THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15; 1894. SO TIME TO The Weekly Chronicle. WMK DALLBa OK BOON lalmd t the vttme at Th Palle, Oitwti, m ikvuiI rlM stall Malta. tats orriciALs. . lniiom 1.HUI7 ittiHts UK klm-alvl Tr I"liMt Ucto H-ul Public tastructtua tt. M Irani AlUn J Ir. imt1 C. M. Mleiuaii . . I J. N. iviph J J. U. MllrheU S B. IteraiailB K. kill IM Printer U.U-U coi'nty orrictAL. fMltl Jud.-. lltwiL Clark TlMHI OnibM oners .O C. BUsekv ... T. J. I'rlwer A. M. kelaay Wm. M it" hell t frank Ktncald V. K HI'eC Bumur npcrtntMxWat ol Public VMJa Oafuaer . U. Wetwta . .K. V. Sbarw .Tror sixMiey . . U. Hutu versus Corning protnl to hav an at tractive and Illuminating influence. On of th malt ot th trial may b diecouratfenieat of public and prorulco out kissing at nieaa ot raising money. Kitaing lor rvnu only it not th Ideal styl ot osculation. ' Somehow, it hasn't th right flavor." A FOOLISH COSTEST. COMPARATIVE PRICES OF AS I XALS USEI FOR WD. A sludy ot price in great market i iaterting and useful to producer and cmtomer. Present market quotation! lor cattle, hoy and sheep at the Union Stork yard , Chicago, auggeet tome n pe tal lessons as well at some thing hard to satisfactorily explain. The variation in prices for cattle showt a wonderful difference, owing to quality. Th highest price In th report at hand i fG.40. Few tell at this price, or even at any price, within a dollar ot this. A considerable number, however, sell at from 4.50 to f A much larger num ber, not counting inferior slock, tell at from 3.23 to 14. Oue fact will never b aatisfactorily explained to feeders, and that is why good cows and heifers should sell at mocb lower prices than do steers f similar quality. At present f1.50 is bizh price for a ccw or a heifer of teallv good quality. Calve sell at lower prke than good fat rattle. Many in fcrior cattle are being forwarded now, did selling as low as $1 per 100 pounds. Tbe quotations of price for "cannert' do not inspire one with a great desire to at canned beef. Th variation in price for bog is snach lets than that for rattle. Exclud ing cells, the greatest difference in price at report at hand is TO cents per 100 poandt. At present choice heavy bogs ewtsell tbe best light, rig and verj fight bog sell at relatively low prices awrtlv becaoee of eireseiv supplies of the c!ase. Xattoa oax lit to be the cheapest meat fcr consumers. The highest prie quoted far sheep is $.!.2o per 100 pounds, and tbe great mas of th sheep forwarded sj) at considerably less than $3. Lamb teach a somewhat higher pritje up to I per 100 posnds in extreme cases. At Uti season tbe pelt with it fairly grown woof isaa important factor. Receipt bare been unusually large. Tbee low price should stimulate the demand for niton. Prairie Farmer. Th republicans in congress have noli thus candidate who were defeated for a seat in that body, and who are desirous of contesting the election ot their oppon ents, that they must rely upon th just ness ot their individual causes, and not upon th overwhelming republican majority. Thla is perfectly right and proper. It is a pity that Mr. Kate, th lat republican candidate for governor ot California, did not gang his conduct by that same rule. Had b don so he would not hav inaugurated a contest with bis successful opponent. Mr.Ete may get th office, but If ha doe It will be because be has th might instead ot the right on bis side. Th election went overwhelmingly republican throughout the state, with th exception ol Mr. F.ste, and that b was not carried along with tb tide was hi own fault. A gen eral suspicion that Mr. Kste was en tirely too friendly to th Southern Pa cific was what left Mr. Est in the shade; that it was and not fraud as he would now bare th public believe. TIME SWAP HORSES I they bar an Immense amount ol money I is th only thing that make their mart ial wo, In th eye of the a mong er ot th East, ot sufficient Importance to burden th telegraph wires and lb columns ot tbe daily paper with. ow that they bar kissed and mad tip, 11 us hop that their bickering b not again lu HU ted upon th public. Many a better man bad a sharper torigued wife, many a better woman a wors hue band ; therefor, as far as their Individ uality Is concerned, their case is not an t ...... ....I 1. tunt uiiu.m.i t'Hr, ,hu mm iwii ......... . . - - Th school book question is th moat Iroportaut on be for th peopl ol Or, gon today; but it we can judge of pub lic sentiment by tha . xpratsloa thereof, as mada through th column of th newspaper, and we know of no better measure, the iustlon is already as good as settled. Our richacge Ilt contain at least one-half ol all th paper pub lished In th state, and cover all parts and sections of th state. A our young .t.n..rtt.. Irlan.l In Portion,! uid "fter ( .i. ,i t .i.......,.tt.. ..hit I weep, aithough last winter, -From th snow-cap. ! ,:,n or '' summit of th 8isklyo.s to th. smiling '''"- ' "" boom ol tha grand Columbia. ' ror j""- th past two months w bav carefully . . ., R ,h nilit inonrt talks, no ml Hi public a A HEALTHY UROWTH OSLT. There is every indication of a large migration from 5ebraka, the Dakota and Kansa this winter and next spring and Tit doubt a considerable portion of tha home-seeker will turn their beads ward Oregon and Washington. That lb people wbo will leav ar generally poverty stricken is said to be true. This "m ao crime and an immigration of people wbo are poor through failure of crops, instead of through sbiftleetne I by no aaeans an onmixed evil. Wasco county a furnish home for b a ad red a of fam ilies), bot it want those families to com ber of their own accord, instead of ba mg teatpted i.ere by falsa representa tioe. We want no boom, nor no boom c&awiGg resident, bat rather that class I peopte wbo read, consider and reflect before either leaving th borne they have or seeking other that they know naoght of. We are grow iDg in population steadily, and that growth is a healthy growth. Jy all means let .t continue at that. Kvery winter tha charitably disposed people, and the charitable societies here are taxed severely to support a lot of aww-comer wbo are beiple and shift lea. Tbe helping band extended to afar bo are unfortunate, where tick- j awor accident hav brought an extra vxprnse, is all right, bot to deliberately J iasport people wbo are unable to take car of tbetnselve is the lemi of folly. A stesdy, healthy growth is all that th reentry desire, all it requires. Th Oregoniaa think the ty-atem of maintaining convicts in tha penitent la rie a gentlemen; keeping them clad ia cltixeo clothes, and making trusties of them a failure, or at least thinks the system has not proved a suc cess ia the ttat ot Washington. Rea soning from tb same premises, all per sons do not arrive at th am conclo skms. Sow, it strike ns that th system condemned by tha Oregoniaa is th proper one. Th only trouble la Wash ington was that tb system was not car ried far enough. It on of th trusties had been mad warden everything would bav gone along all right. Ona of tha life-tim convict, if mada war den daring life or good behavior, would b. L 1 - 1 ... .J . k. ' I woo Id bav been content with that. He would hav seen that th books wer properly kept, and knowing that b had a "life appointment," b would not only bav don bis work conscientiously, but would bava become reconciled to hit fat. By all mean let tbe Washington legislature provide for officering the penitentiary with criminals wbo bav already been convicted; let tbem b raised from th rank. o to speak, for then th stat would know that there i no in v id km distinction between thoea tent to th pen, by the jadge. and thoe seat by th governor. KItSISf; FOR KEY E SUE OSLY. A peculiar soit is pending in New York state. Miss Mueller gave free kie at a cborch fcttival for tba benefit of th chnreb. A fellow with money in bis pooch attended and b planked down bis spondalir for a kiss. If got it and liked it, ai.d kept on paying and kissing aid ba emptied bis wallet. Thinking ver the tweetnes and satisfaction of the ofvulatory performance, La concluded to marry Miss M. that ba might get bit kise tree of charge. II proponed, she aoBBrnted, then be backed and declared It would not hang bit fortune to a girl who would dispens her klsse so freely, va if it was tor church purpose. And as ther I a rait for damage. Of this flair tb Washington Post ay: "Al rt tha lady wept, refusing to ba com Jortfld, and, after Indulging her grief for fortnight, sba went to see a lawyer and aw t lit for breach ot promise Is now oa court docket. Th rata of Moeller Tba ve.dict la tha case of "Banco" Kclley, tried in Multnomah eoonty for tbe murder of George Sayres, is not proving satisfactory to th public. In deed there is no reason why it shoolJ. If Keliey killed Sarre it was a deliber ate, wilfull, manciou and premeditate.! murder. It was that or it was nothing Tb evidence showed that Keiley de liberately planned and coolly executed the murder, and be should have been foond gniltyct murder ia the first degree. That or nothing. Tba verdict was sim ply a compromise forced on seven of tb urymen by tb other five, for tb seven either bad to report a disagreement or els yield. They took into consideration the expense to tha county of another trial and finally consented to tba lesser verdict, a tba best that could ba dona. It really look as though jurors grow mora tenderhearted at criminals become mora hardened, and tha mora aggravated tha crime, th mora chary tba juror about seeing tb full penalty Inflicted. Keiley shoold either ba banged or ac quitted. General Wad Hampton adrocatet a system of train protection to railroad trains against robbers. His idea is metsengert and shotguns. The remedy is not in this line. Train robbing will continue as lor.g as d d fool judges allow smart lawyers to pull the wool over the eyes of an ignorant jury. When the punishment is mada certain, speedy and severe, train robbing will stop and not before. Th o(TVne should b made punishable with death, because if mur der it not dooe. iu ymiiXa 'i ;r;-iriJ to do it if necessary, and if it it not d n it it simply because the resistance I not efficient to demand it. At long as Chris Evan and such at h ar made heroes of and sent to th pen instead of to wber they belong, that long train robbing will be considered a necessity by tbe criminals. . At it it tb government encourage train robbing and It itsolf criminal. Fenator Dolph Is vigorously champion ing tha construction ot th Nicaragua canal. It aught to ba built, and th Cnited State i oaght to control it. Mora power to hi elbow ia tha earnest wish of every busine man on th Pacific coast. "When your heart It bad, and your bead it bad, and yoa ar bad clean through, what It needed?" asked a Sun day school teacher of ber class. "I know Ayer't Sarsaparilla," PU op a little girl, who mother bad been re cently restored to health by that medicine. noted tb editorial ex nresaion of all ulj thstn oa thit question. That editorial expression has also been backed up by hundreds ot commuuications from teach r. school officer and parent interest ed ia th snbject.and it is practically unanimous. W feel saf in saying, therefore, that the sentiment ot th state is also unanimous, and that senti ment is against any material rhang in th school books. With regard to th grammar in use, there tt some differ-, nc of opinion, som sensibl argu-' mentt 11 ng mad at to th adopting ot on system ot grammar, Instead of us ing on kind for on grade and tuothrr for a higher grade. Soma six week ago, in common with our contemporaries, we expressed our opinion on the matter and Inrilol a discussion ot tha subject in tb columns of Tut CuaoMU-it, and enpecially in vited th opinion ot those w ho thought otherwise than w did. Up to dat no on has i pre wed dissatisfaction with tb opinion therein advanced. W hav been tiling th present system of books for a number of years, and tha fact that lb maker of torn other series ot books bare suddenly discovered that their beuks ar better, is at lst capa ble of being thought not entirely disin terested. Th change of book would Inflict a harden on hundred of parent who resource ar already taxed to th ut most to keep their children comfortably eJad, fed and la school. Th richest man, unfortunately, doe not generally j raise tb largest family, but th revert of that proposition ( true, ana tno who hav th least worldly goods ar most richly endowed with pledge of aflVctioa, at though a bounteous, bat in- judicious Nature wool J countrt -balance tb niggardlines of Fort'la by giving more generously ot alt tha had to give. J Thus ia changing school books the heaviest tax is throan aputi th poorest person. Th interest ol .th parents, ot th children, and thereto. of tb state, all demand that for lb present, at least, th school books b left at tbey are. Tbit it tha sentiment of tha nswipaper of th stat, therefor, at we hav said, it i fair to preauui It is th sentiment of tha readers ot those paper, for, after all, th press is but th mirror that re flects the opinion and sentiments of th pqbHr. W hav no doubt that when the superintendent vote on the question that vole will ba i-cactieally unanimous ia favor of retaining the present system. demanding th building o' th Nicara gua canal by th government. It will b strauir Indeed it they do not get what tbey ask. Th legislation ot thit country for year baa been mot favora ble to th eastern state thaa any ol lists, and it is now time that that East con cede something to th balanc ot tb country. If It dors net do ro, It may find itself short ot friends when It tee! them most. THE MARKETS. V A WINTER S GREAT VALUE ENTERTAINMENT. WEEKLY NEWR for LITTLE MONEY. OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. Jew York TJeeldy Tribune. a twriitv-pag journal. Is lh leading Kapiihllcau family aHr of il.. I oiled Males. It Is a NATIONAL FAMILY I'AI'Klf, and ws all th (eneral news of the I'nlted Mate. It give th event of forsWn lands in a nutshell. It AUUldl.tTK 1 1, department has not" iwrior in Iho country. It MARKET KKI'OUls are rw.vnle, . Ilioritv. heparai ilfparl clients for THE Ft Ml I. Y t'llU'l.E iiiii YOI NU lot k. and M IENCE AMi MK IUMl H. U jUJJ AM MH'lr TV i Junius command tli admiration of tb ! ln,j daughter. It genera) political news, editorial and dUrinstit comprehensive. Prlitiaril and exhaustive. A MK IAI. CONTIJAfT enables n to offer Ibis splendid Till: WF.KKI.Y t IIKOMl l.K for ("iirnal tj MUST BE A MISTAKE. A dispatch of tb 8th tart : lh textot tb Connecticut supreme court's opinion ordering a re-trial ol Ir. J. K. Le, after acquittal by a jury fur murder, lb first record of the kind ia tb state, is given oat today. It main argument ltli point that th old lisb common law was so cruel that judge then wisely held that aa accused person altera jury acquittal, could not b put in jeopardy a second tiro for tb taut offense; but now that th old law has been relaxed, tha criminal ought not to benefit by former practice, and justice be thwarted by error of judicial ruling. Tha court of five jo-lues was unani mous In the opinion. Th opinion was written by Jodg Hammersley. It doe not seem possslbl that th above dispatch can be true. If so the sooner those judge can b superseded by other with mora common tense, and lest legal learning, lb better tor th peopi of th state. One that gate It opened there would b no end to liti gation, no tafety to individuals, and In a short time no regard for th law. A man one arrested for a crime could m kept at tbe pleasure of the judge whom ba it brougnt before, ami though ac quitted, could ba re-tried until Anally a jury might b found to convict him. Lawyers would rvel in fees, and coun ties would li tnamped with court ex penses. The Orecoman is somewbat mistaken in regard to Klein and Savage, and th powers and authority of th United Mutes eonrts. Ravage and Klein ar both ia tb power of th state, ol Oregon, and with all due di-terence to I'ncle Bam, the whole United btate it not big noiigh to take tbem out of it. The stat having taken possession of then peopl for tha purpose of trying them for an offens against ber laws, is su preme. When tba stat of Oregon is through with thsm tha United tates court can meet them at th penitentiary doort, and do what tbey pleas with them but not before. And now come th report that Mr. and Mrt. W. K. Vanderbilt bava mada np. These people, nnbappily married, hava been washing tha family linen In public for some time, and tha fact that Ther is llttl or no change in tb staples, beat maintains Its price, but th bear knocked It dow a temporarily at Sound point a cent or two a bushal last week. Th' artivats her bav fallen olTUrgelv on account nl the bad condi tion of the roads, and tha further fact I that lh larger portion of th crop has been delivered. rotator ar firm, but price remain unchanged rating front ftO to "0 rents r sack, th former bring th usual price, th latter lor a small lot or two ol extra quality. Hogs bav fallen off, M pr hundrwd being th th standard price, though on small lot from Klickitat, la extra condi tion brought Wednesday 3.60. Fgg ar quit plentiful at 30 rents. Tier is an abuadanc of vegetables, cabbag. cauliflower, beet, turnip, car rot, onions, celery, sweet poUlor and ions radishes and vttang onion. Orange ar plentilul and cheap con sidering lb rtrliness ot lh season, as ar also lemons and bananas. Apple ar at alt price bvraus tbey ar of all qualities, so tnat il I itr poaai- bta to set a price. They rang from SO cents to 1.50 tt box sad even higher. Writ 4t 30 to Sic per Pa. Ba tv Price ar op to AO to oiV cents per 100 II. 0ts Tli oat market is light at to to HO cent per 1 00 ib. Fuca Diamond brand at 50 per bbl. per ton and f'J 73 per bbl. istail. II av Timothy bay range in price from f 10 to 12 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hav I in lull stock on a limited demand at f 7 60 to 1 9 1)0 per ton. Potatoes M to 75 cent per 100 lb. Brrrta Frrah roll butter at 35 to 60 cent per roll. F-xis i(xl fresh rnr sell at "J to 25 c. Pon.Ttv (ioud fowls ar quoted at 12.25 toi'.'.75 per doen, turkey n rent per lb. Iliar a Mi'rrox Iteel catti ar In lesa demand at 11.50 per 100 weight gros to t.'.OO for extra gnod. Mutton is now quoted ai 1 to 3 rents per lb. gross. Pork offering- ar light and price arts nominal groat weight at 3 cent U rea1 . Tana oacccaixt. Corrta -Costa Rica, Is quoted at 2tc per lb., by tha sack. ralvador, 23e. Arbnrkle, 2.V. Hrosa 4kldn C, In bbl or sacks. IS 25; F.xtrn C, 5 50; lry granulated CO. Ii. li., In 30 lb box, 2 25. Fx C, 12 25. liC 00. Kirs Japan rice, fit, (47c; Island, rice, 7 eta. Baaas fciuail white, 4(M', Pink,'tc per 100 Hi. Svai r 12 00 to 3 00 a keg. Salt 1.1 ver pool, 6t)lb k, 60c: 1001b sk, fl 00; 2()lb sk, 2 00. ftork salt, 110 per too. cri.riirB 2 cent per pound. mnss akd rt'ti. Hiora Are quoted as follow: Pry, 2e Ib; green, 1 1. tnr.r PkLTs 25 f 50 ea. IWmklns, 20e lb for winter and lUks for summer. Irresaed, light f 1 Ib, heavy 75c lh. Hear skins, Sn g!2 ea; lieavrr. f.1 60 lb: ottnr, l-'i; fisher, tifit 5 60: silver gray fox, lu"125;,l 25; grey lox t2 60ft.l: martin, llc'tl 25: mink 60crrf5."c; coon, 6Jc; coyote, 60c(r( 75c. ((aim Baos 6' j to 0", each. ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, Onh 1 ax AcIvaiioo. (Tli regn'ar suWripllon lor lh twn pawr It 12.50. ' H KlfTIONS VAV UtulS AT AV tddre an .d to CHRONICLE PUBLISIIINO CO. IMF" Writ vour name aifl atdre on a postal rarl, send it to ti surra W. fUt K.x.cii 2. rribnne linil bur. Nsw York City, and a sample ropy ol Til K Sft YOKK WF.KKI.Y TIMIM'NK will be mailnl to you. ' Meesh-a-lavis shuma-lapaltic ka apachlapoo ta ish kadoo." FIBST t Grand flasqaerade Ball, oivrx nv WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. 0. QH NEW YEARS EVE.t DECEHZBER : 3 lot, : 1694, At Wingato's Hall, Tho Dalles. The following prizes will bo given: UNF. FANCY FHl'IT tI.II-IWt Dustaine,! UJy Cliaracter. ONK FANCY Ml A VINO h FT- IWst rMiUiad (ientlemao Character. ONF. M A MCI It K S FT-Moat Comical lus-ly Character. ONK FANCY CAKVINti rKT-Mt Comical (i.olleman Character.' ONK ArrntH'III VTF. ritIZK-tW.l lprent.l Puck. ONF. APPIiOpKUTK PK1ZF-Iit Iprente. naw. Prizes on exhibition in L. Korden's Show Window. vv. fl. iturr, oHtrrsa o Asaot ar-ra VYII.KV. F. J. J . ni'Fru, ii. F. W. U fKlBBI. WAKF.FIFI.P. axcarnna owatTTaa: JOHX MICIIKM., A. A. KF.I.I.F.It. F. W. I f.KinBK. F. MKNFfW. F. II. WAKKFIKLIi. A. VY. HKANNFR. T. J. !KIVER. K. II. IH'FUR, Ml. O. C. 1IOI.M8TFU. W. T. VVISFMAN, If. It. Itll'DF.LI DR. J. PUT! I Ell LAN P. Scott's it - Emulsion the cream of Cod liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is or Coughs, Colds, 8oro Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Loss of Flosh, Emaciation. Weak Oables, Crowing Children, Poor Mothers' Milk, Scrofula, Anaemia; in fact, for all conditions call ing for a quick and effective frf. aestt 4 Iswas, .T. ANOrtiteMl. Me.iatl Itr. MlleKrav Pl.irriicam RtirrMA XUH, WLaK sj AC ka. Ai tlruaalala. ool kc. TlOlLOtH, fSX.OO, On sal in all tb principal business boBM and by memlier ol lh trio. Positively no (jnestlonahl chs racier admit!' Grand March at 8:30 P. M. sharp. Music by Dufur Bros. String Bani I aoeeeasn, to panl Krelt A ( a DKALF.R IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And tha Most Comnlet and latest Pattern and Itesipn in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPEB 1ACTICAL PAINTF.R and PAPER HANtiER. Nona but tha bet hran v: MAHUKY'M PA I NTH n.( In all oor work, and nona bqi Aferit tor Masury I.iiild PainU. Nch" A Orst-claas articl in all color. All orJ PRACTICAL of J, most skilled workmen employed. lce combination or soap miliar, promptly attended to. Store and Paint Bhoo oorner Third and WMhinclon 8u.. Tha Dallti. 0r THE DALLES LUMIiEUING CO. INCOHPOKATROItlPm No. 07 Wakiiinoton Street. . . Tub Daliku. Wholesale ami ReUII tHwIera and Manufacturer of RuOdiii' Miierul uj Dineuioa Timber, Doon, Windows, MaUiB fluasf Fornlstirp, EU Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit snd Fl" Boxes and Packing Cases. VAotorr nct Znimbar "V-ct at Olct 3Tt. XJ" DRY Pino, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city.