The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 19, 1894, PART 1, Image 3

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Hen's Suits," $9.75
At tit in figure vu
may take your choice
of our Men' A 11
W'ool Suit, tin reg
ular viiliH'M of whirl)
tin from 50.."i0 to
$1 l.oo.
Hen's Overcoats,
Wc have marked our
4 SimhI-4, thi regular
prices of which arc
from $'.) togll. Our
$1 and $'0 lino of
( ivereoat wo an- now
M'lli nj4 at $1 1. 1'.").
Hackintoshs, $8.75
,ltit received ly ex-
pres, Mark ( 'lii-viot.
a good, rervircahle
Boys' Knee Suits,
$2.50 !
.:;.."o. Wi le .: and j
and we are !
are Mire you w ill liii'l
t i 1 1 I t tit-ui to Im '
rrptioiial alues. I
Men's Wool Under
wear, 80c
We a-it l in clear
ing up a jol.lM-r'."
All (,.! Marked in I'Uin Hgure. J
The Weekly Chronicle.
ink no l.ta MCiMiK
Clubbing List.
Tl. CiiaoMi in, which givwi Die lira
lane a win-k, lis made arrangement to
club a ith the following publication, and
offers two papers one year for little more
thin the prh-e of one :
iiwulr Our
lti .ii-
tYi 1 Tr kiM .'- I.Tj
tV:. i !', tiM t .1 ( '.Mai
flrn .', ,i li!t iua i . ;i.
m .,4 . i.a ; :::' 2.i
11X41. MKktlTIK.
Uxlulajr lll
Mil Our lion I.nI nr.. I ('Ion the
: li-mling from her homo t the- wood
lied, this allvruooii, brraklng both
uf lirr right trm near the writ.
three or (our imhctf mo that
fed here Iat Friday, oon lif,arr1
unji-r liiMiirm-eol Ilia liinook lnU
liirin Hi I1rt .arl t th wk. Al
tlir Orryon .timlMr roinpany'i mill Ilia
new la ttirra fiil i1m-i In llio wow la
lirrn th lotfijrra ar at work. HimmI
ll'-r (ilai irr.
Tim I'tiitiM htatra iframl iiry (ailivl to
I'l l a lull again! oitn, SkK or
K.i-in for roMiltig- tlm Kwtol1ir Ihtp.
Thrr no tpntiiimny r.r t that of
Klt-in. ami tlmt uiiiiort.s wool, I not
1 iilli.i.-iit to I'oiivirl. r.fiii' thi
"tiinonr coinlnit from r!ioii alrrady
'oiivii ti-. of a rriiiic lial lul liltln
"ii'-rliiliMnli'iit l"iiiii Tful'-rtUy
t" k rrank K'.rln Salfin to 1'orl
'i l to trutify 1 1-or tlin j-raiul jury in
I'. S. i ln iiit couit. Kli-in lml ln-i-n
-it j.., (,., in .fion rttl.-N. 1'iit tiiki-n
I" I'oilhinil in rititvn'arlotlift. In inn
'"'111,1 itli a TfN'tftaiii n'.ortiT, Mr
I n i ni ml, tlmt Kli-in wotil.l l
l lu. i-.l ii, tllV f,,,iri'lry work.
S'ltnr.lny IVtrr J. Oiurf lili'-l IiIm i i-
I'Uint In tlin I'irriilt iinirt attain' r'mma)
' Oiih , din wifr, from whom wliom In
"'' Ih a ilivorcr on thn irromiil of rrni'l
'"'I it tm in m it trcntmriit, hy wliiitihia
''" Ii ma.lit hiu, IciiK, line. Thf.V wrro
'""fif.l nt Vrrmilion, lkotii, JiUl. '-M,
!K'',1 ami lin.!rj tw. rhil.lri-n of ni
"o tlin-o minora, tin . tlie
"""lt'"t 1:1 yrara.
Ti Uy IMU)
WriitliiT inilirntlnna ua .rt-.Hi-1 I hy
'! wrallirr Imrrail at I'ltrtliiml are for
' mrow, fir, roolrr.
Miirrlnj lii'i-iinra wcrB iaaiinl lo lay to
'''oli l,niA ,! dam t, K no ami A.
'' Carlinlna,,,! Kimna K. l ay.
'Oii'rn arn I'.U ,uliliciitionn InOrivn
' ' thlcli f),-, nrn riMiiihliian, 41 I nU''-
., , oriiiorraiie anil I. inir,rriiniu-"u.
"in I'nitril Klati-((raii,l jury rrixirlfit
t 'rim hill Momlay, SI nt thru, aifninat
I"'" null-trap men for olmtructinit nai
Ftion. I finltli Ilrothrr will give lUm-a on
'l'rltii,aa Kva at Wlnirt hall. Thla
f'nr9 win u t,e j,,,,.,, , t,ielr rrgtilwr
I '' tfentlemro.
fO'lll 'I'l .1 ... - I II -
sunk. I he regular
value of goods wax
I I Flannel under
wear, we an selling
for $1.10.
Umbrellas, ... 05 c
We have a handsome
assortment of I'm
lrella, silk and with
natural woo han
dles. Price U to
". We are giving
'JO jM-rcciit discount.
Neckwear, . . . 25c
At this popular price
we are showing a
very nice assort ment
of Treks i hat were i
."." cent-. I 'or the i
Holiday lrail' we
have guilds at 1", (ill,
ail'l cents.
Dress Goods, . . 11c!
( Mir stock of Kmrli-h
cashmere anl Fancy
'heck- that were U-j
ami 'Jo cents, we have
now marked 1 1 cts, j
ami they are great
All Goods Marked in Plain Figure. I
I in two mora day the wlntrr aoiatu'e
will tw rraclipil, an, I then armrding to
the ol.l provrrti "Ai thn day grow
longer thy grow cohli-r.".
Krirmlalilp liHlgn, K. of I'., promoted
four new mi-iiibrra to the an-ond rank
laat night and will make them full
fledged knight next Monday evening.
The rock dreaing on eroiiil atreet
rrnderel It aolid, tut doea not prevent it
getting (loppy. The wonder how the
!mh managra t atay in the mid.j!e of
the tre-t whirli ia, of rmirfe, higher
than the nidi-a.
Oram! ethiliition drill and tall !y l'.
ti, O. N. (i., at armory firnt ami third
Wrdneidav of parti month. Adml-ion,
gelita .VI eeiiU ; tadiea free. divlT-Jt
The t'nlled Matra grand jury Monday
indii ted John llaa thorite on Iwocouiit.,
charging him r ith murder in the lirt
degree for killing Karpo)ir, an Indian
polieenian on ll.e Warm Spring ieerva
tion, June 10, 1hu.
A. M. William A t'o. have one id the
prettlent handkeri-hiel dinplayt we have
ever wen. It la a. canopy from which a
liell la t;iH-ndrd. and it lixik like get
ting matried. Some I ,.".) hainlker
chief are uaed in the deroratioiia.
The 1'nileil State grand jury yester
day returned not a true hill in the cane
of t.ii!on, Klein and Savage, charged
with roUiing the mail here. Klein
ii taken from Silem to Portland to
tetify, liiit the jury did not think hit
tenlimony ul11i-ient to warrant an in
dictment. Jn.tice lavi yer-terday decided the
, agaimit lr. I'ictiicli in hi favor
virtually holding that the certil'n-ate
Waned I'V the Ixmrd of melical i-xamiii-er
mi millicietit, and that when they
certified a to hi ualitU-utiiiiiH to prac
tice, that certillcato could not U limited
a to time.
YeMerday the paper in n civil anit
hroiighl hy Mr. tireen againft ConMuhle
l'riiihrt were filed In Justice Pavi-,'
court. The action I hrought to recover
damiigea f--r the taking and felling of
ome personal property hv the conMaMe
1,1 hi olllciiil capacity. The lri' id the
cae 1 et for Satnnliiy.
The literary aociety lal evening l;
riled and fettled the iileatioii whether
or not the liheity of the prcc ahoiilil U
rextiicted. The apenkeramt the allirma
live were linger Sinnolt and Clara
Story and tho on the negative were
Noim Uncli and Kred Wilaoii. In the
alKcncenf the prenitlenl.Triiuirtn Hntler,
the vice preaideiit, Mi Ktta Story, pre
aided. Mi Noim Hindi w elected
aeeretary t fill vacancy. A ao many
of the inemhera are lmy with t'lirlftina
dutii' the aociety adjourned till the llrt
Monday in January, when itewt to
Mil all it inemher preaent.
Ittal Kalale 1 ramaclloa.
The folio iug dee.l were llled for rec
j ord today :
I V. C. Iiickemon to Amelia lUckemon,
property in Antelope, real and peraonal
quit claim; $2,KoO.
The t'olurni-i I'acking Co. re aelling
trimmed Kirk ahouldcra at 5 cvnl per
dec 1 3
Dress Goods, . . 18c
At this price we. are
ollcring .'!I-i n h wool
limeades, fifteen dif
ferent shades, that
we have heen i-elling
for 2" cent-i.
Sackings 29c
We have a Hi f
imh Wool Sacking
that have l-en ex
cept ionallv good sell
ers with us, at
rents. At the price
now marked on them
we expect to dean
them up this week.
Japan Silks, . .37ic
j ur "JJ inih .Japan
! Silks, French dye.
; have Leen given a
very eordial recep
tion by the ladies of
The "Dalles. We
hae a ".rand range
of colorings, from the
lii:ht. delicate shades
to the rich dark col
ors. These goods have
given uniform satis
faction at "0 cents.
Nothing more invit
ing for fancy waists.
All Good Marked in Plain Figure.
Trtrhtrt Initltutir.
IhlllVY JirT t UNihin.
A denaely packed room, erfect order,
and the r!Mrt attention, evidenced a
moat comnieinlahle advancement in
educational interest on the prt cf our
"Couioition" wa preeented by I.
I'. 1'ndcrwood in an addre partly
w ritten and artly oral.
The piano duett waa well rendered,
and the rapt attention of the large au
dience showed their appreciation.
Mr. (iailey'a ticial representation of
how Mr. I'.rown received new of hi
mother-in-law 'i nickuepK and final death
II most latlghahle.
Mater Juuiee liuiitiugton elicited
hearty aplauie hy hi faithful portrayal
of "The Small lW'a woe."
The iliacimion of the n hool xxk
queition w opened hy threa leader,
C. 1.. tiilU-rt, A. Kruier and Caie
t'heeae. While aon.e cosiimended the
present aerie of text look, most teach
er condemned one or more of the IkmiU
now in use, the hrunt of the attack fall
ing upon Sill'a lirammar ; though Mom
tilth's Oeography, Barnes' Language
Isoi.s, risha Arithmetic and Wat
aon'a Seller received rnime heavy hlow.
Ity request aoine of the rival kgeut
prewnt occupied the fl.KT for a time,
each presenting the claim of hi houne
In a very gentlemanly and pleasing
manner. The discussion wsscnt short
hy the fat falling night.
I'uring the afternoon Mis Mali gave
an excellent illustration of Kindergar
ten work. The eaer and successful
woik id the class id little one was a
high trihuto to the merit of her method
of instruction.
KYKMSli HIssloN.
Within a few minute after the d,Kr
waa throw u ojien, the oera houe w a
lllled to overflow ing.
The opening song i a repetition of
one given hythedouhle ,iinrti't at the
court house, Wednesday evening, re
peated hy cial rc,ilet.
The address of Supt. K. H. M, l.lroy on
"Some l egal llelation of the Teacher,"
was full of instruction -n the relation of
teacher to pupils, to parents, to sclool
Ivoard anil to the achnol avstein. The
addresa should le puhlished for the U'li
etit of the many who did not have t ho
opIMUtnnity of hearing it.
The cantntu hy forty children was a
treat, richly enjojed hy the vast audience.
Too much cannot he said in praWo of
those teacher who must have patiently
devoted iniiuy weary hour in preparing
the children fcr thi and the other exer
cise, with which the school children
have an successfully entertained the in
atitute from time to time. The recita
tion have tieen of a high order. The
parent of the speaker certainly owe a
much a a voto f thank to their
teacher. We thank them mott
mrriuuY mohninu.
The iritio'i report clearly thowed that
teacher are not always itundardi of
either correct pronunciation or the right
use of word.
The essay on "I'liyaical Training In
rVhoola," 1-y Min Welch, waaja itroog
Dress Patterns.
Wo reel-i ve I, late in
the season, some cut
lengths of choice
hrcss. (iood.s and
Imported J)resH 1'at
terns. We liave a
few still unsold, ami
we are giving .'.',
er cent discount.
Silk Mufflers, 75c
Have all heen re
marked, and prices
greatly reduced. The
prices give you the
let possihle values.
We have a good
range, of values
cts, $1.."0,
.?1.7". A suitahlc
Christinas present
for either gentleman
or lady.
White Shirts,
laundered, . . 70c
In addition to our
other lines, we have
recently put in the
celehrated Monarch
White Shirt. Their
I .."0 f-.hirt, so inark-
AIl (iood Marked in Main Figure.
and well arranged argument in favor of
a uniform system of gymnastic exer
cise, which should be compulsory.
The discussion of the auhject led to a
close consideration of recesses. The
prevailing sentiment was that we need
more physical training in connection
with mental development, and that
properly managed recesses are needed.
II. I.. Howe read a very pleasing essay
on "Music in I'ublic Schools."
Misa Iouise Uinloul'a essay on "Spill
ing How Much and How Taught," was
full of useful hint and suggestions.
One of the hest composed, most help
ful essays id the institute was that of
Miss Francis K. Howe on "Preparation
for Teaching.'"
The lecture of I'rof. Fr.17.ier was well
and thoroughly arranged; but lack of
time prevented its full development
anil nnv disc tit-sion liy others.
.tt 111 Opeta House.
The o(-ra houe last night was liter
ally jammed full of people tent on hear
in Slate Supt. McF.lroy, and enjoying
the entertainment given by the schjol
children. Many were turned away, un
able to gain admittance, and among
them Tub Ciikomii s reporter, who, be
ing lazy, got there, but a trifle late. In
consenuence he failed to materialize at a
jHiint where the stage could 1e seen un
til after the lecture, and not until Miss
Hussell had half completed her recita
tion. We know not how many gnod
things we missed, but we are glad Indeed
we did not mis that recitation, a it was
very fine. This was followed by the
cantata, a prettily costumed piece,
which pleased the audience highly.
Ijick id space today prevents extended
mention which will 1? made later. The
curtaiu fell after Charley Ileppner, rep
resenting the U.t of the nations a a
Chinaman, had concluded to reject Mis
Columbia's invitation if there were any
"Jap" or 'llishmen" present. j Cnunljr TMih.f.' Instltuta Ites-
olullons. !, We feel that Bi1 of us have j
derived much U'netit Ironi the
in connection with the several valuable I
papers read during our session ; there-
fore he it !
lUtoltnl, That we tender our thunks J
to the citien and pupils of The Pal lea :
w ho have contributed to the success of
our meeting ;
AVjiiidf, That the county press be j
thanked for the publication given to our j
programs and proceedings; I
.Vsohrd. That it is the desire ol this:
institute that our county superintend
ent ami u'.l our teachers w ho may attend
the Oregon state teachers' association at
the next session, earnestly Invite the
state association to meet at Hood Kiver,
in this county, during the summer ol
1SX). Irks Callihom,
l.l'HA Wru'll,
Asa Stoosoii.i.,
The Jolly OM Cham."
The new Walla Walla opera house was
fairly well filled last night to witness
the performance ( "The Jolly Old
Chuiui" company. A rippling, bubbling
war of laughter swept over the audienc
ed, so retailed every
where, we are selling
ing for. 1.2.". Their
short liosom shirt we
have marked down
$1. Try them if you
are seeking comfort.
Men's Silk Hdk'chfs, 25c
When making our
purchases of Silk
Handkerchiefs we
ran across a gentle- i
man's hemstiched
White Silk Hand
kerchief, which hy
taking a quantity oil,
we are now enabled
to say 2" cts. Never
lieenahle to do it be
fore. Wo have better
ones, of course, at 1".
GO, 7.", $1.
We don't want you
to forget that we m-11
Shoes, and sell them
cheap too. We have
Ladies' Shoes, Men's
Shoes, 5oy' Shoes,
( lirls' Shoes, and at
our special prices you
can certainly do U t
ter with us than else
where. All Good Marked in Main Figures.
from the time the curtain went op until
it fell on the final scene. As a specialty
company "The Jolly Old Chums" is ex
cellent. Their local hits were good and
they did their stage gags admirably.
One of the gags of the evening was that
the company had stopped at hotel at
Milton where the rules said that "von
need not ring (or water, as there was a
spring in the bed." The company has
promised ns a return visit next year, and
should they come, they can depend upon
a packed house. Walla Walla States
man. l)oir la the South.
Messrs. Jacobs and Allen, two Crook
county horsemen, recently shipped a
few carloads of horses to South Carolina.
Owing to a dispute about freight money
the railroad company sold the horses for
the bill, while the owners brought suit
against them for damages. The sheriff!
sold the horses, hut the men in charge
of them re I used o deliver them, and
then the seance commenced. The Ore
gon cayuses were on their mettle and
disposed to shew the people of the
south what they were cpahle of. The
Charleston News describes the scene as
follows :
Most people are familiar with the
amnsing incidents of "old boss sales,"'
as they are called. Greenville has just
had a novel experience in a"young boss"
sale. Sheriff Gilreat'n sold on last
Thursday at auction 17t wild horses,
from an Oregon stock farm, which had
been attached for freight hy a railroad
company. The ranchmen in charge of
the droves refused to deliver the gtx;ds.
The sheriff undertook to deliver them
himself. The News reporter says:
"The horres plunged, reared, kicked,
fell down and got up, tangled them
selves in a'l kindi of tjueer ways, and
jerked the arms of the pe p!e who en
deavored to hold them almost out cf
their sockets. 1'y hard work, lasting
the w hole afternoon, 13 were 'cutout,'
haltered and delivered. Most of them
disappeared on various roads leading
out of the city w ith a w hoop and a cloud
of dust, and with from two to six
citien trailing along behind them at
high rates of speed. It was the most
fun there ha been here in years."
True to Name.
The "Jolly Chums" give a very
creditable performance here Saturday
niht, ton good house. Some of the
songs were good, and "catchy," but the
third act was rather rocky. The local
itags were clever though Jim Crate may
not think so. At Portland the troop
were to show last night at theOrpheum,
but as "A Turkish Bath" had the
theater for that night, the manager put
on both plays, the"Turkish liath" com
ing first. When the curtain raised on
the "Jolly Chums" those jolly indi
viduals were found to tie true to name,
and both were jolly drunk. In conse
quence the curtain was rung down in
the second act, an,l the "Jolly Chunia"
went on b Olynipiu where they will
play tonight.
auer kraut at W. A. Kirby'a.
Ladies Silk Hdkchfs, W
Karly in the eaon
we placed an order
1 with one of the larg-
ert importers from
Japan. We had an
immense array of
samples from which
to make our selec
tion, and with the
present reduced
prices, can suit both
purse and taste. A
complete range of
Linen Sets, . $3.75
Our H- Linen Table
'loth and one dozen
Napkins to match,
that we bought to
sell for .".
Kid Gloves, . . . 75c
We are eloping out
a line at this price.
On the rster and
Centerneri Kid
J loves we are giving
10 jK-rcent discount.
Kid 0 loves are al
ways a most accepta
ble Christmas gift
for a ladv.
All Goods Marked in Main Figures.
Miss Pollie Mosier of Mosier is visiting
Mrs. J. S. Fish.
J. W. Overbaugh was up from Whit
Salmon yesterday.
H. V. Dethrick and K. Bothwell of
Victor was in the city ) esterday.
I. ucus Henry, one of Hood Kiver 'a
proDiinent citizens, is in the city.
Governor Pennoyer came up from
Portland this morning, remaining bat
an hour.
Miss Kate Maguire returned to Port
land today, after a few weeks' visit with
Miss Fleie Ball.
Miss Grace Graham came up from
Hood Kiver yesterday to attend the
teachers' institnte.
M nU.r.
Mr. August Huchler went to Arlington
last night.
Mr. I.. J. Klinger aiid wife of Pufur
were registered at the Umatilla House
Our postmaster, who had been sub-pcena-d
as a witness before the V. S.
grand jury at Portland, arrived home
last night.
Frank French and Truman Butler
have changed places on the boats until
Wednesday, so that Frank will be on
the Regulator until Wednesday.
Pr. J. Sutherland left for Portland on
this morning's train, in obedience to a
professional call from that place. He
will return this evening.
I.ouis Davenport is up from Mosier.
J. C. Ward of Kingsley is in ttie city.
I.lovd Smith and Harry ami A. P
Hill are in from Moro.
Chris Fraiey and T. M. Ameu of
King-ley are in the cit".
J. A. Thomas, the popular White
Salmon merchant, is. registered at the
Mr. 1". M. Kaymond, after visiting
friends here, left for his home near
Oregon Citv this morning.
Mrs. Saudrock and little daughter
Lena, loft last night for Blackwater, Mo.,
to visit her sister, who is dangerously
P. C. Ilerrln ariived home from Hicr
iii a ii county last night. He reports
business good, road had, the musical
gathering a success, farmers busy, a little
snow and a rough cold trip home.
Captain McNulty has resigned his
position on the Heitulator. Ills many
friends regret this action on his part, for
he has heen sij long on the river that it
does not seem right that a boat should
run w ilhout him.
Mr. W. F. Brock, editor of the Gar
den Citv Gazette, ot Walla Walla, was in
the city yesterday. Mr. Brock is one of
the brightest young men in the field of
Washington j uirnalism. He was a vis
itor at the literary society last evening
and delivered a very pleasing auilress.
MA Kit I Kit.
By W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Congre
gational ennrch, at the residence of C.
F. Lay, in this city, Tuesday, Pee. 18th,
Alfred C. Carlisle, ol St. Louis, Mo., and
Miss F.uiuia K. Lay, of The Dalles.
The happy couple left for Portland
this afternoon, and from there will go to
St. 1iiuis.
Gents' fine dreaa shirts, fancy colored
bosoms, cuffs to match bosoms, at A. M.
Williams A Co.
pound (or rah.