THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1894. The Weekly Chronicle. Clubbing List. Tlie Ciikon'i.I, -" K'VM) H'" '' twice a week, lis made arrangement to i,,ith the following publications, and offers two paer one year lor little more than the price ' ol,e : ,n"" ' lt.-nlr Our lru price ui I- Tnkiif Artil'U ui V "' Hr.iitlr J H'Alj luaiifr $2.60 1.75 . 3.00 2.00 . 3.25 2.2i . 2.25 2.00 LOCAL HKKVITIKH. Haturaay'e Pally. Walter Kowe waaeturned to Salem this afternoon. Sixteen hog and tome other personal property were sold this afternoon by Conntable Urquhart to satisfy a judg ment of Terry Watkiua against C. K. Junfi. A farmer from over near Goldendale left his team in one of the fueil yard laDt night, and onie heartless wretch itule everything that was luoje in tlie wagon Hawthorne gave It is testimony thin morning in the Savage cane and wai taken back to Portland on the afternoon train. It wan expected yesterday that Uie rase would lie finished today tint that does not now mm possible. The courthouse was crowded this afternoon, many ladiea being present and hiking a deep interest in the pro ceedings. There were several pretty lively conflicts between the attorneys tonrerning the admissibility of testi mony. The attorneyi for the defense are fighting every point, and laying the foundations, or trying to, for a new trial in case of conviction. At the literary society Monday even ing election of officers will be bad. Sub ject for debate. "Rcaolved, That men art governed more by imagination than reason." leader of affirmative, Mis Kewman ; negative, Mis Evelyn New man, (notations from Scott. All who are interested are invited to be present, and so decide whether or not it would benefit them to become members. Frank Klein was placed on the wit aesa stand this afternoon, and at 3:20 his examination bad not been com pleted. His testimony varies from that given in the preliminary examination by being more full and Riving soma en tirely new evidence. He testified, among other things, that in conversa tion with his father the Monday morn ing after the robtwry, be told him be bad committed the robbery. The Union Savings and Loan Associa tion bank In the Marquam building, Portland, was looted by burglars last night. The burglar-proof safe was blown 0en, the bold burglar having drilled a hole into it and with a nitro glycerine tone knocked tlie burglar proof theory as well as the safe to pieces. A census of the bold youths of The Dalles, we might mention for the honeCtof the Oregonian, dincUmes the fart that our talent were not in It. Maier A Kenton now propose to give away a Ramona cook stove with reser voir, one copper teakettle and one Col ombia Garland Junior stove, all now on exhibition in their w indow. The prizes will 1 awarded New Years eve. Do you want to know how you can get one of these prizes? If so, call at the store. You will find there everything in the hardware line, stoves, ranges, tin, gran ite and aluminum ware, cutlery and everything else. While the K. of 1. boys were holding forth in the ball over Gates A Leavin' store at the Cascades Thursday nigbt, someone broke into the store. Two in dividuals giving tbeir names as Thomas Moore and James Williams were arrested by Constable Trana, and after a prelim inary examination before Justice Will iams were bound over to the grand jury and brought here last night. It looks suspicions but we hardly believe the K. ef I. boys wonld put up that job. The Universal exposition at Portland will be formally opened tonight. The ewHpaper men of Oregon have been in vited to lo present at the opening cere monies, and no doubt many of them will be tliere to enjoy the pyrotechnical dis play, and the soniething-to-eat after wiirds. We have always had a kindly 'eeling towards the exposition, a feeling Hint began way liack in the old "mechaair fair" times, and we sin cerely hope the exposition commencing t'mit-ht will Im profitable to its backers, as it undoubtedly will to the state. Mondaya Dally. The Portland exposition is to run S'ven days each week. The meeting of fhe literary society has been postponed far ona week. Winter suits and over-oat in sizes fr'fl 4! to 48 at A. M. Williaais 4 Co.'s. The meeting of the King's Daughters hns Wn postponed until next Tuesday. from present appearances the Savage ae will go to the jury swine time to rnorraw. F.d Gibson and wife went to Arlington today, where Mrs. Gibnon's people are said to reside. The coopla have boeqm so laaflraied la tua morphine habit that there is no chance of tbeir ever reform Ing here. The girl's parents may be able to do something with them but it is not probable. The jury in the Savage case were taken to the express office this morning, and I hence to w here the money taken from it was found. The Seattle paper still insist that the shape of the summit cf Mt. Tinnier has changed, the middle peak being much lower than it was. Mr. Sherar, who returned last week from Boston, is highly pleased with bis trip. He says that the last lot of wool taken back by him was pronounced the finest ever reaching Boston from the Pacific coast. Ed Gibson and bis wife were arrested Satnrday night, charged with stealing sixteen rolls of hotter from Mr. Helm. These people are a disgrace to the com munity, and should lie sent to the asy lum. They arc regular morphine fiends, and in consequence their moral suscept abilities are utterly destroyed. An alarm of fire at 5 o'clock Saturday evening was caused by the burning of a chimney at Mrs. Obarr's restaurant. The engines and hose carts were soon on the way to the scene of the fire, though fortunately tbeir services were not needed. The prompt response to the alarm speaks well of the discipline of the companies. The collectors have been numerous and busy today, and each of them bad a plethoric-looking sack it is fair to pre sume that all Dalles jwople had money to meet their bills. I"ronurt payment everv collection day speaks stronger than anything else in favor of Wasco county and The Dalles. It ia the leet town in the state by great big oddc. The caxe of the State against Savage continues to draw quite a crowd of siiec- tatoru, the courtroom being well filled with many ladies in the audience. The prosecution closed its case a few min utes lefore noon, and the defense opened theirs on the coming in of court this afternoon. Up to 3 o'clock Sam Sim mons, Dick Nolan, Mr. Ferguson and Ad Kdgar had been examined by the defense. Tuesday Dully. Elder M. Iiramb'.et will preach at the Christian church tonight at 7 :.'10. Subject "Angels and Hornets." Licenses to wed were issued yester day to J. H. Miller and Miss Laura Cooley, and to William Walker and Cylima Scenacal. Two gentlemen overloaded explained tbeir nnseemly condurt to the recorder this morning. They paid a fine of $5 each and departed. Don't forget to get reserved seats for "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Blakeley A Houghton's. Performance at opera bouse tomorrow night. As we go to press Mr. Snow the coun cil for the prosecation had not closed bis argument to the jury. It is probable the case will be submitted by 5 o'clock. Push Sellinger and Miss Divers will be married by his honor Judge Bradshaw this evening on the adjournment of court. Both parties are from Hood River. A trip down the river by the D. P. 4 A. X. Co.'s boat, now that the weather in clear, is one to be lor-g remembered. For grandeur of scenery that route is not equalled in the United States. Mr. Georg Herbert ia in the city, coming down from Grant yesterday, and is looking as healthy and happy as pos sible. He tells us the distillery will start up between the middle of the month and New Years. Mr. M. V. Harrison came up from Hood Kiver this afternoon. He has been employed by the county court to prepare the delinquent tax list of 1802 and at the same tiaie will assist in mak ing a list for the use of those gentlemen who are engaged in making set of present ownership books for the county. Hood Kiyer is holding an election to day to decide whether or not she shall incorportae herself, and at the same time is electing officers, so that if incor poration passes she will be ready to pro ceed to business. Parties who left at noon today say that both sides are con fident of success, and that the odds seemed to be in favor of incorporation. Quite a number of voters are absent from the town, but as these are pretty evenly paired, the result would perhaps not have been altered bad they been present. The prizes given to their customers by I'ease A Mays, consisting of a handsome bedroom set, and a fine bicycle, were awarded Saturday night. The cone con tained 11,101 tooth-picks. Mies Dorothy Fredden guessed 11,14? and received the bedroom set while Stanley "Webb of De Moes Spring, Sherman county, guessed 11,163 and captured the bicycle. Much interest was manifested in this guessing contest and it is gratifying to know that some little country lad, has been made supremely happy through it. Lent. A note dated Oct. 23, 1801 due Oct. 25, 1KK5 for the sum of $3,500 payable to John Ruoiueon, signed by D. 11. Stone and C. W. Stoae. All prrHons are cautioned agaiusl purchasing the same. John Uhinos. U'aia aaeks far sal t ih vYaa warko. " Waelala of Eaneadltaree Showing the amounts of all claims prenented, the names of all claimants, the article or claim for which payment is made, the amounts allowed and the claims continued or rejected at the No vemlier term, '94, of the county court for Wasco county, Oregon. The following list, however, does not contain any claim for w hich the salary cr fees are provided by statute: Glass A Prudhomme, records and supplies sherilfs office. . $ M 40 Geo D I'.arnhardt A Co.'circuit court and treasurer's record . 60 40 lien V Irwin A Go, circuit court register 25 00 Jas W lUakeney, removing elec tion iKKlthS ." 1 50 F W I. Skibbe, hoard of non-res- ident pauper 12 00 Geo Garty, nursing J no Baier . 10 00 Wno Warehouse, rent booths 9 00 D C Ijsmison, changing tele phone 1 00 Ben C Irwin A Co, supplies clerk's office 12 OS Mays A Crowe, spikes ami nails "o Hugh (ilenn, repairs courthouse vault 22S M Meston A Dygert Co, road record 22 00 Pease A Mays, mdee . 1 00 Ice Co, ice 1 47 Meston A Dygert, judgment file boxes . . ." 7S 24 Harbison Bros, lumber road dis trict 5 25 00 Ward A Son, lumber road dis tricts 13 and 15 59 45 W U Brown, lator on road 12 00 Antone Kneckeley, labor road 12 O0 W Mnddron. labor on road. ... 12 00 S K Ferris, street sprinkling. . 3 00 Dalles City, water 11 00 Ward A Kerns, livery 3 00 L M Woodcock, lumber district 18 24 00 Wiu Michel), burial exiienses paujiers 30 00 I C hickelsen, supplies school superintendent 2 25 Gunning A Hook man, work for district 12 2 70 E C Drew, rublier stamp Oregon Telephone Co, use tele phone 4 00 J T Peters, Inmber, nails, etc . . 141 51 Mays A Crowe, supplies county road 19 00 A M Williams, supplies non resident paupers 10 45 J F Haworth, blanks 2 60 II Herbnng, supplies county jail 9 75 Troy Shelley, supplies 2 95 Maier & .Kenton, fuel, repairs and supplies 117 75 M T Nolan, supplies clerk's office 2 00 D W Yause, varnishing vault. . 16 85 GAR, relief 45 00 Chronicle Pub Co, printing ... 43 00 J B Crossen, supplies paupere. . S 60 J W Blakeney, freight adrayage 3 10 J S Sutherland, med services. . . II 60 O D Ioane, med services 7 00 ra Martin, expert work lb 28 Times-Mountaineer, printing .. 12 75 John Pharis, sawing wood 3 75 W E Miller, fare pauper 20 00 Karpolis widow, expenses 5 00 Emil Scbanno, use of team 6 00 John Beyers, ticket to California 50 00 Mrs N Harris, fare to Boys and Girls Aid Society 3 45 N C Evans, repairing Hood River bridge. 125 00 D J Cooper, repairing bridge lower 15-Mile 180 00 Geo C Blakeley, fare to pau per 5 75 State or Obkoom, J County of Waeco( "' I, A. M. Kelsay, county clerk of WaBco county, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore going is a full and complete statement of the claims presented and action taken thereon by the county court of Wasca county, Oregon, sitting for the trans action of county business at the Novem ber tCTTu, 94, thereof, save and except all claims, the salary or fees of which are provided for by statute. Witness my hand and seal of the county court, affixed this let day of December, 1894. Seal A. M. Kelsat, By A. G. Johnson. County Clerk. Deputy. M osier Hppulng-. "Uncle Billy" Hayes has been quite ill for several days. Wni. Watson will give dance New Year evening at bis home on Rock creek. A very enjoyable country dance was given at the residence of Thomas Har lan Thanksgiving evening. About thirty couples were present, and the fes tivities, as usual, were prolonged until daylight. The telegraph line outfit have re moved their mess car to Hood River, having progressed from here three miles westward. Miss Alice Root, one of Mosier's most estimable young ladies, and Mr. Wal lace Husbands, also long tr i favorably known in the vicinity, were married ThankFgiving day at the schoolhouse. Weddings and King' of Tompkins County apples are ripe in this neighbor hood. There have been two of the for mer, and two others are daily expected. Neither has reference to Carl Weidner, whose horse fell dead tinder biin while on his way to see his inamorata. Ilia remark was scarcely like King Richard's when a similar accident befell him "My kingdom for horse." All Carl said wm : "Well, I'll ba danged." Miss Myra Rowland was marrisl Fri day evening, November 30tb, to Mr. Oscar Depee of The Dalles, late of Chi cago. The marriage was to have taken place Thanksgiving day, but tba groom committed the extraordinary ollence of being late in his appointment, haviag iiiicsed the boat in the morning. The nuptial knot was therefor tied the fol lowing day at Mosier ay Thos. Harlan, justice of the peace. Tho good wishes ! busts of friaadl follow tl yoaof eoa- pie in their new relation of man and wife. Mrs. Bachelor's house on Rock creek was broke open a few days ago and the contents destroyed. The miscreant took excrement from a vault, depositing it in the bureau drawer among the wearing apparel and liedding, upon the center table and the fine carpets in the parlor and bedrooms. The wire fence was also cut between each post, and the apple trees in the orchard girdled. A large mirror was broken, the furniture de molished, and the house badly damaged. The property destroyed will amount to several hundred dollars. A criticism here upon the total depravity of tlie human h"g-hyena who committed these almost unnamahlo atrocities would be useless. He would neither be able to read nor intelligently understand. Runl'LAK. A Villainous lrrt. At about 9 o'clock on the night of the 22nd two barns belonging to George Saxon, whose place ia about a mile west of the Pleasant poatofhee, were burned to the ground. The fires occored si multaneously and, as the barna were nearly three-quarters of a mile apart, they were beyond question the work of an incendiary. Mr. Saxon had gone to bed and was waked np by the hired man who in turn had been waked by the mar of the flames of the barn near est the house. But it was too late to save anything. The buildings contained about 40 tons of hay, Mr. Saxon's sole reliance for the winter feed of 450 head of sheep, besides a number of cattle and horses. Two horses were roasted in their stalls while third broke loose after bis halter rope bad been burned in two, bat so badly roasted by the flames that he had to be shot to put him out of misery. A valuable brood sow also es caped but not till her ears and tail had been burned to a crisp and her body fatr.'iy scotched. A new hack, two sets harness, nearly new, a $35 saddle as good aa new besides a lot of ropes, halt era and otber such articles as are usually fouad in a farmer's barn also perished. Mr. Saxton ia an industrious young man, and the loss represents the labor of four years of hard work, all reduced to worth lees sshes to appease the vengence of some cowardly miscreant for whom a gallows as higb as Hainan's wonld not be sufficient punishment. It is de voutly to be hoped that the perpetrator of the crime may be discovered and punished ae he deserves. There was no insurance and the loss falls with crash ing weight on Mr. Saxon, more especial at the beginning of the winter. Golden dale Republican. Unci Tom's Cabin. The next attraction at the opera house will be Rasco A Swift'e big spectacular Uncle Tom's Cabin, Wednesday nigbt, Dec. Mb, with a large company, band and orchestra, blood hounds, Shetland pony, Egyptian donkey, special scen ery, etc. Those who have witnessed the rendi tion of this wonderful and ever-popular play are always anxious to see it once more. Because it gives them joy and happiness, and they always learn a les son of morality. Those who have never had an opportunity of seeing Uncle Tom's Cabin played by this ever-popular comv-r-y should avail themselves of this occasion to witness this most won derful performance. All the characters are lifelike and original. Rendered aa they are by some of the moet talented actors of thia country, all Christian people should not only come and eee it themselves, but they should bring their children with them, that they too may be permitted to learn a lasting lesson of morality, one that will ever follow them through life. All the characters of this play will be represented true to life, without being exaggerated. Popular prices of admission are always main tained. 26, 50 and 75 cents. Real Katata Traaaactloaa. The following deeds were filed for record Eaturday : R F Hardwick and wife to Idlewilde Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Hood River, 12 acres in sec 2, tp 2 n of r 10 e : 1400. Etate of Oregon to Wm Davidson, Be ,'-4 ne V. sec 15, tp 2 n of r 10 e ; f SO. United States to Jasper N. Burgess, 319 acres in sec 31, tp 6 of r 10 e. United States to Thomas Burgess, 318 acrea in sec 31, tp 5 r 10 e. Maggie Fournelle to Peter Fournelle, the nw'i, nei', sec 1, tp 1 n, r 12 e; $1. Peter Fournelle to Joseph T. Peters, same property as the above; $009. PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Opens Daceanbor t, IMU4, tad Closes Janaarr 15, IKtfS. Daring this time the Dalles, Portland A Astoria Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalle to Portland and return, including two meal on the steamer Dalles City at $2.50. Tickets limited to ten days from date of sale. Regulator will leave ot 7 a. lu. and the Dalles City will arrive at Portland at 6:30 p. ui. yuick transfer at the locks. W.C. AtLAWAT, nov22-tf Gen. Ageut. Keal Batata Traaaaetleas. Deeds were filed today as follow: Gertrude E. Woodward aud Gilbert N. Woodward to tiaxaU A. Ktrauahan, one acre aud a art-r iu sac 84, tp $ a, r It WASHINUTON LETTER. Kuan Hir ririttr eorreMnlent. Wahhincito!, Nov. 37, 1S'.4. The democratic senator w ho have ar rived in Washington are disposed to ac cept philosophically the fact that the republican senators are masters of the situation and that no more tinkering of the tariff will be allowed. Even as rad ical a free trader as Mills of Texas, who prefaced his vote for the Gorman-Brice tariff bill with the statement that he would follow it up w ith an attempt to further extend the free list, now con fesses that he has little hope of seeing any of the popgun tariff bills passed. It is noteworthy that the most sensa tional stories concerning the alleged danger of war with England, on account of the diplomatic complications arising out of the changed attitude of England towards Nicaragua, emanated from sources friendly to the administration. Thia ia absolutely nothing in the situa tion so far as known here that cannot easily be settled by diplomacy, even of the bungling sort, which baa heretofore characterized this administration, but there is little doubt that the administra tion would gladly welcome a serious dis greement with England, or any other country, as anything calculated to arouse the patriotism of the country would dis tract public attention from the monu mental failure of the domestic polic of the administration in all its branches. Mr. Cleveland would much rather that the Monroe Doctrine be discussed in congress than some other things. Mr. Cleveland did not enjoy his Thanksgiving day dinner, for several good and sufficient reasons. He has a bad attack of the gout, and everybody who has had any experience &ith a man suffering with that complaint knows that it makes the most amiable of men savage. Besides, he has a number of very troublesome questions to deal with in bis annual message to congress. He hasn't been to the white house for ten days. A lot of defeated democratic congress men thought they had a nice little snap to get sums running from $1,500 and up wards for each man from Uncle Sam's coffers, without even making a pretense of earning it. Present indications are that the snap will have to be abandoned as unworkable. These men concluded that they would not come to Washing ton to take part in the short session of congress, but would ntilize the time in trying to "catch on" to something out of which they could live, meanwhile continuing to draw their salaries as con gressmen $416,66 a month until the 3rd of next March. But that was not enough for them. They actually had the audacity to write to the sergeant-at-arms of the house, directing- him to for ward them checks for the mileage which would have been due them for coming to Washington and returning to their homeB at the close of the session. That demand has probably broken up the whole scheme, as the eergeant at arma has very properly refused to pay mileage to members who do not come to Wash ington, and a movement ia on foot to stop the salary of members who remain away from Washington, except when compelled by aickness to do so. Although the members of the admin istration pretend to be entirely indiffer ent as to whether democratic senators and representatives carry out their threats of making an attack upon Mr. Cleveland in congress, it is known that Mr. Cleveland has, through third parties, made overtures to some of the most vig orous kickers looking towards patching up a truce, and intimating very plainly that some of those who have not been able to even name a fourth class post master will be allowed to control a cer tain amount of patronage during the re mainder of the administration, if they will refrain from abusing the president and the administration. Several have been promised, it ia eaid, that they will personally be taken care of after their terma expire. But there are some of the kickers whom it will be difficult, if not impossible, to muzzle, with offices or anything else. The democratic congressional leaders might s well be deaf and dumb so far as giving any Intimation of what they propose to try to do during the coming session, for publication, is concerned. Among themselves, they express the opinion that they will be fortunate if they can keep a quorum of the house here without the assistance of the re publicans, in order to pass the appropri ations. There is no occasion for them to indulge in any fears on that account. The republicans w ill gladly aenist them in maintaining a quorum to act upon the appropriation bills, but not upon other legislation. There are rumors of an attempt to kill the income tax law, either by direct re peal or by withboldiag thft half-million dollar appropriation that will be asked for by Secretary Cariiele to put tke law iuto effect, but they arc probably With out material foundation. There is likely t j be much talk against the law when the appropriation cornea up, but there is no gMjd reason to xpect the failure of th appropriation, anil 110 probability of repeal. Las. Fed wheat for sala keap at Waac Warohout. t'eanrll Meat lag. The regular monthly meeting of tho city council took place last night, present Councilmen S. K. Johns, T. J. Joles, M. T. Nolan, G. C. Eshelnian and R. B. Hood. The mayor being absent Coun cilman Joles was appointed chairman. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved. Councilman Johns reported as member of committee on streets and public prop erty, that 15 cords of wood had beea purchased for the city otlices at $5 per cord. The regular monthly reports of the city officers were read and ordered not accepted except the street commission er' report. Special ordinance No. being an or dinance for the improvement of Ninth street, by building a sidewalk on th south side thereof between Pentland and Liberty streets, was read and passed. Claims againat the city were read and ordered paid. Moved and carried that when council adjourn it adjourn to meet Saturday night. On motion it was ordered that in the matter of extending a certain sewer near the old city mill be referred to the com mittee on streets and public property with power to act. IIILLM ALLOWKI). Douglas Dufur, recorder $ 75 Of Jaa II Blakeney, marshal 75 00 Geo J Brown, eng fire dept 75 09 W II Butts, street commsr 65 06 I I Burget, treasurer 20 0 John Blnser, fire warden 10 0 J H Blakeney, 15 cords wood. . . 75 09 Or Telephone Co, rent 'phone. . 2 09 Dalles Water Works, water rent for Nov 32 09 Dalles El Lt Tel A P Co office lighta, Nov 5 49 Dalle El Lt, Tel A P Co, street lights 240 09 Dalles El Lt, Tel & P Co, lighta fire dept 6 49 Gunning A Hock man, labor. ... 3 09 R B Hood, jr, hauling hose cart 2 59 Farley A Frank, labor 159 J II Blakeney, hauling fire en gine 5 09 H Laflin, labor 3 09 H Clough, labor 3 75 Nick Blazer, labor and mdee. . . 4 00 J II Blakeney, hauling 2 2 J is T Peters A Co, lumber 40 00 W R Brown, labor 7 7i W A Maddron, labor 10 76 Geo C Bills, labor 2 09 FM King, labor 3 09 Maya A Crowe, mdse 4 69 Maier A Benton, mdse 2ft R B Hood, jr, hauling 7$ Dalles Lumb Co, mdse 67 4ft T T Nicholas, feeding prisoners 17 4ft Maier & Benton, mdse 6 6ft F G Connelly, night watchman . 60 09 R V Gibons, nigbt watchman. . 60 09 Snipes A Kineraly Co, mdse. ... 1 69 W II Young, mdse 2 59 PERSONAL MENTION. Saturday. Mr. Ben Snipes, of Seattle is in the city. Mr. S. W. Maaon of Boyd waa in town today. Mr. Geo. Lindsay is over from Hart-, land today. Hon. T. R.Coon of Hood River was in the city today. Mrs. Belle Rinehart is up from Port land visiting for a few days. Mrs. Geo. C. Blakeley went to Port land on the afternoon train. Mr. L. Rice of Endersby called at Th Chronicle office thia morning. Mr. Chas. Dietzel left for Portland Thursday, where he expected to meet Mra. Dietzel, and they were to leave for Pasadena, Calif., to spend the winter. United States Marshal Grady came up from Portland last night bringing young Hawthorne with him. The latter will be used as a witness against Otis Savage. Hon. Charles Fulton of Astoria was in the city yesterday, going further east on the passenger train last night. Hi ambition to occupy Senator Dolph position is laudable, and Mr. Fulton ha the ability but the senatorial election i already practically settled. Monday. Mr. J. G. Day of the Cascade Lock is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Myers of Alkali Flat, Crook county, are in the city. M AKIIIEO. At the Umatilla House, this city, Nov. 28,1894, by Justice Davis, William II. McAtee and Miss Sarah J. Woodcock, both of Tygh Valley. At the residence of C. W. Rice, in thia city, Dec. 2d, 1894, by Justice L. 8. Davis, Thomas Nestor of Portland to Miss Lizzie Howell of Wamic. In this citv, Dec. 3, 1894, by Justice L. S. Davis, William Walker and Miee Cylima Scenecal, both of Wasco county. M m m. km In New York City, Monday, Iec. 3, 1S04, Anthony Crossen, aged 83 year. Deceased waa the father of Mr. J. B. Crossen of thia city Wanted. Some good second hand hariies Must be cheap Cash. Address, W. X. this ouVe. HIED, Netie tii the I'nlillc. I forbid anvone to give any credit to Emma Fawce'tt, my wife, as she has left my home and deserted me on Saturday, tho 17lli inst. Anyone giving her anv credit after this notice, will have to b at the lose, as I will not pay it. Dated at Uufus, Sherman couuty, Or., thia'JOlh day of November, ISM. ".'if. Jostcu Fawtktt. Hun. Alriander II. Blehena. 1 ocaeionally uee, when my condition, requini it, Dr. Simmons Liver Leul tor, .. good effect. Hon. Ai.ex. H. Stimins." aascr'oe farTva Cunmcn.