THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1894. The Weekly Chronicle. Eutcrwl at the p.wt.iftoe ai The Pallia. tri;u. a -olid via. n:T. matter. ftTTK Oi rH IAl . ti jvemot tWreury ot -.".Ale Treasurer uiL of Public loarructuw A luiruoy Atrtji'ml Station . fiurranieu. iuit renter H K km. .tut I'hi'.hp MetM' M lr.iii I . M liti.-ntaii iJ N lo.)'h J. H. Miun.'U v h. Hermann iH K Llil . H Urn t-orvrT orriciAi-s. I'ounrv Jud Sntrii. . Clerk Treasurer Conimuwiouer lieu. ('. B.aKeler T. J. Priver i l WtluT tFrwtik'kincwid Hlower Aaaee.'ior . F II W akeaeld Surveyor autmiiteadeiit of Public ScbooU l.muer . E K ehen. "n But" MIXKKS VS. THK KAILROAV. The miners and the owners of mineral lands in !outhern Oregon are much hiM.I tl.M h.imux . t ih atflii.timi of railroad lands in that region, sav, the masked batterv. and in dne time the SUF" "ale is concerned. I would W Tortland Sun. A recent decision of the ' shot will be fired. .!ttd- nni,er the aggravations, to tn.ted States suoreme court, in the case The Sun does not for one moment im-. Partil;1" ' dut ,n of Borden vs. the Northern Pacific rail-' agine that the people of the I nited States , ,aV0T of fnned uSar i"" out road, holds that the secretary ot the in- will assent to the exchange of their non- our Uriff law- w,,h the 'vor terior mav determine the character of ' interest-bearing treasurv notes for inter- the nStar-refining interest in our railroad land up to the time of issuing est-bearing gold bonds. Xo one will lie , Unff Umi " suU l-nguwhe. to the ex patents to the comoanv. hut that after '. the gainer bv such a transaction, except teut of cloin8 refineries and d.scharing patents are is-uel the lands are bevond the purchaser of the bonds would get an ' thousands of workmen, it would seem to his jurUdu-tion. and no further hearing assured interest on their investment, as Prewnt Impel" c fr reasonable .v i i i ., ..r,.;., f... .i. w,.i. ii .. legislation. Whatever else is done or ran lie hue! Pursuant to this decision. tiie secretary, last Ju!y, isaued a cir - cu'ar announcing that wherever a list of raiiroad selections covered lands located within si t niil nf anv niinr pntrf. claim, or location, publication ihouid be made for sixty davs, calling rpon such standard can never be made running mineral claimant to appearand protest '. mates, as they will continually interfere against the railroad selections, and in , with each other. the absence of such protest, the lands As authority for the truth of this atate shouid be adjudged to be agricultural in j nient we would refer to the noted inter character, and the patents issued accord- view of lion. Thomas B. Heed, of Maine, ingly to the raiiroad company. Herein, contained in the June issue of the Fort- it appears. lies the daueer which the miners claim threatens them. The de- ei8ions of the secretary are final, and canuot be reviewed by the court, and if; the miners fail to notice the publication j or make their formal protests, they may lose their claims. Heuce meetings have j been held to arouse interest in the i matter, and give notice and information to all claimholdera, no that they can go to the locai land office and make the nec essary showing to protect their claims. The Oregon & California Raiiroad Com pany is now, througn the regular publi cation of notice, seeking patents to a large list of lands in Jackson, Josephine and Douglas counties, and the claim owners must file their protests within aixty days from October 8th. The time is rapidly expiring, and it is feared that many miners will neglect to make their protest and so loee their claims. The grant to the Oregon & California was thirty miles in width, and thousands of acres of valuable mining lands are in cluded within the limits of the grant. There seems to be now no other way of redress for the prospector and miner than that mentioned above, which has led to some adverse criticism of our members of congress and the officials of the interior department. Adverse criticism is hardly strong enough to express the feeling in the ! matter. We have long contended that the rock on which this government will eventually wreck is the "double stand ard laws." one for the rich corporations, another for the people. Here is a case in point. Notwithstanding the fact that the grant to the Oregon & California es pecially reserved all mineral lands from the operation of the grant, the secretary attempts to violate that law by passing the title of mineral lands to that com pany. A private citizen in filing on govern ment land must make what is known as the noD-mineral affidavit. That is, he must swear that there are no valuable minerals on the land he proposes to lo cate. This is a condition precedent, and must be complied with by the set tler. He must make the proof. How is it with the corporation? The secretary undertakes to throw the burden of prov ing the mineral-bearing character of the land upon the prospector if any; and to relieve the corporation from any re sponsibility whatever. The honorable secretary may allow that ruling to stand as his idea of right and justict ; Imt if he does, he violates the law he has sworn to uphold. We have always looked upon the secretary of the anterior as one of the most upright and honorable gentlemen in tlie president s cabinet; but if the above ruling is allowed to stand, we have been mistaken as to his character. The head of the department, whoever he may be, or w hatsoever Lis politics, who undertakes to enforce that ruling, de serves immediate impeachment. KI:TA!Xl.r ORI'JISAl.. Our contemporary, under its editorial, "Piain Sitna'.ion," says: The way to avoid the necessity of mak ing continual issuer? of bonds to ret goid is to retire some hundreds of millions of treasury notes as rapidly as possible. Cancel a sufficient quantity of the Botes witn which gold is withdrawn, amend the tariff so as to get more revenue, and thf-n make al! duties payable in fM. The fSnn would timid y ak as to how the "some handreds of ruillions of treas ury notes" are to be rapidly retired ? Is the government to request the holders of . the tame to donate them through I patriotism? If so, we (ear that the gov- 1 eriiment would tie sadly Uisappointeu 'as moat of the 1 older art. presumably 1 advocate ol the single gold standard, and we fail to perceive the great amount of patriotism, as evidenced by tlieir anions, that wiil move them to adopt such n philauthropicsil policy. TW oar contemporary a.iviee the government to repudiate their payment, or to hire a lot of Ivank roh'.K'rs and thieves to steal them, and then, when ot ie in tlie h session of trie government, have them destroyed? We presume that, bv a furred con- i nl .1... t ........ .. .... ...,.u.1 ' contemporary means to sell more bonds I . ..... . i. .i... u urvI1BM? inc ireasurv nuiv-e iv me ; M ti.. lv,,U n:t tt.n ' cancel the treasury notes thus purchased, To do this, however, we must resort to however, we must resort to the issue of bonds, w hich evil our con lemporarv wishes to do awav with, and j we must confess that we are completely , mystified as to what the point of the . mhive iKii- iiiav tte. Pmhflhlv it is a I the treasnry notes, is the rovernment'a ! promise to pay, backed by its credit, I A careful investigation of the monev I and tariff questions will, we are confi - ' tlpnt Mtiafv anv iinhiiit llfn..n thai high pmtection and the single gold niehtlv Review. Possibly sinre the an- pearaiiceof this articleour contemporary ! doe not reeognue Mr. Reed as a repub- i a repub- lican, though thus far we have seen no edict reading him out cf that party, and as he has been recognized in the past, and we presume will be in the future, as one of the irreat leaders of the reoubli- can party, the Sun would refer its read- . . ,. . , ... ers to jir. neea s ideas on ttiis question, ; believing that his view, may possibly 1 have greater weight nationally and even I locally than the views advanced by our j esteemed contemporary. Portland Sun. ! j : SOT (iVITK SKEMLT. I Col. Breckenridge will go to Washing- j ton to attend to his duties as congress-', man nntil the 4th of March next, after I which time be will take to the lecture 1 field. The maudlin sentiment" that per- j mits such men as Breckinridge to pan- j dertolts literary tastes, is certainly of j no credit to those who entertain it. Of Breckinridge's ability as an orator there ran be no Honht Km k;. u. ' it iuic uciu, u-iug uib tniamous tame as , an advertisement, should not be toler-! ated by decent people. MiN Pollard had sense enough to ; withdraw from the public gaze, which is much to her credit. The honorable i ctj : 1 t , , congressman from Kentucky, havine 1 oeen reurea by his constituents, will do 1 wen to toliow the example of his late ; lady friend, and obey the voice of the i people. It has been, and is, entirely too common for ladies, whose generosity is larger than their judgment, to bid for public favor on the stage through their own ulinru-nmltin Tioeo...(,. ! L. : 1 I J . ' . , lized by the gentler sex, and we suggest I that their monopoly be conceded bv Mr. Rrerkenriilro Mnnpl LalMin. ! the sex, and that it Is not calculated to!narer retic of barbarism than any- . increa-e the popolaritv of a he harlot. I Congress met at noon today and the 1 earnestly recommend its prompt re-1 criptions a vear in advance will be en . m i ' i" if titled to tbe same offer. ucujwimvv iivw ue ului tne .u oi . March next to legislate as best suits it. After that its control of tbe house is gone, and the senate if not against it liat poken of briefly, the president will be at least not for it. There is indorsing the action of the present head plenty of time to make lots of laws, but ! ' the department in guarding against we do not believe there is much inclina- j fraud- The compilation of the census tion to make them. Tbe Uriff will not I ' I890 we are assured, will be com be further disturbed, and tbe only thing i pleted in 1895. The president thinks of importance concerning which a battle ! eTT properly that the postoffice depart may occur is the financial question. lament is abused by persons sending is said that the president is formulating j cheap advertising schemes and trashy lit a new plan for the currency, if so, that erature through the mails as periodicals, question may lead to the eventual des- The message then proceeds to mention truction of our present national bank system. The president has not given any intimation to congress as to when his message will be submitted to it, and until it is what his ideaaon the currency question are can only be fmessed at. Tbe Portland Universal exposition opened Saturday night wi'.h an atten-1 dance of 20,000 people and a brilliant display ol fireworks. It is to be hoped t"t it will prove a success 6nanciaHv ' ...... murei upancia.IV nd that tbe that Las hong so heawily on the msnaiement may he i entirely litted. Portland's exmaition ia I oae of the best advertisements this state ever had, and we hope it may not again be postponed. Mrs. E. D. E. 5. eouthworth, who Las written more and said lew than any lie ifig woman, it! alive and residing at Georgetown. She is 76 years old but fortunately Las ceased to spoil paper with chamber-maid literature. THK KRKSIl KSrti MKHSAdK. - The presidents message bu Wn made public and althouch it contains ".'" unbiased reader can not discover in that fai t any reason why the presideut should have ulint himself ut tor two w eens to Creole it. it is a resume of the past year's acts of the ad uiiuietratiou and therefore devoid of in terest. That part of it which will at tract the most attention is that concern ing the proposed change in the hanking vjteui. The president heartily in dorses Secretary Carlisle's plan of chang ing this system so as to allow of more rapid expansion of the currency. Concerning the tariff, which is stn ine on great question, iir spras io, Ioy8: "inetartn act, paseeu ai me isi mrw j ,ion ol Pon.resa needs .amend- n,elu " 11 w """.",n' nd witn certainty, id aujition io sucn necessary amendments a. will not change the rates of duty, 1 am still very t decidedly in favor of putting coal and , iron upon the free list. So far as the i omitted, I earnestly repeat here the recommendation 1 have made in an other portion of this communication, c ' tliat tne auuuiona. quit di i-iotnui a . IU1" lne '-lona' aul 1,1 '"""ul PT Pund, laid upon sugar im ported from countries paying a bounty on it export be abrogated. It seems to me that exceedingly important consid erations point to the propriety of this amendment with the advent oi a new tariff, not only calculated to relieve the consumers of our land in the coot of their daily lite, but to invite a better de- , veiopment of American thrift and create for n c!oer ,nd more Profi,abIe merel"1 re'":ion9 W1UI lne re" 01 u" world, it follows as a logical and imiera- members of The Chuosk l.g family, tive necessity that we should at once re- j Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and move the chief, it not the only obstacle Simi-Weekly Chhonicle will be fnr which has to long prevented our partici- nished for oae year for t-.2.i, cash in ad pation in the foreign carrying trad of : vance. the sea. A tariff built upon the theory thnr it ia arel! In ehek imnorlH. anil i " r - ; tbf houl market should bound the ; 'ndQ9trv and effort of Amencan pro- ducers- "M fitlr "pplemented by a re- ,us' to llow Americn Te8ls'-rT seis bunt abroad, tnougn owneo anu , navigated by our people, thus exhibit- , i ins a willinirneaa Lo abandon all contest for the advantage of American trans- -en't- carriage. Our new tariff policy, j bnilt Pn the theory that it is well to , encourage such importations as our peo-; P nd that our products and manufactures should find markets in ever-T Part ' the ha,jiLabie !obe' consistently supplemented by the great- possible liberty to our citizens in the , ownership and navigation of .hips in . shii-h nnr nrrwloeta anil nnanlllm-lnrea ' ' njaJ transported. The millions now , Pail1 to foreigners for carrying American "f nd V across the sea ebouid turned into American hands. , Shtpbuiiding, which has been protected ( w ranguiauor., snou.a oe reineu "7 I iIld0the prospect of profitable employment , lUB Hr""Jci ui jiruuuiu ciuHiU.ujcm . ur wueu "u luc 'lor hoQid resurrected and again te bit place, a sturdy and industrious tJen n time of peace and a patriotic nd ,a'e defender of American interests , ln the days of conflict. The aacient provision of oo r law, deoTinc American eoiatev Ia aKina Knitt aKeeiaiH anrt nnmA I b-T Americans, appears in the light of Present conditions not only to oe a lail- Ure for trrfd at every rxiint bnt to V gooa at every point, dui to oe thing that exists under the permission of a statute of the L mted htates. I r - ' Tbe other parts of tbe message are ex- ceedingly commonplace. The pension I in detail every branch of the govern ment service, most of which being of an uninteresting character, will be lelt cn read. The bank robbery at Tortland last week has some features about it that lw,k ncKdine T "fishy." The safe id- "td 01 beinfr hurglar proof time lock I affair is said bv the Sun to be a second h,nd U)X ,th,t li":f, of l,la''k P'"ler wonid have blown open, f-ome --- ( monP - T 'onnd on flr w" t j moll't3 "nT it would certa.nly n in the safe at the; i. The indications h,T" bd il timc of the MPloeion are that the money was taken out of the I safe previous to the explosion, the public understands that it W was a bnildine and Irian aaariatiori robtd it will lose ail interest in tl e ! affair, considering it a bit of poe'.ic jin tice and letting it go at that. Tr Mllaw-Wawve PurniMriif RnrrvA TIAat WkaVit K-ACJU atdrwMkstav 001 Ftq. It it to be hoped the brutal game of j I .. . . 1 1 : 1 1 i .1 - K ith t tim-w i 1 luuiumil nil' w UUIIC wwn .... - - . , T. . ,), I , w... .v. .. .i . i.i ; ,,nt - nli,8uiua voulh in tl,is Iwtly ' .... ttlrn itri horror and dis RU4 ,rom ,,,,, t,rjw tighter, to throw up l our hats and upplaud the f.Hithall player, ! and vet prixe-tighting is net lia'.i brutal as f.Hitball. One is a wientihc thumping letween two brutes. the other the cowardly injuring of one oppo nent by another, witli twenty-two per sons engaged in the wickedness. I'rue tighliuc is demoralising ;!i heii-t!y and degrading. The gold reserve owing to the luid ,,. ,4 atf,n 0ver the legal re(piirfuienis, tliee no treasurv. hcinir lt.lXX).lXW in the t'wel Tom's C'aliln. Wednesday night. Iec. 5th, at the opera house, we will have Kusco A Swifl' big production of t'uele Tom's Cabin, the largest and best now playing this old time favorite. These gentlemen have the reputation of always keeping faith with the iieople, and rarrv all their ... . . . own scenery, band and orchestra. the company is headed bv Miss Coral IVm- mg, the' greatest living Topsv, and the onlv ladv who plavs this part in her hare feet, and little Venus, the beautiful child actreesas Eva. Among the many sjiecial features offered are the little Shetland ponies that took the premium at the world's fair as lieing the most perfect marked animal in the world, the cute Kgyptain donkey from the streets ot Cairo, world's fair, the genuine imported blood hounds, etc. Watch for the grand street parade at noon. Prices fur this engagement will lie "'. .VI and 7.S cents. Reserved seats at Blakeley A Houghton 'i now. We have made arrangements with the r-an Francisco Examiner to furnish it in connection with Tin Chronicle. Ilav - mg a dunning rate wuu tne vregonian i and N. V. Tribune for our republican ! ; patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic Mrs. Willie Kieeatu Vanderbilt is to baM, her diTorce iuit on the grotjnd f Did she ex .t pie three d,T.WMhi 'on j The success that Mas attended the use cf Dr. J. H. McLean's Voiranir Oil I. in. ament , the nlM of jD ,nd in furjng , . .. ... aiseaaes wnicn seemea oevona tne reacn o( ine, BM trne,T rem.rkabie. UandredI iappo9ed u, be crippled for M . d , . dlBtorted, their muscles withered or contrcted b, dlgvtmf. Wn enred I tl)rough tue nse of thi(( rpraedv. yrict 2.V:, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale bv , tlie Snipes-Kinersly Itrng Co. Friend-Are you superstitious- Do, ' iriir.r u iiiiii . cutttrniui .nco . . chant-No ; newspaper advertisements ,re better and cheaper. Fof , pjn jn QT cbeat there u notl,ing ,0 good , m piece of fianneI darnpened witn Chamlrlain'f I'ain Balm and bound on oyer theaeat of nain af ,rd. prom pt and perm.nelll ! j, af rtjg promPt B and if used in time will often prevent a ,d ,rom TMnlting in rneulnoui.. Tlli, treatment is a sure cure for lame DJck Fof. ,m,e u Blakeiev & Hough- ton DruggivU I The reeuiar auhnrnntinn nrire nf tha. I l lie regular SUOBCripilOn price Ot tne ! EECLT I , . . .. ; regular price OI tbe EEILT UBEGORIAK is 11.50. An, one sul.cribing for T Chbohicli and paying for one vear in ; . . j "Ivance can get both The Chuok.cle lW,a4tAaK 1. ! a wm a v . m t - AO W1 " u""'" "r All old subscribers paying their sub- i j Billing and cooing flourish during the honeymoon. Afterwards the bill-ing I sometimes Courier. stops the cooing I-owell ! For sick headache, caused by a dis- ordered stomach, Ayers Cathartic Pills ., . , ' are tbe most reliable remedy. -My motner nrst recommended these Pills to me, thirty years ago. They are the mildest and best purgative in ui." S. C. Brad burn, Worthington, Mass. ' For the many accidents that occur i D about the farm or tiousehould, such as 1 burns scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animais, mosquitoes or other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites, acbrs or pains in any part of the ' body, or the ailments resulting from ex-! posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.) Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanie It is strange that tome people will snf fur for years from rheumatism rather i than try sneh an aMiroved standard remedy as Ayer's Sarsnparilla ; and that, i inuruj m- n .o e .-:arrnirii ia ; ana that, I too, in spi of the a-snrance that it has rnrPd to many othors who were similarly 1 afflicted. Give it a trial. ' r ; ln -V00 8nt I."" t"w'cw ""d f-an I ran:i o I iarnin'-r fur - if , ! sr-n-l us !-'..'. and joucsn have them,' I i-jfi papers for 2.2o nr less than a cent n1 " U:f P'f If VOn Wrill'.rl !). have the New York World, .e will send ' yon that and the Semi-Werklt Cnhn. i ir.. one year for 2.iB. The World i. J a!. . ,r;...l.: aiso a semi-weekly so inu will get y.s papers lor 2.26. i a n...,latlve ri I mew. Wamiixoto. IVc. 3.-Repreeeutativej . . . I . . . ' ! McCivary, chairman of the house com- ( i n itto nn foreign affnirs, says he d not exicl mativ matters of iinportatire Ufore the committee the present session. He has not given the Nicaragua canal anv special attention : he thinks were tlie government to expend or guarantee $:,Vl(XV(XX! or 1(K1,(HH),(X1(I great care should I' vrrised, ami the govern ment should not be rah!y Committed M an enterprise of such magnitude. Iluuilirr'ls I olulr Hplvtl. 1Coi, IVc. o.-King llumliert tmlay in a speech from tlie throne to parlia ment held that the relations of the country w it It foreign powers were good ' (im, ,rouli,.tH (hat measures would be introtimed w'th reference to social and educational reform. The speech was coldly received. hiH la IVrw. r.iSAVA, IX-c. 3. IVrnvian advices state the country is in a most chaotic B;ate On account ol severe censorship lt lt impossible to get drtinile news of : tle progrc nf the revolutionists. It is ' (tated guerillas have surrounded Lima. llf.rtmi l'lr's Tear, K'. :t It nounceJ that the pope has decided a new basis for tlie collection of Peter's pence in America. Stern father He who sows the wind i reaps tlie whirlwind. Prodigal son U ell. lie rai-s tlie wind, anyway. j Detroit Tribune. i Customer Wtiat have you in the shaie of oranges? (irocer-Well, we I have base-halis. Mar lent Life. I ,kjfOkJK.jrT f BEFORE wawawMswaw I . ... i fun! a most horr- n hie hi -d tiisrasr. I - had sttiit hunj'ejv f dnllars THYIMj'.is remedies .in J hvsici.ii!s, none nf whuh diJ nir any cood. Mv fincer nulls c.ime on 1 anj mv hair came out, Iejcmg nirf prrtcrtly tuij. I then went to S HOT SPRINGS 5 Hopinc pi be cured bv this celebratej jj treatment, b but very soon became 5 JisgusteJ, and drcidej to TNYS 1 tie eftect w a- trulv wonderful. I J commenced to re- 5 cover after t:ikini-S I the first bnrfle. and pt.. th tim I I, . i W a) ! twlv hottwi I M rmlrlr curJ M H.t Sprmri had failed WM S. LCXJ.MIS. Sarewpoft. U 5 J Won I he rM anrt tt Treat MiiM Irw lu tn; ftdamt J SWIFT "PKnriC CD.. Allaala.t.n. (Bake Oven and Michel STAGE Line. - . . , lll01tAb tiAtU-LH, - - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit- cheh three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. NOTICE FOR IMT.l.ICATlON. Timl-r tiict. Art June S. 1 I-iD limra. The Ixtllea. Ot .i net J7, li"l i Nutnf l hererT riven that in romnhanre llh ''CTSS'' "aVZ E ttJi in uie iuwht i aliliirma. linr. Nrvwla and Waetilii'loii lerriioe),' liiaveilr Iwvia, rt kmi.-y. cnutiiy nf arn, kijiU' nl (mtim, ha thl day fllrtl In thi nftife hi wim utenienl. hir tlia purrhaarn the t:t of -rll..ti N- in I'mi-iof Ni. a.mth. raure Ni, i:t wt. and win orJ"-! pM..t in ihnw that the land Kmsnt lam..te valliahir for IU timber or alone man nr arnHitiirai pnn"ea. and maut'.ih t" r'"n " land twhire the knruutr and kereiver n( thl nltin- at The Iwllea. Iimon ..n Mtlirdar. the Mh ilT ul Januarv. !!, He liamea a vltnmee Krneat Mavhew. Tun "aybew. Henry Mayhew, aerevhllic .Sare nf ""ZARln,,. ad .h. "-i,riotd ind are re.Ue.ti t file their riaim. In thi oftr , belura aaid Mh da ol January. lu,. net;-jDJ JAR f MOORE, Kecmter J M. pArraaaoa. laauiaT . . Sea lira, fnaudaot. J H Jl lUUUliul Dul.f TMF nA, , OREGON i A General Banking Business transact-d Deposit received, subject to bight 'vn ; ... a j I Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, hao Francisco and Port land. OIRKCTOKS P. Trompsok. Jko. K. . M. Williams, Geo. A. I.ixre. II. M. ElALL. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (.P.KKkAL KAKJtINU BrsiNE Leter of Credit issued available in Ea'.ern f-tales. c-iirht j, Night Exchanim rA T i- Transfers wldon ,, York ChX?Nt! ancico, Portland Oregon, htt,e u "h., and various points in Or- Tn and W ashington. 0ine-tioni maria at all cable terms. Notice. . !t.trw k..,klrn tie. Wi... u , - t XtfZ V. VXZWMTrZ "Jf ';n T"1 r""""1 " -,,u " " rZ; WaVM?. tranM' - t,,,, ltt thla Ih dar nf Mint,, lKt. at Tke we OS T !.'. Or Carlisle. One of the Famous Historic Town of the Country. Pwawwa la rirw( ettl.B, Mr. J. I. C. HU'phrn.. (r Ptn,,rn, 4 flora of t Hrlum :ri " nroprtei the niiMt iiniiulnent trm m m, , ,7-" Valley, wn.l on IN I. a. W. l-'lMl I was taken i k on tlmnh of I . with nervous pnaoraiion. and IuhitS." aiteinlaiii'oor threw of our lwi h " one of llo.m rl.llu, me tire v : ?,l2e,V nwuit u tlmt al Hie eml of l,,,T. wa. an hel,.!.. t,,.l,,t. u Ji ,un i?:?."' lo IJi p. .una.. Inu is Ki n. Irep In e- h lweni-f.,ur hour, t?''"' lion w simply terrll.l.. a t,ui tZl h aso. I lM.n takln. .r. ,J' Nervlnn. Tonlr and PilU. I h.Ir',,, J,i. feel asweil a.1 r.erdi.t 1 Mi liJiS m " """"" u.iue ul in houii to kourv1 lircx-rci MoirrRa iJTK Mr fUenhena wriu again oudr d-i. - A tier my reat r-orrr, as 1 mm .n. k fnr, acorea of Miiln auilrd n T streeu.came to ni at my uf rt . J nie from different ru ir iliiaU(j .,,, tiialea. mall of whom I lold the i!J U wonderful curative powers of your n-nZnt and am only u w (lad to heruld tlt. T The wife of a protestor la one of SurnS lecrw ralltl to thank tne for h-;iinc h..rai your hervina. eke had been a hvZ said she hail felt Uin henetlia at n.-.' tZ 1'V.MII.I.OIL ..f ll.M .Km. ....11.... ..I . " lent he had rweiwd fr. Mtf. lh..L.. me ftir tna iwm your Nervlua at my auceiion. I trl .JI nit iwwim m rwoaiutenu your rvnisdW Youra truly. J. C. FTEPDPll Ir. Miles' Nervine la anld on a nnrithw rnaraniev that the Brxl lioith will U-m-ti. Ail druKKWtHBrll It at U. hottlm forav It will Iwwtit. prr-lmld. on fwi-elpt of prv. bw Uielir. atilea Miulk-al l'-. Likbaru 1 Dr. Miles Nervine Cures. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cmirt nf the HUir .,( OrMriat u aaeo County. Jre,.h May, f I a; n tiff. vs. J. T. IH. Kara I UOk.aud H. Kierkenateln and H Juhu. tlant IMrtiier. ilnlni bu'ineMi uncl.T the hrm nam of Klei-kenateill a ala)r, drlvndanU. TnJ T. Ilelt and ha rah t. Iielk. ,4 the d fi-ndanu named In Ihe name n'Sim nutrnf uraaim yuu and each nl ymi ate h.trw required tit alear and afi.wer the enmplaiat tiletl aaninat ynii In the abnre entitled ult on ar Wirtr K.miUt. the lllh dny nf l-iHiruarr. Ia, that lieint the Srl day of the neit Tnrular Hrrm of aaid firrult I onrt followltta the esptrauai al the time i.rearrthed In Ihe order, "e ma for the pnlillralion of Mid aunimona. and U yoa nr either of you tall en In appear and attrver aaid ron,tlint. jioUrnient 1m want thereot n he taken acalnat you and I lie plaintiff wil t pi to the ourt for the relief liraved hw Ik aa aid bill of eonildalnt. to Wit: Fur a deefee at derma a fnreelneurv of ttw- mortiraaenf niaititiS. deerriljrd and men tlf,,el In tilalhtifT. eoai l.lalnt. and that Ilie mentioned theraa hlt Irartinnal hlia-k U. In II..-I klaF firntwr, id Waaro rrHintr, hmrm. br anld IB la manlier pmrnted by law that Inrm llv anveeiw uf atirh mi Ihe lealtitlff have atid reroear tae aum nl ST. and Interest lbere,a at tlieraar of ten per rent, per annum alnee tbe tth day a) January, tiki and Ihe f lit Iher aum of I lii. tea otmhle atUrmei . te. baretliar with lite enau and dt.huraementa nf thla aull. IneludliaT aak aelllll and arerulns Cnala and Xamarul that upm aueh i4rlnaare and aaie all nf the rut hi. title and in Ureal nf the deiendanta. nt al anv or ellhar of them, and (d any or all ueriwai. riaimins or u eialm thrniurh. by irr unde tnem, i anv nf them, be tnrvWnaed and ftwerar hamw irl IIm equity of redemption: that plaintiff br si lowed to hid for and In purehaae aaid premla. at bla option, that tha purehaef Uterent have the immediate pnaeemion of Ihe aame that plaint, r7 have )inleme,it aralnl the mud J 1 li'ik and harah t. lelk fi m,y auro that may remain unpaid nn aaid mile alter the lonrav ure and ale ni laid prvmlaea. and fr uirk turtli and other relief a. to the eonrt maf Mem to br Jli.t and njuiuhle. The aervlee of tlna timmon in made spaa yon by puhlienUim thera..f In 1 be laillee I Hk l' l.. a ltew.aper id (eneral nrrulatlou. faik h.hed weekly at !a!tea t itv, W aero rouiily. Orecoti. b) oidny of II. m III . I. Urailaliaa. jMdei.' ol the .aid curt ahlrh imter a duly mail- at rnaniteT. tti Imllee I It. Irteeou, im the ulli day of November, lll. II H KII'!i:l.t novT derl'i Attorney lur I'laiiititt. M.TICK POi: ITF.UCAT10N. Ivd (mrt,Ttetalle. r..( (-t. 1. 1-H I N..tlr-e I. herebv riven that the f..llowln: named aetlier ha tailed liotlee id In tnb-tition la make final proof lu eupltrt ot ht riaim. and that Mid priad will be made betore the fttl'tat and of the f. h Ijilid oflieK, The IhiIi. IT ,in Nnvemlier 10. IH, VII Jaanea W. Itirhawa. ff f No. ?rji. Ut tier '' fK1.. r, ar' aod KF( PW'.nec. )4, 1p I 8. H IS R. W k r.amre the lollowma wlttieaaee u prre ha cmtinutrlM realdetioe llpim and rultlvalloll Mid laud, vl I. Riee. William (ainpladl, w J. Herman. J. K. MH omilrk.of .ndebv. t JAr. . MtXlKt.. Keiti.ter NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Tinilier-f ttlturr, Final Proof. f. . Uirn Ornca. The Palle.. or i x-t. O. Notice a beret.y rtven that Cliarlea a.a'hlar ha Sled notiee uf Intention to make final pn betor ILTt;.u-T an I Kareiver at tfteir office IS The lwlira, rr,m. n Kaiurday. tne nth da) iMrember. nn tlmbeyultire applinaU. No. it-r, for tb M',, and HW' ef'a- an F'f tvw'Vnf aertinn Ko. ai. In tiwrnahlp Nu. MHitll. ranae No. !.' ewaL lie name a wltnnaae A T llayne. Pufor. rrit.. Frank Hathaway, t.dward l.rlrtiD. h ben Hamas. fcUtyd, reTon. der:, JAO. V. MOOF.E. B-Tft'l' NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. I. I.aD Orw, Tha Dalle. r .f hnvemtier VK ' 1 Complaint bavin been entered at tluo' by Montx W. A. VV altera aaalliat Uaard Hmllh f.r failure tneomply with law ae to Tim ber ullurr F.ntnr. No T'i. dated Jiiur ! upon the HWi4 KW,, N'Wi; i, and K', r Keetlnn i. Toanahlp 1 North, halilte T.mKl. is W aro eoiinty. r(on, with a view loth eelintlon of Mid entry : e.mleta,it aliifl Ihe Mid eutrvmeii ba failed with In lne time at united by law, lo rultlvate of plant I" lr- eeii nr ruttinM. a by law pr Tided, that "'" failure tlll The ld Jnirtl. are her. hy unimnned to appear at thi ofliee on Ihe -Ui f td January, law!, at lu t.eiork a m ,1" reel'"" and liirinab teatlmofiv erdieernlns Mid al- lalinre J AS. '. M'.hF. No;l !ee-. Iyml. Administratrix' Notice. Not lea la hereby riven Clint the nndemiru'w hiw been appolnu-d ny order of the County f..r aw r,.u,itr.Ht.ite of fireiton. ailipiiu"'' ttlSltltof the -! of her late Nulla id. Turn. ' r Moore. d-v-eed. All -Tnn havine m '.j ae.m.t or o-lt.e miiI e.lele are herehv ntlli" to praaent the Mie to me at the olhee of f oi.ntr f L..a mi TI.. Ii.Mm In Mid f-Hlllty ' tin nd tale, wtihln on rear from dak? td ' nuuhea tion nf tt.ia notiee l-aled this th day of November, A P . I"" ' . i i . a- yiMikk Admlniatra'.rn nf ts-.e aalata of 1 iiruer ' narja-jau EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Nolle. I. herel.y fJTven that the nnderiTi ha t-en duly appolntrd hv the i.ouniy '-'"""V the hut of t.reaon, lor theuiity of wa' ""1' with the He will anneaed u tl.e J.m Taylor, dee aaid. Ail p frala( Mid eaute ate herrti; All oreoa aaviua n hereby nwtlDOl W preai"" their eiaima to meat thenflu uf r rem ll lire fialiee. Are' ron. with tier .ropr voneher" n .11 months from tne dale l.eO' raliaa, Oregon. November d". j"- tlierefirr arltlil Ital Ihe la Sieralovef tha laet will aael twlaeui o! lerler. daaaaeaS