The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 22, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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    ii - ii ii . s r: wi r ii
. art g.
V()1,. V.
Kiilaii'l iiimI KiHsin I la vi an
lrhi: i a nun: im cms.
rlalll MMltt of IN ftllrhataa:
ll frauld"l. HrLanrt
I ktan I'aeaMant.
,i.M, lee. 1 H. It i understood II. agreement between Kngland
,, In regard lo the war In the
full does not Mr in It any warlike vrr
li.iiii iu Hi vicinity 1 Shanghai. Thi
iii ' ll prohlhitMiii of a hostile fieri
l-at-ietf I' hi ti I tin entrance ol the
Y : tt I" I ""a" liver. Janan tia r
rrtilly threw' ied In diaregard ihiaagri-e.
mrnt oil the i" ' nul llial the Shanghai
rM-nal it i'pp))ing Chlnemj with anna,
ate. It it liellnved Ida third Japanese
nnr at lliroahlma I destined (.if Nan
k.ii,'. Tl r'ngllah ami l:uln govern
mriit" have Intimated Ihcy a !l pre
terit tliia movement, anil Hip recent
MKi'illiii of the British fleet at (liiiati
and tli linsaian flael at ( I roo la tl-
.ciitiuirl (nr. Ii understood ).ngh. i
and Ituaala have derided to fight, ll nm.
rn'v, li prevent hostilities on the
Vans' Tao-Klang.
Japan I spina Mai I !(.
b iiHX, rr. IS, A Tokio diapalch
Jpttc Lieutenant icneral Kal
ura . tufr. Hal Cheng, leceiii!ier 1 1.
Tli Chine garrison iitnntT .1 .Vai,
liil tli Jann litimlirinl only l.'naJ.
T!i t'lilnrm retreated toward Mao
Vang. Tli lum were trilling.
( h Kuo dispatch aaya great nneaai.
.- t'-titlnnea among tli reaident i(
that place, who tar outrages at t
litnU of Hi Chine soldiers. Four for
tiga aralili ar noar at l'h Kuo. A
biliar o( t'olourl Yon llaiuicrkcn lia
Utl Mianghai to laka ruuiinan.l o( lli
Chlnr trooa at Tln-Taln. A Jotnrli
ii(inrr it conttf lifting lorta at I'rking.
Tli rniainiSr o tliaC'lilnw liant)rt
hit 'xo lurnJ uvrr to tlia irott tlon
ul ll llrtttah flag.
Kir imhm Ikiarm i Hl)r.
Ijimmix, !. I. Ttia cfuiarr lllrn-
hnm, alilch la lu coifjr llio ImjIt l
iuliii ThouiuU to llallfat, arrunl at
rortiuouth fruiu (iihralur Uiia morning.
It ia no cut! Ilia ltloliiiu aail
January I. A ratalaloua 1! I rrrrtnl
in tli raitaln' raliln, lora Ilia ImmIv
ill rrniain onlll It rra. lira llalllaa., . Mr. an.1 Miaa San
lord, a i!e anil ilaoglitrr ol Snator San
loril, a ill ai company Miaa 71iwnaoii,
daugtitrr of tha lata Mr John Thouipaon,
lo Uvrrpuiil tliia afn-rnoon, irralory
to ritiliarklng on Uif Maalir, which
aiin for New Yoik tomorrow. Mr. San
lord In rrrelveU a tolrgiaui fmni WlnJ
tor ignrl by all tli inpiulra of the
'luern'i lniilnilj,rinrying to Sir John
T)ionion'( family rnw. cinralona
of ympathy an J .arlirularly taking
Mn. Sanfonl lorouvy thlr ymiatlirtlr
ui ago 10 I jI y Thuiuaon.
I adr Mlraraaaa'a l'alr.
Wi.inxi.ioN, le. IS. The Ji'i'-rt-im-tit
.( alata ha rclTcl a iliapatrh
Irmn Minlatrr Itakor, at .Managua, aay
tint tha Miaiiilu Indiana hava anr
rrii.l. rnj tlirir rlghta umJcr tha lraty of
Managua, and have lipcoma lnrorMiratiil
ij'li Nicaragua. Thia aurrrmlfr, it la
4 h-mtood, dloo of tha laat Vi atig of
I ha rlaim of aovrwignty by the loaiiit
Indiana ovr tha Moaquito rfwrvii, art
I'art l.y tha Managua trraty of ISiV),
n I tha awarJ of the oniHror of Auatria
tlierenn... It ala tirminatra any
remind for rontlnurtl pretlof a UntUh
"protnrtorate" oir the Moajnito rriwr
vatioti, ami groatly almillUa tin' right
I arroaa the lathinu.
l annlhal la Mlrn.
lUiiMoiitto, Me., 1 r. 11. The
lrty of ritirrtit who Irft hra a fow
'--ka nti to xiiire Tlhiiroo laland In
an h of gold nilnra, whii h, atvordlng
;i tradition, are to lie found tht-rf , hae
"turnrd, with one of thi'lr nnnihvr inlna
'"IT. The Sir. Indiana, the cannibal
tnUi that ot rnitiee the lalan.l, made no
liOBtile dinonatrationatowarda llm iro
.'ictora, but K.dnardo Klorva, young
MieiiiW of the Jierty bn-anie ratrd
fr"ni 111, companion, and, although a
'"ig ican h waa made lor blm, he could
) ' In found. It la fcartd that lie waa
VidnatN'd by the Indiana, and killed and
' Ht'Mi. Thciie are the Indiana who killed
j""d Ht.- two CalifoniU ni'wiaM-r men
iiiiMHit a year airo.
Trnnlti m lli I k llii-
I'n fm mi, tit. IH. A arcil Irmn
4' nioiiiown aya the union coao men
J V0 driven llietr nulionent a frolll IHlhlic
'Uf r((llr,fclid liun dei ,
to retnliat. The iimi-union men arinf,
iopiuavii w ii ii ret ii vi'i ami riii're-gaU-d
at a ilor, hiill of ilieir (one U-ing
idai'ed out of ainht. Tim atrikera at- '
tMiiplMl In drive ihein away. The nu n J Ililll'M' i )tvWH
in hiding aieared on llm Irene, and
the atrikeri, finding themwlvra out-'
IHiUibrrrd, itarled to run. At Irimt '.'00 j
ihol were firrd. Inn itriker aln.i
III the leg. r lien. la tarried him lioine.
A nuinlier of other were more or lea in-
pred. j
A Aalaral Itaa iurlinal. 1
j Al.aHoa, 1ml., Irc. !. The Indi-
luaHina gaa trual legan a new rx-n-
j ment in natural gaa produrtioii ) enter-
! day, on tha NVaddnll, farm, nine mile
eaat of olilevill. Twelve ga well an imjierial derree waa inauml )rrenilT
will lx drilled on a eeclioii of land. , 17 for the arre.t ami bunding over to a
Near the renter a well will be aent down hoard of piliiiahment Taotai K ing, (ien
IuUi aalt water. To tliia wall oerlul eral Wei Wu ChengTung, Seliiri Chiang
.iiiiii will Un attarheil and the water j Kurte and China; Yung for loaing Tort
drawn out. Tnia will he done with
vie nf keening tli other well dry.
The erinieiit on a large ac-ale la the
reault of one made almrt time alnec by
Superintendent Shaekleton, when he
put pump Into a wet well, and In lee 1 maiider-ln-chief in Chihill, for lending
than forty-five minute had a half doen i fale rort of victorica, wherea he re
wrt well In the vicinity flowing dry git, j treated trout Yaahan and lottt I'uig Yanir,
Many gaa coin pan lea and citiena were ! and Anchow and Admiral Ting, for fail-
prearul 1 1 learn the reault.
To r n.. farnivra killd.
Dm Ih-c. IH.--A douh! Irngedy
haa incurred three mile aoulh of t'.ldon,
and Iwo Urmer, Au.broMi lajuglierty
and iorgn llullnian, are the victitna of
a f ilib iUrrel. They had attended j tw army, uuder command of Field Mar
tlui county lyceiiMi, and while driving ihal Noi.u, Kitld Marahal Yamagata
hone laitli iiiaiatet on driving arroia the
lame bridge tirat. An Impromptu duel
duel took place and Huffman waa hot In
the groin and iKiughty waa pierced
through the lung. Holh are fatally
wounded. louglierty I a married man
with a fdiuily. Huffman ia I H year old.
On ml tiarala'a Hnlatlnlala.
S AiroKin, Tel., lire. lS.lilraldo
Salt, who wsa capain of one of the band
of ao-ca!ed liartia revolutioniita, w ho
ind a raid on San Ignacio, Mexico,
two year ago, and uuou nil and !
burnel the Ulie of the garriaon of
ai e i lean troop at mai iiace ami
cuprd Into Teta. wa. yeaterday de-
livere.1 to the Mexican authorities by
l'olte-1 Stale Marahal Ware. The de
livery waa made on the authority of an
extradition order iaatied by Acting
relary I'hl, of the atale ilepartmenl at
talirrnl Klrlln 'nlal.
Si Imv iMu, lec. IS. No uieetiug
ba yet been called of the committee ap
pointed by the republican ttate central
committee lo content Die election for
governor the leialature. Alvinxa Hay
ward, the iliairman ol the committee, ia
ahnenl from the city, but be I expected
lo return tomorrow. A meeting will
then lie promptly arranged and a plan I
devlted for executing the taak imposed
njwn the committee. It I probable
thai the meeting will lie held Saturday.
I.oKiJx, lee. I. An Auckland dia
palrh lo the Star contain few detail
of the death of Noveliit Stevenion on
the evening of lrc. 3d. Slevenaon re-
marke.1 to hi wife that hefvll a ttrange
pain in hi hvail. and aiiuoat iiihuihii
ately afterward fell back eeuwlrea,
and never regained conaciouanee. He
died two hour later. The cauac of hia
death wa paralyiit ol the brain.
Ik fraaalan IHI.
rKKl.l, lec. IS. The l'niffian diet
ha been itimnioneil to meet January
Hth. The government intend, after the
done of tho aeaaion, to proeecute Herr
I.iebknicht, tiK-ialift memlier of the
reichalag, who took a prominent part In
the demonstration againat the emperor
upon the opening of the reichatng.
The Hrlroll'a rriera llnil.
Kiiwr, !!. IH. 1'nited State Am
haaaador McYeugh gave a dinner today
to the olllcer of the cruiaer IVtroit,
which brought home the Yallcan relic
eiliiblte.l at the Columbian ex jxiaition.
A aolemn rveitlon of the nflicer by the
po I now regarded a uncertain.
thin a a tha Kara la Off.
I.m.on, IV lS.-The St. Jamra' lia
etteny: "It may be concluded that
tho International yacht race ia ol!, and
blame the New York Yacht Club for
reopening the qiieatioii of holding the
... i. !..
clip, WHICH, 11 aava, wa fi-hii
term ol inat year a iiuiieFi.
I'rvalaleal or lh fraarli t'hamlier.
lSaia. lcc. IH. M. Hriaaon, choaen
prime mlnlatcr on the full of M.Jule
Kerry, In 1. ", elected preaident of
the chamber of deputlea In anrceaaioii to
the late M. Ihideaii tiKlny, by vote ol
'.'10 l -lit for M. Meline, French protcc
lionet lender.
Will II yin laehl llir.
LiiMioN, lc. IS, I'uptiiill Crnnlield
an id todiiv Unit (rum the prr-ctit nilt
I.Mik them would be no r:ic for the
America' cup.
' M iU A L J X I tJ a , v.j. i)..... K..-A viu-; A , M ' M AN
to I;.-
islu'd loi
A KEVOLt llOMsr 10 hi: SHOT
Mor llulriri iomiuiIIxI In Ar-lueala..-
I'remlar l hompaiin'a
Sm m,h i, er. Ill - lx-al .u-r atate
Arthur; Tao llueyi, coinniander at Ta
lien Wang, for cowardice; Wieju Kwi-i,
commander ol a ihip, for incapacity lo
control hi men, and permitting them to
pillage; ' Ko Yell Chin Chav, com-
; Ing to protect 1'ort Arthur and cowardice.
I rewrte t lie authorise refued
paaapirt to a Metac timent ol Knaaian
mariuea to guard the legation of Kna.iia.
ta first .laa Arniy.
YoKoiitMA, lec. l'.t. The flret Japan
: having been invalided home, ia 0x-rating
j from Chien I -en Chung with detach-
ment thrown out toward New Chwang
and Motikdeu. Little headway i being
made. The country la difficult to triv
erae, and the enemy i making reviatance.
(t appear the flrat army I not aniiou
U get to New Chwang or Shanghai
Kwang before the other force are ready
l to (trike Tien-Tain. A icarching official
I inquiry i being made into the Tort
"Arthur atrocitiea.
A ( nlrmbnaa) Vaal ranlarad.
Lomhin, Dec. lt. A Tokio diapatch
i hvi the Jrin rrtilaer off Vt-IIai.
' '
wei captured a tailing veaael loaded
with ammunition ana provision con
signed to Admiral Ting of the Chinese
fleet. The veaael waa towed to Talien
Field Marshal Yamagata will resign
the presidency of the privy council and
be a p (Kiiu ted Inspector-general of the
Japanese army.
A Tien-Tain dispatch says United
Statea Minister Ieuby at l'ekin ha re
ceived from the dowager empress of
China valuab'e presents of handker
chiefs, intended for the foreign ladies
who had abscribed to purchase the tes
tament livently presented to her. The
emperor has ordered the troops to pro
tect the churches In I'eking.
Ilia Huay l'aalllvlr ldnllA.
I'n, 111., lec. l'J. The boy who was
murdered here Saturday has been iden
tified a Arthur I., llinnion of Vernon,
111. Hi father is here, and the body
will I brought back from Chicago,
John llinnion of Vernon positively iden
tified the clothing found on the mur
dered tsjy as those of hia ton, Arthur I
Itinnion. He went Into hysteric when
told of the initiala "A. L. B." tattooed
on the arm. A telegram waa aent to
Chicago to stop the interment of the re
main taken there by William Barbour,
who had claimed them as those of his
son, who, however, turned up alive and
well Unlay. The police have uo clue as
to the murderer.
Walt and lh Cowboys Crnaured
Month tixo, Utah, lH-c. 19. When
Colonel Law ton, of General McCook'i
stair, and Indiau Agent lay, arrived
hero from IVnver to investigate the re
ported invasion and threatened out
break of the Vies, from Colorado, they
had no dilllculty in iiersuading Chief
Ignncio to obey the orders to return to
the Colorado reservation. Colonel Law
ton say there was never any cause for
alarm, and that the action of Governor
West were not warranted by the titua
tion, na the Indiana peaceable all
the time. He also blames the cowboy.
The I'te chief it much incensed against
the "Mormon Mart."
Will lit I s Another t hane.
Iaimios, IVc. ID. Secretary Grant, or
the Koyal Yacht Squadron, stated to
day it had Wen decided to give the New
York Yacht Clab another chance, and
the only conditions upon which the race
will be railed for the America's cup hoe
been cabled the New York Clnb. He
ref lined to disclose the condition.
Vlor Outrage In Armenia., IVc. 19. The Cologne G met te
published a letter today from Armenia,
ti'lliinof fresh horrors there, Inc tiding
J:i villi's hiid in ashes, It other village!
pillaged nnd 40 priests mas-iicred.
All ill ii :; .'li wit It. Mile1 rain PHI.
I'omihI In a (.arret.
IV.iiiii Amiiov, V.J. !. I'.i. A valu-
' nhlii discovery, it is believed, m been
I ind here. Iliiphiiel's celebrated loct
puiiitiiig,"Tlir Holy Family of liretta,''
; done lolU, has emerged uhiii from un
leclipsn of bi urity. A good authority
on works of art l.aa pronounced the pie
j tun- to be a genuine Haphnel, hut how
i It ciiiiii here remains lo l revealed.
After licmg kno ked about hero for sev
jernl months ua valueless, it bus found
j it way t'i a New York collection. The
I old painting has lam for a number of
, years In the garret of I:rv. I'. F. Con-
riolly, rector of '"t. .Mary's C'ath
, olic church. spring during house-
cleaning time, the picture, covered with
the dust of several decades, was thrown
into the yard as worthies". A son of
I'aniel Gates, the local auctioneer, saw
the picture, and akiug for it, was told
to lake it away. The bov took It to hit
father'j shop, here it was cleaned up
aud placed in the window awaiting a
purchaser. A few weeks ago Thomas
MacCau, a local painter, caw '.he pic
ture, and taking a (uie y to it, paid $12
for it. He knew nothing of the real
value until a friend from New York,
who culled at the house, offered him
JX) for it, which was accepted. The
painting was ahiniied to New York,
where It was sold for $o00, and now
hnugs in one of the finest collections in
the country. Its real value ha juet
!een disclosed. The name of the last
purchaser cannot lie ascertained, as the
transaction is one that brings with it no
honor. From what can be learned the
painting is without doubt the long-lost
"Holy Family of Loretto," painted by
Raphael lu 101.1. How it came to I'erth
Am boy is hard to guess. It was un
doubtedly at one tune part of tho Kg
gleswood collection, which, when
the Spring family wa in it zenith, was
one of the best and oldest collection in
the .'country. Civil war and business
trouble reversed the fortunes of that
family, and their collection wa scat
tered about the country. The most
pltusable explanation, the only one that
it given by Father Connolly for the
presence of the uictnre in hit garret, ia
that it must have been brought there
by one of hit servant, who was at one
lime employed on the Eggleawood es
tate. Another theory advanced ii that
the painting wa stolen from the studio
of Geoege lnnets, which wat part of the
F'.ggleswood estate, and occupied by him
a number of yeart. The present owner
claims that he hat been offered $10,000
tor the old painting a number of timet
during the short period it hat been in
hit possession.
somebody Klaa'a Koujr.
Chicago. Iec. 19. George H. Bar
bour, young insurance clerk, supposed
lo have been murdered at 1'ana, 111.,
walked into the tuorgue today, where
half doreu of hia associates were gath
ered lo identity hia body. Barbour's
father wat present, and an affecting
scene followed. The body of the young
man found buried near the railroad
track at Tana had been fully identified
by the father at that of hia ton. Young
Barbour refused to say anything re
garding hit disap)earance Thanksgiving
A Holatlonlst to Ha Shot.
Nt'xvo Lahxiki, Mexico, Dec. 19.
Geroldo Saiz, a revolutionist, extradited
from San Antonia, hat lieen brought
here, and it it understood that he w ill
be shot without the formality of a trial.
It it claimed hit guilt waa tiraily estab
lished in the extradition proceedings.
An Oppreaal Tax.
Home, IVc. 19. At a meeting of the
cotton manufactures in Milan today, it
a at decided to tend telegram to the
government asking it to suspend the
new tax on cotton until parliament re
assembles, adding that otherwise they
w ill close the factories.
Marrlcw Aw Bafllshman.
London, IVo. 19, Henry Cecil Beau
mont, second brother of Sir tleorge
Beaumont, waa married today to Mist
Jessie, daughter of Georgo Fellows of
New York. The bride't dress wat blue
cloth, with an overbodice of white satin
embroidered with gold.
The rorltwrs la Peking.
I .on don, Dec. 19. A dispatch to the
Timet from Shanghai says that, in view
of China's refusal to permit foreign
guards to enter Peking, the various dip
lomatists of that city are combining for
local defense should the occasion arise.
Maniber of larllasn Dal.
I-ondon, Dec. 19. Sir Edmund B.
Ichmere, member of the house of com
more for Kveshaiu division, Worcester
shire, when about to address meeting
at IVrshore, Worcestershire, last night,
fell dead.
rir at hIM Tnn.
N n, IVc. 20 Fire today de
stroyed tlie stores nf IV, U Bryan it; Co.,
8. Wall Co , N. Murtlii A Co. and
Scales, Stockell A Walker. I-ossfiO.OOO.
Uvih Stir.-t Dii.l With
Tliri'f Mexicans.
! i
Two t hlcasjo Hankers Nsntenead to tha !
1'enltenllarr--Opium Mmuctjlcra
I iiatlrtrd Hrten Hlneka
I'kim ori, Ariz., Dec. 20. Policeman
Prince last night attempted to arreBt j
three men who were running aumi k in
Prescott, when the trio ptiiled guns and I
commenced firing nt him. He returned !
the fire, shooting one Mexican through!
the right thigh, ahaltering the bone
badly and causing a wound from which !
the man will probably die. The wounded i
man fell on the sidewalk, but continued :
hooting until he had emptied his pistol, I
and then attempted to reload. He had)
a lieu tun ol cartridges around Ins
waUt. The other two succeeded in
getting away after emptying their guns
at Prince, IS or 20 shot being fired in
alt at the officer, but he escaped w ithout
scratch. Prince was smoking a cigar
w hen he attempted to make the arrest,
and continued imoking all through the
t hlnea Want Oynamlt Cruiser.
New Yoiik, I ec. 20. A Chinese agent
in Washington is negotiating with Men
donca, minister for Brazil, for the pur
chase of the dynamite cruisers Nichthe
roy and Audrada. The former has the
celebrated Zalinski dynamite gun on
board, which Brazil found no opportun
ity to use against the rebels during the
late outbreak. Ureal things are ex
pected of it. If the trade goes through,
the vessels will be taken to China by
Americans, w ho are expected to remain
long enough to instruct the Chinese irf
their operation.
Italian Trnops Defeat lh atlca-
Komk, lec. 20. A dispatch from Mas
towab, Kgypt, announce! that tix com
panies of Italian troops, under command
of Major Teasel 1, defeated the Arabs yes
terday near Halal. A large number of
natives were killed. The Italian force
lost 10 killed and 22 wonnded. It wat
composed entirely of native' aoldiert,
drilled and officered bv Italians. It is
believed this victory will prevent any
further intrigues on the part of Abyssin
ian. The Italian commander-in-chief
reports everything quiet in tho direction
of Soudan.
Th Kad HeemaMear.
I-ONDON, Iec. 20. Important dis
patches have been received here tonight
from Tokio. indicating clearly that,
practically, the war between China and
Japan has ended. Whatever instruc
tions have been conveyed to the com-
nisndera tti th rearveetirA militure an.l
naval forces from the governing powers ! P,wseioD "f Morocco, with the exeep
of the two empires is not told in the ad- j tio". of TanKler- h,'h ,s the
vices, but assurances are given in quar- Brltl?u possession.
ters known to lie thoroughly cognizant, Kw l"ial t'nwncii.
of diplomatic affairs that the emperor of j Lonimis, lec. 20. A Tien-Tsin dit
Cbina has been prevailed upon to have patch says the protests of the foreign
commissioners tent to Japan, and that j diplomats against the refusal of the gov
these envoy have such power of con- j eminent to issue passes to foreign guards
cession as will without doubt enable j to proceed to Peking to protect their res
then) to bring about an immediate and peetive legations hs resulted in dissen
thorough end ol hostilities. The details j siotis iu the imperial council, and it is
of their authority are not given, but the i probable that Prince Ching will resign
presumption is not ignored in diplo-1 his office.
matic quarters that the concessions i .......
, .. .. ,, Caa't tiiniprta tlllh A mar lea.
asked by the Japanese government have !
met with the acquiescence of the reign-! Sr- riirii, Dee. 20 -Novoes.
ing power, of China. ' 8av the co,,noil of Uf'e ',,p!r0 ,,a8 """J
jtionedan increase of the cotton import
M anlr or Chief tingiuaer Newell. ji'.ntv. It i" done pvobahly at the in-
Chii pi.i Ckkkw, Colo., Dec. 20. The i stance of the cotton growers of Ttirk-
Circumstnnce of the killing of Bichard j estan, who complained ot the competi-
Ncwell, jr., general superintendent and tion of American grown cotton.
chief engineer of the Midland Terminal hm.i' inaugural ,.lir..
road, by A. W. Van Houten, a miner, j 1AK(l A)At t0lii,y' fitting of
near Independence last night, are as fol-; lhe ctia1H.r o( deputies, newly elected
low: The owners of the Black Wonder ,.rPsilient uri!i9on delivered his inaug-
mine could not agree with the railroad , ural The address was well received.
as to the ditmagea for the right of way. lwH,n ,Hi, ,he proreas made by the
Arbitration gave the mine 125. tins rel,nbii(. aue in a great measure to
Voeman, one of the owners of the mine, ; ubvTts o( discussion.
told the men living iu a cabin on the
. . i .... .l -i i A Jenlona Mnaband's t rim.
line of the road not to let the railroad ;
disturb then, under anv circumstance,. N York. Dec. 2vV-C!mrle eter
The railroad built a track with a ,i,.rp r on UUy sl.ot and killed h.a w.fe and
curve around the cabin. Newell went then himself. I ironndles, jealousy was
out on a pecial car. stopped at the cabin, j the cau-e. Five voung orphans are
and went In with papers in his hand. made by the tragedy.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest L'.. Ciov't Report
tear tell of a purchaser wanting
to tuy an imitation? Why do
men who try to sell such articles
spealc cf the act as "working
them off?" Simply because peo
j.le want the best, and it takes
work and lifcewte deception to
tell them the worst. This tin
pleasant experience raaybefall the
housekeeper who determines to
the new vegetable shortening.
The healthfulness, flavor, and
economy of this wonderful cook
ing product has won for it the
widest popularity, which in turn
has attracted the attention of
business parasites v. ho are "work
ing off" imitations and coun
terfeits. Forewarned is fore
armed. Be sure you get the only
genuine vegetable bhortening
Bold la 1 sod 5 pound paOa,
M4e only by
The N. K. Fair bank
fcT, LOI IS a4
things, San lark, Boat.
Soon after Newell came out quickly and
Van Honteo appeared in the doorway
with a rifle, tired and Newell fell dead.
Van I lou ten claims he shot in self-defence,
but it appears Newell wat not
armed. Van llouten had no interest
in the property. He was jailed at Colo
rado Springs. Newell wat a nephew
of President Newell, of the Lake Shore
road. W. II. Hoskin wat arrested as
an accessory. The officer of the Mid
land road consider Yeoman largely res
ponsible, and say they will prosecute
A Jadt Areaaed of rrand.
Macon, Mo., Dec. 20. A warrant wa
tworn oat by Oswald Hicks, treasurer
of the populist county committee, against
Judge D. D. Ballard, late of Los Angelea,
Cal., whom he accuset of obtaining
money under false pretenset. During
the congressional campaign Ballard
lectured for the populists, and during
this time obtained Hicks' indorsement
to a draft on a Washington bank, and
swore out a warrant for Ballard's arrest.
The latter's whereabouts are unknown.
I'ropnaal ta Dlvld Kfypt.
Pakis, Dec. 18. Le Journal print the
text of an alleged Anglo-Italian agree
ment in regard to the Soudan and Mo
rocco by which Italv it to occupy Khar
toum, and support Kngland in her occu
pation of Kgypt. Italv will also take