THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1894. 1M K.aar. ! Tb reader ol this raper l pleased to learn that there is at '.east one dreaded dilate that si ni- bw twen able to care n all it .- anJ hat Catarrh. Haifa CtUrrl. Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medic! fraternity. Catarrh l?;n:acoa stitulional d;ae. rts;u.rr a constitu tional treatment. Ha.i Cv.arrh Cure i taken intcrna'.lv, a -ir-g -tire tiy up-w thr ll-vt ari l mucous ur!ai--i of the system, thereby destroying tl f u tui tion of t"e disease, and jivinc ti e pa tient strength 1 y luV.-l'.i.i up t! e consti tution au I aitiiij tmture - do its work. The proprietor have so irnuh faith iu its cu'.tivjtive powers, that they offer Oue Hundred Ii' rs Ur juy esse that it fails tJ cure. n 1 f r t of TrrtiiuoQl. AJ.lrr. F. J. Cuimv .t Co.. "K'.ed.i, O. S.M l-y lrtJ..f.t?, TV. Ikrra aa a ah KatUa. Cit "F Mruro. lw. lj.-.VmriMa new-a-cr are printing counts of a bt bet area n'.a'.eiuaUn troop nj the Nineteenth Mrxicaa cavalry, when this regiment ws in Chihuahua, hun dreds of away. OffrlM cun. S. II. Clifford, New Cas-ei. Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism. hi stomach m disordered, his liver was affected to an alaruiine de"ree, P petite intl away, and be was terribly re duced in fle and sireoglh. Three lot ties of Klectrw Bitter cored hiru. Edward Shepherd. Harrisbcrg. 111., bad a running sote on hi leg of eight years' standi r.. I' red three bottle of Klertric Kitter and seven boxes of Bof kWn'i Arnica Salve, and hi leg it aound and well. John Speaker, CU waba, O., had v laiye fever tore on hi leg, doctor aaid be wa incurable, one bottle Electric Bitter and one box Bocklen' Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinerely. Ua4,r Ivallara I WituisoTun, Dec. 17. The i-ue of standard si'.ver djl.ars for lat week was A Haaaakald ti,rf. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,. aay that he always keep Pr. King' New Iriscovery in the house and hi family has always found the very beet result follow its oe; that he would cot be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeuian DmUt, CaUkill, S. Y.,says that Ir. Kin; New Discovery i un doubtedly the beat cough remedy ; that he ha, used it in hi family for eight years, and it ha never tailed to do all that i claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy o long tried and teted. Trial bottle at ?nipe-Kiner!y Prog Co.' Drag Store. Regular tire 5Me. and 1 .00. TtM Wt Will Mlf. CocyciL Enrrrs, Ia Dee. 17. C. A Bromwell, of Minneapolis, and F. N. II den ay, of Chicago, the Fidelity agents, hot yeeterday by Bank Clerk Hunting ton, who then committed suicide, are bo wore today, and will probably re cover. A -Tt- If all the ladie knew the simple secret that a bad complexion is due to a dis ordered liver, there would be fewer sal low face and blotchy ikins. TLi im portant organ mutt be kept active and healthy to insure a clear and rosy color. Dr. J. A. McLean' Uver A Kidney Balm a a purifier, beat all the creams and lotion in existence and will pro dace more permanent effect. Kemoves bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, yellow tine In the skin, wind on the stoma h and that dull, bil'.iou feeling which so surely indicate the torpid liver. Price $1.00 per bot'.le. Snipe A Kinnersly, Drug Co. Klll4 HcrMlraad f kildrea. cMGutx, Mo. Pec. 17. Mr. Jones, reeidiijg near here, cnt the throats of her two little children and her own throat eterday. Ail three died almost instantly. Despondency wax the cause. ttrosS Oaks From little acorn grow, so also do fatal diseace spring from sruuil begin nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid ney troubles; if allowed to develop they eaue much suffering and mjrrow. Dr. 8. H. McLean' liver and Kidney Halm la a certain cure for any disease or weak ness of the kidneys. A trial will con vince you of its great potency. Price fl.00 per bot'.le. Hold by Snipes A Kin eraly, druggists. Nill-. On and alter Iec. 1st, 1 ', ail county warrants issued by the county clerk will be made payable to order, and no county warrant will be stamped or listed by the county treasurer unless endorsed by the party to whom said order i issued. By order of the County Court. A. H. Blowers, (I. C., County Coin'r. County Judge. Stabling A Williams have received a line assortment of imported lienor dnr- j ing the week, consisting of brandies, whiskies and wine, which they will offer over their bar, and will retail at very low price. Only the best wines, liquor and cigar kept at their sample rooms, corner Court and Second street. Htubiing A William have at theii ample rooms, corner beeond and Court streets, a fin lot of claret, port and zin fandel wine, which tl.ey will sell to the trails lit at retail at loviost possible prices. Iet:l3. DEFIES HEAT AND COLO. ( Klal mt I.U. tfcnr kjr A t aHMpWrif 1W(M, The new llimian U m ikt and j aairulr . ,urturv in that line. dUrxe-1 .inhiv it il- tho ordinary wiiivi-) -l tuut contain. t.- - t!ur with -ilu-u and a ilivalciit r I I rn i'. til r.i t jliitf i.U'. tho cxide of .. :ii'nna! l.t metal -an alli nu j i r t'n Hiuai lut hilo lliut fr-- from, . u;i tv xvivrkit tH f rv the ldw- j urd li.c 3 uialt o Ilk lent i f ex- j 'itii a. The iint nt.T. wvs tho New j . r' Ma1 led t,tlio prttu tion id ' ii-i niiN 'Uinl by studying tho: i f I r 4 in m uniinnry b '-" '""'li ; ..f 1 I ;;l ei'!ed in o-ntiet wi. liuir. Ai i It. !. 'v j.-!a-. ve-"d. o!ed in e-nit.ict j i i '. he mr. ha- miter .-i:i in I -t.ite of t- wu r-vxhn, while the iiiM.U; j ; in - tc ( t.-nM.'ii it ixea-ilv dam- . v.vl i the tn-ide. but i i-i-' nt ti j t..e utvi :; a hnilow 1j- veI. if. i::tr.lue d hn cold int 1 w arm air. j Uas .i int r kin thn n mt a r-t.ite i i f i-'Uirc!k"i"U. ln:t if. when it i-.h-t. ; it ii ep d t. edd air. it outer t-kin ithiMu int" a Mlito of tell-ioli thii ; luT the rvaviii why odd a:r caue irla t. track m.n- readily than hot j ir il'v 1 he inventor u.-ee.!iHl in ' throw in the outer lav i r int a j riiia n nt Ntate of ocnprevd n by oivermjf the plaa I ith a thin outer layer j I I cia hi.h ha a mii!1 rtn ient j f r pa union. The flanks made of u h iria. cs Iv iil'.ist w ith Ualiti,; aiuiino j nrvi immniiatelv ri;ikli d on tho out- -nie with eol.l w liter i;la-. i'.ishe. tm. ' an tv heated over tho nk-.l !. r- !i j t!i.n:c without cracking. I n vim' tu ! of thu ii iuiu:nil i,'ia' nr-o silnoj iiuii.e t niei't ail the r ijuirvui nt of j practiov aud have tn-oii kept iu o-n- ' t.nuou ur ou 1 n-oiuotive- for tivr : m n t h.n. IT Tk Trrai ' IS NOT SLANG. It xiuitora Ap !leill.Mk The word "petit" nowaday Mfiiin to ' wear its hat oiUi I on omr nido of the : lead and t.n;ilit a iiU a caditivh ;. : rer of vlf i:..; rtarier. l'.ut I (nun' a worthy "11 l.i ; :r. tlie country. I rriie. Kdwurd I1,:'iest-.n hi l ertiiry. ' . h- ealS her 1im-1.ti.I t!io "old isi nt." I ini.' it a a iiilo of re jui t an.! h ; t nai iu her chib'.hoo1. -lid b i,' In- i fore. In I7i4 Krv. 'umi: l lUvii .. ! if'erwanl proidenl of Trinit-toii ei 1 h'S'e. trvi hior in Ki-t'lri-d. do i r. Uev. Ir Un'oiT :i "'a bttlo rt ol.l ; p ut. ' epithet Mii't w n! r.ot U- llat- rirT to siiiirbtT to-d:iy, lior even, i:.,-:i;S I I ra inini t r t. ux-. " l'i rt ' i i.ero ha the ne i f 'lively'" !au:i a a K nlt:ckian miirht ut- peart"' or i a cw IC.l'.'l.ip.ler "lk." Indeed, ij u rn-et that levies pnvp the wi ril the ' vor.nd of "p- art." That Iaviei used J "Ci ct" a a terra of rep't i nhovrn by j hi characterization of another rev- ervnd itx tT is "a venerable, humid and afTectionatf old (rent." It v ill not do. therefore, to account a word recent Urau of it slaiiifinoM. When a otnoker profe.-. fondne for "tin weed'" h- ! riot dream that he i niui an epithet applied to tolxu-eo by Kii;C Jutiira I. in 1 :o. and that nearly two hundred yearn earlier than Jaruev in the rvijrn f F-dward VI.. the fiojc pli.iit jnt cmin Kn.'lauil wa ealled "the w ii ki d weed." What plant hal worn this title of contempt l-forf tin hop I don.. I know. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and 5tralns, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness cc Saddle Sores 5ciatica, Lumbago, 5calds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Morse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it In a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. .Mu.itanf Liniment comjucrt Pain, Make rUn or Iat well again. like Regulator Line" ! i Dalles, fcriiJuJ and Astoria Navipition Co A WINTERS ENTERTAINMENT. GREAT VALUE Fort LITTLE MONEY. WEEKLY NEWS OF THE WOULD FOR A TRIFLE. New York Weekly Tribune, THROUGH a tav'iit I nitrd all Frew and Passenger Udg Thn.iuli l'aii ltu-s uui!jii n.idi l.tawn Tlm la!!is and Tort land. Mi-anirr Ki-suUtof Imtm T!.) liallrs at J a. tn.. ihiiix tir at the C'as cads lks oitli Mfmiurr Wlirs Cilr. Mrainrt li t'ltv Ifivr i'tiftlajxl ; VaniliiU t. dik 1 at" a. in., nmnKl inrf itlt strainer ILvi nl"' ' The I' IMIV.I K K I tn a . . . Koiind trip nbe II4 It With Her Nalrhet A FATAL SUT'EHSTITION. a IM.Iae Tlii; f""t and iU' rant vla.M d Mi-x-i :an havf nu u:w;.riiiy ruli'ioua U.'r- " i t ! n lmt ni4i'ii.;. n u rvont vi it t- int ri ',r f Mexiin iy a i v rit.-r in tl- Xtrwr ( rl'an Tii-ayune. I j vi'.t irr tln r i-:irrj'i:i ' an.und in tht-ir rrni jaii wiitrse littlt tu!ii' vvrre ' aii..Nt t at -n up t-y Miallx. I v a ., j i.i i-t.iiw. .iifKkeil at tiic frightful ; - j .i It . and fVfn niliTird or.t; ! )mlr 1 ) rmtlwr i.i -i.-y if h" would t;,k- rT Irrr'J I . aflii-'tivl i.lnl 1 h Htif tr.d in a phy it-i.m to attrnd it. I!ut hi-r--fusi'd my pruffiT with nirn. and it i:;.n toi r-Kin v:ne n i ird inrun lotion a sin- tii.!- the little half rlad Kt'lTcri-r in Iter arm. I afu rwurd (ariwd that the ignorant cla-oof Mn i' an onsiili r an nulhn-ak of the r'd r-t In tln-ir; hxrida a risita tion of lliv'me wrath f'r wirne nin they hae i-omtiiitti-iL Si M-t are th-y in t!.i U-lirf they will do nothin whatever to i-hn k tiie ravages of the u s, ase, nrrpt lu n it attarlot tin ir infants, to take the rii tims in their amis. pri-f. them c'o-cjy to their breast nd pray derimtly and con tinti'rti.slv to liixl to forgive them for th -ir wi.-lcidnex.. f course tin-small lx ruiis it icours,-aftera hil.-. tliouyh never 1 i f .re tannine M-,-ral iiiemhers ; of every fuinily as t ic-tini. htjt not un- i til it d'.e an- t!ie atTlicteil fn rents i purged of their sins. I quillfr af K. X. It t natural f.ra '.v.,rn;,n to resent the itnoiitafion thai the fimi';iie mind I not m .troit' Ihi- ma -i-uiiiie. and this jiirit i1 imh k mieiice was early maui-f-st'-d in a M-hoolrirl livir.jf in a Ma-i-imsi.-tti town. Mie hrid. too fdtt-ii. rh:irs, l-en made to acknowledge . thi' sij rionty of her l.rothers. One i day her mother lemarked iim the are parently utt-r la-k of Intel liifenre In a ! hen. ,"Von ean't teaeh a hen any ' thin." she said. "They have mined j more of the garden than a drove of , i attle would. Von ran teaeh a eat. ' doj.'- "r something, hut a hen j never!" 1 1 niT" xi l.iiinel the ehild, ' iii'Mnantly. "I think they know just j a much a the rno--t-r-!" rflrmlaek ICehiiea. I here are Mime remarkable echoes j in the wol-en:ireled Adirondaek i hikes. A sin.'le hoofi w ill ! tossi-d I i.i nit a iln-n times from a hit of woikI- j land cilj'inj? the lake. iul v. hen the, lust itIim Keemsto hare died u.vny vnne i more distant woodland will suddi lily i t.ik- iii I lie i all with irierea 1 loud lie ... i. rid tli- sound will rt I- : th f.uli ml in i-'.tri r. i' distanee. 'I h nearer eel, ., A t i-i lo U- Llhd v- ith the im-x-pri-sii,!,. f.-. of the woodland. ::i:d It is h:ir! to In Ii, ve that tin- sou ml is im-re :iir;. i.'ilniii rv of the hiiiiinri j Saturday rvfoiog1, Caroline, the stal wart princess of the Vas trihe. as arrrsteil on a rhrk-e of anuU and Iwt tery rouimitteil npin another sinsw, at th palatial resident; of the Utter, on Mill rrtsek. She was tried this mornintf before Recorder Pufnr, and found g-nilty. It was the old, old rae with a woman In it. It miifht he said that there were J "two women in it," hat one of thrm the I eTidem-e showed was not "in It," bnt that one was not Caroline. The deed was not caused by the jealous proroplinfS of a hTe denied, but sustained and op borne by a pint of the pale face whisky turked safely beneath her rnret, she felt it tier hoonden duty to reduce the i Daintier of the tribe, so she took anas beloiiicinu to ber qinndam friend and t'.rnck her over the right ete with the edj'e thereof. The wound was not ser ious, but the court after duly consider ing; the cirrum-taneea of the ,-s, sen tenced her to pay a fine of f "i0, in default of which Caroline will Uarl at the county's eipense for i) dvi. Walvallaw Arrmy. The ship (Had Tiding, livlen with jorxl thinirs for the rhildren, escially the poor, will be on exhibition in the opera house, Irceuiber i'lth, at H p, in. It will tie the Krandeat ever seen in the state of Oregon. The meeting will be gin, with song's from thei hildren The doors will be open at 8 :M p. m. ; admis sion 10 rents for adults; rhildren fiee. CarT. II. I'. Ntiaoa. Ileal Etata TrtaiaHlas. The following1 deed was filed h record today: Ilow lye to Nip loo, lot II. block 4, Cascade Ixx-ks. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. . j night, iii rff (Jr lott, u-u'l b brought thtcugh, with- ( out iffay Jt CjfitiJiy. hipn,,-nts lor I'o'tland rei-ennl at any tuue day or nijrht. shipments lor way landings luut ! delivered brfora a p. IU. I-i.e stock himents soiii ted. Cad n or addrees, W. CALLAWAY, THE-DALLES. OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. jb:. G-iLiEisriisj-. J F. FORD, ETaHnelist ! Of tes Nmm, laws, writes UBiiar ! s I Mate ri. ima I S. B. Mii. Mro. Co , Iifur, Oregon. (Jrnllemm : tin arriving home last week, 1 lonnd i all well and anxiously awaiting, (hir htliw irirl, eight and one-half years old, wbo had wasted away to in poands. Is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleatiMl up. S. It. Cough Care has done iu work well, lloth of the children like it. Your K. It. Cough Cure has curwd and kept away all hoarseuees from me. j Ho give it to every one, with greetings j for all. Wishing yon prosperity, we are I Your, !. A Mas. J. f. loan. I If jnu Wjh ln!H Imb sml cheerful, ana raadf ,f the Hprlnf s !, rteanas T'"ir tjmUm witfe lh llvla h an Mver l urs. using tvoot thrw i1'a mmrh .-. Hoet oixtof a prxttlvs suaraniea. w etaia par Dolus tv all Jmisui ..i journal. i the leading lpnhln-au family ir of it Slates, itisa NViU'VU. I VM1I.Y I'AI'KK. and sue. . the general news id the I'mtcd Stales. It glea the events id f.rii) lands ia a Its Ad Kill III' l I. d.-csr tui.-nt has tin .ii. per lor in the country. Its MAIikKT ItM'OKf are riinlrd an. Ihoritv. SefHtra'e departmants for Till. FAMILY CIUCI.K, r K MUMi rtl KS, and SCIKNCK AM" MH IUMCs, (ik ASP TV columns roiiimand the al in (ration of the wiv. daiiahters. It general political news, editoriats and dii'H..i.,ri r, comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. sl-KCUI. CtNTKtT enables us t oirr this splendil ..irnl ,.j TIIK WKKKI.V i IIKOMt I K for e ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, O ! I sx Atlvnuoo, The regii'ar .uWnpllon lor the two papers is h- l:ti rniNs w IU'. II 4f r 1IVI ' A l ire,, all o, le.s ,o CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. I ty" Wine your name and address on atat card, send it I t r r W. pjsjt lUniii Trihiine lluihling. New York CitV, and a Sample copy ot 1 II K M.f MiKKW KKM.V riilHO V. will l mailed to you. The Dalles Daily and Weekly ironicle iMK CIIHOMCLK wa tahlii-littl fur the ix jufsH jivirjxi nf faithfully re'rvr-ciiting The Iallrs atnl tin' urroiimlin muntry, and t):u nati-fyinj; j i-flitt of it inisisjun i i'v'ryvhT' appanMit. It j now leaili all ntlu-r uhlicationn in Wawo, Shr i man, (lilliam, a large part of C'rtmk, Morrow ami (Jrant rottutier. a.J wll an Klickitat arid other le gion north of Tht! Dallei, hmce it in the lwt j medium for adverti.rti in the Inland Krnidm. j The Daily Ciikosiclk i jiuhliihe.l every eve- ning in the -ti-k Sunday) excepted at $0.00 j.t i annum. The Wkkkly Chkomci k on Friday of each week at $I0 p-r annum. For advertising rate, ulcriptton, etc., addreci j WSISWSWSWhe S WUSaal I I I M J W W I Tho DaIIom, Orocon. Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS. 175 Second Street, Tho Dalles, Oregon HHHHHBHBslHHIHHIsflH oixtof a poitiT suaraniea. 1 : SO etau par boltla It sll initiui gjr fTffaliifTu iCoJertaidnSisliraenl. j Caatwrl yrHSat Dlgoatiow, and ' m fm i PIHNZ k MTsSCIIKE ! DMim l or JaXaats awd Chi Id raw. Caetrt yrHSat Dlgoatlow, and OVerrrjriM i laluienf', Coitlti"ti, Hour rfomaih, IMarrhfra, and rerihrw. Thus child Is rerulerMi hltl,y and It sleep BAtsurwX Caeforl contains iw Mor!iie or other narcotic propertr. Taasnrla Is so well adapted to ektVlexi that I raerrnimeiMl Is as superKfT loaay fini.i lidoa karwa to sta." II. A. Amu. M. I'.. Ill Root Olf.jed Ut KruuSljra. M. T. m Tnr asvaral 7 wars I have nmmmmtUA sour Cajajrtas' aa4 ahaJl aJwars eoauatja to do an. as It baa urouiaolr nradonMl baaenrial r nlla.'4 r ! r . i'iMi,a. i law To A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicine, Drugri, Chemical, I'.tc. .'.-ARTISTS df TVTiaivLIALS. Country ami Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. New - Umatilla- House! TIIK IrAU.K.-.OKr.riON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. lavth Mrast aad 71 Avs, Ma fura Cr. "Tin oas of 'Caatnrla' la s unlvaraal sad Ha aurlu tn wall kaowa that It n ais a work of auneeamratlnfl to eadoraa tt. few aea Um la leliiirent fanilllfw who de aot aaev Owaona wKaia easy rsaik.' Cablm ginn, D D , Hew Vurk Cltf. Tas CawTioa Ouwraa-r, 77 Murray Straat, X. T. l-at t..r I.I...,. and I k at This f rom H'XHo tJ.IHUMo loan. Apply lo lino. W. l(o 1 on, II,: Thir l ri,,. ii;,: ,. (.r. Furniture and Carpets. U'e have adled to onr luiness complete l.'ndertak nir I .1.1. 1,. I. and aa we are in no way connected with the I'nderta.ers' Trnst. our prices wil be low accordinirly. kbee's Xotiie of Final Acrount Kntlee I. herttr Hon limt the iin1er.irnl, ...lnee Ih- lir t v K. Onrri l.n. In Iveni i-!ior. )M m.H i) a Html I I trr-lilt I .Mirt ,,f Hip Mnte .f flovifl, lilt .m-m 'e,.,)lr, a, Ihnt lfi nm" wlil,h to, ,,p I tin li s In ml court . n M iiKlnjr. I 1II1 ilnv ,. I S, 1-1,1 l-r, . nl a I, I h llrn mtf) alii I l-.r an i,r,, r oil t rlloi 1 1 ; .( .,,1,1 elm. ,t , I, .'((It if .41,1 4..iyn.,' I iMIol I I.I. r.lh ilnjr ( l, .', I a k ni'iMi'.,,, ' r Ji .. i7 Ac i, 1. 1 l..t' W I . ,.rr, l i Ticket and listritak-e Ofliee ol the U. V. II. It. Company, a-id olltrw ol the Wettstl I'liion Teleifraph OllUe are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LAlMiKST : AND : FINKST : HOTFh : IN : OKKdON THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. lins well-known Brewery is now turning uut the hest lleer and Tort eat ol tlin Cascade. Tim lalert appliances for the liiatmfuctUte of jrmsl hi1 fill have l en intr i In -e.1. and on y tha f.rst.class article will I p ared he msrkt. I oie,