The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 26, 1894, PART 1, Image 1

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    S3IU4 Oily
Carlisle' Currency Hill to bo
latter Oraal sad) Ua.fc Or.
rird Northern Wat.ra tdmiral
' Wal.t' tlort.
Wi.mxiifo, IW. 21. Tlii Carlisle
rarrenry bill bow before I tin boil of
rvpr-wutatlv will be withdrawn !
itjUlitiiU presorted. Thlsdmlsiou iu
ravlid after ft caurua ol domm-ratia
niruil"-riof th hanking ant) tit r miry
toaimiltr quietly held Ut tilifit , .i
l.iard bf o "iifereui- hetaron Secretary
Car'.Ul an Chairmen ttpringcr tnday,
Tba sufUiltui ''ta already been dran,
mJ aill b diltfitnj by Springer today or
tomorrow, certainly tefol th holiday
reee". the detlre of all concerned U
Is gel It bcfum th country prior to ad
Jonrntnrnt. It diner wry materially
(rum Ilia origin! Carlisle bill.
To very Important feature appear
(or first tint In I ha ubtilnt. T'
original Carllol bill contemplated t
a-'l nallutial bankn.ot reorganise under
tb new i' lan. Tbl wouM hav re
quired thetu to surrender th govern- bond which now eonslitul Ilia
WI of Ihlr circulation. Tit siihatltut
iue X with thl Imperative change.
( th national batik !( to continue
in hold their United Stale buud anl
issue circulation thereon, Ihey may do
hi. It U felt I bey will aoon discover th
dvaulagn ol lbs new system, and
tbervfun adopt it voluntarily. Tbe
other important feature of I ha aubtli
latal that it due eaay with tbo on
kooan liability of th bank t guar
antee th note ol all oilier bank. Th
original bill contemplated that if ft
Uonal bank (ailed. It naif would bt
paid out ol it asset and general safety
fund mad up by nil bank. Itut II lb
amet and safety (and rre insufficient
to pay the note ol th failed bank,
thn th couipliollrr ol currency ba to
aiak a pro rata asseosment and shoulder
Ibeai with the unknown rUks, In
fleet It mad them supply Insurant on
II nitia of lb bank In wblrb they bad
bo roncrrn. In lw of tba rritl-im.
tha tuUtitut will b the llniit of lla
bilityof all lank for th failurvof In
dividual bank. They will, bowvr, Im
eom!!cd to krp up Ibl taltity fund by
mora rigid pruriaion tban prvpoard In
th original bill.
Tka Hlar(aa t'aaat.
Imtma, IVe. SI. Chairman TiartUtt,
of th aturkbolilurt ' roorganiaallon ojui
lttr of tlM Mraragnan canal, in an
lntrviw today, and th whol of th
Nlcartgnau bare at bta dUpoaal bad
been taktn In England. II could liav
old many tim lb amount of th
barrt h iiord bid thvy been avail
bl. IU ii aail for Nw York neit
vk, to organ Im th new construction
rompany and romplvt) arrangement to
plar tb avrurlllca of tb company In
th United 8tatct and Kuror. Acllr
ork upon th canal will l begun aoon
Among th mem tier of th rorganla
tiort commltU ar aoui of th abbral
I bailing Kngllrh politician and clcn
(it. IlartUtt cayi tb building of tb
canal with or without tb awlrtanc of
h United Put ba heroin car
Tha Wtarhit iaV.I. airarh..
TxviR, Doc. 20. Th rwvnt great
fid ttrlkei la tb Uadvill dUtrict ar
'i.lng wild acltmenb Rallroatl ar
t"l to their full rapacity. Tb Den
, Uadvlll and (Junniaun railway,
the ihort tin from Denver to tb camp,
I preparing to run extra train to ao
ronimodat tb travel. Gold (trike
bav been nnmarotii In ladville fr th
lt two yar, but non hav attracted
o mui-li attention a th two laieat, In
th Itei and Triumph mine, which e
Ubllih th fart that th r,IJ Mi
(tend at least thr mile, th two dla-
covari being that far apart. Th proa-
that iMdvlll In IROo will b tb
largeat producer of gold In th world.
Thar wat a larg attendance of rep
renlatlv man at th convention of th
Colorad oHilver Uagu today. After ft
hot diacOMlon th following reolutlon
wa adopted with only two dlentlng
vote: '
"That th word 'non-partiaan' b
tricken from th conatitution and by
law wherever they appear, and that th
members of th Colorado Silver league
Mm to milatn or work with any no-
"Ural party which doe not nationally
Irclare,, In favor of tb
' and nullmlted eolnag of ailverat
tof 16 to 1,
la tka lla..
VaniMoro)i, Den. it. At leaat 'JO
member of tha huuae crowded into lb
are In front of the r-jakrr' roatruni in
day In an clTort to arcur th pnaiag by
unanimous conaent of bills of local Im
portant, lm Kngllth of New Jerey,
who ha Inaugurated a war of retaliation
agalnat unaiiliuou conaent legltlation
until a uieaaor of hi is panaed, wa on
guard and obdurate. However, ha al
lowed a Joint resolution, offered by Liv
ingston of (ieorgla, providing fr the en
tram- of foreign eahlbli to th cotton
tatea' international eoaitlon at At
lanta neit year, to go through.
"Thl bill, 1 understand, Involve the
admleiun of contract labor," suggwted
Wllaon if Waibingtou, hnmoroualy. "I
want to remind the gentleman that bnt
ft abort tim go h wa In ft furor over
th admlMlon of a aingl coachman.
Dm thl bill provhle lit the aduilion
of Kngllah coachmen ?"
"It doe not," replied Uvingatou,
mid laughter.
Kngllali alto allowed tb aenat bill
mending the act creating the court of
appeal of th IHntrlctof Columbia, to
pa, Ktiglialt finally demanded th
regular order.
A pilnt reeriluthin, providing for hol
iday re-et from Saturday, Dw-ember 22,
to Tburatley, January 3, waa adopted.
Tb houae then, on brinser'a motion.
went Into rommitlewof th whole for
further eon. (deration of the
IV n die ton of Went Virginia wa recog.
oiaed by tb chairman, but befor lie
could proceed, Jobnann of Indiana aroae
for tb purpoee, he Mated, of proxund
lug an inquiry to the chairman of the
banking rommlttee.
"I understand," aald be, "at a meet
ing of th democratic member of the
banking committee last night it de
cided to offer a tubatitut to th pending
measure, and the consent ol the aecre
tary was eecureil. I my Information
correct? If ao, I would anggest th sub
stitute be now ottered in order that w
can proceed Intelligently."
"Horn tim during the afternoon,"
replied Springer, "I will aay It I my in
tention to Inlrodur a cbtltnt for th
pending bill."
Springer, however, denied the content
of tb eecreUry of tho treasury had been
aaked for or obtained. Th democratic
members of the committee were respon
sible fr th rulnitltute.
lr Cliarl.a Taeeer III.
Lokixi. Lrc. 21. Canadian Commis
sioner Tapper ha tiecn ailing Sine hi
recent attack of Influcnta. Tuesday he
wae seised with a chill, and t now un
able to leave the house. Owing to the
condition of hi health. Sir Cbarle will
not accompany th body of Thompson
to Canada on th cruiser Itlenbelm.
Senator Pan ford alone will sail with th
llUlleala r.ra.
London, Dec. 21. Fpeclal dispatches
from Lima, I'eru, say a riot of tb most
serious nature baa ocurred at Lima,
President Cart-ace res, It appear, ordered
ft crowd of hungry men and women, ac
companied by many children, to dis
perse. A riot occurred, which lasted
three hour, during which many peopl
wer killed and injured.
ftaarsk for MLelag Veuela.
VYHixuToa, Dec. 21. Carlisle today
ordered the revenn cutter Grant, at
I'ort Townsend. and th Kush at ban
Franclaco, to proceed to aea at one and
team northward In earcn ol tb nine
American vessel which are eleven day
overdue from I'uget ound point.
Tfce ladaatry.
WasHiNQiois, Dec. 21. Th eecreUry
of th treasury ha sent to th house a
letter saying soon a th Information
mentioned In tb resolution offered by
Dlngley relating to th Dehring sea eul
Industry could be gathered it would be
transmitted to the house.
Admiral Carpenter's lUpert.
Washington, Deo. 21. Tb navy de
partment haa received ft report from
Admiral Carpenter on tha Great Yalu
naval battle In th Chines war. Th
admiral's report clearly shows th great
valu of battle hip.
Caltlea t Natleaat Baake.
Wahinuton, Deo. 21. Th controller
of th currency has ltued ft call for iw
Dorts of th condition of th national
banks at tb clow of business December
Tfce Uteres la Bar.
AaLTtHU, Dec. 24. Storm news
from various parts of th coast shows th
damage has been much greater tban was
at Oral supposed. The North sea beach
In ever direction has twen wasneti
away, and from H to 20 fishing vessels
drawn upon the besch have been -1
itroyed. The German bark Caroline
ha W n wreckeil oil U cohui, anu m
of the crew drowned. J
1 1 i'ii vy Snow StoniH on the
South Side of the
The MurltibuMntI U at Hun.mttlr. On.
Aaolh.ral llamWrunk.
Akiii.amo. Or., Iec. 22. Th atorrn
which prevailed during the past week,
blocked treble on .the Kouthern l'arltlc.
on th aouMi aide of the c'inkiyous to
Diiosmuir almost completely yesterday
and today, and three overlaad passen
ger trains, on northbound and two
otitlihuund, are blockaded in that sec
tion. Tha severity of the storm is great
est on the south aide of the Kisklyou,
and through tb upper Hacramento
canyon iu the Uiac-k Butt country, and
In th vicinity of bisaon and Kdgwood.
Know fell at the rate of a foot an hour,
and (or a time there wa a blinding.
taking storm. There la reported along
some sections of the road, a of
eg(lt ((jet o( fnow 0o (- si(,kyoM
there Is only about four feet. At Ash
land there I none. Tha railroad bet
ween Ashland ami Ilornbrook, on the
furl her siil ol the Siskiyou pas, Is clear.
All the telegraph wire ar down from
heavy weight of the snow in the vicinity
J of ,S!son and Kdgwood, for aoui dis
tance, ana tin ha retarded tb move
ment of the forces working to clear the
track. Snow slides, currying rock and
eirth, having added to th difficulty.
A big rotary plow was put to work yes
terday near Kdgewood, but broke down
this morniug, and bad to be sent back
to Dnnamuir for repairs. It reached
Kdgwood again thl evening at 8 o'clock,
and started to work. Th railroad
people expect that tb road will be
opened for th passage cf trains before
No new enow snow has fallen today,
and that give further encouragement.
Th overland train, which left Kan
Francisco Thursday evening, is lying at
Dunsmuir now. Th southbound pas
senger, which left Portland Thursday
vening and left Ashland yeaterday at
noon, 1 at Kdgewood, blocked. The
southbound passenger train that left
Portland last evening arrived here nearly
on time thl morning, and wa her un
til aboot 3 o'clock thl afternoon, when
it started south and crossed over the
Siskiyous without dilticulty. It is now
lying at Ilornbrook. Keports from
Sisaon and Dunsmuir country indicate
that tb dorm has lieeu a .severe as
any ever experienced there, and the
snowfall greater than ever before known.
Travel by snow-shoes is the only way
to travel. Further south in th vicinity
of Ietia, th storm has been mostly rain,
Some rock nd earth slides wer re
ported last night from that region, but
It is thought there will be no serious
trouble ther. On this side of ;tho is
klyoa mountain ther has been no
snowfall to speak of, and there is none
lying on th lower grounds. The rail
road baa made no effort to run freight
trains daring the past dyor two.
The laearne Ta Law.
Washington, Dec. 22. Th first case
to tcit th constitutionality of the in
come tas law bas been brought in the
supreme court of the District of Colum
bia. The petitioner is John G. Moore,
of th firm of Moor A Schley, of New
York. Th complainant is a prominent
director of tb Manhattan Hallway
Company, Western Union Telegraph
Company, etc., and proposes to fight tha
case throngh th supreme court of the
United States. His attorneys are ex-
Senator George F. Kdinunds, and r-hella-barger
A Wilson. Th petitioners for an
Injunction to restrain the commissioner
of internal revenue from collecting th
tax. It sets out that th complainant is
a shareholder In various corporations
which pay dividends to said complain
ant; that independent of and In addition
to said dividend, th complainant has
an income, derived from th gains
and profits of his busine and embraced
within sections 27 and 28 of the new
tariff law, largely in excess of th sum
of $4,000 per annum, and upon which
Income th commissioner of Internal
revenue has threatened to, and unless
restrained by this honorable court, will
proceed to assess the sum of 2 per cent.
on th amount in excess of 11,000 per
annum. Th bill then reviews th
sections of th new tarilT lap bearing on
the income tax, In which it Is alleged
ar many defect, and charges that th
ai t is Invalid nd its provisions inopera- j
tiv and void.
The ('s Mold.
Nxw Yoaic, Dec. 22. Subtreiuury of
ficials say an effort n being made In
New York to Jiggle the government'
gold. Kx porter are very anxious to
get bold of full weight coins and gold
bars anil brick with the government's
tamp of fineness on them. Uncle Kara
has 10,000,000 worth of these, but in
order to cut down exports, some time
ago tb department mad it a rule to re
deem treasury note only In gold coin.
Tb light-weight coins complained ol
are all within the legal limit, one-half
of I ier cent, bnt th hippera have felt
the loss and have sorted the coins, keep
ing th light-weight one at home. The
bank objected to taking them, and on
foreign house took a lot to th sub
treasury and asked that they be re
deemed in paper. This tha treasury
official declined to do, saying tbo re
deeming of paper promise to pay did
not carry with it the reverse duty of re
deeming gold in paper. The only thing
left to do was to deposit the gold in the
bank, whence it would work its way
back to the subtreasury. Tbo assay
office ba received ft novel proposition
from an exporting house. It wanted to
deposit American gold coin and bare it
melted Into stamped bars. Tb propo
sition was declined, though if th coin
was light or mutilated It could ba re
deemed. la Hallaad.
Ammtiudam, Dec. 23, Heavy floods
hav been caused by the storm In Hol
land. Tb River Maas and tb Rotte
rose twelve feet, Inundating part of
Korterdam. Boats wer nsed in th
streets, and in th market places. Many
of the dyke threatened to give way un
der the heavy pounding of th sea.
In several places the water succeeded in
breaking through in the vicinity of the
breaks, and tb country is flooded.
Nine houst collapsed. At Utrecht
several persons wer drowned by th
capsizing of ft boat. Telegraph and'
telephone wire were everywhere
broken. Tb bark Caroline, from
Savannah for Hamburg, went ashore
near Kginoudse and became ft total
wreck. Her cargo is being washed
upon the beach. Part of her crew were
Mealcaa talu. sturMl tint arTaaaa.
At'STiN, Tex., Dec. 25. In view of tb
fact that the live stock sanitary commis
sion of this state ba been reliably in
formed that malignant disease known
as spenetic or southern fever, exists
among tb cattle In a large part of tb
repuhlic of Mexico, and a there are no
sanitary regulation in that country to
prevent the spread of tb disease, Gov
ernor Hogg yesterday issued a procla
matlon declaring quarantine against
all such cattle.
Olni a C.rlllleatB at KlactloB.
JurrxRsoN Citt, Mo., Dec. 22. Fol
lowing th denial by th supreme court
of the writ of mandamus In the Jamie-
son case, Secretary of State Leisure to
day filed certificate of election of James
II. B rem merman (dem.) as prosecuting
attorney of Jackson county. This case
was tb most prominent among tb sev
oral contests arising out of the recent
Kansas City election.
Th R.pablMaaa Will t'oatmt.
Richmond, Va., Dec. 22. J. W
Southward, defeated republican candi
data for congress in this district, has
served notice of contest upon Colonel
Taxwell Elliott, his successful democrat
opponent. Colonel Elliott's majority
was tome 8,000.
Raw ea CommaBU.r Lawl.r's MtaaT.
Dknvkh, Dec. 22. Charles Burpee,
of this city, bss been notified by C. C.
Jones, adjutant-general of the Grand
Army, of his appointment on tb stall
of Commander-in-Chief tawlcr as aide-de-camp.
Mora Jadletm.nU la Chicago.
Chicago, Dec. 22. Before th grand
jury adjourned today, 11 more indict
ments were returned against persons
who ar charged with interfering with
citizens election day at th polls, and
violating th law in other ways in the
interest of th democratic party.
A Cat t The Bob.
8ar Fbancisco, Dec. 24. Tha price of
hams has been reduced a cent ft pound.
Th market slumped in response to ft
telegram from Armour to cut to th
boo. This I pleasant for consumers,
but it reduce the profit of the dealer to
ft minimum.
Th ColaaaBa Cihlblta Staterae.
Rome, Dec. 23. Th Vatican ex
hibit to th Columbian Exposition ar
rived here today, and were taken to th
Vatican. The officers accompanying the
xhibits were given a brilliant reception.
Tb laveattgats ths Aatl-Taalae.
rARia, Dec. 22. Th chamber of
deputies today voted an expenditure of
8000 francs tor th purpose of promoting
Investigations into the manufacture of
antl-toxlne.'.the new remedy for diphth-
The National Capital Pratic
all v Deserted.
The Charm of r..llvlU.a it Christmas
at llama tba Maca.t tor th
CengrtuBfi., Dec. 24. The capitol
wa practicallv deserted today. Only a
few rambling (Ightseers, the capitol
police, and now and then a stray senator
or representative woke the echoes of its
spacious corridors. The charm of the fes
tivities of Christmas at bom man the
magnet that bad drawn every on who
could leave from the congressional grist
mill. Only the members and the sena
tor from the far West, and those whose
famt'iea are in Washington remained
here. Iseveial of them were at their
desks for short time today, examining
their mail, but tbey bad put their con
gresilonal labors behind them and mat
ters congressional were in state of sus
pended animation. Speaker Crisp was
in hi room in the rear of tb hall of
representatives about noon, dictating
answers to letters, but he was almost
the only member in the vicinity of the
capitol today. Mrs. Crisp and her son
and daughter are her to eat tbeir
Christmas turkey with the speaker. He
will remain here throughout the holidays.
No committee work will bo done at
either end of the capitol daring the re
cess. Senator Blackburn rays the com
mittee on rules, of which be is chairman,
will not take up the question of a cloture
rule or any otber subject until January
1st. Tb Kentucky senator left the city
today to remain until congress convenes.
Some work will probably be don ou the
appropriation bills yet unreported by
Chairman Say res and some of the mem
bers of tb subcommittee, but their
work will be subject to nltimate revision
when the full committee meet.
Xewfoaadlaad r"laaac.
St. John' X. F.,Dec. 24. Th finan
cial complication here received new
development today from th announce
ment in a telegram, published in a gov
ernment organ, to the effect that a bill
to guarantee the Union bank' paper
currency would be introduced in the
legislature aoon. The schemes put tor
ward for solving the financial difficulties
multiply daily, the latest of which is
the establishment of a new bank, the
present concerns going into liquidation,
and their paper being taken over by the
new bank at its valuation. Consider
bl opposition bas already developed
toward the proposition for the govern
ment to extend aid to any banking in
stitution, whether solvent or insolvent,
and what the result of this opposition
will be remains to lie determined. Th
Union bank still stands high in th
general estimation of the public and its
notes ar being taken in trade every
where, but tb agitation for the prose
cution of the directors and th manager
of tb suspended Commercial bank
hows no signs of cessation. It is im
possible now to send postoffice orders
either to Europe or to Amerioa, as the
postal department her ha no mean
of transmitting money.
K.raaad t. Pay The Taa.
Santa Rosa, Cal., Dec. 24. There
was considerable excitement today over
the sal of the delinquent tax property,
th result of the refusals on the part of
property-owners to pay the special
water tax recently held to be valid by
Judge Ham, of Napa, Marshal Steadman
gave thm all until 11 o'clock to pay
taxes and then proceeded with the snle.
Many paid up, bat about fSOO.OOO worth
of property was sold. Among the prop
ertv sold wer the Santa Rosa water
works, tb depot, tracks and yards oi
th San Francisco A North Pacific rail
way and many fin residences in th
heart of tb city. J. II. Brush, presi
dent of the Santa Rosa National bank,
bought the water works the railroad de
pot and much other property. Other
prominent purchasers were B. M. Spen
cer, W. G. Oldbam and Mas Heymann,
C M. Fitf , C. Kelsey and A. M. Haines,
of San Francisco. It is expected there
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.
will be interesting litigation growing out
of the sale of this property by the
Told Hla While draah.
Eau, Dec. 24. The ringleaders in
th gang of masker burglars, who, ft -week
ago, beat and brand, and under
fearful torture secured the (10,000 w hlch
David and Sara Slocum bad laid up for
a rainy day, have been captured. They
ar Frank Anderson, a farmer, living
within two miles of the seen of the
robbery; Ralph Vanjaier and Jeremiah
Casey. Anderson and Vansaler were
captured together at the house of the
former. Casey was captured in the east
ern part of the state. Casey's fondness
for bis cap loosened his tongue dis
armed bis secretiveness and gave th
clue which resulted in the captare of th
The iBdiaa Territory Oatlaw.
Clahemobe, I. T., Dec. 24. Tb
French band of outlaws, beaded by
Jim French and Cherokee Bill, made
raid Satnrday on the town of Nowata,
about 25 milea north of here on the
Kansas & Arkansas Valley railroad.
Station agent Bristol was covered with
four gun and marched through tb
waiting-room and compelled to open tba
safe, from which they took 1 190. They
did not molest those in the waiting
room. After taking the content of the
safe, they marched the agent outside,
mounted and rode away, going east.
It wa feared they would rob the passen
ger train, which was due but it pulled
out safely"
Reports ttlow ComlBS; IB.
London, Dec- 24. Telegraph line tin
the northern part of Great Britain are
till down, and the fall amount of dam
age by the storm is not known. It is
estimated, however, 50 to 100 persons
have lost tbeir lives during tbe day.
The weather chart today shows a new
disturbance coming from the Atlantic.
At Girvan, Scotland, a show caravan
was caught in tbe gale and capsized.
One of tbe covered vans caught fire and
four persons were burned to death. At
Flintwood, Lancashire, two fishing boats
were sank and all bands lost.
The Jall-BresklBS; jBdr Flnod.
Jacksonville, Or., Dec. 24. County
Judge McNeil, who was indicted and
convicted for breaking in the jail door
in the absence of the sheriff, to obtain
possession of tbe person of an insane
man, to have him taken to the asylum,
and who asked for 10 days in which to
file a n.otion for a new trial, did not file
tbe intended motion, but appeared be
fore tbe court today for sentence and tbe
judge fined him $15 and costs. This
ends tbe unfor.unate matter.
Tha Glory or the S.aa Now la.
Post Townsend, Dec. 24. Another
one of the overdue vessels, the ship
Glory of the Sees, from San Francisco,
for Comox, arrived today, after an un
eventful passage of 20 days. Moderately
tair weather w as experienced. No otber
craft were sighted during the voyage.
The tug Traveler passed up today,
from Gray's harbor, with ft disabled
four-masted schooner in tow.
A Celoay Coming.
Chicago, Dec. 24. Rev. Father Kla
witie, pastor of the Polish church here,
is president of the Rappersville Colour
Company, which bas purchased and
bonded a tract of government land in
Whatcom county, Washington, on the
main line ol the Northern Pacific rail
road, to which 80 Polish families will
move January 1. Large numbers are
expected to follow next yesr.
No K.qol.ltloB Par Staadord nil Mob.
Albanx, N. Y., Dec. 24. It can be
definitely stated that the governor will
not, under any circumstances, grant tbe
requisition asked for the governor of
Tex for the officials of the Standard
Oil trust. Judgp Joyce, who attends to
all requisition matters for the govern
nor, said tonight: "Governor Flower
will uot change bis first opinion in the
matter. If the indicted men bad ever
been in the state of Texas or commited
the crime there, it would be different
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Cuboniclb is 11.50 and tb
regular pi ice of the Weekly Orkooxlak
ta $1.50. Any one subscribing for Thb
Cuboniclb and paying for one year in
advance can get both Thb Chboniclb
and the Weekly Obeoonian for $2.00.
Feed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco
Warehouse. tf.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report