The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 12, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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VRtae Batea.
Vicroa, Or., Pec. 7, 1M.
KiiiToa Chosulb: Thinking you
woald lik to hear from o, I will write
too a few line.
Oar little town keep (rowing right
We hv blacksmith shop and the
mith hue more thn he can do, to he
keep onr honorable mayor, A. J. J one
quit buoy throwing the large hammer
and it maket the color come to hi man
Our friend the barnes maker 1 quit
but t. When not working on harne
good, he pot in hi time repairing
hoe. Ant one in need of anything i
hi line w beepeak the work for him, a
be i a thorough mechanic at hi trad.
t We are having unite a good time at
tending meeting at the Baptist church
the meeting are conducted by Key
Jones, from the valley.
Co). Wu. tfelm wa with u tb!( week
Come asa!n Col. : you are alway wet
Mr. Riggalla, son-in-law of Eniick, got
hi leg broken, but Vr. Brown of W amic
wa called and the patient, we hope,
will soon be around again.
Hampton Kelley'a folk have been
dangerously ick. bat by the (killed
nursing of Pr. Powne of Tygh Valley
they are all getting along nicely.
We are going to hare a Christmas tree
and we hope it will be a success.
We will try to keep you better posted
boat our city in the future.
Mr. Jordan of Wamic ba a nice, clean
stock of merchandise, cheap for cash.
Our first snow fell today to the depth
of foor inches. It i cold and clear with
some indication of a change for the
Stork all look well and the farmer are
all in good spirits.
I (appose you are tired of me for this
time, so good bye until you hear from
me again. B. C.
The MtfMMM Werktr.
Last evening your correspondent vis
ited the I. O. U. T. people at Fraternity
ball. On entering the hall the first
thing to meet the eye was a beautiful
ilk banner, which bad been placed over
the chief templars station. On closer
examination we found it to be the new
banner of lb Juvenile Temple and is "a
thing of beauty" and will be "a joy for
ever" to the little Templars. It is in
reality on of the finest works of art in
the banner line in the state of Oregon.
It was designed by Mr. E. Joles and
oar art painter and decorator. Josh
Hardy, executed the designs tarnished
bim, in the highest style of the art ; and
it certainly does him great credit.
The Independent Workers initiated
oo gentleman on Monday evening, in
the most impressiv ceremonies of the
order. A goodly number were present
and the young people as well tba old
people of The Dalles, who want good
time one week, wonld find a pleasant
way to spend a few hoar Monday even
ings by joining this company of temper-
i workers. Know Nothimo.
Upeelatea Cue.
8. II. Clifford, New Caseel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
bis stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and be was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
tle of Electric Bitter cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III.,
bad a running sore on hi leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters aod seven boxes of
Backlen's Arnica Salve, aod his leg is
onnd and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, O., bad five large fever sore on
bis leg, doctors said he waa incurable,
one bottle Electric Bitter and on box
Bocklen' Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Orthodoxy Brethren, I have been
asked to many time during the last
week to pray for rafn that at last I con
tent, knowing however that it is nselecs,
tor the wind is stiff in the west. Har
lem Life.
10 li.ward, loo.
The reader of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there it at least one
dreaded disease that science ha been
bis to cure n all its stage and that is
Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Core is the
only posftive car now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being aeon
atitational dioease, reqnire a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken Internally, acting directly upon
th blood and mucous surfaces of the
ystera, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by boilding op the eonsti
to lion and aseisiitg nature to do its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in itaenltivativ power, that they
offer On Hundred Dollars for any ease
that il fail to car. Send for list of
Teatimonals. Address.
T.J. Cht A Co., Toledo, O.
tJt Sold by Druggists, 75c.
( thought ur I would los hint. I had
vertised and thought 1 would try It a a
last hop and in happy to say that after
two dose he slept until morning. I
gave it to him next day and a cure was
effected. I keen this remedy in the
house now and as soou a any of my
children khow ign of croup I siv it to
thetu and that is th last ot it." 50cnt
bottle for sale by Blakeley A Houghton
It would b ever so much better for
the democracy to have on good party
instead ot these numerous at homes.
Philadelphia Time.
D. W. Fuller, ot Canajoharie. X. Y..
say that h always keep Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and his
family has alway found th veiy best
result follow its use; that he would not
b without it, if procurable. O. A.
Dykeman Druggist, Catsktll, X. Y.,say
that Dr. King Xew Discovery la an
doubtedly th best cough remedy ; that
he has used it la his family for eight
year, ana it ba never laueu to uo an
that is claimed tor it. Why not trv a
remedy so long tried and tested. Trial
bottle at Snlpee-Kinerslys Drue Co.'
Drug S tore. Regular six 50c. and $ 1 .00.
Th trusted bank cashier will now
hare to take a back seat. The trusted
bank bookkeeper is having bis innings.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real
estat agent ot San Angelo, Texas, has
used Chamberlain' Cbolic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in hi family for ser-
eral years as occasion required, and al
ways with perfect (uccee. He say:"
find it a perfect car for oar baby when
troubled with cholera or dysentery
now feel that my outfit i not complete
without a bottle of this Remedy at home
or on a trip away from home. For sale
by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggist.
jir. Brown Sine they hav become
engaged, they just sit in the parlor, and
not a word passe between them.
Brown Perhap there i no room for it
to do so.
For the many accident that occur
about the farm or houteboold, uch as
barn scalds, bruise, cut, ragged
woonds, bite of animals, moequitoe or
other insects, gall or chafed spots, frost
bites, ache or pains in any part of the
body, or the ailment resulting from ex
posure, a neuralgia, rheumatism, etc
Dr. J. H. McLean' Volcanic Oil Llni
ment ha proved itma a sovereign rem
edy. Price, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per hot
e. For sale bv the Snlpe-Klnersly
Drug Co.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and 5trains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquer
Make nan r Deast well
hTlie lldiilor Line"
Tie Bab Portland and Attoria
Navigation Co.
Freiaat aodPaEsengeriJae
Through iVtily Tri.a (Sundays c
iTi tr.ll between Thr 'lli aud nrt-
. . . .. , -i
Jew York IVeeldy Tribune,
a twrnty-pagltirnat, I. th. lead I eg- It.imhlU-ait family i.r of th.
fulled kales. It Js a NATIONAL FAMILY I'AI'KK. an. twl.ii
. . . i . i i . i i u..llul i. i r
in. Krnvra n.w. ii ma i rtiMiw. hiw. tu. .vvnts u lorstra
lands in a nutshell. It AtiKICl'l.TUk Al. drjHirtiii.nt has no sV
periorin lh country. Its MAIlKKT UM'OliTM are rannl,
lliorttv. Separata dlrtmenta for TIIK FAMILY ClltCI.F Oil
AMI HH.'IKTY columns roiumand th admiration nf thl,MtaJ
daayhter. It general political ns, editorial and disru.vUwt iff
roitiprehrnslr, brilliant and eihaustlv.
land. Steamer lWn Uor leave
Dalle at 7 a.m.. rountvtiiig al th Cas
cade Uxk vrtlh Stramrr Pull' I lly.
Hiro.r ISilIw Otv lv"S rurtland
(Yamhill st. dork) n a. in., rwnmst
ln with Steamer kotrnlaUir mr Ths
a. oo
ln.4y .
KiHind trip
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All night, xctpt tar lots,
will b brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
! ...
I Mili'iiirnt. hr lort!nl rrrrnrU at
anv timet dv or mirht. M.Ii-iu.nt fur
wav lanilini nuit drlivvrml Wor
a p. m. U. stork -lrtx.
Call on nr aililrv...
J F. FORD, ETamelisL
A M'KOAL C)STHACT nhlM u lo off.r this ilndld luuni
V KKKLY I'll HON K I.K for nU
0al lit Actvuuoo.
(Th r(tir snuM-rlption fur th to )ar Is tl.M.)
'hiM Hirriuss may h.h at amy timk.
Addrr. all Ord.iS to
"My uk in life," said th pastor,
ebaplaorntly, "consist in saviof yoong
men." "Ah I replied th maiden, with
soolfol hutting, "sav a good on for
n. won't yoaT" Scottish American.
Any on who ba children will rsfiiee
with L. B. Mnlford, of I'lalnCeld, 5. J.
Ilia littl boy, fir year of ge, wa sick
with croo p. For two dsys and night he
triad various remedies recommended by
fa friend and neighbor. II ay : "I
Th impemnion young man who mar
rie a girl with a snbctantial checa at
tachel may very properly be said to
hav been checkmated. North American.
The succrsn that ba attended ih use
of Dr. J. il. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
ament in th relief of pain and in raring
aeee which seemed beyond th reach
of medicine, ha been traely remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to be crippled for
life with arms and leg drawn up crook
ed or distorted, their mosrle withered or
contracted by dieae have been cared
through the nee of this remedy. Price
'te, 50 and $1.00 per buttle. For sale by
the ni pes-Kinersly Drag Co.
A small boy in Austin, Texas, Monday
school was asked: "Where do th
icked finally go?" . "They practice law
for a spell and then they go to the leg!.
latore," as the pat reply of the observ
ing youth. Texas Sifting.
For a pain in tte side or chert there is
nothing so good as a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain' fain
Balm and boand on over the seat of pain.
It affords prompt and permanent relief
and if nsed in time will often prevent a
cold from resulting in pneumonia. This
same treatment is sore car for Ism
back. For sale by Blakeley A Hough
ton Draggina.
A Jab for Hlmek.
Waiiuivotok, Dec. 10. Representative
John C. Black, of Illinois, ex-commissioner
of pensions, ha been nominated
United frtate district attorney at
Chicago, vie Sherwood Dayton, de
ceased. SMlln't Attmrm aal.a.
Th be)t salv in th worid for .its,
brui nicer, salt rheatn, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively rare pile, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect sat in fan
lion . or money refunded. Price 25 cent
per bos. For sal by nlpe A Kin
ersly. Hmw tm Make M.B.y.
By preventing all Wasco county war
rants registered prior to January 10, 1891;
at my office and get your money for
them, and boy new warrant with the
same. Interest cease after this dale,
Dec. 10, W4. Wm. Michill.
County Treasurer, Wasco County, Or.
Hobby I hop God will forgiv m f ;r
ever marrying you. Wiley Well, h
may, bat I won't.
WW tteby ws rick, w. gmwm hrr (vtok
WW sb mm a CUUi, ah. crtod for Uularta,
WW sh. bwarn. , tba ckaag to Cwtorls.
WWa SM CLiilrrm, itia grnn Uxm CMCcrla.
"I understand that Wllloughby wa
half seas over at th nceraeil dinner."
" II wa calling Into th port
when I left." Harper' Bajtar.
Flora I don't always do onto others
as I'd hav other do unto m. Clara
Of coarse not. It isn't girl's plar to
propoe to a man. Life.
Cora Arthur says h' afraid to ask
you for a kis. Kdna It seems so. II
slwars take them without asking.
Town Topic.
Mr. T.'to tramp at door) I don't be
lieve yoo ever did anything In all your
life. Trsmp Oh, yrs'rn ; I've .lone
time. Trias Sifting.
Th Shoe A Leather bank's system ol
bookkeeping wsnlshall-soleing and heel,
ing. Philadelphia Krrord.
Th men not only hav to sit behind
high hats at the theatre, but they have
to py f.r them. Atchein ilobe.
(X m Xutumt,
f. B.
lama, v.lhp. .tutr 4w .4
Murk A. IMM
Tor IibaU mi Cbllmk
Carterl rsate Dls;tlo, and
vercrm t'iatulrury, Corwtltion, Hmjr
fttomarh, DUrrbov, and rmrln
Thus tb child la nmknKd hmlthy and it
sleep msttwrsd. Caatefisi contains no
Morphiita or other narcotic projiert r.
"Caa)orial.(.llatmatMl ta efalMroa thai
I maand K as lupwM to aav praarrtpuoa
kaova la rm." II. A. M. Ii ,
111 tooth Oxford Ht., Dmaiya, . Y.
"For anwra! yara I hm rmmmnflol four
Cannr1a,'aai a)iall ala.r natlnu. lodo
a. II has laTarlablr twndorl ma1Srial fmuttM.
f rn V. I-..M., M. I' ,
tSUi Mnat aa4 7U A&, Mm York CM 7.
"Th. mm of 'Oaatnrla' so aaUaiwtl aa4
ha iruviu to wall kaova UuU It 1 t a work of
mnm-ulna to mnH-m It. rn ar. U Id
tWliennt (aailllt wa do an kam faxim.
wituiaaa. raaca."
Cai0 atjarrs, T D ,
New York Oily.
Taa Cmmxeu Ooavarr, TT stumy Si rait. If. T.
Undertaking Establisftmeat.
Med. Mru. Co.,
Ihifar, lreitn.
On arriving home last arrk, 1 fuuml
all well and sniloiuly aaait:ng. llnr
littl girl. ight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to SH nHinds, it
now well, strong and vigrou, and well
fleshed up. H. CoUjch Cur has dons
Its work wall. Both ol ih children ilk
it. Year ti. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarsvne. front run.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. W isbing yott prosperity, ar.
Yours, Ma. A Ma. J. F. Foaa.
If roa mUm to fool frMI and eaarrfal. a4 raad)
tu Ik. Spfto s watt, elmaat roar 17.11 wiik
ta. Haalarfc aa4 Unf Cw, kf Ukln
tkra. . tar wwofe.
oht aiukfr s pialttT. tmtmiUm.
M mk sat knttl. kv .11 4raw.
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
r Writ vo'ir name and aildraas on a pntal card, sand II to ( ier. ay. IU4
It.vmi ?, Trilmn. Building. New York City, and a aanipl coiivof THE s
YoltK WKFM.Y ThlltUNK will b mailed to yoo. '
si. q-Ij is nsrisr
Furniture and Carpets.
We hav added to our business a
complete Undertaking F.slablishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
ov I'liueriasers jrust, our price wll
lie low airordinicly.
lr. MII.V Pain Pill. rare XruralKla
TAW I OUT J" A PTrITt rnr a
CTUt. P"T oftnum. wni. I.
Ml an r t itwan k. kt warisriFrar'
.ipanrar. la IM ratant kaMiM. c.ammnim
IbMiirvtliniMMilul. A lla.Saa.kof ia.
t'rmmtnm tmmi aiaa ana kw ta no.
Uia tba am Utm. Ala. a s Sawkaa.
kal w4 ajMnllA. knot aaat fraT uin tbrM.a Mun. t Co. Ittalit
SMmal antusinta. art.mi.r Aai.rlraa. an
that ar. HhcM wilif ttfnuw puMM.un.
oat Rat to ta. Hnmnuw. 1 hi. .
lam. wm-tlr. .Hantir HlaMrwi. ka . fiwiha
wrnat r anr wmiiii a.irk la la
W'jid. II iimi. f mt in..
nuiMing (viiuoa, awmibif, jia mart
try . i ., muta. ' - r-i M li.i.i
pfnl slatea, m aatrn. and MNibitrul. ot mw
ithum ia.
E( Ttt,.MTr1.M.r1ro(Hln1..rl.ll pal.
aat k-iaacmwiuci lor Moot a.TS fcf ..
Oua Omcs i Oaeoarrt O. . aaTtwT omet
ta4 w. cat 10 iaMWu UU UioM
f lanof. Iron Wm jin. 10a.
kud myd.1. (Irawinv nr ftkota.- wltk AmivIa.
lioa. W. ttfia, if lalaniabi. ar not. If, ol
caarfS. Crat fas not ... 1 1 II patanl It taoirtvL
a ammnrT, " I'MM't," wilk
eMt ol ws. in Ik U.g.aad fuf.iaa auaatnai
taint lat. AMt,
O-- - 'won' "'S.MIN'."- " 0 J
fr. MII'VNkrvr Pi.tnTKH.riira HIir.t'MA
TlHM, WKAK HA( it. Al (Irugtfl.ia, 011I f,
I'aln hut no .how with It. MIW Pain I'll la
All puln ItanLlmd tiy Iif. MlbV fain I'lIK
" Meesh-a-lavis shuma-lapaltic ka
apachlapoo ta ish kadoo."
Grand Masquerade Ball,
R. U.
WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. 0.
DECEIVIBER : 3 let, : 1894,
At Winfjate's Hall. Tho Dalles.
The following prizes will bo jjiyen:
OXK FANCY FltflT IlS-!.t Hu.ulnad l.dy Character.
ONK FANCY Ml AVINll NF.Tltt 8u.talnal (i.ntleman Character.
ONK MANICL UK fKT-Moat Comical Ily Character.
ONK i A N'CY CAUV1NU hKT-M -t C.milraUinUeina Chararter.
NF. Arril'lt!ATK -IIZK-Itest I(eprwaante. Itork.
ONK AI'i'ltOI'ltlATK I'ltlZK-ifeet Heprewnl! K.w.
Prizes on exhibition in L. Kordon'o Show Window.
IK .
roasjirra ov ssatai.tnsvrs :
J. J. WII.KY. F. W,
I. hklBBE.
a rrii loonirrsi:
F. II., A. VY. I'-KANN Kit, T. J. DKIVKK.
K. II. I.CFL'i:. Ml. O. C. IIOU.IHTKK.
W. T. WI.KMAS, II. II. l:lllKl.I, UK. J. lfTHFII.ANI.
TlOlLOtfJ, 01. OO, On til si) th principal bnslntw boos
ami by memWa of Ih trlh. t'oslllvely r. j utiestlonabi rhsrarlnr adroltls.
Grand March at 8:30 P. M. sharp.
Music by Dufur Bros.' String Band.
Blakeley & Houghton;
175 Second Street,
Tho Dalles. Oregon
A full lino of all tho .standard. Patent Medicines,
DrugH, Chemical, Ktc.
Country anl Mail Order will receive prompt attention.
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Il.ttga. Offlc of th U. P. It. n. Company, and offlc o( th Wtr
Union Telrnrraph Offlc are In th Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for lhe Safely of all Valuables.
IjAUQKST : AND : FINEST HfrTKi. . im . nilKGON.