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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1894)
" r fflni Ski 1111X01 I I II MY.. W II II voi v. A BLOODY CHRISTMAS rouvict lirdoncil by IVn noyer on tin Warpath. eKE MAM SHUT AM) TI1KEK CM gy.isilaa Bkaelll.J af Prominent n ..) mm'mii kin4 tr tias-4--ralaa: tkt'LieroN, Or., Irc. 2'l. Chrism 4m Frank Fletcher, ol ilia Mlitott utili. kotuood, shot Jam A.hworth, of Dry itcrk. Ashwnrlh i prominent dele pi end waa a candidal tor h ihhiiI Hi ion fur tiorllT at the convention ta.t airing. Frank Fletcher was pard ne, by Govern l'eumnvr Ut Jun. I In in la th j nllentUry fir Ufa lit killing Charles IVl' on IJnklon mountain IspUinl-er, l..r?. Iterr: by tch-phuti ay Ash worth wa ltii In the leg ami iu nut Mriuiwljr Iturt. Fletcher la not ret in custody, hbariff lluuarr ha dep Itim scouring the county lor Fletcher, bo M Oppoael to b biding IB Ilia Ulue BOUBtalo. Th huotltig occurred on Bisks! mountain, a few lullaa (ruin Wea k. Fletcher WM drunk. At Echo big crow J gathered lor i Chrtstwa daoca, and aevefai man dreoa loo mm b whisky during th evening. A row ensued between Dick William, of tilt place, and Mm Atkinson, ol Echo, Willtama draw a dirk and mad a aavage rath at Atklnaun. Mat Hmilli and llob- rt MrCullough attempt! to prevent a ollitton, and William cut each on e twraly. lla titan etirvweded In gelling ai iikiaaon, !ahing him In the groin tad Inflicting two ww.nd ais inch bag In LI legs. William U now U tVadlctoa and liaa not baan arrested. Atkinson I la a prtsrerloo condition. feeallar WrawalB; Aeelaeal.. rWroa, Iac. Sri. A vary peculiar tronlng accident ocrorrad at Ida East toston aid of tba ftonlb furry lt night. Th lorry boat Wiuthrvp Just enter- cf nia alio and naa strurc ma rigm hand ttda ol tba piling about 33 fort from Ida drop. Wban tha boat atroiU iha piling tba craali frlghtanad a boraa IUrbnl to a coupoln wblcb Ml IJIIlan A.Xola and Aontiit F. Hnow waro apalatl. With a bound tba boraa atartod forward. ad. Ivaplog tba cliain, croaaad th and f lb boat, firtrl Ita way tbrougb I ! U, and Irarxsl ovarUiard, carrylog tba loQ( wlih Mm. lb fprrybuat waa toipm IntUully and barkad, and tha koapla ar aarn in tba waiar, bating In km way managed to gal out ol tba Kinking rarrlago. Fdward T. Wilaun, i drlrar of Ilia eoupo, wtto bad lafl hi km; unattrndad on tba buat wblla nt into tba cUn to warm blmaalf. Wtiil a boatbook, and, aUlad by av kral of tha tiaMengvr and deckhand, ifrtv.liNl In rcarning tfia woman, but man wa drownad. Trrlaa m Kill frarkr. Knr. Mich., IV. Sik Myttarioui llrrt bava btMn ra-aWad by tba Itev. K. A. Wei. her. a Rabtlft MinUlar. uring tba pat fw day, all algnad Urtitber Whitman," bwt afldently krittrn by mora than on parton. pVhrn VeUbor waa ratornlng I rum tha rr maatlng 8nnday night, ha tum ll and fvl. striking hi boad and ra "Ivtng Ininrlp which ara llablo to r oil laially. That thia wa not an accl- Pent wa proved by tha fact that a man uit ahrad of bim and another Jut w- tnd did Dot fall over a pier of wire tft, htd aero tha atraal, apparently mg pulled taut jtit aa Ir. Weliber ar 'vl. The following letter, algnad a other, waa found on bit doorstep M night: "It waa my intention to f fk your neck, but I failed. Tbia will ft!ielt trouble you will ayer make church. I will put it bullet through 'ur heart If you ever coma In tha jtrivi nnprotactl again." (leg V9t9tflv)tt aN WPb Uknwooi. Ind.. Dec. 20. K-8her- Jaiiiea R, Cnrry died two week ag, fu" n lllne of long duration which "led tba beat phyilcUn in tha lUt. great deal of intereat wa manlfeated (n the raaa by reaaon of hi myteriou I'lment. It wat dlacovered yeaterday P't tha grava In which tba -berlfJ "d lieen bnrled bad been opened. In- f"tlgatlon abowed that tha body bad ken atolen. Tba family of tha dead 'n I rich and powerful, and a Urge rd wa offered for tha recovery ol fa liody. IxoiANAfoLi, Dec. 20. Jamea It. urry, et-aherlfT of Johnon county, buried a week ago. Toly !! botly ' found In an undertaking etabllnh- f'""t In thl city, midlMected. Kffort "I he made lo pnmocute the graveron- THK DALLKS, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATItUDAY, DECEMBER 2'J. will. Ki.lU Bmublaa Aad eiaamlag. Hk-iti.k. IVc, '.' The follow lug me. i join to l'oyiti by a hotulng piiri-oo t nt tly l.y the rW-Intel. Iljlinrrr Mount Hilnlir party, from (uip Mountaiiivtew, t ttta f.iot of Cr. lo' gUh'r: While cr , iiii the Wlnlhrop glarlr-r yt-aicrdny, Mnj r lij' aii' iiimlua crit iimI ciiiiiiiii itiun of liialne Klai:ir, by wy whii'ti thx .(! t io the mum It n 1 1 Irnve Wn', nl found t hut tin- ! ami ti. wu brokvri up that Mll"uiit to c'liiib up wollhl have provi-d iliaurou.. CoiiMuntly the urn in it mt iiol attfinpu-d. I'I.k i i 111 mti 1)44 tn-iii an entire anccru. It tin ilini'ntraU'l that while the tnoniil a! n Ima Imh-ii Ixtli tiinklng and atf am thv t li.infn ia line prinrlpally tjtro. luvittloii avulnmli". ami not to an eruptl-iii, Tha bw pak oWrred from Hvauie I. i.ll Ciliimhij' t'n t and f-'im-! by r-pirn I e inl carrying the .now and whipping It into the fne-lhil ak lrrilr.l. Him parly will lie born lil.Uy. rrm l III. f Work. lkiJMrol.a, Ind., Iw. 20. Jeff (iarrltfu. a gravrrohlwr who make no rllorl toooorwal hiigliouli.hbti.ineM ha Jut uialo hit will, in which he Iravr hi body to tha lmliaua medical college oflhUciiy. Ha direct' that after hi body I dlaaactrd by tha itadant and , made th uhj t of lecture bv member of the faculty, th kaltoa I to be plarad in an upright poaitlon In tha ilia ecting room of tbo college with the right band on tha handle of a new epade and lb left foot retiog on tha blade, tha latter to bo highly poiWhed, and the word, "JrfT (iarrigu. tha Urtorrctloii lat printed upon it in larg" IctU-r. (iarrlgu ay thi i the only monument be cutaie, and Iha faculty have prouiiel to carry out hi with- to the li tter. Mm Aaa A ! Maiklaf. k laaaciavo, Iter. 3u. When the perjury caaaol lial C'ohen, the ilald win hotel rolonixer, wa called in Judge Wallace' court today, defente aked for on th ground that Cohen waa exempt from proeacotton under the par. ity of election law, a ba had given te timony la referenca to tha election fraud. Th Judge ulained the mo tion, and a jury waa impaneled and in trncied lo acquit, wbh h It did. A Mj.iarlaa. blla(. LctiaoTOS, Ky., Ier, ?5. Dudley C. !au, a member of th hardware lirm of logan A lllgglm, a prominent con federate, wa myttfrlounly (hot In tba yard bark of hi rvddcnce, he Iween Sand 7 o'clock thl morning. Hi family heard hot. and fuund bim with a fatal wound in tba back of tha bead. A platol wa found bv hi aide with four chamber empty, but the wound aeamc InipoMible to b elf-inflicted. A lll t'artal a.alaacaj. Naw Yoaa. Dec. Sa.-Ki-l'ollca Cap lain John U Htevenaon wa eotucd by Judir Inirrahatu today lo three year and nine month' luiprieonment in feing fling, and to pay 1,000 Una. December 12. after a trial which lated three day, s captain waa found guilty of bribery, h having, wblla in charge ol the nun nrecincl. received four ua.ket of peach from Martin T. Kdwarda, a produce dealer. A larll Tpa lata rari. I'oat Towaaao, Wah., lec. 20. Th derelict Southern Chief, which wa abandoned tail Friday off Capa Flalery, wa towed into port to day by tha tog Holroke and Hea Lion, ller mat, rig ging and caigo of u:0,000 feet of lumber are In good condilloii. Tba barkanllne Retriever, from Iladlock, reviou to tha lug taking hold of tha veel, found tba wreck and U-ft a man in charge. Ttta Mlaer Will Mat Aaa.ft. Mamillou. O.. Dec. 20. Miner em- nlnvatl at tha A oiler ton mine bava de clined to accept tha rata of 60 cent per ton, fixed by tba arbitration commute and ara ldia today. It 1 thought all the miner In tha Maaalllon district will oon ceaa work. A taa.le Kllleti. Cui.iiMBua. O.. Dec. 20. J. C. Temple, a prlaon guard, hot and killed totlay J.iaanh O'Dav. a pnooner, of Cleveland, In for forgery. O' Day and other prbwu rt awaulted Tmpla becana ha re ported them for an Infraction ol tna rule. Iraparraat Artaar flatea. I'lttariuio. Dec. 20. Official brede- -n-.iia.'ii.a tha itatement that tha Viaiiv - Carnegie Company would demand from tha government tna repay mem oi an One Impoaed on account of alleged Im perfection In armor plate. The Haee TraaMaa 0er A rLANTA. (la., I- S0.-Thw race trouble in lirook county era over. Tha ValdoaU vidctte have retuTnrtt to uieir home and the mob ha di-appeared. Waverly Tike, for whoe capture tha mob wa orgi.iil.ed, x l"r'e' A BLIZZARD RAGING llwivy Snow Storm in the Kant ami South. SEVEREST WEATHEK IN MAKS TUB Mlutm Kklauil. riniii Tnronlu, 4 ruaila. la HI. I.a. Mn. Meaty !. na iha Atlantis f'ua.t. Wa.iiisi.iox, 1cc. rroiu a weather Uattreau view, the chief chnr acteri.tic f the prernnt ntor'ti ha been the rapidity of ita deveiupement and Hivvnment, thi reaqit being largely due lo a baroiiietric pteenre in Montana of 813 In I.e., the hlghcj-t rivonl by the father bureau. liain or mow ha fallen generally cat of tho Mlmla.ippi, while from the wet .f the river cold weather and high wind are advancing, r.tMiiRft k lead the cold-acalher ptation with'.': below, and it in 14 Mow at many point in the far nortbwe.t. florin iignala are displayed all along tlie Atlantic and Oulf roatt. Damage to blpilng i fearexl, aa the wind'a vel ocity will range from 40 to 70 mile an hour. Iha Wiim t aaaaall Hlk. Ntw Yobk. Iec. 27. There i no di rect telegraphic communication between thia city and Sandy Hook, owing to the rlorin. A'l th mefnge are received by way of jong branch. At handy J look I l.t wind i blowing a moderate gale I from the northeaat, and rain continue, j The water along Hlaten idore I unti.ually high, and in many place the iwavc male a clean breach over th dock. At Quarantine tha wave are breaking oyer the tone wall to protect the ihore. Report from tha interior indicate mora or lee eriou interrup tion to railway IraOlc, central New York bowing th moat general disturbance. lack. aad ami falllaa Pimicao, Dec. 27. A now torm w hich aurteil hut evening ha proved the heaviest known herein several year. Up to 10 o'clock thi morning 12. incite of oow bad Ulleo and it i (till tnowing. f treet-car travel in tha city I eeriouily interfered with, and in some parte of the city the telephone and telegraph wire are down. The blitxard wa gen eral over thia eectlon, and especially evere in the Allegheny mountain, where the fttow drifted and impeded travel. Through train from the eat ara four hour to erven hour late, and from the went they were nearly a much behind time. Ita.pilal liar ara bf Uraaillaa Tra. Naw Yoaa, Drc. 27 A pecial cable to a morning paper from Montevideo, Uruguay, aay that a houre at Han Gabriel, uted a a honpltal, wa burned by Rraxlliau troop. More than 120 retiel perished. Several who tried to ercape were force. I bark into the dames by bayonet. Over 2tO eoldier. It I re ported, have deaerted nar Cruxalta, and have gone over lo the relwl. Hi Ik Traaaw t Iealh ' Kubxka, Cel., IVe. 27. The overland at aired river arriving yeaterday reporteil thai Jetae Faulkner, aged 0 year., and hi m, g'd 17 yearn, were found fmxen to death near Uridgeville, In toe aonth ern part of Ibe county, Sunday. The father and eon left Brldgeville in a blind ing snow storm .lurdy afternoon to walk home, a diaiance of fix mile. Nol having arrived Hunday morning, another eon ara tent out by the mother to ook for them, and found them within half a mile of the bnu.e, aeated alongside of tha road, frcxen to death. Mark llemaae hf PiiiLADBLruiA, De 27. A leet torm following lt night fal! of now wrought great damage to telegraph and telephone circuit within a Miliu nf 50 mile of thi city. The Weatern Union and Poatal Telegraph companle are badly crippled on every clrcnit. Th now I from four t.i eighteen Inchaa deep over IVnnavlvanl t-idny. Hit horae and two mule were killed hiday byoomlngln en tact with deadly elec trio light wire blown down by lite lorni. Areaaalaw lUfageea Arrltlna Tarkay. Lotinow, IVc. 27 The Daily New' correepotident at Oilceaa thai no nierou Armenian refugee front Mooah . . . . ' : . ta 1 1 . .. I. I. ami UillHUB are arriTina at '"""" They ara on tehlr way to Ktchmia.liin. All ara in a wretched condition. The correapondent aaj that aevrlconplcn oua Armenian In M mwIi have leen forced lo eiiii'rae I-lamih to y their live and proerl and the honor if their wive and daughter. , . j lutraallaa, I'fclaaaa Army. I I Yokoiioma, Deo. 27. (ieneral Katturaj ! reiorta from Ifai Choug Monday that I Iha Chineae army under (ieneral Sung,) after it defeat at Kogaoi, fled back to j New Chwaug, and thence retreated to J Denahodai, being joined by tha C'ninete j ; troop atalloiied at New Cbwaug, which j tow ii waa completely evacuated. Scout l aent in tite direction of 1'ochi report ; that about 1,100 Chineae are alvaiiring l from Cih-o aloiigaide the aeaahore. ) A Coa.alar Aeat'a Kaa'a Troabl. I ! Iimox, Ihnr. 27. A dinpatch from jtvx)s Maiquea, Kat Africa, of Iec-1 rinlier 4, tar the on of Jame Mcintosh ! the I oiled Statea conaolar agent, who got into trouble by hooting a native burglar, hit been eentenced to three month' imprisonment, with the option of paying a fine of 1 ,0(10 rei daily, for re listing the police. lira. Iiau laform.d mt Ike rtaraaal. Wasiiiswtom, Dec 27. Secretary (ire. ha tn itated today that be bad been informed by United State Minister Ter rell that the sultan had finally refuted the reqnett made the president that United State Consul Jewett be per mitted to Inquire into tha state of affair in Armenia, and that ended the matter. Uarasaa Boelall.ta ttarrwal., lec. 27. An order ha been Ustied prohibiting eoclaliata from at tending th theater in any considerable number during tha holiday. Thl I dona to prevent demonstration in the theaters against the auti-revolotion bill. Tka !'. rkwtograpk. Kohk, IVc. 27. Tha pope haa pre sented Commander Newell, of the De troit, with hia photograph, with bi autograph and tba word "Deu Magnifi cat eat Gloria tn Super Coelu." Coallaaa. Wltkaa Duoots, Pa.. Dec. 27. Tha toim which began at duck laat evening con tinue without abatement. The ground is covered to a depth of 20 inchea. Traffic on tha Pennsylvania Valley road Is practically at a standstill. Telegraph and telephone wire ara prostrated. Haaty kaaar la, tka kaalh. St. Lot-is, Dec. 27. All incoming traios at thia point bear evidence of tba storm in tba Mississippi valley. Those from th south, especially, are covered with oow. The conductor report 14 incite of snow at Paducab. Western trainmen donot report o heavy a fall. Btr.t Kail wax a iiantorallaad. Tobosto, Ont., Dec. 27. A blizzard struck this city early thi morning, de moralizing street-railway traffic for three hour. . The velocity of the wind de creased toward noon, but mow I still fal'ing. In the eastern part of the pro vince there is a heavy snow storm, with the mercury hovering about the bulb. A a OH Slaw rm.s. MabtiV Fxhhy, O., Dec. 27. John Moreland wa found frozen thi morning at Gleim' Run, near hi home. lie wa an old soldier, and worked in the Klson glass facto. y. He started to walk home from hero last night, and was caught iu the storm. Btaraa Of Calirarala Coast. ' Sa Fbakcik-o, Dec. 27. The weather bureau say: "Storm southeast signals are displayed at Point Reyes for a storm of moderate energy, central off the Cali fornia coast. High southeast wind are prevailing at Point Reye." Not every woman who arrive at middle age, retains the color and beauty of her hair, but every woman may do so by Iha occasional application of Ayer' Hair Vigor. It prevent baldness, re move dandruff, and cures all scalp diseases. A Verllahla Rllaaartl. Ciiu-Aue, Dec. 27. The mercury fell with enow here today, and tha itcrci de veloped into a vetitable hllsxard. Rail way trains were generally on time, but street blockade wer numerous. "A nake iu the gras' i all tha mora dangerous from being unsuspected. So are many of the blood medicine offered the public. To avoid all risk, ask your druggist for Ayer' Sarsaparllla, and also for Ayer' Almanac, which la just out for tha new year. rhtnaee Btacaata haw Chwaag. Lonihi. Dec. 27. A Yokohama dis patch aay iha Chinese hava evacuated New Chwang. Wheat hay at $10 per ton in any quan tity at Mays A Crowe', decll-lw Highest of ail in Leavening Tower. ID) ABSOLUTELY PUCE Cottolcne the new rliortenlu tha only pure and healthful and perfectly digectible frying and thortcnins; mate ri d in the market ta now to be h id at all first-clas grocer throughout tho United State and Canada. Iu uinf Cottolcne for shortenitif;, It ia of toe frcatcst importance to only a!out one-half or two-third as Ix aa would lie used of lard. This is estwtiliid to aucccs in the cooking, a well en an important feature fyf one a jxickct book. Cottolcne, like all other good things, has found acvcrol im:utora, all of very inferior quality, and suro to cause dia atisfaction. To be ante of Retting tha Pennine Cottolcne, the best way ta buy it is ia the tin pails bearing tha uaine and Trade-Mark. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and l"Wmsa, Hew 'ark, Haa taw. MARKIBIt. At the residence of the groom's parent, near Dofur, Christmas day, Uau lei S. Doyle and Mis Carrie Smith, A. J. Brigham, justice of the peace, per forming tha ceremony. When tba congratulation were over a splendid Christmas dinner was served. Tba worthy young couple start happily on tha sometime tempestuous sea of matrimony, and that their good ship may reach the haven free from storms and typhoons, is tho wish of their large circle of friend. A Bcret. If all the ladies knew the simple secret that a had complexion is due to a dis ordered liver, there would be fewer sal low face and blotchy skins. This im portant organ must be kept active and healthy to insure a clear and rosy color. Dr. J. A. McLean's liver & Kidney Balm as a purifier, beats all the creams and lotions in existence and will pro-dui-e a more permanent effect. Removes bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, yellow tinge in the skin, wiudontbe stomach and that dull, biliious feeling which so surely indicates the torpid liver. Price $1.00 per bottle. Snipe A Kiunercly, Drug Co. Symptom of ridoey trouble should be promptly attended to; they are nature' warning that omething is wrong. Many person die victim of kidney disease who. could have been saved had they taken proper precaution. Tha prompt use of Dr. J. H. McLean' Liver A Kidney Balm ha saved thous and of valuable live. If yon have any derangement of the kidney try it. Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Snipe A Kinersly, druggists. A Mpleadld Offer. Our clubbing arrangements with the San Frf.ucisco Kxaminer entitles those subscribing for that paper in connection with Tnx Chbosicls to all the benefits of their premium offer, that Is a num bered receipt and choice of premium pictures. The price of the Examluer ia $1.75, the price of Thi Chbomci.k $1.50, and wa send yon both with all privileges as above stated for one year for $'.'.2.V Mistress Bridget I mustobjec: toyour extravagance. You sit here in tha kitchen reading, with Iwo gas jets I Bridget Well, ma'am, if you'd only let ma Inthertain my gintleman frind hera three night a week, I'd have as little nsa for the gas as Miss Mabel do In tha parlor on tha nights phin she re cave tba attention o' that young dude wid tha hkinnyleg an' the phwite hair. New York Herald. Word come from all quarter that the neatest and most satisfactory dye for coloring tba beard a brown or black I Buckingham's Dye for the whisker. Latest U.S. Gov't Report SfSMa5? XUMISKIt I. SPENT fciUCH MONEY. Tli. Children nf a Vlr nu.i R inkrr Who llal MiHM-jr to Hum jnl llnritf) It. lViiicehB YpMlitnti, who died in Vi fona !i few Uu.vfc utr', tH'l tr.el to one of tho oldif .t fa,nili',ft in Austria and ivni Kirn in Vienna Jlareli Ii, HI.". I 'cr father wa '. tho late Ruron Simon Sina von ll'l"H uuil KUuliu. and her mother a mcmlec of tho famous Rou manian family of t.'hika. llamn Sina wait tho n of tjcorsfe Sina. the v.taKhii-ht hanker In Vitnna. IJaron .'iii.t rwiveil on bis father's death iiO.OOO.tHXl florets, or;0,i'ja Thin iifirnense; sum was di vidl on the death of Jiaron Siita lx-tween hij.throdanTh tcrs, each receivimr nearfy Sl.'i.WiO.OOO. One of tho daughters inarHed tiotirtrc Mavrocorilato. a member of one of the DoLlest fninilies'if (!n'ee. lite stcwiJ married tho apundthrift Ilue de fan trie, a relative of th late Marshal Me 'Itih ifi. of France. Tho f Jii.-il daughter, Helen. Novem t r -,. V '.. when she waa but 17 year u-i. i:t:.rrii-d Prince IJri'ffory Ypsilanti. an-tivu .f Kpirus and Mn of Dcine (riu Vpsilanti, wh-: valoriu clced during tho (irt-ek revolution made the name of Ypsilanti famous throughout the vorM. Durinff tho siepe of the city of Nanplia. I);mctriuii, with u Muall botly of tlrceks, one night Rail'il forth ami attacked the enemy, creating Mich terror amtmjf the Turks that they raised the sally the next day. Prince t.repory Ypsilanti waa the lireek envoy in Vienna for many yeans. He a man nf independent means, aaitle from the (Treat fortune brought to him by hia wife, and served hU coun try for honor alone, rcfnmng all com pensation for his duties a ita diplo matic reprcM-ntatiTe in Austria. PrineetJrejrory j pMlantidied in Paris on February "jo. and was sncccedel aa head of bis family by his eldest son. IVince Rmmaiiucl. who is now a lad of 10. Three weks after his death the bankruptcy of the princess waa an nounced, to the amawmcnt of the aris tocratic, circles of Vienna ami Athens. l"rince Crejrory had b-en a man of ap parentlv quiet aDl retiring dUpoeition. but he and hia wife had managed to jret rid of Jr.'.i,Otio,iw in ten years, and the widowed princes fonnd herself (4.000.000 in debt. A QUEEN'S PERQUISITES. VCkalca C'aptaee n tka BrKMi tout Ba tons; to Virtorta. Among the most curious of Queen Victoria's perquisites is her right to every whale or sturgeon captured on the coast of the United Kiup-dora and brought to land. ISnth of these per quUiteadatc back to the days of the Norman kings, and it appears that in the cam? of the whale the monsters were divided between the sovereign and his consort, the queen takta? the head in order that her wnrdnles might be replenished with tUe whale bone needed for the stiffening of her royal garments. Another of the queen's perquisites, saya the Chicago Times b a certain number nf magnificent cashmere shawls, which are dispatched to her every year trmn the kingdom of Cash mere. They vary io raluc. as a role, from sixty to two hundred and fifty pounds sterling apiece, an-.l the queen is accustomed to present one of them ns a wedding present to every ytmnfj girl of the :!rist.cracy in whose future rhe is in i:tiy way interested. Every tail..r boldirg a patent of "'purveyor to her majesty,- if he conform to nneieut tradition and usage, should present her with a silver needle- each year. Another class of royal purveyors is called upon to present to her anniinlly a tablecloth, while from other sonives again she iscntitleil t. uu unnnal con tribution of enrrycoinbs. fire t ii:;,i, scarlet . hniMry, nightcaps, knives, lances, and cnsslows. Moreover, at the coronation the lorl of manor of Addingtoti must present to the Sover eign a dish of iKittage" emnpitsed cf "milk of clmoml. brawn of cajxiiis. sugar, spices, chickens p?trtsilcd c:.d choppvd." At the same cereraory t!se lortl of the manor of llnydon is )b liged, by virtue of his tcimrc fn ia Cie crown, to present the monarch v. ith u towel, the lord of the manor of the workshop giving the fcovcrrign it "right-hamied glove.- These are only n few of the various requisite towhich Queen Victoria is entitled by tradition ml usage. .4 Cockatoo. Parallar Whim. Iu the exhibit of Mile. Mariska Mik losy, attached to llagenbcck'a tra'n-Ml animal show, there is a cockatoo "- it appears t have an nversion to Old t .g land. One of the features which ht lo to make Mile. Miklosy's trained eock atooa a welcome item on the f o gramme is insist s nf the hoisting of a numlter of national flags. The third flag to be hoisted is that of ( I rent Brit ain. t'ntil recently the patriarch of Mile. Mikloay'a flock, one "tiringolre,7 did the hoisting. Keeeatly, however, another cockatoo, named "Vert-Vert.- has been doing the work instead. "Vert-Vert" does hia work splendidly, except in one instance. At every per formance he positively refuses to hoist the English ' Union Jack. Neither threat nor bribe can ind nee him to elevate John 1'uU'a banner. He runs the red, white and blue and the red, white and black aloft with neatness anl dispatch. Ho sends the stars and stripe upward in gallant shape, but when he gets to the fht of England ho strikes work.