THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1894. The Weekly Ghronicle. ! local, edit the telegraph mutter, mil ! take the entire receipts of the paper for , ' the day. What appearance the paiu-r j okkoon I will present is hard to predict. That it too sweet for anything is IXTKIXSIC I'M VE. testimony U weaving a .trimg chain i around the dficndant. The Portland Men talk almtit the intrinsic value of press ha had considerable to nav con gold. The word "iotrinaic" ha a trol-, cerniug I'ulles jntict, and we sincerely den tound about it. The intrinsic alue 1 huite we shall nut have t indulge in the i n feel- THK IIALLKS aa-n aaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mm tu iiwt . .. .... l -....-. i i . .; iw. of anythine is wliat it will U tor you in , retort courteous, and nut our ow SnlfWHI Uie WIT ll i nr i-auca, I'njuu. sure ; IHU muirr u.r iuiuiiiiu ' - - . i .1 -y mMt,t- I Hated, put on bias, with frills at top and olIr ""r of I"1- !mt M 1,,,rl"- mgs by (how iug our for:! ind neighbor. : kmnm of column, or what the stvle of ; 11 ul " incir own aimricoiiung at ate irnn.ti.. G jruof Secretary o State Trvaaurvr . . -. iupt. of Public lntnn uon Atkirtii'j livm-rat tnaton CouTVMueu. Statr rrtnter tv tVnnnw tKi 11. ulrt. mi ii-.uv h i-unnot lie even Ufcilli.. li.,....,,.... .it it th.t Mt IIP Wiimt . It 111 . " ; s.-.,'..l -im-nt .ml e 1 dollars to the man who in drowning, hut f M lilli-ntan " -. ; . . ... .... i ..... .... .1. .. ... i... I I - U.S. iviph ..; nsiderable attentiou ax the ' l "n-v ""or wo"'" 1 ' " " Primps ". great ueai. .nr. Miney, in iu great r peruse me lai:y papers ci ii"" i iilver speech gives his idea of intrinsic 1 feet long, one foot wide and two inches ; thick? Its intrinsic talue is a million Our Portland liven The !;ilie contcnipnmrn" have u gentle dig or two Institute Programme. Wfduei1iy. lv. 12. tvKMVii anaatot 7 i.W oVuH't-W Tin corns Horst. I'"I,'lMi.rtt Catherine Mania J It Uiuhrll n iierniai.u ' time for that issue to get rip ap- v K. tills , w H li ! proaches. lillMV OFFICIALS. THE XK'AKAGVA VAXAL. County Judgv henS I'ler Trurer Commissioner Mosor BunreTor Supenuwtuleut of Public 5k'h.)Ol Coriiuer tieo. C. BiHSeli'T .. T. J. I'nver M. Kelwv Wni Miohul tKrsus kinfmiil V. U. Wski'iiold value in this way ; "Men talk a Unit the intrinsic value of gold. A banker told me the other day that he could not aent to my osition, because he believed the had come when tie should join prop time hands THE STAXIAM OF The Nicaragua canal is going to re ceive whole lot sot attention at the hands rt tliia pntKmiM mnrf it mill not lie at all K. K. 'harv 1 surnrisine if the bill in aid of its con-l ith otl'r ST"1 "tions and come TT01.S,:'".,:T I -..... . la- it ; f,, that down to the use of a metal which had I at prvsent the national in.inie is not "itrinsic value .bout it. I said to this MORALITY. ! lns enouBh to defray the national e- iTntleman : 'I do not know that 1 can nenses, but this is onlv a temporary em- "' w,c l iwrrassment. One hundred million i OU8 lloubu W u raise a jwentmre dollars seems like a large sum. but it is of the -mount ; but I np,ae 1 can get a trifle for this government. We pav a ' 10 (XH) of P"'a b",lio!1- Vo" l,8- xhn half more than that each v ear for nen. 1 Pr on the deposits, do you not ?' Yesterday in conversation with a prominent attorney, we received quite a lecture on the duties of the prees. We were told that the newspaper had a ... . .... i ,,, , , ' . , , . ,. , I its usual basis, the surplus of one vear t slion d lie, is, delegated the upholding of ,, . , . , . , , ! tv tuilay ttic broad smile that nr.- panic a base though not nicked revenge, spreads over tlie countenance ot every reader. fncle Tom's Cabin" is guing to show ii". I'ortland is liable to have a new stenin I ship line to China and J.ipmi. Knur companies are said to he figuring mi the situation and one of them will surely stick. Oregon can and will supply the Orient with flour and lumtier. and the steamship line would find profitable business irom the (tart. Mnic . " liecitation lii-i'ilutinn .... Music Ihirt .'citation ... . Aihlrcsa "I'liriaMM's of the Institute' KKCKXH. Iiisciissioii "Adoption of Oregon Text Hooks". Tlturwi ly. Doc. UOKNItti SKSHtON 9:110 fM'I.IK k. All lav Saal'iiiii Held In the Court atraet Mrhmil lliuldiug Achieve nts and I'ossihilitiea oi Education I'se of the Itictionary In School SchiMil (iriranuittion rl San,u. ''-'la Co..,,, I'". Shelley Kirst Header Five-uiinute Speechs, O. 11. Ciniisliy Tena lintont i-ena hnell THE MARKETS. sions. With business again running on I 'Yes, air.' 'Well, now, I will get fill,-; The wheat market IHHi worth at gala nullum ami nn.ig it 10 though apparent!!' the standard of public morality; that on nil occasions the newspaper should be in the lead, taking a high moral stand on all subjects, and lifting the public np to that standard. The beauty and force of the lecture was increased by its absolute truth. Yet there is another side to that question. The newspaper is worldly; it is conducted for the purpose of earning a living, and in the delusive hope of earning more. The newspaper as it should lie, and the newspaper as it is. are two entirely different things. Why? Because those who read it make it what it is. Its suc cess depends more on w hat is kept out of it than what goes into it. Let it take the high moral standard our friend pic tured for us. and inside of six months one-half of its subscribers, one-halt off its patronage, and mayhap more would ' be gone, and from its subscription list i would be stricken, at his own request, I the nauie of the friend who so kindlv t would suffice to do the work. The bene tits would be inestimable, and indeed no man can conceive what traffic will be no inminsic value, w hile gold bullion ! has. I will deposit tins million tor six ' months, and draw 3 per cent interest on you as a deposit. You would rather - Hrudstreets fur le have that than paper, liecause paper has low ing: A sliim. luting inthieii is nnchanired, n tritle stronger. Is!, has the (ol- done through that canal tiftv years hence when the population of this western con tinent will have been quadrupled. The time has arrived when the canal should be built, for while recognized as a neces sity now what will it be when the trade that it will benefit will have been in creased tenfold. This administration has the opjKir tunitr to partially redeem itself, and by building tiiis canal to take the sting from I the taunt that the democratic party ' knows not how to govern. It has the j opportunity, and in the language of ! Bulwer Lvtton, "What will it do with lit?". r . . THK KCV-J: XEEPZIK Oh!" he said, 'I per cent on that.' this time deposit.' cannot give you It 'Why not," said I. 'Well then,' said I. 'I will take the bullion down to the mint at Philadelphia, and I will get the people there to put upon it the stamp nd superscription of the I'nited S!Rte, Will you take it then?' Ilesaid: "Oh. of a purely ' statistical riutiire is the decrease of . '.'.(VS.tHH) hushels of wheat in the quan- tity afloat for and in store in I'.urope last iweek. thus nearly, though not quite,; (Overcoming t lit increase of J.U'S.IXH) i bushels of w heat available in the 1'nitcd j I States and Caudada last week, l.xports : of wheat and flour as w heat , both coasts, Hinouut to S.fiilT.Oi'O bushels this i ! week ngainst :!,ai2,ix bushels last week. ' Salina l'hirmaa Heading Third Header . . Maggie, K. Klina f f ifth Hsader Minnie Michel Penmanship in School M. N. Strati., "rriiM0!ii skssiov 1 :'M o'clock, Itecitation Kdward I'.uMki,, Value of Higher V duration for Teachers in Primary and I'ngradeil School . M!i, jjj Truth and Its Helutions in Kducatiunal Work J. It. (.nrh,,. liecitation l.ulu Uomt Husv Work in Primary ('lae Anna Sears Object Teaching . . . Mrs. 11. .. Howe School (iovernment .... Aaron Fruier CVKN'tM, SKHSION 7 ..'10 o't'I OCk IN TH k UI'Elia llol'ak. Chorus Congregational Choir l.ecitation Bessie KreticL Vocal Unet . Mcsdames Huntington and Corsou Iiull !rill Twelve Primary Puiiili lecture President C. II. tUiapman, Oregon I'niversit? Chiirus Congregational Clmh 1'rKUiy; Dec-. 1 A . MoitstMi srssi'jN !i;lM o'ci.ock. Critic's Keport (,'ountv Course of yes; I would be glad to.' ' Well, then.' i ;,4(Hl,tHI0 bushels in tiie week one year said I, 'what lias the intiinsic value got : .lu'o, 4,5.'!.1,00t bushels in the last week of to do with this matter? What is it that I Novemlier of lS'iJ.and as compared with gives this metal power as money so that j ".lH'rJ.0i0 bushels in that week in !!'!. you are w illing to pay me 11 per cent in- i Data presented by Braih-treet's point to tudy in I'ngrailed Schools . . M'ailers : A (,'tlii't SchiHil How Seruri'd silent Force tn School ( overnnient Map Draw ing Value of Mathematical Studv Kleir Ball and J. M. ( arrull .... Nan Cornier Ida I.. Fvttrdar Asa Stogi!il H. A. tiailev terest npon it. Is it the intrinsic value ; the I'nited States having ex ported about of the metal? No; it is the image and Ki.iKHl.WlO bushels of superscription of Caesar that makes it ! eluded , Bince June w heat flour in- ; lUltb, and to our ! i nionev.' '' Baker Citv Iemocrat. Senator Vest yesterday made a strong : speech in favor of adopting a new rule ! concerning the closing of debate. The j SGML Ql'EEti LAWS. lectured us. How would the same nlan , of action suit our legal friend, and how . ProP rule is that after a subject has far would he go in lifting the standard of public morals. Suppose, for instance, he is employed to de'end a murderer. lie is certain of his client's guilt. Does "Bunco" Kelley's trial at Portland is dragging slowlv along. Y esterday Pros ecuting Attorney Hume and Judge Cap'ea, who is conducting the defense, had a lively little row. After cousidera- j been UehateU thirty ttays any Senator I may move to fix a date for a hnal vote, I which motion shall not be debatable. Senator Polph made violent opposition I ble back talk Judge Caples said be was he advise him to plead guilty, to repent, ' ,0 ttie t"0''00' which is not at all to his i sorry ; exceedingly bottv that he spoke. to expiate his crime as the law, as hu inanity, as religion would dictate? No. He begins to manufacture a defense; with subtle skill to weave from the evi dence in the loom of fancy a robe of in nocence. He brings to bear npon the court the delicate niceties of law ; con-1 tending inch by inch ; driven from one ' point, intrenching himself tn another;! but fighting for all he is worth. Beaten ! in this, be turns to the jury. Every de vice known to the profession, every sophistry that human ingenuity can in vent, is brought to bear. F"or what? In the interest of justice and iaw? No! In the interest ot the client ; in ttie in terest of the lawyer, whose reputation increa-es as his ability to defeat and render of no avail the laws, increases. We are not finding fault with the law yers, they have a code of morals of their own, the first and greatest command of which is duty and faithfulness to those who employ tbem ; but we draw the comparison simply in self-defense. We cheerfully admit that a vena! bar is no excuse for a venal press ; but we assert that it is a venal world. Does the mer chant who cells bis goods thereby in dorse the character oi his customers? Is the aioile with which he greets cus tomers more than a portion of bis stock in trade? Does he seek to "raise the standard of morality." or does be look after the shekels? Surely the last, and that only. So is it with the newspaper. It is in the field to live, and to do this it cannot be much above or beyond its readers. The newspaper man must live. His paper is bis stock of goods, and by its sale and the sale of its space be ekes out an existence. He treats it as the mer chant does bis goods, the lawyer bis. He furnishes the goods his customers want; not those that perhaps in some other person's opinion they need. He supplies the demand, and if be does not, loses his trade. credit. Tom Heed pricked the bubble Mr. Hume erected himself and said he of unlimited debate and let the gas out j too was sorry ; sorry beyond expression, of it, and the country, regardless of The judge, with tears in his judicial politics indorsed his very sensible rul- j eyes, murmured bis regrets, and Kel'ey ings. Thirty days is long enough in all even looked lugubrious and wiped away conscience to debate any question, and ; a tear. And then "Bunco" Kelley's as the senate is supposed to be a law- j written confession was offered in evi niaking body instead of a debating soci- dence, but the defense proved by the ety, some role by which debates can he ' prosecutin terminated must be adopted. Senator Vest called attention to the attorney that the confession. was a lie, and it was not permitted to be read in evidence. From all of w bich it way time was wasted by senators at the ! will be seen that "they have some queer last term by reading or causing to be ' lows down in Multnomah." read the c-jbsus reports. The countrv is j tired of nonsense. It wants its legisla- A "Bunch of Western Clover," culled tors to make such laws as are needed, i from tt,e verdant slopes of Mt. Parnas aud then it wants them to adjourn. : BUS l'-v Mrs- E!1" Higginson, found its Senator Dolph may object, but we!w-vt0 our table recently, It is a neat call his attention to the fact that his 1 oukI,?t of lenis from that very grace objection, if persisted in, mav can?e the j 'ul riter- There are some pretty con whole matter to be without" interest to! cuilfi' prettily told, in the little volume; him after March 4th. i JQt lIrf Higginson made a mistake in ? putting her ideas into sonnets. It is a Hon. Charles Fulton of Astoria is a ' lcuIir'-v ljrJ kiuJ versification, candidate for United States senator, tolnd wblle ioUTieD Unet re enouKh to succeed Senator Dolph. Mr. Fulton is : dresS B thou61't or two, they are not an able lawver, a clever gentleman andienourh to permlt '-""teful draping of a royally good man, but he will not j the irarments. senator this time. What the future may , Tn .irinu , th. v,rt have in store for him we do not pretend ! vielermark and Garrettann. have Wn by court martial and acquitted of the charge of violating the 62d article of COVXT YAM AO ATA. Count Y'amagata, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army, f prang from very bumble origin. He is a son of a workingman, and the fact that be has risen from the rank of a private soldier to his present position is the more remarkable, considering the exclu ivecessof Japanese society. The genius of a great general lodges in his brain, for he has displayed the highest qualities as a soldier from the beginning of hie career. Already Y'auiagata is ranked abroad as the peer of such great generals as Na- poieon, VAel.ington and Mollke. It ,iu eay uui me election next mouth is as tried good as over so tar as the certainty of the result is concerned. Senator Dolph will be succeeded by Hon. Joseph N. Dolph. Then who shall say that Oregon is in favor of free silver? Here is a fair test of that disputed matter. The legis lature that will elect a successor to Sen ator Dolpd was chosen at the last elec tion, and consequently is fresh from the it Amh : :. t ... . . . .- jk in iu ibtui ui inr silver, let the senatorial fight decide it. Dolph is a goldite, how then can he be elected to succeed himself if "a majority of the republicans of this state are in favor of free silver?" war. As the offense these military gen tlemen were charged with was the swip ing of a couple of tickets from the society circus recently showing in Portland, it would seem from this that the 62d article of war is to the effect that "thou shall not steal circus tickets," or else that in flicting a society cirens on a trusting public should be punished with death or at least disgrace. Mr. George McCoy, a real estate dealer of Portland, and an old-time job printer, thinks the newspapers should devote more attention to real estate, and not so much to China. It is probably true that the papars do cot devote so much time to the development of the countrv as they should ; but if thy were to de vote as much epace to real estate and The matter of selecting a stata flower is again being agitated. At Hood Hiver some two years ago the state horticul tural society selected the Oregon grape as being peculiarly fitted for this place of honor, bnt now some of the esthete wants something else. If it is absolutely necessary that the state have a flower all its own, we suggest that it stick by the Oregon grape, unless indeed Jeff ! M vers ran rranadar! tn livAnl 1.. position Portland real estate agents as the sub- j It looks now as if Astoria was really ject would permit, real property in that j going to have a railroad. We sincerely village would cease to move. What the Lope that she is, and that the present real estate men of Portland want is lots i contract will be finished in time to al of noise about real estate, and uninter- j low all of ns pencil-pushers to come rupted silence concerning real estate j down when the clams are ripe and re agents. joice with our energetic neighbor on the i having fco,(HjO,OOtt bushels available for j j export during the next seven months, j notwithstanding the alleged excessive home demand this year. : i "For the week ending Ieceniber 1st, ' '. the available supplies of wheat in the! I United Slates and Canada east oi the ' Kocky mountains, w heat increase SOH,-j j OOO bushels ; west of the Ilorky mount-j i ains, wheat decrease, 1S7,000 bushels; afloat for and in Europe, w heat incense 424,000 bushels; increases of wheat of note were in Chicago private elevators and western interior elevators." The vegetable market is well supplied with everything belonging to the season, and at prices that permit their being used by all. We noticed quite a lot of nice pop corn brought in Saturday that was sold at o cents per pound fur the lot. There are no material changes in prices since last week. Wheat 30 to 31c per hu. Barley Prices are up to "0 to tJOc cents ter 100 lbs. Oath The oat market is light at 110 to bO cents per 100 lbs. Floch Diamond brand al f.' ."0 per bbl. per ton ant. fli 75 per bbl. tetuii. Hay Timothy hay ranges in price from f 10 to f 12 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand at f 7 60 to 0 00 per ton. Potatoe 50 to 75 cent per 100 lbs. ErrTKE Fresh roll butter at 35 to 50 cents per roll. l'.(t(H Good fresh eggs sell at 22 lo 25 c. Pot'LTEY Good fowls are quoted at f 2.25 to f 2.75 per dozen, turkeys Scents per lb. Beef a Mrno.s Beef cattte are in lees demand at fl.50 tier 100 weight gross to $2.00 for extra good. Mutton is now quoted at to 2 cents per lb. gross. Pork offerings are light ana prices are nominal grow weight at 3 cents dressed. 8TAFLK C.BOCEBIES. Coppee Costa Rica, is quoted at 24e per lb., by the sack. Salvadore, 23 ',c. Arbucklee, 2dc. SroAB Golden C, in bbis or sacks, h 25 ; F:xtra C, $5 50 ; Dry granulated f6 00. D. G., in 30 lb boxee, f2 2ft. fix C, $2 25. GC 12 00. Kirs Japan rice, C-Jrat.7c; Island, rice, 7 cte. BsAjts Small whites, Vx; Pink, 4aC per 100 lbs. Pvarr $2 00 to 3 00 n keg. Salt Liverpool, 601b sk, 60c; 1001b sk.fl 00; 2001b sk, $2 00. Stock salt, f 10 per ton. ficLPHCa 2 cents per pound. RIDES AD PCRS. Hide Are quoted as follows: Dry, 214c lb; green, 1,. r'HEEP Pelts 26 to 50 ea. Deerskins, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Iressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear skins, 8Wfl2 ea; beaver, 3 60 lb; otter,--; nsner, -ni.y ou : silver gray fox, tl0fir20; red fox, fl 25; grey fox 2 60f3: martin, flwfl 25; mink oOcftooc; coon, 60c; coyote, 50cf 75c. Gbais Baos 6' to r.'i each. ArTKRKUOK SES1ION 1 ::!( O'CLOCK. Compositions . Kindergarten Oa Hxercise .... Piano DsfXt liecitation . .. . School Hook Question sample hooks displayed, w ith publishers' pro posals suliuiittetl. Merits n tKxik tUHCiinseu l-eadura ; j,. (iilliert, Cawie Cheese, Geo. H. Dunn and II. S. Andrews, hecitalion Martha Baldwin Kvr.MM. sxsbion 7:30 o'clock- P. P. Underwood Miss Hall, Teacher James Huntington THE Orr.U V llOl'FiR. Piano Duet lecture liecitation Cantata . . . . .Misses Newman and I-aug State Su peri nteh dent Y.. P.. MrKlmy . . Jennie Knsaell Forty Children iSti 1 1 1 ril ty . miibkim: stsm- Critic's Keport . Physical Training in School Music in Public Schools Spelling How Much and How Taught Preparation for Teaching Tb Use of the Globe Business Session closing IK'i.-. 1.".. 9 :30 o'clock. . . I.tira Welch . .11. L. Howe . . Louise Kintoul F rances Fl. kowe John Gavin " Meesh-a-lavis sliuma-lapaltic ka apachlapoo ta ish kadoo." FIRST Grand JWasquerade Ball, -to rr. ; .VF..V i:v R. M., WASCO TRIBE, NO. 16, I. 0. 10N NEW YEARS EVE,D- : 31st, : 1894, At Wingate's Hall, The Dalles. The following prizes -will be given: ONE FANCY FBl'lT DISH Best Sustained l.adv Character. ONE FANCY SHAVING SET Best Sustained Gentleman Character. ONE MANICURE 5ET-Mosf Comical Udy Character. ONE FANCY CARVING SET-Most Comical Gentleman Character. ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZK-Best Represented Buck. ONE APPROPRIATE PRIZE Best Represented Squaw. Prizes on exhibition in L. Rorden's Show Window. W. H. BUTTS, t'OMMTTTKa OS ARBA MOB MKKT : J. J. WILEY. D. S. Dt'FUR, F. W. I.. SKir.K. F. H. WAKEFIELD. KK('KITIO( COM MtTTKR : JOHK MICH ELL, A. A. KELLER, F. W. L. SKIBBE, F. MENIFEE, F. H. WAKEFIELD, A. W. BRANNER, T. J. DRIVER, Y.. B. DI FUR, DR. O. C. HOLL18TER, W. T. WISEMAN, H. H. RIDDELL, DR. J. SUTHERLAND. . . " . ! opening of the road. That's one of the Oar esteemed contemporary the East ; r.nd openinp. we moM ,ike to .Mi.t , Oregonian, does not favor the issuing of I , .iBil.: must make Germany sick to Cnd that lnds covering the toil, but thinks that j ' Japan has wrested Irom her the title of """ covering me improvements are , a nation r.r - . ....1 l. . , v :' riffht and t,rniMr Wa An tint 1 li.nt . ,.. ' a .v,.' ... .v' I nerhaos. to the i.le nIM. it i. .kJ I cu"enT. to that when a poor devil is whole world on this army of "little I l',e '"ue ' bonds secured by faith are Coffaa Club H of la I. The Coffee Club will give a social and dance next Monday evening, Dec. 10th, at Fraternity hall. All ladies, who are - - - - 1 not members of the Coffee club must What this country needs is an elastic present invitations at the door. These rre.ncv. to that when a noor devil la .... 1 1 . - 1 iuii.v".D muni W wiiiivii inu siguea I oaru up He can taxe noiu 01 a oollr hill bv a member of the club. No others men.'" Boston Herald. jail right, while those secured by real estate are all wrong. We see no differ- ind to dav The of San Francisco are going , ence. A debt is a tlebt, and shonld be i f . , . ?. edit the Examiner of that city for one paid, whether it is secured by pledge of . ty, and that day Christmas. The pro- real estate or not. We agree with our 1 n'"nJ w .... .1 pneior, air. xiearsi, wui torn tne enure, contemporaries deas concerning debt1 The trial nf Itnnm k'..i . iv t i- n. 1 . , , nl.n . . , , I . ...... , , ueult lr'e trial ot liunco Kcl.r at 1 ortl.ind . ion of honorary election in favor of everv Plant over to them on that dav. and 1 hot If it irp.ii.ri n.n .1 . .1 . ... J j :. .,, ,. . , ' . , , uhiici. iv iur iur me muruer 01 oeorge sayres is at- caod date voted for bv a woman Chi. they will write the collect the .debtor what security he ha. put up. j tr.ctiug -onsiderable, and the j co Record stretch it into a "twentv." The admitted. elastic principle in suspenders is w hat ; So cents. the pants-buttons. bv then 1 ie same nrincinle in tnonev . 11 O'erely o credit? Admission for gentlemen L. A. akmek, Secy. ing to the law and not , at all for lack of gallantry that the elec tion officials refrain from giving a decis- TloltOtH, 8X.OO, On s.le in all the principal business houees, and by members of the tribe. Positively no questionable chsraeters admitted. Grand March at 8:30 P. M. sharp. Music by Dufar Bros.' String Band. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO. INCOH POHATKD lej No. 07 Washington Street. . . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of BoiMiiig Maierial and Dinnsioa Timber, Doors, Windows, lluldiags, Boost Farniiinjs, Elt Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory nct Liuuilior Va.rcl swt Old JEt. X3mllm' DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city,