The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 15, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle, i . z-;.t..
J villi k Ike I rrlfc
orrmL rrk or wasoo iut.
. Iwi 1 at t& miAw ai t LiaJIra. Orraa -u
wrc4 maiMT
M Br KirnoN RATl-v
t aaiu rvToi ikiR'
Omtw .
lfcnrv m.t.iA
44Tr-.wcis( raVa rrwwiafc'.e. w4 "
JMt a:1. Mitmtiftlw" to-THE KKt. V
KLk. 1 a. !... Orr
It WHir Kit food of aurar oa hi I
mm4- I breaJ- "Not ao v.ry." 'He ia or- j
iv-ioa! b r.'' "Oh, n., no; to vcrv. II'
ant hit opr trm:jjt," Li..
"Nn'l i t'raago that j ui'i.h of Knu I
Irr't ii.umc l aritun !a A flat?".
'N' t -rv. Kim lVer ii livinf iu an 1
apAitiurnt l.oue now, knoa." -
"Why l viva think Jeckma hat j
utt d it llun mt!f. liut I v.'l.'.t. l a-,nr:i n ?' "Why"
!.wr.t.iiiBtrmtIw Ufiiiw he i k.a I have 11 eui ' l.i u
on t'ie vi k and call iiitw o! 1 h rre."
Assignee's Notice.
'The '.torv iv an 1.1 ne aluHil west
ern railiva.1 trail I inr tpt.vid by
frvwi ;mv rv .Juruir a uhucbI It- in
ra.vh.aj '( tna and othar vtau v by
th.- niv. i vat.1 Ni t.Tv,!
uur ui-oi t . a irk un rvpvtr.
an t il u a nl ivvt.ll I. Vt-l upi-n in
thv .11 j a tl.l rv- h ( the t in
iriia. ituttt. I tilu-a-e nvi on hl
.lit- rv-r
.ht-r vla r'ht in our vtaU' f New
-ira . k r. ' ri'rai Ikal t kaa
vv-..4 to the ii..litifcit, ! kan'karf
"4 iM H'KI.IM-il, il .4 - l f "J
jhriTl . K all -l t.l tnnil
Alt iM-rt-T,- l,tMt Ut- aiit 4
f - tw i U-- U J. i l Ikr -,
ilivWrii ! --. tv. -''tu umrl-
ll I I tk dt U ..r'-i-. I-M
o-i:-r II ).!.
Wasco Varsnouse Co..
Gwtrnnunt, Statt, cr lUlttt Military A'ojJ ajl
Thomas A. Hudson
. a.. t & it. ..a ' I
) r - I'tT.vt ull v a- t Sr t rij, inrn-r it !i
ki..;rl'-M,m!J vt,M.(l ,t. ..Ti., r , c,.., 1,,. v,
Ihv raiti-ivail a 1 hv i. iutntaiuona , , .
, , . , , . , ; i.-r a vl t !kv. "-U I !
Ijikt- railna4 anU the Xma .v --u il 1
. Wtorra MaviilUauJ Jjit t. wn. r'i '. '. -
All that i-x-kn h ha,! a n-t Jr-.thl t riviiJ :.! -l Jart ..r ! n-
stm-tivf v i-i lit i, .n i( k-r-ji.i'!xT th;. ' r .!." Ir.tfr t Vn.
v-ar. vrj!v f.'iuia.-- ao-i tuilut.i n!
ami h.-UM-.,. Savtrif Urn alw.iut. lv ' IV-r- -f afiai.J . I,
. . . . . 1 . . I . . -.f- .l.. a.llal.ka
poller iil ct tt.e inoa rvi- ciwn upvUm i v iiir ivtd.- mwn. ia " .n , in n i c.- .i :
dtm4 ti ara; bo crr rcI.sKJ un- TI.U iUy tho (avM-n(-rr thr train youtr a.tXl.-r ilik w." "Haaiii For Silt? OH C0IH2liSSi0IX
:.,t aJiLic.ratm a an tftH-vU tt fr-,antl.r it .mJ4 gr- U fiuj il sot. !,? r t'.c
" . uailr -.1 w lii an.l emma? a'.m. to a . i.
hf n. I fc 1 T fr ai-tF aw faar N : a """aV- C.V-B. fk
a." i . i i . WrkiT.
laj-t. tt,ukh. a.'Vr i.. ;ny np and the He it it XT'ir t'.at of !! al i
(W -. wiV NVh.x .' fcr.
ff . .Va-
laaiaa .iar. a t ll-
W, r. IX-The vSr
peri nirr. t in
aatuUr oi nrn cvnstut to rv
4nt. cue if rarairj acJ on of in-
faxUrr, tare li tui.itarr -ri onJrr , , u,-ioc - -ra;n,r in ; tUUtwitr.1 ir a'art-r-i front tl ta-jv
lhi i-riaift-t. hioc, ia the tt t.-- i-c.Miofr -. milm; f"" rjr it i. I'.t t! o aav, 1 a-4 s'aj th
.... t w .lnt. la W&-h tallow IHl-a-j. aif I K- "
tram, it caitx t- a i--Kl i.lati;-.tin. A . ,
traiaaiaa wa hurrying thrvaik-h th Kitl (j.r e lV.rr-lu'..!f .-. .!rr
iar I wat ia an.t I a-A.--i him kat nw ; v. . i i
, ... . , w r-, ... ..."a a
. ... - av-;''v htrn. Si. I fi r one Con
or. Wf rv
..talW aj-a. Lv i-rash.-t.i-r.- f-aioa: n. a-ar; Mr. ,-x-..: ica fn-
Nv-Ki5 Wlh -irJ him. .f n-ur--e. hot J H otiJ I tvf'..iil him. HaJ'
I pot ut of the var anJ il io t hmg ) iloiihUr. I f'-ucii that he a n eartn-l. ' rv. . JZI71 i "v. . .
WiHTirv-v, lief, li The rn-SfcleCt "r-i'(r Ran rim-im.ll M.-pi-r-a
today feat the oir( Domicaliont to
the arnate
E-Ute Jovisoo C. Cea-et-i, of Geoc-fia,
iatemate comiceri-e com ai oner, re-' wrrr bidden b utit.vl,t tuaWn . f
art-oicied. Hkf term U1 xrir- Ie-! rr-taMsla.-r-r-rr. Mra had to br will
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
Rates Reasonable
Iu-vw4 a Ta.-rntn.r-i at lludann.
83 Wahlnifton St . THE DALLES, OR.
If v- al ln(n--.H " .-lllilB l.ulMa
imi.i iajMU,ar tlrf U RiiUni laM-rtbi. ) rm
n-nauil klai trw i-l tlrx II t -u.l im
el:t -f liil hialMM, -4 pim Um4 aol.-t
the I aik-t UI. lati-4 l,tr..- .r i ka -.
II l Af-I'l f"f th fawhrr-t irf.H J
AM-n-r. tain M .k lirllaT. iar I u
tmk-.ia-Ll Af tiailllulal lattial lot ,ty 4iulj,. fll4 liU a-aaa I at -t.-h Ira) akawrilUnf
Hmm la. tu i. aiialy lu( to tilm . r ll
IU ii a (ml r-r Hl 1.-U in - a
tl... to Ik. lll. Ihl. VMUI. u i.j'i"
tii-i i.i u ii.. i!i.7z "
tl.-ai l...H liuu W k.i,Un Itnin K a-at
oeiilara tMal4 tn ttaaetauaaeal I aa4i.
Write Viae, t lf. a4 Al4eat
Farlev cfi? 3Pxexxal,
i Sai-e-r li In f. frank, it-a-eaa-e.. i
rial .:are. It M eip.aiaej If ara-
fScert that h':kT ha Dot j rocrh to
i:h tbe failure tomakf cxJ Jier
Ml of the Inaiaai as the fact that the:r '
-aolTfasiocf mftoni rec 4-r it ixp.-eih!e
toe them to remain at pot where ther
are lieaiej H doaseetie relation.
the rulti r
" t.r---sh.-4i--rv" --al
aaaM kjr the rresMecat.
W. "W. Co.
THI lltlltt. OK
A. A. Brown,
Of jtvLX.
! the trmillwTu-rhi'oa aV.'far , C-' B,b, fc, .ta.-te-U ne tlrrh. f.ifiL .jn.-) VitnAV jjnriC '
any.-oeo-ttlJ were tn.. plUU-n- ;' I" Nrp- Vea. od. rt three n.rtu- kjUty'll aU'J I Uill J Ul UlU llO, ! t-,)ND
iDjf l:n- .f ifr-ra-a-. A far v aay.Tvc l-rr., tbomli. k fjr. "th' (u'
duU --e abraU the r-aiirv-ad ti-a. k t'other t no? "Th' -IrTil o Torn Walker and Provision. '
A (ivneral Due of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
iiEPAiiiiNO nioiwiirrLv iVlCATLY XX3Ml
f HtJs act Esliil DkIeu la Bancs; Bnllci, flip; Dorse BlarhU, El:
Full AssartEcul tf Kcttsi SaifiJT Rail cr Stapei.
eTKK.KT. . TIIK !AU.,o
, Clcte'.anil r.ainJe',er.
.rnr-a h -t - at Ij- r'ti
ber31aexU Jarnt Spencr, Marr- ; alu-aJ to avreep k khrl r acrar tl- Country ruloaetHo n-any J ard
liBt J-1 TOO
Sri'er I'nffeal 'eeve. I'h.ia- ;
Iaterior-Jaaie. Wie. receirer of '"""f. ''"'-"
m-T-1-L. .t'rl, r Pk aa,ier ,"T' but t .'rl-r ""tooK.r-Withor.iihoot
P"u"- . - -y mim viae twiTatx-e ruara I irtmars
eeei.ter cJ the land cEce at !aanTiII. KaJ to kr.n t.Sa. irii ..f -r ' Bi8
CL , h..pper immrJiately alkrjvJ i.f the Jell hia Ii.wr 1.
. IC-in4iTe heel we ha.f
Tk taaerkllta Make I pavwei out of the tremct.l..u arta
Xi Vcs, Irc. 11. The Co IE mercia of inrct.. fat to tKirt:cj on the t-npa
a j . .... . v ;a fa..n i the I hautataooa rti. an.' tke
a.TTi.Wil.ui...v..... ' . :. t . ii ........ .a....
lunncr nuaiaintf I l-arrr-J t.iai tne eTrrTir.inj an I aniarr Tour nr.!
traic. o that r vJ haul tart-i us&bk- to
make anvthiryr like arhe.lule tiie f-T
la Irkl. aaatry- erral iT an.l that n tnp ha 1 Urn
K..-r. TW tAn OBrtmirmeJ M1 00 ny train in that time ..a
to Cash Buyers.
Y'Tkert it a tMt tm tht affairs cJ mem wAisA, taktn at tti f.oot
it ads on to frtumt."
Th pot ungucmtlonably had rfrnr to th
KnsploTer How dii oa break h r-y t had '.t in luy hand -
lien 1 heaH yuor ll rir.f, and
at,Hitssl Caii FriKifsrEHi and
otlif r Prciccs.
that a recocri:
between Mr. asd Mr. W. K
erer too rar j. i!f (ft IUrar.
Mr. A Jot l ji k at that J . It of a I
Wiacir:atkttatTetr.- i"hWb lt ul
' ; taaa once by the rrushms of rrm-
it Tatooeh tW thi. mormcf wat i-
the loa-lost 1 1 an hoe.
Itw of HM laJarWa.
5w Voi,rrc. 13. Henry Kliat, the
Bii'iocalre brewer, who attempted oi
ide yooday by rutting hi throatt, died
mi hi iojoriea today.
' -.taartatrf KaWkrc' to llma-alir IM ta(lla
It fa intcrrUHif to tvaticv the chkSi't i
in the cxaninjr atwl ne of word tliat ,
tirr hrln.iv Jr. ?.? i v Timber ilf. Il aal lmaaf.
"Niti..aal I'ortrait t.aliery of l4.n-
-irr''-wi'Tie coinmiua pacKiooco..
aiaat sr. rr y ttt feettiet g.rit. Mf. '
Pork and Beef
: FDiie & Camel
A. Oh, too flallerer
jeTriaU ba-letin.
lxtoia ( Vru
Who ar illntf lhom goodn out at ratty-rtducaJ rattM
NtCilKI.BAt.-ll BKICK. . CJtlOJf T.
: Pala baa waken wttk tw MlW PaUa PU)m
p lkMkc 1. naaaal
J aval mar T 1, !.
'bo city. Mays the iiatoa I. It .far
In tie a..-vi a a t t.f M rv. IS avhinift. c
r. . L Omra, TS. taj: .(
art. -t. M I
Who T m .t .a. J Onana..
u.iK.itMua., mufiuikt.!'"10 J-aJvi auu kjaiuacs.
tv-f Kc.klvr avfil Itorvtaa. .t luanr r-.r 1.
I . l . ( irfraB. ,j iatum.v. Uie 4.1 of
I in lite av:v a 1 i n rv. 11 avnj ril c . i1. 1 tvmb. wurqi. uie fct 4at u
, Pe.. aw! 1 latl'ir callv! a, the j n; ?rrS5 , A .
I, X OTX.an4 1 pevrWnl a auaBva.41 th? liahit s . r. ',. arrti.- N. , ia fc.wrifcip v ritrPrC fit "JP RRlNfl
T will fell ' the v-v-rrtarV aud reotU-iu.-n ..f tht- ' - .. VlUICIUI -T U II ft II U
tiand and j pre- i k-at houvrhoi.1 to hand tha into mr. ru,a. H.lliaa.r. Laleva riT.a. k .
Paring thi time the Paliet.
A Aatorin Narijatioo Com pan;
ticket from The Dalle to Porti
mnrn, incloding two tneal. on j " - jTT r MO..r.t. M.
. rv-!i a-:a- - a rv af . ,m, B n "Tni r 1 K" t.v t .rreo and H nt-
aaaaiaii viij . . . . . Ava7fc. . , , , . , - - I
, ff'-iiK-ry -nr to the nrevi..lii,l. the
Bnited to ten day. from date of aa-e. , pn.nt hiai, u rf.-raed the com- Notice '
Kernlator will lea re at 7 a. m. and : pliment hi:n.- !f." I
the Dalle City will arrive at Portland Wo .to 0 r.ll a w idow " the afflicted . b-r.f rm . th uo4.-t!j '
at 5 p. m. WJ"k tranfer at Ue relict" n..a.lay: at U-t. Wo ..'T,' '-''i,','1"".'!? ';''!
lock. W. C. AtXAWAT, t matn b lar n-vjarvtfuL I. at Mr. Wh- 4iaitratrtl M t. m i I
no , . infton iv .inlin of in ihee trrtnv two 1 Ha.-it. a 1 a :l i.rrH,. r..n r.u j
. --Trrl limr. in the j-trail jra!!, rr. ; ,- HM, dutf r.M , fc. . ., mr t. '
rkiTm nlTatrarnmia and v.n UtrroDae Btkl I rial I m. Miai n- , I" l-.r i nt. aarv,!r. iirrron. withia
fr marriru a nu niirr or a lii.'n-
Tnn nn
1115 i
If ao I , t u UM'ra';''- UO. 1-! 4a, .K-r.
it nvjiTiiiHt iimuj; nnrkiuit cr ril lhKJ H I, n T
f raacieco Eiaminex tor a year?
end st f i IS aod 5 om ran hare them.
156 paper i'f f 2.25 or 2e than a ree
aad a half a Lkare. If too woo' d rather j rf fr. rsunucl ttham Miuhr-n.
bar the New York World, w will tend j father thi rmilrrj- rrnurk that He ,
Tow that and the U inn Cheo-i reu uj r Ui.i ..1 nu cnuurrn "n fu
: ooe year ior f----
Dried Beef, Etc.
uve that ni-v i, .hiIt when Jirak- r,,rJu' ,h 1 "u! ' T.
i Dg tn a cruniD3l a familv. ; - - .... -
Administrator's Notice
hi children "n pu- ,
Til World hi """"
. .fin. I- L. nt, . I.i I t. a.. ..4. . , . t.
' klxl it verrnv to i r.irt f tnr auir l itt Ik lkr i "tatt nl
i ll,;L Ii .rl..ll l .1.:. : vm.tnlim.Kind ralrrrd a fw. :at alar .af
iao a end-week!. to too will p?t 3L l.i,,,i;i,.i... 1 ! ih. ur aixvrev.cwi f.i.iwi
' 1 e we mibt thinkthat wep"ke kind- 1 avimi..v.t"r te-uir of jnii- . a4.i.,g.
paper Z ' ly 0 a anan, thoafrh nt well of him. if ; rvt AH kartn n...,. u,i.,.i
- I aul tft tar ltr ijf hhI iWaiijrfl r. trr. t.T r.Kif '.l l.
"Pir," remarked the rich father to thw j . . . . . . . ia-onii ikru..!!!, ttm i.r--r--r .maViw. tNrrr
, , , ... . . I All the r-hildrrn of CL Tbomaa Mar- ' 1-r.i" it t t lln.uaa-tim a i;-i.
artor, alter the invert. )fmlioti I tare . .1.1 virvrini. w n I Ts ' '" . .iikid u ta.itia t.. 11
rln rrtn, .rati., T Mnnf.1 art ! . .... , flair brrrW
.. , . . a , mair-. iwchv,-.i aapenor inlrll.-rt oal lWl!I'.;'.r.irr.i)o v.. .. i
rilrtr.trr of t.'rt e)
. l 1 drr
an aria leva rara in th'-ve
yon y daughter Ettuna." "All right." j rixlo-vr mrMv- Urnry Clay father. r ; Atl o,
awerei ' the jertittetit tuitor, "then I lr-arn, wa a n-prwtabie clertrynuin- ' b-ira. Un-
bow aboct one of the other
grwd Blaetter.
ilayv. we ,
khould have thought, than now; and ,
rren cow we wiukl hardly aay that a
clergyman ai rr-vprcUble.
No oher remedy ia ao reliable, in
caai i4 enddeo col l, or ccgh, or for
any and ail derangement of the throat
r-d Iorg, a Ayer' Cherry Pectoral, j llmm . . . ,
T im wonrferfnl medirir.a a!? ,rda rre.t ' nmirr .4 tim I . l.(J. r .1 t.
. lllr. or ,.aa Irrrraabrr ItH. IK
re.iei in oontoibpiaon, Ten in imii-; aucn ni.n.ry a thia new one of. tiaaili
!. "mn. Tw I h.1 . t .
Jlrombrf 1 ! 1
S.i4fcrr la br. Ll rlirn th.1 Xtw t"4lmi.t
flamrvf arftlrr ha. f Iwlrr f hla l.krrll.i
kr. Ar'.l ur-4 In him rt M ril rUlrn. ..r4
that amrtl yt m4 lii hr rravkr tm I- Omt l-airu-r
aoerd Ujr- of that dieae.
Baldnei i eith-r hereditary or caoned
fcyicknr, menial exhaustion, wear
ing tight Cuicg ht, and ly overwork
and trouble. Hail's Kr nearer will pre
rewl it.
at tea.
All city rranta rrg;itefd prior to
Jaaaary 2, lf2. are i,w d'je and pay
ab'e at my Intrrert eta re after
thitd.'e. I I. El kcrr, Citr Trea.
I led DarCit. Am 1. I4.
j Thirty-five bra-1 for I'M, tire-l by
tenter rre Trale, .,n of the tireat
FreeTrale hng of Ohio. .,JJ for in
the bighrrt priced brig ever till In the
t'nitrd Ktatea, aaviateil by von Tectinieeh
Chip Jr 2!. tild l.r MM.
Oaing to the bard tiuie. I will tell
for the neit thrvo montht. mi r.g for
IJOearh. or per pair. Will U,t nd
deliver at nearett tution free.
Come and are them or writ.
No btiainee don on hiindava.
I nele -am a u ever planned tarfore. ' H4 f, : it th rf',. w u. If. '.. k ;.
Yow cia-t iin.-itrine. U iirria with, two . ,
, , t . aamn 1 1 i. -.' i g rum a.i a i irnr rj ; a
I iron ki.ia.xrk. ea.h U fret hifh. Ill r..tmirrr.i4 ., n .,,4 nliii.ti , .4.
fret b nir cud f ' bet w Ule. TlwTU.irfr "K 'i '" ii. r II v ...-r.-rMt.
np thrruh the buildup .Vory rm uy 'JZr&ZL n l""-iJ'-' ' -"
in nine tirrv. I-i lj tnjokca-will hdd ' ' ' M Kr. l-uur
VU.HM vuluiuev Tile mrUl frame-' '
work i made (rrvlirirtj fashion toper- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
mit the free pavaiae of the atnvak- ; in
phere f.,r l.k need frh air a, mm h i U" r"- .i'T UO YOU W3nt 3
" . . -I atax -var rj r' ' l J " i" r.-T--t,T v ' r-Tg 1 jj 1, ,, :irm t,g j
CenterTiila, Wah.
ft.riar-v arr alula ..f ir.-a -...I 1.1 aailrH arVtlrT ha. tlrrf
. aieaaatter H. air kraa.
IoctionaJv oe, when my condition
11Zi",?Vuw:Enti1 anri Unn CirmO
do no dame worth mentioning f. i 5Srk4S7w llli-t;-,:;:; ! 1 ,u" u,,u 'UH 1 O"" '
book will not Irnrn. Ther will onlr ' " m,m at in I.m, urr, .1, 1.- ,
anv.Maroivlrr favorable eirctimtance. I- tt at rv-ear-..v
Th. library. the Waahin,- IM r . " 7 VwT Z', r. a . . .. ' IMC MM.
Mm r-iar, nu l.-ra wimiowa. 1 niaar II. W M
Whea the Tniu step it THE DALLES, pt iff os the Sooth S&
- at Va
Tkla Waj. k-xf a..amls ll.- 4cm Ik. nurltl awt
r4 ka arrtainl to furaMk Ik k-M liaMcavalairm of Ma
llxtua ia Ik .Mf. aa4 at Ike low raw of
$1.00 per Day. - prst qass Teals. 25 Ccrjts.
fr all aiaca Im Ira.l.g Vfca tll.. far all
r"'-' "rrgM aa4 taalan V aviklwataM.
kaa akaa M .to I .
t nenetuf rtwal aa4 I aku kl
T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr.
arhirh aa.lmit licrKl f flK. 1 I.
" " ' K ' . W . u pan. ...
ielimil, Dr.Nniiiiof!t Ijver Regn'a ! atacka above devntml are aintrle avi tauai. vu
II namra lkr f.riUralfur tl
Vf 3.I.HIH
l to r hi
Of MAKK OVI.X, tiaa p-la-iur .4rtia lira.
lor, with gjod rffert.
Hon. Ali. H. Ttrttvi."
ialew t Rfife. Haraaef.
By preeenting all Watco county war-
klaa-eta of fine plate plan. Ix.Jnn.ri Mavwaral. K , ,.y,r fmrf tfrrtr
frrnn the interior crmrty.rd. the w.H. j ' r ',17?,r"'Sl.l'rf,.kt
mtiiavins- ine i.. aiacka appear to fie,
alnvt wholly at irlaa. Thoa the title NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I
on the faack of everr rolume mar be
' eavilV r-a-l. The akrlm alna.l. rm. f. IjBOm
ranu regiMered prior to January 10. Ifftfl. will ae,mm.-late l.r....i I...k. I .i i. arrrf,, air
at my office and get vour money foe twia-e aa man r a, are now in I Kr i;. M artiw kaa 14 ww .( hi. inirntv !
1 W anaA. f, r.a I tmtt . J a ui ... ,J v.. . . . .
avl. t..e. I . rvr' trf
aarra a4 rul(l..ti of i "" rtf T a I n l, la tba 11U
rile ValhT . ka.a vrrjl ctmapaod oa ai trrtna
rtotnr of tae farm, in rarhanra. fr T aaw-rn
' "nf trrrrarrt r w nie Ut li.t an4 Irrma
.1 a . .. ., 1
me, ano rny new warrant wiin tfi ' rr-
aa. na talMM . . f... ikla A.i. i The Irll ll.linir baa laren ao av.llt rurf .1 mrrlrrr
... .rtnr lm( an alaa-l'.i. --.I .... " '
ixaanty Treamrer, W apeo Coanty, Or. i , , . .. J " .'- l tnr v, ft
il tr.4 la aiif
if tar kr..
"f tbr I'. r l.k'i t at 7 t.r
a) to aff.-d rnsK-r f..r tha-r atarVa ,
I whir h mr.y 1 put np at nriy .Irne. and
I'll , i , . . i r. -' r-rv. l-e inr
i wi.l lj -IJ ....! t r'.li:im- fa.n. A ' to IMa li.Kni w ti
lr . 1!i n ' ( !.l:i Id addition i.iav le- ae- ; n"'n "i-ii. iinrr t., , ,t i.i,
W are rot givm aaay atvr: bnt ,'''''"''" !.,,.... rr,,w a..t rU t'..iw. tell ear beater, Chri.tma. ''LZX S;",.,.. r M .,;,.
t wf.toi.ear vp tt.-k. Thi. la your l,lrari.ui .f a .rnt nry hrn.e . " ' '" ' " 1 " '
rbar.ce. Iat A Caowg. will i, .t find luiu. if ram d' in the ; ' ""'
art. ...;-
a risg iMinbTro
Frenci Perttera Mm,
If you want anything in tlio khajn. t.f
V,,r r Woman, Hoy, i'irl or Haby.
D. to u is! NELL,
a a a
wofK, Tin Repairs anil
in t'" 1 t'ti"i. atr1 urv mi
4.-t!k-f va ill Mti r kti i-r rktr- nh
l f hff-l .rf -Mtle
Kerr & Buckley.! Chop on Third Stmt, next dtM.r Mt of v. Km1
ira V
a..v, tr
Hlackfouith 8hop.