THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22. 18&4 The Weekly Chronicle. or ruo THi DILI Iiifl ii the itx- i The !'!, Tsi Kail uialb-r t tn on in i v Srrrta.'i .take Treasurer . lid . lui x lnr. tijn .lt.n.-j :.-ii rmator oouT!.ia.'0. ttatr triaier i.v .. u. k. u Ir. a j M ti.r,.. - H ViwVd .'h n.-r . , I. t.t U II 1 11MI cin jiti rruii iVunt r-ierii. Treaaunrr Com suati HeT t,irrer iur rititea4eTit , C.riMirT riw . B-atrirT . T. j l'".t- ... V kw; VI m Mirhr.l KtT. I klmmlj , V K. - H ' rll E. .a ( ribiic rt. .T-.'t ftw.l.-y M II B .tu ASTItH: 'tiro K'hllU: TLe of thr Mate of Oregon apinl Ir. Iitrich mar:.rj in JatK Ihitif. rcurt MonJay ailrrrnAin and at'.rr rx- aminali 'ti ielo the nialter t!ie Jrfotniant 1 111 iliuii--e,!. TheJvtor a arrttel chare-1 a it!i practirin nje!iritie a ith OGt a licrt.. Without pretrO'U:i to ar'je tl e menu 'i tr.e cj oi.e ay or the it i pro;r : aay ihst ti;e h a a'e. .;uel. . but the japer ca hich it i a ritten i torn in two p' or 1: ore pr--r!y ; riik'.:,i i w .ra out. i- t! j ; The .iriie.! u.atter ! l! certi:":cate i Ts.e cae wa br-u;;it tni-.:gii tr.e tte L.anJ of med ical eias'er. w!-.. claim t::t iu lhoe i,.,t i...cirr .:!! .. lt.e cae wa'ao loc-r n gol Fn worn i.i-e. tl.ey wriren in le ' the teat. hrr. who uuw have charge of the tl:ue I r which the cer'.itioaie ui g-xxl. cho"l. theni'lve learned from the old The try.!: cf t. e n;atr is that the board hoot. If they are example of the re had in rl;ht to limit any certlr.i-a'.e. fu;t, cf old uietht-lt and cU bonk, then The that upon -in; a ' from our acquaintance wit!, theru oper exarninativn or the prestation . Wl,5:d ay let the oid Uxiki and the old of a diploma from colleges o a certain I fv-tems remain. tlaodard the board aia.'t i-ue tiie cer- titrate, aboate!y arjd without aay j uaaliccali jr.. They iiave no riht to iseue auy t pecial permit. A far aa the 1 ca ha pne. ilnnt the oclv thing deru- j oniratei i the Mate tioarJ ol me.1- ( leal examiner baa been doicg linineej j on ita own hook regard! of law or con-' erjaencee. It i another of thoe board of comuiiHtiont-m that the lel.latare can practice- on w ith it. little ax. just to ! try itt terarr. CAS SOT HE l-RIYKS. The drain of gold from the treasury goea on bandaomelv, and alreadv the .-.a - i i :-. i ,.. 1 t.i rr.'W:T. 1 I mi. montn, ai..-w nave gone owe. , into the po.aee.ion ol tboee who loaned ! it to Ite government. At thi. rate, by the middle of February another fifty j muiion 01 oodus viu Litew ini. 1 . . . .. . , . ! t- .i . .... - j 11 jooai a. 11 me .no;, .etieme wa. 10 1 ft .....t ... i,...:. . j.., ; of the government transferred into an interett-bearipg debt, with a icial 1 nmn.;-. If. t. it In o...!.l llfrnnri. th Ofconre th , I - r . r - - - - - . ... rile ia maiie the lendera l,.eir. loane,! .J.I have a ri.-ht lo ' paid tn like monev. A. matter of fact ! they have not loaned gold, bat have taken advantascf the law and the .ita-I ation, to gather on the green bsckt and, first getting the g Ad from the United ."tate. treaury, ell it back to the gov- emment for in'tere.t-bear,ng gold Uin,Jg. i There are two remedies one to retire Auric nir tu iciiieuiCT vd V3 mire the correncr.the other to make it like I the firt i..o'e of greenback., "a full le- i . . . , .. eal tender whieh will he reieeH ! I pavmentof custom, and Internal reve- I uuc. i i.e laiirr kucilb ja nrji now . TL . . L. ." . . popalar, bat the gold-bug. are rapidly j making it so. No matter what view, the American people may have about fin ance. ieL Liipm one nnnrreinn mat .ui : " - ' : ' trvinV trfi riw them into .Telwi. ' trymg to force them, into a certain ; course, and they will go the other wav. i Tl.i .;,i. .1 f,.; i. ; ' " " v..... JitS'.' ZilT?,Jtt0lMli' thmt " "ni UtJW ginning to forage! point at which j r'"' Hi: HlitVt.U Jill UEAlt. 1'araon Havies, commenting on the ; kilur.gof liowen by Lavigne, in a prize ,' f5ght at Xew Orlean. Saturday, says: "Had Peferee Ho fly stopj-d the fight hetaeen Ijivigne and Powen there would fiave been great dissatisfaction. Ijv:ne fought a fair and manly fight and had the battle won from the tenth round. It has been found that IJowen's stomach was in bad condition, filled with undigested food, including peas, onions and piece, of meat. Had the ring been padded Itoaen would now be alive. I examined the platform Thurs day and objected to canvas covering. I wa informed that the DaIdini bad been removed at the reuet of one of the contestant. I spoke to liyan about It, and be raid if it suited others, it suited him." As Havict admits the man woutd not have been killed if the floor had been padded, what had the "peas, onions and pieces of meat" found in the dead man", stomach to do with the matter? The truth Is. lion en wan beaten to death, and the short-haired gentry are simply tryicjr to cover the murder op. There Is an explanation in the first few line, ol Davie, statement, and tbe fight was not stopj-ed because there would have been "great dissatisfaction." If anything were wanting to empha size tbe fact that Portland it a tough city, that want It supplied In the at- tempt il .'. P. Joeeph. an attorney, and John A. Carr. broker to ," tbe iurv in the lUinco Kvllcv car. Three gentlemen were arrested Saturday oo indii tnicntt hund by Hi grand jury Mm day. It n-em. tint they ap proeihed Mrs. Huutinnton, whose hu band wa one of the juror., and t'arr t.!J her, so it i ilaiuied, that if her hus- I ...i-l l.,r mr niLrr (fi.Ii.'I ll tn i . . . ,' u ,1,iri II. aoiuill.v.ho wo,,., U mur.lrif.1. H : ' " aV ,,,IM,"f husband, and told her heve m A' . . :I .)... ... ,...,, ,), I,- l,HMfibitp,.cr. that Huntitiston aaanotot l.t l ril- taking kinl. and broujlit in nub rr- Jut Jce a VAa mnnrwim ili. latol. II ru .Ml." are K .....y. w.r, w pinirie-i 10 n.e m i "i'i " laa. """ .si liovl. i;" k. The nhoil Iwk iueation continue to 1 Ji-naJ at K'nst!i Sime of the at- lack r;poo tlie prrnl ryatun of Uika are reallr amaoins, aoJ make at !l inter?tici reaiag. That the laDifuaie g jn nfe !ioulJ be cbartl reeuia to be pretty ire neraliy coneevU-l. Out- Me of that me atill intist the -uti-n.ent of the teacher i,l the tate i prac tically unanimous in favor of retaining the present avateui. We a.laiire the prureasve tfaclieran.l pmyreive ideaf ;or , they prire! f -raard. but ,na( admiration reaee when Kk the ttl), Pirii t a aeam-e. their priijre?a jM reached a f-r.n: where they B0 locz-r n gol Fn!ih. The old Uxi'.s were thumbed be Wetter, and be.'ore cur n,ot rt.ent rrae for pro'" t i( only six year aiuce the prevent school book were selected, and if the -bool taperintendent then nia.Ie o poor e!ection a aome would have n believe, they thonld not be tni'ted to make another. - LMl'iER fll.X TiiV) st.t.M. The Port'and Sun it nanallv fair aru! aivmADU in ill treatment of the pre. of the tUte'. Vrt it ;lowf,, of ita , correapondert yeterd.y to u,e two- third, of column, on which it t it al nf bT r.mtiilini it ith . "ecare- heaj. and whi.h conUine.1 abeolotely nothing in the way of new. oruminwl. The principle portion ol th. -c wa. In .ttkinC th,iMia,M...a,hooiaip.,J. 00; 2., lb .k. 'i Wh Mork !!,; ---- r- . . wtine that J, M.' and f?" b th tr Dinrri 01 1 rie at aie. Aie cjnr.. ' r ' rmmient not. and the editor of the : .nn may net realize the power of the prw. newspaper, v, . i WD,C" " "JO Scotch ay '"inafcc a -1. , i' . . . mucaie. l-ev luc r.uilgiu-.l ... - -7" and "S:wah Snorter, a the erinlte eorre.pondent call, them, and the other Iit,,e P'r of the .tate combine, and thev can yield more influence on the aCTllD-T ' w.e iie man ... u.e g.i.. of new"Pr " Tortland, the sun in- -i . . -1 . 1 -'l.i.. 1 ; ciuueu. Ilia, paper, inoeeo, 1101 oniy fall, into the error which it continually cb" the rronia. l.r, but goe I., ,he e,treme ttlat error- !" ' an Xo l 1 09e U own "Paion, Uymg to read tbo "hodo not fre lth U out of ,U i party? We might suggest thai trite P"7 suggeBl n'ia 10 r e"tn1 contemrsry, , 1 kW UU. SIU..1 llltl. bJIV ....... , ... i i et toe has the largest corn." " ! worth bf ailver in a dollar," and 'if we A.toria i. visiting Portland and ye.- , member rightly) Congressman Her terday and last evening there was a featt : . roor, i the dollar. 01 r-,D na now 01 'P- 1 . , It U U h0p ,lb-,ioM 1 h,,e ,ht tje old-time ! St .;l;n. v. i er, of friendship will be cultivated in ! p.a, o( jt JIon cji.arje, Kulton wa. of j I ll.e delegation and cautioned hi. fellow j representative, to -rememoer .wn ! culture and r.ot taU the napkins for! handkerchiefJ . J. K. Overton, the man w ho di.ip- : peared suddenly from Portland lat fall, j I and who was for a time supposed to I 1 ; murdered, is aain home. Overton who 1 owns a farm near Oreshain, on the! Sandy, had an idea that be coa'.d skip, i lie low f jr awhile and then return, was! ' not calculating on an action for damage. ' on the Dart of an iniured female, iml the attachment of bis ranch for itt full value. When be learned that bis prop erty was liab'e to 1 lost, lie came back from tl.e Sandwich island to defend it. J In the prize fl,-ht at New Orleans j Friday night between Kid Uvigne and j Andy Powtn, the latter wa. knocked !O0t by a terrific blow in the neck. In j failin?, tho bar k of hi. Lead struck the j floor with och violence that it caused contusion of the brain, and liowen died j Saturday morning. If the prize-fighters keep op their record of killing one an- other, the business will aoon become as dangerous as modern foot-ball. The fiery gentleman of Oregon City, who, over the signature ol "One of tiie Foolt," yeaterday wrote to th Portland Son an attack on the Hood River Gla cier for tuggesting the re-election of Dolph, it entirely too modest in the tele-ting of hit tignatore. "One," did he lay? Only "one" of them! M7- T7. rVPrVl'W MK JiOiKf, value, will agaiu advance, and when the : 'price, of agricnltur.l pr-vlm t. ill also j Senau-r V. F. Matlcak nl M ao- l enhanced, date, on the world fair ctiinini.atiia i hae len riile. a:ainl and uiii.t ; rirt d Jaine. t'reelmau. tb.ij mwAr in -.met This action wa. Lvlin i t . v V...k T .. 7 .7 . l.n.l .l,wl,iJr ,.( K."V. MVn. .HI. ho ti'l a t-titiou br th iiwiiaiif of writ of mamlantua l.i tiw rouimittaw of tli vofM'i fair rvin - misMun. consisting il tieowe T. Mirr. ' V . '.Matlock and t.eortfe W. .Mrliri.lf. tf , MllU ,n m, , ,a make a nv audit. According to the rn u( the rommnwiou tl.f ln i of tli .Irian menla at Ihc Uir vre ulb.w.m toe.u,lo ....M.nt. romwnMlion vboiiM not - tUv Mr. K. W. Allfn, tli lira.l ol Ih omn .Impart mrnt, eiuloyrt hrr UaiiilitiT. Mau.I Alin. a aiini - .um,- tut of the appropriation Khoiil a re- qaifctioo fruntthe a tit-i-artment. a-0)iupanie-t bT a voik her. M; Alien aalarr f r Auiirt an.l Sepleiuher. f U. aruouuteil to -iiV", ,.r ahu-h proper voucher fere lna!e atnl vnt to the r- ecutive rx.iumillee 1 r.e t.iv cut trie loiai a mow ui tiown iuii nr !' till aver that the tlefemUiita t in claim arhiwanly anJ ailliout aulhor:tr. and aki that a new au.lit e 111 ao Cjrjmii to la. 1 j Itran lo t't.ronu 'e. It i!l ! een from the above that the lioj of puriftiug pliti.- by jj viti oturu a vote, i liable to prove. Irlnaue Men aie corrupt, more or lev di.hnjie.i. ( more1 an. I given 10 many kind of meanriee. but al.eiirxir Live!;- aotnan l.aa bal an op ortunity otrere'l lotneaaiire lu-r t ' -r ; i"C- i !e tlnxK- of (ardfl brolu. latter ha uolhui I 1 Ib.1 c f in !.. Mr. Allen wi the l.ej.l . wo!i.a:j' de artmeiit at,. I eiiiploy rr the fav r if t.'ie loved her I !. 'i-e ' du.-hu r Maud. a.n-iMant it as a naiKr vuimv ; tu i iiiiif that yottti. la ly .ul.l lay lmni l.-snd on tlie god ! of lil-rly a how'i on the "almihly il..llr." with ceniVr touih and the u.orv !atiiirf g. ! of the family of Alien ; not for any fi i;i i-r family reoii ; not f.r tiepoi;m or any- thing of that kind Oil! no. Hit the commiiyu having recognize! wn. Allen'a eetiliar fitne for the head of the department, it wa oite natural on the d.-lrine of here,lity. that the aame traita of character honld have U-en in- Mr.. ! herite.1 bv the dauzhter and thua nhe would make the moat rerfect a.tant. Tb'n ,"' fo"'"''"' authoriexi ' Mr. Allen to fit theialary of hrr airit - not eieJio. V P-r IT- t 1""" oc.en ,na, t ion. ju.t u.e I om M'cure Ml" M,,d "'. nJ .inn to accure Mm. Maud', uervicee, and . . i. 1 agreement wa. maoe ueiweeo mother and daughter with a n.ucb bn - ine. acumen a. if it were between fattier : and son. It i. plain, however, that ' " " ' tr.rn will not purify poli- tic. but ,,.,tic. -ill c.uae "women o .ho. thie trait of ch.ra.-ter which ,ir - rum.tanrc, not having ,.. ... , out, we i are prom aev-e.1 of. . i;;.v .1 . ;. l,ror" lo not - wit tint: i' If, a the fr.e-.ilver advocate. aM-rt, Oregon i really in favor of free .ilver, then it tea.i'.v admitted that Senator Dolpl, thould not le re-elected Put 1. Oregon in favor of f ree aiiver? If k. 1 r . . 1 1 . ! t. i. , in ... iree ...ier. .1, -u-i ratir,, and on what term, .hail it I rcnr'i , 1 fie run, iin 11 inav if raie.i a. the leading .ilver pafr of the rtate, want. o,:e .y.tem ; Sidney Hell, who. J written a book on the .object, an- other. Then, of the two congrewmen j "nJ 'int"r Mitchell, whom the .ilver advocate, claim a. their. which of their idea, will U adopted? Senator Mitch- ... 1. 1 1 I.,'.. ... ...... B .o. . . 1: Congrerstnan MUs want, -a dollar . i Now, if it I. true that th. free sliver ifw -re in th. majority, yet is each fao tion in , ., Bli 'f. Th. .i!v tion in very .mall minority. The silver qnestion, with th. whole congress and president advocating free silver, -on.d Tb difference between the faction. ! would be morn radical than that r. ,he ,r,ltlWirnll rl dem rat. on on th tariff .jnestion. We cheerfully admit that our infelle. t . , . tK.rfr.;rli, - financial ! system for the wond, or even for that i small portion of it over which float, the American fla. There are PrO other I publication, in the state, ihe editors of most of wltirli know just as much about tbe subct as we do. We want to see p''nty of money in circulation good o.oney regardle. of it. color, for we l'" " oor business. We are there- fore willing to follow the first financial Moses; but we first want to feel that he is M'es, and to at lea.t believe that be will not keep us forty years in the w il derness. We are ready to go into the corral as s-ion as ae may lie convinced that we belong in it; but until we are, ; we prefer the wild freedom of the hills. J In looking into the future of the I wheat grower of America, the situation would wein dark indeed but for one promise that must ultimately he ful filled. That the foreign market ran never again be made to yield old-time prices, it resonably certain, time the Argentine hat become so formidable rival, and that other rival, Siheria, will aoon become yet more formidable than the Argentine. That promise it increase of population. It will not be many yean until, with our present rate f growth, we can consume all the wheat we grow. The time will come, in the not very remote future, when land limtl rnrrctoiiini 01 inr ", ! WortJ (than 1 ihcm there W l'Uo mie ! rvtiablei Mlablilr tti la.-t l on l all ' ..... .il,, . cui'lr ol lb moat a,r lrbariin. H' tntiaM taut o lln .Uci rr Imilailv lour tlrtrvl anl li"rtitlv miitUatJ-l. aympatlilra of tvilnrl aoiM. "i'i (l haw lru atlli 0" J 'r mn tin- at comiiiriiiHl. ar Unnf ak'iiv f..r lh t hiri.. Jafaii I'aa ina ip a wrlooa itiiataka. an. I utti that il rrju-al-c.1. uiav r.u inter(Trmv l tin- K'l- 1 ril4..n .rmnonf ' !! ith the lira papw , . , .,, for the .levelop.nenl ol the iu.u.' 1 biifinr a arreale.1 Una iii"rniii : c,rk-r,l a ith l.-a'.in from the K. (l( ,,:M.inif to km that the . . ( . 1. ...., rrpi u tun 01 irw -1 ....... n'l n tarter, a the whI in aaard. j THE MARKtTS nur-il to lib" I"l. I!i 1 I'rii-e aie up to i1 renta r bl It. w-T!ie oat market i li.'l.t at UI to v i-etita per 1 !(. Ki ora l'ianion I brand at ter . I hi. p r ton and T V j.-r bbi. retail. II v Tmiotliv ba rine 111 price fr.un to -er toil, acinrdnig to and condition. Wheal ba I 111 full !. 011 a linii'e.1 It-inati.l at T -I to i.l i-er ton. . Pot toi i to ?' rei.t j-r b H. ' IU tti s r reh roil but tee at '-' to 1 enla r roll. Foo I iival freh eiT.- 'ii at VJ to; e. PmI 1 111 i iood ()! aie ijiote.1 at .'." to l.'.T'f (er il .en, tnrke; rer t (ier ih. Hiir a Mi rro l'.wf ratt.e are in !e demand at !.'l l-r .1,1 tr, kM-A l.. it IV) fir rtlri ib.I . ! Minton Ultm ,,,,,,..1 t 1 1, to eenta r n,. ...rona. p.wk oireringa are Uhl , and pri.ea are nominal gn l o drre-e,i. ' Ttrl Corrx ioeta Kica. iaqnote.1 at . K : lr I " k Saivadore, J'c. ; A r 1 i. a ir. , Si nn 4iolden t. in l.bla or ia.k. . ; Kxlra V. !-'" ; Iry granuiate.i J? "'.K V:, , ,3,i'b U K 'cjn-ti -e , riee, 7 rt.. r.n Small hltr 1 plrik 4'.jC tr lii 1U. Si air-.'() tz fp (). keg. : h t Liverpool. .mo n, .k . loom , H" P" ". r. i-.' ... r ...und ' ,Are .inotcl a. follow.. Irr 4C in , gre-, 1 -a. ! i SiilirP.lT 'i'l to .') ea. Ierrkin.,; i 'Jtc lb for winter and .'Vc for .ummer. j i lYeed, light 1 lb, heavy "V lb. Pear, j . rkina, .uIJ ea ; leaver, U U) lb; otter. !": hher. !' "i . 'tit : ailver mr 1 1 . 11. . t : fox, io . ; ri-l lox, II .1; grey o : ."(..f . : martin, 1(.1 ".'.; mink I 'Icu ."-; c.n. 00c; coyote, .'hK-m 7V. limn P.i, f.'4 toh'j each, tlaal K.lale 1 raarf la j Th following deed, fiie.1 f,,r re-ird t'Hl.v T J May and wife to Helen Mead, arc 21. tp 2 n of rile; . and either considerations. Palle. City fyo John Applegate. lot I.', block 41, fiates addition , IHXh f Iilaa4 la r.Jila( Hlaaaelf. UHiHitHisi, S. ('., Ie'. 20. Preai- . , . . . . . . -"-"" no eur.7r., .... ...n rre hvinj ben trrr from int"rnijitifn tti an iMwr lrforf. ypri rn plen tiful n! wtNithrr fin. II0 jrv r. morrow tor Whiniton. Sr. PiTfkuHi ao, I lee. Ph The coro nation of the tear will take place in April, l'l. It ia understood an nten sive hange of g-ivernment offleer will I made at the liegi lining of the Pmaian new vear. a r.pea.i.. hi.,.. Mokristo , . J.. Ik-,. "0 - -The I'..hl.!r bl,-k . a fr.r t,., .f,... . which were the First National bank and I KaNel.' clothing store, wa burned to day. Is 1W),('iO. We are not giving away stove. ; but we will sell our healer, until Christina. at cof, to clear up iImIi. This is your j ''''W M iv A Cnn r. FOR 20 YEARS tin: fornml t f fV ni;ikm;f Sntt s Kmulsixii l en rnbir'cd l,y pliyski.uiMd tin-whole ..VI ti l M.. v ret ,-iU.nt it Thi, i , on,. ,,f , , I.lrnnKcsttll'Jii-rmcrits 'u, ,)f. Str'tlCSt r-flib.lM nil III J;v,il,f; Ii in the alul Jn rih u oo.f,. Scott's Emiilsjon notirisbrv It ilncj more for weak liatiii-s and (irowirio; Cliil'lrcn than any oilier kind of nourish merit. It -trcnKthcns Weak Mothcr anil restore, health to all sufTcrinr from Kmarintioti and flcneral I !. lily. For Cough., Ccldt, Sort Throat, Rron. ehlti,W.ak Lung,Coniumption,Blood Oi.ea.. and Lost ef Fl.ih, Alt INDIAN M. I Waa lf' "I"" ' 1 V iHMm Mr I 1. in . nv la l ife Auioiijfthe 1 , lu . (,'i mi ciil rtaliiiii;r ac- I o'lint of a mull nil li"'u he j oii.t I'HJ.'U I a" inrvn-. ' lull.' ,ln.-,', well and Imnd uw oiiiik" fu call him. .! rut t uirf a'nit , with 111 air of . ry s.i rlor en s. .jo. n. c. ill -pl.t in.? In pro-wti-nv hi- -;' "did l' kUiii d oh-. ;ii: r I : l i 'i I the like 1 Alter a I'll.' juli auie ajfk'rr-ink- louard n.c. and aid. In br.iki 11 ".fuiiuh Uiir chief fcuy ).m irreat iiH .li.liie. In' i.iiir pito tire i time without r l.idiiiif . hea )"lj l.rinrf the trev lii.-h an- afur off cloe ' to the e e. " .n ii 1 omit the b ave. In. urn ii'ur if mi n iieti a t'r. ul ay au.i it. v. r u.i-v. Iica rr.-al many 1 t th r .uid. rful thin,-. Inch I can n.'t h. licv Von have l it. he.l hint " . I ra 11 ' a i Jnier f eoin my I 11 . I (..iiilcl out a tn' ul-mt -ciitv lte . 1 ar.W .l'-taiit and I ifaii tl r 1 11 riipi.ll v r-l. h xlri.cU the tree. ali ll !.. ulT lar ,- fr.i1111 tit i f t 1- Iiork , ait j .h iii !. I in. I made no 1 iiUc-tip", t. conceal the fad lull hi. a. I j miratloit Prike Into inph.-itle evpre Mou 11 hen lie Mitt'ei'd the pr.'. iion , an.l r. h of ..iir lmf p r.:h . and the 1 rapt.ti l'h tliev eoilh I I' ' l an. I tired ll. piide hud r.l- lei, t! I1.el.ed M heary f.ll all I hi loft larnii,- a loiie-l down man) U I'll-' tiiiti l -. -' "ii Ha th' miniature I'f II l"l!.,' ii.ll. Wll'' 1'fJ.O of "l iv eu: I : . 1 1 . - I tn. 11 I ih'l' ill ..l..n . Imjl ! Vrl , .!. and . 1... l-.k a- ' itiiniatiire lo. I.n. in 1.: .l.-r , f !,. .r..i. r.- .'. it ht.-r picture. I ...j. -1, .1 t th! . t.iL.' a IT"! 1 1 u r I ll. f I. I .in I. end I I . dev r i e 1 1.1 e e ..:t the r. I. nil lt.e 1' ! f re t.,il 1 . an-I o. .ft a t he 41110 ii.-. h 1 br ir.t -kin f. t lie . l (..! r 11. Ii if he . If. I I ' ! M'h.l let 11 'I In 't. r U , refill .1 he added hi. hi -I .) f I lll.d lutht I1..1.; lli . r ..the pr. rtv tn fitl.litf Ine itcf lt I . , one l.-ti,; la.t tii h.-'. . I .iff al ;d! diap ared in hi entle. lite h. . . U I a II i I.'.l o'l f l I J.-. ! . .t ii.l ra the ili'-tan. OEMCM AND OAR. 4JalMI nM.ri if Vfahe I.immI J4aa aMl lff A J 11.I1 tuut fearb-. f-r if timid t hi vi -aW ii'- 1 at on.e taken adTantj.-e .,f l.y .h jrp itt.-.l la )er. m ho 1 ill .I- all f hey t an to t!it fT" hnn lnto-.m. 11 ijii.i r.ini'rii.n er tuiul'd 11 ruling knoi Hia" hi fear of hannir 1 anv tinnl-a .aiit m-rnr In the i-.mrt wnua Hujenn Ma.. In ..ine , ami 1 ...i:Ur ff the . e.i.sint of ,he U. 1, ha. m.t ; tin fufitr prfnj.'. sitil r fTr, tual J ly s-iii. ;. ii On t.lti.f r r ! .(nfnity j nf thr f'Uft M'.f?. ai.'l Ihf jH'.i'n in 4 lt w mif littji-r l t' ftt. --r t.-r j Imu i hutiuli4t'l t (tiler tn h fir I ciiMii! r-r t,( mti.t lr 1 t j 111 tn iil-ri'l h 11 ! r ! , t i 'iiti 1 a-tmtn ft-'i al'h..u,-)i tip r "i l' , 1 ; . . I- t .!'. n mi i; j liii.-i-r r j,t t.i j V t K 1..-,-. 1! . ( iu( j! I )..' -h' -u lil al . i v t I i !i U 1 1 uri- r -t Ii .i. 1 Tiri.' II ' I f r-r lllb a ' 11 t - i-fi "1 ti:i4 s a Ii I ; ' u f .-r .1 1' ).- -r :n n ir .I r t. iai.intt . r'.ii. urt ft' j:ll ... i 1 1 .' . W 1 1 - . f ,. .-,. i. ti. t .M.rJ U 1 :il r, ,1. . jm . - I ci ; - ,r :tll lil, r . jit. tti. il Ii In iiiittf. int : t. ii.r i .(i'M- I (t. vi r ttl'-aw lj l!llw 1 f ! I ta ..till,. I UU l) lV .!f..l if:- II;' film r j 'i I .vm. t.t hip I rntwdi tiiu-f - Jit ,'Mt-U . f-t it not U- ,.!!. 1 rH!M'i . llmt a Ju'li. t 1 r 1rm hu .lu'.ir riMIv IJIUit I' riU. r V-M 1 ' f f- !lH irf III ttrrl ' 1 1. 1 im ;i it 1, -.t I m th' n.ntn. r . n. jn-" U i?n-mi li'rfrd. v ln!r imiHirt ii.irriful. n hiU- iut I of tin- j..i..r f -r tit.- jti jt., In i j every truth it i t.M. cue iv h. n flr-t . r l ..f H .- it-. e t 1. .-.-.I it ' illl-l h.ln II ho c. .. f .ni on a rT. :i ii u 1 1 t n,- i-.-ui t n If. itu: clth.-r ! hl.-VM-t h lnm u h. take " I ffi. n pr..iiicr. who-.' .' Il tellt e . t he W . ell Ii t he j-nte ttur-li n tin- . ! the ttiriiin i.l.f rt nnale, .int f..r r 1 1, in lii AN HONORAOLE THIF.F. Th i(M I'rualrf . a ikmmI a 111 M ..r.t. 'I i. nee hml mi i ii.rieiii c thai ,i ... , prove.1 to tne thi.t i, honor inono thi.-v. mii. m I in- iMfKiii ilrtimim-r, to a r.-,..rt.-r I h .,,-d . i. M-iir rnro in a I. tti.- t ,n ri lichie-riii. 1 re- ! tir. il to U-.l in the hoi. I lit theuualj tune, mid pbici il nr. unlcli iiml Uet- ' I-m.'k under tl..- p.l...t After l.uiim, l.-iii iil.ep mimic I un.- 1 iia.annUciie.lj l.y lieuriiiff a .tr nii'i n..ise In Ihe room. 1 1..11 en in. ., I ,i.c.,il..l,!,-riiblyl Mart led M ..h.l.iiii' a limn with ii hiindUirehicftiidover hi, fuce stand- iiik' lv mv l.'d- i h- I u hi h ind n ai a fl.irk I. nit, rn. uhieli ..,i. fniiv In my face. Hi- did ii .t olvl. . n,,,, !, tin,,. thinli. hut in a "rnlT i.m leriiiifnb-il my uiitch un. I money. I don t Umov hatevcr put the idea Into my head, but. iiih'HVorinir to Ik- culm n pos hil le. .aid. " If I tell you exiK lly here they tire will you pri.mi.e not to mole-t mc and b ale me to flni-ili my ih ep'.'' " 'Well, you nr.-n cool one. I miixt wi.Vl' lie replied. In,t y. hi mut tell me w here ymir vulnahli are, and I will promiM. fo liuriii mil. and leave you in iii (. ' " 'I w ill t;i U i you nt your word." snld I; IliV Wlitcll I nt the' jeweler's Ik Iiij, repinrc.l nnd every cent I bnve b ked up in the nfe dow nstuir.' M. . i c ! ired nt me n liolinte or to. ll llioui'l, r)i,f tell l.y my f.n e if had -..ken the truth. It must have coin inc.. d him. f,,r. mut teriut,' me thilijf I did not catch, he turned on hi heel iiml walked out of the room with out a word." mm - -. - V v ' -c - Vrvr A Racking Cough .irl bv Ayr's Cherry I'a.iorai ih ii... ..... .11. 1. i'. n ti.1, ;ij i.i m lHirt. N. Y., r.i) a Ml.rr Hort ((,,. rri,,,t h. ar'ug it. fill er r.l- 11,, ,.c,, fnl iiualiie r IT. 1 i f Ajrr't ( I, ,,y IV. Ih 1 ai i. i,t aitj. , ( lir.pi-. h . I. .....,.. 1 11, (,.,, ll( ralarrli.Miirtieoof llm I x. rtl niril t. 4ii a. 1. 4 : ii;. rut 1 Ur I At I" n I. lor. 1 1. m iM , b , ,., , n W'hde .iiie ( I'..-... 11.. .!, t. , ,r. a'.lel lal .1 llo i,.', j.l.i .... . nonetif llieni .ill. .1.1, I !. I:.. m thai v nnr. IC1...,. 1., . .. Wollhl le I..' ft.. 11. . .. i ... ...,.,.( . I fil.-n H .C Ii ' I ! ' 1 I ' 1 . j )..,' j am Ii ti.l ! . t ' . Nearly In Despair, and h I 11 .1. .... 11. h t , .: , III In. !-! I r.o ! . .1 A,..-'; 1,1 .I. I in 1 .1 I ... t 1 1 I ( ' I- 1 1. Ayer'sC'--.- , a, .1 1. - Promp. I I ll.tif Pi 1.1 Pr.rn. Ifcr.. iwleat rar(hUke al.oi-k U.tlng a minute au t-rirm-e.l at H 1 p, n. Jreaterdav at Draih . .itli Itiingarv. Many bouan fell and the wall, of II. a olhert wet. era. ked, r.M.fa fril in and cornice, lamb led lut.f Iheatrrel. I violent it,.rii were fe.t at I and '.' a. m Ta lant p-. the night in tb tre-ta in apite of the aovere r-.M t mr lafaal aa4 a.lldrv. CrH wm Ila:ow. aJ Creeritnw r UtuV-te'y, I ..ulli.4, f J w..fna.h, I iLarr !., arw rreriirm Tbu. th rhil-l U r.ere. braUthy and in "t aatarml. Caatori'.i a ii no r JIrr ruirii r.jir. " IA.U la an w.11 Ur-l In rKatrea Uul rwiiuM I. aa U"rT lauf p.M-ritM kauna to ' II. a aa. . M p III Suth O.r.ew a , brxMla, X T. " Tw wrraral yar. I Kara raiawVd fr 'IV.!.' aiMt ar.l alvar rMU.Hi toVj aa llhaauivarlal M.wi-rl J ii.i .!.. I'.ki M l' tSili rweM. a4 Tta tm, turn t. dr fc TV. waa or Taavwia Ita MrlUM wall kami I at aailn! Ut MMkn MHril faaalllM k i iu.ia mmn natch. I an i 4 It i ii i a 'l at M. aea Ih av i a4 a.; U M.frrra, l P. hew V IV FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. IKIM.I 1 hi i.. r' letter, of t; taaue.1 aiai ah t aatern Sf a'e. tti. ' , . i :, S'ghl I r',aii(fe and lelrv-fapli . Tl. ... , ., , s. lmia. Smi Knclvi. Portlsml llreg.. Seattle Wash., and varlons .n,t 'n Or- eyon and Washington. ('! lei tion. ui.e at a, I iint. on ' C'al.'e term SHERIFF'S SALE, Ni,,c i. f,,n t,, i,."iii i.n.l.r a,l t r i' ' ri-.-uii,.ii i.m.) ,.i,t ..( tf... i lr"" 'HWU. X TiZ'Z'X eiiifti ni ti . r..i m ..i i i ...iti ,,.i in. ii il.l .. .. . , .,,.( h. r.M I fl H I" lot! .l.i.,nl ml I' ! r,.li an.l M .tie Kef,, il. l.-mUul.. I,, I,,,,. ,,l ..i, i.l.liii'H i In! .. i.n.l.ui. .,r tin-iiini "t I ' wi ll llit. i.. Ilirn,i, al Hie fair el r . f f1 lf alihlii.i, ft.mi tin. .l.y i.f .. .-in I"-'. I- 'I bii.I ll.e ,.rll . ,,,i ,,( .1 ari..ri,ei a l-r a ii, I ' , null an.l Ol.l.lif .iiu-nl., int. I ..euUW I. Ii K .i mr .lif. l., a. r.iMiii.ainlli me '" "".J II. - Ii. In. Ii. f il. ., rll.. f. al M I" .,l'' Mi.t nl.,i r tiaill.-.! .in,.., Mill i. ii VI. in. I .f . IS .'11 1r of J.ltnarv, l-'i ., at tie. i.f i " ri' I il, M il al imliiiit aiiein.n in II'" tm"'" r. ,.f i ..Ii in I,,,,,!, , ui. Ir n.l 'I I fclM e. ii iily r.iiirllii.iiM., hi li.ili. lll, VlMf r.iiiiiljr, iit. (r..i,. an ,,( n,e fl.l.l. Inn- .ml I"". r.t i.f ..I. .li-fi imImiiI., ami eaeh lie '". I" ', In I i.m I.. 1 1. . Ii, f .,m-,U, m ,r..i.'tl, I" " C I. K. l-.ii.M.I ami l.i-'.' fi rl I ! l.-a MlllUf. Kr-fl.ll,.ll i,lui.n lli I in, eoiinii. i mv I..i"" null the l. nrtn..,l.. hernlllaiiK-lila anil l'l"' Irtiani.. Ih. rriinl.i lir Ii.ii ln. or In ,o"' MMirrUiiilti.. ,,. an i.ini'h II ..ii.l n.ini.l aiiin. kiaellirr mill la. at a I rrulii. u,a .al.. I l'n-l at li.llr.tnr, Aaariliiunly.""' ..... . in . hi inr iwif. Or. .'.' ill t j pKIVfll. HhrrltTnf W rm i Ir, tin.""- I'M aa Vnnr Olaaaa. aait l.noa al Tk From HK) to I'.'.inm) to loan. Apply (inn. W. owi.i'. I IH Third St. The 1II''. ,,r-