The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 15, 1894, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
I) t..k..
Clubbing List.
... ..
,r Ciihum. I ic, hlch g.vvu tl.S i....
tiio werk, baa made arrangement In
,-luli wiili tli" Ml"!" publication, and
oiler two -uHm one year for tit t In more
limn Ihe lr I f un;
ll-ulr Our
liriio (itliv
3.(10 .'.Ml
(V-li'l. ! 1 InktM
rtf.i,! ill rfm .
Ar.H'l' "ll ElMltrf . . ,
fcrillil, i4 "Ill 't l-ll
iiii ai. mtkt itir.v
"i. I iii. inl rM h Ilia cra.Hi,
(. II ,.1'lla.ll, ' Mi J..I1I1
hit hall nl II four, aal. I Maty,
"lh Hi' hall a y.ura, Ml. I J. .hi!.
1 lin ri al 1.1 llila lllll al.iry
II w.. I.l 11 I b.. rlyhl li I. II
I111I Hair " lip au l fi ku.1 lirr ball,
W lill J. .nil 11 in iilhi-r hall ll 1
I tlla lllailrll
Wmltit-Mja) a lialljr.
tlx M i rt ! Club hail It rrgiilar ilanrn !
' ' j The following deeds were filed for
The county court held a special session j record yesterday ;
iratcnlay. i I'crnecia A Turner to Alva I. Turner,
The Wuodmrn gave a .lraant party j ' of are 15, tp 1 n of r 13
,1 rralrrnily hall lat bight. ; "
Tha I'x al ill tin lull ought totmr.j J"'"' U' WaUoii anil wifu to I! C
if. imwt of It bring "Im Mrtr.. " Towiin, Iota 1, 2, 3. i, 5, fi, 7, H, 9 anil 10
.Inhloik I, Krwin Jt WataWi aihlitiuu
t i.nnty (,oi. r. Iliowrr. ami 1 1 ,w ,,,KK, ,;iver . .
IXM..I!. rr l...r. yMtrr,l.y ..tnnllng j JrM MM,n o, iMtU vu ,
. .,rr,al in.rtlng of tha rou.ily ,w,rl. , K Kug,n , , Uwk
V. M. I'. Writ of m-ntnark took thn ! 1-1. Thouiiiii' al litlou to l)ullr City ;
mill vl Bllrgiriirai yratrrjay and i how a i l'.""l.
all t!larl Aiiirtlran ritirn. , I'liittxl Mate to Jauir A Mrrriman,
J.i la'fl liia.lnhaw thla morning over-j 11,8 "'. l I n, t ' 9 ; patent.
ru .1 tlm ih-iniirirr in thn r of thr j Juhn W Clarno V A N-hcrms kaii, lota
Male againat Martin. Thitwlll ,rln I 3 ami 10. Mm k I . tow n of Anteloj ; 1.
m.tirr up for trial in frhruarr. I Tl.a Orrgon UnJ Irrigation Liimbrr
itiiin a nuinbrr of Irai hrr are in tha
IV an.l liinr. .m mili.lfi fa... a .. n
,'.ii i . I. . 1 1 it ,'rlghtaaml right of way of Clear crwk
if.un irm I jm ami artal from IfuixJ ... .
Kucr. Tlit uirrilng tomorrow wlilahow
nrarlr every Irarlirr In Ilia county
Tl.a tlay liaa Imvu rlear atiJ Ix-aulilul.
.inll,. rol.lrr than ytr,..y, but j
alwvv tha frwilng ulnt. Thar I
niu.l rnongl, in tight U. It through J
.holr lot. of .u. h waathrr. ''.
anil enough al to mak una think that !
U'rhfuot Itarlf wt here.
ivputy Mirritr llarnr thia wrok ar
rrte.j one lh IC. iNlvlr. who rride in
tha hitklyou and ha ben Indicted for ,
Ihe triuia of oljgiuy, and l.xlgo.1 hi 111
n the rounty jail. Havlaw la arriiMsl
d llting with on wife whll having an
Hhrr In the Willamrlte valley. Mr
llartira (. ,ni.,l i.i ai f.u.l .(
, ... .11 in -p
t:e made Ihe arreal.Jarkaonville Time. 1
or Mration anil input irom lue nigii 1
Tl.r ,,ry In Ihe raw of the Male .,,,,, Kri, , ,t ,hlng of the i
j.-i.t lluneo Krllry wrra rh.rBr-l at j kim, py.r ,,.,,, Tie i:ide. '
rrutih by Judge .Stephen, l.-t mght at Vflli,t, Mr.o. ih.e cu.r.l..g th.
,and up to I o-rk.k Ihl.timrning I,,,,,,,,, Mvrt!c virhell, I
hd m.l agrrr.1. A fiu a ll.l ra.e I. j ia h.o.jiaon. Mav 'e, hlrr. Div'
et.lrd. probably tomorrow, llie trial ' ! AKw . v . ilr n All.-,., t l.ret. r CUrr and j
X.NCterve. the l.wjrrrl.argTHl will, ' T,1M ,(U.l ,,y M,jJ
:...i,g birnl Keilry to murder Savre..,,, ,;ln At.n WM, vrrv
ani lax tuvtin. '
Comrriiiiig thn rnrnt ii' at
-juai!y I look there are two ttoriea hlrh
ill li'. I agrra with one anothrr, the di
I tite li-ii,g a to lime only, AiTording
10 thr itory of tha crew on 'S2 that train
an lro niinutr late, w bile according to 1
Ihe Uiya 011 23. 22 wa a minute or Iwo j
head of time. We printed the tlory a ,
heard It flrt, of conre Ji not j
j reieini o y wtilcll crew It Correct.
t nuiailaj lllr
The deal for the branch aylum ita at
I'nlon wa completed at Salem yratrr
lay. The ttale pay li'i.OiK) for the
The Jury in Ihe Kellry ra.e at I'm I- I
nd brought in a verdict yralrrday
"H'MiIng Umling film guilty ol inurilcr In
! lie acond degree.
Mr. M. Morran came In from Center-
villn loilay, bringing 4 tiogt, which be
I I In the Columbia Tacking (V. He
Jin,..,., 1 n,r ,1111111, it of the inountuin
I ween here on I Centrnlll yratrrdny,
Hid aya the road wa in horrible con-
'lion lor driving hog, there Ixdng ev-
1 ral inche of miu and lilh.
Jiige lradlmw tmlar ik'ned the
certitlcntu of prohablo raua" In Sav
;e' ciiae, and flxrd hi liindi at I. '',
avago w ill now : probably he allowed to
1 1 1 tt 1 1 1 lirrn until the tuprcmo court
a -e 11 jh 111 hi crtae. Aa Savage I alo
V '' 1 11 i rr i to irlve t.'I.IHli) bond In the
luted State court, on the i-bnrg" of
bhing the mail, the total jamd ri"nirrd
' fore he ran get out I $il,.M)'.
Kil.Iay I'.ull
Miintingt n A Wi;o!i urn moving
i'eir olllrea Into thn old bin- olllrc
ver the exprr oilier.
P you want a winter aiiit, orovercnit?
?' to, cnll on John l'mhck nnd we hi
and rleguiil good.
Huhling William huvo at theli'
f unpin room, corner Second and Court
tree!, a fine lot of claret, port and xin
indel wine, which they will tell to the
ado or at retail at loweat poaalble
riera, Iecl.1.
Stubling .V William have received a
fine aortiurnt of lmHirted liipior dur
ing the week, contiatlng of brandie,
V liinkioa and wine, which they will
filler over their tar, and will retail at
Very low price. Only tho ln-t wine,
li'iuor and cigar kept at thnlr tamplo
hxim, comer Court and Second alrfeti.
Mocli complaint I mada concerning
'' action of a large numbcrut boy who
filled the hack end i,I the opera houae
Uit tillit. Their noise and talking were
very annoying. Parent stioiiM not
allow thalr children to atli ml public
meeting of thi kind without Itlier he
I n If wlththmnor having some one rUo
look after thrill.
Mi" Augusta Schiller, abright, pretty
j . ,...,., ,.,. ... ''...I
Ith beautiful In iialiiyand cultivation,
lia iiitnslurrd aurrcsafully Into Him An.
iloraon'a bran new Ian-, "Jolly old
Chunia," which will presented here
Pec. 1.1, tome very superior music, not
heard oiltalili) coiiiii: ofrui now-a-davt
without bilrlctipia frill. Thi teak
Volume fur Miaa Schiller.
Tha regular luWription price of the
Wkkki-v CiimtNii i.K la I ..'Ml and tha
regular pticaof tha Wuxkiy Oiikiiosia
; Any one ttibtcriblng for Tux
(ii limit i t anl paying for one year la
I advance ran get both Tiik Ciimokri
! ami tha Wxkki.v Oukoonum for fJ.OO.
All ol.l aubarrilier paying their ub
rrlptlon a war In advance will lie en-
titled in tha same offer.
Ilaal ratals 1 raaaarllua.
ainl rurl (j. to tlie rortlanil I.aml Irri-
gation l.umlirr ami Furl Co.. all watrr
irri;aiion aim iraniioriaiion ranai,
Krog f 41 k a Crerk Irrigation Co. anil all
the water right ami dam aitr of Clear
Crwk !ka htoraga Co.
Tha Orrgon I.amhrr (o. to K Ii ken
no.4 ,p l n, r U $1,00.1.
Win. liuakirk, aiJiiiiulatrator of the
p,u,B w( Kfr K (;ri,niJ( Vl
Ur , ry, o( n,., ., i, of
i ... , 1 . 7,1
Thr - MM.
Thr Teai hrra' Inatilnle held iU fil
iiiefting laal evening In the tviurthouae,
and the Intrrrat taken by the public
a well attratnl by thr crowd that
llllnl the rourtriKim to overflowing.
The een ier were fina. The muie by
Ihe double ouarlrt, conitiig of I'rofet-
1 ' ,, ....
g asl
Mr. AlUn lui an eioeptionully j
g rod tenor voice, and can rrat aamirtsl ,
that it wa beard with a great deal of J
j ilra-mre by tlie large audiencfl on hi
Ural apiearanie. Tho m itationt weir
all g'd, lht of Mi" Catharine Martin
.,-,.,tioiiallv io. The ilituion of Ihn
.. adoption of Oregon Text Iiookt" did
. ..t wi,o a ranuv aa the tubiect
w,)(,d (rrmit.
AtarlMit l.vlter.
Following 1 the lit of letter remain
ing in the potollii-e at The Dalle un
called for Pre. I. 1S1M. IVraon calling
lor tlie nine will give date on which
''""X were advertinnl :
Aiideron, A
Allen. I'.nd
Itollrn. oilivrr
llngan, John
I luglir, J C
Kahl. l.ttle
Ijithin, Mr A
llrown, Mr M
llogan, Mr Icon
llvdr, i ll
Uthin, Mr A Mr
Mr N M
Mi'inger. Fred K
Miller. Mr W I"
Miller, liun
Mniiouii, l.miia (
Nolan, John
i irbnn, F.
McCartrr, Fred ,
Nolan, M J
Palmer, M A
Parkin, Maaton rope. '
Pollard. Misa l.aur I'onahack, Mr
Head. M K ftomero. Ignario
Sacker, C S Smith l'ro
.inilh, Cad (2) Streeter, Frank
'rlier, It C Thrall, I'rol .la
Wagner. Krnet W hlght. James
William, Frank
J. A. CltOH-IKI, V. M.
Inailluta l'ro(rain.
The following I the program f..r thi
evening and tomorrow morning:
ovmh noi HK 7 ;.".0 o'lim K.
ponhlrlinaitct! repeated by reijue-t
High School rnpil
Piiuio Solo ' Mi" Newman
I return . Stnto SiMd. F. I!. McKimy
poulile li'iartct High School Pupil.
K.cltiitiim I'1,'""''"
Cantn'it . Forty Children
MOIIMMi tKHHIOM ):M o'i ioi k.
Critic' Keport. . ,
'hvical d raining in Srhoola I.. Uelcli
MiiHic in I'ublic School . . II. I.. Howe
Suclling-lluw- Much, llow Tailglit
Louirie Kintoul
1'repnration for Teaching Franci Kowo
S hiH.I tioverniiu'iit Aaron Fr7.ler
Itiiainra Sraaion cloning
I ileiri to inform the public on tho
mibject of mv aei.aratlon from Joneph
Fawcett.that I did not leave him, but
that he turned me out, ordered nie to
leave, and thi w ithout cauae or provo
cation Km
t.uin tack" lr tale -it the Waaco
wareliouae. ...
All palil baulalinl by ! Mile-1 Palu IMIU.
Iftrkrri' laatltata).
The Inatitute met in the Court atrcct
hoolhoiiiw at tl .'Jit tiui moriiing, ami
wa oMMiei by aoiii iiri!i'd tinging,
hid by I'rof. fstratton, Mi.i IreiiuCalli
011 bring at the organ. The enrollment
of teacher allowed a large attendant!.
The woful t ondllioii of mad eiiiliii to
town from the oiitherii purl of the
roiuity prevented teveral tearhera from
being j.rinent.
The program aa printed wa fully car
ried out. Tho paper read by the teach
ei were of a very high order, ahowiug
much rureful thought in their prepara
tion. I'rei.etit Chnpmiin, of the State
l'iiivriity, I'amv in ooii after the o(en
lug neri iea, and by bit ready rriti
clam rontrihuted no little t the inter
eat. Mr. William, agent for Maynard
.t Merrill, wa prevent during the morn
ing tear Ion, and gave a very inntrurtiv
ai-count of hi i'i perienro in managing
bad boy.
J. M. Carroll in necretary and Mi
Irene Calliaon bold the umleHirable
poaitlon of rrilir.
l'reiili'iit Chapman will lecture to
night In the ot-ra bonne on "The Col
lege and the World."
The attendance of citii'ii in encour
agingly lartfe. rhenll rall thowed the
following teacher in attendance: Ma
tilda i IlolliMter, I-na K Midi, I-ouine
Kilitotil, Magix Hinn, I '.in 111a Vogt, J
V McArthur, Nan CiKiH-r, Catharine
Martin, Flie I'.ail. Kranci llowe, Sa
Una rhirman, O It Connelly, Minnie
Michel!, Ida Oiueg, M.tlx I Hiddell, M N
KtratUin, tiracr- Hill, Ii.nie Allaway,
May Klton, Jnhu (iaviii, Katie I". (.'ooier,
I.ura Welch, Klhi CoijK-r, MH.m. Hill,
Tena Kinloul, The Ialle; Hattie Stirn
wri, K A tiailey, 1' 1 I'nderwood,
Boyd; Cai M Cheeae, o-Mile; Nellie
llud-Hin, I. IS Th'ima, I'litur; lo!lie
Moaier, J M Carroll, Moier; Annie
Sear, Irene Ca'liaon, Jonie I lanaberry,
IWi laeuberg, F N Ienlerg, C I. Gil
bert, (iraeo (iraham. Hood Hiver; Ida
I. F.vrrhart, Millie K I'aikiut, Catrade
I-ockt; Kill MacCullorh, Ioyd.
Aw Orf 00 Hoy Abroaa.
The following from the Hilliboro In
dependent will prove Interesting read
ing :
".kmie year ago the therilT of thi
county bad a prisoner little older than
a boy in hi term, charged with burglar
oualy entering the Fartnington creaiiierr.
He wa arretted on an indictment, and
confined at tha jail here at Ililiaboro,
but hi mind failing, lift wat (trapped to
a board and transferred to the intane
aaylom at fcalem. After a time be re
covered and wa returned to the custody
of the nheriir. Hut in a abort time hi
health again broke down, and be wa
released the oltlcer expecting to be
able to pick him np when wanted, but
he diaap'ieared, and all Sheriff Ford had
when be took the ollii-e wa a bench war
rent. The boy wa known here by the
name of Oacar ScholllN-rg, but the world
now know him a Lieutenant Scbell
berg, of the Japan navy. How- the
thing came bIhmU is beet told by the
lieutenant bimaelf in a letter rireivod
by SheriiT Ford thia week :
"Ciimn ro, Corea, Oct, 111, lSUl.
"Mr. II. I'. Ford ; I tupixae that you
will lie urpriiied to receive a letter from
me, but I thought I would let you know
I am no inoro the half-witted boy, a
once I bad the misfortune to lie. After
leaving Oregon, I terved two year in
the Cnited State navy, and wa dis
charged by rnuet. I now bold the
rank of lieutenant in the Japan navy,
ltrfor thia war I over I hope that good
fortune will favor me and allow me to
rie in rank. Your truly,
O. Sciim.i.nrai..
A Ital' Art.
A dispatch dated at Haltimore tells
this interesting story of a rat: Aral
extinguished every incandescent electric
light in a large number of building in
tho central part of the city on Thanks
giving night, set lire to the sw itchboard
in th. British Fleet ric Light Works on
Monument street, near Constitution;
m.ished up the switchboard, destroyed
tlu insulation and ruined a lot of w ire,
causini a damage that will cost ninny
liollais to repair. The rat entered be
hind the itchboard and started tow-
iks the machinery in front. Jut n
he got tinder the switchboard there wa
a bright tlash of light, and then the rat
iiatrophe was accomplish.
The rat had tic-en standing with his
hind feet r.11 one brass terminal and put
hi front feet on another. Instantly
2,7iH) volts of electricity imssed through
hi body, 1 voltage able to produce 1,000
horse power. Ho was wet, and his hair
was completely burned oil", his body be
coming rigid, n if suddenly froreit in
the act of stepping ncross from one bras
piece to the other.
1 he .lolly (Mil I hnnia."
"Jolly Old Chum" will lie seen at tho
opera bouse the night of Pec. 1. This
comedy is full ol fun, music and dames,
a there aro plum in a plum pudding,
w iiii h means, of course, that there is no
limit to the good thing "in ll." The
"Jolly Old Chums" i tuid to make one
laugh In spite of one' self. It 1 im
possible to watch the two young bright
comedians, J. J. Krctt and Budd Boss
and not forget nil the troubles one bus to
contend w ith In daily life. H teem to
lie the mission of the interpreter of thi
very funny farce, to mnkeone forget that
there I tin h a thing a melancholia, i
The aoni,' are tald to be exceedingly
bright and catchy, comedian full
wit, medley that are brand new
sen ted by a host of pretty girl. The
Loring sitcr ( li inll a and MyrtW) are
with thi ronriaiiy and have met with;
wonderful success.
Their specialty i entirely original arid
unique) and 1 called the umbrella dance. '
The J-oring lister being it first ex
ponent on the ttage, ami they nre cer- !
tain to have imitator. Townrd the
close of the second act, they come trip- ;
ping in, their face and bodict hidden by j
a gaudy parasol, backward and forward I
they dance In unison, with only their I
yellow biiskined, black hosed limb in
view of the audience. A rhango in the
music, and the umbrellas gracefully drop i,
behind them, awl then with their face!
smiling at the delighted audience they 1
repeal the steps. The Loring girl are '
St. Uuiau. born and reared there, and I farrPi '(:hmn ca,t ,(Jlowi . ..Mr,
have en seen at the different place, of ; ,5,., .. , TarU.t . .. j;ree(J.
amnsement in thi. .peri.lty during the IVr(.y ,.. ..Tom ,!r)rnIiaiUi.. Her. Ueserved-at.atBlakeleylH.rt , ,ro vn. ,.MrH Br, Mig.
At Houghton. 1 Aldrich; "Flora Strong," Mil Bunker,
Tiarhan' Inaiitata. j of The I al le. Special scenery w as con-
I structed for theoc:casion and the costum-
Oa ing to wiine lack of preparation, , i"g. "make-up" and acting of the com
and the absence of two of those on the ! pany was very creditable, larifelv due to
program, it wa not carried out the stage 1uar.a1reu.er1t of Mr. Crown,
printed for the afternoon. However, J who is well known in I'ortland theatrical
in lieu of her promised paper on "Busy
Work in l'rimary Classes." I'r:jf. Cior
huni and hra.ier being absent, Irof.
(iavin promptly camo forward and gave
one of bis admirable talk on "The Use
of the Cilolie." There was little or no
discussion during the afternoon session.
The presence of a number of pushing
agent of rival publishing house, adds
life and Interest to the institute.
kvicix; xxkucisks.
The overcrowded condition of the
opera bouse long before the beginning
of the exercise, thowed the urgent need
of a larger ball for such gathering.
The tinging w as very good ;' recitation
by Bessie French extra good; but the
doll drill wa just good, gooder, goodest !
The addres by 1'rofctsor Chapman, of
the State University, a a moit earnest,
able, and a scholarly plea for higher
education. 1'erhaps the moat notewor
thy point in the address wa the em
phasis given to the necessity of acquir
ing Ihe ability to express one' self cor
rectly, forcibly and fluently in the
Knglish language.
The teacher were rather alow in as
sembling. Several new face were to
be teen, among them being Trot A.
Fraxier and Mis Kditb I'eabody, of the
Dufur school. Alter aome excellent
tinging and roll call, the critic made her
report. While some mistake were
noted, the warm commendation of the
many excellencies of yesterday' work
must have been a balm for all wound
made by the criticism!.
The discussion of the "County Course
of Study in Ungraded Schools" showed
that the teaches ol the county are alive
t.i the necessity of ome system of grad
ing schools, whereby uniformity and def
inite results shall be secured. The
greatest difficulty found in trying to use
the present course has been on account
of opposition on the part of parents.
The appearance ol Supt. McF.lroy on
the platform was greeted by look of
quiet satisfaction on the part of acquain
tances. The remarkable stillness of the room
was a just tribute to the worth of Mis
Nn Cooper' paier on "A tjuiet School
How Secured."
The same may be said of the finely
composed essay on "Silent F'orc in
School Government," by Mis Ferhart.
Lack of time cut short any discussion of
these very important subject. The sug
gestions of the essayists were however 10
thorough and appropriate that further
discussion seemed unnecessary.
The time was too limited for a profita
ble discussion of map drawing, yet the
talk and blackboard illustration of 1'rof.
As Stogsdil! were interesting and in
structive, and elicited some valuable
K. A. liailey read n well composed
eulogv on the value of mathematical
There was one almost inexcusable
mistake in yesterday' report, wherein
it wa slated Miss Callison was organist.
This was wrong a Miss Holliater pre
sided at the organ, r.
A llnl t rip.
On Sunday Mr. T. I'. Madill, who
lives M miles from Albany, on tho North
Santiam, with tho assistance of two
noigliKirs, came into the city on a hand
car, for the purpose of procuring a burial
casket tor his father-in-law, Mr. Geo.
W. Whitman, who had died the day be
fore, and returned with it, niakinir the
trip in sixteen hours. Anyone w ho has
helped to "pump" a handcar m the
grades of the Oregon I'ucificon the North
Santiam will appreciate, the UIxt con
nected with the act. Albany Herald.
I. . It. t. at the aara.Ua.
Leavens' ball at Ciifcado I.ocks was
lille.1 to the door on Tuesday evening,
tho 11th, the attraction being a musical,
literary and dramatic entertainment,
given by Cascade Lodge, No. 114,1. O.
O. F. Fallowing is the programme:
Piano solo, Mrs. Archer; vocal solo,
Herbert L. Brown; reading, Mr. Per
kins; ocarina nolo, L. Carminl ; instru
mental duet, Messrs. Fields and
Fleischanr ; uecceded by the laughable
I A re You in Need
A Fine Line of LAPIKs' CLOAKS to he closed out at once.
AIo a Large Assortment of COM FOISTKKS from 7 c up.
IVlcphoiH' No,
entire performance was the l-st ever
given at Ca-cade 1h k.
Ti m Cm 1 K.
Itialllutci Program.
Follow ing is the program of exercises
for thi evening at the courthouse, be
ginning at 7 :.X) :
Music . .
keritation .
Music I'llet
.. Pontile (quartet !
Catherine Martin
. Karl Sander I
Flla Cooper
"I'liriioses of Institute" .
..Troy Shelley
piscussion " Adoption of Oregon
Text Books". Five-minute Speechea j
The following I the program for the'
teachers' institute tomorrow :
HOKMNO 8CS9IOX 9 :30 o'clock. j
Critic'a Report
County Course of Study in Ungraded .
Schools ;
Uader. Kleie Ball, J. M. Carroll j
A Quiet School How Secured N Cooper j
Silent Force in School Gov'ment .. .
Ida L. ferhart j
Map I Rawing Asa Stogadill '
Value of Mathematic Study, li. A. Gailey I
Arrmsoo skssion 1 :30 o'clock.
Composition . P. P. Underwood I
Kindergarten Clas F'xercise
Mis Hall, Teacher ,
Puet. ... Misses Newman and Sampson 1
kecitation James Huntington j
School Book, Question-Sam pie books I
displayed, with publishers' pro-
posala submitted. Merits of
books discussed Leaders : C. '
L. Gilbert, Caasie Cheese, Geo.
H. Dunn and li. 8. Andrews,
kecitation Martha Baldwin
tviMxr, session 7 :.T0 o'clih'k.
This evening's session will be held in j
the opera bouse, commencing at 7:30,
with the following program :
Music . . Congregational Church Choir
Kecitation Bessie French
Puet Mesdames Huntington and Corson :
Ikill Drill Twenty Primarv Pupils
lecture !'.- Chaoman. Or. Univeraitv
Music . Congiegational Church Choir
W. H. Wilson went to Portland
the afternoon train.
Pr. and Mrs. Brosius came np
Hood Kiver this afternoon.
Mies Mamie Smith returned Monday
night from a visit with friends in Port
land. Mrs. Julius Wiley and Master F'd left
Monday tor Newbu'rg to visit Mr. Wiley's
Professor C. L. Gilbert came up from
Hood kiver yesterday, and will remain
until after the teachers' institute.
Mr. Kverding lelt this afternoon for
Portland and will not return until the
tirgmtiing of the lishing season next
.Mr. John
eitv todav.
Graham of Bigs is in the
Mr. Hal French returned from Port
hind last nuht.
Miss Jeannette. Williams is np from
Portland on a vi-it.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
President I liapman. of the I' I ni -
versitv at Eugene, today.
J. B. Croesen returned
from Portland
lust night.
Mr. T. Hudson arrived
home from
herinan conntv last night.
Pr. Walker, of
the state boarl of
medical examiners,
is in the city today.
Mr. P. W. M inn will leave shortly for
Strathroy, Ontario, Canada, to remain
for some.ime
Elder J. II.
Miller, (Baptist of North
Yakima, will preach at the I hnstian
cnurch on Sunday next at 11 a. m. and
7;:!i p. m.
Captuin O. S. Waud ha assumed com
niiind ot the Regulator, vice W. V. Short
resigned. Captain Waud has lieen in
tlie emplov of the company for some
i l . - ' . : .. 1. II.. 1 1 1
ami in proiiioiiou i "i"i aiu-m,
we think, prove a very popular captain.
1 1.L
a. ... ... ,,,.,-K.'. ..... ..... .....
veariniscuy, t, iih,i
to tho w ife of John Koontx, a son.
In thi city, Pec. 1-th, to the wife of
Joseph Knebel, a on.
In this citv. Pee. 10th, to the wife of
Krank B. Stevens, a sou, weight 10
In thi citv IVc. 10, Caswell, infant
on of Mr. and Mrs. U. Slevens.
Come early.
O-ipo-ite Moody's Warehouse.
S. 1 smith, of Towan l.i, pa.. constitution v:n completely
broken down, i.-i cu-ei by Ayer'a
SarHiiparilhi. He writes:
" Fur eixiit years, I n as, mot of tlia
tniii. a creal sulTerer from roni-tipav-tion,
kidnry tronMe, nnd inl ;
tioll, so that ley const itution soemril
In Uf cimipletelv limkcn dow n. I wa
indui ed to try Ajer's Sarsaparilla, nnd
took nearly sevrn tifittle, with sack
excellent results that tu stomach,
bowels, and kidney are in H-rfei t con
dition, ami. in all their function, aa
regular a clock-work. At the time
I began taking Ayer's Surs.-ipanlU, mr
weight was only IJll pounils; I now raw
brag of 139 pounds, ami was never in so
good health. If you could see me
(ore and after lining, yon would want
ma for a traveling advertisement,
t believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla
to be the best in the market to-day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Pfpar by Pr. J. C. Aw 1 Co., Lowell, Maaa.
Cures others, will cure you
aperlmeai f aara.
S. II. Clifford, New CasscI, Wis., waa
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism.
; his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
, petite fell away, and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
! ties of F.lectric Bitters cured him.
I Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111
) had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
I r'lectrie Bitters and seven boxes of
i Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
j sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
from waba, C, had fivs large fever sores on
1 bis leg, doctors said be was incurable.
, one bottle FIectric Bitters and one boa
j Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
i tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
1 Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real
1 estate agent of San Aiigelo, Texas, has
used Chamberlain's Cbolic, Cholera and
, Piarrluva kemedy in bis family for sev
eral vears as occasion required, and al-
:,.," with. uerfect success. He save: "I
i find it a perfect cure for our baby when
; troubled w ith cholera or dysentery. I
: now feel that mv outiit is not complete
w ithout a Kittle of this Kemedy at homo
or on a trip aw ay from home. For sale
by Blakeley it Houghton, Pruegists.
We have made arrangements w ith the
Sau Francisco Examiner to lurnish it in
ln,n,.A..i;,in laitli TlIK Cll liOMI'l.K. 11:1V-
! a . h h Orogonilla
" , n-
patrons, we have made this arrangement
; f jr the accoiiunodiition of the democratic
'members of Tiik Chronicle family.
j Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
S K M I - W r K K L Y C 1 1 K O N IC I. K
will b- fnr-
. nished for one vear lor $2.'.
, cash in ad-
! -rin, 5,UVPJ) ttuit lias attended the use
- ... . .. .... ,.t . .-.,;, ii.
.inn.nt in the relief of oain and ill curing
i ,. ........ ,,., i ,u. r.K
' of aiedicic.e. has ncen tritely remarkaWe.
! Hundreds supposed to be crippled fcr
i Ida with arms and legs drawn up crook-
ed or distorted, their muscles withered or
i contracted by disease have been cured
through the nse of this remedy. Price
- ,iv
iw, and UX) per bottle i or sale by
j the Snipes-Kinersly Prug t o.
' HTm, ""-
The best salve in the world for cut,
bruise, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevef.
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, o. iuoncy refunded. Price 25 cecta
per box. For sale Dy Snipes A Kin
ersly. I