THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1894. The Weekly Chronicle. ABOUT EMBLEMS. Ta W-sWc orru-iAL rAi'EB or a asco coi.vty. luond at ta roasothee ulix liu-. Oweua m aarwod-etasa matter trBsCKIlTIOX EATE3 sv aiiL, nsTi5 rurtSD, I!C aBVSSd. a year J! Si' t'LX tiiozit - - Tons month. . So AdwTtiin( mu- reaaocafck. ud mad known oa anpuoauoti. Adiim all eosmiuntCTtfiou. to "THE f C.KOS- ICLfc." Th Imlle. ow. Tkt ia and Wttkl ChronicU may W found om tal mi J. C. Xicktitr' Hurt. Trifphime So. J. ,w -I Mu at Ttasss ikiwrf- Ml In MjrvlCTT. AY hat the learned lr. Aiken onee ealled "A Viri le lmajre of an Invisible ThiBp." in faot the emblem, hus so lit tle record in modern time, that even the encyclopedia ffive coneerniufr it t only the dictionary definition, let twoxrenturies a;o it formed the subject lor the work of some of the bett writers, painter and enjrravers of Eu rope; while antiquity ha illustrated it in a myriad of fornix the meaning of which is in thousand of instance lott to us in the mystery and darkness that overshadows iae history of so much of human life. Any object which present at a plance a meaning beyond its mere ap pearance is an emblem. The torch for Illumination, the scales for Justice, the anchor for Ilone. the owl for Wisdom, rvapauiv Foretelling the of tb rm- , the butterflv for the Soul, the sevthe at Rttiiac of cms.. : ntl 1 flMr death. The first at- Reports of a serious, revolt apuinst i tenipt at writing- was emblematical, the present Chinese irovvrnment in i nd Chinese writing is to to this day. Manchuria, and the issue oJ pnvlamt- j j, were the Ervptian hieroplyphics and the same can be said of our own Indian picture writinp. All eoinafre. from the first Ilebrew shekel to the last American dollar: all the flaps of all nations: all state or na tional seals, are emblematical of some- FALL OF A DYNASTY. tioos bv the rebels declariap that the Manchu dynasty is near its end. have created a jrreat deal of interest autonp : the fore Urn colony in the treaty ports. cays the Shanghai correspondent of the ; New York rMiu. News that bears di- : ! thingr. The cross, the crown, the seep ! ter, the miter, every church steeple in ' every land, mosque, minaret and papo i da. temple and shrine, idol and fetish, i all are emblems. Every letter in every lanpuape. every ' fifrure. the sipn of every trade and pro . f ession, the ruses of England, the lilies : of France. Ireland's shamrock and inland's thistle, are all emblems. And yet. stranpely enouph. it is only , by persistent search that one can find out even the least about the orurin of be accepted as jrospel ) i-. th ii.inr f it. varied forms, the hidden sense beinp often lost ntterly while onljr the form remains. reetly upon the reported disaffection in many provinces of China conies froui Nankinp. It appears that all up through the preat valley of the Yacptse a fiaelv written prophecy of the approsichinjr enti of Xlauihu rule is beinp circulated. It is almost iuiv-s-ible for a fureipner who has not i:vi-d in China to understand the importance that is piven by th? penlry to sny thinp which is well written or care fully printed. If such a document does not stronplv violate the p relia bilities it will truth. ! This prophecy appears to be firmly believed by all the Chinese who have read it. It purports to have been writ ten by Huan-rVh-fhan. who. in a vi sion, describes the downfall of the pres ent povernment. It shows considera ble literary ability, bus anyone who is skeptict.1 may readily see that the au thor ha thrown in local detail to clinch his rrrvV.oy. Thi ;.. ica of the emperors of China Is Terr well done, but intnjduetion appears to have leen ' written merely to lull the suspicions of 1 the reader ted to induce him to accept i the sensational statements abort the ( eominp ruin of the Manuhn dynasty. . The pnphet declaivs that the prvut provinces of Y'unan and Kueichou are the first that will abandon the empire. After this China will be divuied into , three kinpdoms. but this will inu tuke place and permanent peace will not lie secured until the woods are cleared from l"urple mounuiin and the waters of Lotus lake are dried up. The spc cious nature of such a prophecy may be seen when it js stated that about all the forests has been cut off of lurple mountain, while in dry years one iuay walk over the bed of Lotus lake, which is converted into solid pround. Any season of droupht may. thervfore. be taken by the conspirators with the assurance that the two main i torus of this prophecy will be found f uliilled. In Hunan there is deep feelinp apamst the present dynasty, because of its favors shown to foreipners. Hunan is the scat of a set rd fanatics who would rt juice to see every European thrown out of China. In this province have oceurred the worst outrapes on Christian missionaries, and anyone journeyincr up the Yanptse rvtoins vivid rvcsillfctious of the showers ef atones and obsceuiry that dc-scendetl pon his house )oct inm the nutrhixir inp bsnks. Inters cr v."ith f. rv urn ers steer cly t intcs-siiy tbw .- j.tikir hatre-i ttf O.' ri-an ir.u . p . r? who. t'.Kr friak. en -X ' y the yonn.T -i;:ev-r-r aa.t Ui' i.dvi: The worn f jit-r.- cf the situation i - that the oectrt.1 povernn:nt uie not i.ure to rebuke the insolence of the Uunan people. nm m i Assignee's Notice. NoUr lhnl r !va thai Jln T UmH h j ilnlv ruvel ti the uifWl. i 0vtl m aa!irnrasl. all l n ri " r r.ii !ini'rtT. Ux I u tH-iM lit all hiriliu. All jot"" liaviuc rlim .! ui Jolin F. kmUsiv Itrrrt. luiliml fc " "" . nnn... I v v.mhI m. ml lh i'l ltl!ur ,V : iicti. ir. lii l'H. nil, o.'ii. nhiu ninety I j d- nra Ihr ttuir ( Uu u.'tif"- 1 I bU-U tin. ITth ilav ol SiiMHl'r, ol 17 dwJV II. l.l.SN. .H!U. j ME Ths Best Medicine. .'. O. Wilsos, Contractor and :':!! U-r. Suipliur Sirinp&, Texas, I. mis sH-;iks of Ayer'a Fills: " Aycr's Tills are the best medicine I fur tried; aud, in my judgment, no b. r:tr peneral rt-uinly rould be devised. I have used tueui la my family and rmtimmeuded them to my friends and eiuployes for more than twenty years. To uir certain knowledge, many rases ol ll following complaints have been coimilxtely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third iay hills, dumb apite. bilious fever, i k beodacbe, rheumatism, flux. dy. l-eioia. eunstipation, and ban) colds. I know that a moderate uiw of Ayer's Tills, continued for a few day or Weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, w u:;.l be found an absolute pure for tlw diii ii rt I hare named above." ' T ! are been ".-iling uicdiriuc for f" ; r -- its. and I can safely say that - r !';: -rife better atmfaetion t ti her I ever xi'il " J. J. ...... !t!vlvania C. n., Va. AYER'S PILLS ? :.-,Ist I- .1 C Arer& Cow. Lowell. If sat. Cvery Dose Effective ; : , , i apo a Chicapo saloonkeeper called for i " " "" "u""n" ' this historical wTTl- ,,- , I San Frannim Fvaniinor to frtmiuh it in uic uflPDiftDcv xrum ine rM uxicapo avenue station, sayinp there was a man j connection with The Cbboxiclk. Hav lyinp on the sidewalk near Carpenter ! ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and Front streets badly injured and i ,d X. Y. Tribune for our republican unconscious. 1 lie nnlortunate was bundled into the ambulance and ' landed in the examining room at the ) county hospital. Cm the wav to the 1 Wasco WareipsB Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission, testes Reasonable 11AKK goods "W. W. Oo. TKt KALLKB. OR N'S FI SHOES RUBBERS. JOHN C. HERTZ. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER. PropV. HIS LEG WAS BROKEN. i It ana! Dtdat 1 Bart Bias Serksaatv. Police officers detailed in charpe of ' postal wapons see more of the woes and j ills of sufferinp humanity than most j people. Late one night a short time 1 A. A. Brown, KtKTa full aaaortaMul ol Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which be oSera at Low Futures SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. t Hilllest Casi Prices for Ens and j otter Proince. i j This well-known Brewery it now taming out the beat Beer and hmm east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good ba& ol Beer havw been introduced, and on 7 the flrsi-olass article will be paced he mri IIP YOXJ W-AJSTT Goztrttmcnt, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands, CALL OK Thomas A. Hudson, Successor to Taornburv BtMboa, 83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR. II von want Information cmKwrntm wvtb mert land. or tlw lawn lelatlns Umm jrua esa eiiuault hnr ln ol chanr. H baa niatle a apa n:tT ) thl bunneaa, and haa praclienl taHurc Uw I nitod HUM Land Ac lor v tea rws. : hospital the sufferer became partially ', conscious and indicated that hi ripht lep was the cause of preat diseomfurt. He could not speak Lnplish. but the officers understood that his ripht lep t had been injured. In the examining room he made an extremely wry face when the physican approached, and it was then discovered he had been drink inp heavily. The physician felt the man's ripht lep between the knee and ankle without drawinp up the panta loons or expobinjr the skin, and found the bone broken badly four or five : inches above the ankle, and the pa . tient was then removed to the operating : room. 11 ere a more complete examin ; ation was made, and it was learned the man's ripht lep was broken in the ; most terrible manner. When the paiient saw the condition if his lep he actually shed tears. It was a wooden ; lep. and he was drunk and bemuaninp the expense to be incurred in the pur- 1 cbase cf another lep. patrons, we have made this arrangement j for the accommodation of the democratic j members of The Chbo.mcle fami!v. I Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Sehi-Weeklt CitBO.MtLE will be fur-! nivhed fur one year for (2.25, cash in ad-1 vacce. i I Cord Wao. j We spain have an abandant supply of dry fir and hard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be favored with a liberal share of the 170 SECOND STREET. tie la Aint tor th Eaatern Onr.panv. and ran aril oa Grauiuj, lit l a. Impnwcd Asnrultural Lana la anr quaaUty (lnlrvd. and will aand a rampblr deaerlnlus Uxcae land lo an rune anpljrlim to htm lor II He la Arent tor sale of Into In TaovrarWi Asa Tina lu Tba Italkw. Tnla AddlUnn a laid of nj men Iota, snd dwusad l b tba nrtneinal i. deuee part ol toe eitv. mlv ID ndnuu wait from CuuniuHiaa; 10 aduales tnaa k. IL ImpoL KatUara Lcald aw 6wiasial LaaMla. TtB GDiumcia PaGKingGD.. j If ra aaal ts Borrww Moaav, mm Lass ar wbwrt Um, Sis j Writs Firs, Lit, ajtd AaeMaat laawraaoa. If rai eaaaot call, wrlta. mm4 jaar lattars will wrwaswtly i data raa. PACKERS OF trade. Jos. T. Peters A Co. KaUew. To Whom it Mav Concern: Thi it to certify that the undersigned j has sold out bis interest in the store . Kwonr On Tai. He is now a member of j Uic ii-ms Wing Hone; and Iock Kinp. j c-eid Wins. All pain buaihed by Dr. KU' Pain I'll la. Notice. HOME VIEWS OF EDISON. BARGAINS IN INDIA. Si m at Hat Jietehboni IMnl Believe That De la Kweh a vVomter. After AIL Prophets are not the only preat peo ple without honor in their own coun try. said a man who had spvnt soum time at Menlo Park lookinp for Thoma? A. Edison. I wanted to see the experi mental apparatus on which the Ameri can wizard in at work with a view to re ducinp iron ore by electricity The workmen told me I could fee it only with the permission of Mr. Edison, whom I could find somewhere about the place. To my disappointment I failed to find him. but I had an in structive search. The people there abouts do not think the inventor of the kinetoscope is such a very preat man. "'He only pot it (the ideal accidental ly.'' said one woman. On my way out I met a locomotive enpineer who knew Edison, and he told me with preat pleeof a really practical accomplishment of the inventor's abil itv to run a locomotive. "Edison once mda in my cab." he f said, "and he toid me how. when he ' was a train dispatcher, be once- furpot t orders and allowed two trains on the j same section of track. He corrected ; his mistake, but not so soon that the e ; cape from collision was due to him. and he was disc-harped. While waitinp for J Kotiee it berahr riven thai the nnderauriiMl 1 haa own dulv appoint! by the lltinorabl t r.antr roart of ine Ptatr of Orveon. lor W an eiwnt-. admiKuitTatnx of the ralate ol t'harlta 1 Hijehl. fltfoaml All raons having eiaiain . iraiiii aid eatair ktt hereby noUhd u urvaeut ; tn Him. duiy rmlwd. lo me at njy rviUenre j In lwilta t iiT. w aie- eminty, (mrm, within ; rix moutn Irom thr dt- f tni nitK. ? thi 1Mb day vi toopr. ! , VH-iLHE 1 HAK.KT ; AdilnKtratrix of th Ilttau- ol barwa E.I Uiatht. docaard. (t a Sr ST I Pork and Beef j MAN-rFACTTEXBtfOr iFine Lard and Sausages. i Curerscf BRAND IB Dried Beef, Etc. i PIONEER HERD Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS. 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.'. V Country and Mail Order will receive prompt attention. Administrator's Notice i CM bm sna Jasnp la Their Frttaa Indian travel Is full of surprise, pleasant and otherwise. A pentleman. wishinp to purchase some of the beau tiful Cashmere shawls which are made not far from Delhi, want to one of the largest establishments in the city. The merchant showed him a book in which , was written recommendations of his : poods by Gen. Grant and his son, as ; well as by many others. j Amonp the recommendations was I this one in German: '"I. have bought ' shawls of this man &nd think I pot ; them cheap; but do not offer him a third of what be asks." The pentleman selected two very beautiful shawls, and asked the price. ; The merchant, after a little consult- I tkm with his clerks amid: a nave nor. sola a anawi to your , a train to the next town it was in the - J"" - 1 '""K- i west an acciuent happened to an en-i may have these beautiful shawls o-tneer who was to take an important for fourteen hundred rupees." train np tbe road. Xoone ti replace him ! por said the pen- j wa at band, and Edison took his place ! ' Notice ni hereby clvrn that by an order of the ! ' ourt ni the stale of m-o fr tb t onmv of 1 w aao. duly md and ;rau?tvd on the !( rtat i4 I Novvtnbrr. tfM, the onoVmcixll aa appointed aonunistralnr ol tbe fatal til Julina t ubivicb . ' ditaw.d- All neraona bavins riainj. mint j j tne tKUW rt aaid dmni arv bwby witihnl to , j tmaeut them, with tfie pnper voncberp then- I ; lor. w m at tbe other of liui.tmrUTi a Wimtn. j Tn lall Oregon, wiThin su Booths i.otn the : darr n'fof , I lJaiad Th bailta. Omron, ?'ov. 2. ll i H S. Hr.VTIX.TtiN. i i Administrator of the fcatale of Jniina ( ob ; irurb. bmaiat sovti-daf I ! ( J FOR BAIjB. NCiTICE FOK PIBLICATK.IX. C. B. I Thirlv.fiM l.aft f ... I MUJ wl 1.- Laho (imn. The Iwltt. or.. ; r, s-. t.,i . ', . . . . Notfee la brrvhr given tbal f..'lirmr i Free Trade bop of Ohio, told for $00, naroi miy hmm rti.-- of hi. ins-nti. tbe highest priced bop ever told in tbe tmaxrbnl proof in .iiPinn of hi. -iain,. and ., Jl n,-,L. K tL.-LTi. thai said pr.if will be mad bMor th rrit 1 n'"d stat' "'"ted by too Tecnmteh aid nmin of tlx- I s. land ..flw at The t Chip Jr 21?, Sold for t'AK). iu, n.. on iembe: ai. va. j Owinp to tbe bard times, I will tell Baiiu iMiara. (or ne next three months, hit pips for H4r..So!ano,tot tl 8EVt,sl2.Tpi.EU'it20each1or35perpair. Will box and H' unm the foiimrine iiin u. hl. ' deliver at nearest station free. eoiitinnou. rvidn? uym and mltivation !. I aid land. viz. frank .af?l. f II. Wasrftold, timrier W. hi . The bslka. Omnia : li am ft too New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLES. OREGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and iSaggage Office of tbe U. P. E. R. Company, and office of tb Wsrtan Uniou Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. - Yon "Absurd: Let us tie man. havinp in -mind the German's advice, and he started for the door. , Don"t po," said the merchant; "make me an offer." "I wilfpive you four hundred rupees for both shawls. To his astonishment the merchant , replied: j "Take them; I wIH send them to your Isotei" ( At Jaipur tbe same traveler looped ; in a hotel conducted by a native, but I owned by the rajah. Ee found tbe j followinp amusing notices ported keli , Wspiiiins- it. J Aft. F. MOOKI", Kur. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATI02T. and ran tbe train. added the enpineer. Think of that!" A BISHOP'S BAD NIGHT. fnnl lata a vmn Bad" to Whiek Bit- An eminent bishop who was quar tered in the house of the wealthiest resident in a certain viilape. while his host's wife was away, occupied the "spare bed." He is a thin man. and . when his host inquired in tbe muruinp j in i how he had slept and hoped he had ; passed an apreeable mpbt, be an- Lixd Omca. Tbe baJloi. M.,l XatW la herahT siven that tna Miovinf. namd mitrr baa Hied notw of hit intention to ntaaa bnai prorrf in atipvrt of hia riaim. and trial aaid proof ariU br bade before tb HnOxer sod lumm at The iiaiics, Orvjruti, on lie mt jt. inn, vl: Aaa l. StogdlH, lid r,. Ha. 2,j, lor the BWU. taS,TpllU E. W J. lie nairna th following wlltinmii lo prove bi. eontianoua reaidDer upue shd euluiation of said uuid. vii ' 6a. liavvard. E V. Pl-hr. Km! Hertz, 1. 1'. eoodcraas, all of Tjrb Vtiw. Or. JAe. t. IbOOe.11. hrtrlttar. Come and see them or write. "o buainem done on Hundavi. EDWARD JUDY. Centervilie, Wash. Do you want a Fruit and Hop Farm? i j K. N. STAEHR, of BAKE OVF..V. baa pit am splendid Farm, j and food parinc Town Pmnerrf la the Wills ra- ette Vsliny f.f sala very cheap snd ea taay term, j Bom of the farm to escbantK for Eastern ( Omroa propertr- ri te lor list and terms. various n laces: If ruutors are not satisfied with the ; swered. with some vehemence: '"Xo. food or eookinp they can deduct from '. I did not; I passed a very disagreeable SOnCE FOR PUBLICATION-. C. s. the bill what they consider fair." "Gaesta are requested not to strike the servants." "Guests wishing ice are requested to pive a day's notice and name how much they require." - Laaa Omcs. Tbe Iai:. Or.,l oetober c. I mi XotKre h berDT riven that In folrv!na- aamvd aettW baa fiied notie of hia tntntion to siaae bnal pnif in support of hi eiaim. and ii1r si The isbop departed, and when tbe u naae anal prr-f in support of hi ru his host returned she taturally U:1 'd proof win b bmkW lfor in , ... , ... . . 1 ami rviifar of the I . . Ind onV?e I who had been in toe house in imllm, lMm-rl. VfM. rii. By a famiir. competent firi, work in private Apply at thia office. lv. M;i- Pain PiUarurc nrsi(ia. nitrht- indeed. The bishop departed, and when tbe wife of bis inquired ber absence. 1'u.hop P " said the huslasnd. Ilih.m t VhM AA im ml ' IT. Tp mm lo sieep. entituio rnudne apni and uiiirabon of "lo the spare bed. of course - "d- rlt: "In the spare bedr shrieked the bar- t m rTawiX.VsSS. K"""""' 0 rinea matron, "nut, l put au Jwcmh A. W ag, Hd E Ko .Vt. for the n' and S'.t eE. p. 1 .. H it .. '. Jf. the j silver under the mattress before I went away. M'KlHE. aar.aicr. FOR SALEM TRADE A FIXE JM POSTED Frenci Perchercn StaHioii, Weieht Is g nA flah 1. ponnda. and nr Foal ixtlcT. tl lit aril fir ah or ofa with approwd fttnimy. or will trade lor honaa or eat!. fuanufaciurers - llarnessEo! Huccessors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAJEIITa PBOMPTLT -n3 1TEATLY JX2&- f -stole an. Eetail Dcalcn ii Earaess, Bricks, f kips, Horse Elantets, Etc. Fall Assertmsiit of 1mm SatliUcn Plain or Stained f ECOXD 8TEEET. .... THE DALLES. OB THE DALLES LUMBERING CO. INCOttPORATBD 1U6 No. 07 Washisoto Street. . . The Dalles. Wholwiale and Retail Dealer and Manolactama of Building Miitrial ud Diiitosio. fimber, Doors, Wiodowt, MukHags, Bod Fonislucgs, Vt Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fl Boxes and Packing Cases. "Psvctory azxc Xamfcr "STaarcA sat Olct 3rt. TH Addr Kerr Grass Valv, Or. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city.