The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 22, 1894, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
til MM.
Clubbing List.
Tli l'n'luS" ' blch give that nea
tii week, ba wade arrangement to
cluliili Ibe following publication, ami
lf.-filo p" un yr '"r m"r
rl-iilar our
,,,,.!. J V Tn.a. 2.o0 11.75
,.! I'r a.'10 -''
,,..- Iinr . . 3. '.'" 2.2T
,1m,,!. 4 lllf k .rU 2.2'i 2.(H(
Mrsliirolat I iMjIly
tlm weather bureau report mow or
ruin for tomorrow , ami stationary
Frem It A Co, mad great S !! prove
mnil on Second trrit by having th
niii'l 'I1' ",r 11 l" I'Mttk .
Vuiy t an ride I" Portland on Hi car j
J'riiUv morning ami Iwrk Mondav night
t.i.e tent a mile raeh way. or ll.T'i I
,.r tie round trl. I
Judge Hhtkeley yctrrday aflrrmxin ,
ruiiiiuitled .' Wolfarlli, aged 10
jrr, t the reform choo on complaint j
( hi mother, and li wa taken below
(hit u irning by Mirrilf Driver. ,
linn ill the. auddrat aighla we have. '
m n in many a day i! ui.vma: ;
i..lm mint? to soxqi all tliv inn. I oil I
v. trt I into Brown' wg..n. It !
a.mMu't l.o.. It. ;
llrt. Stubllhg ba liu collection of j
In, intha, 1 alia lilies, geranium aiul
ht:i"tr.4, all in Itlooiii. If you want a j
kirlmoiie bouquet of rhryaaiilht-mtim
hi send jour frienda In llin l't,l.c;
ritippiy )oti. j
dn I hriatinn day lliuro will bo cr
fur lit lit" Lutheran chapel , at tl ..V) p.
in. ptrparatiou arrfli" for tit holy r im- I
amnion ; 10 .lit) Chriatma Bervic ; 3 .ISO 1
f. nt. children Chriatma cirnlao, 7 K)
Infliah Christina arrtlr.
vinail Su,-ilulnlerit Mirllcy r
junta ua to date that owing to attend
snot at tit" atata teacher' aaatK'iatwm
anil l.iismea counactvU with tlm school
tuk qtioatlou, l will rtl ! In lua
offu I r tit" nut too Saturdays.
Complaint art" n'ltnerou concerning
Ui r tit" Kuiliri ar litirruaing In
t). irinrlery, Tttry am-tn to ha takro
nM-ion of tl lart, anl unlittirlrts
ant rum In it. Soma alca altuuM l
Ukrn toiaril r itrrinlnating Ilia littla
TI.e ttrtamcn o( tli tal aro rry
antioitf that aoma rltanito l mail" In
tl.(ina !, at Irant rnotigh tliat Hie
pal. in- mar know aliat thry arr. At
f.friil It a lllio.llilo (or nvrll Ida
iaayrra to vrntnroan opinion a to aliat
llir in. laaa are.
U (l.ti Mrtliixliil I niwopat i Ii
nril --iiiHlay rvrniiiir, 2X1. tl' !. j
I. Wl.ulrr IU rrarli 011 "Siina of tho'
VH-iitilW' an. I XI rl !'lia i( the Trui- j
liaKx (umtioit." A very funnily In-
;tli.,n la rilaiolxl to all, rr- tially to
n .n t liitrrli g'tlnf (.-i.'o.
It Ugina to look aa (Ii.mik1i lo!.li la I
not . l.avn audi plain aallina In tit" j
rtf.ilature lint iiionth, aa lii (
ham antlripataxl. A alrong nittvoaitiun
ii la-inn rrcalrj, anl if Ihoaa otjmal to
liiut lia l anotltpr tiioutli to rk in. the
"titlt (till. I not l-a ilotilitlul, tint Mr.
lHl. txt left at lionit".
ii nolila am of tit" formtt lanituUlira
a tlm nly jail tliia uiorninit. " "'
'nitiiit of intnxlm-lnij too many rlvllil
lUlidi.a Into lit nmivlllxol atomarlt.
Tie tlialillfd rirrtar an. I tha o-;-rr
iiilumil nallta alll not Itlni.l liar
'tiotiiotialy, lut llie natlvo It iM-fina,
nrvi-r ifft tirftl of rtlx-riiufMillna on lltf
-lit.j. t.
Tlit-rr. will m an riitrrlaliiint'nt at tin
UKr.-lfuli.iiial rhiiri-li, Tlttirathiy cvrn
IVf. 2llli, toliaiatinit of aonifa, rtfi
Ulioiia, i ImriiM-a, rra.linn. tlialotfni'a
"'I a ilrill liv a ilaaa of V"H!I( atlrl".
liinii.ii, 'JO it-lit ami i liiKlrrn acrom- 1
I'K'iyin,- thi-ir parnila a ill l rliargfl 10 j
lr'il, tithrra 21. Hi llifir pnnfraiu in
tliii iaati.
TIik lt'.-i;rltlon of the olil ltlc'klioii
i riiiti-,1 iy na yi'Ktt'rilny coiitiiiiif'l In tl'e
' fiifinal a rtMiiarkaltly tr'ia akflt li of tlif
''I I'liMklioiitM". Mr. Morgan a
jl.11 ili. pi iu il, t,Ht la not lt-a apt l or'l
B nt um tluin In prt"ntiim tt lit" )'"
" pii'tnrn of tit" ol.jffla tlffri!'l.
ii'.ii-r artlelo from III" pfit. a,'fnriiiK
11 llif l.aftt'rn paper ami Sun Kruin'UfO
itn r vtaa tltfl "Moving Mountain,
fMiicli wita ImiIIi at oil t rtttt-n rtiiil illim-
1 iiiirlii)' Pally
l iri'iian to wi'.l wna laaiifl yeatrnlity
1 W. C. hoiijliton an. I Mi" l.l Koli-
Aaliluinl lieing ainu-iil, rnl 'H
'hiimM too, y ll.tmlin'a WUanl til
An action for illvnrra waa roinmrm eil
I1'!" iiiornlnn by KlimlM-th Smart agalmt
linnml Hmait.
Mr. K. F. Klmrp tin liveUix-.l a tate
r l" lry tlint aimiuntaalimiat to paa
"n. For priMif of tl.ia ak A. tl. Jolin
nor lii-pnty HIierilT Kolli-y.
MriM'l CoininlaaloiH'r ItnttP, ltli
if men, la cleaning Horoml tre't,
"'I llnihl itimmI nrk l.xv Aa tllB tllllll
U iwept away, diaclotinit tl mootu
urfara of tlia Marailam, It ! oniftt evi-
tlent tliat tliat pletnof rix k wink a a
am reaa.
l ime aa hunilay arliixil huh rrt at
Mlierty lioollioiii-o luat hmnlay, nmler
tli" tlirei tloii of Mra. I.'avvrly, tliat waa
wall attrn-lixl ami waa a very i.'i-iihuhI
Mr. I', T. Knowlea, a lio ri'tnriif'l from
Molilalia Ilia other luy, haa heen taking
aoine Iraaona In limnility n- fitly. u
aaya they are aliaoliilely nei-eaaury lor a
inan'a l-i'are of inlml.
1'i iue of (Vilnralo propoat a to levy a
tat on ler, mhicli he aaya will lain
IIIHl.OiiO.IKK) rBveiiiie, without any
troubla. if ao, how runny humlre mil
llona of ilollara are aX'iit for Ix-nr, that
It ran ataml aui li a tax ?
Tli" aim t amo out warm ami lieaulifiil
today, tha llrat tuna in ao long that we
had iM'gtin to ft-el that we could no
lunger rlaim to 1 (.1 l a-ti rn llregon,
hut rather, aa lar aa iliinule la con
feriie at leaat, to the genuine Wehloot
part of the state,
Tha roinj.arlaoii of the rounty lii-ik'a
litKikawitli thoanol otlirr yiara, ahowa .r, , , ' , .
., , ,,, , ' ... lh olc r-ntMiii: ami Saxon rarea,
that the rounty will iavn Iroiu f.'l.iNKi to . , , , ,
.,.,, ' , , . .., ' . 1 before the intrixlurtion ol ami poreail of
.1,oNI Mr year In that olllre, iiiidcr tho !, ., . . ,
, . . . 1 1 hriatiunity, had a great veneration for
aalary ayati'io. The ahiriir a ollirc w I i . ,. , .. , , ...
. ; ..... . . ' treea. I ruler the large treea, eHix-tially
tint ahow any ri:Hterlul dillftenre, but if I .. , ,. . ., , .,
... ,,, ,, , , , old ouka the great coiinriia were held
anything will lull abort of meet ng la 1 , . , . . . ... ,
1 ami judgement given, and the travel of
rilH'riaea. ,
1 tlila 'op!o were hiund III grovi-a, they
The Melhodiat Saiid-iy n hool w ill alwav a beiiig biiri.-l iin-b-r the rw.ta of
have hritmaa t-xer- iaea and a ( htial- , B tr,.,.. T(lig ,M WB, M r4.tIit of 11 .ir-
maa tree Tm-aday night. Frienda de-L,;,i()11 ,lltt ,1(.ir vkU ;ivi.,, ju ,j0Me
airing may put preaenta on the tie,., l.ul ! ,r., lU tr,. ;,.r, j)la ,Uelt, i
noi more than two pieaenla lor any one ; , u-nign apirU who t-iok rharie of the!
bahiea and r ked their rr i l!c when
the nuraet fell aalt-ep ; in tin 011k. lo-
geiitleat apring. It . alao tha 27ltli
aiiniveraary of the landing of the Fib
grin. a ut Plymouth Cork. Thla fai t re
niimli ii a that the fount ry haa rleveloeil
aomewhat alnre that time.
There will I an eiiiertiiirimeiil at j
armory ball 011 ChriatmK, for the!
benefit o( St. 1'anl a hinidav aehool, con- !
aialing of ret-itationa and .iriga, ulwi a
magie lantern ahow with a large lanlerii,
raatlng a view twelve feel III diameter,
fk.i 1 . . .
, "inrr it-Hiurea appropi lute lo tlm oci a
I will bu intrixltieed. Adm'maioii, 2")
! cent ; children, 10 renta.
Mr. J. F. Jonea drew .'i from the
bank yeaterday afternixm and bt it Ixj
for night. Alter drawing the money
be went to Jolea-Collina alore. ami from
there ralnon a roail wagon willi a friend
to tha Home. He thinka hi ptirae
lrop4d out of bia xi. ket 011 the trip.
Mr. Jonea ia a bard working, induatriotia
man, and the loca to him ia a aerioiia
one. He re'iiela the Under to leave
the aame. at the ('iiiionh ik oflice and
receh e a Itla-ral rew ard.
Ortam ur Mi i lirlalmaa Tree.
o.n. rrrneiua rliould l,e at the
rhuiili by 2 o'll.xk. F.xerriat-a com
Uiem e at 7 o'vl x k.
Hon. W. t.air Hill lulled to get the a
aintment aa auperior judge of AU...r-ia
lar, the thunder pod ; in the willow a till
aorta of apirita; in the elder tii-ea the
dwarfs. Whenever the festival of these
county, althoiigli alrongty haeked for the g.xla were celebrated, their treea were
place, liovemor Markham apxiinled ! decoiated willi lighta, wreatha and
Judge A. I . I rick. Somi'how, with all "queaten" 'taaacla , ari"l nfleilnga were
bia brilliancy, Mr. Hill alway proyea j hung in tl e brant-he, w hich. however,
a failil'e in hi rteditiona into the j wt-re plundered again w hen the leatival
w lldernc-a of -olitica. waa over, the g'xla Ix-ing aujijaiaed only
The I'niteJ Man ia after the trap j ' li apj.roj.riated the la-M.
fl.bermen la rauae the trapaiauae a A n.i.i.u iiui ai li.arr.
ahoaling of the water and the formation '
of bar. Should the trap be comlemnetl I 1 i,e rahhit bunt came olf Saturday and
it will a.-elily follow that an attein t . aa a lurceaa beyond ex jwtationa, ay
will l-e made by the Aatoria people to
atop wheel liabing. Thia i aa vertain lo
follow a day I lo fuilow night.
Mr. A. J. r.rigiiaui of Ihifur inform
in that a lot of bog belonging lo Ilich
ard Slgiiion. near that rity, (bowed
ympUiina of Iming i-k Sunday, and in
abort time ail of them were dead.
Olhrr have gone the aame way, until
half of bia baud of thirty-! are dead.
What the trouble la, i ao far m myalery.
The llegulator I gelling in generally
aomewhat earlier than (he uaed to do,
but ia carrying jual a much freight as
the I immoral.
A party nam hering about twenty-Cve
peraona armed willi shotgun left the
city at I o'clock ami returned at 3 with
3o0 or more rabbita, which they un
loaded in front of tha Hotel Warahaur
(uhjrrt to the divpooal ol everybody.
They were sooti distributed and a leaat
of rabbit fiie w ill be the menu of many a
table In I'.aktrCity this Sabbath day.
The field selected was eaat of the Point
llreext) larm and northeasl of Kaldock'
i over the sagebrush prairie. The bunt
j wa void of accident and wrs the most
i enjoyable afternoon's sport In the lives
iiMial. Thia reaiding along the river
t .1 - 1:.. ll 1.. 1
ir inrir miller piiioiiiim no in. ai.v, . ... .1 t . -il
1 . , , .grand success that another bunt will
moat of their product a!iipjrd. and are 1 ,
. . ' . ,. , lake piace shortly,
prepared for a siege should llie river !
Irrexe over, or the running Ice gel too j .lu. f l uv.
Ihit k to ix-rmit the Ixiat running. 1 . . , .
. Mitnv clergy inei, now sen in a clearer
At the regular im.nlh'y Sunday school y. ,,K. vitl0 , nt.w,tK.r ,,b.
loard meeting of the M. F. Church, the !j,.;tr. The press throws light into
re elected for the i
following i. Hirer
ensuing year: Mr
superintendent ; Mr. M. Fowler, Ut
aa.iatsnl supt. ; J. I!. Cross, 2.1 aaajatant
aupt. : C. II. Ilrown, secretary; John
I'arrotl, aaaiatant secretary ; W. A.
Kirhy, treasurer; Mia louise Kucli,
organiat; Mia Fdith Kandall, aaaiatant
trganiat; John Farrott, cborialer.
many a dark and unw hoU-aome regiou of
Smith French, 1 civj(. if(, j, vi , M( vou,va al,ri,,k
from thai light. The legitimate eijKia
ure of vice and crime i a duty w hich
itewspaHTS owe to the public, and the
performance of which has Ix-en lurgely
unapprei-iatiHl in clerical circles hereto
fore. While the newspapers are w illing
to admit that they may not unprotitahly
Street Commissioner Hutts, assisted I listen to the pulpit, yet they must le
by Mr. Itrown. tried the exeriuient of j forgiven for a ipuiet smile w hen they at)
turning a stream of water on the cross-1 the pulpit profiting by their example in
aalkaaudthe covering of the cittern at
the Inleramtion of Second and Court
street Ihi afternoon. Urown held the
nofle while Unit turned the water on.
I'nllioitgtitodly liiilt turneil the full
force on, when the hose roe up in it
wrath and smote brown a smite or two,
liesidea drenching a bystander or two.
publicly exposing prevalent vices, and
thrrehy creating that agitation which
precede every cllective reform among
free Mmtple. Sxikane SKikesman-Ke-view.
A Hmall tiualne.s.
Complaint ia U-ing made tlmt every
Only the prompt shutting olf ol t!.P birco 1,,,, ruing almitly tho K,gu!:itir
preventiil a catatro.he.
The Salem Stateaman ol yeaterday
contain Una item: "lion. H. II. Kin
cai l, aet retary of stuto elect, w s sceu
by a Statesman reporter at the passen
ger depot lat night for a few moment
before the overland train arrived. In
reply lo a question Mr. Kim-aid staled
Hint he dl I not exect to make hi ap
pointment! public la-fore the legislature
convened ; that In the governor case it
waa dim-rent na a great deal of the roil
leaves, a freight train is st iptus! on the
Court street crossing, ami is not cut in
two, so that it i almost impossible to
get to the wharf. If this note of warn
ing Is not heeded, step will 1 taken at
once to see that the same is stopH'd.
l lie O. K. A N. bucked by the t'nited
Slnte, nmt running under the direction
of the 1'nited States court, ought to be
ah! lo manage Its business without re
sorting lo jietty ami coiitemptihle tricks
like that mentioned. II it isn't able and
... . ... .. 1 I , I ui lin.i l.i 1 .1 a.t Is. U mil. n t.OI 11IW
line work ol I lllll Oince Willi HI oepeiio 1.11;" ... . .
the private secietary, and na that oilier j respect for the rights of our people,
wna making a change, in political enm lm(m itl
plcxion, it would lw necessary for the in-
coming private secretary to post himself 1 ,!g(. of I. tl, li. T. was organized at
thoroughly licfore he could as-ttine the ra.,ide hcks on Saturday, !cc. loth,
duties of his oflice.
I ll.l IV I I'nllV'l forget the iica, cakes and plum
lidding In IVnae .1 May's window lo
in. irrow ami Monday morning.
Suit wna begun thi morning bv
Chaih-a F. tilll ngainst T. J. Watson,
trustee, T. J. Watson, May ti. Watson
and P. M. Mcl.achlann, to foreclose a
inoitgngti "ii properly nt Hixid Kiver,
known as "Idlewildtt Annex."
I dmiind Smart w a arrested yesterday
charged with threatening lo kill the
partner of hia joy and sorrow!, prin
cipally sorrows, and wa taken liefore
Justice Davi fur examination. The out
comewa. that Mr. Smart i under 1-tH)
Ixtnds to keep the peace.
Thi I tb" nbortest day of the year,
and it I nbout the most pleasant one.
The tun (hone brightly for wveral hour
and the ir if of1'" ''
bv PiMrict IVputy II. V. Welch of
I'ort'aml, with the following stall' of
ollUvt s :
John Aldrich, C. T. ; Mis F. I'rii.ell,
V. T. ; Kev. Win. Hoskins, l C. ; Frank
Hall, chaplain ; Alvin l't-nson, secrclnry.
The ini'inbership includes ninny of the
leading young people of the tow n and
the lodge will doubtless do good work
here for the (iood Templar'a cause.
Tt'H CnriK.
111 Islam -tranaaclloaa.
The follow ing deeds were tiled lor rec
orded yesterday evening and this morn
ing: United State to Henry M Wilson,
ne'4 and e'c, ', sec 34, tp 2, n of r 10
e ; receiver' receipt.
Simon Mason to Thomii Norval, two
and a quarter acres in section 13, tp 4, f
of r 12 e; 7ik).
It I a pleaaure to writa up program
like that given at the Congregational
church last evening. Fvery number
wasagein. The audience, though fair
In sle, waa nut so large a it should
have ht-eu to merit such an entertaii
liient. The ladies of the church, assist
ed by their friend, bad done some very
bard work in training the little tot to
their part, and the hearty applause
showed bow well the children dad
obeyed instruction. Much credit i tine
Mra. Collin for her care in training the
children for the hoop drill. The action
and time were jierfect, and the girls,
clad in white and blue, luadtj a pretty
light. The (anion clusa of Mr. Condon
went through their part fierfectly, rede-ting
credit on Mrs. Condon and Mis.
l'.urk of Oakland, who generously gave j
her time and asaixtance. The ladies
wish to thank also Mrs. Peters, who'
kindly held in making the evening a '
success. The committee in charge, I
Mra. S. J.. lirooks, Mrs, Huntington i
and Mr. F. M. Wilson, can be pleased j
at the success of the entertainment. j
The jirogram opened w ith a long by
six young ladies, which waa lieautifully
rendered. The yoiinjj ladie sang pret
tily and lxkd well, which made an ir
resistable combination.
Whenever the church choir king
there is ! re to be good music, and It
was esH-cully so last flight. The double
quartette, composed of tde choir and
one or two Jrieiid", gave a charming se
lei tion.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Myers read a dia
logue, which was very well received by
their hearers.
Little I.ela Keltuy sang a solo 111 a
winning manner. l,i: is but a little
girl, but bus h remarkably voice for one
so young.
Jamie Huntington recited alout
"Hanirg Up I'.aby's Stocking' in a
captivating way. His face beamed with
good nature, and be was not in the
least afraid of speaking in clear good
A song by the male quartette was well
liked by the audience.
Mr. I. S. Huntington favored the aud
itors with reading a selection about the
landing of the Pilgrim Father. Mr.
Huntington is an exceptionally good
reader, and w a at bis l?st last evening.
Ir. Ifcmne Bang a nolo in hi rich bass
voice that called forth hearty apprecia
tion. The performance of the little children
took tho house by storm. Wearing
pax-r cap they inarched 011 the stage
ami sang their fongs as cunningly as
only children can do. It was hard to
tell which enjoyed it the most, the chil
dren or their admirers.
The evening was indeed a pleasant
one, and those who staid away missed
something they would have enjoyed.
II.mkI Kltsr I'ark Atttlltlnn
A gentleman writes from Seattle to
the county clerk to the effect that be is
administrator of an estate that owns a
lot in Hood Kiver Park addition to The
Palles, ami requests information as to
bow far it ia from this place, arid It!
probable value. Although be has been
advised 11s to all matters be inquired
atsnit, for the benefit of the public gen
erally we will state that Hood Kiver
I'ark addition, which was advertised by
Portland real estate shark a lieing
"one mile from Hood Kiver," is about
nine miles from that little city ; is situ
ated one mile from Hood river, instead
of the tow n ; is a pine of excruciatingly
worthies land, not wortli the govern
ment price, and capable of supporting
atxtut one brood of grouse, if they are
good rustlers, to the section. These are
the Hood Kiver lots that were given
away a a chromo with theater tickets,
the unlucky bolder of said tickets be
ing charged IJ.oO for the deed. Thif
bri light the laud up to about $10 an
sue. It was a dead cold swindle, and
those who originated the scheme should
now he in the penitentiary.
trv; Your Orchanla.
Now is the time lor our fruitgrowers
to look after the San Jose scale and
wooly aphis. The state board of horti
culture In bulletin 8 strongly recom
mend winter spraying, and the follow
ing mixtures tor w inter use, both for the
extermination of the woolly aphis and
the San Jose rcale :
SI'UAV no. 1.
l.inie, uusl.icked
Milpliur, powdered
Salt, stuck
Pireclions-Pl!ii-e 10 pound of lime
and 20 pounds of sulphur in 11 loilcr
with 20 gallons of water, and lxil over a
brisk fire for two hours, until the sul
phur is thoroughly dissolved. It will
then be amlier colored. Next, place. 20
Hiumls of lime 111 a cask and pour w ater
enough over it to thoroughly slack it.
Add the salt. When dissolved add to
the lime and sulphur and Ixnl half an
hour longer. Add enough w aler to make
M gallons. Apply luke warm.
uriiAV no. 2.
Sulphur. 1M lbs.
l.ime 100 lbs.
blue yitriol lbs
Direction Slack the lime with
enough water to make a thick paste.
Pissolve the blue vitriol in hot water and
add to tho ilacked lime. I'se about SO
pounds of lime in dissolving sulphur.
Follow direction! a! In No. 1 in that re
spect. Dissolve the sulphur by thor
ough boiling and dd to the liute and
Are You in Need
A Fine Fine of FADIFS' CLOAKS to be closed out at once. Come early.
Also a l-arge Assortment of COMFOKTFKS from 7"c up.
T-ilioim No. 2.
Ojijiositi? Moody's
blue vitricl. This mixture will keep!
any length of time. When ready to
ipray, take one pound of the mixture to
2'., gallon of water, for winter nse, ap-
plying luke warm.
Captain McKay, of the Dundee whaler
Terra Nova, related to Captain (iay a
story which Beems almost like an old
time romance, says the Ixnidon Times.
It would appear that about the middle
ol Septemlr an unusually large whale
was fallen in with and killed by the
boats of the Terra Nova. The li-h was
brought alongside, and the work of cut
ting up waseommenced. Some obstruc
tion was discovered to have lodged in
the blubber, and 011 searci: being made
an old harpoon was extracted. The
weapon bore the name of the whaler
Jean of lio ness, ami was dated forty
years back. DM Arctic navigator will
remember that the Jean w as lost in the
ice iome thirty-seven ye-s ago. The
steel was bright as the day the harpoon
wa made, and the whale n-emed to
have sustained no injury from it. As
may be imagined, the Ending of such a
relic was the subject of ni;ch speculation
and talk among the member! of the
various crews.
Advartlal Leltrs.
Following ia the list of letters remain
ing in the postoflice at The Dalles on
called for Iec 22, IS'H. Person! calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Bates, Mi( Agnes Capen, Cyrus
Capns, J K
Doyl, Wm
Dutchen, Miss I
George, James
Henry, l.nke
Creswell, Miss V
Doyl, Ed
Fastman, Harry
Harding. Mrs Maggie
Ilindle, n m
Julian, Miss Gertie Julian, Mrs I
Kotzman, Mra I
Mclean, Mra W
O'Breen, I.
Kitchie, Dan
Shipley, Miss I.
Smith, Koy
Tomlinson. J L
Watson, W II
Mclean, Mrs C
Nelson, C C
Pearson, Miss M
Snider, Mrs C
Shroder, Gu
Sorbin, J F".
Thomas, Chaa
Woodford, Curtis
Williams, II A
J. A. Chouses, P. M.
. no lbs
. .20 1I"S.
. . lo lbs.
o0 gals.
Vita fir Wis (vet or Knots A lima; the
Ashland, Or., lK-c. 20. The heavy
storms of the past week have left lots
of snow in the mouniains and hif h lands
of Southern Oregen and Northern Cali
fornia. On the south side of the Siki
yous, in tiie Mount Shasta section,
there is a depth of live or six (eet along
the railroad. The road has been kept
clear, though, with buck plows, and the
rotary has not yet been oed. Several
cars on the overland northbound today j
were somew hat damaged by a collision j
with a boulder on the Sis-kiyous and 1
laid in Ashland three hours this even
ing for repairs to be made.
Among the passengers on the train
this evening were a nuiiilxi-r of negroes,
who are being imported direct from
South Carolina to work in the coal mines
in the Coos Bay country. There were
M) men, 7 of them with families
Hanker Taken lo Jail.
Cak-aco, Deo. 20. Judge Kreiiiauo
overruled the motion for a n?w trial for
the Meadowcroft brothers, hankers, con
victed of receiving deposits alter the
bank was insolvent. They were each
sentenced to one year in the peniten
tiary and a tine of $J.". They were at
once taken to jail.
I'entlletou Merchants SJwlmiled.
Pknpi kton, Dec. 20. George Murphy
passed a lot of worthless checks drawn
against the National bank of Pendleton,
and merchants are out alxmt Jll'O.
Murphy is but a boy of "At, and has gone
with no traces left of his whereabouts.
Oiilum smiucalrr l'invlcttl.
Ixis Amjkiks, Dec. 20. Justice All
gem, Alexander Smith and Frank Men
dc. were convicted in the t'nited States
district court here this morning on a
charge o' smuggling opium nt Santa
Think t lvvrlaitit I Fooling;.
Madkiii, IVc. 20. Ill political ciicles
here it is not believed President Cleve
land intends to increase the duty on
sugar imported into tho United States
from Cuba in consequence of the in
creased Cuban duty on United States
Steven Hlttrka Huritetl.
Nkw Oki.can. Dec. 20. Firo at
Nnpoleonville, La., last night destroyed
seven blocks, includiug most of the
business portion of town. Loss,
When the hair begins to fall out or
turn gray, the scalp needs doctoring,
and we know of no better specific than
Haifa Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer.
Mr. John Krookhouse of Dufur made
this oflice a pleasant call today.
M. P. Isenberg, W. A. Slingerland and
W. J. Kaker were ap from Hood Kiver
Mr. P. T. Knowles, who has been in
Montana and Utah for six months ar
rived home a short time ago. He will
remain until spring and wid then move
to Dell, Montana, where his wife now is.
Mr. C. If. lirown will leave tonight
for his home in Mention. Mich., stop
ping at Spokane to visit his father, and
reaching his destination Christmas Kve.
Mr. lirown has been a resident of tbisj
city for some time, and his many friends
hope be may return.
Gra'it Mays is in the city.
Miss Jeannette Williams retnrned to
Portland today.
Mr. W. F. Kyars came over from Gold
endale yesterday.
Hon. F. L. Smith and w ife of Hood
Kiver are visiting friends in the city.
Geo. W. Fillconof Spokane came in on
the noon train from Portland aad leavea
for heme tonight.
1 Harry Fowler is ornamenting the pas
senger trains again, having Conductor
Miller's run, the latter being sick.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson returned from
Salem yesterday, where she has been
to attend the wedding of her eister.
J. F. Davenport, formerly io charge of
the Oregon Lumber Co.' planing mill
at Hood Kiver. has purchased a lumber
yard in Pendleton.
Col. Sinnott arrived bone from Port
land last night which accounts forth
sunshine this morning. He looks none
the worse lor his arduous duties as fore
man of the U. S. grand jury, notwith
standing the fact that the jury broke
the record by returning I'.S indictment!
in one day.
At the residence of the bride's pa renta
in Hood Kiver valley, Sundav. the loth
inst., Kev. Frank L Johns 'officiating,
Mr. John T. Nealei;;!i and Miss Joeie
Specimen ( aaes.
S. II. Clifford, New C'assel, Wis., waa
troubled w ith neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach waa disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and be was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three lot
tles of Klectric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running sore on bis leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg ia
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, O., had five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable.
Ureat liati
From little acorns grow, so also do
fatal diseases spring from small begin
nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid
ney troubles ; if allowed to develop they
cause much suffering and sorrow. Dr.
S. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Batru
is a certain cure for any disease or weak
ness of the kidney. A trial will con
vince yo-.j of :! greit potency. Price
$1.00 per Kittle. Sold by Snipes A Kin
ersly, druggists.
IVople who have tried it, say tha
tiiere is no lietler medicine for despepsia
than Ayer's Sursaparilla, Il may not
give one the stomach of an Ostrich, but
it so strengthens the alimentary organs
that digestion ol ordinary food becomes
en?v mid natural.
It was the first time Mr. Dismal Daw
son had ever lieen met at the door rv a
woman in bloomers, and it rattled him
a bit. "Lady," said he, "you see liefore
you the wreck of a man who was nt one
t ime as in noli of a gentleman as yourself."
Wtifn Kaby waa k k, we g:iTi lu r I'antorla.
When she was a I'iiil 1, sh criej (. r Costoria.
When she became iliss, she dun to Cantoria.
When she baJ Children, she gave llu-in Oubaraa,
Ileal Kstata Transaction!.
The following deed was tiled for record
today :
Annie L Woodcock to Win S Wood
cock, the nw'4' of sec 20, tp 1 (, r 13
$1 and other considerations.
Everybody knows that the condition
for health are not favorable when the
stomach, liver and bowels are die
orderel. In such cases, headache, ia
digestion, and constipaeion are the re
mit ; for all which ailments the proper
remedy I Ayer'i Cathartic Pilli.