The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 01, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
rut mi 1 1
El:U-nsi at tti- lt.
l?vw.-u-r r
Sum of llih.;
t The !i'.U. 1'Tvj.ou.
ii.:. tuullcr
1 11 I 1 I...
H r Km.
. 'r-.;:iir Met-.-:ir.
itih U 'Ii o V '.n. .-.
l V !; . v
. 1. N Is -.i-tv
, J H n-;:
t H to-m.MiiL
. U I ...
V. it lv..l
year tor stealing a salmon. In Mu.t
luuimh county the eases are o numerous
tht one would hardy know which to
mn'l. End! WflVr murder u.ignt
do for one However that docs not alter
the correctness cf the Ore,: inian's Crit
icism. .
i:y iV" a.! .t n .
;ht at iV j
(OIMV rlt'AL"
V ! i'
i. ke.niy
m. Vu heti
. YrniiL kiu,iil
.-or . b - H We;ielJ
Surrevor t . Mian
Bjp-riiiWndeut oi lUtHic j. a-.u TYy Mieocy
T:it- Faker City highwaymen are
thought to tc the same men w:i. robbed
the liaines store. A vnsu ouch to be
tafcen ol Tiie I'alles young Flossis. iYr
haj some more o; ti em have turned
bandits. liregoniau.
Our contemporary is disposed t )
sarcastic at our cx.cii:-e. Yet ii t:;at
great 5er would ttie light of its
intelligence ujkiii Mu.tnomah county
affairs we believe it would change its
tune. It might xss:b!y le well to take
a census of tbe hnaw steervrs of Port-
lacs demand at H.'xt ;w
i&b,ii.lit . his t lilt tor ic'ri iv....
land, or anions the executive officers of tuUon ,t DPW quoted at I1- to - cents
WniAt 30 to Clc ier ln.
I'.aki ky !iee ar up to .V to r V
rt-nts er 100 11.
0T The oat market is
to SO eeula per 100 11.
Ki oi k Iiiiunnd brund at 2 50 er ,
Mi'., jht ton and f".' To jxt Mi'., tetaii.
II w Timoti y hay ra::;.f in yrf
friim JiO to f 12 jut ton. acvriiim; to
quality and cntinion. Wheat hay i
in ii:ii HtiH'k on a iliuited ieuian.i a:
t oo to '. iM ier ton.
rotatoKB 50 to T'i oesit t 100 !!.
I'.i rrku rresh ro" ln:ver a'. l'-" to .'n'
rent? jmt nYi.
F.v i.s G .tod freh e.v- m.: .t :
25 '.
Tot l rKY GoamI loi are ij.totcj a:
2.2" to?2.75 Jer dozen, inraey fi ts
jt lb.
Btsr A Mt rroN rei cattie are in '
the county. How altout that lawsuit
beaten on a teehuirahty by a huh Mult
nomah county loe a quarter of a million
dollars'.' That sizes np pretty eU with
The IV.le robbery, and the fellows that
got the money are not giving it up,
In one county of Nebraska , the census
comprising nine of its thirteen town
ship? crops have been so damaged by
frosts and dron;ht that only 110 bushels
of corn. 8,020 bushel of wheat and M7
bushels ot oats and rye have teen raised
by 25 families, cocsistinc of 1.425 jer
sons. which is less than half a bushel of
corn, not twelve bushels of wheat, and
about two bushels of rye an1 one of
potatoes per family. The jodjre of the
county court ir.;in? the above as a
result of the investigations of scjervis
ors. says, '"the county as county is a
howlitic waste, and that this desolation
follows on the Leels of the drought of
lr,r.. unie-s help ctimes. starvation is
e.ijn;r.;;.if right Wfore hundreds of onr people."
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day, and
no doubt all of u. if we are reasonable,
can tii-. d something to give thanss for.
Poverty may jiinch or business cares
wor-y. but n" each in tn-n will cimjare
his lot w ith that of persons less fortunate
than himseif instead of envying t.iose
w ho area pjvarent'.y better sltv.aTei. there
will l-e found abundant tkih lor thanks
giving. None of usare so bud y situated
but that we can see oti.ers ia worse con
dition. And outside of our individual
reasons for ieellrg tive'y
we may al rei ice that we live iu a
conntry where we enjoy the fullest re
ligious and jv.litica: ittierty : here per
sistent tn dr.stry is sure to result iu com-jveteni-e.
and where there are no limits
to the jweslbililies of any citizen. Tt:r
Oj;eo.u:e iecis tbacktn! tor many
things : for a larjr-sn i ir.ereasirg circa
iation : for generous patroriar. and for
the bright fu:
of F.-o.rn Oregn;. I: hope that to
morrow each and every one of its in
nnmerahlf leaders, will not t n'.y
the necv-ary Thanksgiv.r.g dinner, but
that each wi'i ap;i:r.t Ltmse'.f a coai
mittee ot one to see the w ijow, tiie
orphan and the needy are made glad by
abundant good cheer, that tney too mav
rejjice and cive thanks.
Why starve to death in the drouth
stricken and blizard-ridder. Hast when
millions of acres of the liest land in the
world lies vacant yet in Eastern Oregon
awaiting settlement Nowhere on
earth can a iivir.g l-e so easy and
with as little e:Trt as in this jiortiou of
F-astern Oregon, where crojis never
fail Condon t-ti-ih-.
jer lb. gross. Fork oderings are light
and jT-ices are nominal pro-
weight tit o1; cents dressed.
Coffcc Cota llira. is quvited at 24c
jer lb., by the sack. !":vadore, 2S-...C.
Arbuckles. 25c.
Sroit lioldea C. iu bhls it sack.
5 2" ; Eitra C, 50; Iry gTann luted
; I'O. I. t.i.. in :h lb Ihixcs". 2 2". l.x
C. 2 25. OC 2 (X
Kii s Japan rice. ('...'' 7c; Klaud.
rice, 7 cts.
Bkash Suial'. whites. 4''e;
Pick, 4'.c jer 1W llw.
tMKi t $2 W to i.". 00 n keg.
Sait Liverpool, 501b sk. "n . I "K1 i
sfc.f-1 00: 2vHi.b sk. 2 (H t.K k so't.
HO per Jon.
."ri-rm K 2 cents jier jioua.!.
H.iiks am in:-..
II.'l'E: Are note.l as follows. I'ry.
2'jC lb ; green, 1
M.EEP Teits 2" to 50 ea. iK-ersk ,ns,
2"V it for winter and l0c I t summer.
iTessed. light Jl lb. heavy 75c !b. liear
hkius. $12 ea ; Iteaver. :'. 50 ib;
otter. $5 ; tisher. j:, ,st, : t;vcr gray
fox. $;o . 25 ; red fox. II 25: grey fox
2 5ii"$o: martin. l..t.l 25: ndt.k
.Vic' 5k-: coon. 5.c ; ctyote, ,Vc'! 71w.
CiKiin FiAO' b'j tot.'-, each.
Vlrlorla hold to T.k. an A.-ll. mad Ka
eBrvai Tart In fuhlic Affair.
A corner of the veil which Hereon
the inner life of rovalty fr-mi the cum
mon trac as ra im'.I the other day by
Mr. K.-ntoul. M IV. at a meeting of la
dies in supjkirt of the women's suffrage
movement. my the V est ui.n-tcr i a
Zette. Mr hentoul said his i.iea had
always lnt-n that the ;i.een a. a
merely orn.iuieliliil s Tt of jw rxniagi'
who signeil sm h divuments us were
kutm.iMed by her -r. and was
rest-:'::i''d from .! oiiur any h.irm by
const o.utional safeguards. 11.' ha.l.
however, rvci-ntly nu..ic the aeomiint
unce of two lords in ' !io have
Imn in attendance on her m; ie tv f r
man. years, and the ir.f intuition he
ha I tihtamed from this source ha.l com
jih tely altered his views us to the in
tluoiice exereisi'd by tte queen in mat
ter of domestic and foreign jv'.icv.
He had learned that she Ls prot'u icr.t in
eleven Lunmeau lang-uiiires. and that
she has durinjr the last four or tire
years completely mastered Ihndus
tsnev. in which she convcrsi with
great correctness uinl fluency with any
of her Indian subjects vt tio are Jre i at court. Hit majesty frequent
ly writes to every imjsirt.iut sown iirn
in Europe, and her iu'.b.ience on the"
si ie of jieai-c is sa ..! t have ln'cn verv
t cm iul. her Jen- led1..- '. fon-ign af
fairs liein:r mo-1 lot.tutitv ! neeuratv
At wvcrul critical in the rela
ti'ir.s K'tween Uurotx-;n nations the
i;:" :i . jers,iTi:-'. i:- tl-.i.-!.c h:i li-n suc-ees-.J.ioy
exerted to tcv. tit war It is
ev: n aliefi 1 in c .:i t .n-!cs that her
t:u: jc. -ty w nuld lu.vo v-.-n i-ble to jire
venl the 1 n.ino i'n. s.f.n war if
llir.-.x nir Louis .Nimx .1 had not pr--
ip-.tuU'd hostilities on the Kiiine In
f ire j.r. v oprmrtunity was afforded for
Hew York Weekly Tribune,
a twentv-i.agej.mrna;. i t;.e leaorng Ke.uh!ican family j.,er i, ij
C;:,,,M,.,., It is a NMlOSAl. FAMILY l'AI'Fl;, audgiv,,;;
the k-t niTiil li of ti e Fluted Mte. It gives the events of (
lands in a iiiitsheil. Its A Kil l I I T K A I, ilejiartment ha no
jrior in the country, its MAKKF.T Kr.l'OI;r are rrcogni.ed an.
tliori-v eiiarn'e departments for TIIE FAMILY Olhl'I.E. ol'R
YOFNC. Fol.KS, and M'l LNVF AM' MFl'il AMI'S. Its Hu.MK.
AM' MK'IFTV coiumns command the admiration nf the tves and
daughters. It general Jiolitical news, editorials and discussion are '
comprehensive, brilliant aud exhaustive.
I'I-'"IL I'oNTIJACT enables us to oifer this splendid journal mJ
ivFFKLY I'llllONK LF for "
Ca1i ixx Aclvauoo,
The rcgti'ar suSsrrijitlon for the two aiers is 2..'k'. ,
gXF" Write vottr name and a ldress mi slal card, semi it to i icirge W.
Kooni 2. Tribune I'.iiildmg. New York 1'ity, and a san.jile c iy of HIE S'tW
Yol.k WEEKLY TKlI'l M. sill In- mailej to vm.
XEVi: Ay jsscl.
The Tomahawk thinks we blundered
fearful. y w hen e s'ated recently that
the popuiist platform alone demanded
free silver in the June elections of this
state, and advise us to dig up the dem
ocratic piatfoiu and see if that does not
also mean free sliver. We have not a
cory of that document available, and it
Frotber ireiat.d tells us that we might
as well admit that the result of the
election is Lat sent the price of wheat
cp. VVe would cheerful. y admit that
proposition if it were true. The jrice of
our wheat i f.jed in Liverjioul and
Car for tlvailaclie.
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Fitters has proved to be the
very best. It etTects a permanent cure
and the most dreaded habitual sicK
headaches yield to its influence. We
urge all wt.oEre tifiicted to jiroenre a
liotvie. and give this remedy a fair trit'..
In cases of habitual constij.ation Elec
tric Hitters cares) by giving the needed
tone to the lowtls, and few cases I org
resist the use of this medicine. Try it
once. Large botties onlv fiftv cent i t 1
lleajamin IH-ttrborn. l:i 1RIII. Thiiught
ul ttif SlfM-pin - anil titilns ar.
The rectrt Fu'.lmr.n tnmbl. imnnrt
a stH-cial interest t a d; -co r re
cert'y made by f ib- Cleru Vi alter 1!
Frencii. urn i::r the urchives of the
hoti-c i f re:ires4'ata! ives. hays tio-YAa-.hmrt
3 l't. Th.- i:i-c overy is r:
the nature of a Jietitiori t eoii'-rt s.-.
Jin t
: :ie
In !!: le:ir',v fen sl.!i;l ,
em system ,'p::ig r.
turope, and ;., continue to t so nxea SntjH A Einerniy's drug store.
as long as we have a surplus to ship.
lUti have bst little to do with the the enesi. youtig o-
nrire of those commodities we exnort. m:in- th&t 1 pu-'t't to learn some
is hardly worth digging up ; bet as our; xbe titte ie whea ocr increased ' nM Jf on- I'"' tired of being
memory serves us, the democratic plat- ' poputation will consume all of our bread "I" to you." "Not much
larm did not declare for free silver, bet ' prod. .nd - r,.n tf 's i done the ?ou "ron '" "P3 the j-arent. "My
price will be fixed at home on the basis
undertook to make a straddle. What
ever ttie tramers of the platfo-m may . o tbe of wbe3t iaid down here from
have meant, the plank concerning silver ! forei?a nw.rii, and then tarifT laws
was so worded as to mean nothing, yet ' may cnt ouje p3re in r,ricM
io allow of almost anv construction. ,
The intention of that plan's was to cateh
It may be possible that a majority of
tne voters of Oregon are in favor of free
Eilver: we don't pretend to assert ei;her
way on that j ropoeiti n : hut we do say
that the issue has nevtr been before the
people, except as jiresented by the pop
ulists, and that, therefore, no man can
truthfully assert that Oregon is in favor
of free silver.
In Chicago the thieves have an or-
ereditor would thick I was almost
broke and le down on me all at once.'
IndianajKiiis Journal.
For siek headache, caused by a dis
ordered stomach. Ayer's Cathartic Fills
are the most reliable remedv. "Mv
ganization known as the "Thieves Ma- ' mother rst recommended the-e Fills to
tual lieneCt Association" which i me. ti.irtv rears a-o. Thev are toe
Regularly olli. erd hr.viEg a .resident, mildest and est purgative in use." S.
secretary, treasurer, etc. The question c. Fradhnrn, Worthington. M.
arises as to how te trersurer is managed
The jHtltion is all the m-ire ir.tcresting
Ik-.-uu thejiower i f : t. u:a u v.l iti t'r.e
propulsiorj of railr m 1 trains at that
time was still in its infancy and wrnpticd
more or less in vague mystery. The
paper i as follows.
"The memorial of lienjamin Ieur
lirn. of lstin. respectfully repre
sents: That he has devise J in theory a
mode of propelling he I carriages in
a manner probably unknown in nrv
country, and has porb-etly i-atisSed his
own mind of the practicability of con
veying mails and pa ssemrer, with such
celerity as hus never ti. f ire been ae
cttmplished. and in complete securitv ,
from robln-ry on the hl;-hwtiy.
"For obtaining those results he relics
on carriages projn lied by steam on lev
el railroads, and cmtennilates thtt i
they can lie furnished v. :':i o' commo
lations for -i:;- r. to tai;- their
metls end their re t iur:iir the J -sure,
as in a jiarke. th-it they lie suf
fkient'y high f r jT.mb to walk it.
them without t' ;.ln;r. uad .vi catsi
ciousasto aecomr-.i'Hiute twenty, thir-'
ty or more passengers and their baggage."
In oiii cle
as it seems out of the usual order of
thiLgs to trust a known thief with the
funds. No one is eligible to member
sh:p except those w ho have iieen con
viced of a crime.
Robert E. Whaiey. a member of the
Seventh I'tay Adventist church, at
Church HI!!, Maryland, was committed
to prison Monday. November oth, for
drinir ru-wi?'r laVair nn 1 T r.,Vs Aw
. ',. , c . ., ' i beneficial. The Chinese were in
mmmor..v fa im Snnilav It h a sn- ;
ceded that Whaiey kept' f-atarday a his abit of f'DS the corpses of the wouldn't it?"-Washington Star.
t t l I J . j C, IIU till I II. K .uc
labor on that day. ' heads round strong on a rope
We can find no reason
SolilM-m Arr 1 rarltsMi aod Infiait
In NimihiT.
Our knowledge of the raodt rn rhlua
mar. in liattle has lieen derived f.-orr
the wars of ls3 and 1 4 with the
Accordinp to tiie French narrative
of the war in Toiir;uin. the Chinese
gi nereis v en- deficient in h'ni'.egy: but
the rank and foe fought so desperately,
with such utter di .regard for life, that
they gcn-ral'v won tiie battles, and
the campnirns ended in French re
treats. Admiral C'tiurbrt coven-d him
, self with glory iy his ojR-rations t.n the
, Liver !in. which ended in the destruc
tion of the Chinese arsenals and ship
I yards, but the admiral had to make all
I haste to withdraw his force; if h had
-l.-'. 1
it.-. ... . . , mii'i. oi snip nfir a man would
It is strange that some people wi. I saf- I,--' .11 ' , .
I. , , . ' ' .have escarH-d. savs the ban I rancisco
; ler lor year from rnenmatism rather An-onatit
An.y Williams Lc;h, dear, won t yon
walk up to the corner w ith me? I don't
like to go alone. Kuth Ward I'm
never alone, Amy. Tne Iyirj is always
with me. Amy Well, limb, you walk
np to the corner with me. an J then you
will have company lck. Exchange.
"What a beautiful animal that zebra
is!" exciamej the girl that was visitinc
lie Dalles
nily and Weekly
IHE CHRONICLE was established for ue tx
press of faitlifullv rt j resenting The Dalles
and tiie surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of it? mission is even-where apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Vaco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant countie?, a well as Klickitat and other re
gion? north of Tiie Dalles, hence it is the lest
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Cukoniclf is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 er
annum. The Weekly Chloxici.f. on Friday? of
each week at $l.f.o pt-r annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions. Kc, addresf
Tlio 2Dllcfc, Orogou.
The Japanese are saia to i.ave com
mitted some very cruel acts upon their
Chinese prisoners. Well if they have no
one need to comp;a;n. In with ! the zoo. '-Y-a-a-g." replied the young
a lot of savages who spare nothing a ' man who is aiways near her, '-if it only
ta?te of the same medicine is sometimes ! had wunninc the othah wev it
the ', would 1 qnite a handsome pattern.
TAcrJ Is a i:'e in affairs cf men which, taken at itJfiooa
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
why the dis- Mf H Voee of Etode ls;and. sent tb tr-T iUch "n afr"ved standard at the conflict on the island of j
tmction shon.d I drawn as to keeping , pjjt Cleveland a big tnrkev for ! ren,t!.T Ayer'g Sarsaparilla ; and that, Form. sa. The speed with w hich the
Saturday, for it is the keeping of every j Thank-:v:n It we' -bed dreiwed i tj' in PiU! of the nnce that it has ; Ereneh landed was outstripped by the
bventhlay to observe Sunday. Never-. ' - . , cured so many others who were similariv I uw,n w l-"'h they re. mbarked
theiess if it is a matter ot conscience ! te"'T E poands, w.tboot any tar.ff Give it a trial. ' : "-nch oflieem who have s,,.nthCh..
wun iie Aavent:st sect, it seems pretty i
hard that they should be put in jai ' for j
not keeping two days in the week.,
The beattie I'oet-Intelligencer gives up i
ill hope of the Ivanhoe and the survival J
nese in the field shake their heads
"What warrant have you for thinking when foreigners talk lightly of their
that Shakespeare was a broker?" "f h. i m F",wt'vs- In "et. tJie ques-
jnst as well that this government refrain obituary convinces one that the Intelli
from too harsh condemnation of the , Sencer bas met with irreparable loe.
Turks. .
none, only the fact that he has furnished ,
so many stock quotations.'1
tion spi-aKs ior its,-:: i.iren a jrac
tically indi finite numWr of filitinir
men. evr-rv one 'f v. h' m is n-a-!v to die
"Isn't it horrid,'' said the Circassian ! "n tbf ,',1i- il t"-s without "saying
beautv. -'to think of the fat la ir -.l. ; that it cannot be overcome by a weaker
Plnmnnr Pint Pnln n?
uiuum uui uuiu Ul"
FBiB 4 Cart
Eastern railroads are beginning to ue- j
duct 2 fr cent from stock divioends on
of the income tax. and stock- ; lv uu " 1 ' '
are aghast. This example will valuable considerations.
Iisve to tw l ji.owed bv ah cor jiora '.ions,
from bands to bulliiL and loan asocia
tions. In this wsy tne tax wi.i reach
tti'jcani of rrs-jns nose incomes are
not one-foortti of M."V jr year, o.d
men and widows and orjinan. who
saving or inheritances are mveted in
stor k. All must pay trloate to the pop
ulist M'ejeh. -irgjtian.
We were never beJore unier t'ne im
jresion tnat the g-ea. soulless coi pora-
ding the owifiel man so soon after her
! first husband's demise?" "Yea, I
' know.' repiied the two-headed girl, but
Fred X Jones to Cordelia A Jones, ITT i ''-". tl,e "'"T bas taken a fancy to
., , . ' its teeiu on mm. jnuianatKiiis
1 and other i joornal.
ileal t t le TriatwIloBt.
Iieeds were led todav as follows :
Lons of which we read ere coa. posed of
the widow, the fatherless and the help
less. We had supposed that business
ni-c. and devilish agzressive business
men at tnat, coLtro.ied te corpora
tions, tut then, come to think of it.
Eockefelier is an or j, ban, Astor is get
ting old, and Mrs. r-tanlord ii a widc.w.
E W Era use and wife to Xancy A ;
Murray, lot in Celilo; $Z0.
Thomas J Elton and wife to J P Mc
Inernv, Jot in Celiic ; ii2.
Xancy A Murray and hosband to
Thomas J Elton, lot in Cellio ; t7d.
D h Murphy and wife to E W Krause, '
lot in Cellio ; t'-3.
John Oatrs and wife to S Ii Murphy, '
lot in Celiio: fl. ' '
For all the a;!m!nts of Threat
and there is no cure so
'uitk snd ierman?nt as Sr-.f.'s
Llmulsion of Cod-Iivcr Oil. I: i .
palatable, easy on the most
tate stomach and effective.
uBimar; of M hoel llilrM-t Vo. 4.
The following is a summary of school
term commencing r-ept. G-J and ending
Xov. 2C, 1M. Tou! Lumber enrolled,
first month. Average daily attend
ance, Yf. Total number enrolled second
month, So. Average daiir attendance,
Tola! number enrolled third month,
can hard y lie cod, Jered curiosities be- , . , , . ,
. mr , , ber of visitors during term, 1.
side aome examples from Multnomah .
and Clatsop. To i..nrate, Judge Taylr ,
sen tem td prisoner to one year in the To waste ones money it to throw away
pen for killing man. and another two ones opportunity. j
iue'jnian tii.cts we nave some
queer laws here. This it true, but thev '
stimulates the appetite, aids the
digestion of other foods. ' .:
Ojughs Jir.d C"Ms. Jvjre Thr
Bronthit is, and gives v::,!
strength be ides. It has no c, j,il
?s nourishment ! r Babies and
Children Mho do :..t thrive, j.,,.)
overr om's
Arr ConditkKi of Wastinj;.
toti ... . T. aj nrvaaixs. tOt.sMti
Awrw hf a OlaiM t jm.
fine of the many superstitious fears
that render the lalvirers from sunny
Italy .x) trenerally d..cile wasrecentlr
( tiiken advantage nf by a shrewd Irish
i ton-man cmjiloyeJ on a public job.
There tea a mi.sundiT.ttr.dinp- 1 1 k i ! T
to result in a general htrike. and he as-
1 semoled the men together. listning
patiently to t h-r stat. ment nf prier
ances. When they concluded, he called
to hi. Mde the Wikkeep. r of the cm-
( tractfir. a man with -m t rutin? dark
eyes, one of them ouite t-t .11 U i:aiise it
was artificial. The foreman ttatcd
with emphasis, the only terms upon
which lie wouiJ con.fir'im'w. and th"
Wikkecjwr kept hjs "evil rye" fxcH
on the crowd. Tiie terms were ac
cepted without a murmur, and the
crowd hastily (lisjx rwd. The book-ki--;-r
na entire! y unconscious of per
forming any part in rietermininf the
( In lies Marhniaew.
The acenracv .f the fliincK marks-
ruan i marvelous, when it is remem
Wred the (runst'i. k rsts no the hip.
In this ey he bringk down with pi-cat (
facility bird n the wing, and even the
kti w h' zifwir course renders
tin in diftV-ult to apit w ith the western ,
fowling piece. In addition, too, he I
uw no explosive cap, but Cres it vif b j
: lighted fuse.
Who are Belling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate.
Hasonably Ruinous Rates.