S f 1 r i i l it II xonuk. vol THK DAIXKS, WASCO COUNTY, ORKGON, SATURDAY, miCVMUVM 15. ISDJ. NUMBER .-!. I I m I I II it. - mum mm mm mm w & e a w. m at-i aww-r aw i ..l. U II r V n ft YV w i j ii iv .. . ii i ii . ii ii ii ii 1jr'nv'fy. u if -v v x vy x .wi av ' - a . x -w -rarx a.- 3FAJFLT a. IV. HIE OTHER SIDE TOLD I'iiikMi Account of (In inciiliiii Out rami's. vtlLISTS l 1 HE KLICIISTAC; Hill lelrwdwred to rrwaeeute lkm fr H. rasing lot heer ika Halter--Sew r ,! MlalMtt. call hi if attention to tlm necessity of ( strengthening the common la again! W, ......., IVc. Il -riii T.irki.l. i ''' llfcTt.Ml to undermine the ,4l...n U. rrcclvedlhe folio, lug old. I.I '"'J' i,iiin;iini( atioll . "Armenian agitator j Hie mtuailou limmimi trlll.al. ,!, 1;. j 1 their apirain In the steep, l.nsu.,., Dec. II. -The Glob thii ui.mntain of Talourl, situated helnreu . ,((,.,,,,, prima letter from a ltrllUh 'iitii. 'n lli" otithweat of Moiiah, rmiilrnt of I'l.ina. K ho oi-cupirf a poal Vilatrlu i' llia'. and th .tl.lrlrt Cull.. ii,, ,, , llit i,m u, tomh with , M ilrmr ', of titrnil)l, iMinhiiir-l ' , mainlailiia and luaotra. He tart: Lhi-ir f ir.raa. I'm Inotltfalion of a i rta,n ; IliinparU mm, who, und. r the aumd ' l . ; , I nam" in .Muurei, airraur givuiK ir.iil" In Ihcae rrgiot. Thla ltam lrli.piiin allrr havli.g rigUl year tu lir-l mliclno In a civil n i.o..!, and ! lM. ipalr.I in the Olaordcra oi i onp x"t. ""I to Allien and thrnce to i.fiioa. Iln aflrr went ilirgtiiar.1 ami cln under an aMtiinwl naaie hy ,1 A)rtandrl from lrkbro to l.. nglihorhiKxl of l;lt)i, and he Vgan wiltioti agitation, t.-getlirr with live ..:l,rf in'litidunl lie h given iMwitlve ! , , , i Miiri.cr to the creduloti tevp!e that re eat a foreign ageol backed by all the r.unipeati jwer In hi plan l pW '.I. T ifVith aulhuritlee. Me aucceedrd lliue in gaining to hi criminal end Ar menlaniof the village ot hlnef, himal, iillli, (iiuat, Al.l, llrdeiik, .inank, I'lirlind, KltTaid. Mouaaolie, K.tck. Akd- eri a. wy,,.. onghof TalouH.inprlting foiirdi.uict. j - II - - .1 . ..I il.. M 1.. .vtw uirtt llianrgeTii vniirr i oinii, ui Hanipart(tni abandoning, toward the iatter part ol July Utt, their reaprctie tiliage, and having placed In Inaccwi tl tixit their wive, children and be iongmg, and ercuredj the eoiratioo of other Armenian inturgenl thai came Irom the valley of Mouth and from i'vi', of ('alb and Svlran, atcml!ed to (ether, numlf if.g more than 3,lW, at a pUi-ei alled Knlu(lk-Igh. Kite or ail !.undre. decided to fall un Mouth. They liegan by attacking the trit of iKriikan. in Mount (Vtrliuk, In the eoulh .1 Mouth, killed a few of them and rt.l .c.l them of their b"louging. All llit Mutoelman that fell Into their band were Intuited in their religion and murdered In imt horrible f4hion. lirgular tro,.p in the helgliborhooil of Month were aleo attai ke.1 by Ihcee In- fiirgenta, who, however, did not dare to tl.u k Moutt lUelf. owing to the ttrong military furct of the town. The rell, together with other reliel, attembletl at Knd.mk'liagli, orgnle. and then Hvarated and atulte.l furioutly the trilx-t rloe at band, committing horri Me crime and drpredatlone. They burned alive nephew of Kumrr Agha, and ataaulted and niiirderrd Mutaelman en of tlirro liouae In the village of 'iilll (iurrt. They also tortured many klui-elinaii, forcing them to kit the rrot. i.iiltitiir their eve out, cutting Ihe.r ear olT anil ubiuiltlng them to the miMt liorribls Indignitic. After Laving broiigiit ronnternation and liatli "iiong Mnatelman and Chritliau alike, Ihey refiiMt.1 to tirrender,and continued 'bnir criminal prix ceding. The regular iriopa were ernt to the Hit to put down their reUlllon. Chief llampartaoum "e.1 to m high mountain with 11 no rite. Hewa captured alive, bill not "illiont killing twoaoldier and wonnd ihk ai x . lly the end of Angntt all the inttirgentband wcrediperod. Women, children and Invalid werw treated willi hie conldrtion, and according to the dictate of Ialauiliin anJ humanity. The Intiirgent who were captured will pnnliihed by law." I.OMM.M, lec. 11. The Pally New to luy pnbliihea a three-Column letter from ''nttantinople. The writer ay from H the evidence lie ha teen able to Mthr.r In regard to tlm number kllied nd the village dettroyed the Armenian "iil rage cannot be compared with tlmee '( Uulgarla. The Kurd believe the gov ernment approve of the outrage, and nnlet they are dealt with a Canadian or American would deal with the red Indian, under linllar clrcumatance, it.ey are incapable of nnderRtanding to lh contrary. If (ireat Hnlaln and Untia Jointly Innlut on reform there lie a chance of aticce, liecniiee in iiKof need thoy can compel attention. The lliimin Iteletolag. llrnt.iN, Ve. U. Tlm reichitg wan 'rowded liHhiy in eipei tatlon of neeing ' iting acfiie ovnr t!ie motionof ('bun cellor llohcriloho to pronrctito I ho iioclnl- 1st who refused li reond t' tlm presi dent' call fur cheer lor the kaiser laat Thursday. Prvtldcni vmi l.cvetow opened Dm sluing ami read tlm petition of tlio public prosecutor for the prosecu tion of offending luti-. T)i e tlllon wa referred. Chancellor Ifohen 1 die llirn rime and read the budget statement. After Intimating that lie would nut follow m all thing in the way i( Ida preilccessor, he dwelt upon tht necessity fur fluaiica reform ami rear rangement of the relation between the empire and Individual stales, and ex panded Dm idea sel forth by the em peror in lii speech. Iln concluded by "A tii-ly mav oirur any day. and ,rI, t,e Japan come In night of the ..... . . . capital 1 Hvl o ruin ttvrrjr lorcigiier w iil ! umired. The f.iniiifn uiinlatrrt ill M.,ir a -rfrct!y Inaane ritk if they rrmaln ll.rre aflrr iro ha clowd the j,rl of Tien-Tmn. The grcotwt danger it in the fji t that neatly all the toldicr are luruiljer of a arcret lociety, w hit h i tradv to breakout at the Urat chance. " l(al4 Mmttmf l-r Itie Kul. JtLtrt, Meilco, IVc. 11. !elfln Sau i.. . ..:i...i ...... ...i. ..i vi i... ,. ,, . . , , . returnru from I an and London, where he aaya lie haa tui-ceetled In wurlng the re.tiired amount of capital for the build ii;g of then ten ilon of the latrr-Oceanlc railroad from Chllla to Acapulco, on the I'acillc roat. Conception from thiaex tebniun wa ohtainol from the govern ment by haiichrf mini lime ago. The roail will croM the h.iTra iiinunulii, nJ Krrl engineering feat, mu.t u ,cX)ml,1,,l,j- Ixiaoox, Ieo. 1 1. Concerning the tttpenaion of the mercantile tlrui ot I'm, Hall A Morri and it connec tion with the financial criai In New foundland, Mr. Morri, junior member of the Arm. raid today : "The autpen- tion Wa ordered owing to the death of Kartner Hall, and the conaeipent nece ity of ascertaining the position of the firm. I am unable to tay to what ex tent our failure i dun to the New found land critia." Hlaltlerlal CrlaU la Italy. I tow, iH-c. 1'-'. I'retideol lUancheriof, of the chanilier of depntlet, ha reeigned in ointe.iieineof the action of the cham ber yeaterda in appointing a coiumi ion to comider document relating to politician involved In the llanco Ko mana ecanual. hi rcpoi ted that the rommiision ha already unearthed grave nan Jail, and a miniiterial crir'.i may reult from the ditcloturet. Vtlll kargtd a Atorltt. UiauoN, loc. 11 The death of I'ugil it Smith from injuric re-eivel in conteit with Dummy Winter lecciu bor 7lh, ha resulted in the arrett of three r porting reporter, the timekeeper and the promoter of the fight.' They will be charged a acceetorle to the manslaughter. Maniac mt llovally. MN-iiTKR, IVc. 12. luthe private chapel of Katon hall, I'riiu-e Adolphu of Teck, brother of the Iuchce of York, wa marrieil today to Udy Margnret Oronvenor, third daughter of the IHikeof Weatinintter. The wedding i regarded a the greatest k1I event of the year. Thraa Tralnrabber Arretleil. Wichita, Kan., IVc. 12.-A deputy United Htate marshal lait night arrested at Terral, I. T., the three bandit who roblied the Kock Ialand train at Ked ICivcr yestenlay morning. They have Uen positively IdentiOed by passenger, who were victim. Nuulharw a'arlAa Train Wrerksd. Ham Fbanciho, IVc. I'J. The Houth rrn l'acillc' west bound train i reported to have been wrecked near Collax early this morning. 1 he locomotive and two mail car and the exprex and hatrgnge car were derailed. N one wa injured. Ikixim, IVc. It. The Clyde yachts moil are eatisfled with the replv of the New York Ycht Club to Punraven' challenge. They lieliove Carter ought to Mil the Hrltlsh btt. Jatantu t'aplare Kit l hn. I,.., IVc. II A Tien-Tain ilia patch that the Japanese have cap tured Kiii-Chow. W miU north of Khan llaikwan. All i reported unlet at Wahu. Aniry reeling Atm rreli.era. I'kkimi, IVc. II. The migry fe ;,ng of tho Chine population here nKimt foreigner I incnminif. HACK TO H.lliliAHISM Tin. , Japauf'si Aci iisi'il of Atrtxioiis CniflticM. THE ISIAL WEthLV KDITIO lle 4 ltr! Aliterlesn l:rv.llitliua Mslalur Ktsfly li Anulu Iterelve I he r.t,ellerf He HI.. I a III. WlMfitou, Kngland, lcc. 1'.'. Sir Jotjii Thompson, Canadian prime in'iii-ter, died at Wiiidr today, after a meeting of the privy roiineil, at allied he an -oru In a a iiieint-er. Alter Mr John had Iwcu (wotn in at privy eoiiiieillor, be sat at lillicheou with Maripiii l:ioii and otheri, when he waa aiiddeuly taken til. A doctor wa aummoned, but Sir John was dead before hi arrival. The queen ha ii' I yet leti informeit of the death. The body wa remove,! to the Clarence tower of Windsor, w here an in .(ileal will Im held. Thompeuii had a colifvreuiv etterd4y ith lrd i:iMn on the subjects of inter colonial coyright and the importation of Canadian cattle. He aent to Wind tor yesterday afternoon, accompanied by lii pon, secretary of state for India, and Koaler, postmaater general, Il it preumed heart disease, wa the cause of hi death. He waa taken ill immediately after eating luncheon. He wa one of the (peaker at meeting of the collonial Institute last evening, ttarglsr). as a fine Art. Saita Ko, Cal., IVc. 12.- Un Mc Slierry and Bird Brumfleld, arrested here for stealing overcof.U trom the I'reibyteriau church Sunday evening, made remarkable confusion to A tistaut Iiiatrict Attorney I-eppo here to day. Both are young men, but by their own admission they have made an un rivaled record in criminal matter aince last tpriDg. They ay they started in Stockton by knocking down and robbing drunken man. At Sacramento they purloined a diamond ring valued at over I,000. At Ckiah they burglarired two tobacco itore and at Healdsburg, Hope land Cloverdale anl other place on the route committed many petty offense. The night they were arrested here they entered five churche bent on robbery. Had they not been arrested they would have burglari.ed P. Carither' tor here the next night. Brumfield is mar ried. Destroyed by a Tidal Wat. Naw York, IVc. 12. The Herald' Panama correnpondent cable the fol lowing from Santa Marta, capital of the department of Magdalena. He say that town wa inundated by a tidal wave November "lh. l'assenger arriving thence ay lhat heavy rain and strong winds caused the Manziuare river to overflow It banks. At the same time great wave from the sea swept over the city, washing away house and lorclng the inhabitant to eek refuge in church steeple and the loftiest building. Many poreun perished, but the exact number has not been ascertained. The town ol 1-aira ha completely disap pea red, and fourteen person were drowned there. SanU MartA does a big banana trade with tho t'uited State. Il i on the flier) of a bay of the Carib bean ea, and ha a population of aliout ,IH. Kevolullna Mrawwg In Salvador. 8 Francisco, IVc. 12. From all lhat could be learned on the steamer Colon, arriving from Central American port, preparation are quietly moving forward for the return of lieneral F.xeta. It wa staled that the people would Hock to his standard if he entered Sal vador with anything like a decent force of men. "There will be trouble in Sal vador next month," (aid gentleman on the steamer, "and I ihonld not be nr prised to ee a revolution over the elec tions. Keta ha many follower in the neighboring republic of Guatemala, and it is very likely that Kxeta will enter Salvador by way of Guatemala when he make: hi attempt to regain hi lost power." Barrio will not interfere with htm, for he ha troubleenough at home. IVspite the rcxirt which have been sent out from Guatemala, the Mexican troop are at her frontier, and the Mexi cans are talking fight. RannlDg In Heht Fast. Orrw . IVc. 12. The official gazette published yesterday show that during the past month $11,000 has (wen added to the national debt, t21 .000,000 In all having been added since hist year. The four mouths' statement show a decline of 17 per cent in revenuo from custom and a cmiHiderablo l.illing-olT in excise duties. Vhil there has been a heavy drop in revenue, expenditure show an increase. The national debt hu now reached '12 per capita of the population. The government ofihers uy thure will lie a faHirig-ofl in cui-toiii revenue for the whole year of 2"i per cent, and there will be adellciiof .', 000,000 a hen ti e yearly balance in struck. The minister of finance lust month Imrrowed 112,500,. 000, and ha stilt the authority of par liimcnt to Ujrrow IT.OW.OOO more with out obtaining further power. .Iaanefl irrH,d ut Alrorltle. Nrw Yokk, flee. 12. A cable to the World from Yokohama rny the Japan ese troops entered Tort Arthur Xovem ler 21, and iim-. re.l practically the entire populntion in coM blood. De fenseless und miarriied people were butchered in their houses, and t!:eir bodies tmseMkablv mutilated. There was an m, rest rained reign of murder, w hich continued three days. The hole town was plundereil, witii appalling atrocities. It wu the tirt stain iif"in Japanewe civilization. The Japanee, in this instance, relapsed into barbarism. All pretenses ol circumstance that justi fied the atrocities ere false. The civil ized world will be horrified by the de tail. Foreign correspondents horrified by the ectacle left the army in a body. A Mnrderoaa 1'racllcal Joke. IVloiih kki-mk, N. Y., Dec. 12. A the result oi a practical joke played on him on Thanksgiving day, William Ohearit of Wappinger'i Fall i lying at the point of death from bloo poisoning. Ohearn w asleep in chair in the bar room of Biiair hotel, when Philip I:ion and George Rush applied a hot copper penny to hi leg, burning him severely. The leg became sore, and he wa finally stricken with blood poisoning. He is now unconscious, and the physician ssy he cannot recover. Kion and Bush were arraigned, but were released upon their recognizance to await the result of Obearn's injuries. Kartsisjaakaa In Mtwaa. Washington, Dec. 12. The depart ment of state is in receipt of dispatch dated November 17, from Charles M. Caughey, consul at Messina, giving an account of an earthquake in that city the evening of November i. At Mes sina only two people were killed, but in the neighborhood it i estimated about 200 lost their live. The king haa sent 20,000 lire and Minister Crispi 5,000 lire for relief of the distressed. A postscript to Caughey's dispatch dated November 22, say. The panic continues, slight shocks are being felt every day. On the 22d there were two severe shocks. . .tee Takes All the Hlasoe. Sax Francisco, IVc. 12. In an Inter view to be publiahed in the Evening Post today, M. M. Katee takes upon himself all the responsibility for the ac tion begun In his behalf in the state supreme court to contest the election of James H. Budd as governor. Estee rays he can no longer allow the demo cratic pre and politicians to state that he disapproves of the attempt of his party leaders to investigate the alleged election frauds in San Francisco. Kllied by a drunken Indian. Ykcka, Cal Dec. 12. News ha been received that William Barreuiore. con tractor for furnishing logs for a targe mining ditch near Happy Camp, waa shot and instantly killed by drunken Indian named Captain Billy, withont the slightest wrong or provocation. The murderer has a reputation for being treacherous and quarrelsome. Hi vic tim wa a man of peaceful demeanor. Shot at th Judge, I.kxinoton, Ky., IVc. 12. Nes comes from Haxard, Ky., that Judge Hall was warned that if ho did not re lease on hail Jesse Field and Joe At kins, charged with shooting ex-County Judge Coomb from ambush, there would lie trouble. .Fields' brother, the county judge, was In court, and when Judge Hall refused to allow bail, Fields fired at Hall. Court officials caught Fields, but hi friends released him. Killed by a Rnrglar. Clkvkland, ()., Dec. 12. William II. Price, of the firm of printing-press man ufacturers of Chandler A Price, wa shot and killed this morning by one of a brace ot burglars whom he discovered in lied room at his residence, on Haw thorne avenue, and with whom he was about to grapple. Mrs. Price says as her husband approached themen.oue of them fired three shots at him. The burglars eacaned, and secured $85. HaaSy Malt for Damages. Oakland, Cal., IVc. 13. Today a damage suit for fM.OOO was brought a:iinst the Southern Pscific Railway Company by the widow of M. G. Sim rnonds, one of the men killed at the Web,r.er-treet drawbridge accident a'.xiiit two months ago, when a train wa derailed. Attempt to IJciM iil It in the Home I5i'u.ti'ii. C0CKKA.VS MOTION" TO' RECOMMIT llooae Committee an I'.anklns; and Cor ruy t ontluaea Its Hearing--Letters Head. Wasiiinoto. Dec. Dec 13. In th hou.-e today, Cochran's motion to recom Ljit the urgent deficiency lull with in structions to strikt.- out the appropriation for income hx v defeated; aye A'), noes CS. In the Weitate. WAsiiisiiTON, D-.-c. 13. Senator Bate, chairman of the board of visitors to West Point military academy, presented a re yiTi to the senate today, taking a stionj stand in favor of the change of the law which will increase the number of cadets to W, or one f-jr each senator and rep resentative and 20 for the president, in stead of the presei.t number, which I about 2-'j0. Blackburn moved in the eenate this afternoon that when the senate ihonld adjourn today it he to Monday. Friend of tho Nioraguan canal bill rallied, and tho motion wa beaten, 23 to 22. still Talking Currency. WAsHiNoro, D-c. 13. The house banking and currency committee con tinued its bearing today. Letters were read from W. M. Dana, editor of the Commercial and financial Chronicle, and It. B. Ferris, vice-president of the bank of New York. Ferris (aid: "There seems to l no good reason why the existing National banks who have United States bonds on deposit with the controller s lion Id not be allowed to continue as they are nntil their char ter expire or the deposited bonds are paid off. Secretary Carlisle's bill seems like forcing the bank to do what they have not been consulted about." Ferris advocated the establishment of central redemption agencies which would, he thought, enhance the elasticity of circulation based on the deposit of bonds. Referring to section 10 of the Carlisle bill, providing for the issue of note by state banks without the provis ion of it sinking fund, Ferris said : "It make the bill simply an inflation meas- ! lire modified by a deposit of 50 per cent j in legal tender notes and a provi?ion to cancel United Stales notes to the extent of 70 per cent of the rtw circulation iisue when the treasury ha the means to do it." The letter concluded : "As a bill to substitute National bank notes for a new isne it will be a failure, as it presents no inducements to the Solid banks to become insurers of ! the circulation of mushroom institutions and to stimulate to organized banks not I subject to United States inspection ie questionable." William C. Cornwall, president of the New York Banking Association, read a carefully prepared paper advocating sub stantially the Baltimore plan. Replying to ouestions by Warner, Cornwall said he thought the greenback and treasury note outstanding should be redeemed, but he v;ould perform this redemption w ith a low rate of bond. He also said he did not consider that part of Secretary Carlisle's plan relating to the retirement of treasury notes sufficiently definite. Cornwall said that a return to state bank note would bring about a return to countrfciting now reduced to a minimum. Newfoundland's Financial CrUI. London. Dec. 13. An official of the Colonial office stated today that the late government of Newfoundland had asked the home government for assistance to weather thu financial storm. Nothing had been done in the matter, he said. Such an appeal from a self -governing colony, In said, was unprecedented. The government would be unable to take action in the matter without the authority ol parliament. One of the manager of the Union bank of London said today that the Union bank of New foundland had always stood well with them. He expressed amazement that the bank should have allowed itself to be short of specie. Highest of all in i.eaver.lng Power. AB&3.3Ja.V PURE nsl,elllon In fern. New Yokk. Dec. 1 1. Advices from Peru, via Colonna, per steamer Alliance, are to the effect that General Pierola, who is in arm against the Peruvian government, I gaining accession. The general sentiment of the people appear to be In his favor. He ha control of several principal ports, and Is very strong in the interior of the conntry. He has a wel!-ctipjed army, and is close to Lima, the capital. The Pacific Steam Navigation Company steamer Puno , on her arrival, Nov. 10, sub jected to a riid examination by the government troopt to discover if "he wa carrying arms or ammunition. A com pany of soldiers remained on the boat until it arrivei) at Calluo, the rt of Lima, to prevent communication with the adherents of General Pierola, and to inspect all cargo landed. The same company's steamer Serena had a lively experience at Cerro Azul, the first port of call sou'h of Callao. The vessel had on hoard a detachment of government troop in charge of prisoners. As it entered po. t it set the usual signals for lighters, it not being known Pierola' force bad captured the town. A lighter apparently loaded witbsuirwr went along side the Serena. Those on the steamer were greatly snrprieed when the lighter wa found filled -vith armed revolution ists, who after a short ftrugle, captured the government troops and released the prisoners. During the struggle the captain of the Serena attempted to take his ve-el ont of the harbor, but a rifle presented at hi head caused him to change hi mind. When these advice were disoatched, Pieruta's for-es had control of the Oroya railroad, and traffic to Ancuo was suspended. The only railway in the conntry remaining in op eration was a short line between Lima and Callao. November 22 the govern ment fitted out an armored train with gattling gun battery, to carry 2,000 sol diers along the Oroya railroad, to drive off lha revolutionists along the line. As the train approached the camp of the revolutionists, 1,500 government troop deserted with their arms and ammunit ion and joined the rebels. The re mainder of the government forces re turned to Lima. The condition of the government troops is deplorable, owing to the high prices and scarcity of provis ions. The people able to do so have provided themselves with sufficient food in anticipation of a 30 day' siege. In Callao the marines on one of the govern' mentbn'ks mutined. To prevent the insubordination spreading, all hand were placed under arrest on bulk an chored between two government ships and all the shipping in the harbor was notified to withdraw from the line of fire. The mail steamers of the Chilian A Pacific Steam Navigation Company are subjected to search and inspection by each party, and are doiog practically no business. Tbe California C',,ttest- Sax Frencisco, Dec. 13. The hall of the htate supreme court was crowded this morning when the gubernatorial j election contest came on for hearing, j Ex-.Iniice Van K. Patterson and Joseph j Nonces appeared as principal attorney j for the board of election commissioners, j the defendants although n realitv they I represent the interestsof Budd. George j A. Knight and several other lawyers ap peared on behalf of the petitioner, Chair I man Cornwall, of the republican state i central committee. Counsel for Corn j wall, or Ktee, attempted to secure a de lay of proceedings, but were uneuccess I fill. Attornev Patterson, on tiehalf of the defendants, then oened the argu ment. Iln Oama In It Again. Montkveimo, IVc. 13. The rebels now number over 9000, they have left the mountains, beini; tired of waiting for amnesty. It is reported a buttle waa fonght yesterday at Santa Marta. A large quantity of arms were sent from here lat week for the rebels. The breach betweeu IVlmos and Da Gaiua j is healed. It is lelieved D.t Gan.a will I take command of a Meet awaiting him 'and attack Preside!. t Moreaes' ship ami I some coast port. Tornado In tienrfiln. Fohsytiig, Dec. 12. A territric tornado reached Forsythe at 3 a. m. today. Sev eral people were badly injure I and the loss to the town I fiO.OOO to f0,000. The Methodist church, valued at $1,000, was destroyed. People became panic etricken. Every store on the west side of the public square was nnroofed. Latest U. S. Gov't Keiort PowdH