! State in the list of countries that may be classed The following record today. C W Well and wifrt to J.U liyrkctt, lot 0 and the west halt-w'.r, in hha k II, sciiiJ ad lition west to town of llool P.iver; 7.1. Kastern Oregon Land Company in Lemuel liurgees, all of fractional section 13, tp6. rI7c; '1.30. United fctate to Charle W. Wing, ne) liwi4', tH ne'ij, ec 18, tp 4 , r 12 and ',', ns'i, sec 18, tp 4 I, r 13 a, patent. Mr. II. If. Campbell ha received a new line of crockery at hi grocery tore, which he will sell at 10 per rent, dis count, deel-. For Infant and t'kllilren. Cswtorfta prmnot) Dlraloii, and ovf-rouirm lutulnin-y, Coiuttqiatiiiri, Hour Ptomah, Plnrrhoa, and FeverinhnnM. Tons the child is renih-ml h-nIUiy and lu slep twrJ. Cavstoria conlnina ik; M'lrj.'-iine or other narcotic projiertr. "Oaatnrlals o wl1 sytarKed In ehlbleea tht I rertnmrKt li as sJtrr to an prsvYirtirn knomu lo mm." U. A. A. ma M. i , 111 Booth Oxfurd M., iirouiljo, H. X. Foe sresrml jmmrm I s Csiavs-la, mn4 hail always eontlniNt Uido.. as It aas isvaf latsy prorlocl tonrtViavl rssiilta.' F.i.wra V. I', M. Ii , IZUa Btm ao4 7U Are., w furk City. "Th tm of 'Cajstnrla' la so nnlrwraaj aai Its msrlts so wall know that It fna a work rif aunaratvaTStloa to l.arM It. I bts tlis In tlnrtit ranillss who 4o aot kaep Casloria wlUiia sswjr rMcb." Casual aTiSTT. T. I)., Ww Vuik L'liy. Tea Caarasa Oowraa-r, TT Murrmj. Mrast, I. T. )k Oven am STAGE LINE, THOMAS HARPER, . . Proprietor Sbige leave Hike Oven for Antelope everv, and from Arili-ln to Mit chell tbree times a wei k. iO )I IIOIifv"t AND WAGONS. tyt,tH s f.C( )f r It , :;ei( IV s. In1 (ilDr. I"'rt l'i ) Haalnraa Mrt.,r tUm I niivrl tals I.sn4 ""I'I a Sirlalt. Wetia ni'K k , Main Kt., Waahlllwliill, The Dalles aily and Weekly Chronicle. I UK ,.!!..M(:U. wai .f.uUUhii for iimm-j. I'lfM juirpoMi nf faithfully ri-jTrm iitinj; Tht I .illo and tho Kurrotimlin rountry, arnl tt:t natisfvinp oHW t of iti in i -ion in nvrry wIhth apparent. It now lfals all otlu-r pullicati'UH in Wam-o, .lier- man, (niiiatu, a larn part of ( ronk, Morrow (Jrant rountii, a- wfll as and nllu iofiH north of Tin1 Dalits, ln fic it is tin iiifdiuin for ndvi iti-i-is in tho Inland Mmpirr. Tlu! Daily ('hkomclk is ptililihrd ofry ninj in tht vi k Sundays rxrrptrd at annum. Tim Wkkklv 'hud.mci.k on file 1 1 wt-.-k at ,l..'i(l p.-r annum. For advi-rtinin rates, KuliM riptions, etc atid r iv liist IVI- $ Kridayu "f Vnr .liver, f 'lark frr nnvl lll M. K t N V.. rii).sifinii and Surnon. .Vrt R. ortrrin!. ti Hons Surs.ia, fit. Vlnent's llnasit,n( Piirtlaii'l, f m .lA I)K A. riiy.Hiciiiii and Surfon, M'Kt R, OKKdON. IW All rin.ra(onl ralla promtiM I lend , timf and nlfhU m,tli addrt-HS THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Tho BnlloM, Orogou. JLl'JJIJ a t,,lc in t,,e " s o va n tvhich, takt n at itsp t iiit oh ti) or tune." ' Tho poot unquestionably hail roforonco to tho irt! Silt d Fraii & Caul at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are telling thoso Roods out at groatly-reducod rt MICIILLnACII MUCK, UNION 8T.