The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 19, 1894, PART 1, Image 1

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YuiuilJ "Irk llonililv
law,o tlm supreme court will not In
KoHllLKY THE l'I.OUIILE M')IIYi:jtcr.or. The court l.i.l no written de-
i clsinn, ami tlm rami wai jti l k 1 v disposed
! of in brief remark liy Jiialk-M I'eutty.
Lamrr Vl.inlsarral I r-talty I. net I'M'
in Hi llsranl nl.rm-. WuiiIiii
tif din lilag tnillrleil.
Km Per. H At I o rim k
Dili morning, Policeman O'Pay found
aide open the il. xir n( tlm Si. Mcholai
drug store, corner Iliyei, Laikln and
Ms'ket street!. Hit Investigated, an. I
itliiit (oiiml Fugi-no Weir, a nlghi drug
rVtk, lyin dead it tha f-mt ol h steep
I..I ilrway. The rali drawer
am found , ii illi only 10 rcnti Ml.
An r Jininali..:. ..I Iha body showed that
It i ' nl murder i( I hi" in. t
itr.x k.'I kind. In I hi left breast an. I
arm found i'H tli wouiidievidenlly
rut h' lv ihfp lil. In alioiil all Inch
aide. Tlm km In Im.l la-en driven in
i'.Ii a great force. The murder was evi
dently done l.r tlm pur-te ol robbery.
Tlin murderer lil slipwd in behiiid I'
prr script tun counter, here he wai
car obnarvallin from iha iliwl,
f t behind hi victim, alalilxxl t.lin, and
then threw liia body down the steep
lain Into the iMiM-iiiriit. Il ana the
liihil ol Weir to rounl Ilia i ash every
lay at the cloao ol l.iisinr-', and whrn
iinititpl it wai iUt in A accral ilrawrf to
nrath th countrr. Tin Hi) lutinlfiml
man h. rviilrntly il n In-lorn li
aiUi kr.l, ami tha r..l.lT laiinl to find
tha li'f. Ill tUUiiil ol lh tight Uraarr
thi- r lt-r or rohlra ul'rl out
tn. I ranaatkr.l llirr or luiir ollirr
ilraana In U'liiml tha rolllltrr Ixil Hot
ll.i- r tfht Mi. Wrir Ionia tiy,
tra t'vaiki rtar.
OviH4, Irc. 14. Tha hi. flair liot-l.
in Ihi rltjr, tha arana of a tragi! lo a man hunt y Mt-r Ja,", in
hlrh Karl (i'.r.lon. a jruunf ciiimlln
turn haul, antel fof U'tgrry, hrou.'tit !
har by tha i!l-a Maw hl'.Maina xit
ralhrr than turrrndar. riavnrol Jayt
ar'tioflon 1'irijr.l Ida nama of an ar
(jnaintanra In a rhk lor a final)
amiiunl to till tlm uvr tha ilay'a lrti
, Intm. ling to make It .l hafora
tha rrima tlifivera.l. lie otar
.. kr, auinvol the iltail(, tha l-ank r
Jurtr. tha lorgnt jr ami the police imtillail
( that h a anta.l. lie ilia
.arr.l Iroin hi filat- of .uiui.
II ii .raan- at the liott-l aa rt-n.rl-l
yratrnUy aii-1 tha dflwlivr aurroiiniltil
tha ilac. Aa Iha Kli-a ar aU.ul to
iilr hia room tro let !iol ta a hear J,
ami they fount) (iortlon ilra.l at tha l-t
ol Ik.lly KiUar.L, a notorlotii ttoman.
A li tter lotui'l In hit krt dating
that hen alt li"e ol ara a cut off
ha iiroHxl to lake tit own I if" rathe r
than go lo irlaon.
A anf af Urate Halabara.
(i-4U It kM. Mi h., Iic.M.-tiraTe
r.ihhing lor Iha iuro ol ael'inff tha
li-ai l-xlira i nothing near, Imt tha
htmliipaa ol rohhing the gravel f.r the
(.iiriainfl of getting the polTliil lo aell
a.-in ii ralhi-r a new ImluatfT. A eyi-ti-inatle
titiiinrai hai Uvn male of Ml). nmiitrr graveyarili In Mirliigan,
n.rlhern Imliat.a ami Illlnoti lor mn
lime. Tha fact ilfvelnfeil tiMlay thai
tlii-aa mflim were iit to Chlratfo. lo
tii'tive who were working on the cave
l.r anrral erki liml that many new
gravea l.av la-en openeil, the Innliea re
tiiovil I toni thorolllm ami thrown hark
ii. tn the grave, the earth rejiUcnl anil
the r Mini hiiei lo t'lili-iigo. Till
t'lili ago llrm, thia Motility tho iletrc
tivra ilei'lina to revrnl, hl a ilaff of
igi-nti ii'iitnf alMitit from ili' t' laoa
ki lting thi-w roltlii. They were inhl to
kiiihII miry llrnii remnto from the
place where limy were alulen. The tie
lertlveaaay (hew r'etit not only took
tharoflina, lint aU rohlaxl the corpnei
ol anything alnaile. They
i inler mryeillanca half a iloen of the
grave-rohhlng vamlitli.
Haiti! Again ITina.
tA Km o mo, Pec. H. Tha action
Ix'Kiin by Chairman (Wnwall, of the re
publican male central committee, lo
(onleai tha election of Jamei II. Uinl.l
ai governor, wa thrown out by tha
tt anprema rourt thi moruini;.
The court autaiiiMl the ilemurrer en
lereil by ciiiiihi'I for ilefemlant, tin
Hun KranclM'o boanl of elccllun cciinmli
aionera, ami p-funi'il to grant ('nrnwaH'i
Mpplicatimi lor a writ ol miimliita to
eniiipcl tin, elcctiiin rniiimli'lnneri
ppcr ami how cue why Ihey ahmilil
Hot throw ..nt mill rcln-ia lo emiiit the
ri'tiirm from l',tl prcclncti lo Ihii city, In
liich thi-ie I oi. I bei'ii IrrciiUliintii .
'I I in on!)' alternative now li ft (lie repub
lican I In lurry tl cmitest inl'i the
slate legislature.
In (! t I It" decision is that the de
fect in tlie certificate of tha .ri't iu t
ofllcer mix be ii fi 1 U-.l Ht any lime bo
fore the vote 1 ranvasicd. In this cae
tl.o rcluriii had been so amended In all
ill Ilia precinct no to i on form to the
r.ll. I Aaalnal llalia ami Ilie 4. It. I.
Clin too, Iec. It. "tiuilly an
chargi-il" wai the Uniting ihiiioiiiici- I to
ilay by Keiteral .Imlgn William WoimIi I'mi'li'iil I'ugciie V. I H-I.e. ol
the Amt'rti'an Kailway I'm ion. The
! name fill. ling wai rrm hed agiilnit Ann-r-(
b an I'ailway Colon lea.leri on trial
with IvU.'n WikmIi' opinion overruling the
claim ol tin. .Ii Iciiw that the Injunction
I if.iiiit iha American Kdilway I'nlon
h-a.lcr wai invatiil on the grouml the
! court ha. I lio Juriadictiori Vi deter
! mine a cam in which an Injunction wai
J or.lcrr.l, ami that though p.i-e. ol
! iucIi jurlu'lli'tlon, tha court lacked or
. gink' owrr lo make the order In cptei
j lion, wai very long ami cite. many an
j thoriliei. The court held the rania prv
lection given comnier. a on riven can be
uteiidi'd under tha exiititig law to com
ineri? on rallroadi. lii-lcrrlng to tha
contention that the act of July L', Ihm),
wai directed wholly at tritili ami not
agalimt organlatiom of labor In any
! form. Judge Wmxli pointed out that
worklngmen, il they coi.npirol with cap
jitalintl to prevent the moving of l'ull-
man ran would I guilty of nmrpirary,
and it would Iw ahturd to y they
j ill. mid hot nputly guilty II they did
tha nine without the aid ol the capital
lit. Judge Woodi held that the dr.
I Icndanli did deliberately violate tha or
der of the rourt, by directing the itriken
' lo inllmidata tha men from taking their
' place. Admonition againit violence
were eut out by III drlendantti, but it
wa not intended they ahould lie beetled.
The ilnlurbance at I'.lue Inland were
the remit of rbei made by Ivbl and
Howard. In aentencing the other de
fendant Judge laid :
I "The puuiihnient ihall lie neither
vlii.luUv nor trivial, nieie men were
in willul contempt under what h-gal ad
vice I iliould Ilka very much lo know.
Theaa men were leader in a great moa
uraol lawbreaker, and are reiKmlble
a leader. Tha ignorant men w bo lol
low d ll ein have lieen puniihed. IV'b
il more reipomibla tban any of the
other, lie I a man of marked ability
and power over men. I leel conitrained
to diarriuilnate Wlweeu him and tha
other. The uuiihment against alt the
defendaut eicept !'! i three uioiilb
In jail, and againal leli ix month."
I I Km haag Ala.
Ijikik.-., IVc. A New Chang dt
patrh ay Ih Japaneae are within thir
teen mile of Iha aouth port.
A Nangln dlipatcli aay 1.1 Hung
Chang' nephew, Chang Hon. iiaa been
arreited for ieculation, and hi prop
erty ha lieen aied.
A Tien-Tiln diipatch ay that an or
der ha Iwn iiiuetl for the arreit of IJ
Hung Chang" mn-ln law, for frwiidnlent
prac tice, r-hing. taotal of Tien-Tiin. i
reKirted to have Iwen diimiied from
ollice on account of bit inability to raiae
a war loan. He wilt If mcceeded by
Wang l ali Wootig.
A diiatch from hnghai ) tien
eral Wei, who wai iupHieed to have
lieen eiecuted cow an lire at 1'ing
Yang, I In prion at IVkin. Jlo ad
mita that the man Wclieiided aa tn'iieral
Wei wa procured at hi inntigtion to
represent liiui.
Hteamer Mealierral I'rnbalily l.oal.
S im Kkam men, Iih-. H. The ileamer
M inti'crrat.tlie noturiou blackbirder, i
overdue nearly lour day from Nanaimo.
The vet-ael 1 loaded with coal. t'nli'i
ilie tin broken down the chance are he
ha gon to th bottom of the iwcan.
Thoileanier pulled out from Nanaimo a
week ago Wednetday, and the Karallon
left Tai-oin aeveral hour later. The
rough experience of the latter veipel hal
already liven puhlinhed. Captain Kob-
erl. of the Karallon, fear for the aafety
ol the MonMerrat. All the wny down he
aw nothing of tier. Captain Merlman,
ol the India, which arrived yeiterduy
afternoon, did not bring any encourage
ment lor thoie who are anxlouily await
the overdue veiael. He announced It a
hi onlnioti that nhe wa Kut. The
iteamer Wullit Wai In alno aw nothing
of the MniitMcrrnt, and there i alrong
rriitxiii b believe alio la lout.
Heavy Kama ! "lra.
Wh-hi. I . W.-Ki"'t the nit
wny Million hero Inn done enormous
il.imiikie. Scvcrul Moiehoil-.'H filled with
,. nud buv number ol
fiei-lit curs ere di-trovcd.
Kx-I'ii'isiili'itt HariisDii Can
Speak for Himself.
'lit .lta irr . ry w 1,,-re V Ii titrloua.
t he Allear.l llalllo In l.ualauiala.
VV aa rtir t iiiialil-
llarrlM Mi,t a amllilal.
IIi ihio, N, V., ln-r. '. " V il 1 en
eral llurriaou lie a for tha
presidential noinination in I w ai
B'ked yeaterday ol (Colonel ). S. Alexnn
der, ex l'nite.l htate district attorney
lor northern New York, who, on bin
way bnck Irnm a pleamre trip Wert,
leiit two dv thi week with the" ex
president at Indianapolis.
"I'uder no 'ireumtBrr," the
prompt reily.
"Did be sfieak ol the matter?"
"Vary freely, giving bit reaon at
length, why be would not and could not
be a can. II. late."
Wai the talk confidential?"
"Not in the a'tighteit. He said that
whatever honor came from hold
ing tha exalted office w a already in his
j possesiion, He had sought to perform
ibis diilie laithftilly and without fear,
1 and be wits content to let other assume
.nirli responsibilities in future. The
very thought, (ieneral Harrison said, of
I apain having to rhanga the olliciali of
I tha country ought of itself to be lufli
dent to drier any man who had once
been through such a trying ordeal from
1 wanting to undertake it."
i l'id (ieneral Harrison speak of tha
candidate who were likely to come lie
lore the convention ol 1W?"
"Y'es. He spoke of Mr. Keed, !ov
ernor Mckinley and Senator Allison. I
do not recall that ha mentioned any
other. Ol course he indicated no pref
erence, but ik of them a gentlemen
ol ability and well iiaalified by long
public exierience. He dicusd the
ouliook for 1S05 very freely and onie
wlial at length. He believe that the
republican party will be a winner, and
that il will lie called upon to fat and to
eltle the currency question, which he
regard a one of the greatest of the dif
ficulties, as well aaot the greatest Im
portance. He think the treasury de
partment will get very tired of main,
taining a gold standard by paying in
terest on bond issued for the purchase
of gold."
Mr. Alexander aid be found General
lisrrisoii is excellent health and spirit.
Not Authorised toSsk.
India Ind., Pec. 15. It wa
authoritatively announced here today
that Mr. Harrison ba euthoriied no
one loiek for him and that no one i
at lilrty to speak for him on the sub
ject upon which I). M. Alexander ha
spoken in IlulTalo.
ealy'a Mor Told.
Ni.w Yona, Iec. 15. Samuel eely,
the defaulting bookkeeper, will be ar
raigned lor trial Monday. Hi attorney,
Mr. Angel, intimated today that the de
faulter would throw himself on the
mercy of the court. The attorney say
Seely received not more tban 10,(X'0 of
the money stolen from the bank, which
was given to him in sums ranging from
f.S to t-00, for which Frederick Baker
took hi note. Mr. Angel added :
"I have in my jiossesion mIkhH half a
dozen of these notes, their aggregate
amount living l-UX). Sooty told me today
that he thought linker would make good
the stealings, aa Merritt, linker' clerk,
had told him that Haker w;i worth over
l.'iOO.OOO, nearly all of w hich w as in real
estate. When Seely asked Ituker would
put hitu off saying that til property was
in inch a condition that it could not le
sold except at a great sacritlce. After a
time, Seely wye, he saw the situation
liecoming more hopeles with each pass
ing day, but ttii eem to have mu no
difference to Haker, w ho continued draw
ing money from tho bank until Seely
warned him b desist."
The tory of Seely' Might from thi
city, hi aimlos wandering before
reaching Chicago, and hi meeting w ith
McKarlnnd, who delivered him over to
the police, was one in which terror and
Ingratitude are most strongly blended.
Lawyer Anel relate that Seely loft the
hunk for tho last time, after so fixing hi
IkkiU that, by comparison with those of
tho paying teller, flio exact amount of
the defalcation could have been discov
ered within half an Seely then
took the midnight train in of th IVnn
sylvaui.1 roml for Washington, whore be
remained :i few h mrs, going thence to
Harriatmrg, I'a., which place he reached
In the afternoon. He then bought a
ticket lor Chicago, where be arrived the
next day (.Sunday; at 10 o'clock In the
morning. At i.o tiinn during the re
mainder iA Ids stay in Chicago, say An
gel, did he ever maka any attempt to
disgmsa himself. i'.n whs all tho while
in a condition bordering on mental col
lapse. Seely suid :
"I did not run away, becaue 1 wa
utterly crushed in heaitli and spirits,
each night being a sleepless one. I ft-'t
somewhat relieved In mind when ap-preiii-inled,
although lit first I made
i di niul ol my identity."
j futat In rallfnrnla-
I Sa Km im ihi ii, )ee. l'i. The republi
I can stjte central committee was in ses
sion here thi afternoon. The session
wai executive, but reporter were ad-
iniuivi io near ina speecn oy .i. M.
Kstee to the committee. Kstee said the
only thing for the republicans to do wit
t') light lor honest elections. He said
they must act now, and that though a
recount in an Kraneisco might nni-arth
only a small amount ol the frauds com
mitted it would at least show whether
tliero bad been an open violation of the
elective franchise in counting the ballots.
The epeaker then referred to certain
precincts in San Krancisco, in which
irregularities are admitted and fraud
are appirent. The burden of his speech
w as that these alleged frauJs bad been
committed under the administration of
the democratic board of election com
missioner, all of whom were canddiate
for re-election, and that the presump
tion wa that such frauds had been com
mitted in the interest of tho democratic
candidates. After a severe arraignment
of w hat he called the democratic ma
chine io San Krancisco, he demanded a
recount, declaring it was a case of the
honest voter of the country against the
corruption of the city. He referred
lirielly to the case of Representative Hit
born, in w hose case he said the democrat
did not hesitate to go behind the return
w hen they had the opportunity to oust
him and seat a democrat in conclusion,
after again demanding a recount. Kstee
said he would rather be beaten by fraud
than elected by fraud. After considera
ble discussion following Kstee' speech
the committee appointed a lub-com-mittee
of even member, w ith instruc
tion to make all arrngementa to go be
fore the state legislature and demand a
recount of the entire vote for statu
officer, articularly the vote of Sao
Francisco. Thi action mean a bitter
fight in the coming legislature.
N'awroaadlaad Banks
St. John', N. ., Dec. 15. The legi
lature opened today. The governor, iu
hi eech, aid that he wa glad to say
that tha caving Lank of the colony
had not been affected by the nspension
of the other bank, and that there
would not te the slightest to to savings-bank
depotitor. He attributed
the disaster not to politic, or to the re
cult thereof, but to the eagerness of the
mercantile community to accumulate
wealth, and trading on credit, He in
formed the, legislature that the new gov
ernment had provided for the payment
ol the interest on the public debt, due
in London January 1st, and that the
government proposed the appointment
of a select joint committee to examine
the condition of the bank with a view
of ascertainng the practicability of es
tablishing a medium of circulation. He
urged union and promptitude in legisla
tion on the part of all parties.
Napplles Kent In Tillamook Hack.
Astokia, Or., Pec. M.-I L. Cher.y,
llritish vice-consul at thi place, this
morning received a dispatch from Ho
quiam, Wash., stating the barkentine
North l'.end. sighted on Sunday a large
British ship in ballast in latitude, north
4rt A3 ; longitude 125 ik-gree. She was
on her beam ends. Her suit of sails
and foretop mast were gone. The bark
entine waited two hours but no signal
of distress came.
The Columbine left out again thin
morning with supplies and mechanic
for the disabled Tille.mook light. It 1
not thought that she will be able to
make a landing at the rock, as the sea
is stilt very rough.
Tha Ofnrlal rift-ares at Last.
Sss Fkvm isio, IVc. 15. The official
canvass of the vote ot the state shows
that the election of James A. Budd as
governor by a plurality of 1206. There
were 2S4.547 ballots cast, divided as fol
lows: Budd, item., 111,944 ; Kstee, rep.
1 10,738 ; Webster, people' party , 51 ,r04 ;
French, prohibition, 10,561. For lieutenant-governor,
Miller, ren., wa elected.
He received 120,"09 votes to "S,(W0 cast
lor Jeter, dem.
Approved by tha I'rvililent.
Washington, Pec. 17. The president
Saturday approved the bill for the dedi
cation ot the Chiokamanga anil Chatta-inai-M
National I'.irk September 10.
Catiirlif I!opl)itiL,r a Vomit;
Lady's C-ofliii.
Twu llliuola t.,lilra iial'iuat Sight a
flul--Twt Munlrrrra IImb,!.
llano, l,y fir.
CiNii-Nxvii, Pec. 17. - From Mount
Hope, Ky ,a small village 12 milei from
Walton, comes ihe news of a shooting
Saturday night ol a gmveroU'oer caught
in the act. There have leen robberies
at the cemetery, and when Miss Morris
was buried Saturday her letrothed de
termined lo watch her grave. Near mid
night two men began digging in the
grave. A dozen shots were fired at the
I robbers, and "Smiley" Jordan, a colored
; farm bund, was shot dead. His white
1 companion escaped.
Catherine Ginc'i .VI nrdercra.
. Mi.nnkai-olih, Pec. 17. It ia not likely
: that C. A. Blixt, the elf-confesed mur
' derer of Catherine iing, will tie hanged.
He will be brought before Judge Hicks,
of the district court, today, where be
will enter a plea of guilty. Sentence
j will not be passed, however, until be
I has been used as a witness for the itate
j in the Harry Ziayward case, and then it
j is expected that be will be given a life
'. sentence. The court has appointed
Judge J. I:. Shaw, W. A. Hawn and F.
II. Carlton, three able criminal lawyers,
to defend him, but when they attempted
to hold a consultation with him yester
day, Blixt refused to have anything to
do with thi to. He is (till in the St.
Paul jail, and continues to protest that
be is innocent, and claims that when be
tells hi story there w ill be some sensa
tional disclosure.
Claus A. Blixt, the self-confessed mur
derer of Catherine Bing, was arraigned
in the district court '.his morning and in
a weak voice pleaded not guilty. The
case was set for trial January 7th, in
spite of Attoruty Odell's demand that it
be not set earlier than January 27th.
Trial of Treasnrar Hoggs
Tacox a, Dec. 17. The trial of ex-Secretary
and Treasurer George W. Boggs
was begun today in the criminal depart
ment of the superior court. The charge
is embezzlic.g nearly 121,000 ol city lunds
by placing worthless securities in the
bank and receiving credit as cash. The
defense will allege that all the acts of the
treasurer were ordered by the council.
Tbe question largely turns on whether
or not the securities placed in the bank
are worthless. This morning a jury was
secured after live challenges by the de
fense, two by the state, and two exensed
for cause. Prosecuting Attorney Snell,
' in opening for the state, talked an hour.
A Threa-Cornrrcd Fight.
Mkiico, Mo-i Pec. 17. Saturday
morning John Atkin, a farmer living a
few miles west of this city, was en route
here on business. When he got w ithin
two miles ot this city he was halted by
William Mclntyre and hi sou. An old
feud was renewed and a light ensued, in
which all three were seriousiv wounded.
Atkin was stabbed in tho back and ter
ribly cut about the face and head. Mc
lntyre and his son were seriously beaten
in the face and on the hands. All are
well-to-do farmers. William Mclntyre
is a brother of Colonel P. II. Mclntyre,
ex -attorney general ol Missouri, and a
brother of Representative-elect T. A.
Mclntyre, ol Audrieu county.
Iha Fnrrrstry Hilt raised, i
Washington, Pec. 17. The plan of
urging Secretary Carlisle's bill for a re
vision of the currency bed re the ho!i-!
1 day lias boon abandoned. It was de- j
velopcd today that many democratic!
members of the house were opposed to
hurried action. Mr. Crisp was against
haste, and the committee on rules sup
ported thi view. Tiie house today, by j
a vote of 159 to 55, passed the bill to
protect public forest reservations. J
I'resldentlal Appointment. 1
Washington, IVc. 17. President
Cleveland has rent to the senate the
following nominations: Justice Char-1
les P. Clarke, lo be United States di-!
Highest of all in .cjv;iing Tower.
trict judge of the eastern and middle
districts of .'eimi'Mee, vice Pavid M.
Key, retired ; Humphrey B. Hamilton,
to be associate justice of the supreme
court of New Mexico.
State Thomas O'Hara, of Michigan,
to m consul at Sn Juan dl Norte, Ni
caragua. art-oral .lapaneaa Attacka Kr ported.
London, pec. 15. An Antong dis
patch say the Japanese general, Nodzu,
reports that 'ieneral Tachimi'a brigade
is now at Tso-Hu-Kow preparing to at
tack thi Chinese at f.iea-San-Kan and
Foul' Huang. Iv.-einlier :!rh a detach
ment of .la.aiie-e h id a sn.irii encounter
with a large bo-lv of Chinese near Y'ih
Min Slian. ()'i !t,e following day the
Japanese intende J to attack fi.e Chinese
in force. Ieoeinoer l.'tli the Chinese
were compelled by an inferior Japanese
force to retire from Sai Baehu. The
Chinese, numbering 4.0U0, advanced the
following day, when lighting occurred,
the result of which was not made known
when the di'patcli wa sent.
".itleiua st Taeoma.
Tn ot v, Dec. 17. T. E. Ogilvie, aged
25, a mechanic in the employ of the
Kdison car shop, was found dead in his
room thi morning with a bullet through
hi breast. It was evidently a case of
iuicide. He was in lore with a woman
who is to be nurried Thursday to an
other man. Ogilvie was despondent
through that, and also from the fact he
had just discovered he had consumption.
Two afurilareri Hanged.
Jam'KK, Tenu., Pec. 17. John and
t ieneral Kennedy, brotiiers, were
hanged here today for the murder of a
telegraph operator named Iowerey, em
ployed by the Nashville, Chattanooga &
St. Ioui road at Shelluiound, in Oct
ober last. Lower y was shot to death
while asleep in his office, his clothes
rifled and the office looted.
Two stlasowrl Rank rail.
Slathh, Mo., Pec. 17. The Citizens'
Stock bank, of this place, made an as
signment to Commissioner P. S torts to
day. A saving bank also closed. The
latter as soon as collections are made
will be re-opened. The fall of the stock
bank will prove serious to several de
positors. It had a capital of $100,000,
and was thought to be etrong.
A Defaulting Deputy.
Sax Fbasci.hco, Dec. 17. Thomas"
Craoke, deputy in the office of the super
intendent of streets, has been missing
since Wednesday last. An investigation
of his books completed this morning
discloses that he is an embezzler to the
amount ol (.1,000. Superintendent
Ackerson says he will make the defal
cation good.
Seely I'lcaded (inllty.
New Y'okk, Pec. 17. Samuel C. Seely,
formerly bookkeeper of the Shoe 4
Leather National bank, charged with
aiding the late Frederick Baker in rob
bing the bank of 1354,000, was arranged
in the Cnited States circuit court today.
He pleaded guiity, and was remanded
until Fridav for sentence.
Defaulting Teller In Coart.
Nxw Y'okk, Pec. 17. Pefaulting Pay
ing Teller Tail, of the Chemical National
bank, was arraigned to plead to the
charge of having stolen $15,500 of the
bank's fund. He was not ready, and
counsel obtained nu extension until
Thurnlay, when he will plead.
In tha Steuate.
Washington, IVc. 17. In the senate,
the university bill went over, and the
Nicaragua canal bill was called up.
The senate adopted Sills' resolution
calling for a copy of the income-tax
regulations. The bill to establish a
national university was then taken up.
To Hegregat Mineral Lands.
Washington, IV o. 17. The senate
committee on public lands today author
ized a favorable report on the bill pro
viding for a commission to examine
and segregate the mineral lands of Mon
tana and Idaho within the Northern
Pacific land grant.
Carlisle's I'lau I'reaented.
Washington, IVc. 17. The majority
report of the buu-e committee on bank
ing and currency, favorable to Secretary
Carlisle's plan of currency, was today
presented to tiie house by Chairman
Springer, with the recommendation
that the bill pass.
Feed wheat lor sate ctieap at
W a soo
Thk prints the news.
La:e-t U.S. Gov't Report
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