The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 05, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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Savant. !.
The reaJer of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there it at least one
dreaded disease that science hat been
able to cure n all its stages and that i
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive core noa; known to the
Biedical f raternit v. Catarrh being a con
atitutional disease, require a constitu
tional treatment. Hall Catarrh Cure
ie taken internally, acting directly upon
tlie blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up the eonsti
tntion and assisting nature to do its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its cultivati ve powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Testimonies. Address.
F. J. Chknev & Co., Toledo, O.
"Sold by Druggists, c.
At 1'rayers. Minnie (m loud whisper)
Jimmy, wot makes Cnele Eben Bhet
'is eves w 'en he's prayin'? Jimmy (in
louder whisper' Mebbe he's ashamed
ter look th' Lord in th' face. Cleveland
Plain IHfaler.
The DlMttvary Ha.ed HU Life.
, ,. , . , t.,-.
r. G. Caillouette, druggist. Beavers-
' ' ' .
, 111., says: 'To Dr. King s ew
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles about, but of no avail,
and was given np and told I could not
live. Having Pr. King's New Discovery
in my store, I sent for a bottle and be
gan its nse, and from the first dose be
gan to get. better, and after using three
bottles was up and ahout again. It is
worth its weight in gold. We won't
keep store or house without it." Get a
free trial at Snipes A Kinersly's.
Briggs My doctor has ordered me to
eat as little as possible for a week.
Grisgs Is that so? Come around to
sny boarding-house and take Thanks
giving dinner with me. New York
W. A. McGuire, a well known citiien
of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that
there is nothing as good as children
troubled with colds or croup as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He has
used it in his family for several years
with the best results and aiwat kept
bottle of it in the house
Alter having,
la grippe be was himself troubled with
severe cough. He used other remedies
without benefit and then coucluded to
try the children's medicine and to his
delight it soon effected a permanent cure.
S0 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Honghton Druggists.
Customer What has that gentleman
to do who sits behind the counter yon
der? Clerk He has got to make the
lourishes to onr employer's signature.
IU Imperial.
Henry Wilson, the postmaster at
Welshton, Florida, says he cured a case
of diarrhoea of long standing in six hoars
with one small bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrbea Keniedy.
'What a pleasant surprise that must have
been to the sufferer. uch cures are not
unusual with this remedy. In many
instances only one or two doses are re
quired to give permanent reliel. it can
always de depended upon. When re
duced with water it is pleasant to take.
For rale by Blakeley & Houghton Drug
gists. ''Why do you not stop begging and
try to aet some work." "Because I do
not wish to give up a sure thing for an
Uncertain one." Paris Figaro.
When persons are weak and languid,
from sickness or overwork, feel debil
itated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, and they
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The best remedy for this pur
pose ia Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength
ening Cordial and Biood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per
bottle. For sale by the Saipea-Kinersly
Father Why ia it that you have no
money the dar after receive your salary?
Bon It is not my fault, daddy it is all
owing to other people. Truth.
Baeklew'e Anaea salve.
The beat salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, aait rheum, term
ores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money retunaed. Price 25 cents
per box. For ssie by hnipes A Kin-
Help 1 Waited
by the women who are ailing and suffer
ing, or weak and exhausted. And to
very inch woman, belpisyuaranfetcf by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For
young girls jost entering womanhood;
women at the critiral "change of life ;"
women approachinr confinement ; nurs
ing mothers ; and every woman who is
"roo-down" or overworked, it is a J
medicine that builds op, strengthens, !
and regulates, no matter wnat the coo-1
omon of the system.
It's an invigorating, restorative tonic,
soothing and liradng nervine, and the
only guarautetd remedy lor "female
complaints" and weaknesses. In bearing-down
sensations, periodical pains,
ulceration, inflammation, and every
kindred ailment, if it ever fails to ben
efit or core, you have your money back.
A New Klad f tilaaa I nkarl by
Al finite rhuin.
The now (ionuan glass U a uew and
Hiut.'ulur U. turturv in that line, tH&rv
trunlin a it dies the onlinury princi
ple that ''xk1 euta must conluiu, to-
j pvtuer with Riltca and a Uivak-nt or
trivalcnt metallic oxide, the oxide of
a monovalent metal an ulkali metal
or tlu'lliuiii but while thus free from
alkali euu be worked before the blow
pipe, und huti a Kiuull covtHcicnt of e
pauMoa. The inventor. ays the New
York Sun. was led to the production of
his compound glass by studying the
state of struiu iu ordinary t'lass vessels
and tubeseooled in contact with air. As
a hollow irlus vessel, cooled in contact
with the air. has its outer skin in a
state of compression, while the inside
L in a stale of teusion, it is easily ilam
nired on the inside, but is resistent on
the outside: a hollow plu&s vessel, if
introduced when cold into warm air.
has its outer skin thrown into a state
of compression, but if. when it is hot.
I it is exposed to cold air. its outer skin
is thrown into a state of tension this
being the reason why cold air causes
frluss to crnek more readily than hot
air does. The inventor succeeded in
throwing the outer layer into a perma-
nent state of compression by covering
j the plass vessel with a thin outer layer
I of class which has a small eoetlicienl
I of exiuinsion. The lluJos niuik- of such
, glass can be tilled with l...ihnjr cuiliue
I , immwliatelv Kpriukltnl on the out-
ly spri
side with cold water jrlass dishes, too.
can be heated over the naked Itunsen
name without craekinp. l"ressure
tubes of this compound plass are also
made to meet all the requirements of
practice and have been kept in con
tinuous nse on liscoinntives for five
The Term
(ent und
Iu Modem Ap-
The won! "pent" nowadays seems to
wear its hat eocked on one side of the
aead and to walk with a caddish swap
rer of vulgar self-importance, lint I
enow a worthy old lady in the country,
jrrites Edward Ejrth'ston in Century.
ho calls her hushaiK1. the "old pent."
j inp it as a title of rvsiiect. and such
it was in her chil linn! and lonp lie
fore. In 17.V4 Krv. Samuel lH.vies.
ifterwurd president of Princeton eol
lepe, travelinp in Lrplund. descriliee
Kev. In-. Limlner as "a little pert old
pent." epithets that would not lie flat-
' terinp to a niini..ier to-day, nor even
j dipnitied for a mh;i.A.'r to use. "Pert''
here has the sense f lively" nmcli
1 ns a Iventnekian mi. it use "is-srf or
a New Enptemler "i erk." Indeed. I
suspect that Davie:, p; ve the word the
sound of peart." That Davie, used
"pent" as a term of respect is shown by
his characterization of cnother rev
erend doctor as "a venerable, humble
and affectionate old pent." It will not
do. therefore, to account a word recent
because of its slanpiness. When a
smoker professes fondness for "the
weed" he does not dream that he is
nsinp an epithet applied to tobacco by
Kinp James I. in ltMu. and that nearlv
two hundred years earlier than James,
in the reign of Edward VI.. the hop
plant just coming inU Enpland was
called "the wicked weed." What
plant hud worn this title of contempt
before the nop I do not know.
MexInM Kevard H.u tllpox a a lM.ln
The poor and ip:.
ieans have an one :
Ktilion alumt sni'
visit to the inter:
I'uat elass of Mes
y rvl'piou stiper
;. x. ' n a recent
.f .M-'-.teo. says u
rietj-v. i'i'.-ayune. 1
' ar ..ind in their
I tti bodies were
sur;!;; Ki. 1 was.
writer in the New
saw mothers carry
arms labies
almost eaten uo
of course, shocked. : the fr
tacle. and even ri' -rt ii
tf ul spee
i'.il uded
mother money if t'.i - won! I Uike her
terribly afflicted chi'.t b '-ii.- ;.ud cull in
a physician to atteie! ii. i.ut she re
fused my proffer wivii :.-.-r:i. isnd lie
pan to eroon some weird i.: .ntution as
she tenderly cares, ed the little half
clad sufferer in her arms. I afterward
learned that the ipuorunt class of Mex
icans eonsider-an outbreak of the red
pest in their miserable hovels a visita
tion of Divine wrath for :ome sin they
have committed, set are they in
this belief that tluy will do nolhiup
whatever to check the ravapes of the
disease, except w hen it attacks their
infants, to take the victims in their
arms, press them closely to their
breasts and pray devoutly and con
tinuonsly to God to forpive them for
their wickedness, ti course the small
pox runs itscourse after awhile, thouph
never before claiminp several member
of every family as victims, but not un
til it does are the afflicted parents
purged of their sins.
I.ijunlit7 at Mr.
It is natural fora woman to resent the
imputation that the feminine mind is
not so stronp as the masculine, and this
spirit of independence wa early mani
fested in a sc-hoolpirl livinp in a Massa
chusetts town, hhe had. too often,
perhaps, lrn made' to acknowledge
the superiority of her brothers, ttne
day her mother remarked upon the ap
parently utter lack of intelligence in a
hen. "You can't teach a hen any
thing. she said. "They have ruined
more of thfc parden than a drove of
cattle would. You can teach a cat.
dog, or pip Homethinp. but a hen
never:" "llm!" exclaimed the child,
indipnantly. "I think they know just
as much aa the roosters'"
Adirondack fcenuaa.
mere are some remarkable echoes
in the wood-encircled Adirondack
lakes. A single whip will lie t-sed
alxtut a dozen times from a bit of wood
land edpinp the lake, and when the
last echo seems to have died away some
more distant woodland will suddenly
take np the call with increased lowi
ness. and the sound will at lenpth fade
out in extreme distance. The nearer
echoes Htm to be lilled with the inex
pressible freshness of the woodland,
and it is hard to believe that the sound
is mere airy mimicry of the human
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints.
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes Han r Beast well
A lady who is more devoted to farm
life than that of the city, called opon a
photographer recently and wished to
know how long after leaving her measure
she must wail to receive her picture.
New Bedford Journal.
"They tell me your servant is a jewel,"
said the caller. "Yes," replied the
hostess wearily, "she's so much more
ornamental than useful !" Washington
"We should be thankful for. small
mercies," said the boarding-house mis
tress.. "We have to be," replied the
star hoarder, as he gazed at the dimin
utive tnrkev. Truth.
Sanation wanted A gentleman, late
center-rush on a football team, will at
tend lailies on their Christmas shopping.
Address Rush Line, general postofiice,
New York. Truth.
Dandruff is an exudation from the
pores of the skin that spread) and dries,
forming scurf and causing the hair to
fallout. Hall's Hair Kenewer cures it.
For Infanta and Children.
Caatoria premot Pigtloa, and
overccoMS Flatulency, Coostipatiou, Sour
Btomaeh, Diarrhoea, and Feveruhnea
Thus the child is rendered healthy and iu
sleep BSktnraX Caatoriav contains OS
Morphine or other narcotic propertT.
"OaaMria la ao wall adapted to chlMrse that
I recommend it a. superior toanv praacrtptioo
known to me." Ii. A. Ajtcnaa. M. 1.,
IU Booth Oxford iiruoaijo, K. Y.
"rorwrraral yeam I haw recomuen3ed rouf
'Caatoria.' aad Miall always eonUnue todoao,
as It ana usvariabiT producrd beneocial rmiu.
f.nwiii V. hum. M. !.,
CSUi Street and 7 th Are Hnm Xgrfc Utf.
-Tb as of 'Caatoria' la so tuiTenal and
Ha merits en well anowa that It enema a work of
unereroKatiaa to eDdores tt. Few are the la
teflnrent families who do aot keep Oaalona
witiuaeaay reach."
CtaLos Km, f. D.,
Kew York City.
Tax CaWTaOB Ooaraar, T7 Hurray Bueet, X.T.
Furniture and Carpets.
We have added to our lumineat a 1
complete Undertakinc; Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with :
the Undertakers' Trust", onr pricee wi!
Ire low nrcorrlinul.
! UfldertakiDg Establishment. ! PmXI M Fl iS m
M W bbw eaw w wa) aam wmmmmmm
1 . . I
The Dulles, ftrtiaDi ssd AMcria
Nariijation Co
FreiDOi aati FssEnoerLins
ThroiK'li liiv Tri) (fmnlays ex
cepted) between The lhtlles and Port
land. Steamer kejrulator leaves The
Ihtlles at " m. m.. coinieeting at the Cas
rade Locks with steamer Ialles City.
Steamer lallc Citv leaves Portland
(Yamhill St. dock) at' 6 a. in., ronneet
inir with Steamer Retmlator for The
Dal lea.
Oua way
Round trip.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car tots,
will be brought through, irith
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments lor Portland received at
any time day or nitfht. Shipments fur
way landinps must lie delivered before
p. m. Live stock shipments solirled.
Call on or address,
.nwra1 AMf
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
J F. FOED, EvaDEGlisi
M !) Molne. Iowa, wrttat under lt
March it. I-vm:
S. It. .Mxii. . Co.,
Ihlfnr, Oregon.
(jrutlrmtn :
On arrivini; home lanl week, I found
All well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little trirl, etclit and one-halt vears old,
who bud wasted t sy to 'M fionnds, if
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. i. Cout:h Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. 'ugh Cure baa cured
and kept awuy all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetinsp
for nil. Vi you prosperity, we are
Yours, !". 4 Msa. J. F." Fobd.
It Jim w!h to feel freab andcbeerful.ajidteailj
for the Bprliix a work, cleenat yoor system with
the Uedar:ee and Liver Oirv, by latins ten or
three dn eacli week.
Hold niider MwltlTe guarantee
Vj ca.-nu per twttie bv all itruiuttau
promt anewer aod an boneel opinmo. write to
MINNA t'O.. wen bate bed ueaflrnrtT tnera
expenene In tne patent bouwaa. Cnnmnniea
tm etrKtlr ennAnmtlal. A tiaadeewa ol In.
fnroaatioa eoncernios f ate.i. nod bnw to ob
tain tbem aent tree. Aleo. miaiuaea at aaMtiau
loai ana anent'ttfl bone, nut tree.
Patent taken torown Mima a Ca. rteares
special aotleeintbe Kriratlllr Aaaerlraa. and
tnoa are brutwilt wioelf ber-eeUie public witn.
oat enet to tne rBventor. True enleBilKl eaper.
taraed wexbrr. elesamir illnnrsiMi. ban br fartbo
lanreat rircuiatioa of anr etimtibe work In tiae
wind, ajarear. en.pi vm aent tree.
Balldtoe Kniuuo, aiontniT. :ua rear, grewa)
emxea, U& cent. ary naM enataias hu.ii
tiful piatea, io eotora. and pnotonrapoa of new
bosaea. wttb p.m. eoabiioji buiioer. to abow tae
ate.t dxiiT. UHl mv.tiT fmtmruk. -
i . . .
J C.reati. and 1 rte-M rli obtained, and all l at-j
. fea .wiira ror atootaart Ptts.
: JOua Ornce i Oeeoaire O B. Parcar oenet (
1 J.nd wa no eerur e patnt ta ica. imit loan UuneC
Jieaiote Iroej WaMinsion. t
bend mooel. ciawioc or photo., wilb Jla tlp-?
Jtioa. W aaiae, if patentable or aot. Ires of i
ecaaree. Our fee not oue till patent MMcvred. S
J paawwirr, "How to Obtain I'alea a,' with)
Jcoat pi aasie in I be f.S-aod lecaajaamwUMsi
eecot tree. Addrew, J
' "ITOr- '-IMIHt--- C t
J-JK. A. ItirTIilCII.
Physician and hiurgeon,
CaTr Al! mf-Hlonnl c.!U t.r.m.t!v .tiende
liajr and mailt. ' ,p,i4
LPfetih i
flew York Weekly Tribune,
a twent
v-i.aire journal, is the leaditin Kennblican lainily paimr of th.
States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY 1'AI'F.K. aud gives ill
the eeneral news of the l nited
lauds in nutshell. Its AUKK'l l.l L KM. ueparunent has no tU.
irioriii the country. Its MALKET KIHKTS are M.
thoritv. Separate departments for T1IK FAMILY C1KCLE, IH R
AM) SOC1KTY columns comuiaiid the admiration of t ha wives and
daughter. It general ptiliticat news. eliorials and discuasiona arc
romprelienslve, brilliant and exhaustive
OabIi lxx A.cttritxioo.
(The regular subscription for the two paper is
Address all orde.s to CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO.
tW" Write vour name
me and adilress on a
Itnildinp. New York
llonni '1. Tribune i
YORK WEKKLY TRIUUNK willle mailed to you.
Daily and Ueeldy
THE CHI.0MCLE was ttablished for the ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other rt
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chkomcle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per
annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlio Dalles, Orogon.
Blakeley & Houghton,
175 Second Street.
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines,
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mall Ordnrs will recnive prompt attention.
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and BaKKaKe Office of the U. P.
Union Toletrrapb Office are In the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
I This well-known Brewery is now tnrning oat th best Beef aud ortT
j east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of food health
ful Beer have been lotrodused, and on y the first-class article will be placed Ot
1 he market
states, it gives tlia events ol foreign
us to offer this saleiiiliU ioumal
postal card, vend it to George W. Bt
City, and a sample copy of THE NtW
The Dalles, Oregon
It. R, Company, and offit ol the WeStani