The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 08, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Baser at tti pwmRra at Tu Dalle, Orrajon
u socood - saattec .
On year " J9
Mi months
Thro mouths
Adverttslnf rate reasonable, and made known
M applleaUou.
Address all communications to"THK CRRON
ICLK," Th Uallaa, Oregon.
T4 itoiiy and Werklv Chroniclt may
U found on Hilt at I. V. Nicktltrn'i ttorr.
Tc Up hone Xo. 1.
Advertised Letter.
Following it the list of letter! remain
ing In the poetoffice at The Dallea nn
slled for IVc. 8, 1S94. lroM calling
lor the tame will give date on which
they were advertised :
Alban, K J Baker, F M
Branner, Tod Bue, J T
Bell, J T falTin, A II
Ran, lleinruh Fenle, Ed
lti raid, A J (iinn, K J
Hardiu. J 11 Hall, H albert
llenderaon, Grace Miller, Mrt MA
Mitchell, Mrt May Morrison, Mr Nellie
llciiown, U Nelson, C C
Phasfau, Johanna Patteraon. J V
Perry, Mrt FF Rankin, V W
Ray, John Sanford, Miaa I.
Pberrin,?, Mra Schwildler, Carl
Sills, John Shroder, F.atella
Pnider, Geo Watton, W P
White, Mrt flattie Wilmn, 11 F
William, Ilaael Zellert, W H
J. A. CaoaaicN, P. M.
A M naked Kobbtr.
Ix. in, Dec. 5. L. Stenner, a
grocer, doing business at 428 Amelia
treet, wat robbed last night by a mask
ed man, who entered the store, and
presenting a revolver demanded hit
money. After going through the money
drawer and securing $2 and an old
watch, tbe robber fled and made good hit
''And you tay he wat detested by one
Tote?" said the professor. "Vet" re
plied his wife, who had been reading
from the paer. ''That's interesting;
wy interacting," he mnsed. It't a
positive paradox. It't what might be
ailed a lingular plurality. "Washing
ton Star.
"This government it going to the
dogs," he remarked, with a sob that
could not have been other than ceuuine.
"Oh, I shouldn't say that. Kvery na
tion hat its periods of unrest." "Yes,
but this ain't any period. This i" an
exclamation point." Washington Star.
Servant There's a horrid tramp at the
back door. Mistress Show him right
p to the best bedroom and then go out
in the street and shriek. Quick, or he
will get away. The As tors indeed ! The
Mrs. Jimpmm Don't you think, Mr.
Jimpson, it would lie a great benefit to
onr daughter if she were to finish lier
tinging leosont abroad? Mr. Jimpson
Give it np, but I know it would he a
great relief to me.
Minister "So you say that you saw
otne boys fishing Sunday, Bobbie. 1
bope you did something to discourage
them." Bobbie "Ob, yes, sir; I stole
tbeir bait." Harlem Life.
Young Lady I should like to give tny
intended a little surprise before our
marriage. What would you recom
mend? Lady friend Don't wear your
false teeth just for once. L'Odi Giotto.
Day You won't catch me going to
Keighbob't any more Saturday nights.
Weeks Why not? Day He flashed
one of those eigiis on me : "We close at
12 o'clock on Saturday. "
When a lover quarrels he shouldn't
shoot himself. Generally Seaklnif,
disappointment can be drowned suf
ficiently to cover the ease by getting
half (hot. Philadelphia Timet.
Jaggri , did your speech e on the stump
gainst the income tax have any effect?"
"Did they? Well, I guest yet. The
commercial agenciet raised my rating
twice." Detroit Tribune.
Cholly Weally, Mist Daisy, you are
vewy first girl I evei kisstted in all ine
life, dontcherknow? Daisy That's
quite an unnecessary statemeat, Mr.
May Had au awful accident on .y
bicycle this morning. Agnes Ueally.
May Yet. The wind stopped blowing
just at I wat passing the Oldchappy
Cholly Cbuinpleigh Yes, glove are
worn in bed at night to make the hands
oft. Mist Coldeal Indoed 1 Do you
wear nightcapt, Mr. Churnpleigh? New
York World.
How doth th little blushlnc maid
Km ploy each shining hour!
I. lb. aba In aobrr thought arrayed,
larn anowledg that U power?
Hay. doth aha mend hef father's anil,
And rook hia venlii ineal
And doth the make ber owu sweet Inirka.
N Ith adolescent aval?
Not much: not much. Hh knows it all:
fche dolh not need leaio.
fine thinks id naught but rout or ball.
And allien youth will be her n.
the bustles (or a diamond ring;
she carve not lor her dad.
Hhedia-e uot maka him anything-- -
r.oenl she makes him mad.
-Tun Hall.
A Too Mhorl Ksenlag.
The friendt of the Misset Lay, who
were invited to spend last evening at
their home, on Liberty street, are in
doubt at to whether a more pleasant
evening will be tpent during the winter
than that enjoyed on this occasion.
After number of garnet of whist, lunch
came next in order, and then, the ear
pet having been covered with canvas,
dancing wat indulged until the hour for
departing. The following were preteut:
Mr. and Mrt. Brlggt, IV. and Mrt.
Kshelmau, Mr. and Mrt. Hnbaon, Mr.
and Mrt. Gordon, Mr. and Mrt. Peters,
Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, Mrt. French,
Misset Florence Iewit, Mary, Kmma and
Minnie Lay, Dr. Sutherland, Messrs.
Fow ler, Porter and Kiddell.
lleresnber I, IHB4. aa
Jaaaarr IB, IMItS.
During this time the Dalles, Portland
& Astoria Navigation Company will tell
tickets from The Dalles to Portland and
return, including two meals on the
steamer Dalles City at $'.'.50. Tickets
limited to ten days from date of tale.
Regulator will leave at 7 a. iu. and
the Dalle City will arrive at Portland
at 5 :30 p. in. Quick transfers at the
locks. W. C. Allaway,
nov?2-tf lien. Agent.
We have made arrangements w ith the
San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in
connection with Tux Ciibonici.k. Hav
ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian
and N. Y. Tribune for our republican
patrons, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of the democratic
members of Tiik Ciiuosklc family.
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
Skui-Wkkklv Ciikomci.k will be fur
nished for one year for f2.2-, cash iu ad
vance. '
A nolo dated Oct. 23,1891, due Oct.
23, lH'iO for the turn of $3,500 payablo to
John Kobinson, signed by W. If. Stone
and C. W. Stone. All persona are
cautioned against purchasing the same.
JoH.t Robinson.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Ciiuoniclk is $1.50 and the
regular price of tbe Wkkkly Oheoonia
it $1.50. Any one subscribing for The
Cheonk i e and paying for one year in
advance can get both The Ciihonhi.e
and the Weekly Oriookia for $2.00.
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions a year In advance will be en
titled to the sauie otter.
The only time a man of experience
Uket hit wife into hit confidence it to
tell her he It not making any money.
Atchesin Globe.
Manager Why do you wear euch
large hat to the theatre? Lady To
match the price of seats. Detroit Free
Dix Willing had to fire bit pretty
typewriter. Hicks Did the make a bad
mistake? Dix Yet; the fell in love
with the head bookkeeper.
Lecturer The platform In the curlo
ball hat fallen. Managtr Any bones
broken? Lecturer I believe the ossi
fied man wat nicked in few placet.
For pity take don't growl anil grum
ble because you are troubled with indi
gestion. No good wat ever effected by
snarling and fretting. Be a man (un
less you hapiien to l a woman), and
take Ayer't Sarsaparilla, which will re
lieve you, whether man or woman.
Crisssy Were you hailed with joy on
your arrival home from abroad? Max
ence No, principally with duns.
For every variety and phase of the
many diseases which attack the air
paaKasre of tbe head, throat, and lungs,
Ayers' Cherry Pectoral will be found a
specific. This preparation allay in-
flamation, controls the disposition to
cough and prevents consumption.
Jack Alas! What cure it there for a
broken heart? Jess Get it broken over
If the hair is falling out, or turning
gray, requiring stimulant with nour
ishing and coloring food, Hall's Vege
table Sicilian Hair Kenewer it just the
Stern father He who sows the wind
reaps the whirlwind. Prodigal ton
Well, he raises thi wind, anyway.
Detroit Trilnne.
and rapidly growing children
derive more benefit from Scott's
Emulsion.than all the rest of the
food they eat. Its nourishing
powers are felt almost immedi
ately. Babies and children thrive
on Scott's Emulsion when no
other form of food is assimilated.
stimulates the oppetire, enriches
the blood.overeomr w.-iMino; and
gives strength hi all who take it.
For Coughs, CoWs, Core Throat Bron.
ehrtii, VVer.k Lunri, Emaciation, Con.
sumption, Blood Dl'tates and sit Forms
of 'Katies;. ,W far pampliUt. Fret.
ScottaBW 7 All DrawMs. 60c. tad tt
reed wheat for tale cheap at Masco
Warebou. tf.
Pain baa noahow with fr. Mllea' Palo Pllla.
All pain Imnlabod by Dr. M1W Pala I'll la.
' 'I. ' . . V-t. ill '.V
VYIsen I was a Boy
Writes rostiimstiT J. Woodson,
Forest Mill. W. Va., "I had a bron
chial troublo of Mii'h a persistent
and titublxit n character, tlmt the
dM-tor proiiiiitiiced it incurable with
ordinary medicines, and advised
me to try Ayui'a Cherry l'ectoral
I did so, and one lottl rured inc.
For the last fifteen years, I have
used this preparation with Rood
effect whenever I take
A Bad Cold,
and I know of numbers of people
who keep it in the house all the time,
not c iiisidcriiiR it safe to Ik) with
out it."
"I have Wn tixiii Ayer'a Cherry
PecUirul in my Imnily lor . year, w ith
the moKt satisf lory Ktoilf, and ran
cheerfully rrroiiiim-nil ie an Ix liig ee
cially uilitfcl in nil pulmonary coin
plitintt. I liuvo, liit n .iliv yrura, inuile
puliuoimrv ninl otln r im In inenK upeclal
stuilv, iirnl I havf cmie to the cnncluaiun
that Ajer'n t'hnry I'r. ti.rnl iH-rupies a
position pre-emiwm cmt mlier medi
cines lit the l.l " I'll.lH. 1ilVellMllta
D- v,.r, x. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
rrepar"' b' ' A jrer t Co., I-owi II. UuL
Prompt to act, sure to cure
The lady wat making some remarks
about the kind of clothet tome other
Indies at church had on. "The finest
garment a woman can w ear," said her
bustmnd, "is the mantle of charity."
"Yes," she snapped, "ami it't about the
only one tome husbands want their
wives to wear." Ietroit Frss Pres.
Too gnllant by far I .aura (old maid,
to her neighbor at dinner) You eat very
little, Mr. Jenkins. Jenkins (flattered
ami wishes to return the compliment)
Ah. Mis Lanra, to tit by you takes one's
tppetite away. Truth.
Timber-Culture, Final Proof.
t'. 8. Lad Orn a. The Dallw. Or.,
"X-t. , im. I
Notice I hereby irlvrn that I'harltti korhlrr
ha niiil notirvof ltitrtt!in U make final tiroo'
lM-fin Kiflf'teT anl Kr-lvrr al lhlr ofhre Iu
1 tie liall-, OrKon, on Saturday, the nth iia tif
lkmhT, ll, on tlmbr-ruliiire apfitlrtiilon
N.i i.ir7. Inr the W Nt' and HWi, K' and
NK'; kW',. ol pctfim Su. :), In towinlilp No. 1
Mmtii, ranire fo. I'muit.
Il lialnm ua vitnifiMtii A. P. Ilayn. Pufur,
On-a'iti; Krank Hathaway, kdward i,riltm, Kiu
twn Hayrn-. Ikiyd, 4 r-win.
ortil di-ei JAn. K. MDOKF., Iliflt.T.
Ndtiw I w hfrfhy Ivrn that fhr nnflnl(fTMl
tin Ihwm duly n il ii ti by tlj HunorHltlt'
ounty 4'oiirt f thv hUtH of Ort-tfon, for U tiM'o
muittv, itliniMltrrttrix ft th iU of hnrltn
K. Hniittil, diTsftawf, AH MTMifiR hMVtnx rlaitnM
KMlii-t Hani iftntr nrr tertrtijr nottlitj to .r-4-tit
the MHtittt, duly T rlfil, to tu t mr rviilinrf
In I'ttilt-a ity, Wnri roiinty, r-;n, within
nl month from Ihv ltM nf tins notir? .
lmWl tlitR lMh day of O-toiM-r.
Adniliimtrntrf k rf the KntNtj of hnrl K,
HlllKht, UiXH-awMlil. WM Nv 17
Administrator's Notice
Notlro i hi-ri'hy irtvi'n thut hr nn oMt of thi
Court of the nut of r for th roimty of
Whmn, duly mmle and Viit r-d oti the Ut dity of
Novfinbfr, lv.4, the uitd'riiKti1 whm ohitw
ndtnliiiotriitor of theeotrtteof Julinn ( ohli iih,
dcCHMB-1. A 11 t'rmii hnvhiK rial ni HrNiiiit
th etttdt of uld dcciiMl re hrn-hy notift! to
prtseMit them, with the tsnijuT vouc-ht-r th(r
for, to me at the ollire of lluitllftfrtoii A VMlNtn,
1 he Pallet Oregon, Ithf n atx luontha fn'in the
date hereof.
iated The Unlit. )rKTi, Nov. ?, 1l
AdmlnUtrtir of the KtnU of Julinn rob
lejjfh, IvnetmM'd. iicr :t d-K
r. .
.add m . The llln, dr..
ovrmli.T !. IM'iJ.
Nitic la heivtir riven that th- Mlnwlnir aettl-r hM tlhil IMitli-e ut hi4 InU-lltluii
ti niake HiimI tiriMif in tiilMirt nf ill clnlm, hmiI
tliat said iriHif will lie nta'le iM'iunr IIh: rift"i'r
and rei'ler of ihv I". H. IjiihI iftW- at Thr
iMille, )r.,n Det ruilier . Ik, vlx.
Kaalll lelor,
!ld K, No :im, for the hK'I, 1J, Ti :, H K l.1
K. W M.
JIm fiMmpa the fulliiwluv w ItiiinMn to irove III
eiitiilnuouM renidi-iife uMin and fnltlvHilnti i.l,
nlil land, vlr.: rrank K. II. W mi-(1i lil,
Charlea M. Klf e, Th Dalles, Uii-roii ; ilnlnptuli
Kell', Maiiluitla, or.
J AH. Y MiMiltK, Kevlnttr.
I.axn Orrira, The baltei, Or.,
NiiT. i, lh.14. I
Notice l herehr (riven that the following;,
natnul acttler haa tlltju notice of lila Inti'iitloii t
mult, final proof In ailiMirt of hla .'UIiii, and
that said proof will lie ihmiIh ticfure the hcKlsti'r
and Km-lvt-r al Tba lmllcs. lir.von. on lie
eeiuber M, Inm, via:
Aaa II. atotjadlll,
Hd K, No. &a, lot the SM'U, tk 1, TplHKl)
C, W M.
Jle names the followlna wltneHwa Vt nrore hla
eontlDBoua residence upon and cultivation of
sain tana, via:
t has. Hayward. R. I. I'ltiher, Kmel MurU,
I. t. Koodaraaa, ail of 1 ir)i Vslli y. Or,
JAM. F. MOOKK, fdtlster.
V. 8. I.i KD Orrics, The Dullra, Or., J
Oetiiher 1HV4. )
Notlra la hereby riven that the following
namnd si-ttliT haa fllwl notlr of Ills Intention
to make final nniof In support of his claim, and
mai asia firmu will ue uisiie lieiore The rKl"Ur
and receiver of th I!, n. IjiiiiI olllie at The
lallea, Or., on liecvin'er I, IM'.H, via:
aTaeob A. Wiissr,
Hd. K. No KiB, for the h'i NK'i and N'i UK.':,
Itae. 17, Vp. I a), K 1:1 .., W. M.
He Humes the following wltm'tans to prore his
eontlniioiis resideii)' upon and cultivation ol
said land, vis. :
V. H. umnilnim, 1,. Klrr, li. M. Harrlman, i.
W. KIIkk, Kud'raby, Oriwoii.
JAH. r. MmiKK,
Assignee's Notice.
Nolle ishen hy itlvm that John T. Ucl haa
duly einiveynt to t tie uiideislinsd, by proiwr
drvt ol assiinnient, all ol his nal and la-rsonal
proiierly, for tha beiirlll of all f hlserwll.ors.
All iMraol'.a having claims ainJust said John
t. Kiait are hereby notllli d Ut presiuil the sanl,
proierly verified, to ma at Hi mile of Hutur A
Ui in l.i, In Hsllas i lly, on gon. wltlilu ninety
('.i davs from the date of this n.illce.
HaUd IM" 17th day ol Nnvumla-r, iwl.
Bovl7dir-.i II. lil.KNN. Asalinw.
wasco warenouse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission,
testes Reasonable
MAKK goouh
W". W . Oo.
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a full asaortniaut of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which hsoffusat Low Figure
to Cash Buyers.
Highest Casl Prices for Ens anj
other Prodnce.
TTie CoiumDia Packing Co..
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
aiiil t!;n:i.i
Dried Beef, Etc.
-. 4 T. Wfr
Tliirty-five lioad for 1S04, irl by
Center KrHS Trailo, aon of the (!riat
Free Tralo lioir of Ohio, r-ciM for WK),
th hik.'ln't priced lion ever aohl in the
l'nit'l Stat-a, aafinU'il hv aon Tei'Uinseh
Chip Jr 21H.hJ, Bohl for tax).
Owing to the hard times, I will soil
for tho next three monttiH. my pig, for
$.'() phi Ii, or per pair. Will box and
deliver at nearest station free.
(Vjine and nee them or write.
No liiiHirieaa done on Fimdiiva.
t'enterville, WbhIi.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of ItAKF. OVKM, lias ro some slndil Farms
and I ckmI payl"( Town Property In tha Will :i
rttn Vallojr for sals very cheap and on easy U'rins.
Homo of the farms hi exrhanirt) for F.astern
tireiron proirty. Writ for list anil terms.
French Percieron Stallion,
Weight In goo.1 flesh 1,.VM1 pounds, and Bur Foal
itter. Will sell foresail or nol with
approved security, or will trad
for horses or catte.
Add Kerr & Buckley,
Uraaa Valley, Or
Jew York Weekly Tribune
a twenty-page journal, la the lendlnjf ReiuiMican family paper of th
United State. It la NATIONAL FAMILY I'AI'Kl:, uiid Kivci n
the general newa of the United State. It (rivea the event of foreign
landa in a nntahell. Its AO K1CULTU K A I. department Uu no
periorio tho country. IU MAHKKT KKIMJKTS are reeoKni.n an.
thoritv. Separata department for TIIK KAMILV CIRCLM, dlr
AND HOCIKTY columna cominand the admiration of the wives in4
daUKlitera. It general political newa, editorial and diseiiHHions ,r
compreheniive, brilliant and eihatiHtive.
A 8PF.CIAL CONTRACT enablea tia to offer this aplendid journal
Oaalh lax Aclvonoo,
(The regular lubacription for the two paper in li.oO.)
Addre. all ofde.a to CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CC
fjW Write vour name and address on a potal card, send it to (ieorie W. Jt
Room 2, Tribnn Hnildinir, New York City, and a Ramplu copy of TIIK S'K
YORK WEKKLY TKIKUNK will be mailed to you.
The Dalles
laily and Weekly
THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chroniclk is published every eve
ning in tho week Sundays excepted at G.00 per
. annum. The Wkkkly Chroniclk on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlio Dallos, Orogon.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson
Buceesaor to Therubury & Hudson,
83 Washington St., THZ DALLES, OR.
If vnu want Information eoncemlns; (Inver
ment lands, iir the lawn relatlna thereto, you cnu
enniilt him free of charfre. He lias maale a s
rlaltjr if this business, mill has irrttml befor
til Uiiltet HUUs 1-anil UUlce fur over ten yeara.
Ilo la Aueiit fir the Kastern Oregon !jnd
I'ompany, and ean sell jrou .lraslii, or tin
tmirnvel Arrleultural IjiikIs In any iiiantity
neslred, and Kill wik1 a Pamphlet ileserllilnic
thio lands U anyone applying to hi in (or t.
He la Anent for sale nf lots In Tiiomrsoa'l Aim
thin in Tim lialli-s. This Addition Is laiaoais
aere lots, and di-stlned to Im the prlnrlpsl rw
denee part nf the rltv. Only JO minutes wsli I
from Courthouse; 10 niiuutea from K. K. lK'imt.
Settlers Loealcd on llOTSrlunrnt Land.
If yon want la Harrow Money, an I.on or Hhort lime, ha ean arconuniidat J
Writes rir, Ylf. and Areldent Inanranc.
If yon rannnt call, writ, and yonr latter will h promptly answered.
Farley eft? F'jcclxxI
(SurtccRHon to L. I). Frank, dtH-paaetl.)
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale anil Retail Dealers In Harness, Bridles, Wines, Horse Blankets, Etc.
Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped.
jyi. A. IHCTItU II
riijsieiau mid Surgeon,
ff All professional falls promptly attend
to, day and night, aprlt
J011 . HANK,
Physician and Silicon.
i'.UFlTK, OltKdoV.
lata lions anneon, 8t. Vincent s H'rJ?
I'nrtland, tllrgoli.